Resolutions of the University of Sydney Business School (Faculty resolutions)
The composition of faculties and University Schools is provided by the University of Sydney (Governance of Faculties and University Schools) Rule 2016 (289KB PDF).
The Faculty Resolutions for the University of Sydney Business School must be read in conjunction with the appropriate Senate resolutions for the Business School and the individual Course resolutions and rules. Course resolutions are located after each course section in this handbook.
These resolutions apply to all undergraduate and postgraduate coursework award courses in the University of Sydney Business School, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Students enrolled in postgraduate research awards should consult the resolutions for their course. These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2014 (the ‘Coursework Rule’), the resolutions for the course of enrolment, the Coursework Policy 2021 (the ‘Coursework Policy’), the Learning and Teaching Policy 2019, University of Sydney (Student Academic Appeals) Rule 2021, the Academic Honesty in Coursework Policy 2015 and the Academic Honesty Procedures 2016. Current versions of all policies are available from the Policy Register:
The Coursework Policy specifies enrolment restrictions. Except as with the permission of the Business School a student may not enrol in units of study with a total value of more than 32 credit points within a teaching period.
The Coursework Rule limits the time students may take to complete their course; part time students should ensure their enrolment pattern allows completion within the maximum time. The Rule also defines how time limits are affected by periods of suspension or absence, and the time limits for recognition of prior learning.
The Coursework Policy specifies the conditions for suspending or discontinuing candidature, and return to candidature after these events. The Policy also defines the circumstances when candidature is deemed to have lapsed. Students should pay careful attention to the significant dates in these processes and their effect on results and financial liability.
Except as described below, or in specific course resolutions, the Coursework Policy specifies the conditions for the granting of credit for previous study to courses in the Business School.
The Business School will not grant credit if a student has failed the equivalent unit of study at the University of Sydney.
Credit will not be awarded for a unit of study equivalent to one a student has previously failed at the University of Sydney.
Credit will not be awarded for a unit of study equivalent to one a student has previously passed at the University of Sydney.
Credit for undergraduate courses is subject to the following conditions:
Except where a credit articulation agreement, approved by the Dean or the Associate Dean, exists, credit will not be granted for units of study completed from:
a Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree;* or
a Vocational Education and Training Sector education provider.*
* In exceptional and well-attested circumstances, the student may appeal to the Associate Dean for an exemption from this restriction.
Candidates must complete a minimum of 24 credit points of units of study required for a Business School major or program and a minimum of 18 credit points for a Business School minor at the University of Sydney.
Provided permission has been obtained in advance, the Business School may permit a student to complete a unit of study at another institution and have that unit credited to the student's course requirements, provided that:
the student has completed at least 48 credit points towards their undergraduate degree or 24 credit points towards their postgraduate degree; and
the resolutions of the student's course of enrolment do not specifically exclude cross-institutional study; and
the unit of study is necessary for completion of, or progression in, the student’s degree and is not available at the University in the required semester; or
the student is unable, for good reason, to attend the unit or a corresponding unit of study at the University.
Cross-institutional study will not be approved for a unit of study which a student has previously failed.
Cross-institutional study is another form of credit and this will be taken into consideration when considering eligibility.
The Business School encourages students to participate in international mobility programs, unless specified otherwise in the resolutions for a particular course. These programs can be either tuition-waiver (exchange) or fee-paying (non-exchange).
International mobility is another form of credit and this will be taken into consideration when considering eligibility.
Credit will not be awarded for a unit of study equivalent to one a student has previously failed at the University of Sydney.
Credit for international mobility in undergraduate courses is subject to the following conditions:
a candidate may be awarded a maximum of 12 credit points towards a Business School major, minor or program.
Credit earned during a mobility program may reduce a candidate's eligibility for credit from previous study, as all candidates must complete a minimum of 24 credit points of units of study required for a Business School major or program and a minimum of 18 credit points required for a Business School minor at the University of Sydney.
Students are required to be in attendance at the correct time and place of any formal, informal or replacement examinations. Non attendance on any grounds insufficient to claim special consideration, special arrangement or previously arranged disability adjustment will result in the forfeiture of marks associated with the assessment.
Students are expected to attend a minimum of 90 per cent of timetabled activities for a unit of study, unless granted exemption through special consideration, special arrangement, previously arranged disability adjustment or by the Associate Dean. The Associate Dean may determine that a student fails a unit of study because of inadequate attendance. Alternatively, at their discretion, they may set additional assessment items where attendance is lower than 90 per cent.
Participation in a minimum number of assessment items or learning activities may be a requirement of any unit of study.
Mandatory or barrier assessments where students must show achievement of learning outcomes above a certain standard before they are able to pass a unit of study may be a requirement in any unit of study.
It is expected that unless an application for special consideration, special arrangement or previously arranged disability adjustment has approved an extension, students will submit all assessment for a unit of study on or before the due date specified. If the assessment is completed or submitted by the student before the due date or within the period of extension, no academic penalty will be applied to that piece of assessment.
If assessments are submitted after the due date or if an extension is not granted, or is granted but work is submitted by the student after the extended due date, the late submission of assessment will result in an academic penalty as follows:
any assessment submitted after the due time and date (or extended due time and date) will incur a late penalty of 5% of the total marks per 24 hour period, or part thereof, late (note that this is applied to the mark gained after the submitted work is marked).
assessments submitted after the "Closing Date" noted in the Unit of Study Outline will not be marked or assessed.
Special consideration, special arrangement or disability adjustment is a process that affords equal opportunity to students who have experienced circumstances that adversely impact their ability to adequately complete an assessment task in a unit of study. The Coursework Policy provides full details of the University policy. The procedures for applying for special consideration, special arrangement or disability adjustment are described on the Current Students website.
The Business School does not offer opportunities for re-assessment other than on the grounds of approved special consideration, reasonable adjustments or special arrangements for examination and assessment in accordance with the relevant sections of the Coursework Policy.
The Business School will monitor students for satisfactory progress towards the completion of their award course.
In addition to the common triggers used to identify students not meeting academic progression requirements (as defined by the Progression requirements of the Coursework Policy), students must pass any unit of study identified in the course resolutions as being critical to progression through the course (barrier unit).
To qualify for admission to honours candidature a student must:
have completed the requirements for the pass degree at the University of Sydney or an equivalent recognised tertiary institution; and
have a WAM of at least 65 across all units attempted and a WAM of at least 70 across senior units of study in the major subject area relevant to the honours program.
Where honours places are limited by quota, applicants will be ranked by WAM in order to select the most meritorious candidates.
In exceptional circumstances, the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) and Honours Program Director may admit applicants who do not meet the criteria specified in (1) who, in the opinion of the Business School, have qualifications and evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to successfully undertake the program.
There is no mid-year intake for the honours program.
Students must complete the honours requirements within no more than 10 years from the commencement of candidature in the pass degree.
To qualify for the award of honours a student must complete 48 credit points of honours units of study as specified in the Business School's Tables of undergraduate units of study.
The honours mark is determined by the Business School, based on the candidate's performance in the honours course in both coursework and thesis.
Honours is awarded in the following classes:
Mark Range
Honours Class I
Mark <= 80
Honours Class II (Division 1)
75 >= Mark < 80
Honours Class II (Division 2)
70 >= Mark < 75
Honours Class III
65 >= Mark < 70
Pass (Honours not awarded)
Mark < 65
A student with an honours mark of 90 or above may be awarded a university medal. The medal is awarded at the discretion of the Business School to the highest achieving students who in the opinion of the Business School have an outstanding academic record, in accordance with the Coursework Policy.
The University WAM is calculated using the following formula:
sum(Wc x Mc) |
sum(Wc) |
Where Wc is the unit of study credit points x the unit weighting and Mc is the mark achieved for the unit. Pass/ fail units and credited units from other institutions are not counted.
The weight of a unit of study is assigned by the owning faculty. In the Business School all units are given a weighting of one.
These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January 2021 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January 2021 who elect to proceed under these resolutions. Students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January 2021 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement.