University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Art History

Unit outlines will be available through Find a unit outline two weeks before the first day of teaching for 1000-level and 5000-level units, or one week before the first day of teaching for all other units.

Art History


Honours in Art History requires 48 credit points from this table including:
(i) 12 credit points of 4000-level Honours seminar units
(ii) 36 credit points of 4000-level Honours thesis units

Honours seminar units of study

ARHT4113 Art is the Issue: Histories and Theories

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Please refer to the unit of study outline for individual sessions Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x2hr seminar/week Assessment: 1x6000wd essay (100%). Please refer to the unit of study outline for individual sessions Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit concentrates on key developments in the history of art history as a discipline. The seminar centres on selected polemical texts and disputes in the discipline, to demonstrate that much of what all art historians do is contested and problematic. From the question of what we should study to the always vexed question of 'how' we should study it, the aim of this unit is to give you a sense of both the history and the problematic of the discipline in which you will be engaged whether you intend careers as scholars, researchers, curators, or art writers.
ARHT4114 Vision and Frame: Art Encounters

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Please refer to the unit of study outline for individual sessions Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2hr seminar/week Assessment: 1x6000wd essay (100%). Please refer to the unit of study outline for individual sessions Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit extends and tests students' art historical knowledge and analytic skills through in situ encounters with a variety of art objects and images, histories and traditions. These encounters are set against selected polemical texts and disputes in the discipline. Our weekly engagements range from the museum's modernist aesthetic hang, media specific exhibitions, de-materialised art projects, curated exhibitions, popular culture, Indigenous Australian and Chinese art.

Honours thesis units of study

ARHT4111 Art History Honours Thesis 1

Credit points: 18 Teacher/Coordinator: Please refer to the unit of study outline for individual sessions Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 7x0.5hr supervision meetings/semester on average Assessment: Please refer to the unit of study outline for individual sessions Mode of delivery: Supervision
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit involves research towards and preliminary writing of an Honours thesis of 18 000-20 000 words, in collaboration with a supervisor approved by the Art History Honours Coordinator.
ARHT4112 Art History Honours Thesis 2

Credit points: 18 Teacher/Coordinator: Please refer to the unit of study outline for individual sessions Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 7 x 0.5hr supervision meetings/semester on average Assessment: 1x18,000-20,000wd Honours thesis (100%). Please refer to the unit of study outline for individual sessions Mode of delivery: Supervision
In this unit you complete and submit your substantial, independent research project in Art History. Regular meetings with a supervisor approved by the Art History Honours Coordinator will guide your progress. You will continue to submit drafts at agreed times, and develop your expertise in relevant research methods and analytical skills as well as in the subject matter of your specialist topic.