University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Unit descriptions

BACH5001 Adult Learning

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Victoria Neville Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: External/distance mode: independent learning package with WebCT support. Assessment: Assignment based , written assesments (30%,10%,60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Broadband internet access is desirable, last offering of this unit
The unit has been designed to encourage you to think critically about the concepts, strategies and theories of adult learning (traditional and contemporary) from theoretical and research literature relevant to education across the health sciences and services. The purpose of this process is to enable you to make informed, evidence-based arguments for enhancing deep approaches to student learning and encouraging self-regulated learning in your own teaching practice.
BACH5002 Educational Design

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Victoria Neville Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Distance Learning. No on-campus classes. Assessment: Planning project submitted as two assignments (60% and 40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Broadband internet access is desirable
This unit examines the procedures and practices used by an educational designer in collecting and analysing data required for planning and proposing educational programs and designing effective learning plans. The models and readings recognise the differences and commonalities in the design needs of academics, clinical teachers and professional educators in university and further education settings, clinical and workplace contexts, and patient and community health education. Current concerns, such as evidence based design, constructive alignment, flexible and technology based modes of delivery and student approaches to learning are addressed. Participants experience design processes, such as pedagogical reasoning, by undertaking a small design project relevant to their setting.
Caffarella R, Planning Programs for Adult Learners: A Practical Guide for Educators, Trainers and Staff Developers, Jossey Bass, San Francisco (2002)
BACH5011 Survey Research Methods

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kate O'Loughlin Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Individual supervision; night classes and distance education Assessment: Three written assignments (3x33.3%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit examines survey research design principles and considers conceptualisation, sampling, questionnaire construction and pilot testing of data collection instruments. Techniques for the collection, coding and keypunching of survey data will be covered and students will gain experience with computer analysis of survey data. The strengths and limitations of survey data will be discussed.
BACH5026 Special Investigation

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Roger Stancliffe Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Independent learning; contract arrangement with supervisor Assessment: Individual negotiated learning contract (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit provides participants with an opportunity to investigate an area relevant to a theory, practice or a significant topic or issue of relevance to their professional interest. Many students use this as an opportunity to undertake a critical review of the literature or explore an innovation in their workplace. Prospective students need to contact their program coordinator to discuss their topic.
BACH5042 Teaching Clinical Reasoning

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Victoria Neville Session: Semester 2 Classes: Blended mode: online learning with 2 on-campus sessions Assessment: Assignments (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Participants explore theories, models and research of clinical reasoning and decision-making from the medical, nursing and allied health literature. A range of strategies to facilitate the development of clinical reasoning will be examined. Participants will have the opportunity to plan the applicaiton of strategies to their teaching context.
Higgs, J. Jones, M.A, Loftus, S. and Christensen, N. (Eds.) (2008). Clinical Reasoning in the Health Professions. (3rd ed.) Elsevier: Boston.
BACH5068 Statistics for Clinical Research

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Rob Heard, Dr Zakia Hossain Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Off-campus Assessment: Four written assignments, Descriptive statistics (10%), Inferential statistics 1 (25%), inferential statistics 2 (25%), Regression and non-parametrics statistics (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: On-line
Note: Students must have access to a PC to load and use the statistics packages SAS or SPSS
This unit aims to introduce students to basic statistical principles relevant to the manipulation and analysis of clinical data. Students will be exposed to concepts of sampling, distributions of scores, summaries of data, and treatment of categorical and quantitative data. This last topic will include chi square analysis, calculation of confidence intervals, tests for differences in the locations of samples (including t-tests and tests for non-normally distributed data), correlation and regression, sample size estimation and an introduction to survival analysis. It is expected that at the conclusion of the unit students will be able to: appraise published statistical analyses; perform simple statistical tests by hand and with the assistance of a computer package SAS or SPSS; and present statistical data.
Various recommended texts on introductory statistics
BACH5085 Clinical Teaching and Supervision

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Victoria Neville Session: Semester 1 Classes: Semester1 Blended mode: online learning with 2 on-campus sessions Assessment: Assignment (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
This unit of study is concerned with exploring current theory and best practice in teaching and supervision in clinical settings. Participants will be expected to develop a critical and research-informed understanding of the clinical setting as a highly complex and specialised context for student learning. Participants will be introduced to the principles of roles and responsibilities of clinical educators/supervisors/teachers, styles and models of clinical supervision, clinical assessment, and other important issues. These issues include integrating theory into clinical practice, mentorship and preceptorship, managing difficult situations, reflections, etc. The teaching and learning experiences in this subject are structured to allow you the opportunity to learn and apply these principles to your own teaching contexts.
Rose, M & Best, D. (Eds.) (2005). Transforming practice through clinical education, professional supervision & mentoring. Elsevier: Churchill Livingstone.
BACH5116 Developing eLearning in Health Contexts

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Victoria Neville Session: Semester 2 Classes: WebCT Assumed knowledge: Basic computer skills and some knowledge of adult learning theory would be useful Assessment: Presentation (50%), Written assignment (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: On-line
Note: Broadband internet access is essential
In this unit of study, participants will be introduced to the research and theoretical literature, and evolving technologies in the field of eLearning. Participants will apply elements of best practice in their design of elearning for their own contexts. On completion of this unit, participants should be able to provide an evidence based educational rationale for their choice of elearning design and use of relevant technologies. Weekly participation in online discussion forum is mandatory.
BACH5118 Learning in Groups

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Victoria Neville Session: Semester 1 Classes: Distance mode, no on-campus classes Assessment: Online group assignment, observation report, reflective report (40%, 40%, 20%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Broadband internet access is desirable
This unit is concerned with working in groups and learning in groups and leadership. The focus is on group processes and the way in which we can facilitate these in an educational leadership role, or as a teacher, learner or participant in order to achieve effective learning and productive work related goals. The common core of knowledge for working effectively in these types of groups is group dynamics (how groups function). The unit does not directly address personal growth and therapeutic groups, or social support through groups other than the extent to which these may have a learning agenda. Participants discuss and critique the theoretical explanations of group processes and apply these to group functioning. Skills are developed in noticing and diagnosing aspects of group process. Participants work in interprofessional groups to undertake an online project and consideration of professional, indigenous and culturally diverse groups is essential. Some knowledge of adult learning theory is an advantage (readings are suggested).
Jaques D & Salmon G, Learning in Groups: A Handbook for Face-to-Face and Online Environments (4th ed), Routledge (2006)
BACH5186 Professional Development Skills

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Glennys Howarth Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Distance education with WebCT support: no on-campus attendance required Assessment: Secondary source data analysis (30%), Literature review (50%), Discussion (20%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2
Note: Broadband internet access is desirable
Participants in this unit of study will be expected to develop learning skills essential for research and/or professional development. This unit explores access to information sources (both literature and numeric) for learning, including searching, retrieving, evaluating and analysing. This unit also addresses ways for communicating and presenting information and ideas based on these information sources, such as writing a critical analysis, formation of tables and graphs, critical literature review. Participation in WebCT discussion forum is mandatory.
BACH5224 Organisational Management

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kate O'Loughlin Session: Semester 1 Classes: Distance education Assessment: Three written assignments (25%, 30%, 45%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
This unit has been designed to assist students to understand contemporary management theories and practice. It is generally agreed that effective managers need good analytical skills and critical capacity, to be able to respond creatively and constructively to the new challenges that they face in the 21st century. The unit explores different perspectives on organisations and uses these as a springboard for the analysis of changing functions of a successful manager.
BACH5253 Intermediate Statistics

This unit of study is not available in 2011

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Rob Heard, Dr Zakia Hossain Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Distance education with some night classes Prerequisites: BACH1143 Designing Health Research, BACH1145 Quantitative Health and Social Research; or equivalent Assessment: Written reports, written exam Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
In this unit, students will extend and consolidate the research methods and statistical skills acquired in BACH1143 Designing Health Research and BACH1145 Quantitative Health and Social Research. Students will gain experience in data screening techniques, analysis of variance, multiple regression and non-parametric statistics. Students will learn how to use SPSS to conduct these statistical tests.
BACH5255 Qualitative Research Methods

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Russell Shuttleworth Session: Semester 2 Classes: Either on-campus, 3hrs lecture, lab, tutorial/week or by distance education Assessment: 2x1500 word essays (journal entries) (2x25%), 1x3,000 word essay (draft research proposal) (50%) Practical field work: 2hrs fieldwork Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or Distance Education
In this unit students will learn about qualitative research techniques such as in-depth interviewing and participant observation which focus on the investigation of people's experiences and their interpretation of events. This unit examines the types of research questions for which these methods are best suited, and provides training in data collection methods and analysis. The unit is conducted as a seminar in which students actively participate; students also work on a research project of their choice throughout the semester.
Silverman D, Doing Qualitative Research (2nd ed), Sage (2005)
BACH5321 Psychology for Graduate Students

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Steven Cumming Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Distance education Assessment: Four online assessments (online quiz style, 1500 word equivalent length) (4x25%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2
This unit provides students with an understanding of the major theoretical perspectives, concepts and vocabulary of psychology. Psychology is concerned with the science of human behaviour - how individuals perceive, think about, and behave in the work. It is concerned with identifying the internal determinant (characteristics unique to the person, and part of the physical or psychological make-up) and the external determinants (physical environment and social context) the impact upon the individual. It is also concerned with the way in which people change over time, as well as explaining and predicting what they might do at any one time. The unit aims to position psychology as an essential ingredient in understanding health psychology. This unit is only available to students who have no undergraduate studies in psychology.
BACH5328 Evaluating Health Interventions

This unit of study is not available in 2011

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Zakia Hossain Session: Semester 2 Classes: Web-based Assessment: Continuous. Project based assignments and participation Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: On-line
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Researchers and professional evaluate health interventions to improve knowledge of health, disease and clinical practice, and to support decision making for improved health services. This unit will enable students to make informed choices among a range of evaluation perspectives, theories, methods and designs.
Ovretreit J, Evaluating Health Interventions, Open University Press, Buckingham (1998)
BACH5336 Lecturing and Large Group Teaching

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Victoria Neville Session: Semester 1 Classes: Distance learning only, no on-campus classes Assumed knowledge: BACH5001 Adult Learning and BACH5002 Educational Design Assessment: Analysis report (10%), eResource (30%), Lecture Plan (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Broadband internet access is essential
This unit examines the context of large group teaching with a particular focus on effective lectures and lecturing within and outside university settings. Lecture structure is considered in the light of recent evidence concerning the impact of memory, attention and motivation in the process of student learning and the transfer of learning. Design issues, such as strategies to engage deep learning, monitoring understanding, and flexibility offered by the new information and communication technologies are explored. Relevant micro-skills of teaching, such as getting and keeping attention, explaining, variation, dynamic structuring and managing disruption are addressed.
BACH5338 Cyberpsychology and Online Health

This unit of study is not available in 2011

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Andrew Campbell Session: Semester 2 Classes: On-campus, 2hrs lectures, lab, turorial/week Assessment: Assignments, exam Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Cyberpsychology and e-health aims to educate those seeking careers in allied health on how societal and individual health is both affected and resourced by the internet. The unit of study will be based on current research and policy guidelines set by the Australian and American Medical Associations, the American Psychological Association and Australian Psychological Society for the use of information technology in the following areas: informing allied health professionals of online resources for their profession; how types of ICT functions may affect the behaviour of youth and the elderly; ethics and viability of delivering general health and mental health resources online; the evolution of telemedicine and cyber-pharmacology practices; provision of psychological therapy over the internet; general health and mental health research and testing online; quality control and assessment of general and specific online health resources; future directions of information technology and its application to health.
No set textbook, but recommended reading will be provided
BACH5341 Research & Inquiry in Health Professions

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kaye Brock and Dr Rob Heard (Sem 1), Dr Tatjana Seizova-Cajic (Sem 2) Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Distance mode (students must have access to the internet): 3hr group on-campus consultations (optional) Prohibitions: BACH3126, BACH4047, BACH5268, DHSC7002, DHSC7005 Assessment: Three Online quiz's (40%), Literature review (10%), Draft proposal (10%), Final Proposal (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
This unit provides an overview of the research process and focuses on the formulation of a proposal for a small research project. It provides students with an opportunity to learn about (or update their knowledge of) research methods at the introductory level and acts as an introduction to the research electives which concentrate on a particular methodology or aspect of the research process. Students explore quantitative and qualitative approaches to research with their own specific research question in mind. Basic research designs are considered (including interview, observation, longitudinal and cross-sectional designs, experiment, single case study, survey) together with their suitability for investigating different types of research questions. Students also learn about ethics in research, sampling, validity and reliability of measures and descriptive statistics.
Minichiello V, Sullivan G, Greenwood K & Axford R, Handbook of Research Methods for Nursing and Health Sciences (2nd ed), Pearson Education Australia, Frenchs Forest (2004)
BACH5345 Workplace Health and Safety

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Philip Bohle Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 2-hour seminar, one 1-hour tutorial per week Assessment: One 2,000-word essay (50%), one 2,000-word case study (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study presents a multi-disciplinary and critical introduction to the study of health and safety at work. It evaluates the perspectives of the wide range of health, technical and health disciplines that contribute to the field and guides the application of these perspectives to a broader and more comprehensive understanding of disease and injury prevention and management. It addresses theories of occupational injury and disease causation; the health and safety of older workers; precarious employment and occupational health and safety; regulation and prevention; workers compensation and rehabilitation; approaches to health and safety management; worker participation and involvement; and case studies of 1) occupation stress; 2) working hours, work-life conflict and health and 3) work-related musculoskeletal injuries.
Quinlan, M., Bohle, P. & Lamm, F. (2010). Managing occupational health and safety: A multidisciplinary approach (3rd Edition). South Yarra: Palgrave Macmillan
BIOS5041 Ageing, Biology and Health

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Peter Knight Session: Semester 2 Classes: Web-based. No on-campus attendance required Assessment: Three 2000 word essays Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: On-line
This unit studies human ageing from biological perspectives. The emphasis is on understanding the main features of 'normal' ageing or senescence as distinct from disease processes and the contribution of environmental factors to ageing. It has three modules: the normal process of ageing (which addresses the factors contributing to ageing, the effects of ageing on body systems, and the relationship between ageing and disease); the effects of hospitalisation and medications on the aged; and preventive gerontology focusing on nutrition and exercise.
BIOS5067 Sexual Health Placement and Supervision

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Unit coordinator: Mr Brett McCann; FHS coordinator: Dr Patricia Weerakoon Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Clinical placement 100hours Assessment: Feedback from placement supervisor (30%), Reflective report 2000 words (40%), Interview with coordinator (30%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
The aim of this unit is to provide the student with the opportunity to apply the competencies and skills learned in the other units in a practical field work situation. The student will have a choice of working in the research, education or counselling fields of sexual health. The University will assist the student to find a suitable professional placement and supervision. This will provide the opportunity for supervised training in sexual health. Students will gain practical experience while reflecting on personal and professional learning goals. Students will be able to take theoretical sexual health models (in counselling, research or education) and utilise them within a practical field setting. At the end of the unit, the student will display a standard of skill in sexual health (education, research or counselling) deemed acceptable practice and based on the theoretical framework of the profession. The placement will consist of approximately 200 hours of supervised activities based on a learning contract negotiated between the student and supervisor in consultation with the unit coordinator. Assessment of performance in this unit of study will be based on feedback from the placement supervisor, submission of the placement activity diary and reflective reporting both to peers and the course coordinator.
BIOS5069 Introduction to Sexual Health

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Patricia Weerakoon Session: Semester 1 Classes: Offered in off-campus online learning mode in Semester 1. Assessment: Consist of three group work tasks (5%) and (2x20%), quiz (20%), two assignments (10%) and (25%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: On-line
This unit is designed to provide the student with an overview of sexual health and sexology as a science and as a profession. Sex, sexuality and sexual health will be approached in a holistic manner in keeping with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Millennium Declaration of World Association of Sexology (WAS). The history of sexual health and sexology will be presented in a manner as to encourage ritical evaluation of personal and professional ideas and choices. The unit will provide an understanding of the bio-psychosocial aspects of sexuality and health care in a manner such as to promote positive attitudes to sexuality and sexual health. Students will work in a multi professional, multicultural environment and be encouraged to develop an awareness of sexuality and sexual health as an integral part of life and wellbeing that transcends discipline and professional groups as well as geographic and cultural boundaries. This unit will explore specific issues in sexology and sexual health such as: sexual function and dysfunction; sexually transmissible infections and HIV; ethical and legal issues in sexology; sexual rights and factors that affect these; sexuality in illness and disability; sexuality and ageing; sexuality in pregnancy, infertility and contraceptive use.
This unit will be offered in a distance mode, using the WebCT (internet based) delivery platform. Assessment will include online quizzes, case based small group work assignments and individual activity reports. Synchronous online discussions will be held at times convenient to the students. The on-campus delivery mode will replace online discussions and activities with small group tutorials, presentations and seminars.
At the end of this introductory unit of study the students will: develop an awareness of sexuality and sexual health as an integral part of life and wellbeing that transcends discipline and professional groups as well as geographic and cultural boundaries; be sensitised to their personal values and attitudes in sexuality and sexual health and explore the range of differences in others; be aware of the issues related to the sexual rights of all individuals; have an overall understanding of the bio-psychosocial aspects of sexuality and sexual health care; be able to apply these principles in their professional situation; develop an understanding of sexology as a science and profession; understand the way in which sexology developed over the years and the ways in which community knowledge, attitudes, values and beliefs developed over time.
Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity (2009) Third Edition ed Janell L Carroll. Thomson Wadsworth
BIOS5070 Communication Skills in Sexual Health

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Gomathi Sitharthan Session: Semester 1 Classes: Offered in off-campus online learning mode in Semester 1. Assessment: Group task (5%), on line MCQ (30%,20% and 10%) and an assignment (35%). Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: On-line
This introductory unit will provide the students with an overview of the models of sexual health counselling and professional ethics in a multicultural and global context. The students will explore ways of discussing and communicating with clients of varying socio-cultural groups on sexual health issues in the context of their own professional situation. The students will be sensitised to their attitudes and beliefs in the area of sexual and reproductive health, and consider the range of attitudes, beliefs and values in the context of the clients' religious and socio-cultural background. The students will also explore ways of discussing and communicating with clients on sexual health issues in the context of the clients' comfort and context and their own professional situation.
At the end of the unit, the student will be able to: have an understanding of the terminology of sexual health and be aware of professional communication patterns,demonstrate an understanding of the principles of communication and assessment of clients presenting with a sexual concern, demonstrate the ability to take a sexual history and be able to apply the PLISSIT management model in the students' professional context, understand the range of personal and community agenda individuals bring to sexuality and sexual health, and how these affect professional communication,demonstrate an ability to perceive sexual health issues within local and global context..
Assessment will include online quizzes, small group work assignments and individual activity reports. The on-campus delivery mode will replace online discussions and activities with small group tutorials, presentations and seminars.
Egan, E. (2009) The Skilled Helper: A Problem Management and Opportunity Development Approach to Helping, 9th Edition, Brooks/Cole-Thomson Learning, Belmont, California, USA.
BIOS5071 Counselling in Sexual Health I

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Gomathi Sitharthan Session: Semester 1 Classes: Offered in off-campus, online learning mode Assessment: reflective report (20%) group exercise (25%), interview (30%) and an assignment (25%). Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: On-line
This unit builds upon BIOS5070 Communication Skills in Sexual Health. Students may enrol concurrently in BIOS 5070 and BIOS 5071.
The unit will explore the range of counselling /therapeutic approaches related to sexuality and sexual expression. Students will look at the philosophical approaches, scientific background and evidence base for the most popular counselling approaches.The students will explore the common patterns of presentations in sexual concerns and dysfunctions with special reference to cultural and socio-cultural influences. This unit will enable students to identify specific counselling models and understand the application of counselling models to the area of sexual health counselling, especially in the context of different cultural and socio-cultural backgrounds. Specific topics will include: the role of pattern recognition as part of the counselling process and the process of identifying common patterns underlying client presentations; an overview of common counselling models (including cognitive, behavioural, systems theory, solution focused and narrative) and their application to sexual health; an overview of non-formal and alternate methods of 'counselling' such as tantric sex and surrogacy; understanding the evidence base for counselling practice and assessing the effectiveness of counselling models; applying counselling models to different areas of sexual health; understanding the problems and issues in counselling such as cross-cultural and religious factors related to sexual expression.This his unit will be offered in a distance mode, using WebCT (internet based).
At the completion of this unit of study you will: demonstrate an understanding of common counselling models and scientific approaches to sexual counselling,demonstrate an understanding of the principles of sexual counselling and be able to apply the selected counselling models in the professional context to different areas of sexual health, be able to recognise, describe and understand the principles of application of the selected techniques in different sexual concerns, understand the evidence base for counselling practice and assessing the effectiveness of counselling models , be aware of the issues in sexual counselling such as socio-cultural, religious and gender factors related to the delivery of sexual health care, demonstrate an ability to perceive sexual health issues within personal biases and values' context.
Skowronski, D., Okun, B.F, Blonna, R., Levitan, J, Barlow, D. H., Durand, V. M, Long, L.L., Young, M. E. (2007). Counselling in Sexual Health. Thomson Custom Publishing. Nelson Australia Pty Limited. (Text will be available 2nd week of March)
BIOS5072 Counselling in Sexual Health II

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Gomathi Sitharthan Session: Semester 2 Classes: Off-campus, online learning mode Assessment: Will include two reports (20%) and (25%) an online MCQ (30%) and an individual assignment (25%). Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: On-line
This unit builds upon the earlier units in the counselling stream, namely, BIOS5070 Communication Skills in Sexual Health and BIOS5071 Counselling Strategies in Sexual Health I. Successful completion of these is a prerequisite for enrolment in this unit. This unit will provide the student an in-depth knowledge of the common counselling models in sexual health. These will include: the PLISSIT model and its application; the SNARCH model of counselling; cognitive behavioural therapy; systems model. A critical analysis of these models in terms of their applicability and outcome in varying sexual health situations and socio-cultural groups will be explored. Students will select one model that is most relevant to their personal and professional interest, and critically review the use and effectiveness in sexual health. They will then demonstrate their ability to apply this model in a hypothetical clinical situation, and defend the use of this method to the other members of the group. This unit will be offered in a distance mode, using WebCT (internet based).
Skowronski, D., Okun, B.F, Blonna, R., Levitan, J, Barlow, D. H., Durand, V. M, Long, L.L., Young, M. E. (2007). Counselling in Sexual Health. Thomson Custom Publishing. Nelson Australia Pty Limited.
BIOS5075 Managing Sexual Dysfunctions

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Patricia Weerakoon Session: Semester 1 Classes: No on-campus attendance required. Offered in a distance mode, using the WebCT (internet based) delivery platform Assessment: Online review quizzes, 2 debates on current issues (30%), individual activity reports (50%) and a reflective report on professional practice (20%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
This unit will provide the student with an understanding of the biological and psychosocial factors that influence the sexual response in males and females and the changes that take place through the lifecycle. The students will explore the concept of normality of sexual function and behaviour and the psychosocial factors that determine them. The students will critically evaluate the currents models of the sexual response in males and females through the lifecycle and the range of sexual dysfunctions. The student will gain the competency to evaluate available management options from biological and psychosocial perspectives and select those appropriate for specific clients. At the end of the unit, the student will be able to: critically discuss the concept of "normality" and the range of values and behaviours in a socio-cultural context, demonstrating the ability to explore this from their personal context; discuss and critically evaluate the models used to explain the adult sexual response in males and females, based on current research; critique current classifications of sexual dysfunction and demonstrate the ability to evaluate common sexual concerns and dysfunctions based on current evidence and research; critically discuss the range of possible psychological, social and physical reasons for specific sexual dysfunctions, and place these in the context of clients' socio-cultural and religious background and beliefs; list and critically evaluate the management options available for the management of sexual concerns, as well as reflect on how these impact on their own professional practice.
J Bancroft (ed), Human Sexuality and Its Problems (3rd ed), Churchill Livingstone (2008)
BIOS5077 Advanced Reproductive Health

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Patricia Weerakoon Session: Semester 1 Classes: Distance online Web CT/Blackboard. Equivalent to 2 one hour lectures per week Plus 2 hours tutorials per week. Assessment: 1X group work contribution mark (20%), 4X essays 1000 words (80%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
The students will explore current information on common issues that arise in reproductive health from adolescence to old age including the biological and psychological aspects of pregnancy, infertility, termination of pregnancy and genetic counselling as they relate to sexuality and sexual health. This unit will provide the student with the skills to detect and manage issues in clients who present with reproductive concerns related to sexual health. They will have the opportunity to critically review and evaluate the current state of reproductive health in specific areas of personal and professional interest to the student. At the conclusion of this module students will be able to: critically evaluate the resources available to assist clients with reproductive health issues particularly related to sexual health from adolescence to old age; explore the options available for clients seeking contraceptive advice with special reference to their own cultural and socio-religious background; discuss the options available for clients presenting with an unplanned pregnancy and the problems with access in specific client situations; discuss the issues regarding sexuality that may arise during and after pregnancy; critically review the current literature on the intimacy and relationship issues that may arise for a couple with sub-fertility; demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate the evidence and research base to specific reproductive issues such as reproduction in older ages and genetic counselling.
BIOS5079 Sexuality and Ageing

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Russell Shuttleworth Session: Semester 2 Classes: Distance education delivery- no on-campus attendance required, using the WebCT/Blackboard (internet based) delivery platform Assessment: Essay based assessments. 3x essays 1000 words (1x15%, 2x 20%); 1x essay 700 words (15%); 1x essay 500-800 words (20%); 1x essay 500-600 words (10%); Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Students will explore and critically assess the literature on the sexual and reproductive changes that take place in older adults and the social, psychological and emotional consequences of these changes. Students will evaluate the research on sexual health concerns and dysfunctions in older adults and available management options. They will also be sensitised to the issues of sexual dysfunction and sexually transmissible diseases in the elderly, and the consequences of these on partners and carers. They will have the opportunity to explore their own attitudes towards sexuality and ageing and explore the situation in nursing homes and aged care facilities. Students will be encouraged to explore specific topic areas in depth, as relevant to their professional role and/or research interests. At the end of this unit, the student will be able to: 1) demonstrate an understanding of ageing in Australian society, and discuss the implications in terms of health; 2) explore personal values and attitudes to ageing and sexuality; 3) critically review the literature on the impact of biological changes and social and cultural contexts on the sexuality of older adults; 4) understand how the psycho-social and life changes of older age impact on sexuality and sexual health; 5) demonstrate the competence to detect and manage practical issues of sexual dysfunction related to ageing; 6) discuss the effects of specific diseases on the aged and their partners; 7) demonstrate an understanding of the issues of sexuality and intimacy in older adults in the context of nursing home and aged care facilities and their implications to professionals working in the field at all levels (e.g., administrators, carers, policy makers); and 8) discuss issues related to STIs in the aged population.
BIOS5083 Sex, Gender and Sexuality

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Patricia Weerakoon; consultant, Prof Milton Diamond Session: Semester 2 Classes: Distance education- no on-campus attendance required, using the WebCT (internet based) delivery platform Assessment: Online quizzes (20%), case-based small group work assignments (10%), individual activity report (30%) as well as reflective reports on professional practice (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
This unit will provide the student with an understanding of the biological basis of sexual development from fetus to adulthood and the socio-cultural factors that determine their expression. The students will be sensitised to the terminology of gender discourse and investigate the range of gender and sexual differences and practices in the community. Students will explore the range of sex and gender issues in the context of current research and evidence base, and reflect on the implications to their professional practice. At the end of this unit, the student will be able to: discuss the terminology used in gender discourse; critically review the literature on the biology of sexual development from fetus to adolescence and an understanding of the factors that influence the process; evaluate the current evidence on syndromes of atypical sexual development and intersex and demonstrate an understanding the medical and ethical concerns in the management; demonstrate an understanding of the variations of sexual orientation and the factors that affect the expression in the community and discuss the current 'nature vs nurture' issues in the genesis and management of sexual orientation; assess the current literature on issues of gender identity (transgender and transsexual) and social and cultural factors in their expression in a community; demonstrate an understanding of the social and psychological factors that influence the expression of gender roles in the community; critically evaluate the current research base and evidence on sex and gender and apply this to their own personal and professional environment.
BIOS5085 Principles of Sexual Health Research

This unit of study is not available in 2011

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Patricia Weerakoon Session: Semester 1 Classes: No on-campus attendance required Assessment: The student will produce a research proposal with a reflective report of the process of development and the feasibility of conducting the project. Assessment will be based on the quality of the proposal and participation in the activities set in the WebCT site Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Students enrolled in the master's program should note that this unit of study could be taken as an alternative to the core unit BIOS5067 Sexual Health Placement and Supervision. This unit of study is appropriate for students interested in a research career in sexuality and sexual health. Students may also enrol in BIOS5341 instead of this unit of study
This unit will provide the student with an opportunity to critically review a specific area in sexual health and identify a specific area for research. The student will then develop a research plan and ethics application as well as assess the feasibility of accomplishing the research. The unit will be directly supervised by an academic in the program and supported by a WebCT site. Students will work individually with their supervisor. At the completion of the unit, the student will be able to: explore and critically evaluated the current state of research and evidence base in a specific area of sexual health; review the ethical issues of research in sexual health and write an ethics proposal; identify an area of research, develop a research plan and assess the feasibility of conducting the research.
BIOS5086 Sexual Health Research Project

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Patricia Weerakoon Session: Semester 2 Classes: Online in WebCT format. Students will be required to attend a 2 day on-campus session at the end of Semester 2 Prerequisites: BIOS5085 Principles of Sexual Health Research Assessment: The student will produce a major report in the format of a journal article at the end of this unit of study. They will also present the results of their research at a research symposium. Assessment will be based on the quality of the report and presentation (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
Note: This unit is appropriate for students interested in a research career in sexuality and sexual health
The aim of this unit is to provide the opportunity to implement the research project planned in BIOS5085 Principles of Sexual Health Research and present the outcome at a student conference as well as in the form of a major report in the format of a journal article. This unit will be directly supervised by an academic in the program and supported by a WebCT site. Students will be encouraged to participate in online discussions with students enrolled in research Master's and PhD degrees in the graduate program in sexual health. At the completion of the unit, the student will be able to: conduct a research project in a selected area of sexual health; analyse and discuss the results and write up the project as a journal article; present research results at a research symposium.
BIOS5087 Sexual Counselling Practicum

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Steven Cumming Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two week intensive block mode comprising Intensive face-to-face training, comprising lectures/demonstrations, small group discussion, role-plays, feedbacks and site visits. There will also be an online component Assessment: Assessment will include an evidence based research report and presentation (30%), role play interview (40%), a group presentation (30%). Students will be graded as satisfactory and unsatisfactory Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Students may enrol in the unit BIOS5086 Sexual Health Research Project (offered in Semester 2) as an alternative core choice of study. This unit is appropriate for students interested in a research career in sexuality and sexual health.
This unit will provide practical instruction in the application of specific counselling approaches in sexual health. Students will explore the issues of providing counselling in a variety of situations, including: clients of different ages and gender; clients from cultures different to their own; a variety of sexual concerns and problems. The students will also be sensitised to specific issues in sexual health counselling communications, and learn to deal with these effectively in their practice. This would include dealing with: situations where the client misunderstands the question and/or motives of the counsellor; situations where the client's personal characteristics, background and motivation for counselling influence the communication process; situations where the counsellor's personal characteristics, background and previous professional experience may influence the effectiveness of the counselling process; inappropriate client sexual behaviour. At the end of this unit, the student will be able to demonstrate the ability to: take a sexual history; conceptualise a client's presenting issues; design basic counselling interventions applied to sexual health; identify counselling outcomes; provide general counselling to individuals presenting with sexual health difficulties; deal with clients from a variety of backgrounds, socio-cultural backgrounds with a variety of sexual health concerns.
BIOS5088 Sexuality in Illness and Disability

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Russell Shuttleworth Session: Semester 1 Classes: Distance education mode, using the WebCT (internet based) delivery platform. No on-campus attendance required Assessment: Essay based assessments, 4 by 600 word essays (3x 15%, 1x 10%), 700 word essay (15%), 1000 word essay (20%), Group work contributions (10%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: On-line
Sexual health is comprised of biological, psychological, social and cultural aspects. This unit will provide students with a holistic understanding of the sexual health issues of disabled and chronically ill people. The prevailing Western cultural perceptions of the sexuality of disabled people and their move to be included in the sexual rights movement will be outlined. An overview of the various models of disability will be presented and their usefulness in understanding different kinds of sexual health issues for this population will be discussed. Students will be provided with an understanding of the sexual health concerns for people with a diverse range of impairments derived from the research literature. The impact of culture, gender and sexual orientation on disabled people's sexual opportunities will be discussed. Current theoretical perspectives, treatment interventions and policy contexts as these relate to sexuality and disability will also be presented. At the end of this unit of study the student will be able to: 1) discuss how differences in sexual and other bodily functions affect the sexual expression of people with a range of impairments and chronic illnesses; 2) describe the range of intervention and treatment options available for this population; 3) discuss the body image, sexual self-esteem, and interpersonal concerns of disabled and chronically ill people; 4) discuss the ways in which a range of backgrounds and identity categories including gender, sexual, and ethnic/cultural interact with disabled people's sexuality; 5) demonstrate an understanding of various disciplinary and theoretical perspectives as they relate to sexuality and disability; and 6) apply these perspectives to disabled people's sexual issues and evaluate their social policy implications.
BIOS5090 Clin. Oriented Musculoskeletal Anatomy A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Catherine Willis Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 3hrs lect, 2hrs prac/wk Assessment: mid semester prac exam (20%), end semester prac exam (20%), end semester written exam (45%), essay (15%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study meets the needs of students seeking a basic knowledge of the gross structure of the musculoskeletal system of the human body. The structures studied have been carefully selected to support the knowledge required by health practitioners and there is particular emphasis on the functional applications of knowledge within the framework of clinical situations. A study of the gross anatomy of the upper limb and histological features of the musculoskeletal system or a study of the gross anatomy of the lower limb, torso and head and neck are currently available. The unit includes laboratory classes where tissues from cadavers are examined in detail: attendance at such classes are required for this unit. Instructional methodology will include: lectures, practical classes, and Web-based online support.
BIOS5091 Clinically Based Neuroscience

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jin Huang Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1hr lectures/week and a small online component Assessment: assignment (15%), mid semester exam (30%), end semester exam (55%) Practical field work: 2hrs/week Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study introduces fundamental concepts of nervous system organisation and function. Anatomy of the brain and spinal cord is studied using models to understand cortical and subcortical pathways as well as integrating centres that control movement and posture. The physiology component will introduce students to mechanisms underlying signal generation and neural transmission, mechanisms of spinal reflexes, the function of the somatosensory and autonomic nervous system and motor pathways. Tutorials will consist of case studies aimed at identifying simple neural problems associated with sensory and motor systems and are specifically designed for students following professional preparation degrees.
Lundy Ekman L, Neuroscience: Fundamentals for Rehabilitation (3rd ed), Saunders (2007)
BIOS5092 Bio Sciences for Health Professionals

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures per week, one 1-hour practical per week and independent learning activities Assessment: 1 hour Mid-semester exam (45%), 2 hour End-semester exam (55%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit introduces the fundamentals of Anatomy (structure), Physiology (function) and Pathophysiology (disease processes) of the major systems of the human body. The knowledge and skills acquired will enhance the health science student's ability to engage in case study-based problem-solving and to develop their clinical reasoning skills. The unit also examines the essential principles of infection control in health care practice and the immune system, highlighting the role of the immune system in disease production and prevention, in response to trauma and in neoplasia. Material will be presented in lectures, practical sessions and online. This unit includes laboratory classes in which human cadavers are studied.
COMP5138 Database Management Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour lecture and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Assumed knowledge: Intermediate level of object oriented programming such as Java. Assessment: Assignment (40%), Final Exam (60%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study provides a conceptual and practical introduction to the use of common platforms that manage large relational databases. Students will understand the foundations of database management and enhance their theoretical and practical knowledge of the widespread relational database systems, as these are used for both operational (OLTP) and decision-support (OLAP) purposes. The unit covers the main aspects of SQL, the industry-standard database query language. Students will further develop the ability to create robust relational database designs by studying conceptual modelling, relational design and normalization theory. This unit also covers aspects of relational database management systems which are important for database administration. Topics covered include storage structures, indexing and its impact on query plans, transaction management and data warehousing.
Objectives: In this unit students will develop the ability to:
- Understand the foundations of database management;
- Strengthen their theoretical knowledge of database systems in general and relational data model and systems in particular;
- Create robust relational database designs;
- Understand the theory and applications of relational query processing and optimization;
- Study the critical issues in data and database administration;
- Explore the key emerging topics in database management.
COMP5424 Information Technology in Biomedicine

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Tut 1hr) per week Assumed knowledge: Basic programming skills Assessment: Lab Skills (10%), Assignment (20%), Quiz (20%), Final Exam (50%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Information technology (IT) has significantly contributed to the research and practice of medicine, biology and health care. The IT field is growing enormously in scope with biomedicine taking a lead role in utilizing the evolving applications to its best advantage. The goal of this unit of study is to provide students with the necessary knowledge to understand the information technology in biomedicine. The major emphasis will be on the principles associated with biomedical digital imaging systems and related biomedicine data processing, analysis, visualization, registration, modelling, compression, management and communication. Specialist areas such as Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), computer-aided diagnosis (CAD), image-guided surgery (IGS), content-based medical image retrieval (CBMIR), and ubiquitous m-Health, etc. will be addressed. A broad range of practical integrated clinical applications will be also elaborated.
CSCD5018 Core Studies

Credit points: 3 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Catherine Madill Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 3-hour lecture per week Assessment: Exam (30%), Mid Semester Exam (30%), End Semester Exam (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Basic introduction to human anatomy, physiology and neurophysiology underlying the body systems essential for production of speech, language and swallowing. Basic physics of sound is also covered.
Seikel, J.A., King, D.W., & Drumright, D.G. (2010). Anatomy and Physiology for Speech . Language and Hearing (4th Ed).Thomson
CSCD5019 Speech Pathology Practice (Introduction)

Credit points: 3 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Alison Purcell Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 2-hour lecture per week Assessment: Presentation and Flyer 1,000 words (50%), Practical Language Sampling and Analysis 1,500 words plus appendix (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
An introduction to speech pathology practice. Students will gain an understanding of communication and its components through various theoretical, experiential and practical activities. This unit of study is a prerequisite for CSCD5027 Clinical Practice 1.
CSCD5020 Articulation and Phonology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Tricia McCabe Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 3-hour lecture per week, one 1-hour observation of treatment per week Assumed knowledge: Ability to transcribe normal adult speech in broad phonetic transcription Assessment: Phonological Quiz (0%) barrier task, Assignment 1 2 pages (20%), Assignment 2 10 pages (40%), Viva Exam (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Students will acquire an understanding of normal aspects of articulation and phonological development, the nature of phonological and articulatory impairments in children and techniques for assessment, analysis, diagnosis and intervention. This unit of study is a prerequisite for CSCD5027 Clinical Practice 1.
CSCD5021 Language 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Natalie Munro Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 3-hour lecture per week Assumed knowledge: Understanding of basic linguistics, including grammatical analysis Assessment: Assignment 5 pages (50%), End Semester Exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Theoretical and applied knowledge in language development and disorders. This unit of study is a prerequisite for enrolment in CSCD5027 Clinical Practice 1.
CSCD5022 Specialist Studies 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Michelle Lincoln Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 1-hour lecture per week, one 2-hour lecture per week, one 1-hour seminar per week Assessment: In-class Presentation (20%), Prolonged Speech Viva (0%) barrier task, eLearning Participation (0%) barrier task, Assignment 1,500 words (30%), End Semester Exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Assessment, diagnosis and management of specialist populations, including fluency and clients with complex communication needs. This unit of study is a prerequisite for enrolment in CSCD5027 Clinical Practice 1.
CSCD5023 Swallowing and Neurogenics 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Catherine Madill Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 2-hour lectures per week Prerequisites: CSCD5018 Core Studies Assessment: Weekly Online Labs (10%), Mid Semester Exam (30%), MBS Exam (10%) barrier task, End Semester Exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Central and peripheral nervous system dysfunction and description assessment and intervention for paediatric feeding and adult swallowing disorders, as well as for neurological speech and language disorders. Introduction to aphasia. This unit of study is a prerequisite for CSCD5031 Clinical Practice 2, CSCD5032 Research Led Practice and CSCD5033 Applied Clinical Research.
Crary MA & Groher ME, Introduction to Adult Swallowing Disorders, Butterworth Heinemann, St Louis (2003)
CSCD5025 Specialist Studies 2

Credit points: 3 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Cate Madill Session: Semester 2 Classes: 4hrs/week on-campus Assumed knowledge: Anatomy of the head and neck, thorax and respiratory system Assessment: 1 hr exam (60%), 1000 word assignment (40%), auditory-perceptual exam (pass/fail), viva exam (pass/fail) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Assessment, diagnosis and management of voice disorders. This unit of study will enable students to describe, analyse and apply; i) the anatomical, physiological, aerodynamic, biomechanical, acoustic and perceptual principles of vocal function; ii) principles and skills in the assessment and analysis of vocal function; iii) different voice techniques and facilitating vocal change to the voice disordered population; iv) evaluation and management of individuals with a variety of phonatory disorders and v) different voice techniques and facilitating vocal change in the non-disordered population; in relation to themselves, a fellow student and class cases. This unit of study is a prerequisite for CSCD5032 Research Led Practice and CSCD5033 Applied Clinical Research.
CSCD5026 Professional Development 1

Credit points: 3 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Belinda Kenny Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2hrs/week on-campus Assessment: Progressive assessment and written exam. Reports (40%), assignment (60%), 2 barrier tasks Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Issues relevant to speech pathology practice and service delivery. Includes study of professional ethics, relevant state and federal legislation and work place contexts. This unit of study is a prerequisite for CSCD5030 Professional Development 2 and CSCD5031 Clinical Practice 2.
CSCD5027 Clinical Practice 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Alison Purcell Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Block mode or weekly placement, on and off-campus depending on availability Prerequisites: CSCD5019 Speech Pathology Practice (Introduction), CSCD5020 Articulation and Phonology, CSCD5021 Language 1, CSCD5022 Specialist Studies 1 Assessment: Clinical Competency Assessment (100%), Orientation (0%) barrier task, Required Paperwork (0%) barrier task, Case-based Viva (0%) barrier task, CPR Certificate (0%) barrier task Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1
Clinical placement to develop clinical competencies related to client assessment and management, communication skills, report writing, case management and professional development. This unit of study is a prerequisite for CSCD5031 Clinical Practice 2.
To assist their clinical learning, students are expected to refer to the: COMPASS Competency Assessment in Speech Pathology: Assessment Resource Manual, 2006; Competency Based Occupational Standards (CBOS) for Speech Pathologists: Entry Level, 2001; CDTRC Clinic Handbook (distributed in hard copy but also available on the Professional Placement Speech Pathology eLearning site) and Flasher, L., & Fogle, P. (2004). Counseling Skills for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists. Singular Publishing
CSCD5028 Specialist Studies 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Alison Purcell Session: Semester 1 Classes: 4 hrs/week on-campus Assumed knowledge: CSCD5021 Language 1, CSCD5023 Swallowing and Neurogenics 1, CSCD5024 Language 2 Assessment: Assignment (40%), assignment (20%), exam (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit is a prerequisite for CSCD5032 Research Led Practice, CSCD5033 Applied Clinical Research, CSCD5053 Clinical Practice 3 - Paediatric, CSCD5054 Clinical Practice 3 - Adult
Assessment, diagnosis and intervention of children and adults with complex speech and/or language problems, including those due to sensory, cognitive and developmental impairments.
CSCD5029 Neurogenics 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Steven Cumming Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 2-hour lectures per week Assumed knowledge: CSCD5023 Swallowing and Neurogenics 1 Assessment: Assignment 1 3,000 words (50%), Assignment 2 2,500 words (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit of study is a prerequisite for CSCD5032 Research Led Practice, CSCD5033 Applied Clinical Research, CSCD5053 Clinical Practice 3 - Paediatric and CSCD5054 Clinical Practice 3 - Adult
Assessment, diagnosis and management of acquired aphasia and related cognitive communication impairments from perspectives of impairment, disability and handicap (limitation, activity and health/participation).
Chapey R (ed), Language Intervention Strategies in Adult Aphasia (5th ed), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore (2008)
CSCD5030 Professional Development 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Belinda Kenny Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 2 hrs/week on-campus Prerequisites: CSCD5026 Professional Development 1 Assessment: Case study response (50%), report (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit is a prerequisite for CSCD5053 Clinical Practice 3 - Paediatric and CSCD5054 Clinical Practice 3 - Adult
Advanced issues in speech pathology practice including ethics, management of clients and services, government political and legal influences, professional self regulation and recruitment. This unit of study prepares students for evidence based practice research and completion of Quality Improvement projects in future clinical placement.
CSCD5031 Clinical Practice 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Elizabeth Bourne Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Block mode or weekly placement. Two 16 day placements on and off-campus depending on availability Prerequisites: CSCD5023 Swallowing and Neurogenics 1, CSCD5024 Language 2, CSCD5026 Professional Development 1, CSCD5027 Clinical Practice 1 Assessment: COMPASS assessment of clinical competence mid and end semester for each placement (100%). Completion of other requirements as well as attendance at debrief activities are barrier tasks Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: This unit is a prerequisite for CSCD5053 Clinical Practice 3 - Paediatric and CSCD5054 Clinical Practice 3 - Adult Failure to achieve a pass grade in the first scheduled 16 day placement may result in students being withdrawn from their second 16 day placement. Student must hold a current CPR certificate as well as ensure they hold a clearance card following conduction of a National Police Check before they can commence in this unit. Clinical placements are scheduled from January - December and hence may commence prior to the official start of semester and/or may extend beyond week 16.
Students attend a speech pathology clinic to consolidate their client skills in areas required for competency as a beginning practitioner in speech pathology.
COMPASS® Competency Assessment in Speech Pathology: Assessment Resource Manual, 2009
CSCD5032 Research Led Practice

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Tricia McCabe Session: Semester 2 Classes: Distance Mode - 9 weeks of e-Learning participation weeks 0-8, or learning contract. Prerequisites: CSCD5022 Specialist Studies 1, CSCD5023 Swallowing and Neurogenics 1, CSCD5025 Specialist Studies 2, CSCD5028 Specialist Studies 3, CSCD5029 Neurogenics 2, CSCD5031 Clinical Practice 2; or equivalents Corequisites: CSCD5053 Clinical Practice 3 - Paediatric or CSCD5054 Clinical Practice 3 - Adult; or equivalents Assessment: Clinical question 50 words with peer critique 100 words (10%), Two critically appraised papers with peer critiques (20%), One critically appraised topic with peer critique (40%), 6-page Implementation Plan (30%), eLearning Participation (0%) barrier task Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or On-line
Note: Students enrolling in degree codes SG034 and SC144 will need to seek permission from the unit coordinator for enrolment
This unit will provide the opportunity for students to apply the skills needed for critical evaluation of literature pertinent to speech pathology practice and the principles underlying evidence-based practice. Students will focus on specific areas of specialised practice. These areas will be chosen to strengthen the student's professional portfolio demonstrating competencies in all required areas.
Dollaghan CA, The Handbook of Evidence-Based Practice in Communication Disorders, Brookes, Baltimore (2007)
CSCD5033 Applied Clinical Research

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Belinda Kenny Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Online or learning contract Prerequisites: CSCD5022 Specialist Studies 1, CSCD5023 Swallowing and Neurogenics 1, CSCD5025 Specialist Studies 2, CSCD5028 Specialist Studies 3, CSCD5029 Neurogenics 2, CSCD5031 Clinical Practice 2 Corequisites: CSCD5053 Clinical Practice 3 - Paediatric or CSCD5054 Clinical Practice 3 - Adult; or equivalent Assessment: Project contract (10%), progress report (10%), presentation (20%), final report (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or On-line
Note: Students enrolling in degree codes SG034 and SC144 will need to seek permission from the Unit Coordinator for enrolment.
Students complete a work based quality improvement project, and document plans, progress and outcomes.
CSCD5035 Professional Development 2H

Credit points: 3 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Belinda Kenny Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: One 2-hour lecture per week Prerequisites: CSCD5026 Professional Development 1 Assessment: Report 2,500 words (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2
Note: This unit is a prerequisite for CSCD5053 Clinical Practice 3 - Paediatric and CSCD5054 Clinical Practice 3 - Adult
Advanced issues in speech pathology practice including ethics, management of clients and services, government political and legal influences, professional self regulation and recruitment.
CSCD5036 Research in Clinical Practice 1

Credit points: 3 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Kirrie Ballard Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: One 1-hour seminar per week, one 1-hour eLearning pracs per week Assessment: Research Presentation (0%) pass/fail, Progress Report (0%) pass/fail, Ethics Proposal (0%) pass/fail (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2
Note: This unit is a prerequisite for CSCD5053 Clinical Practice 3 - Paediatric and CSCD5054 Clinical Practice 3 - Adult
Advanced investigation in nominated areas and development of a proposal for independent research. Students will also be required to develop a paper that demonstrates the application of academic literature to a clinical problem.
CSCD5037 Research in Clinical Practice 2

Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Kirrie Ballard Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 1-hour meeting with Honours Supervisor per week, one 1-hour eLearning practice per week Prerequisites: CSCD5036 Research in Clinical Practice 1 Assessment: Project Presentation (0%) pass/fail, Thesis (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Students will carry out research under supervision. Students may be required to undertake and satisfactorily complete coursework as part of this unit. Students will submit their dissertation in journal article format.
CSCD5053 Clinical Practice 3 - Paediatric

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Elizabeth Bourne Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 24 days attendance at clinical placement plus required orientation Prerequisites: CSCD5027 Clinical Practice 1, CSCD5028 Specialist Studies 3, CSCD5029 Neurogenics 2, CSCD5030 Professional Development 2 or CSCD5035 Professional Development 2H, CSCD5031 Clinical Practice 2 Assessment: COMPASS assessment of clinical competence mid and end semester (100%). Completion of professional portfolio, two clinical vivas and other paperwork as well as attendance at debrief activities are barrier tasks Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: This unit of study is typically completed with concurrent enrolment with CSCD5053 Clinical Practice 3: Adult. Failure to achieve a pass grade in the first scheduled block may result in students being withdrawn from their second block placement. Student must hold a current CPR certificate as well as ensure they hold a clearance card following conduction of a National Police Check before they can commence in this unit. Clinical placements are scheduled from January-December and hence may commence prior to the official start of semester and/or may extend beyond week 16.
Students attend a speech pathology clinical placement to consolidate their skills with paediatric clients in areas required for competency as an entry-level practitioner in speech pathology.
COMPASS® Competency Assessment in Speech Pathology: Assessment Resource Manual, 2009
CSCD5054 Clinical Practice 3 - Adult

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Elizabeth Bourne Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 24 days attendance at clinical placement plus required orientation Prerequisites: CSCD5027 Clinical Practice 1, CSCD5028 Specialist Studies 3, CSCD5029 Neurogenics 2, CSCD5030 Professional Development 2 or CSCD5035 Professional Development 2H, CSCD5031 Clinical Practice 2 Assessment: COMPASS assessment of clinical competence mid and end semester (100%). Completion of professional portfolio, two clinical vivas and other paperwork as well as attendance at debrief activities are barrier tasks Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Students attend a speech pathology clinical placement to consolidate their skills with adult clients in areas required for competency as an entry-level practitioner in speech pathology.
COMPASS® Competency Assessment in Speech Pathology: Assessment Resource Manual, 2009
DHSC7001 Theory in the Health Professions

This unit of study is not available in 2011

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Rod Rothwell Session: Semester 1 Classes: External/distance mode Assessment: Three assignments Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit explores the range of philosophical and theoretical issues relating to research and practice in the health sciences. These include: epistemological and historical accounts of science; theoretical foundations of scientific method and practice; history of ideas relating to health and sciences; uses of conceptualisation and theory in health research and practice. Students will be encouraged to discuss these issues and relate them to their own professional practice and proposed research projects.
Extensive study notes provided
DHSC7003 Foundations for Doctoral Studies

This unit of study is not available in 2011

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Mary Jane Mahony Session: Semester 1 Classes: Off-campus/distance mode Assessment: Continuous Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Participants will gain knowledge and skills to meet the challenges of study at the doctoral level, and of professional practice in the information age. Students will develop skills of: accessing; evaluating and retrieving information; advanced literacy; critical thinking; analytical writing and effective communication. This will include the manipulation and presentation of quantitative and qualitative data. There will be flexibility in selecting curriculum content to match the background and needs of each student. Practical exercises may include annotated bibliography, critical review of literature or policy documents, formation of tables and graphs, report, seminar presentation or article. This unit is web supported.
DHSC7005 Developing a Research Proposal

This unit of study is not available in 2011

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kate O'Loughlin Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: By distance education. No scheduled classes. Students who are able may attend scheduled evening classes for BACH5341 Research & Inquiry in Health Professions. Semester 2 on-campus. Prerequisites: DHSC7003 Foundations for Doctoral Studies Assessment: 3 assignments Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit provides an overview of the research process applied to the formulation of a research proposal. Students will review and update their knowledge of a range of research designs and approaches to data analysis, and will consider the advantages of alternative strategies for addressing particular research questions. Students explore the use of quantitative and qualitative data, longitudinal and cross-sectional designs, and data resulting from experimental, interview, observation, single case and survey research methods. Emphasis is placed on the issues of validity and reliability of data collection techniques. Basic statistical procedures are briefly reviewed. Finally, students develop a research proposal, including elements for an application for ethics approval when relevant, for answering a research question of their choosing. This unit of study is designed for higher degree research students. Postgraduate coursework students intending to progress to a research degree may also enrol with permission of the unit coordinator.
Minichiello V, Sullivan G, Greenwood K & Axford R, Handbook of Research Methods for Nursing and Health Sciences (2nd ed), Pearson Education Australia, Frenchs Forest (2004)
DHSC7006 Leading in the Health Professions

This unit of study is not available in 2011

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Web-based, with both synchronous and asynchronous participation required. No on-campus attendance required; possibility of some optional on-campus activities Assessment: Class participation (normally online), case study/s, report Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: On-line
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Students will explore concepts of leadership through extensive reading, contributions by guest experts, workplace observation and analysis, and class discussion. Through structured critical reflection they will also consider how to develop their own personal skills and knowledge to improve their leadership capability.
EXSS5029 Exercise Metabolism and Physiology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Tom Gwinn Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2hrs lectures, 1hr practical/week Assumed knowledge: Good working knowledge by students of basic human biochemistry and physiology Assessment: Mid semester exam (40%), end semester exam, practical assignments (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The subject has a major emphasis on the responses of skeletal muscle metabolism to the acute stress imposed by exercise, and how muscle metabolism is altered by endurance training. Respiratory gas analysis of whole body metabolism is used to investigate muscle metabolism, and students will gain skills in both practical aspects of collection of gas exchange data and in the calculation and interpretation of data in terms of oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production and fuel oxidation. In addition, the acute cardiovascular and respiratory responses to exercises are examined and cardiovascular adaptations to training are discussed. This unit of study will be offered by full-time and part-time coursework on-campus.
EXSS5030 Human Mechanics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Richard Smith Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2hrs lecture, 1hr practical/week Assumed knowledge: Fundamental functional anatomy Assessment: Assignment (40%), theory (30%), practical exams (30%) Practical field work: Practical assignment included Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to investigate how the musculoskeletal properties of the human body affect performance of exercise, sport and functional activity. Emphasis will be placed on structure and function of the major joints and their associated muscles in the production of movement and power. The examination of cadaveric specimens will enhance this aspect of learning. The unit begins with an examination of the mechanical properties of muscle, considers the implications of their arrangement on the skeleton and studies the coordination requirements for functional movement. Methods of estimation of muscle activity (electromyography will be used to explore how muscles create the internal forces in the human body necessary for balance, movement and protection of joints. This knowledge is finally integrated in a practical investigation of the mechanisms of walking. The skills of critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, problem solving, logical and independent thought, will be stimulated by reading, discussion, team work in laboratory classes and class exercises. This unit of study will be offered by full-time and part-time coursework on-campus.
Norkin & Levange, Joint Structure & Function
EXSS5036 Exercise for Clinical Populations

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Glen Davis Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2hrs lecture, 2hrs practical/week Prerequisites: EXSS5029 Exercise Metabolism and Physiology Assessment: Assignment (40%), final exam (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit considers the application of exercise science to the promotion and maintenance of health for individuals with clinical conditions of complex and/or compound aetiology. The health risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle, based on exercise epidemiology and experimental exercise interventions are reviewed. Exercise testing and prescription for healthy adults is reviewed to form a basis for such interventions in the clinical populations. The pathophysiological bases of exercise limitations in various diseases and disability categories, and the clinical use of exercise assessment for these populations are studied. Using pathophysiology as a basic strategic approach to therapeutic exercise prescription and training are determined for each disorder. This approach will be applied across the broad 'classes' of disease and disability, with specific focus upon neuromuscular and skeletal conditions, metabolic diseases, cardiovascular and respiratory dysfunction, and "other" populations. Throughout the unit, there is strong emphasis on the biological basis of the application of exercise to health promotion, and rehabilitation in optimising function in the daily life of people with chronic health disorders. This unit of study will be offered by full-time and part-time coursework on-campus.
EXSS5046 Sports Biomechanics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Rene Ferdinands Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3hrs/week on-campus supported with web CT resources Prerequisites: EXSS5030 Human Mechanics Assessment: Assignment (30%), exams (70%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
In this unit participants will apply the principles of biomechanics to the assessment and optimisation of sporting skill and the prevention of injury. A range of sports will be selected as case studies. A review of kinetics, work, power and efficiency will be undertaken at the beginning of the unit in preparation for the applications. The building of practical biomechanical assessment competency will form an important part of the unit.
EXSS5047 Nutrition for Health, Exercise and Sport

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Helen O'Connor Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3hrs/week on-campus lecture, practical, tutorial Assumed knowledge: Undergraduate biology and physiology (biochemistry is desirable) Assessment: Presentation (30%), final exam (70%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit provides students with background knowledge in nutrition as applied to public health and exercise performance. Public health issues such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and cancer will be a focus. In addition, exercise nutrition strategies such as carbohydrate loading, use of ergogenic aids and strategies for muscle bulking, pre-event eating and making weight will be studied. Students will have an opportunity in the unit to obtain an internationally recognised accreditation in anthropometry. The unit will have a strong practical focus. This unit of study will be offered on campus supported with WebCT resources.
EXSS5048 Exercise Throughout the Lifespan

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Maria Fiatarone Singh Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3hrs/week Prerequisites: EXSS5029 Exercise Metabolism and Physiology Assessment: Assignment (30%), end semester exam (70%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study aims to provide the student with an understanding of the rationale and recommendations for the use of exercise and the promotion of physical activity in adolescents and older adults, including those with chronic disease and disability. The student will explore evidence for the contribution of exercise to psychological health and well-being, bone health, improvement in body composition associated with poor health outcomes and for the prevention and treatment of chronic disease and disability. Appropriate exercise modalities and implementing the exercise prescription will also be examined. This unit of study will be offered on campus supported with WebCT resources.
EXSS5049 Athlete Exercise Testing and Training

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Nathan Johnson Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3hrs/week Prerequisites: EXSS5029 Exercise Metabolism and Physiology Assessment: Written assessment (40%), laboratory report (20%), end-semester exam (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit provides students with knowledge about the application of testing procedures to the identification and evaluation of athletic ability and about the provision of training programs for the preparation of athletes. The exercise testing component critically reviews principles and methods for assessing anaerobic power and capacity, endurance and muscle strength and power in athletes. The exercise prescription component covers athletes training programs for increasing anaerobic power and capacity, endurance, speed and muscle strength and power. Issues related to athletic training, such as does-response, overtraining, detraining, periodicity, warm-up and acclimatisation will also be addressed. Practical classes are designed to support the lecture material and will cover various athlete testing protocols.
EXSS5050 Human Motor Learning and Control

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Nicholas O'Dwyer, Dr Roger Adams Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3hrs/week Assessment: Oral presentation (25%), mid-semester essays (25%), final exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit takes both a behavioural and a neurophysiological approach to the acquisition and execution of skilled motor actions. These approaches overlap, with the behavioural approach being primarily directed at the structures and processes underlying movement without considering their physical basis, while the neurophysiological approach is primarily directed at the neuromuscular machinery and the functional neural connections that govern movement. The information processing and energetic capacities that underpin motor performance are examined; that is, memory, attention, reaction time, planning, speed-accuracy trade-off, force control, economy of energy, coordination, multi-task performance, automaticity, lateralisation, arousal and stress, effort and resources, talent and expert-novice skill differences. The features of learning that can be manipulated to promote motor learning are examined, such as goals, motivation, instruction, practice conditions and feedback, imagery and mental rehearsal; and their applications to teaching motor skills, coaching and rehabilitation are considered. Consideration is given to the interaction between automatic and conscious control systems in the production of motor behaviour and how this informs strategies for error correction in motor performance. The ecological and motor program approaches to motor learning are considered. Students will read relevant research and theoretical material and be expected to report and interpret their findings and contribute to class discussion. This unit of study will be offered on campus supported with WebCT resources.
EXSS5051 Clinical Biomechanics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Benedicte Vanwanseele Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2hrs lectures,1hr practical/week Prerequisites: EXSS5030 Human Mechanics Assessment: Assignment (30%), exams (70%) Practical field work: 2hrs/week Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Not available during concurrent enrolment in EXSS5046 Sports Biomechanics. Prerequisite and concurrent enrolment rules do not apply to degree code SC149 Master of Exercise Physiology.
A review of kinetics, work, power and efficiency will be undertaken at the beginning of the unit in preparation for the applications. The course offers an introduction to some of the issues in clinical biomechanics, including: gait, work related tasks, musculoskeletal and injury biomechanics. It will further develop the understanding of biomechanics through clinical applications, including normal and pathological gait. Material properties of tissues and the influence of exercises and rehabilitation on tissue development and health will be discussed. The mechanical properties of tissues and anatomical structures will be related to injury occurrence and prevention. This unit of study will be offered on campus supported with WebCT resources.
Basic Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System
EXSS5056 Clinical Exercise Science Practicum 1

Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jacqueline Raymond Session: Semester 1 Classes: Tutorials plus approximately 16hrs/week of practicum. Practicum commitment is 2 days/week. Times and days vary depending on clinical site, usually between 7am-5pm Prerequisites: EXSS5059 Professional Practice 1, EXSS5061 Professional Practice 2 Corequisites: EXSS5029 Exercise Metabolism and Physiology Assumed knowledge: Information contained in ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (7th ed), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2006) Assessment: Professional perforrmance (100%) Practical field work: Approximately 200hrs off-campus at clinical sites Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit is designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn and demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities of the clinical exercise physiologist. Theory will be applied to practice of graded exercise testing for healthy and diseased populations, exercise supervision and counselling for healthy and diseased populations and emergency procedures related to exercise testing and training situations. Students will have the opportunity to case manage a cohort of patients and provide feedback to patients and allied health staff orally and in written reports.
Recommended: ACSM's Resources for Clinical Exercise Physiology (1st ed), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2002)
EXSS5057 Clinical Exercise Science Practicum 2

Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jacqueline Raymond Session: Semester 2 Classes: Tutorials plus approximately 16hrs/week of practicum. Practicum commitment is 2 days/week. Times and days vary depending on clinical site, usually between 7am-5pm Prerequisites: EXSS5059 Professional Practice 1, EXSS5061 Professional Practice 2, EXSS5056 Clinical Exercise Practicum 1 Assumed knowledge: EXSS5029 Exercise Metabolism and Physiology. Information contained in ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (7th ed), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2006) Assessment: Professional performance (100%) Practical field work: Approximately 200hrs off-campus at clinical sites Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The student will continue clinical placements specifically in the area of complex and chronic medical conditions. This unit is designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn and demonstrate the skills and attributes required for exercise testing and prescription for populations with cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, orthopaedic, musculoskeletal, neuromuscular and/or immunological disease/disability.
Recommended: ACSM's Resource for Clinical Exercise Physiology (1st ed), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2002), Woolf-May K, Exercise Prescription: Physiological Foundations. A Guide for Health, Sport and Exercise Professionals, Elsevier (2006)
EXSS5058 Principles of Exercise Programming

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Nathan Johnson Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 2-hours lecture per week, weeks 1-13, one 1-hour practical per week, weeks 1-7 Corequisites: EXSS5029 Exercise, Metabolism and Physiology; EXSS5059 Professional Practice Assessment: Practical Skills Assessment (25%), Written Exercise Program and Oral Examination (35%), End of Semester Exam (40%) Practical field work: Practical classes Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Students must have a current CPR certificate of competency
The aim of this unit is to provide a comprehensive and critical examination of exercise testing and programming for low-risk populations. The scientific evidence for exercise dosages of aerobic exercise and resistance training required for health and fitness outcomes will be critically reviewed. Other aspects of exercise programming such as flexibility, warm up and instructional techniques will also be covered in this unit. How exercise testing and exercise prescription may be deployed in the amelioration of "lifestyle diseases" such as obesity, diabetes and prevention of cardiovascular risk will be a central focus. Factors relating to exercise adoption and adherence will be discussed along with strategies based in behavioural theory that enhance participation and reduce drop-out. Through the use of lectures and case studies, students will integrate both the physiological components and logistical aspects of exercise performance, to devise individualised exercise test batteries and deploy exercise prescriptions for healthy individuals. Students will be able to apply practical skills learnt in this unit towards their placement in Professional Practice.
EXSS5059 Professional Practice 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Daniel Hackett Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 2-hours lectures, tutorial, practical per week for 13 weeks Corequisites: EXSS5029 Exercise, Metabolism and Physiology; EXSS5058 Principles of Exercise Programming Assessment: Progressive Mini Quizzes (40%), Client Interview (30%), Client Report (30%), Practicum (Pass/Fail) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Students must have a current CPR certificate of competency prior to undertaking clinical work.
The aim of this unit is to introduce the student to a range of issues related to exercise physiology professional practice and service delivery. Topics covered include working in multidisciplinary teams, professional ethics and oral and written communications skills. This unit of study will also provide an introduction to supervised clinical practice. Students will work with low risk clientele, building their confidence and developing skills acquired in this and other units of study taken in this semester.
EXSS5060 Advanced Exercise Programming

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Corinne Caillaud Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 2-3-hour lecture/tutorial per week in weeks 1-7, clinical 4-hours per week in weeks 1-13. Prerequisites: EXSS5058 Principles of Exercise Programming Assumed knowledge: EXSS5029 Exercise, Metabolism and Physiology Assessment: One assignment (30%), one assignment (40%), one written exam (30%). Assessment of clinical competency (pass/fail). Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Students must have a current CPR certificate of competency
The aim of this unit is to provide comprehensive and critical examination of the physiological responses during exercise, with particular emphasis upon diagnostic exercise testing and clinical exercise prescription. A focus of this unit will be the application of exercise testing and prescription to the promotion and maintenance of health for individuals with clinical conditions of complex and/or compound aetiology. The pathophysiological bases of exercise limitations in various diseases and disability populations, and the clinical use of exercise assessment for these individuals are studied with particular reference to the cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal systems. Through the use of lectures, case studies and sort CET placements, students will integrate advanced concepts of exercise physiology into logistical aspects of exercise performance for healthy and clinical populations, and thereby devise individualised exercise assessment and deploy exercise prescriptions for a broad range of individuals.
EXSS5061 Professional Practice 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jacqueline Raymond Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 2-3-hours lecture/tutorial per week in weeks 1-7; Clinical 4-hours per week in weeks 1-13 Prerequisites: EXSS5059 Professional Practice Corequisites: EXSS5060 Advanced Exercise Programming Assumed knowledge: EXSS5029 Exercise, Metabolism and Physiology; EXSS5058 Principles of Exercise Programming Assessment: Assignment (30%), assignment (40%), Written Exam (30%), Assessment of Clinical Competency (pass/fail) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
This unit of study will develop more advanced skills related to exercise physiology professional practice and service delivery. As part of this unit, students will learn about evidence-based practice and how the scientific evidence can be used in clinical decision making about appropriate interventions for individual clients. Students will also undertake a clinical placement, and will be able to develop skills acquired in this and other units of study, including client assessment and design and implementation of an exercise management plan.
EXSS5062 Exercise for Musculoskeletal Conditions

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Daniel Hackett Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: One 2-hours lectures, tutorial, practical per week for 13 weeks Assessment: Practical Exam (25%), Oral Case Study Defence (25%), End of Semester Exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to investigate how the musculoskeletal properties of the human body affect exercise and functional activity. Emphasis will be placed on structure and function of the major joints and their associated muscles in the production of movement. The unit begins with an examination of the mechanical properties of tissues, considers the implications of their arrangement on the skeleton and studies the coordination requirements for functional movement. Functional testing methods such as range of motion, balance will be used to assess physical functions. This unit of study will broaden the student's knowledge of human tolerance to physical tasks by considering tasks performed across a spectrum of settings, including occupational, and activities of daily living. An understanding of the principles of matching environmental and task related parameters to human characteristics will be developed.
EXSS5063 Exercise Dissertation

Credit points: 24 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Nicholas O'Dwyer Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Meet with Supervisor as required Assessment: Evaluation of literature review, examination of Research Dissertation (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
In this unit students conduct an investigative project related to exercise physiology and biomechanics. This project may take one of several formats including: a quality assurance project, study of acute responses to exercise in a small sample of healthy or disabled individuals, a sports/exercise epidemiological study, extensive literature review, or a minor research project related to exercise and sport science.
EXSS5064 Nutrition and Pharmacology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Rhonda Orr Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3hrs/week Assessment: Oral case presentations (30%), mid-semester exam (20%), final exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The unit will explore the principles and practice of public health nutrition and pharmacology. A case-based learning approach will be used to gain an understanding of the pathophysiology of disease and other conditions such as asthma and mental health. Students will examine the dietary and pharmacologic management of lifestyle diseases including type ll diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and associated co-morbidities. The unit will integrate information about diet, exercise and pharmacotherapeutic management of these diseases.
EXSS5065 Clinical Exercise Science Case Studies 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Glen Davis Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3hrs/week Assessment: Mini Quizzes (10%) Mid-Semester Exam (20%) Written case study and oral defense (30%) Final Exam (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit will develop a higher level of knowledge, clinical decision making and problem-solving skill by using complex cases related to clinical exercise physiology practice. The cases will include pathologies from the cardiopulmonary, neuromuscular and metabolic areas. Academic staff and experienced practitioners will use clinical scenarios to guide students through the process of selecting and administering appropriate screening and assessment tools and developing effective, individualized exercise management plans. The clinical scenarios will present more complex cases than previously covered and will require the student to integrate prior knowledge and experiences with new learning.
EXSS5066 Clinical Exercise Science Case Studies 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Glen Davis Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3hrs/week Assessment: Mini Quizzes (10%) Mid-Semester Exam (20%) Written case study and oral defense (30%) Final Exam (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit will develop a higher level of knowledge, clinical decision making and problem-solving skill by using complex cases related to clinical exercise physiology practice. The cases will include pathologies in cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, cancers and neurological clinical conditions. Academic staff and experienced practitioners will use clinical scenarios to guide students through the process of selecting and administering appropriate screening and assessment tools and developing effective, individualized exercise management plans. The clinical scenarios will present more complex cases than previously covered and will require the student to integrate prior knowledge and experiences with new learning.
EXSS5067 Seminar in Sport and Exercise Psychology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr David Anderson Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3hrs/week Assessment: Quizzes (10%), mid-semester exam (20%) project (25%) and presentation (15%), final exam (30%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit involves advanced study of the key psychological factors that influence sport, exercise and motor performance. Consideration is also given to how participation in physical activity influences psychological function and well being. A broad array of topics is covered, including: motivation, goal setting, behavioural modification, addiction, arousal, anxiety, imagery, attention and expert performance. Practical applications are made to teaching, coaching and rehabilitation for all ages and for all levels of skill. Special consideration is given to facilitating exercise adherence, youth sport participation and peak performance. In addition, students will study a specific topic in detail and present their findings to the class.
EXSS5068 Practicum 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Nicholas O'Dwyer Session: Semester 1 Classes: Off-campus attendance at practicum site for up to 37.5 hours per week and up to 5 weeks. Prerequisites: EXSS5061 Professional Practice 2 Assessment: Assessment based on performance of specific clinical skills and professional behaviour (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Students must have a current CPR certificate of competency prior to undertaking clinical work.
This unit is designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn and demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities of the clinical exercise physiologist. Students will work under supervision in professional settings and will assist in managing clients with chronic disease, while demonstrating and being assessed on specific clinical practice skills and professional behaviour which are consistent with their stage of learning.
EXSS5069 Practicum 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Nicholas O'Dwyer Session: Semester 2 Classes: Off-campus attendance at practicum site for up to 37.5 hours per week and up to 5 weeks Prerequisites: EXSS5061 Professional Practice 2 and EXSS5062 Exercise for Musculoskeletal Conditions Assessment: Assessment based on performance of specific clinical skills and professional behaviour (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Students must have a current CPR certificate of competency prior to undertaking clinical work
This unit is designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn and demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities of the clinical exercise physiologist. Students will work under supervision in professional settings and will assist in managing clients with chronic disease, while demonstrating and being assessed on specific clinical practice skills and professional behaviour which are consistent with their stage of learning.
EXSS5070 Practicum 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Nicholas O'Dwyer Session: Semester 2 Classes: Off-campus attendance at practicum site for up to 37.5 hours per week and up to 5 weeks Prerequisites: EXSS5061 Professional Practice 2 and EXSS5062 Exercise for Musculoskeletal Conditions Assessment: Assessment based on performance of specific clinical skills and professional behaviour (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Students must have a current CPR certificate of competency prior to undertaking clinical work.
This unit is designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn and demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities of the clinical exercise physiologist. Students will work under supervision in professional settings and will assist in managing clients with chronic disease, while demonstrating and being assessed on specific clinical practice skills and professional behaviour which are consistent with their stage of learning.
EXSS5071 Practicum 4

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Nicholas O'Dwyer Session: Semester 2 Classes: Off-campus attendance at practicum site for up to 37.5 hours per week and up to 5 weeks Prerequisites: EXSS5061 Professional Practice 2 and EXSS5062 Exercise for Musculoskeletal Conditions Assessment: Assessment based on performance of specific clinical skills and professional behaviour (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Students must have a current CPR certificate of competency prior to undertaking clinical work.
This unit is designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn and demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities of the clinical exercise physiologist. Students will work under supervision in professional settings and will assist in managing clients with chronic disease, while demonstrating and being assessed on specific clinical practice skills and professional behaviour which are consistent with their stage of learning.
GSDD5006 Inquiry Topic

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Russell Shuttleworth Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Online and distance education, with independent directed study Assessment: 6000 word report (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: On-line
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The purpose of this unit of study is to provide the student with the opportunity to investigate an area relevant to theory, practice and professional interests in developmental disabilities. The outcome of this inquiry topic is a comprehensive paper that may involve an extended literature analysis and critical review and exposition of a range of knowledge and practice issues.
GSDD5007 Communication & Developmental Disability

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Web-based training: no on-campus attendance required Assessment: Assignment 1 1,200 words (40%), Assignment 2 4,500 - 5,000 words (50%), Contribution to online discussion (10%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: On-line
This unit introduces students to the empirical literature on communication issues for people with life long disability. Students will be introduced to the communication issues that impact on the lives of people with life long disability and those who support them, functional communication assessment and intervention strategies, and the importance of multi modal communication systems in facilitating community participation. Adults who use AAC, parents, and clinicians will participate in the design, presentation and evaluation of the unit of study and share their stories that relate to communication issues.
GSDD5018 Mental Health - Developmental Disability

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Stewart Einfeld Session: Semester 1 Classes: Online and distance education Assessment: Contributions to tutorials and group work and an individual final report (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
This unit examines mental health issues in people with developmental disability, including the major psychiatric conditions, behavioural phenotypes, challenging behaviour and dementia and other health conditions associated with ageing. A practical, multi-disciplinary approach to prevention, assessment and management will be discussed. Students will also critically review the factors influencing mental health care and mental health care access for people with developmental disability. Students will have the opportunity to examine a topic of individual interest in further depth.
Davidson PW, Prasher VP and Janicki MP, Mental Health, intellectual disabilities and the aging process, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, (2003)
HIMT5023 Fundamentals of Medical Terminology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Robert Steele Session: Semester 2 Classes: Online, 9 to 12 hours of self directed study per week Assessment: Assignment 1 no word limits (25%), Assignment 2 no word limits (25%), End Semester Exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: On-line
This unit is designed to provide the student with the knowledge necessary to understand the information contained in health records. Within each body system, the student will study anatomy and physiology, disease processes and their treatment, and medical terminology disease titles, symptomatic terms, surgical terms and investigations. The unit also includes diagnostic tests, diagnostic procedures, radiology, nuclear medicine, radiation therapy and an introduction to pharmacology, pathology and cancer research.
HIMT5058 Health Informatics Applications

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Robert Steele Session: Semester 1 Classes: Block mode workshop, three 6-hours and two 3-hours Assessment: Presentation (25%), Assignment 1 2000 words (25%), Assignment 3 (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit of study utilises case study analysis, review of contemporary literature and presentations to explore different health informatics topic areas. Students are provided with the opportunity to develop and enhance their information seeking and critical appraisal skills as they investigate and report on key themes, issues and trends in health informatics. A focus of the unit will be reviewing and investigating current and future technology applications such as: telemedicine and health in the home, web-based applications, cyber-consultations and wireless technology.
HIMT5059 Health Classification Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Block mode workshop 6 by 4 hours plus individual and small group independent learning and e-learning activities Assessment: Presentation (20%), Assignment 1 1,000 words (20%), End of Semester Exam (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit introduces the student to the concepts of organising health information in a logical way to interface with an electronic information system. The significance of terminologies such as the Systematised Nomenclature of Medicine - Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT), and the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) will be investigated. The design and role of various health classification systems such as the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC) and casemix systems (AR-DRGs, AN-SNAP, MH-CASC) will also be undertaken.
HIMT5060 Integration for Health Informatics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Robert Steele Session: Semester 2 Classes: Block mode three 7-hour workshops Assessment: Presentation (10%), Assignment 1 (20%), Assignment 2 (70%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit aims to provide an understanding of the organisational, people and social issues related to the successful implementation and use of health information systems in health care organisations. In this unit there is an analysis of relevant theories and principles as an understanding of these frameworks is essential for the successful diffusion of health information systems. Information and communication technology integration is challenging as healthcare organisations are complex and diverse with a variety of professionals working within them. This unit will cover issues that are often seen as barriers to information diffusion such as: organisational culture; communication; change management and work flow.
HIMT5065 Project Management

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Robert Steele Session: Semester 2 Classes: Block mode: four 8-hour workshops Assessment: In class MCQ (15%), Assignment 1 (35%), Assignment 2 (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit covers all the nine knowledge areas of the Australian Project Management competency standards including planning and scheduling, quality, risks and status reporting. Team and people management issues, managing external dependencies and costs are also covered. Workshop groups use exercises based around a case study to apply principles to various situations.
HIMT5067 Evidence Based Health Care

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Alison Harmer Session: Semester 1 Classes: 7 self-directed learning modules with email/online/phone support; 1 day workshop (Saturday) Assessment: Written reports (40%), written exam (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit of study will teach students how to critically appraise clinical research pertinent to health professionals; and practice evidence-based decision-making. Self-directed modules address qualitative and quantitative study designs: experiences of therapies; effects of interventions; accuracy of diagnostic tests; prognoses; cost-effectiveness; and clinical decision analysis
*Herbert RD, Jamtvedt G, Mead J, Hagen KB. (2005) Practical Evidence-Based Physiotherapy. Oxford: Elsevier.
HIMT5069 Health Care Systems

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Robert Steele Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Distance Education 9 to 12 hours of self directed study per week Assessment: Assignment 1 1,500 words (20%), Assignment 2 3,000 words (40%) End of Semester Exam (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1
This unit provides an introduction to health care systems with an emphasis on the Australian health care system. Topics covered include Commonwealth and State responsibilities for health with a particular focus on funding issues, healthcare expenditure, the structure and organisation of health insurance, health care facilities and the health workforce. The health of the Australian population is considered and compared internationally, and the health of indigenous Australians is reviewed in depth. The unit encourages a critical appraisal of current health arrangements and policies and an appreciation of the pluralistic nature of the health system.
HIMT5079 Health Informatics Research Project

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Robert Steele Session: Semester 1 Classes: Block mode workshop 7 by 2 hours Prerequisites: BACH5341 Research & Inquiry in Health Professions Assessment: Assignment 1 (30%), Assignment 2 (60%), Presentation (10%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This is the capstone unit for the MHI degree. Students will undertake a research project in health informatics over the course of the semester. Preference is given to real-life health informatics projects being planned or underway in the workplace. Students will be supported to work independently and will make regular reports to key stakeholders on progress. This project will be completed either individually or as part of larger teams. This unit of study will provide opportunities for formal and informal interprofessional learning. E-learning tasks, based around peer support and moderated peer learning, will assist in the extension and deepening of the application of health informatics theory to practice.
HIMT5085 Information Systems in Health Care

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Mary Lam Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Block mode six 4-hour workshops, telephone conference one 2-hours, elearning activities Corequisites: HIMT5086 Health Informatics Principles Assessment: eLearning Activities (10%), Presentation (20%), Assignment 1 2000 words (30%), End Semester Exam (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2
This unit of study introduces students to the concepts of health information, its management and importance. The unit provides a thorough coverage of concepts, methodologies and techniques available to support patient care processes through the use of information technology. The foundation concepts of data, information and knowledge are introduced as well as definitions of systems and models. National and local data collections will be reviewed. Electronic health records, electronic medical records and computerised personal health records will be investigated. Students will gain exposure to a range of systems in use in healthcare.
HIMT5086 Health Informatics Principles

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Robert Steele Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Block mode: six 4-hour workshops Corequisites: HIMT5085 Information Systems in Health Care Assessment: Presentation (30%), Assignment 1 2000 words (30%), End Semester Exam (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2
This unit introduces students to the concepts and philosophies which are foundations underlying current and future directions of health informatics practice. Concepts to be addressed will include: privacy and security, language and terminologies, standards and interoperability, decision support systems, health informatics specialties such as consumer, nursing and bioinformatics.
HIMT5087 Professional Practice-Health Informatics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Robert Steele Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: On-campus preparation and debriefing, 5 days supervised fieldwork, additional e-learning tasks and electronic industry links Assessment: 100% assessment based on performance, written material, communication skills, organisational skills and professionalism Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1
This unit of study will engage students in the process of exploring health informatics in practical settings. Appropriate opportunities to learn within interdisciplinary teams will be available and students will undertake facilitated peer discussions via electronic media. At the completion of this unit of study, students will be able to discuss the capabilities of health informatics specialists, and engage in professional discourse regarding their own learning needs.
HIMT5088 Health Informatics Evaluation

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Mary Lam Session: Semester 1 Classes: Block mode: three 8-hour workshops Assessment: Presentation (15%), Written summary of presentation topic (25%), Program Design and Evaluation 4000 words (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit provides an overview of approaches to evaluating health informatics interventions. A broad range of methods and techniques for measuring the impact that health informatics applications have on the delivery of health services, patient outcomes, health professionals' work and organisational efficiency will be covered. Students will be introduced to theoretical perspectives of evaluation as well as gain practical skills in designing evaluation and benefit realisation projects. The unit focuses on the use of multi-method models which incorporate both quantitative and qualitative techniques.
HIMT5089 Health Systems Data Analysis

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Mary Lam Session: Semester 1 Classes: Block mode: three 8-hour workshops, telephone conference one 2-hours, elearning activities Prerequisites: BACH5068 Statistics for Clinical Research Assessment: eLearning Activities (15%), Assignment 1 (15%), Assignment 2 (30%), Assignment 3 (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit of study covers the major health systems databases and how they can be analysed to provide information for strategic planning, ongoing program management, monitoring, evaluation and research purposes. These include different analytical approaches and reporting formats for the different purposes. Students will learn basic tools and methods of data analysis.
HIMT5090 Dissertation

Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Robert Steele Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Self directed research Prerequisites: HIMT5079 Health Informatics Research Project, BACH5341 Research & Enquiry in Health Professions Assessment: Presentation (20%), Assignment 1 2,500 words (20%), Assignment 2 3,000 words (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1
During this research elective, students will complete the investigation begun during HIMT5079. The student will prepare a written report suitable for submission to a refereed journal for publication. Full details of the requirements for this report can be found in the (Health Informatics) (Dissertation) Guidelines, Policy and Procedures.
HIMT5092 International Disease Classification A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Robert Steele Session: Semester 1 Classes: Block mode: six 4-hour workshops Assessment: In Class Exam (40%), End Semester Exam (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit is designed to enable the student to classify diseases using ICD-10-AM and procedures using ACHI. It includes the historical development of clinical classification systems and students will make comparisons between ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-AM. The focus of the unit is to develop the student's practical coding skills.
HIMT5093 International Disease Classification B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Robert Steele Session: Semester 2 Classes: Block mode: six 4-hour workshops Prerequisites: HIMT5092 International Disease Classification A Assessment: In Class Exam (40%), End Semester Exam (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit builds on both theoretical and practical issues studied in HIMT5050 and allows the student the opportunity to code using hospital medical records. The student will also become familiar with computer-assisted coding and indexing systems. Casemix measurement systems will be reviewed in detail.
HSBH3001 Health and Indigenous Populations

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Freidoon Khavarpour Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 1-hour lecture per week, one 1-hour tutorial per week Prerequisites: HSBH1006 Foundations of Health Science, HSBH1007 Health Science and Research, HSBH1008 Health Determinants and Interventions, HSBH1009 Health Care Resources and Systems Assessment: Essay 1,000 words (25%), Group Presentation (35%), Case Study 1,500 words (40%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study aims to provide students with an insight and respect for Indigenous perspectives on health and health care. This unit also explores established theories about health and illness from western and non-western perspectives.
The complexity of Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander health in rural, remote and urban contexts in Australia will be explored. Health of other Indigenous populations outside Australia and their complexities provide a global focus across several cultures.
HSBH3002 Health Information Science

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Robert Steele Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2hr lecture/week, 1hr tutorial, practical/week Prerequisites: HSBH1006 Foundations of Health Science, HSBH1007 Health Science and Research, HSBH1008 Health Determinants and Interventions, HSBH1009 Health Care Resources and Systems Assessment: Participation (10%), Online quiz's (10%), Group assignment (30%), Final exam (50%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit will explore basic concepts in the e-Health field including data, information and knowledge in relation to the collection, use and storage of health information. The role of e-Health and health information systems from the perspective of how they can support health care practitioners will be covered. In addition, e-Health will be considered from the perspective of health consumers. Topics can include amongst others: web-based health information systems; legacy data in the Australian healthcare system; electronic health records and personal health records; structuring and searching health data and databases; point of care clinical systems. Consideration of informatics principles will be included.
HSBH3003 Health Service Strategy and Policy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kate O'Loughlin Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1hr lectures, 1hr tutorial/week Prerequisites: HSBH1006 Foundations of Health Science, HSBH1007 Health Science and Research, HSBH1008 Health Determinants and Interventions, HSBH1009 Health Care Resources and Systems Assessment: Participation (10%), 1200 word assignment (40%), Final exam (50%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study offers students an insight into the larger picture of how a nation sets priorities for health services. The importance of evidence-based health policy development in planning health services will be highlighted. Strategies for increasing the cost-effectiveness of health services will be covered. Issues of communication and advocacy in health are portrayed. Students will gain skills in health service needs assessment, measuring cost-effectiveness, macroeconomic evaluation of health services and systems and health equity assessment.
HSBH3004 Health, Ethics and the Law

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Rose Leontini Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1hr lectures, 1hr tutorial/week Prerequisites: HSBH1006 Foundations of Health Science, HSBH1007 Health Science and Research, HSBH1008 Health Determinants and Interventions, HSBH1009 Health Care Resources and Systems Assessment: Participation (10%), Mid-semester exam (20%), Group project (50%) Final exam (20%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study outlines the legislative role of governments and the role of legislation in health and health services. Fundamental ethical principles applied to ethical issues in health and health research are covered. Medico-legal aspects of health and health services as well as standards and medico-legal privacy principles will be explored. Students will develop an understanding of professionally acceptable behaviours appropriate to practice in the health professions.
HSBH3005 Evidence Based Health Care

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Alex Broom Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2hr lecture, 1hr tutorial/week Prerequisites: HSBH1006 Foundations of Health Science, HSBH1007 Health Science and Research, HSBH1008 Health Determinants and Interventions, HSBH1009 Health Care Resources and Systems Assessment: 1500 word Essay (40%), Criritcal appraisal 2500 words (60%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit will explore theoretical frameworks and practical applications of evidence based health care (EBHC) within the health professions. EBHC is an approach to health care practice in which the practitioner is aware of the evidence (based on research) that bears on practice, the strength of that evidence in the context of decision making regarding an individual client. This unit will also introduce students to the social, philosophical and historical underpinnings of EBHC, emphasising the importance of developing a critical understanding of the production, application and translation of `evidence' in a range of healthcare contexts.
HSBH3006 Research Methods in Health

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Tatjana Seizova-Cajic Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 2-hour lecture per week, one 1-hour tutorial per week Prerequisites: HSBH1006 Foundations of Health Science, HSBH1007 Health Science and Research, HSBH1008 Health Determinants and Interventions, HSBH1009 Health Care Resources and Systems Prohibitions: Intermediate Statistics (BACH4043, BACH4055, BACH5253) Assessment: Group Discussion (P/F), Quiz (5%), In-class Assignment (10%), Report 1,000 words (20%), Report 2,000 words (30%), End Semester Exam (35%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The aim of this unit is to provide a foundation for critical appraisal of techniques used in health research. The major quantitative and qualitative techniques appropriate for analysing research data in an evidence-based practice environment will be studied.
HSBH3009 International Health Project

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Zakia Hossain Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 2-hour lecture per week Prerequisites: HSBH1006 Foundations of Health Science, HSBH1007 Health Science and Research, HSBH1008 Health Determinants and Interventions, HSBH1009 Health Care Resources and Systems Assessment: Mid-semester Exam (50%), Report 3,000 words (50%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit examines health, illness and health care issues from international perspectives. The unit focuses on global burden of disease, global governance, structural adjustment program and ITRIP and their implications at national and international levels. It integrates organisational dimensions, changing patterns of global economy, restructuring of health care and socio-cultural approaches to international health. The unit uses both theoretical and practical approaches. The project will be selected from the WHO priority areas of health and global burden of disease. The project will focus on the following: global health problems and local solutions; burden of diseases, health care system and policy implementation from a global perspective; and the role of international organisations in health promotion.
Book of readings
HSBH3010 Health and Lifelong Disability

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Steve Cumming Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hrs Lecture/wk, 1hr Tutorial/wk Prerequisites: HSBH1006 Foundations of Health Science, HSBH1007 Health Science and Research, HSBH1008 Health Determinants and Interventions, HSBH1009 Health Care Resources and Systems Assessment: Multimedia presentation (20%), Essay 2000 words (40%), Case based final exam (40%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study will explore the roles and responsibilities of health professionals who work with children, adolescents and adults with lifelong physical and intellectual disabilities and their families. Using an interprofessional case-based curriculum, students will examine the nature of lifelong disability; factors which affect the participation of persons with lifelong disability in everyday life activities including education, leisure, and employment; and strategies for increasing their participation in these activities. Students will be supported to critique research literature, to examine the roles and responsibilities of allied health professionals in the context of working with persons with lifelong disability, and to develop practical strategies for interacting and working collaboratively and successfully with children, adolescents, and adults with lifelong disabilities, their families and fellow professionals. It is expected that through a combination of face-to-face teaching and online case-based learning activities, this unit will assist students in preparing to work with individuals with lifelong disabilities in a range of workplace settings.
HSBH3011 Rural Health

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Sheila Keane Session: Semester 1 Classes: Distance education mode, web-based learning: Week 1 lecture (2hrs) and mid-term workshop (4hrs) on-campus with mandatory attendance; 1hr tutorial/week by teleconference Prerequisites: HSBH1006 Foundations of Health Science, HSBH1007 Health Science and Research, HSBH1008 Health Determinants and Interventions, HSBH1009 Health Care Resources and Systems Assessment: Participation (20%), assignment (15%), Mid-term exam (30%), Case study (35%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
This unit introduces students to issues in rural health care. Topics covered include the nature and varieties of rural lifestyles, impact of lifestyle on health status, population health perspectives, prevalence and distribution of common health conditions in rural Australia, rural health promotion, injury prevention and education, settlement and health care for refugees, Indigenous health services, community based health service delivery in rural settings, rural health workforce, eHealth, eLearning and eResearch for rural health practice, and innovation in health service delivery for example cross sector service coordination and interprofessional practice.
Liaw S & Kilpatrick S, A Textbook of Australian Rural Health, Australian Rural Health Education Network, Canberra (2008)
HSBH5001 FHS Abroad

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Alex Broom Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x2hr lecture pre and post overseas experience Prerequisites: Successful completion of an undergraduate health sciences degree or equivalent. Assessment: 1 x 2000 word reflective diary (40%) and 1 x 3000 word report (60%) Practical field work: 4-6 weeks working with a non-government organisation in a developing country Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Field Experience
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Cultural practices, disease patterns and healthcare systems are vastly different in different countries around the globe. This unit provides students with the opportunity to work with non-government organisations in a developing country for up to six weeks. Countries where students can be placed include Vietnam, Cambodia, India and Nepal. As part of the unit students will be expected to participate in local development programs, live within the community that they are visiting, and document key health and development issues facing local populations. The unit will require that students illustrate project management skills; develop an awareness of cultural issues facing individuals and organisation in your host country; and, illustrate your capacity to document and report on local health issues.
HSGS5001 Research Dissertation

Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Please contact your program coordinator. Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Supervised project: external/distance mode. Assessment: 12,000 word written report. Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The dissertation provides candidates with an opportunity to undertake an advanced investigation in a topic or issue through the development of either a proposal for independent research on that topic or a substantial paper that demonstrates the application of scholarly literature to a practical problem or issue.
MCAN5101 Confocal and Fluorescence Microscopy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Filip Braet Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 8 one hour lectures, thirty hour practicals (5 sessions). Assessment: portfolio (60%), exercises (30%), attendance (10%) and participation. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Introduces the general principles of confocal microscopy and training in the use of the confocal microscope. It covers the theory behind confocal microscopy, the instrumentation and its applications. Develops knowledge and skills in specimen preparation for biological and medical applications of optical and confocal microscopes - immunochemistry, cell loading, GFP.
MCAN5111 Microscopy of Biomolecular Processes

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Filip Braet and Dr Lilian Soon Session: Semester 2 Classes: 10 1hr lectures, 11 hours of tutorials and 12 hours of demonstrations Assumed knowledge: MCAN5101 or MCAN5102 or equivalent Assessment: Written research paper (40%) and multiple choice question exam (60%). Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit covers the principles and practice of advanced microscopy techniques for probing cellular and biomolecular processes. It introduces cloning techniques, GFP-protein transfection into cells, uptake and metabolism of drugs/carcinogens/exogenous material, and localisation of enzymes/proteins associated with cells. Topics may include: FRET, FLIM, TIRFM, super-resolution, immunogoldlabelling and associated cryo-procedures for EM, micro and nano-analytical procedures for biological applications.
MRSC5001 Professional Practice Radiography 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr John Atyeo Session: Semester 1 Classes: 4 hrs/week of lectures and tutorials, 2 hrs/week practical work Assessment: Quiz (17% and 8%), Written assignment 2000 words (25%), Final Exam (50%) Practical field work: Practical classes will provide students with experience in positioning techniques and pathology Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study introduces the student the professional practice of diagnostic radiography. The techniques covered will include routine procedures that the student will encounter in the clinical setting. Anatomy, physiology and pathology will be integrated with corresponding techniques of selected body systems. Planar anatomy and imaging will be included as appropriate. This unit will apply theory to practice and integrate basic applied sciences to imaging techniques. Students will be expected to supplement and broaden their learning by independent research on relevant topics.
Bontrager KL & Lampignano J, Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy (6th ed), Mosby Elsevier, St Louis (2005)
MRSC5003 Foundations of Health Care Practice

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Noeline Monaghan Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2hrs/week of lectures, online tutorials Assessment: Summative tests (50%), Final Exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study introduces students to the ethical, legal and psycho-social issues surrounding the safe delivery of medical radiation sciences in the Australian healthcare system. Modules within the unit are applied to medical radiation sciences and will cover the following: healthcare ethics, legal aspects of practice, risk management and quality assurance, radiation considerations, the Australian healthcare system, social factors and models of health, as well as specific health psychology topics.
Forrester K and Griffiths D, Essentials of Law for Health Professionals (3rd ed), Elsevier Australia (2010)
MRSC5005 Professional Practice Radiography 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr John Atyeo Session: Semester 2 Classes: 4-6hrs/week of lectures and tutorials, 35hrs/week practical work Prerequisites: MRSC5001 Professional Practice Radiography 1 Assessment: MCQ exam (15%), Report (25%), MCQ exam (10%), Final exam SAQ & LAQ (50%) Practical field work: Practical classes will provide students with experience in positioning techniques and pathology Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study will develop the student's knowledge in the professional practice of diagnostic radiography. The techniques covered will build upon routine procedures that the student will encounter in the workplace. Anatomy, physiology and pathology will be integrated with corresponding techniques of selected body systems. Planar anatomy and imaging will be included as appropriate. Students will be expected to supplement and broaden their learning by independent research on relevant topics.
Bontrager KL & Lampignano J, Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy (6th ed), Mosby Elsevier, St Louis (2005)
MRSC5009 Professional Practice Nuclear Medicine 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr John Atyeo Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3hrs/week Lectures, 2hrs/wk tutorial Assessment: Quiz (25%), Discipline Essay (25%), Final exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study introduces the student to professional practice in nuclear medicine. The techniques covered will include routine procedures that the student will encounter in the clinical setting. The theory of anatomy, physiology, pathology and radiopharmacy of selected body systems will be taught in context with the technique. Sectional anatomy and imaging will be integrated throughout this unit. This unit will apply theory to practice and integrate basic applied sciences to imaging techniques. Students will be expected to supplement and broaden their learning by independent research on relevant topics.
Christian PC and Waterstram-Rich KM, Nuclear Medicine and PET/CT Technology and Techniques (6th ed), Mosby (2007)
MRSC5010 Professional Practice Nuclear Medicine 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr John Atyeo Session: Semester 2 Classes: clinical experience 4-6hrs/week Prerequisites: MRSC5009 Professional Practice Nuclear Medicine 1 Assessment: MCQ exam (15%), Report (25%), MCQ exam (10%), Final exam SAQ & LAQ (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study will develop the student's knowledge in the professional practice of nuclear medicine. The techniques covered will build upon routine procedures that the student will encounter in the workplace. The theory of anatomy, physiology, pathology and radiopharmacy of selected body systems will be taught in context with the technique. Sectional anatomy and imaging will be integrated throughout this unit. Students will be expected to supplement and broaden their learning by independent research on relevant topics.
Christian PC and Waterstram-Rich KM, Nuclear Medicine and PET/CT Technology and Techniques (6th ed), Mosby (2007)
MRSC5011 Professional Practice Rad Therapy 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr John Atyeo Session: Semester 1 Classes: 4-6hrs/week Assessment: Quiz (17% and 8%), Written assignment 2000 words (25%), Final Exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study introduces the student to professional practice in radiation therapy. The techniques covered will include routine procedures that the student will encounter in the clinical setting. The theory of anatomy, physiology and pathology of selected body systems will be taught in context with the technique. Sectional anatomy and imaging will be integrated throughout this unit. This unit will apply theory to practice and integrate basic applied sciences to treatment techniques. Students will be expected to supplement and broaden their learning by independent research on relevant topics.
Washington CM and Leaver DT (eds), Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy (3rd ed), Mosby, St Louis (2010)
MRSC5012 Professional Practice Rad Therapy 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr John Atyeo Session: Semester 2 Classes: Clinical experience: 4-6hrs/week Prerequisites: MRSC5011 Professional Practice Rad Therapy 1 Assessment: MCQ exam (15%), Report (25%), MCQ exam (10%), Final exam SAQ & LAQ (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
This unit of study will develop the students' knowledge in the professional practice of radiation therapy. The techniques covered will build upon routine procedures that the student will encounter in the workplace. Anatomy, physiology and pathology of selected body systems will be taught in context with the technique. Sectional anatomy and imaging will be integrated throughout this unit. Students will be expected to supplement and broaden their learning by independent research on relevant topics.
Washington CM and Leaver DT (eds), Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy (3rd ed), Mosby, St Louis (2010)
MRSC5013 Professional Practice Radiography 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Danielle Milinkovic, Ms Nikki Field Session: Semester 1 Classes: 4-6hrs/week of lectures and tutorials Prerequisites: MRSC5005 Professional Practice Radiography 2 Assessment: Discipline report (30%), Summative Quiz (30%), Final Exam (40%) Practical field work: Practical classes will provide students with experience in positioning techniques and pathology Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study will continue to develop the student's knowledge in the professional practice of diagnostic radiography. The techniques covered will introduce more specialised procedures that the student will encounter in the workplace. Anatomy, physiology and pathology will be integrated with corresponding techniques of selected body systems. Planar anatomy and imaging will be included as appropriate. Students will be expected to supplement and broaden their learning by independent research on relevant topics.
Bontrager KL & Lampignano J, Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy (6th ed), Mosby Elsevier, St Louis (2005)
MRSC5014 Professional Practice Radiography 4

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mrs Nikki Field Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3 hrs/week of lectures and 2hrs per week tutorials/practical , directed independent work Prerequisites: MRSC5013 Professional Practice Radiography 3 Assessment: Group presentation (20%), MCQ & SAQ exam (35%), Final exam MCQ, SAQ & LAQ (45%) Practical field work: Practical classes will provide students with experience in positioning techniques and pathology Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This is the final unit of study which will complete the student's learning in professional practice of diagnostic radiography. The techniques covered will include routine procedures that the student will encounter in the clinical setting. The theory of anatomy, physiology and pathology of selected body systems will be taught in context with the technique. Sectional anatomy and imaging will be integrated throughout this unit. Students will critically explore variations in techniques found in the clinical setting using a problem solving approach. Students will critically evaluate current practice from an evidence based perspective. Students will be expected to supplement and broaden their learning by independent research on relevant topics.
Bontrager KL & Lampignano J, Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy (6th ed), Mosby Elsevier, St Louis (2005)
MRSC5021 Honours Dissertation B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Elaine Ryan Session: Semester 1 Classes: On-campus, seminars, directed independent work Prerequisites: MRSC5008 Honours Dissertation A Assessment: Continuous Assessment, presentation and Thesis examination (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study builds upon MRSC5008 Honours Dissertation A and is the second of two units specific to the honours pathway. Students will be expected to apply research skills to implement an individual research project. The dissertation may take the format of those approved by the faculty for a masters coursework honours dissertation.
MRSC5022 Professional Practice Nuclear Medicine 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Danielle Milinkovic Session: Semester 1 Classes: 4-6hrs lectures/week, directed independent work, practical Prerequisites: MRSC5010 Professional Practice Nuclear Medicine 2 Assessment: Discipline report (30%), Summative Quiz (30%), Final Exam (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study will continue to develop the student's knowledge in the professional practice of nuclear medicine. The techniques covered will introduce more specialised procedures that the student will encounter in the workplace. The theory of anatomy, physiology, pathology and radiopharmacy of selected body systems will be taught in context with the technique. Sectional anatomy and imaging will be integrated throughout this unit. Students will be expected to supplement and broaden their learning by independent research on relevant topics.
Christian PC and Waterstram-Rich KM, Nuclear Medicine and PET/CT Technology and Techniques (6th ed), Mosby (2007)
MRSC5023 Professional Practice Nuclear Medicine 4

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Peter Kench Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3hrs on-campus lectures/week, directed independent work, 2hrs/wk practical Prerequisites: MRSC5022 Professional Practice Nuclear Medicine 3 Assessment: Group presentation (20%), MCQ & SAQ exam (35%), Final exam MCQ, SAQ & LAQ (45%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This is the final unit of study which will complete the student's learning in professional practice of nuclear medicine. The techniques covered will include routine procedures that the student will encounter in the clinical setting. The theory of anatomy, physiology, pathology and radiopharmacy of selected body systems will be taught in context with the technique. Sectional anatomy and imaging will be integrated throughout this unit. Students will critically explore variations in techniques found in the clinical setting using a problem solving approach. Students will critically evaluate current practice from an evidence based perspective. Students will be expected to supplement and broaden their learning by independent research on relevant topics.
Christian PC and Waterstram-Rich KM, Nuclear Medicine and PET/CT Technology and Techniques (6th ed), Mosby (2007)
MRSC5024 Professional Practice Rad Therapy 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Danielle Milinkovic Session: Semester 1 Classes: On-campus lectures 4 hrs per week, directed independent work, 2hrs per week practical Prerequisites: MRSC5012 Professional Practice Radiation Therapy 2 Assessment: Discipline report (30%), Summative Quiz (30%), Final Exam (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study will continue to develop the student's knowledge in the professional practice of radiation therapy. The techniques covered will introduce more specialised procedures that the student will encounter in the workplace. The theory of anatomy, physiology and pathology of selected body systems will be taught in context with the technique. Sectional anatomy and imaging will be integrated throughout this unit. Students will be expected to supplement and broaden their learning by independent research on relevant topics.
Washington CM and Leaver DT (eds), Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy (3rd ed), Mosby, St Louis (2010)
MRSC5025 Professional Practice Rad Therapy 4

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mrs Nikki Field Session: Semester 2 Classes: On-campus lectures 3hrs/wk, directed independent work, practical 2hrs/wk Prerequisites: MRSC5024 Professional Practice Radiation Therapy 3 Assessment: Group presentation (20%), MCQ & SAQ exam (35%), Final exam MCQ, SAQ & LAQ (45%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This is the final unit of study which will complete the student's learning in professional practice of radiation therapy. The techniques covered will include routine procedures that the student will encounter in the clinical setting. The theory of anatomy, physiology and pathology of selected body systems will be taught in context with the technique. Sectional anatomy and imaging will be integrated throughout this unit. Students will critically explore variations in techniques found in the clinical setting using a problem solving approach. Students will critically evaluate current practice from an evidence based perspective. Students will be expected to supplement and broaden their learning by independent research on relevant topics.
Washington CM and Leaver DT (eds), Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy (3rd ed), Mosby, St Louis (2010)
MRSC5026 Clinical Studies Radiography 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Andrew Kilgour Session: Semester 1 Classes: On-campus: clinical centres Assessment: Exam (40%), SICA (10%), Dept. Assessment (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study is the first of four units in clinical education in which students are placed in the clinical environment within their respective professional fields. The unit will provide introductory clinical awareness, develop interpersonal skills and allow the application of theory to practice. The role of a diagnostic radiographer will be integrated with the professional practice subjects.
Students will be supplied with workbooks
MRSC5027 Clinical Studies Radiography 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Andrew Kilgour Session: Semester 2 Classes: on-campus: Clinical centres, 1 hours briefing, 1 hour debriefing and whole day OCSE Prerequisites: MRSC5026 Clinical Studies Radiography 1 Assessment: OSCE (40%), Clinical supervisor final assessment (50%), RHA (10%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study is the second of four units in clinical education in which students are placed in the clinical environment. This unit will build upon student's ability to achieve competence in performing routine radiographic procedures as integrated with the professional practice subjects.
Students will be supplied with workbooks
MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Andrew Kilgour Session: Semester 1 Classes: On-campus: clinical sites Prerequisites: MRSC5027 Clinical Studies Radiography 2 Assessment: IPL Presentation (20%), Student feedback (5%), Final Exam (25%), Dept. Assessment (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
This unit of study is the third of four units in clinical education in which students are placed in the clinical environment. This unit will consolidate the student's competence in routine radiographic procedures and allow a broadening of knowledge and experience in more specialised procedures and modalities. The development of lifelong learning and professional skills are encouraged. This clinical placement is undertaken in an 'out of Sydney' clinical centre. Students participate in a series of on-campus classes, designed to enhance clinical practice.
Students will be supplied with workbooks
MRSC5029 Clinical Studies Radiography 4

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Andrew Kilgour Session: Semester 2 Classes: On-campus classes, Breifing and Debriefing of 1-2hours each. Clinical Placement Prerequisites: MRSC5028 Clinical Studies Radiography 3 Assessment: Departmental final assessment (50%), Ethics case study (40%), RHA (10%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
This is the final unit of study in clinical education in which students are placed in the clinical environment. This unit provides the student with additional exposure and practice of more complex procedures. At the completion of this unit of study students should be competent in the knowledge and skills required for practitioner entry into the diagnostic radiography profession.
Students will be supplied with workbooks
MRSC5030 Clinical Studies Nuclear Medicine 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Natalie Charlton Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2hr/wk Lectures/briefings : clinical Placement Assessment: Departmental assessment (55%), OSCE (25%), Case study (20%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study is the first of four units in clinical education in which students are placed in the clinical environment within their respective professional fields. The unit will provide introductory clinical awareness, develop interpersonal skills and allow the application of theory to practice. The role of a nuclear medicine technologist will be integrated with the professional practice subjects.
Students will be supplied with workbooks
MRSC5031 Clinical Studies Nuclear Medicine 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Natalie Charlton Session: Semester 2 Classes: on-campus: Clinical centres, 1 hours briefing, 1 hour debriefing and whole day OCSE Prerequisites: MRSC5030 Clinical Studies Nuclear Medicine 1 Assessment: Submit clinical supervisor final assessment (50%), Prac skills exam (30%), Presentation (20%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study is the second of four units in clinical education in which students are placed in the clinical environment. This unit will build upon the student's ability to achieve competence in performing routine nuclear medicine procedures as integrated with the professional practice subjects. Students will participate in a range of practitioner skills workshops in preparation for more complex procedures.
Students will be supplied with workbooks
MRSC5032 Clinical Studies Nuclear Medicine 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Natalie Charlton Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2hrs/wk Lecture On-campus: clinical sites Prerequisites: MRSC5031 Clinical Studies Nuclear Medicine 2 Assessment: Case studies (25%), Clinical Achievement manual (10%), Departmental Report (50%), Exam (15%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
This unit of study is the third of four units in clinical education in which students are placed in the clinical environment. This unit will consolidate the student's competence in routine nuclear medicine procedures and allow a broadening of knowledge and experience in more specialised procedures and modalities. The development of lifelong learning and professional skills are encouraged.
Students will be supplied with workbooks
MRSC5033 Clinical Studies Nuclear Medicine 4

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Natalie Charlton Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2hrs briefings and debriefings On-campus: clinical sites Prerequisites: MRSC5032 Clinical Studies Nuclear Medicine 3 Assessment: Clinical supervisor assessment (50%), OSCE (30%), Clinical achievement manual (20%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
This is the final unit of study in clinical education in which students are placed in the clinical environment. This unit provides the student with additional exposure and practice of more complex procedures. At the completion of this unit of study students should be competent in the knowledge and skills required for practitioner entry into the nuclear medicine profession.
Students will be supplied with workbooks
MRSC5034 Clinical Studies Radiation Therapy 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Natalie Charlton Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2hr/wk Lectures/briefings : clinical Placement Assessment: Departmental assessment (50%), SICA (10%), Exam (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study is the first of four units in clinical education in which students are placed in the clinical environment within their respective professional fields. The unit will provide introductory clinical awareness, develop interpersonal skills and allow the application of theory to practice. The role of a radiation therapist will be integrated with the professional practice subjects.
Students will be supplied with workbooks
MRSC5035 Clinical Studies Radiation Therapy 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Natalie Charlton Session: Semester 2 Classes: on-campus: Clinical centres, 1 hours briefing, 1 hour debriefing and whole day OCSE Prerequisites: MRSC5034 Clinical Studies Radiation Therapy 1 Assessment: Clinical supervisor final assessment (50%), Case study report (25%), Clinical Achievement Manual and specialty report (25%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study is the second of four units in clinical education in which students are placed in the clinical environment. This unit will build upon the student's ability to achieve competence in performing routine radiation therapy procedures as integrated with the professional practice subjects. Students will participate in a range of practitioner skills workshops in preparation for more complex procedures.
Students will be supplied with workbooks
MRSC5036 Clinical Studies Radiation Therapy 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Natalie Charlton Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2hr/wk Lectures/briefings : clinical Placement Prerequisites: MRSC5035 Clinical Studies Radiation Therapy 2 Assessment: Departmental Report (50%), Clinical Achievement manual (10%), Oral case study (25%), Exam (15%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
This unit of study is the third of four units in clinical education in which students are placed in the clinical environment. This unit will consolidate the student's competence in routine radiation therapy procedures and allow a broadening of knowledge and experience in more specialised procedures and modalities. The development of lifelong learning and professional skills are encouraged.
Students will be supplied with workbooks
MRSC5037 Clinical Studies Radiation Therapy 4

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Natalie Charlton Session: Semester 2 Classes: On-campus breifing and debriefing 1-2 hours each, clinical placement Prerequisites: MRSC5036 Clinical Studies Radiation Therapy 3 Assessment: Clinical supervisor final assessment (50%), clinical achievement manual and specialty report (20%), CT practical session: attendance P/F, practical skills exam (30%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
This is the final unit of study in clinical education in which students are placed in the clinical environment. This unit provides the student with additional exposure and practice of more complex procedures. At the completion of this unit of study students should be competent in the knowledge and skills required for practitioner entry into the radiation therapy profession.
Students will be supplied with workbooks
MRSC5038 Medical Radiation Science Radiography 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr John Ryan Session: Semester 1 Classes: On-campus: 2hr/wk lectures, directed independent work, 2hrs/wk tutorials (in selected weeks) Prerequisites: MRSC5002 Medical Radiation Science 1 Assessment: Presentation (50%), Final Exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study is the second of three units which cover the physical principles of the appropriate use of ionizing radiation and quality management in diagnostic radiography. It builds on the foundations in radiation physics established in Medical Radiation Science 1 and introduces the key topics of radiation biology/radiation protection and tomographic image reconstruction. It also forms the basis for a more detailed study of the instrumentation, calibration and quantitative methods relevant to the medical radiation sciences, which are introduced in the discipline specific topics in this unit and expanded upon in Medical Radiation Science Radiography 3.
MRSC5039 Medical Radiation Science Radiography 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Steve Meikle Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3hrs/wk lectures, directed independent work Prerequisites: MRSC5038 Medical Radiation Science Radiography 2 Assessment: Physics portfolio (25%), mid-semester exam MCQ (15%), final exam MCQ, SAQ (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study is the final of three units which consolidates the student's knowledge of radiation physics. The application of a range of digital imaging modalities and specialised procedures will be covered. Image manipulation and storage will be included. A diagnostic radiography module related to recent advances in practice will complete this unit.
MRSC5040 Medical Radiation Science Nuclear Med 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr John Ryan Session: Semester 1 Classes: On-campus: 2hrs/wk lectures, directed independent work, 2hrs/wk tutorials (in selected weeks) Prerequisites: MRSC5002 Medical Radiation Science 1 Assessment: Presentation (50%), Final Exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study is the second of three units which cover the physical principles of the appropriate use of ionizing radiation and quality management in nuclear medicine technology. It builds on the foundations in radiation physics established in Medical Radiation Science 1 and introduces the key topics of radiation biology/radiation protection and tomographic image reconstruction. It also forms the basis for a more detailed study of the instrumentation, calibration and quantitative methods relevant to the medical radiation sciences, which are introduced in the discipline specific topics in this unit and expanded upon in Medical Radiation Science Nuclear Med 3.
MRSC5041 Medical Radiation Science Nuclear Med 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Steven Meikle Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3hrs/wk lectures, directed independent work Prerequisites: MRSC5040 Medical Radiation Science Nuclear Med 2 Assessment: Mid-semester exam (15%), Essay (25%), Final exam (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study is the final of three units which consolidates the student's knowledge of radiation physics. The application of a range of digital imaging modalities and specialised procedures will be covered. Image manipulation and storage will be included. A nuclear medicine module related to recent advances in practice will complete this unit.
MRSC5042 Medical Radiation Science Rad Therapy 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr John Ryan Session: Semester 1 Classes: On-campus: 2hrs/wk lectures, directed independent work, 2hrs/wk tutorials (in selected weeks) Prerequisites: MRSC5002 Medical Radiation Science 1 Assessment: Presentation (50%), Final Exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study is the second of three units which cover the physical principles of the appropriate use of ionizing radiation and quality management in radiation therapy. It builds on the foundations in radiation physics established in Medical Radiation Science 1 and introduces the key topics of radiation biology/radiation protection and tomographic image reconstruction. It also forms the basis for a more detailed study of the instrumentation, calibration and quantitative methods relevant to the medical radiation sciences, which are introduced in the discipline specific topics in this unit and expanded upon in Medical Radiation Science Rad Therapy 3.
MRSC5043 Medical Radiation Science Rad Therapy 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Steve Meikle Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3hrs lectures/wk, directed independent work Prerequisites: MRSC5042 Medical Radiation Science Rad Therapy 2 Assessment: Physics portfolio (25%), mid-semester exam MCQ (15%), final exam MCQ, SAQ (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study is the final of three units which consolidates the students' knowledge of radiation physics. The application of a range of digital imaging modalities and specialised procedures will be covered. Image manipulation and storage will be included. A radiation therapy module related to recent advances in practice will complete this unit.
MRSC5044 Advanced MRS Practice

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr John Atyeo Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2hrs lectures, 2hrs seminars/week Prerequisites: MRSC5013 Professional Practice Radiography 3 or MRSC5022 Professional Practice Nuclear Medicine 3 or MRSC5024 Professional Practice Rad Therapy 3 Assessment: Written assignment (30%), Sonography presentation (formative), class test (30%), written assignment (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study will allow students to explore critically issues of quality management, changing technology and advanced practice in the medical radiation sciences. It builds upon the professional practice units of study and consolidates the generic attributes of graduates of the university. The focus will be on quality management in MRS and the use of sonography in the diagnosis of disease and as an aid in treatment decisions. Students will also undertake a discipline specific module, with the focus following an evidence-based practice approach.
MRSC5045 Medical Radiation Science 1 Radiography

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Patrick Brennan Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week and one 1 hour tutorial per week Prohibitions: MRSC5002 Assessment: One 1-hour exam (50%) and one 2000 wordd essay (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study, which has both common and disciplinerelated material specific to Diagnostic Radiography, introduces the student to ionizing radiation and its interactions with matter. The physical principles of the appropriate use of ionizing radiations in the medical radiation sciences including its radio-biological effects will be covered. The student will be introduced to the fundamental principles of radiation protection and equipment. Cellular biology applicable to the medical radiation sciences will be covered.
MRSC5046 Medical Radiation Sci Nuclear Medicine

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Patrick Brennan Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and one 1-hour tutorial per week Prohibitions: MRSC5002 Assessment: One 1-hour Exam (50%), one 2,000 Word Essay (50%) plus one 3-hour exam, quizzes and lab reports Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study, which has both common and disciplinerelated material specific to Nuclear Medicine, introduces the student to ionizing radiation and its interactions with matter. The physical principles of the appropriate use of ionizing radiations in the medical radiation sciences including its radio-biological effects will be covered. The student will be introduced to the fundamental principles of radiation protection and equipment. Cellular biology applicable to the medical radiation sciences will be covered.
MRSC5047 Medical Radiation Sci Radiation Therapy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Patrick Brennan Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week and one 1 hour tutorial per week Prohibitions: MRSC5002 Assessment: One 1 hour exam (50%) and one 3-hour exam, quizzes and lab reports (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study, which has both common and disciplinerelated material specific to Radiation Therapy, introduces the student to ionizing radiation and its interactions with matter. The physical principles of the appropriate use of ionizing radiations in the medical radiation sciences including its radio-biological effects will be covered. The student will be introduced to the fundamental principles of radiation protection and equipment. Cellular biology applicable to the medical radiation sciences will be covered.
MRTY5024 Current Issues in Medical Radiations

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Peter Kench Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Distance education Assessment: Continuous assessment (100%), no exam Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1
This unit of study is designed to facilitate learning through discussion of current issues of interest to practitioners working in the field of medical radiations. Journal articles which reflect topical debates will be studied. Students will be encouraged to discuss relevant articles both from their own area of practice and from other modalities within the field of medical radiations.
Essential reading supplied
MRTY5039 CT Applications

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Warren Reed Session: Semester 1 Classes: Distance education Assessment: Continuous assessment (100%), no exam Practical field work: Access to CT scanner is expected Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
This unit covers the application of CT in the clinical environment, in order for students to develop and extend the theoretical skills acquired in MRTY5040 CT Practice I and MRTY5041 CT Practice II. The main learning activity in this unit of study is a small directed research project. It is preferable that students have completed CT Practice I & II prior to undertaking CT Applications as it is designed for advanced users.
Reference lists provided throughout course material. Some journal articles included
MRTY5040 CT Practice I

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Warren Reed Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Distance education Assessment: Continuous assessment (100%), no exam Practical field work: Access to CT scanner is expected Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2
CT Practice I includes both helical (Single and Multi-slice) and conventional computed tomography. The unit of study looks briefly at the historical development and physics of CT. The variables controlled by the radiographer are discussed with particular emphasis on the effect these parameters have on the resultant scan. A thorough understanding of these effects is essential if the radiographer is to obtain optimal images when scanning. Recording of the images obtained is discussed, with the rationale for the settings used and the reconstructions routinely performed. These basic concepts lead to the development of possible protocols for the CT scans most commonly ordered. Areas covered will include brain, thorax and abdomen. The unit will look critically at the choice of parameters for these protocols and situations when the parameters may need to be varied in order to obtain optimal images. Protocols will include patient booking, preparation, contrast media, scan plans, exposure factors, image reconstruction and recording, and patient care. CT Practice I is offered in distance education mode with internet support. There will be no residentials. The student is expected to have access to a CT scanner, although not necessarily at their place of work.
Reference lists provided throughout course material. Some journal articles included
MRTY5041 CT Practice II

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Warren Reed Session: Semester 2 Classes: Distance education Assessment: Continuous assessment (100%), no exam Practical field work: Access to a CT scanner is expected Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
CT Practice II includes specialist CT examinations such as dental CT, QCT and 3-D CT applications including angiography. This unit of study does not cover CT anatomy in depth. The basic physics of these CT applications will be covered in this unit. The unit will look critically at the choice of parameters for these examinations and situations when the parameters may need to be varied in order to complete an optimal examination. Protocols for these examinations will include patient booking, preparation, contrast media, scan plans, exposure factors, image reconstruction and recording, and patient care. CT Practice II is offered in distance education mode. Content for this unit of study will be provided by professionals currently involved in specialist CT areas. Access to a CT scanner performing at least one of the specialist functions is advisable.
Resource list provided in course material. Basic journal articles supplied
MRTY5042 Digital Communications in Med Radiations

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Roger Fulton Session: Semester 1 Classes: Distance education Assessment: Continuous assessment (100%), no exam Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
This unit of study provides students with an understanding of digital image fundamentals, such as image acquisition, storage and transmission and implications on image quality and dose. Image management and the communication systems needed to facilitate patient care procedures will be examined, including PACS, DICOM, RIS, tele-radiology and record and verify systems. This unit also provides the student with the opportunity to examine computer based methods to efficiently utilise staff time and resources within a Medical Radiation Sciences department.
MRTY5043 Directed Studies A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Peter Kench Session: Semester 1 Classes: Distance education Assessment: Negotiated assessment (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
The unit allows the student, in collaboration with the University supervisor and the student's employer, to tailor the content and mode of presentation to suit the needs of the student and the workplace. For example, new technology or procedures may be introduced into the workplace, necessitating changes in the knowledge, skills and attributes of the student. The student must initially present a proposal to the PG coursework coordinator. Upon preliminary approval, a supervisor will be appointed and a firm contract will be negotiated and agreed upon by all parties prior to semester commencing to achieve the desired educational outcomes. The unit of study may comprise, for instance, a literature review covering the development and applications of a new technology, it may comprise a personal reading and study program, it may involve specific workplace experience and analysis or it may comprise a combination of these elements. It may not be possible for all students to enrol in this subject, as it depends strongly upon the provision of suitable resources and experiences in the workplace, plus cooperation and commitment from the student's employer. Students wishing to study MRTY5044 Directed Studies B must first complete Directed Studies A.
MRTY5044 Directed Studies B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Warren Reed Session: Semester 2 Classes: Distance education Prerequisites: MRTY5043 Directed Studies A Assessment: Negotiated assessment (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
The unit allows the student, in collaboration with the University supervisor and the student's employer, to tailor the content and mode of presentation to suit the needs of the student and the workplace. For example, new technology or procedures may be introduced into the workplace, necessitating changes in the knowledge, skills and attributes of the student. The student must initially present a proposal to the PG coursework coordinator. Upon preliminary approval, a supervisor will be appointed and a firm contract will be negotiated and agreed upon by all parties before semester commencing to achieve the desired educational outcomes. The unit of study may comprise, for instance, a literature review covering the development and applications of a new technology, it may comprise a personal reading and study program, it may involve specific workplace experience and analysis or it may comprise a combination of these elements. It may not be possible for all students to enrol in this subject, as it depends strongly upon the provision of suitable resources and experiences in the workplace, plus cooperation and commitment from the student's employer.
MRTY5051 MR Theory

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Roger Bourne Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Distance education Assessment: Continuous assessment (100%), no exam Practical field work: Access to MRI would assist the student to complete the assessments Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2
This unit addresses the principles of magnetic resonance imaging. The areas addressed will be the principles of NMR, image contrast, factors affecting image formation, plus pulse sequences used from Spin Echo through to current fast imaging and Echo Planar techniques. The applications of MRI in medical imaging will be addressed with the effects of signal-to-noise ratio, fat saturation, artefacts and flow effects being discussed. The biological effects and aspects of patient safety will be included in this subject. The delivery will be in distance education mode and will utilise a range of media, including printed material.
MRTY5052 MR Applications 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr John Robinson Session: Semester 1 Classes: Distance education Assessment: Continuous assessment (100%), no exam Practical field work: Access to MRI is expected Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
This unit will study the applications and protocols of MR imaging in the central nervous system. The assessment in this unit will be by submission of clinical assignments, so students will need access of one or two days per week to a MRI unit. The delivery will be in distance education mode and will utilise a range of media, including printed material and DVD.
MRTY5053 MR Applications 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr John Robinson Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Distance education Prerequisites: MRTY5051 MR Theory Assessment: Continuous assessment (100%), no exam Practical field work: Access to MRI is expected Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1
This unit will study the applications and protocols of MR imaging of the musculoskeletal system focusing on the knee, hip, wrist and shoulder joints. The assessment in this unit will be by submission of clinical assignments, so students will need access of one or two days per week to a MRI unit. The delivery will be in distance education mode and will utilise a range of media, including printed material and DVD.
MRTY5056 Patient/Practitioner Communication

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr John Atyeo Session: Semester 2 Classes: Distance education Assessment: Continuous assessment (100%), no exam Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
This unit extends the patient communication skills of the medical radiations practitioner. It aims to make the practitioner more effective at giving and receiving information when interacting with the patient. The enhancement of listening skills will be encouraged, with an emphasis on patient empowerment, support, advice and counselling. Students will be encouraged to become reflective practitioners in the area of communication, and to become active consumers and evaluators of communication in its broadest context.
No specific text recommended. Primary and secondary library sources to be accessed by student
MRTY5058 Quality Management in Medical Radiations

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Roger Fulton Session: Semester 1 Classes: Distance education Assessment: Continuous assessment (100%), no exam Practical field work: Access to a medical radiations department is expected Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Quality management has become an important part of the operation of the medical radiations department. A well-developed quality assurance program can provide confidence that the intended quality is being achieved and maintained. This unit of study presents the theory of quality management and relates it to the day-to-day operations of the medical radiations department. Examples will be presented from the fields of radiography, nuclear medicine and radiation therapy, and students will have the opportunity to design or critique their own quality management system. The unit will be presented in distance learning mode.
Essential reading is supplied
MRTY5090 Advanced Multiplanar Anatomy A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Warren Reed Session: Semester 1 Classes: Distance education Assessment: Continuous assessment (100%), no exam Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Detailed anatomy of the musculoskeletal system and vascular systems of the thorax is presented in this unit. The advantage of specific planes with respect to the demonstration of specific pathologies will be discussed. While this unit is targeted at professionals working with CT and/or MRI, it could also be directly relevant to professionals working with SPECT and those using CT and MR images in radiation therapy planning. A basic knowledge of cross-sectional anatomy is assumed. The unit will be presented in distance education format with no requirement for attendance on-campus.
MRTY5091 Advanced Multiplanar Anatomy B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr John Robinson Session: Semester 2 Classes: Distance education Assessment: Continuous assessment (100%), no exam Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Detailed anatomy of the brain is presented in this unit. The regions studied are the brain stem, cranial nerves and nuclei, cerebellum, diencephalon, cerebral hemisphere and cortex, basal ganglia, limbic system, ventricular system and the blood supply. The practical component involves interpretation of hard copy images and will be predominantly MR images. The advantage of specific planes with respect to the demonstration of specific pathologies will be discussed. While this unit is targeted at professionals working with CT and/or MRI, it could also be directly relevant to professionals working with SPECT and those using CT and MR images in radiation therapy planning. A basic knowledge of cross-sectional anatomy is assumed. The delivery will be in distance education mode and will utilise a range of media, including printed material and DVD.
MRTY5098 Radiographic Image Interpretation A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Stephen Littlefair/Dr Peter Kench Session: Semester 1 Classes: Distance education Assumed knowledge: It is recommended that MRTY5030 Advanced Radiographic Pathology be completed before taking this unit Assessment: Continuous assessment (100%), no exam Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
This unit will provide the student with image interpretation skills and knowledge of the radiological and clinical indicators which are utilised to identify pathology of the upper extremity skeleton. The unit aims at enabling the practitioner to achieve a level of competency sufficient to participate in a "red dot" system.
MRTY5099 Radiographic Image Interpretation B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Stephen Littlefair/Dr Peter Kench Session: Semester 2 Classes: Distance education Assumed knowledge: It is recommended that MRTY5098 Radiographic Image Interpretation A be completed prior to enrolling in this unit Assessment: Continuous assessment (100%), no exam Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
This unit will provide the student with image interpretation skills and knowledge of the radiological and clinical indicators which are utilised to identify pathology of the axial skeleton and abdomen. The unit aims at enabling the practitioner to achieve a level of competency sufficient to participate in a "red dot" system.
MRTY5100 Radiographic Image Interpretation C

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Stephen Littlefair/Dr Peter Kench Session: Semester 2 Classes: Distance education Assumed knowledge: It is recommended that MRTY5098 Radiographic Image Interpretation A be completed prior to enrolling in this unit Assessment: Continuous assessment (100%), no exam Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
This unit will provide the student with image interpretation skills and knowledge of the radiological and clinical indicators which are utilised to identify the more common pathology of the respiratory system. The unit aims at enabling the practitioner to achieve a level of competency sufficient to participate in a "red dot" system.
MRTY5108 Molecular Targets and Imaging Probes

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: block/intensive mode 10 days 9am-5pm, distance education mode: independent learning package with email and e-learning support. Assessment: On-line quiz and discussion (20%), class presentation (20%), 1x1.5 hr exam (60%) Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
This unit of study explores the characteristics of molecular targets and imaging probes that are required for successful molecular imaging experiments. A molecular target should: (i) detect a fundamental feature of a pathophysiological process, (ii) be validated by neuropathology, (iii) allow detection of disease early in its time course and (vi) lend itself to measurement with a biomarker that is reliable and minimally invasive. Once a molecular target for a particular disease is identified the methodology and requirements of a molecular probe suitable for imaging that target will be described. For example, in brain studies these include: (i) the imaging probe enters the brain in sufficient quantities, (ii) is stable in vivo, (iii) has moderate lipophilicity, (vi) exhibits low uptake of metabolites in brain, (v) is retained in the brain, (vi) displays high specificity and (vii) displays low non-specific binding.
On completion of this unit of study, students should be able to identify molecular targets that may be useful in studying disease processes and have a clear understanding of the properties an imaging probe should possess to enable in vivo imaging of the molecular target of interest. In addition, this unit will provide the rationale for determining whether a drug is suitable for development into an imaging probe and the isotopes and radiolabelling methodologies associated with that process.
MRTY5109 Radiotracer Based Molecular Imaging

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Block/intensive mode 10 days 9am-5pm, distance education mode: independent learning package with email and e-learning support Assessment: On-line quiz and discussion (20%), class presentation (20%), 1x1.5 hr exam (60%) Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
This unit of study explores the principles and methods that underpin two key molecular imaging techniques based on the radioactive tracer principle: single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET). Topics covered include the radioactive tracer principle, radioisotope production and decay, radiation transport in tissue, radiation detection, PET and SPECT instrumentation, tomographic reconstruction and an introduction to tracer kinetic modelling. On completion of this unit, students will have a thorough understanding of the imaging chain as it relates to PET and SPECT, starting with the emission of radiation in the body, leading to its external detection and, finally, a reconstructed image of the radioactive tracer distribution in the body. The factors affecting the accuracy and noise properties of molecular images will be explored. Students will also have an appreciation of how to use these imaging technologies to exploit the properties of the radioactive tracer principle and make estimates of important physiological parameters.
MRTY5110 Pathological Correlates of Mol. Imaging

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Block/intensive mode 10 days 9am-5pm, distance education mode: independent learning package with email and e-learning support Corequisites: MRTY5108 Molecular Targets and Imaging Probes, MRTY5109 Radiotracer Based Molecular Imaging, MRTY5111 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Fundamentals Assessment: On-line quiz and discussion (20%), ? class presentation (20%), 1x1.5 hr exam (60%) Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
Although molecular imaging techniques are non invasive and are performed in vivo (on the intact living body), it is common to take a tissue biopsy or post mortem sample for further analysis and comparison with the in vivo imaging findings. This unit of study will explore the techniques used to analyse such samples microscopically and how the pathology observed at the cellular level may be correlated with disease related changes observed in vivo through molecular imaging techniques. Topics covered include tissue preparation, staining techniques, light microscopy, autoradiography and pathological interpretation of tissue samples and in vivo images. On completion of this unit, students will have a good understanding of the key cellular processes and features measured by immunohistochemical staining techniques, autoradiography, and their in vivo counterparts in molecular imaging.
MRTY5111 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Fundamentals

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Steven Meikle Session: Semester 1 Classes: Distance education mode: independent learning package with email and e-learning support Assessment: One assignment (25%), one assignment (25%), one 2.5-hour exam (50%) and on-line tutorial and discussion (compulsory but not assessed) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Students will enrol in this unit of study at the University of Queensland as a cross-institutional student. The unit will be credited to the Master of Molecular Imaging on successful completion of this unit of study at UQ.
This unit of study explores the principles and methods that underpin Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), a key molecular imaging technique. Topics covered include Physical principles of nuclear magnetic resonance (MR), underlying mechanisms of relaxation in MR & descriptions of the way in which pulse sequences are able to exploit relaxation to produce contrast. On completion of this unit, students will have a thorough understanding of the MRI methodology, and the molecular basis for endogenous contrast. The use of contrast agents to modify image contrast and target particular molecular features will be introduced. The factors affecting the accuracy and potential sources of artefact in MRI images will be explored.
Multimedia resource CD provided by UQ
MRTY5112 Molecular Imaging Advanced

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Steven Meikle Session: Semester 2 Classes: Block/Intensive mode 10 days Monday-Friday 9-5. Distance education mode: independent learning package with email and e-learning support Prerequisites: MRTY5108 Molecular Targets and Imaging Probes, MRTY5109 Radiotracer Based Molecular Imaging, MRTY5110 Pathological Correlates of Molecular Imaging, MRTY5111 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Fundamentas Assessment: On-line quiz and discussion (20%), class presentation (20%) and one 1.5-hour exam (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
This unit of study will build on the knowledge gained in the core units of study in semester 1. It will explore molecular imaging technology in more depth and discuss realistic scenarios as they are encountered in research. Topics for discussion include the choices researchers make about suitable biological targets, radiopharmaceuticals, subjects (animal models and patient populations), molecular imaging instruments, experimental protocols and computational algorithms. Students will learn how to extract more useful information from the molecular imaging study through the use of pharmacological models and advanced methods of analysis. On completion of this unit, students will have the requisite knowledge and skills to join a multidisciplinary research team and make contributions to the experimental design and execution of a molecular imaging study.
MRTY5113 Research Project

Credit points: 18 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Steven Meikle Session: Semester 2 Classes: Block/Intensive mode 10 weeks, Monday-Friday 9-5. Distance education mode: independent learning package with email and e-learning support Prerequisites: MRTY5108 Molecular Targets and Imaging Probes, MRTY5109 Radiotracer Based Molecular Imaging, MRTY5110 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Fundamentals, MRTY5111 Pathological Correlates of Molecular Imaging Assessment: Research presentation (40%) and thesis (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
Molecular Imaging is a technology driven field which is continually evolving as new technologies emerge giving rise to new applications. In this unit, you will undertake a research project that requires you to use the knowledge and skills gained throughout the course to solve a real problem aligned with your disciplinary area and interests. You will choose from a list of topics and undertake the design and preparatory phase of the project by distance learning with support from your supervisor. The data collection phase will take place in the research facilities of the partner Universities during an on campus block of up to 10 weeks.
On completion of this unit, students will have gained research skills and acquired some practical experience of formulating a problem, designing a study using the most appropriate methodology, acquiring and analysing data and drawing conclusions. Thus, the research project together with the coursework you have completed throughout this program will provide an ideal preparation for those who choose to go on to PhD research.
NURS5002 Social Contexts of Health

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Thirteen 2 hour lectures and five 2 hour tutorials Assessment: 2500w essay (40%) and group presentation (10%) and exam (50%) Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Ideas and beliefs about health, illness and care are intrinsically connected to particular social and historical contexts. This unit of study explores a range of such ideas and beliefs that are relevant within Australia today. A focus on social, cultural and philosophical theories of embodiment will help students to understand how proper relations to bodily products are a part of ordering of society and relevant for critical analyses of beliefs and ideas about health, illness, wellbeing and care. A major component of this unit is Indigenous Australian people's health and history, including their understandings of health and wellbeing. The unit also explores theories about health, illness and care from western and non-western perspectives. Drawing on such theories, a major component of the unit is a critical analysis of the relationships between social factors (for example ethnicity, gender, class, employment) and patterns of health and illness across the lifespan in contemporary Australia.
NURS5006 Illness Experience and Nursing Care

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: thirteen 1.5 hour lectures, thirteen 1.5 hour tutorials and clinical placements Assessment: 2hr exam (35%), research project (40%), communication skills assessment (25%), and satisfactory clinical performance Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The ways in which individual people subjectively experience illness and care, particularly nursing care, is the focus of this unit of study. The unit firstly examines theories that inform understandings of what it means to be human, including theories of early childhood development. The unit also introduces students to qualitative research methodologies that are used to explore illness experiences. Many different illness experiences are then examined. Attention is drawn to such factors as emotions arising in illness, issues of self identity, embodiment, and social attitudes to illness and disability. With this knowledge about illness experiences in mind, the nurse-patient relationship is then critically examined. From within a communication-based framework, students focus on ideas about therapeutic listening and use of self as well as the concept of knowledge transfer as it is relevant to nurse-patient interactions. Students also engage with contemporary debates about the nature of nurse-patient interactions and relationships today and explore the ways in which these might vary in different health care settings, and with people from different cultural backgrounds, including Indigenous people.
NURS5081 Introduction to Nursing Practice

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures per week, one 1 hour tutorial per week, two 2 hour laboratory per week, clinical placements Assessment: essay (30%) and exam (40%) and diary (15%) and simulation/portfolio (15%) and completion of OH&S quiz and satisfactory clinical performance appraisal Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study provides an opportunity for students to develop an understanding of professional nursing; "what it is and what it is not" (Nightingale, 1859) and to observe and explore the roles and relationships among nurses, patients and other health professionals in a practice setting. This unit of study will introduce physical assessment, occupational health and safety and will equip nursing students to develop a "toolkit" of fundamental nursing practice strategies and "craft" skills. This will include a focus on working with patients across the lifespan and within different cultural groups. Students will be introduced to the cycle of clinical judgement and patterns of knowing that underpin nursing practice.
NURS5082 Developing Nursing Practice

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Thirteen 2 hours lectures, twelve 2 hour laboratory, six 2 hour tutorials and clinical placements Corequisites: NURS5081 Assessment: essay (30%) and exam (40%) and diary (15%) and clinical performance appraisal (15%) and satisfactory clinical performance Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study complements Introduction to Nursing Practice and further develops the understanding of the exercise of clinical judgement in practice and the role of nursing in assisting those experiencing hospitalisation. Such assistance includes but is not limited to: maintenance of appropriate fluid status, infection control, oral medications, effective levels of oxygenation and pain relief. This knowledge will be extended to incorporate the experience of caring for patients when the body fails to function as expected, particularly where surgery is required. This unit of study will further develop skills in physical assessment, communication, and documentation.
NURS5083 Human Bioscience in Health

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures per week (3 lectures in weeks 1 and 11). One 3 hour practical class and 6-9 hours HBOnline work every two weeks covering online practical activities, prework and homework. Prohibitions: BIOL1003 Assessment: 2xtests (2x10%) and final exam (60%) and written scientific report (10%) and workshop (10%) Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study will examine various biological processes to assist students in developing their understanding of human cellular structure and function and the contribution this makes to body functions in health. The major body systems and following physiological concepts will be addressed within the context of neuro-hormonal regulation, and the body's maintenance of a general state of homeostasis: Oxygenation, metabolism, elimination, movement, pH & fluid-electrolyte balance, immunity & reproduction.
NURS5084 Nursing the Acutely Ill Person

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: thirteen 2 hour lectures, thirteen 2 hour labs, six 2 hour tutorials, and clinical placements Prerequisites: NURS5082 or NURS5004 Assessment: 2500wd essay (40%) and 2hr exam (50%) and clinical appraisal (10%) and satisfactory medical administration assessment and satisfactory clinical performance Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study complements Illness Experience and Nursing Care, focusing on the responses of individuals and others to disruption to health. Here the focus is particularly on the commonly occurring conditions which are often chronic but which may exhibit acute phases. Such conditions may include: asthma, cardiac disease, diabetes, renal failure. A life span approach will be in evidence throughout as these diseases manifest and are treated differently as they occur at different life stages. In this unit of study students will further develop comprehensive health assessment skills and their understandings of accurate medication administration.
NURS5085 Mental Health Nursing Practice

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: thirteen 2 hour lectures, thirteen 2 hour tutorials, two 2.5 hour workshops and clinical placements Corequisites: NURS5084 Assessment: case study presentation (50%) and 3hr exam (50%) and satisfactory clinical performance Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study is based on the principle that mental health knowledge and skills are essential for all nurses. Students are introduced to constructs of mental health and wellbeing and mental illness and the role of the nurse in promoting mental health, preventing mental illness and minimising the negative effects of the latter for individuals, their family/carers and the community. Consumer and carer perspectives will inform students' understandings of mental health problems as experienced by children, young people and adults, including older persons, of varying cultural and gender backgrounds. These problems are explored in view of the latest evidence for risk/protective factors, symptomatology, nursing care, and psychotherapeutic and physical treatment approaches. Co-morbidities, including substance use and physical health conditions, will also be explored. The nurse's effective use of self and the therapeutic nurse/client interpersonal relationship as core mental health nursing skills are addressed from both a theoretical and practical perspective. Students will develop and consolidate key mental health assessment and clinical skills including foundation counselling skills. The care continuum in mental health, and the scope of nursing practice in a range of mental health and ethico-legal contexts are addressed with the overall aim of generating nursing care that supports effective outcomes for mental health consumers and their family/carers.
NURS6001 Nursing Observations and Bio Parameters

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Eleven 2 hour lectures Prerequisites: NURS5001 and NURS5002 and NURS5003 and NURS5004 and NURS5005 and NURS5006 and NURS5007 and NURS5008 Assessment: mini-poster (10%) and 3000wd essay (40%) and 3hr exam (50%) Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Teaching for this unit of study starts in February before the commencement of the semester. Students will be notified of specific dates during second semester in the year prior.
Intelligent observation and monitoring of patients' progress characterises that aspect of nursing that has often been referred to as the 'art of nursing'. Technology enhances, complements, and increases the complexity of nurses' practices in observing and monitoring and can itself become the focus of practice without the development of embodied clinical expertise. This unit of study allows the students to develop an understanding of the scientific basis of nursing observations by establishing links to the physiological concepts that support the methodology used in observation and monitoring of people across the life span in nursing practice; and it also provides a basis for understanding how more sophisticated clinical capabilities, such as pattern recognition, develop with experience and mindful attention to clinical matters. The development of these clinical capabilities is assisted through examining the wider nursing spectrum of knowledge underpinning observation and monitoring in order to facilitate patient care, the development of effective nursing practices, and the generation of nursing knowledge.
NURS6002 Maternity, Child & Adolescent Nursing I

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Eleven 2 hour lectures, eleven 2 hour tutorials and clinical placements Prerequisites: NURS5001 and NURS5002 and NURS5003 and NURS5004 and NURS5005 and NURS5006 and NURS5007 and NURS5008 Assessment: 2000wd literature review (20%) and 2500wd report (30%) and 2hr exam (50%) and satisfactory clinical performance Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Teaching for this unit of study starts in February before the commencement of the semester. Students will be notified of specific dates during second semester in the year prior.
The family will provide the central organising frame through which conception, normal pregnancy, childbirth, early parenting, childhood and adolescence will be examined within this unit of study. Utilising a developmental life stage approach, issues and current nursing/midwifery research and practice related to preconception, pregnancy, childbirth, care of the newborn through to adolescence will be discussed and analysed. The great diversity of family structures and life in modern Australia will be addressed to enable students to understand the role of the nurse in assisting families during life transitions such as becoming parents. Normal childhood and adolescent developmental stages will be addressed in order to provide a frame of reference for recognising deviations and the potential for disruption to the health and wellbeing of the individual and their family. Disruptions to health that may require hospitalisation, and the subsequent impact on the individual (newborn, child and/or adolescent) and their family will be examined within the unit of study. The unit of study will take account of, and address the particular aspects related to the provision of care for Indigenous people and those from different cultures.
NURS6004 Nursing and the Politics of Health Care

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Six 2 hour lectures and four 2 hour tutorials Assessment: 3000wd essay (45%) and 3hr exam (45%) and tutorial presentation activity (10%) Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Teaching for this unit of study starts in February before the commencement of the semester. Students will be notified of specific dates during second semester in the year prior.
This unit of study critically analyses the Australian health-care system, with an emphasis on its structure, funding arrangements, and the ways in which it is influenced by contemporary ideologies and economic and political factors. The unit focuses on current political issues and debates (including those concerning nursing) and the ways in which these affect health policy and the delivery of care in Australia and elsewhere, as well as on issues of access and equity and resource allocation. The Australian health care system is compared with other OECD country systems to help students to think critically about the effectiveness of the Australian system in global terms.
NURS6008 Inquiry and Research in Nursing

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Nine 2 hour lectures Assessment: 3hr exam (35%) and group tutorial presentation (10%) and online quiz (10%) and 3000wd essay (45%) Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Teaching for this unit of study starts in February before the commencement of the semester. Students will be notified of specific dates during second semester in the year prior.
This unit of study will extend students' ability to utilise research in their nursing practice and understand research approaches that have proved successful for improving nursing practice(s) and patient care. Students will develop skills and knowledge appropriate to working in a research-informed manner, identifying areas where research could enhance practice and generate knowledge, and using this in their professional role in assessing research relevant to their professional practice. This unit of study will provide students with the tools to appreciate the process of inquiry, and the methods used to construct nursing knowledge and provide evidence for practice. The ability to differentiate between these various modes of inquiry and the appropriateness of their use in the investigation of nursing practice will be developed.
Students will have the opportunity to critique the contribution of research to informing nursing practice and healthcare. Throughout the unit students will gain knowledge and experience of literature reviews, critiquing studies, research ethics and governance, and the factors that guide the development of a research project.
NURS6018 Care and Chronic Conditions

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: six two hour lectures and six two hour labs and clinical placements Prerequisites: NURS5084, NURS5085, NURS5081 Assessment: 3000wd essay (45%) and exam (40%) and clinical performance appraisal (15%) and satisfactory clinical performance Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study addresses nursing practices designed to meet the needs of individuals and families who are either living with long-term health conditions or terminal illness. A lifespan approach, childhood to old age, will provide an overview. An emphasis is placed on an holistic approach to nursing care irrespective of setting. Continuity of care provision between hospital and community is emphasised using a case management model of care. The dynamics of self management for persons living with chronic conditions will be highlighted.
Common chronic conditions in the Australian population will be identified together with their lifestyle and biomedical risk factors. Mental health issues will be addressed where appropriate, and chronic pain, its impact and management will be discussed as many chronic conditions have pain as a component. Co-morbidities, particularly within the care of elderly persons, will be explored. The importance of community engagement in addressing issues associated with chronic conditions in Indigenous communities will be studied. Palliative nursing skills will be a focus, including symptom management and psychosocial care which facilitate a peaceful death.
NURS6019 High Acuity Nursing

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: six two hour lectures and six two hour labs and clinical placements Prerequisites: NURS5084, NURS5081 Assessment: 3hr exam (30%) and 2500wd essay (35%) and eLearning assessment (15%) and clinical performance appraisal (20%) and satisfactory clinical performance Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study primarily addresses nursing practices and interventions designed to meet the needs of seriously or critically ill people being nursed in high acuity settings. It explores the high acuity environment and the technological monitoring devices that can be used to assist in the management of these acutely ill patients. It builds on knowledge and capabilities developed in Nursing the Acutely Ill Person.
The unit explores (through the use of case studies) acute life threatening health problems such as interruptions to circulation, neurological functioning and respiratory function. In this context, specific clinical situations will be explored, such as the emergency presentation of a woman experiencing potentially life threatening complications of pregnancy and the rapid deterioration of the adult, elderly adult, Indigenous or paediatric patient. An important component of this unit of study is the understanding of nursing assessment and management required when caring for patients with rapidly changing clinical conditions.
NURS6022 Community Health Nursing

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: eight two hour lectures and eight two hour tutorials and clinical placements Prerequisites: NURS6018 and NURS6019 Assessment: 3hr exam (40%) and essay (40%) and clinical assessment task (20%) and group presentation and satisfactory clinical performance Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study examines the major concepts and principles of community health nursing including self care, continuity of care, primary health care, health promotion/illness prevention, community assessment, family assessment, and home care. Increasingly complex and chronic health conditions are being managed in the community. Approaches to the provision of nursing care for people of all ages with acute, chronic, or life threatening illness in settings where they live will be critiqued. Particular attention is given to the home visit process: its therapeutic nature, communication skills and safety issues. The nurse's role in health promotion and disease prevention within a developmental life stage approach will be explored with special consideration given to children and adolescents.
Epidemiological concepts and methodologies integral to community health nursing are explored. Students undertake a community assessment using a 'community profile' approach. This approach will be extended to explore and plan for the health needs of communities who experience health disparities including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people living with physical, intellectual or psychiatric disabilities, minority cultural groups, and the homeless. Community clinical placements afford students the opportunity to consolidate and integrate theoretical knowledge and community nursing practice.
NURS6023 Professional Practice of Nursing

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Eight 2 hour lectures and eight 2 hour tutorials and two study days Assessment: 2000wd essay (35%) and 3000wd essay (45%) and presentation (20%) Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study examines key relevant parts of the four elements of the regulation of health care professionals, using nursing as the example. The four elements are: 1. Registration; including continuing competence and professional portfolios, life-long learning and currency and recency of practice 2. Education; including accreditation of programs 3. Professional standards; including codes of professional conduct and ethics, standards for registered nurses, enrolled nurses, midwives and nurse practitioners, professional boundaries, legal frameworks for practice and decision making frameworks; and 4. Professional competence; including conduct, health and performance.
The unit will explore the key elements of this framework in relation to the professional practice of nurses and will enable the student to understand their legal and ethical framework for professional practice and the regulatory environment they will enter upon registration. The unit will focus particularly on providing a helpful frame of reference for the student that will give them the confidence to practise within a professional framework and the resources to access should professional issues arise. This unit is also designed to assist students prepare for making the transition into the workforce.
NURS6024 Global Health and Nursing

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour lecture/week and one 2 hour tutorial/week Prerequisites: NURS5002 Assessment: essay (50%) and exam (50%) and completion of learning journal Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study explores the emerging role of nurses as global citizens and the role of the profession in its global context. The ways in which individual and local nursing activities may impact on global health and sustainability will be explored through examination of some of the current debates. Analyses of demographic trends surrounding newly emerging and re-emerging major physical and mental health issues will be examined. The unit will also focus on the integration of non-western and western approaches to providing care, the related issue of knowledge translation in developing countries, and international nurse migration patterns and associated ethical issues.
Students will be encouraged to think critically about the way forward for nursing as a profession through an examination of past and current interventions such as Human Rights, Primary Health Care and Millennium Development Goals, along with a focus on the organisations tasked with the responsibility of implementation such as UN, WHO, UNESCO and UNDP together with the Nursing and Midwifery international organisations such as ICN and ICM. Concepts and initiatives that have proven effective in achieving more sustainable outcomes such as health promoting settings and global health reform will be explored as possible strategies for achieving sustainability.
NURS6025 Nursing Practice (Mental Health Option)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: eight two hour lectures and eight two hour tutorials and clinical placements Prerequisites: NURS6018 and NURS6019 and NURS5085 Assessment: 3hr exam (40%) and 3000wd project (45%) and therapeutic skills assessment (15%) and satisfactory clinical performance Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study provides an opportunity for students to extend and develop their understandings of mental health problems and practices and explore a range of complex mental health issues in further depth. The needs of special populations are a particular focus. These include perinatal mental health, infant, child and adolescent mental health issues, mental health issues affecting the older person, and the mental health of incarcerated and displaced persons. The relationship between trauma and mental health and the impact of violence and trauma on mental health is also explored.
Therapeutic and complementary/alternative approaches to mental health are an associated focus and students will have the opportunity to extend their understandings of specific approaches in respect to individual and group implementation. The unit also assists in preparing students for an extended clinical placement in mental health in the final semester of the program.
NURS6026 Nursing Practice (Paediatric Option)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: eight two hour lectures and eight two hour tutorials and clinical placements Prerequisites: NURS6018 and NURS6019 Assessment: 3hr exam (45%) and 2000wd essay (35%) and 1000wd case study presentation (20%) and satisfactory clinical performance Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study will examine the integration of theoretical and clinical components of nursing knowledge to enable the provision of care to children and adolescents. Building on all of the units previously undertaken, the responses of children and adolescents and their families to disruptions to health will be explored. Using those illnesses commonly found in our community, the experiences of illness and how these illnesses impact on children, adolescents, families and communities will be examined. The family, however defined, will remain as the central organising frame through which parenting, childhood and adolescence will be further examined, and a developmental life stage approach will be maintained. This unit of study will include accident prevention and actions to enhance health. Throughout this unit of study cultural and Indigenous health practices and their potential implications for the care provided in these situations will be considered.
NURS6027 Nursing Practice (High Acuity Option)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: eight two hour lectures and eight two hour tutorials and clinical placements Prerequisites: NURS6018 and NURS6019 Assessment: 3hr exam (40%) and 2000wd essay (35%) and 1000wd case study presentation (25%) and satisfactory clinical performance Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study provides the opportunity for students to examine the theoretical and professional aspects of critical care nursing practice. The unit will build from the work of High Acuity Nursing to specifically focus on nursing practices for patients with an increased dependence on nursing support in a critical care environment. This unit will foster the development of specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable students to understand the needs of critically ill patients. The legal and ethical constraints and frameworks in which critical care nursing practice is conducted will be explored. A period of clinical education within an appropriate critical care setting is also included, for example, intensive care, high dependency or coronary care units and emergency.
NURS6028 Nursing Practice (Clinical Nursing Opt)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: eight two hour lectures and eight two hour tutorials and clinical placements Prerequisites: NURS5084 and NURS6018 Assessment: 3hr exam (35%) and 2000wd essay (35%) and presentation (15%) and journal/portfolio (15%) and satisfactory clinical performance Campus: Mallett Street Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit provides students with an opportunity to consolidate prior learning, and expand their knowledge base and nursing practice expertise within areas fundamental to nursing across a variety of health care settings. Attention will be directed to areas of nursing practice such as aged care, palliative care, and the adult person experiencing surgery or medical illness. The framework of the nursing practice thinking cycle will be used to guide the teaching and learning strategies, while each phase of the cycle will be addressed in detail as related to specific contexts in a range of clinical settings. Elements of care may include patient education, pain management, models of care, discharge planning, quality use of medications, consumer advocacy, obtaining informed consent, and other interventions to restore or maintain patients' /clients' physical and psychosocial health.
OCCP5070 Selected Topic

This unit of study is not available in 2011

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Lindy Clemson Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Independent learning: block mode or contract arrangement with supervisor Assessment: Assignments Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: The focus of this unit may change from year to year. See Discipline website for unit of study listings and additional details
This unit of study is designed to provide the student with the knowledge and skills necessary to upgrade or expand their clinical expertise in an identified area of practice. The unit of study permits students to undertake approved courses of study off-campus. Enrolment in this unit of study will be contingent on the student being accepted for the course of study and meeting all costs, providing documentation on the course of study prior to enrolment so that the School can determine whether or not to approve such an enrolment and on the students documented completion of the course. This unit of study is coordinated by the graduate adviser who will consider enrolment in this unit of study on a case-by-case basis.
OCCP5136 Dissertation

This unit of study is not available in 2011

Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Lindy Clemson Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Distance education/flexible delivery Assumed knowledge: Normally student doing OCCP5136 Dissertation has already completed 48 credit points Assessment: 12,000 word dissertation Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The honours dissertation is an extra 12 credit points unit of study in addition to the 48 credit points required to complete the Master of Health Science (Occupational Therapy) course. It is recommended that students who are qualified to do honours and have decided to do so should start developing their literature review within an inquiry topic/inquiry project unit of study during the semester prior to the honours semester which then leads on to the development of an honours dissertation in the honours year. It is stipulated in the Discipline's master's coursework document that the honours dissertation is an opportunity to understand an advanced investigation in a topic or issue through the development of either a proposal for independent research on that topic or a substantial paper that demonstrates the application of scholarly literature to a practical problem.
OCCP5143 Driving Assessment and Training A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Anita Bundy Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Intensive block mode, on-campus (2 weeks full-time, 9am to 5pm) Corequisites: OCCP5144 Driving Assessment and Training B Assumed knowledge: This unit of study is available only to qualified occupational therapists with a minimum of two years experience. Less than two years experience requires permission of the coordinator. Assessment: 4 assignments (4x25%). Participants must pass or receive a passing mark for all pieces of assessment. Students can apply to be given an opportunity to resubmit any pieces of work that are not of passing standard Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: This unit of study must be taken concurrently with OCCP5144 Driving Assessment and Training B and are conducted in the same two week block. Please check website for the dates of the block mode
These units of study are designed to provide the participant with the knowledge and skills necessary to complete comprehensive driving assessments and to design appropriate rehabilitation programs for clients with a variety of disabilities. Learning experiences include formal lectures, a variety of practicums (several with clients with disabilities), problem solving tutorials and student reading on: biomechanical, sensorimotor, cognitive and psychosocial aspects of driving, defensive driving techniques, roadcraft theory and application, vehicle prescription, modification prescription, off-road and on-road assessment methodology, design of driver rehabilitation programs, medico-legal issues and licensing policy and procedures. Successful completion of this course will qualify occupational therapists to be registered with the appropriate state licensing authorities as registered driving assessors. OCCP5143 Driving Assessment and Training A and OCCP5144 Driving Assessment and Training B must both be taken concurrently and are conducted in the same two week block.
List of references will be supplied
OCCP5144 Driving Assessment and Training B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Anita Bundy Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Intensive block mode, on-campus (2 weeks full-time, 9am to 5pm) Corequisites: OCCP5143 Driving Assessment and Training A Assumed knowledge: This unit of study is available only to qualified occupational therapists with a minimum of two years experience. Less than two years experience requires permission of the coordinator. Assessment: 7 assignments: assessment of client and report (58%) and 6 post-course reports (42%). Participants must pass or receive a passing mark for all pieces of assessment. Students can apply to be given an opportunity to resubmit any pieces of work that are not of passing standard Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: This unit of study must be taken concurrently with OCCP5143 Driving Assessment and Training A and are conducted in the same two week block. Please check website for the dates of the block mode
These units of study are designed to provide the participant with the knowledge and skills necessary to complete comprehensive driving assessments and to design appropriate rehabilitation programs for clients with a variety of disabilities. Learning experiences include formal lectures, a variety of practicums (several with clients with disabilities), problem solving tutorials and student reading on: biomechanical, sensorimotor, cognitive and psychosocial aspects of driving, defensive driving techniques, roadcraft theory and application, vehicle prescription, modification prescription, off-road and on-road assessment methodology, design of driver rehabilitation programs, medico-legal issues and licensing policy and procedures. Successful completion of this course will qualify occupational therapists to be registered with the appropriate state licensing authorities as registered driving assessors. OCCP5143 Driving Assessment and Training A and OCCP5144 Driving Assessment and Training B must both be taken concurrently and are conducted in the same two week block.
List of references will be supplied
OCCP5145 Research Elective Independent Study

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Lindy Clemson Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Independent learning Assumed knowledge: BACH1143 Designing Health Research, BACH1145 Quantitative Health and Social Research, BACH1147 Qualitative Health and Social Research, or equivalent Assessment: 6000 word assignment (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit will function as an independent study program. As with other research elective units, it allows students to pursue an area of study related to the development of knowledge and skills in a specific area of research methodology in preparation for their research thesis. Students will enrol in this unit if the research methods they wish to study are not covered to the extent required in other research electives.
Course notes and readings provided dependent on the research methodology used
OCCP5185 Selected Topic

This unit of study is not available in 2011

Credit points: 3 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Lindy Clemson Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Flexible mode Assessment: Assignments Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study is designed to provide the student with the knowledge and skills necessary to upgrade or expand their clinical expertise in an identified area of practice. The unit of study permits students to undertake approved courses of study off-campus. Enrolment in this unit of study will be contingent on the student being accepted for the course of study and meeting all costs, providing documentation on the course of study prior to enrolment so that the Discipline can determine whether or not to approve such an enrolment and on the students documented completion of the course. This unit of study is coordinated by the graduate adviser who will consider enrolment in this unit of study on a case-by-case basis.
OCCP5187 Falls Prevention With Older People

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Lindy Clemson Session: Semester 1 Classes: Distance education, web-based module Assessment: Contribution to web-based discussions (40%), 4000 word assignment (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: On-line
Note: Available to MOT students
This subject is designed to explore in depth the evidence base for interventions related to intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors for falls in older people. The content will be multifactorial. The unit will also provide an orientation to the conceptual framework and models that underpin falls prevention practice, with an emphasis on community contexts. The written assignment will provide an opportunity to explore and apply relevant theory to a chosen intervention and context in falls prevention.
Clemson L and Swann M, Stepping On: Building Confidence and Reducing Falls. A Community Based Program for Older People (2nd ed), The University of Sydney, Camperdown (2008)
OCCP5207 Assessing Evidence for OT Practice

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr. Lynette Mackenzie Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1hr lecture, 2hr tutorial/week for 13 weeks Corequisites: OCCP5237 Introduction to OT Theory and Practice or OCCP5211 Assessment: Learning activities (20%); Report (30%); In class presentation (10%); Final examination 2 hr (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Knowing how to locate, understand and use evidence in occupational therapy practice is an essential skill for all practitioners functioning in interdisciplinary teams. It is also essential in for practitioners to take their place as responsible members of local, national, international and professional communities of practice. In this unit of study, students will learn how to engage in research and inquiry through the critique of evidence relevant to occupational therapy practice. Students will have the opportunity to explore an area of interest, through the examination of evidence they locate and critique with regard to clinically relevant questions.
OCCP5208 Biomechanical & Sensorimotor Strategies

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Judy Ranka Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1hr lecture/wk, 2hrs Practicum/wk Prerequisites: Musculo-skeletal anatomy knowledge Assessment: Practical report (group work) (40%), Examination (40%), Portfolio (20%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Students will learn to implement and evaluate relevant, credible and effective occupational therapy interventions from different theoretical perspectives for clients with limitations due to disorders of biomechanical, sensorimotor and energy metabolism deficits. They will learn to clearly articulate the rationale for their choices. This will include the process of goal setting with clients, considering a range of interventions drawing on their ability to analyse and adapt activities, selecting an intervention based on client priorities and implementing the interventions. A wide variety of possible intervention strategies for these clients groups will be considered in this unit. Interventions appropriate for clients across the lifespan will be included.
OCCP5217 OT Assessment and Planning

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lynette Mackenzie Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1hr lectures/wk, 2hrs tutorials/wk Assumed knowledge: English and computing skills Assessment: Occupational interview (30%); In class presentation of group case studies (3x10%); Final examination 2 hr (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Students will learn to determine and plan relevant occupational therapy strategies to address OT relevant needs of individuals. Students will learn to identify client problems as the clients see them and from different theoretical perspectives. Students will acquire the skills necessary to interview clients, assess their abilities and limitations in performing the daily activities which are appropriate to client roles, determine the extent of the mismatch between what clients would like to do and what they can do. Students will learn to identify problems with a range of clients with the focus being consumer (client) perspectives of problems. Students will learn to determine the appropriateness of, and select from a variety of assessment methods including interviews, clinical observation, standardised and non-standardised assessments and environmental evaluations. They will learn to clearly articulate the conceptual foundation and rationale for their choices.
OCCP5218 OT in Home and Community Environments

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lynette Mackenzie Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1hr lecture/wk, 2hrs Seminar/wk Prerequisites: Musculo-skeletal anatomy knowledge Corequisites: OCCP5208 Biomechanical & Sensorimotor Strategies Assessment: Viva (Compulsory Pass) (20%), Access Audit (40%), Environmental Modification (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit introduces students to the home and community environments, including the physical, psychosocial and sociocultural components, in which clients perform occupations. These may include the home, neighbourhood shopping centre, community leisure facility, and residential accommodation such as nursing homes and retirement villages. Students will learn to assess the impact of these environments on clients' occupations, analyse activities conducted in these environments and recommend appropriate adaptations and modifications. In addition, students will learn about their own environments of practice as they impact on their work. These include team work practice and the politics of home, health and community settings. Students will learn appropriate presentation skills to document home and community environment assessments and recommendations including written reports and verbal presentations.
OCCP5219 OT in School and Work Environments

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lynette Mackenzie Session: Semester 2b Classes: 3hrs Lectures-Tutorials/wk (School x 8 weeks), 3 hours Lectures - Tutorials/wk (Work x 8 weeks) Prerequisites: OCCP5217 OT Assessment and Planning Assessment: Group presentation and report (20%), Intervention Plan (30%), Workplace Assessment Report (20%), Functional Assessment Report (30%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit is divided into material related to work and school environments. The work unit introduces students to the paid and unpaid work environments including the physical, psychosocial and sociocultural components in which clients perform occupations. Students will learn to assess the impact of these environments on clients' occupations and recommend appropriate adaptions and modifications. In addition, students will learn about their own environments of practice and the politics of health and work settings. The school unit introduces students to the occupation of children and students in school settings, reviewing the physical, psychosocial and sociocultural components in which they perform occupations. Students will learn to assess the needs of children and students in schools and to consider the intervention approaches necessary to facilitate learning in schools. Students will become familiar with assessments that are conducted in these environments and recommend appropriate adaptions and modifications. In addition, students will learn about their own environments of practice as they impact on their work. These include teamwork practice and the culture of school settings.
OCCP5222 Psychosocial and Cognitive Strategies

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lynette Mackenzie Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1hr lecture, 2hr tutorial/week for 13 weeks Prerequisites: OCCP5217 OT Assessment and Planning Assessment: Psychosocial: written report (25%), Group Leader Project (presentation and report) (12.5%) Assignment (12.5%). Cognitive: Case Study Assignment (30%), Presentation (15%), eLearning Tasks (5%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Students will learn to implement and evaluate relevant, credible and effective occupational therapy interventions from different theoretical perspectives for clients with limitations due to disorders of cognitive and psychosocial deficits. They will learn to clearly articulate the rationale for their choices. This will include the process of goal setting with clients, considering a range of interventions drawing on their ability to analyse and adapt activities, selecting an intervention based on client priorities and implementing the interventions. A wide variety of possible intervention strategies for these clients groups will be considered in this unit. Interventions appropriate for clients across the lifespan will be included.
OCCP5228 Person - Environment - Occupation

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lynette Mackenzie Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hrs Lecture/wk, 2 hrs Tutorial/Seminar/wk Prerequisites: OCCP5208 Biomechanical & Sensorimotor Strategies, OCCP5218 OT in Home & Community Environments, OCCP5219 OT in School & Work Environments Assessment: PEO Model (3x10%); Group poster (20%); Individual assignment (30%); Group presentation (20%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
In this unit students will further their skills in problem identification, assessment, activity analysis and intervention working within varying client and OT contexts, including 1) across the lifespan from childhood to middle age and older adults in individual, family, group and population contexts, 2) indigenous health, and 3) international health. This will include but not be limited to emerging areas of OT practice and roles. Students will be encouraged to look beyond immediate tasks and contexts to see the bigger picture, trends, needs and opportunities in the workplace, profession and broader community of practice. Students will integrate theory and practice learnt in previous units of study, to apply to groups and communities as the primary target groups.
OCCP5231 Client-Centred Assessment in OT

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Meryl Lovarini Session: Semester 2 Classes: Block/intensive mode 5 days, followed by independent learning Assessment: Case study project (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit focuses on the OT assessment process, incorporating principles of client-centred practice and current research evidence to enable occupational therapists to assess a client's participation in daily life activities from a client-centred perspective. The knowledge and skills to interview clients; appraise the validity of standardised assessments and use/interpret them appropriately; identify and set client-centred goals; formulate intervention plans; and document from a client-centred perspective constitute the main focus. Issues surrounding client-centred assessment and the practical means to resolve them also will be explored.
Course manual
OCCP5233 Child & Adolescent Mental Health in OT

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Reinie Cordier Session: Semester 1 Classes: Block mode: 5 days, 9am-5pm Assumed knowledge: Knowledge of child and adolescent development Assessment: 6000 word essay (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Child and adolescent mental health is an emerging field within occupational therapy. Particularly within the context of Australia, the valuable skills of occupational therapists are greatly under-utilised within child and adolescent mental health settings. Furthermore, for many paediatric occupational therapists, more emphasis is needed in addressing the mental health needs of the children and young people we work with. This unit of study will look at all the mental health conditions commonly found amongst children and adolescents from the perspective of the everyday difficulties commonly encountered by children/adolescents with those conditions and at the unique role of the occupational therapist during the assessment and intervention phase. Lectures, problem solving, video case material and printed handouts will be used to facilitate learning.
OCCP5236 SI and NDT: An Integrated Approach

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Reinie Cordier, Prof Anita Bundy Session: Semester 1 Classes: Block/intensive mode: 5 days, 9am-5pm Assumed knowledge: Basic knowledge of typical development Assessment: Facilitation Report (10%), Poster and Presentation (20%), Report and Video (70%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Available to MOT students.
Sensory Integration and Neurodevelopmental Treatment are the two approaches most widely used in paediatric practice of occupational therapy. When they are integrated skilfully, they can be powerful means for helping children adapt to sensory processing difficulties and motor impairments and succeed in everyday life. In this unit, we will analyse sensorimotor development, introduce both theories including assessment and intervention technologies, and analyse the compatibilities and incompatibilities of the two approaches, and apply the principles in everyday paediatric occupational therapy practice.
Blanche E, Botticelli TM and Hallway MK, Combining Neuro-Developmental Treatment and Sensory Integration Principles, Therapy Skill Builders, San Antonio (1995)
OCCP5237 Introduction to OT Theory and Practice

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lynette Mackenzie Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2hrs lectures/wk plus 1hr lecture (2 weeks only), 1hr lecture (1 week only), 2hrs lectures (2 weeks only) Assumed knowledge: Skills are assumed in the following areas: communicating in English, computer and word processing, interacting positively with others. Assessment: Assignment (60%); Report and presentation (20%); Fieldwork Preparation presentation (20%); Documentation Exam, letter of introduction, learning contract, student practice evaluation form (SPEF-R) and letter of reflective thanks (Pass/Fail) - all one task Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Students must complete statutory obligations prior to all fieldwork placements: required vaccinations, criminal records check, working with children declaration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training.
This unit of study will introduce students to the theory and practice of occupational therapy through on campus learning activities and an introductory fieldwork placement. Students will learn about the concepts and philosophies that underpin occupational therapy professional practice, specifically the nature of human occupations and the analysis of occupations. They will also apply this to the occupational therapy process and principles of practice to link with observation of practice in the field. As part of the fieldwork experience students will develop an understanding of the occupational therapy process and develop practical skills in communication, interaction and professional behaviour under supervision. Students will also engage in self reflection to identify their personal learning needs, existing strengths and required capabilities of occupational therapists.
OCCP5238 Developing OT Prof. Skills in Practice

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lynette Mackenzie Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1hr lecture/wk (8 weeks), 2hrs Tutorial/wk (8 weeks), 2hr Fieldwork Briefing Session (Week 1, 7 and 9 only) Prerequisites: OCCP5237 Introduction to OT Theory and Practice or OCCP5211 Assessment: (SPEF-R) (50%), Bibliography (10%), Reflexive analysis of learning event (40%). Students must pass their fieldwork placement in order to gain a passing grade for this unit. Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Students must complete statutory obligations prior to all fieldwork placements: required vaccinations, criminal records check, working with children declaration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training.
This unit will engage students in the process of developing professional skills within elements of the occupational therapy process. The unit will explore the importance of reflexivity as a core capability in professional practice, and will provide opportunities for students to reflect on their own professional behaviour and development. A fieldwork placement will allow students to develop and document their ongoing achievement of professional competencies in a range of appropriate practice skills.
OCCP5239 Community Based OT Fieldwork

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lynette Mackenzie Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3hrs lecture (one week only), 4 hrs lecture (one week only), 1hr lecture (one week only) 1hr lecture/wk (13 weeks), 1hr Fieldwork Tutorial/wk Prerequisites: (OCCP5237 and OCCP5238) or (OCCP5211 and OCCP5212) Assessment: Progress report (20%); Midway presentation in class (20%); Self assessment (10%); Peer assessment (30%); Final presentation and reports (20%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Students must complete statutory obligations prior to all fieldwork placements: required vaccinations, criminal records check, working with children declaration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training.
Students will develop and implement a structured fieldwork project during this unit. Students will be supported to work independently and will make regular reports to key stakeholders and community partners on the progress of the projects. This project will focus on enabling participation within diverse range of communities. This unit will develop the capacity of students across a broad range of capabilities, but will focus on leadership and management, vision and change agency. This unit of study will provide opportunities for formal and informal inter-professional learning. Weekly tasks based around peer support and moderated peer learning will assist in the development of skills essential for community based fieldwork.
OCCP5240 Implementing Skills in OT Prof Practice

Credit points: 9 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lynette Mackenzie Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 2 hrs Debriefing (one week only), 8 weeks Fieldwork Component Prerequisites: OCCP5237 Introduction to OT Theory and Practice, OCCP5238 Developing OT Prof Skills in Practice, OCCP5239 Community Based OT Fieldwork Assessment: SPEF-R - Individual (80%), Reflective Letter of Thanks (20%), Fieldwork Documentation (pass/fail) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1
Note: Students must complete statutory obligations prior to all fieldwork placements: required vaccinations, criminal records check, working with children declaration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training.
Extended fieldwork placements provide students with the opportunity to consolidate apply and develop further their knowledge of occupational therapy practice, with a focus on the graduate capabilities. Enabling participation lies at the core of all occupational therapy practice and students will have the opportunity to implement and evaluate a range of strategies to do this as part of the fieldwork placement associated with this unit. As members of different interdisciplinary teams, students will have opportunities to engage in formal and informal inter-professional learning. During this placement, students will also maintain contact with each other to extend their vision about the range of occupational therapy practice and to deepen their knowledge of planning, implementation and evaluation across practice communities.
OCCP5241 Evaluation of OT Practice

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lynette Mackenzie Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Distance Prerequisites: OCCP5207 Assessing Evidence for OT Practice, OCCP5217 OT Assessment and Planning, OCCP5237 Introduction to OT Theory and Practice, OCCP5238 Developing OT Professional Skills in Practice Corequisites: OCCP5240 Implementing Skills in OT Professional Practice Assessment: Written report (20%); Occupational therapy program evaluation proposal (40%) ; Participation in on-line discussion tasks (20%); On campus presentation (20%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1
This unit of study provides students with the opportunity to gain skills in evaluating occupational therapy interventions and occupational therapy outcome measures relevant to practice. Both types of evaluation are core competencies identified by the national professional body. Students will apply their developing research and inquiry knowledge and skills from OCCP 5207 to an evaluation of an intervention and an outcome measure of relevance to their fieldwork experience. Students will develop skills in identifying appropriate goals that relate to the assessment of client outcomes and to the evaluation of an intervention program, and how to measure change to evaluate the degree of achievement of these goals. Students will need to locate and critique relevant literature, and determine practice issues associated with the evaluation of occupational therapy practice.
OCCP5242 Reflexivity and OT Professional Practice

Credit points: 9 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Jane Gamble Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 3hrs Tutorial-Workshop (7 weeks), 2hr Fieldwork Debriefing (1 week only) 8 Weeks of Fieldwork Component Prerequisites: OCCP5237 Introduction to OT Theory and Practice, OCCP5238 Developing OT Prof Skills in Practice, OCCP5239 Community Based OT Fieldwork Corequisites: OCCP5240 Implementing Skills in OT Professional Practice Assessment: SPEF-R (Individual) - (50%), Examination (35%), Portfolio (15%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1
Note: Students must complete statutory obligations prior to all fieldwork placements: required vaccinations, criminal records check, working with children declaration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training.
This unit includes an extended fieldwork placement and class activities to provide students with an opportunity to consolidate, apply and extend their knowledge of occupational therapy practice, with a focus on the range of competencies identified by OT Australia needed to become a beginning practitioner. This final fieldwork placement experience is focused on students developing independence and autonomy within a range of practice communities. Students will incorporate their fieldwork experiences into an exploration of reflexivity as a core capability in professional practice. Assessments will be focussed on student capabilities in integrating content from their studies throughout the Master of Occupational Therapy program
OCCP5243 OT Honours Project Development

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr. Lynette Mackenzie Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 2 hour tutorial per week for 13 weeks. Individual supervision with allocated supervisor Prerequisites: OCCP5207 Assessing Evidence for OT Practice Assessment: Research Proposal (60%); Ethics Application (20%); Presentation of research project proposal (20%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Students will undertake a supervised research project in an area relevant to the discipline of occupational therapy. This unit is designed to assist honours students with the development of a research question, a systematic literature review and research proposal, and any ethics applications that may be applicable to their individual research topics. Students will develop an understanding of the strengths of different research methods and be able to provide a rationale for the methodology selected for their research question. Students will effectively communicate the aims, methods and implications of their proposed research.
OCCP5244 OT Honours Research Thesis

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lynette Mackenzie Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 2 hour tutorial for 7 weeks. Individual negotiated supervision time with allocated supervisor. Prerequisites: OCCP5243 OT Honours Project Development Assessment: Presentation (20%), Thesis (80%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Students will undertake a supervised research project in an area relevant to the discipline of occupational therapy. Upon completion of this unit students will have implemented data analysis and reported on an approved research project and submitted a report suitable for publication in a peer reviewed publication describing the project and its implications. Students will develop an understanding of the strengths of different data analysis techniques and be able to defend their research project results in written and verbal format.
OCCP5245 OT in Learning & Co-ord Difficulties

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lynette Mackenzie Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 4-hour lecture per week Assessment: One 1500 word assignment (25%), one 1000 word report (20%), one 3000 word report (55%) and attendance requirements Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit will give opportunities for students to study the impact of learning disabilities on children's home and school occupational performance. During the semester, students will study: various explanations of learning disorders; common assessment procedures used by occupational therapists to identify problems; interventions. The focus will be on direct intervention as experienced in private practice occupational therapy for children and consultation with schools. Students will be required to test at least one young child (typical child, rather than children with difficulties) aged between 3-4. Students who participate in this elective will be eligible for fourth year fieldwork placement in a public school in Killara.
OCCP5246 OT in Occ Health, Safety & Rehab

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lynette Mackenzie Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 4-hour lecture/tutorial per week Assessment: One 4000 words report (60%), one 2000 word report (40%), satisfactory completion of independent learning tasks and attendance requirements Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study gives students the opportunity to extend their knowledge and skills of occupational health, safety and rehabilitation developed in OCCP3064 Human Occupations III and other units of study. Students will explore the issues of work-related injuries and disorders and how these impact on the occupational roles of individuals. There is also input from a sociological perspective. Students will learn how to conduct a functional assessment, including writing a report. There will also be content that addresses relevant ergonomic issues in the workplace and consideration of the hierarchy of controls in determining appropriate interventions, including education and training, as well as workplace modifications. Relevant legislation, regulations and competency standards will be used to guide the content and assessment of this unit.
OCCP5247 Mental Health Interventions

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lynette Mackenzie Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 2-hour lecture per week and online components Assessment: Ten in-class quizzes (30%), one 2-hour open book exam (70%) and attendance requirements Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study will extend the students knowledge and practical intervention skills in mental health clinical practice. Intervention skills and strategies developed will be both generic and occupational therapy specific. There will be a large experiential learning component so that students will develop a practical 'how-to' confidence in the clinical application of various techniques with particular consumer populations. In line with current state and national directions, this unit will be guided by principles of wellness and recovery. A range of cognitive focused interventions, psycho-education, family interventions, early intervention, mental health promotion, relapse prevention and strategies to develop effective individual rehabilitation plans are some of the techniques and skills students will develop and practice within this unit.
OCCP5248 People with Intellectual Disability

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lynette Mackenzie Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 4-hour lecture/tutorial per week Assessment: One 1800 word individual essay (30%), class presentation with 650 word handout (15%), group project presentation with 650 word handout (20%), one 2200 word individual report (35%), two 350 word audit tasks (1 individual, 1 group) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to develop students' knowledge, skill and attitudes for working with people with intellectual disability, with a focus mainly on adults, their participation and support needs. Students will study: the definition of intellectual disability; the abilities and support needs of people with intellectual disability; the service settings which people with intellectual disability use, their occupational roles in those settings, individual planning, choice and self-determination, guardianship, positive support for challenging behaviour, ageing and dementia, and families. There will be a detailed focus on 'Active Support' as one important approach to supporting people with intellectual disability participate fully (with support) in domestic and community life. Students will learn how to use Active Support techniques when working directly with people with intellectual disability, as well as learning how to train and support carers and direct-care staff in the use of these techniques. Classroom teaching will be supported by a small-group fieldwork project conducted in disability service settings.
Dempsey I & Nankervis K (eds), Community Disability Services: An Evidence-Based Approach to Practice, UNSW Press, Sydney (2006) A list of readings will be provided. Many readings are available online
OCCP5249 Professional Elective - General

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lynette Mackenzie Session: Semester 1 Classes: Classes/modes of delivery will vary depending on the topic chosen Assessment: Two to three pieces of assessment equivalent to 8 credit points and attendance requirements (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study will present a topic for a professional elective that allows students to explore an area of OT practice in depth.The specific topic will be determined from time to time as teaching staff, visiting scholars and resources are available. The unit will extend the learning students have achieved in the topic in the first three years of the course requiring an increase in the depth of student understanding in the topic area than that required in earlier parts of the course.
ORTH5029 Clinical Management of Refractive Error

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Kathryn Rose Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour lecture per week, 12 hr tutorial per semester and e-learning Assessment: participation in E-learning discussion forum (20%), End Semester OSCE (40%), End Semester Exam (40%) Practical field work: Practical face-to-face tutorials across the semester. The student would be required to attend specialised clinical instrumentation tutorials and supervised clinical sessions related to the unit Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Preliminary knowledge of refractive errors will be expanded upon to include more complex refractive error topics such as understanding latent and manifest hypermetropia, aetiology of myopia, progressive myopia and keratoconus. The student will study and be encouraged to critically analyse the methods of detection of refractive error, the impact on the individual, and the selection of the most appropriate method to correct the optical error, e.g., single focus versus multifocal lenses in a variety of occupational situations. On completion of the unit the student will be able to assess the types and degree of refractive error present, its influence on daily activities and changes will that occur throughout life; to evaluate and outline appropriate management strategies for correcting refractive error including the optical and surgical methods and the likely problems associated with each. The student will also be proficient in the skill of prescribing spectacle lenses, and the use and application of advanced ophthalmic technologies such as the Orbscan and Corneal Aberrometer.
Corboy J, The Retinoscopy Book: An Introductory Manual for Eye Care Professionals (2003)
ORTH5031 Eye Movement Disorders

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kathryn Rose Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hrs lect, 1 hr tutorial/week Prerequisites: ORTH5040 Binocular Vision and ORTH5043 Concomitant Strabismus Assessment: Mid-semester Exam (20%), End Semester OSCE (20%), End Semester Exam (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The systems that control eye movements will be studied, along with lesions and pathology that may affect normal ocular motility. This study will commence with orbital and restrictive conditions and progress to lesions in the neural pathways for eye movements. Students will be able to demonstrate that they can: discuss the impact of lesions within the motor pathway on the movement of the eye(s) including symptoms, clinical responses and sequelae; select appropriate tests to demonstrate the existence and extent of the motor defect and analysis of the outcomes; develop diagnostic skills and the ability to differentiate between similar but separate conditions; analyse patient responses and develop appropriate management strategies.
Ansons and Davis, Diagnosis and Management of Ocular Motility Disorders (3rd ed), Blackwell Science (2001)
ORTH5039 The Eye and Vision

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Kathryn Rose Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 2 hour lecture per week, 18 hrs tutorials per semester, community-based observation and e-learning Assessment: Report (20%), End Semester OSCE (20%), End Semester Exam (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
In this subject the normal eye and ocular systems are introduced. The unit commences with basic anatomy, embryology, physiology and optics of the eye using a systems approach, followed by sensory visual functions and nourishing systems of the eye. There will be an introduction to testing in a paediatric population. Basic clinical skills and assessment will be introduced, including testing of visual acuity, colour vision and contrast sensitivity.
Saude T, Ocular Anatomy and Physiology, Blackwell Science Publications (1993)
ORTH5040 Binocular Vision & Ocular Motility 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Neryla Jolly Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 3 hour lecture per week, 17 hrs tutorials per semester and e-learning Assessment: Mid-semester Exam (20%), Self Assessment Report and End Semester OSCE (30%), End Semester Exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
In this unit of study, the anatomical, physiological and optical principles underlying eye movements and normal binocular vision are studied, and the processes by which they may be modified by refractive error and associated accommodation/convergence relationships. Common presenting problems of strabismus, accommodation and convergence will be introduced.
Ansons and Davis, Diagnosis and Management of Ocular Motility Disorders (3rd ed), Blackwell Science (2001)
ORTH5041 Introduction to Professional Practice

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Kathryn Thompson Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 3 hour lecture per week, 10 hrs tutorials per semester and e-learning Assessment: Mid-semester Exam (30%), End Semester OSCE (10%), End Semester Exam (60%) Practical field work: This unit will have scheduled on-campus, hands on tutorial sessions in which to practice and refine clinical tests Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The medical model and the roles the orthoptist plays in this model. The student will learn the broad areas of medical disease, medical terminology, components of medical terms and pharmacology. Basic ocular examination techniques including patient interviews, observation, ophthalmoscopy, visual fields. Common ocular disorders and their presenting signs and symptoms are introduced commencing anteriorly to conclude with optic nerve involvement. Management of eye disease will be introduced, with an emphasis on ocular pharmacology. The student will develop an understanding of the anatomy of the eye and visual system, by the examination of ocular structures in disease detection.On completion of the unit the student will be able to identify the roles of eye care health providers, including their own, as a novice practitioner. The student will be expected to demonstrate this novice role by interpretation of medical records, planning appropriate eye related investigations and further medical requirements, such as referral for further testing.
Cassin B and Hamed L, Fundamentals for Ophthalmic Technical Personnel, Saunders (1995)
ORTH5042 Ocular Pathology 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Kathryn Rose Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 3 hour lecture per week, 10 hrs tutorials per semester and e-learning Assessment: Mid-semester Exam (15%), End Semester OSCE (35%), End Semester Exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The student will study the most recent aspects related to the clinical presentation of patients with: anterior segment disorders such as dry eye; watery eye; conjunctivitis; contact lenses; ocular emergencies; and red eye. Evidence-based practice in the areas of investigation and treatment of these conditions will be presented. Aspects related to new research into the detection and management of these conditions will be also studied. On completion of the unit the student will be able to critically evaluate the role of practitioners in the assessment of dry eye, inflammatory ocular disorders, ocular emergencies, and contact lens patients. This includes the ability to select and perform the correct assessment techniques for these patients. Awareness of recent innovations and the ability to assist the eye care practitioner in the management of these conditions will be developed.
Cassin B and Hamed L, Fundamentals for Ophthalmic Technical Personnel, Saunders (1995)
ORTH5043 Binocular Vision & Ocular Motility 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Neryla Jolly Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 3 hour lecture per week, 20 hrs tutorials per semester and e-learning Assessment: Case-based studies (25%), End Semester OSCE (25%), End Semester Exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The student will study investigation and management of case studies of patients with defects of binocular cortical function related to motor defects and developmental defects (strabismus, amblyopia and binocular vision abnormalities), abnormalities of the accommodative mechanism and the decompensation of normal binocular operation to a symptomatic state. The student will be encouraged to incorporate information from literature that relates animal research to clinical responses in the field of plasticity and demonstrate the significance of the information in the management strategies selected for case studies. Content includes: suppression, amblyopia (with central and eccentric fixation), binocular vision (normal, abnormal and non-functional) heterophoria and vergence defects, defects of accommodation and associated eye movement defects.
Anson A and Davis H, Diagnosis and Management of Ocular Motility Disorders (3rd ed), Blackwell Science (2001)
ORTH5044 Professional Practice 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mrs Jan Howlett Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Clinical as scheduled weeks 1-13, Block mode 4 weeks November to December, and e-learning Assessment: Case studies (40%), Clinical workbook and reflection report (60%) Practical field work: Off-campus tutorials and clinical attendance Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
This unit of study provides students with clinical application and experience in concomitant squint. The unit will combine specialised patient centred clinical tutorials and attendance at relevant clinical locations to allow for integration of academic, instrumentation, clinical reasoning and patient management. This unit of study will be strongly supported by online case analyses and discussion using WebCT, and on-campus briefing and debriefing sessions.
ORTH5045 Professional Practice 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mrs Michelle Courtney-Harris Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Clinical Block mode 4 weeks and as scheduled weeks 1-12, and e-learning Assessment: Clinical workbook and assessment with reflection report (50%), case study (20%), end of semester viva exam (30%) Practical field work: Attendance at clinical placements as scheduled, including rural and regional placements Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Offered semester 1 for SC110, offered semester 2 for SH131/SC151
This unit provides opportunities for students to extend their clinical knowledge and demonstrate understanding of clinical practice in a variety of hospital, private practice and community settings. Students will further develop professional behavior and gain a wider understanding of the role of the orthoptist as part of a team of health professionals managing eye care for a range of patients and clients. Learning will be directed by professional and skill-based activities and will be used for both summative and formative assessment. Students will be required to reflect upon their professional development and to demonstrate fundamental competencies and skills in a clinical setting. During this clinical unit of study or in subsequent Professional Practice unit of study, students will attend at least one rural or regional clinical placement.
ORTH5046 Neurological Ocular Disorders

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Neryla Jolly Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x3-hr lecture/week, 18 hrs tutorials per semester and e-learning Assessment: Case-based studies (30%), end semester OSCE (20%), end semester exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study provides a conceptual and practical framework for concepts of organization and function of the cortical sensory, motor and integrated areas within the brain that control vision and ocular motility. Through the mode of case-based presentation students will be introduced to medical record analysis, management strategies for patients with complex neuro-ophthalmic conditions, and apply knowledge of test principles and ocular function to develop and adapted test procedures for associated physical and communication defects. In a client-focused approach, the impact of disease processes on general and ocular function, processes of recovery and adaption, and the integrated management of people with neurological conditions by the wider health team will be discussed. Students will learn to apply relevant theoretical and scientifically based findings to their practice in the area of ocular and visual neurological disability. Topics include: neuro-ophthalmic investigation ; assessment of visual function in the presence of disability; stroke; head injury; headache; autonomic nervous system and pupil anomalies; visual field investigation and analysis; supra nuclear , nuclear, inter-nuclear & infra-nuclear defects; and therapeutic approaches for neurological conditions.
ORTH5047 Research Project 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Kathryn Rose Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x2-hr lecture/week, 1-hr tutorial/week and e-learning Assessment: Participation in journal club (20%), class presentations (40%), end semester exam (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The aim of this unit of study is for students to acquire an understanding of the principles of research that can be used in the critical evaluation of scientific and medical literature and its application to clinical practice. It will provide foundation knowledge to enable students to develop an understanding of the design of feasible and sound research projects, as well as preparing them to present their research and its outcomes in appropriate professional forums. New developments and controversies in vision sciences and their impact on professional practice will be critically analysed and discussed with an emphasis on the soundness of research methodologies and conclusions drawn from findings. Students will use current technology and databases to find, read, evaluate and present information about research relevant to a variety of research topics in the vision sciences. They will participate in structured discussion of relevant scientific papers. Students will be introduced to reference database systems and scientific journal referencing styles. They will study the principles of evidence-based practice, and randomised controlled trials in the clinical setting. They will gain experience in consulting databases of summarised data, and search systems for scientific reviews of clinical trials. They will review principles used to evaluate published research and gain experience in writing in a concise academic style.
ORTH5048 Professional Practice 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mrs Michelle Courtney-Harris Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Clinical block mode in July, then as scheduled weeks 1-12, and e-learning Assessment: Clinical workbook and reflection report (30%), case studies (20%), clinical supervisor assessment (50%) Practical field work: Attendance at clinical placements including rural and regional Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1
This unit of study consolidates and extends knowledge and clinical competencies already acquired in previous clinical units of study. Learning will focus on achieving graduate capabilities through evaluation of clinical practice, including their own practice, in a range of clinical settings. Clinical reasoning will be emphasised for both the application and integration of clinical data for appropriate patient assessment and management. Students will be supported to work independently and to report their findings and management plans to clinical supervisors and other stakeholders for feedback. Students will be required to reflect upon their professional development and demonstrate competencies in higher level clinical skills and clinical reasoning. Students may attend a rural or regional clinical placement as part of this unit of study.
ORTH5049 Professional Practice 4

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mrs Michelle Courtney-Harris Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Clinical block mode in July, then as scheduled weeks 1-12, and e-learning Assessment: Clinical workbook including case study and reflection report (40%), end of semester Viva Exam(30%), Clinical supervisor assessment (30%) Practical field work: Attendance at clinical placements including rural and regional Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1
This is the final of four professional practice units and is designed to synthesise the student's learning and knowledge acquired in all units of study they have undertaken in this course. As such, it can be described as a `capstone' learning experience for the student. This is experienced through a range of orthoptic and ophthalmic clinical placements include those in rural and regional locations, enabling students to meet graduate competency standards and consolidate the required knowledge, skills and attitudes of an entry-level practitioner. Student learning will emphasis clinical reasoning for the assessment and management of patients with complex ocular conditions that may interact with other ocular and systemic conditions. Students should demonstrate a professional level of skills in the clinical setting and the capacity to apply clinical reasoning in the management of complex cases. Clinical competency will be assessed, commensurate with the registration standards set out by the Orthoptic Board of Australia. Students will be required to reflect upon their professional development, particularly their readiness for professional entry into orthoptic practice and their ability to work both independently and within the multidisciplinary team.
ORTH5050 Ocular Pathology 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mrs Kathryn Thompson Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x3-hr lecture/week, 20 hrs tutorials per semester and e-learning Assessment: Mid-semester exam (30%), end semester OSCE (20%), end semester exam (50%) Practical field work: Industry and workplace tutorials Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Building on knowledge and skills acquired in Ocular Pathology 1, in this unit of study students will gain an understanding of how the investigation and management of ophthalmic conditions will vary across life stages with particular emphasis on the pediatric and geriatric populations. The role of the orthoptist in the ophthalmic workplace will be further explored with emphasis given to the development and demonstration of critical analysis of practice in the therapeutic, pharmacological and surgical management of complex ophthalmic conditions. The most recent evidence for modes of investigation and treatment will be evaluated. Advanced clinical skills required for the assessment of complex ophthalmic cases will be addressed. Using a client-focused approach, students will apply clinical reasoning to the design of plans of investigation and management for people with acute and chronic ophthalmic conditions. The role of the wider team of health professionals in the care of people with ophthalmic conditions and their role as future practitioners within the team will be discussed.
Kanski Jack J, Clinical diagnosis in ophthalmology, Elsevier Mosby (2006)
ORTH5051 Research Project 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Kathryn Rose Session: Semester 2 Classes: Block mode Monday to Friday in weeks 2, 4, 7, 10 and 13 as scheduled and e-learning Assessment: Mid-semester exam (20%), e-learning discussion and data entry (10%), Dissertation 5,000 words (70%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit of study will provide an opportunity for students to use the research skills developed in Research Report 1 and apply them in the conduct of a supervised research project in an area related to orthoptic practice. Some students may carry out an individual project supervised by another member of academic staff, subject to the UoS coordinator's approval. Understanding of the principles of ethical research will be explored in an on-line module and through discussion of ethical issues involved in the conduct of research relevant to their area of practice including the current project. Students will identify the relevant background information for this project by performing a review of the scientific literature pertaining to the research question. They will identify the data necessary to answer the question and discuss relevant research methodology. Under supervision, they will participate in the collection of data and will use current technology to perform statistical analysis to interpret the information gained. Students will gain experience in writing in a concise academic style and learn how to present the results of their analysis by independently write a dissertation setting out the results of their project in the context of the original research question and their literature review. They will present this in the format of a research publication.
ORTH5052 Current Topics in CVS

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Kathryn Rose Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2-hour lecture/week, 1-hour tutorial and e-learning Assessment: Participation in on-line discussion forums (30%), class presentation (30%), end of semester exam (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
In this unit of study, new developments and controversies in vision sciences and their impact on professional practice will be analysed and discussed. Students will be introduced to basic statistical principles relevant to analysis of clinical data, including concepts of sampling, distributions of scores, summaries of data, and treatment of categorical and quantitative data. Students will gain the ability to understand and evaluate published statistical analyses; perform simple statistical tests both by hand and with the assistance of a computer-based spreadsheet and statistical packages. This knowledge will be applied to selected questions related to orthoptic practice.
No set textbooks, students will access variety of sources such as professional journals, conference proceedings and the Web
ORTH5053 Advanced Professional Practice

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Kathryn Rose Session: Semester 2 Classes: Block mode Monday to Friday in weeks 2, 4, 7, 10 and 13 as scheduled and e-learning Assessment: Case studies (50%), end of semester exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This is a capstone unit of study for the course, encompassing knowledge acquired from all units studied in this course. Emphasis will be given to clinical reasoning in cases of complex ophthalmic disease and ocular motility disorders. This unit of study is closely aligned with learning in Professional Practice 3 and 4 and information gain in clinical placements will be integrated into this unit. Cases will be selected to challenge the student to apply recent scientific and medical evidence-based findings relating to the genesis of conditions, their clinical investigation, immediate treatment and long-term management. Students will be encouraged to analyse clinical responses and develop relevant diagnostic and treatment guidelines based on sound clinical reasoning. Content will address issues of: systemic and ophthalmic disease; complex ocular motility conditions; occupational health and safety and employment; professional; medico-legal ramifications and their interaction.
Ansons M and Davis H, Diagnosis and Management of Ocular Motility Disorders, Blackwell Science (2001)
ORTH5060 Perspectives in Vision

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Kathryn Rose Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour lecture per week, 1 hour tutorial per week and e-learning Assessment: Mid-semester Exam (30%), Case study and report (30%), End Semester Exam (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study allows the student to gain an understanding of the broad context of eye health on an international, national and local scale. The student will acquire knowledge of the prevalence of the most common causes of blindness and visual impairment and their social and economic cost. They will also develop a concept of the implication of visual impairment for the individual and learn about the international and national programs for the prevention and management of blindness and visual impairment, as well as client-focused case management of persons with a visual impairment and their rehabilitation. They will develop an understanding of life stages and how these influence the natural history of ocular diseases, their detection and care. They will examine the notion of avoidable and non-avoidable blindness and understand the role of primary eye care and its application in the community setting. They will learn the general requirements of successful screening for disease and apply this knowledge in the context of vision and ophthalmic screening of children and adults.
PHAR5513 Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof J Hanrahan Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 x lectures/wk, 5 x 2hr tutorials, 4 x 4hr workshops and self-directed learning Assessment: Exam (60%), laboratories (25%), workshops (10%) and modelling (5%) Practical field work: 3 x 4hr labs Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit will explore the physicochemical properties of drugs and how this determines the interactions of small molecules (drugs) with biological macromolecules (enzymes and receptors). All stages in the process of drug design and development will be investigated, including computational drug design, structure activity studies, synthesis and activity assays. Students will also gain experience in a variety of experimental techniques related to drug design. In addition, students will develop skills including critical thinking, the use of information technology and report writing.
Patrick GL. An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry (4th ed). Oxford University Press, 2009
PHAR5515 Pharmaceutical Science

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr R Rohanizadeh Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 x lec/week Assessment: 2 x 1.5hr exams (70%), microbiology workshops (10%), drug molecular properties workshops (10%), metabolism assignments (10%). Practical field work: 1 x 3hr workshop/week Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study will provide an introduction to the concepts required for the study of Pharmacy and integrate knowledge from the various sub-disciplines within the Pharmaceutical Sciences. Topics studied include physicochemical/molecular properties underlying drug action, toxicology, drug metabolism, bioactivation and inactivation, identification of drugs and their metabolites, micro-organisms in pharmacy, sterilisation techniques, disinfection and preservation of pharmaceutical products, and cleanroom technology. These concepts will be further explored in workshop formats.
Recommended: Denyer SP, Hodges NA & Gorman SP. Hugo & Russell's Pharmaceutical Microbiology, 7th edition, Blackwell, 2004
PHTY5134 Therapy in Disorders of the Hand

This unit of study is not available in 2011

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Martin Mackey Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two intensive on-campus teaching blocks of 2-4 days plus some off-campus distance mode Assumed knowledge: Graduate experience in hand therapy as a qualified physiotherapist or occupational therapist Assessment: Research-based seminar presentation (35%), participation and written assignment (55%) essay, group participation (10%), mastery of practical skills Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study provides the student with the opportunity to improve their knowledge and skills in the area of common hand pathologies including fractures and dislocations, arthritis wrist, tendon and nerve injuries. Assessment and treatment strategies used specifically for hand injuries and conditions will be addressed including impairment, sensibility and disability testing, splinting, and exercise. Practical clinical skills in hand therapy will be also be covered, further development of which will occur in the clinical practice units of study.
PHTY5180 Physiotherapy Practicum I

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Julia Patrick Session: Semester 1 Classes: 37hrs per week for 5 weeks at clinical facilities Prerequisites: PHTY5175 Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy II, PHTY5177 Neurological Physiotherapy II, PHTY5178 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy III, PHTY5179 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy IV Assessment: (100%) assessment based on clinical performance, written material, communication skills, organisational skills and professionalism Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
This unit of study involves clinical placements in one of the three following areas: rehabilitation, acute care, ambulatory/outpatients. Students will be required to demonstrate competence in both the specific clinical skills for each area as well as the generic skills and attributes of physiotherapy professionals. During practicum placements there will be opportunities for interprofessional learning. In addition, students will be responsible for individual and group training sessions such as strength and fitness sessions. Physiotherapy Practicum I, II and III are all five-week placements which require full-time attendance (37 hours per week) at clinical facilities. In addition, one of the placements may be in a rural or regional setting.
PHTY5181 Physiotherapy Practicum II

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Julia Patrick Session: S1 Late Int Classes: 37hrs/week at clinical facilities Prerequisites: PHTY5175 Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy II, PHTY5177 Neurological Physiotherapy II, PHTY5178 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy III, PHTY5179 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy IV Assessment: (100%) assessment based on clinical performance, written material, communication skills, organisational skills and professionalism Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
This unit of study involves clinical placements in one of the three following areas: rehabilitation, acute care, ambulatory/outpatients. Students will be required to demonstrate competence in both the specific clinical skills for each area as well as the generic skills and attributes of physiotherapy professionals. During practicum placements there will be opportunities for interprofessional learning. In addition, students will be responsible for individual and group training sessions such as strength and fitness sessions. Physiotherapy Practicum I, II and III are all five-week placements which require full-time attendance (37 hours per week) at clinical facilities. In addition, one of the placements may be in a rural or regional setting.
PHTY5182 Physiotherapy Practicum III

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Julia Patrick Session: S1 Late Int Classes: 37hrs/week at clinical facilities Prerequisites: PHTY5175 Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy II, PHTY5177 Neurological Physiotherapy II, PHTY5178 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy III, PHTY5179 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy IV Assessment: (100%) assessment based on clinical performance, written material, communication skills, organisational skills and professionalism Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
This unit of study involves clinical placements in one of the three following areas: rehabilitation, acute care, ambulatory/outpatients. Students will be required to demonstrate competence in both the specific clinical skills for each area as well as the generic skills and attributes of physiotherapy professionals. During practicum placements there will be opportunities for interprofessional learning. In addition, students will be responsible for individual and group training sessions such as strength and fitness sessions. Physiotherapy Practicum I, II and III are all five-week placements which require full-time attendance (37 hours per week) at clinical facilities. In addition, one of the placements may be in a rural or regional setting.
PHTY5183 Advanced Physiotherapy

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Debra Shirley, Dr Lyndal Maxwell, Dr Louise Ada Session: Semester 2 Classes: 29 hrs over 10 weeks Prerequisites: PHTY5178 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy III, PHTY5179 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy IV, PHTY5175 Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy II, PHTY5177 Neurological Physiotherapy II Assessment: End of unit practical assessment (30%), end of unit written exam (70%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit consists of three modules: musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary and neurological physiotherapy. The musculoskeletal module will focus on the development of advanced skills in assessment and management of the musculoskeletal system, in particular, spinal manipulation. The cardiopulmonary module will examine a range of complex clinical issues organised on a case-basis including multi-system dysfunction (physiological, psychological and social) across the age spectrum. The neurological module will examine acute neuromedical and neurosurgical interventions, the history of neurological rehabilitation, and advanced skills in clinical reasoning.
PHTY5184 Paediatric Physiotherapy

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Jane Butler Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3-4hrs/week Prerequisites: PHTY5175 Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy II, PHTY5177 Neurological Physiotherapy II, PHTY5178 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy III, PHTY5179 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy IV Assessment: Mid unit seminar (30%), end of unit written exam (70%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The aim of this unit of study is to give the students the opportunity to consolidate their understanding of the musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary and neurological systems and be able to apply this knowledge to paediatric physiotherapy. Students will be made aware of the changes which occur from infancy through to adulthood in motor, musculoskeletal and cardiopulmonary development. In addition, students will address issues related to assessment and training strategies in children with dysfunction in motor, musculoskeletal and cardiopulmonary systems. Content in this unit of study will be presented in an integrated format utilising the principles of clinical reasoning and problem solving. Some relevant resource material will be made available to the students in web-based, CD-ROM and hard copy format but students will also be required to research topics independently in areas not previously encountered in their program.
PHTY5185 Physiotherapy for Older Persons

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Jack Crosbie Session: Semester 2a Classes: 4hrs/week for 6 weeks Prerequisites: PHTY5175 Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy II, PHTY5177 Neurological Physiotherapy II, PHTY5178 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy III, PHTY5179 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy IV Assessment: Seminar presentation (30%), end of unit written exam (70%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study is designed to enable students to examine the physiological, psychological and social changes associated with healthy ageing and the more common impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions that arise in an older population. Integration of material from core areas of musculoskeletal, neurological and cardiopulmonary physiotherapy will be required in order to plan management and modify physiotherapy intervention for older persons. The role of the physiotherapist in a variety of environments and in conjunction with other health care resources will be discussed. Content in this unit of study will be presented in an integrated format, utilising the principles of problem-based learning. Some relevant resource material will be made available to the students in web-based and hard copy format but students will also be required to research topics independently in areas not previously encountered in their program.
PHTY5186 Physiotherapy in Selected Populations

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Martin Mackey Module Coordinators: Dr Susan Coulson (Community Physiotherapy), Dr Martin Mackey (Occupational Physiotherapy), Dr Leslie Nicholson (Sports Physiotherapy) Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3-4hrs/week Prerequisites: PHTY5175 Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy II, PHTY5177 Neurological Physiotherapy II, PHTY5178 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy III, PHTY5179 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy IV Assessment: Mid unit seminar (30%), end of unit written exam (70%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The unit comprises 3 integrated modules: occupational physiotherapy, sports physiotherapy and community physiotherapy. In the occupational physiotherapy unit, students will focus on a risk management approach to work injury prevention and occupational rehabilitation. Specific injury assessment and management strategies such as functional capacity evaluations and functional restoration programs will also be addressed. In the sports physiotherapy module, students will assess sports related injury and design programs to prevent and manage complex injuries sustained during sporting and recreational activities. In the community physiotherapy module, students will address the contribution of physiotherapy to the management of particular groups who receive health care in the community.
PHTY5187 Scientific Practice II

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Roger Adams Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2hrs/week Prerequisites: PHTY5180 Physiotherapy Practicum I, PHTY5181 Physiotherapy Practicum II, PHTY5182 Physiotherapy Practicum III Assessment: Presentation/written report (33%), end of unit written exam( 67%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study assists students to evaluate the suitability of assumptions made in physiotherapy research, to evaluate the appropriateness of design strategies and sampling procedures. The module will build on previous knowledge of research methods and develop skills in applying this to research models for physiotherapists. In this subject, students will be required to generate, enter, analyse and interpret data. The module covers statistical procedures commonly used in physiotherapy research, with training in software packages. Specific designs covered include: reliability, groups by repeated measures factorial ANOVA, and ROC curve analysis, with computation of power to find effects. By the completion of this unit of study, participants will understand how these research designs are relevant to physiotherapy practice, how to enter, edit, analyse and interpret data, and how to use a variety of statistical packages. Students also practice using search engines to review and present the current knowledge in a relevant research area.
PHTY5188 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy 5

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Susan Coulson Session: Semester 1 Classes: 18 hrs lectures, 18 hrs tutorials Prerequisites: PHTY5171 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy I, PHTY5172 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy II, PHTY5178 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy III, PHTY5179 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy IV Assessment: End of unit viva / practical assessment (40%), end of unit written exam (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit of study aims to provide a detailed approach to history taking and performance of the physical examination for a patient with disorders of the cervical and thoracic spine. With the integration of communication and listening skills, application of sound physical testing procedures and clinical reasoning, the aim is to enable students to diagnose/ triage and manage patients with cervical pain or thoracic spine pain who present to primary and secondary care. In addition, students will be able to determine appropriate evidence-based practice management strategies for patients with cervical or thoracic spine problems and design appropriate treatment progression.
PHTY5189 Physiotherapy Practicum IV

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Julia Patrick Session: S1 Late Int,S2 Late Int Classes: 37hrs/week at clinical facilities Prerequisites: PHTY5180 Physiotherapy Practicum I, PHTY5181 Physiotherapy Practicum II, PHTY5182 Physiotherapy Practicum III Corequisites: PHTY5183 Advanced Physiotherapy, PHTY5184 Paediatric Physiotherapy, PHTY5185 Physiotherapy for Older Persons, PHTY5186 Physiotherapy in Selected Populations Assessment: 100% assessment based on clinical performance, written material, communication skills, organisational skills and professionalism Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:S1 Late Int
This unit of study involves clinical placement in community health. This may include paediatrics, geriatrics, occupational health, sports practice, burns or hand therapy. Students will be required to demonstrate competence in both the specific clinical skills for each area as well as the generic skills and attributes of physiotherapy professionals. During practicum placementss there will be opportunities for interprofessional learning. In addition, students will be responsible for individual and group training sessions such as strength and fitness sessions. Physiotherapy Practicum IV is a five week placement which requires full-time attendance (37 hours per week) at clinical facilities. In addition, this placement may be in a rural or regional setting. Some students may also complete this practicum in an international setting.
PHTY5190 Evidence-Based Decision Making

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Alison Harmer Session: Semester 1 Classes: 7 self-directed learning modules with email/online/phone support; 1 day workshop (Saturday) Assessment: Written reports (40%), written exam (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: On-line
This unit of study will teach students how to critically appraise clinical research pertinent to health professionals; and practice evidence-based decision-making. Self-directed modules address qualitative and quantitative study designs; experiences of therapies; effects of interventions; accuracy of diagnostic tests; prognoses; cost effectiveness; and clinical decision analysis.
*Herbert RD, Jamtvedt G, Mead J, Hagen KB, Practical Evidence-Based Physiotherapy, Oxford: Elsevier (2005).
PHTY5192 Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lyndal Maxwell Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2hrs lecture, 2hrs tutorial/week Assessment: Mid semester practical assessment (15%), end semester practical assessment (15%), end semester written exam (70%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit will introduce students to the knowledge, skills and clinical decision making processes necessary for effective assessment and treatment of patients across the age spectrum with acute and chronic respiratory and cardiac dysfunction. In particular, students will evaluate pathophysiological and functional consequences of surgery (abdominal, thoracic and cardiac); infective, inflammatory; restrictive; and obstructive pulmonary disorders, and coronary artery disease. Students will learn the practical skills and develop treatment strategies to effectively manage respiratory problems. Additionally this unit will develop the student's knowledge of exercise and aims to apply the principles of exercise testing, prescription and training to patients who have cardiac and pulmonary limitations and other co-morbidities to exercise. The unit will provide students with an opportunity to apply, integrate and extend knowledge at a postgraduate level based on their previous degree.
PHTY5193 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Peter Colagiuri Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2hr lecture, 2hr tutorial/week Corequisites: PHTY5194 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy II Assessment: Mid semester practical assessment (20%), end semester practical assessment (30%), end semester written exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The overall aim of this unit of study is to develop the skills required to perform basic musculoskeletal assessment and treatment techniques, safely and effectively apply a selection of electrophysical agents and assess and prescribe exercise-based rehabilitation at the level of a student commencing musculoskeletal clinical practical placements. This unit will integrate knowledge from assumed foundation sciences. Students will develop the ability to select and implement interventions based on clinical reasoning, principles of evidence based practice and safety. This unit of study complements PHTY5194 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy II (MSII) and lays the foundation for MSIII, MSIV and MSV which will further develop skills in the management of disorders of the spine, upper and lower limbs and more complex musculoskeletal conditions.
PHTY5194 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Leslie Nicholson Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2hr lecture, 2hr tutorial/week Corequisites: PHTY5193 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy I Assessment: Mid semester practical assessment (20%), end semester practical assessment (30%), end semester written exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The overall aim of this unit of study is to develop the skills required to assess, diagnose and manage common musculoskeletal disorders of the lower extremity incurred by patients of all ages – at the level of a student commencing musculoskeletal clinical practical placements. This unit will integrate knowledge from assumed foundation sciences. Students will develop the ability to select and safely implement interventions based on clinical reasoning and principles of evidence based practice. This unit of study complements Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy I (MSI) and together they lay the foundation for MSIII, MSIV, MSV and the musculoskeletal component of Advanced Physiotherapy which will further develop skills in the management of disorders of the spine, upper extremity and more complex musculoskeletal conditions.
PHTY5195 Neurological Physiotherapy 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Angela Stark Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2hr lecture, 2hr tutorial/ week Assessment: Mid semester practical assessment (35%), end semester practical assessment (25%), written exam (40%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Neurological physiotherapy aims to develop in students an ability to apply relevant theoretical and databased scientific findings to clinical practice in the area of disease and trauma to the nervous system. This unit examines the pathology, impairments (weakness, loss of dexterity, loss of sensation and spasticity as well as adaptations such as contracture), activity limitations (difficulty standing up, sitting and standing, walking, reaching and manipulating objects with the hand, rolling over and getting out of bed) and participation restrictions arising from conditions of acute onset (stroke, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy and Guillain-Barre Syndrome). Students will learn to assess, train and measure outcome of everyday activities integrated within the rehabilitation team.
PHTY5196 Professional and Scientific Practice

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Julia Hush, Ms Genevieve Dwyer Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2hr lecture, 1 hr tutorial/week Assessment: Seminar (20%), written report (20%), end semester exam (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study comprises of two areas that relate to all areas of physiotherapy practice. Professional practice overviews the regulation of physiotherapy, and broad and specific issues and practices in health care delivery affecting physiotherapists. Scientific, or evidence-based practice, is one of the important tenets underpinning physiotherapy practice. These areas are covered in two modules that are presented over the semester.
PHTY5197 Neurological & Cardiopulmonary Physio 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Colleen Canning, Dr Lyndal Maxwell Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2hrs lecture, 2hr tutorial/week Prerequisites: PHTY5192 Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy I, PHTY5195 Neurological Physiotherapy I Assessment: Mid semester assignment (20%), end semester practical assessment (20%), end semester written exam (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study builds on and expands the knowledge, skills and attributes developed in Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy 1 and Neurological Physiotherapy 1. Three modules are included: cardiopulmonary physiotherapy in the acute care environment, physiotherapy for neurodegenerative conditions and acute neurological/neurosurgical care. The acute care module focuses on assessment and treatment of patients with acute pulmonary dysfunction. In addition students examine specific clinical and professional issues relating to the intensive care and acute care environment. The emphasis is on appropriate assessment, safe and effective management of intubated and non-intubated patients. The neurodegenerative conditions module examines the pathology, impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions arising from neurodegenerative conditions which require adaptation (such as Parkinsonism, multiple sclerosis, and motor neuron disease). Students learn to assess and train or prescribe appropriate aids to enable activities such as rolling over, sitting, walking, transferring, wheelchair mobility, and reaching and manipulating objects to be carried out. The acute neurological and cardiopulmonary care module focuses on physiotherapy management of acute neurological and neurosurgical conditions.
PHTY5198 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Paulo Ferreira Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2hr lectures, 2hr tutorials/week Prerequisites: PHTY5193 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy I, PHTY5195 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy II Corequisites: PHTY5199 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy IV Assessment: Mid semester practical assessment (20%), end semester practical assessment (30%), end semester written exam (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study develops the skills required for primary care management of low back pain at a level to commence a musculoskeletal practicum. Students learn to 'triage' patients to distinguish patients with non-specific pain from those suspected of having underlying disease/pathology. The unit covers the basic epidemiology of spinal pain (risk factors, clinical course, prognostic factors) and the assessment of treatment outcome. The evidence base of management options is explored and students learn to apply a range of treatments such as education and advice, manual therapy, exercise, McKenzie therapy etc. This unit will integrate knowledge from earlier foundation science and physiotherapy subjects. Students will develop the ability to select and implement interventions based on clinical reasoning, principles of evidence-based practice and safety.
PHTY5199 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy 4

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Andrew Leaver, Dr Mark Hancock Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2hr lecture, 2hr tutorial/week Prerequisites: PHTY5193 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy I, PHTY5194 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy II Corequisites: PHTY5198 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy III Assessment: Mid semester practical assessment (20%), end semester practical/viva assessment (20%), end semester written exam (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study is part of the musculoskeletal curriculum that develops knowledge and skills required by a graduate physiotherapist in the primary care management of musculoskeletal disorders in the general population. This unit focuses on management of musculoskeletal conditions of the upper limbs. At the completion of this unit student will have demonstrated theoretical knowledge, clinical reasoning and competency in assessment and treatment at a level sufficient to commence student practicum.
PHYS5020 Computation and Image Processing

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour lecture and one 1 hour practical per week. Assessment: Assignments, written exam (100%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
In this unit normally undertaken as part of the Masters of Medical Physics degree or the Graduate Diploma in Medical Physics, Monte Carlo modelling of radiation transport is covered, along with the theory of image formation, concepts of computing, numerical methods and image processing, including techniques such as enhancement, registration, fusion and 3D reconstruction.
PUBH5018 Introductory Biostatistics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Kevin McGeechan Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 x 2hr lecture, 10 x 1hr lectures, 11 x 2hr tutorials, 2 x 1hr and 8 x 0.5hr statistical computing self directed learning tasks over 12 weeks - lectures and tutorials may be completed online Assessment: 1x4 page assignment (30%) and 1x2.5hr open-book exam (70%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or On-line
This unit aims to provide students with an introduction to statistical concepts, their use and relevance in public health. This unit covers descriptive analyses to summarise and display data; concepts underlying statistical inference; basic statistical methods for the analysis of continuous and binary data; and statistical aspects of study design. Specific topics include: sampling; probability distributions; sampling distribution of the mean; confidence interval and significance tests for one-sample, two paired samples and two independent samples for continuous data and also binary data; correlation and simple linear regression; distribution-free methods for two paired samples, two independent samples and correlation; power and sample size estimation for simple studies; statistical aspects of study design and analysis. Students will be required to perform analyses using a calculator and will also be required to conduct analyses using statistical software (SPSS). It is expected that students spend an additional 2 hours per week preparing for their tutorials. Computing tasks are self-directed.
Course notes are provided.
PUBH5021 Global Obesity and Health Promotion

This unit of study is not available in 2011

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Louise Hardy Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 2day intensive workshop, plus weekly facilitated online tutorials for 10weeks Assessment: 1 x 1000wd short assignment (25%), 1 x 2500wd assignment (50%), participation in online discussion (15%), participation in workshop (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study provides an overview of public health issues related to obesity and chronic disease prevention in developed and developing countries. It examines the epidemiology of obesity in children and adults, including measurement and population-level trends. Causes of the global obesity epidemic, including behavioural, social and environmental causes, as well as current knowledge regarding effective preventive interventions and solutions are explored. The course will develop students' skills in analysing international and national prevention programs and policies related to the development of obesity. Energy imbalance, increased physical inactivity and increased food consumption, are discussed. Students will develop and apply knowledge to critiquing public health surveillance systems to monitor obesity, and to develop interventions in diverse social, cultural and community contexts. The course will reflect the roles of government and NGOs in obesity prevention. The context of obesity in non-communicable disease prevention will utilise international health promotion perspectives, including the WHO 2004 Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health. A broad health promotion approach that considers the role of different sectors working strategically and in partnership is explored.
Course notes will be provided.
PUBH5022 Physical Activity and Public Health

This unit of study is not available in 2011

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dafna Merom Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1.5 days intensive workshop, weekly online tasks, students' posting and online discussion for 9 weeks Assumed knowledge: Prior research methods coursework at a master's level, similar to PUBH5010 Epidemiology Methods and Uses at the University of Sydney. Assessment: 1 x 2500 word assignment (50%), 1 x 1000 word assignment (20%), participation in online tasks and discussion (30%), participation in workshop (10%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
This is an innovative unit [without precedent in Australia]. It addresses the important health risk factor of physical inactivity, and considers: [i] the epidemiology of physical inactivity globally, [ii] measurement and public health surveillance of physical activity, [iii] correlates and determinants of inactivity in adults and children, [iv] population-level interventions and settings for targeting physical inactivity, and [v] physical activity policy development, advocacy and global issues in physical activity and disease prevention. The course will build on introductory public health core units of study, and apply them to a consideration of physical activity and public health. The evidence for health and social benefits and reasons for inactivity will be considered, as well as evidence-based strategies and settings for increasing physical activity at the population level. The course will consider the differences between local-level 'exercise programs' and large-scale public health efforts, and develop an understanding of policy and advocacy as applied to physical activity promotion. A multi-sectoral approach will be taken to the promotion of physical activity, drawing from the health and non-health sectors. Specific skills will be developed in physical activity research, surveillance and in the application of epidemiological methods to studies of physical activity and health.
Readings will be available on the WebCT site for the unit.
REHB5060 Rehabilitation Philosophy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Rodd Rothwell Session: Semester 1 Classes: On-campus: 2hr lecture, tutorial/fortnight plus module notes and directed reading; Distance education: no on-campus attendance required Prohibitions: REHB5045 Rehabilitation Theory Assessment: Practical exercises (20%), 2500 word essay (80%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or Distance Education
This unit discusses the history and philosophies of rehabilitation and rehabilitation service delivery. Students examine and analyse the historical and philosophical background relating to the emergence of rehabilitation as a human service. They develop knowledge of attitudes to disability, particularly an understanding of how certain movements such as eugenics, social Darwinism, independent living and the Disability Movement have changed and shaped such attitudes. They will also examine how disability has been conceptualised by, and incorporated into, post modern approaches and developed as a human service.
Readings provided
REHB5061 Applied Psychosocial and Medical Rehab

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Trevor Hawkins Session: Semester 2 Classes: On-campus: 2hr lectures/week alternating between medical and psychosocial plus module notes and directed reading; Distance education: no on-campus attendance required Prohibitions: REHB5012 Medical Aspects of Disability, REHB5047 Psychosocial Aspects of Disability Assessment: 2 log books, 3000 words total (50%), take-home exam (25%), 1500 word journal/exercise (25%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or Distance Education
This unit provides students with an insight into: the social position and life experiences of disabled people from their own perspective; and the functional implications of chronic illness and disability. Students critically analyse models of psychosocial adaption to illness and disability and explore the relationships between adjustment and adaption, emotional reactions to chronic disease and disability, coping strategies and quality of life. Upon completion of this unit, students should have an increased understanding of the psychosocial, medical and functional aspects of chronic illness and disability. This understanding will improve the effectiveness of their service delivery to disabled people, leading to more positive rehabilitation outcomes.
Readings provided/text to be confirmed
REHB5062 Brain Injury Rehabilitation

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Trevor Hawkins Session: Semester 1 Classes: On-campus: 1hr lecture/week; Distance education: no on-campus attendance required Prohibitions: REHB5022 Acquired Brain Injury Rehabilitation, REHB3067 Acquired Brain Injury Rehabilitation Assessment: Take-home exam (30%), 2000 word service portfolio (30%), 2000 word essay (40%) Practical field work: Exercises within the unit of study Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or Distance Education
This unit examines the causes and consequences of acquired brain injury. The pervasive nature of the ongoing functional limitations usually associated with this population is highlighted. The relationship between severity of brain damage and the nature of the effect on client functioning in family, work and social domains is also explored. The unit of study also examines the nature and range of rehabilitation services available to clients who sustain brain injury.
Relevant readings provided
REHB5063 Rehabilitation of PTSD

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lynda Matthews Session: Semester 1 Classes: On-campus: 1hr tutorial/week, distance education mode with attendance option of occasional on-campus workshop or seminar Prohibitions: REHB5034 Rehabilitation and PTSD, REHB3065 PTSD and Rehabilitation Assessment: Take-home exam (40%), 3500 word essay (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or Distance Education
This unit examines the causes and consequences of posttraumatic stress disorder. Students will learn about the history, nature and presentation of the disorder. Major theoretical and evidence-based best practice approaches to treatment and rehabilitation are examined with interventions for both acute and persisting forms of the disorder being presented.
Relevant readings provided
REHB5066 Chronic Pain & Rehabilitation Management

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Trevor Hawkins Session: Semester 2 Classes: Online, 1-day workshop Prohibitions: REHB5036 Chronic Pain in Rehabilitation, REHB3066 Chronic Pain: Disability and Rehab Assessment: Active participation in online discussion and case study analysis (20%), online exam (30%), 3000 word in-depth analysis of client management and chronic pain (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
Chronic non-cancer pain is a disabling phenomenon and a significant challenge for health professionals. Theories of chronic pain will be presented and students will engage in contemporary research relating to chronic pain management. Current innovations in treatment in this area will be explored. Students will also look at different outcome measures including quality of life. Interdisciplinary team approaches to planning client management will be investigated. The unit will also look at the importance of self-management for the health professional to reduce the risks of burnout in working with this population of clients.
Text to be confirmed with additional readings
REHB5067 Multicultural Rehabilitation Management

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Trevor Hawkins Session: Semester 2 Classes: Distance education, 1-6hr compulsory on-campus workshop Prohibitions: REHB5024 Rehabilitation of Persons from NESB, REHB3070 Ethnic Minorities and Disability Assessment: Multiple choice and short answer exam (20%), 1-day compulsory on-campus workshop with analytical report (30%), 3000 word in-depth analysis of issues relating to topic (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
Working in multicultural environments poses significant challenges for health professionals. Differing cultural attitudes towards disability, injury and pain will be presented along with issues surrounding torture and trauma. Students will be presented with contemporary counselling and rehabilitation management techniques to aid in working with this client population and have the opportunity to attend a dynamic on-campus workshop to enhance their practical counselling skills. Students will also look at motivational techniques for working with clients and issues surrounding goal setting and employment. The unit will also look at the importance interdisciplinary team approaches to client management and innovative rehabilitation management techniques.
Readings provided/text to be confirmed
REHB5068 Public Offenders: Aspects of Rehab

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Rodd Rothwell Session: Semester 2 Classes: On-campus: 2hr lecture, tutorial/fortnight; Distance education mode with attendance option of occasional on-campus workshop or seminar Prohibitions: REHB5016 Rehabilitation of Public Offenders, REHB3062 Public Offenders: Criminality & Rehab Assessment: 2000 word report on criminality and incarceration issues (40%), 2500 word essay: an assessment/analysis of the issues relating to the practical application of rehabilitation versus correctional policy (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or Distance Education
This unit introduces students to issues relating to the management of public offenders for both adults of young offenders. Students will consider the major theories of criminality and their implications for rehabilitation in correctional settings. They will examine and comment on the different approaches to males/females/young offenders. Attention will be paid to incarceration policy and issues relating to those with mental health problems and with problems of addiction. Students will also be introduced to the range of correctional alternatives within and outside jails, e.g., community service options, weekend jail, work release and probation and parole, etc. In addition, students will examine the role of professionals in and out of jails. They will examine and assess the role of health professionals in the area of addiction, mental health, and HIV counselling within the jail system and the ethical issues surrounding these services. Also covered will be the role of health service professionals working with offenders in non-jail programs: e.g., probation and parole, community service and civil rehabilitation.
Readings provided
REHB5069 Rehabilitation of Alcohol & Drug Misuse

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Rodd Rothwell Session: Semester 1 Classes: On-campus: 2hr lecture, tutorial/fortnight; Distance education mode with attendance of occasional workshop or seminar Prohibitions: REHB5014 Rehabilitation and Substance Abuse, REHB3064 Alcohol and Drug Misuse Rehabilitation Assessment: 2000 word policy analysis and report (40%), 2500 word essay, rehabilitation/therapeutic program comparison and analysis (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or Distance Education
This unit introduces students to issues relating to a major contemporary social and community health problem; the misuse of alcohol and other addictive drugs - both licit and illicit. Two major areas will be examined: a) issues relating to the development of health promotion and preventative heath policy relating to the abuse of drugs. This will cover current debates relating to harm minimisation and associated legal and ethical considerations regarding illicit substances; and b) an examination and analysis of the varying approaches to treatment and rehabilitation for drug addiction. The unit will introduce students to current debates relating to public health policy approaches to addiction giving due consideration to the complications of illegality. Students will be required to report on the value and effectiveness of current harm minimisation practices; e.g., needle sharing programs, needle injecting facilities, methadone maintenance. Students will be asked to examine and report on the practical effectiveness and moral and ethical considerations surrounding the operation of such programs and possible alternatives. In the second half of the unit students will consider the effectiveness and community acceptance of the various established rehabilitation and treatment programs. This will include research into programs such as Alcoholic and Narcotic Anonymous, Therapeutic Communities, and the range of professionally-based therapeutic counselling approaches. The role of health professionals in these programs will also be examined.
Readings provided
REHB5070 Vocational Development and Counselling

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Trevor Hawkins Session: Semester 1 Classes: On-campus: 1hr tutorial/week, 1-day intensive workshop; Distance education: no on-campus attendance required Prohibitions: REHB5044 Vocational Development and Counselling Assessment: Take-home exam (25%), on-line exam (25%), 2500 word practical report writing exercise (50%) Practical field work: Exercises included in subject materials and in online web page Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or Distance Education
The subject initially introduces students to the field of vocational development and career decision making. Students are then provided with a framework upon which to base vocational counselling activities with clients. Students are guided through the process of assisting individuals, including those with disabilities, to make new career decisions. Resources (including tests, activities and questionnaires) essential for providing effective vocational planning and counselling services to clients are also explored with and demonstrated to students. The subtleties of vocational test interpretation are also explained to students. Students are introduced to vocational report writing formats. The unit of study focuses on meeting the specific core competency requirements as set out in Core Competencies 9 (Vocational Assessment) and 10 (Vocational Counselling) by the Australian Society of Rehabilitation Counsellors.
Recommended readings provided
REHB5071 Work Injury and Workers' Compensation

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Toni Schofield and Dr Phillip Bohle Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two half-day workshops Prohibitions: REHB5046 Assessment: Two 2500 word essays (2x50%) or one 5000 word essay (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Block Mode
The focus of this subject is twofold. First it examines the pattern of workplace injury, disability and fatality in Australia, and explores its relationship to the organisation and dynamics of Australian industry, the labour market and state regulation, including the law and public administration. Secondly, the subject analyses workers' compensation systems as the major social mechanism for managing workplace injury. Here students will be introduced to the history and development of workers' compensation in Australia and its operation in present-day contexts. Students will be encouraged to develop a critical understanding of the role of key stakeholders and public institutional mechanisms in shaping workers' compensation policies and services.
REHB5072 Applied Counselling and Case Management

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Elias Mpofu Session: Semester 2 Classes: Web-based learning, CD-ROM, distance learning packages, interactive online discussion forums and email support, On campus: 2hr lecture/fortnight, 1-day intensive workshop Prerequisites: REHB5076 Introductory Rehabilitation Counselling Prohibitions: REHB5049 Rehabilitation Counselling B and REHB5051 Rehabilitation and Case Management Assessment: Applied Counselling: 2000 word counselling essay (50%); Case Management: two take-home exams (2x25%) Practical field work: Non-compulsory workshop. Online exercises within the unit of study. Taped interview demonstration Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or On-line
The unit covers aspects of the ASORC Core Competency 12: Counselling. Advanced counselling microskills in a problem solving approach are studied and practised. Application of these skills to the rehabilitation context is a major focus, for example, in adjustment to disability, vocational counselling and occupational rehabilitation case management. Students are introduced to action-based counselling theory and techniques as applied to rehabilitation counselling. Solution Focused Brief Therapy is also introduced to augment students' skills base. Students are required to undertake a taped counselling interview and self-critique as part of assessment. The unit is also focused on the (ASORC) Core Competency 4: Case and Caseload Management. Students are exposed to both the theoretical and practical aspects of managing individual clients and a caseload of clients through a rehabilitation process. Issues addressed in this unit are: how to determine appropriate assessments, how to draw up individual rehabilitation plans, how to monitor and document progress in rehabilitation and the negotiation skills needed to work with a variety of rehabilitation providers. Strategies to be an effective and efficient manager of clients within a human service environment are also discussed.
Ivey A, Intentional Interviewing and Counseling: Facilitating Client Development in a Multicultural Society (latest edition)
REHB5073 Client Assessment and Job Placement

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Trevor Hawkins Session: Semester 2 Classes: On-campus: 1hr tutorial/week, 1-day intensive workshop; Distance education: no on-campus attendance required Prerequisites: REHB5070 Vocational Development and Counselling Prohibitions: REHB5050 Client Assessment and Job Placement Assessment: Take-home exam (30%), on-line exam (40%), 2000 word practical job placement exercise (30%) Practical field work: Non-compulsory workshop, exercises within the unit of study Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or Distance Education
The foci of this unit of study are the Australian Society of Rehabilitation Counsellors (ASORC) Core Competencies 9 (Vocational assessment) and 11 (Vocational Training and Placement). This unit canvasses the various methods used to both assess the client's suitability for particular types of work and the extent to which different jobs can accommodate the differing post disability capacities of clients. The applicability of differing assessment methods to different client populations will be discussed. The ability to accurately assess the rehabilitation client's potential for re-entry to the labour market is the focus of this unit of study. Interpretation skills for tests of ability and aptitude will be taught. Students are also taught how to actively engage with the labour market. Negotiation with employers and job development skills will also be discussed. They will learn to assess job opportunities and analyse labour market information in order to more accurately assess the likelihood of clients securing work in the job options generated in the vocational rehabilitation process. Formats for the writing of labour market analysis reports will also be provided.
Relevant readings provided
REHB5074 Professional Practice A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Michelle Alber Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1-day workshop Prohibitions: REHB5048 Field Experience I, REHB5054 Field Experience II Assumed knowledge: University of Sydney Code of Conduct Assessment: Short answer log book responses on WebCT (40%), satisfactory performance in meeting-agreed learning outcomes for the placement (60%). This will be determined by the supervisor's evaluation, student assessment tasks and monitored progress through agreed goals Practical field work: Students are required to complete the equivalent of 175hrs of practical placement Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1
Note: Students will be approved to undertake field placement by obtaining a) criminal record check, b) signing the Prohibited Employment Declaration Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) Act 1998 c) the Health Records and Information Privacy Act, 2004
This unit of study has one 5 week block placement in a professional setting (or 175 hours in part time, individual or group work) which integrates theoretical learning with off-campus, supervised practical learning. It provides students with the opportunity to consolidate and further develop theoretical knowledge and skills which they have gained on campus. It allows students an opportunity to further develop their own attitudes towards people with disabilities as well as professional rehabilitation counselling competencies in both traditional and specialised areas of practice.
Online manual is provided with WebCT access
REHB5075 Avocational Rehab Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: On-campus: 1hr tutorial/week; Distance education: no on-campus attendance required Prohibitions: REHB3039 Avocational Rehabilitation Assessment: In-depth case study analysis including detailed resource folder (50%), 3000 word essay (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or Distance Education
People whose injuries or disabilities hinder their ability to engage in vocational activities pose challenges for mainstream case management programs. This unit will explore key issues in the provision of non-vocational programs and long-term rehabilitation management for people with disabilities. Students will be presented with a range of innovative interdisciplinary rehabilitation management techniques in working with this group. Students will have the opportunity to explore disability areas of interest and examine a range of activities including leisure, sport and social skills programs that will be suitable for their chosen disability area. The unit will also cover areas of rural and remote disability management programs.
Readings provided
REHB5076 Introductory Rehabilitation Counselling

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Elias Mpofu Session: Semester 1 Classes: On-campus: 2hr introductory lecture/week, three half-day workshops. Web-based learning, CD-ROM, distance learning packages, interactive online discussion forums and email support Prohibitions: REHB5043 Rehabilitation Counselling A Assessment: On-line exam (30%), 2000 word essay (20%), taped interview demonstration, 2000 word critique report (50%) Practical field work: Non-compulsory workshop. Online exercises within the unit of study. Taped interview demonstration Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or On-line
This unit of study facilitates students' acquisition of the Australian Society of Rehabilitation Counsellors (ASORC) Core Competencies 12: Counselling. Values, attitudes and the philosophy of counselling are introduced. Counselling micro skills are studied and practiced as applied to the role of the rehabilitation counsellor. This unit also covers analytic, experiential and relationship-oriented counselling theories and techniques in the context of their application to rehabilitation counselling client populations. Students are required to undertake a counselling interview and self-critique as part of the assessment.
Ivey A, Intentional Interviewing and Counseling: Facilitating Client Development in a Multicultural Society (latest edition)
REHB5077 Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lynda Matthews Session: Semester 1 Classes: On-campus: 2hr tutorial/fortnight; Distance education: no on-campus attendance required Prohibitions: REHB5042 Psychiatric Rehabilitation Assessment: Take-home exam (40%), 3500 word essay (60%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or Distance Education
This unit is designed to introduce the student to psychiatric rehabilitation, an interprofessional approach for working with people with mental illness. Areas covered in this unit include the philosophy of psychiatric rehabilitation, its goals, values and guiding principles. Aspects of rehabilitation management and service provision are included.
REHB5078 Rehab Counselling Dissertation A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Elias Mpofu Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: On-campus: twelve 1hr tutorials, one 2hr statistics seminar, 2 workshops/semester, individual consultations. Distance education: no on-campus attendance required Prohibitions: REHB5057 Dissertation A, REHB5058 Dissertation B, REHB5059 Dissertation Assessment: Research presentation (50%), 3000 word literature critique (50%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2
The dissertation provides students with an opportunity to undertake an advanced investigation in a topic or issue relevant to rehabilitation counselling research and/or practice through the development of a substantial paper that demonstrates the application of scholarly literature to a practical problem or issue. This unit addresses the first part of the dissertation. Students undertake a critical review of the literature in relation to a significant topic or issue of relevance to their professional interest.
REHB5079 Perspectives on Rehab Legislation

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Trevor Hawkins Session: Semester 2 Classes: On-campus: ten 2hr lectures; Distance education: no on-campus attendance required Prerequisites: REHB5072 Applied Counselling and Case Management Assessment: Take-home exam (35%), take-home exam (30%), 2000 word assignment including case study (35%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or Distance Education
Students are exposed to the critical sections of the major accident compensation schemes in the State of New South Wales (WorkCover, Motor Accident Act). Reference is made to the relevant sections of the Acts which impact on rehabilitation service. Other services available through the schemes to support the legislation and its requirements are also discussed. Students are to be made familiar with the coding and costing of rehabilitation service under the Acts. Current best practice in injury management and service provision is a major focus. Students will also become familiar with the Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment (Welfare to Work and Other Measures) Act, 2005. Particular reference will be made to the Business Model incorporated in this Act. Specific attention will be paid to rehabilitation, strategies, services, requirements and obligations in place under this Act for those people affected by a disability or who are disadvantaged. Students address the role of Australian anti-discrimination and guardianship legislation in terms of equity, rehabilitation and quality of life for people with disabilities.
Relevant readings provided
REHB5080 Professional Practice B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Michelle Alber Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1-day workshop Assumed knowledge: The University of Sydney Code of Conduct Assessment: Short answer log book responses on WebCT (40%), satisfactory performance in meeting agreed learning outcomes for the placement (60%). This will be determined by the supervisor's evaluation, student assessment tasks and monitored progress through agreed goals Practical field work: Students are required to complete the equivalent of 175hrs of practical placement Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Students will be approved to undertake field placement by obtaining a) criminal record check, b) signing the Prohibited Employment Declaration Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) Act 1998 and c) the Health Records and Information Privacy Act, 2004
This unit of study has one 5 week block placement in a professional setting (or 175 hours in part time, individual or group work) which integrates theoretical learning with off-campus, supervised practical learning. It provides students with the opportunity to consolidate and further develop theoretical knowledge and skills which they have gained on campus. It allows students an opportunity to further develop their own attitudes towards people with disabilities as well as professional rehabilitation counselling competencies in both traditional and specialised areas of practice.
Online manual is provided with WebCT access
REHB5081 Rehab Counselling Dissertation B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Elias Mpofu Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Individual consultation Prerequisites: REHB5078 Rehab Counselling Dissertation A Prohibitions: REHB5057 Dissertation A, REHB5058 Dissertation B, REHB5059 Dissertation Assessment: 6000 word research paper (100%) Campus: Cumberland Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or Distance Education
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1
The dissertation provides students with an opportunity to undertake an advanced investigation in a topic or issue relevant to rehabilitation counselling research and/or practice through the development of a substantial paper that demonstrates the application of scholarly literature to a practical problem or issue. This unit addresses the second part of the dissertation. Students further analyse and interpret published scholarly materials concerning the topic and consider the implications of findings for rehabilitation service delivery and further research.
SEXH5008 Sex and Society

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Richard Hillman, Dr Shailendra Sawleshwarkar, Dr Damian Conway Session: Semester 2b Classes: 2 hours of lectures per week, half semester, which can be taken either face-to-face or online. AusAID students must enrol into the face-to-face version Assessment: written assignment (50%), online discussion (30%), online quiz (20%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or On-line
This unit will explore the social, psychological and political determinants of sexuality, with particular reference to their potential impacts on public health. It is available in both online and face-to-face modes. Particular emphasis will be placed on the impact of culture, tradition, society, environment, life experiences, personal beliefs and health on sexual activity. Policy and legislative responses to sexual activity will be discussed, with regards to the consequences of sexual activity and methods for determining the effectiveness of such responses.Course content will include population studies on sexual behaviour; historical perspectives; variants of sexuality (including adolescence, prisoners, multicultural aspects, the elderly, disability, homosexuality and transgender issues); sexual dysfunction and counselling; commercial sex work; sex education; sexual assault, health promotion and ethical and legal aspects.
SEXH5101 Public Health Aspects of STDs

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Richard Hillman, Dr Shailendra Sawleshwarkar Session: S2 Intensive,Semester 2a Classes: Semester 2a: 2 hours of lectures per week, half semester, which can be taken either face-to-face or online; Semester 2a Intensive: compulsory attendance at a teaching day in week 4 and attendance at 2 hours of lectures per week, half semester, taken face-to-face for 4 weeks Assessment: written assignment and online quizzes. Assessment: written assignment (50%) and online quizzes (50%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to provide a public health perspective of the community impact of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is available in both online and face to face modes. At the end of this unit, students will be able to understand the underlying principles of the surveillance systems used to monitor STIs; the core risk activity groups involved in the transmission of STIs; how the epidemiologies of STIs vary within and between societies; the public health impacts of STIs; and effective preventative strategies at individual and community levels. Course content will include an introduction to the basic biology of STIs; epidemiology and surveillance methods; STI service delivery considerations; STI/HIV interactions, travellers' sexual health; health promotion for STIs; policy approaches and ethical & legal issues.
SEXH5102 Public Health Aspects of HIV/AIDS

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Richard Hillman, Dr Shailendra Sawleshwarkar Session: Semester 2b Classes: 2 hours of lectures per week, half semester, which can be taken either face-to-face or online. AusAID students must enrol in the face-to-face version. Assessment: written assignment (50%) and online quizzes (50%) Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day or On-line
This unit aims to provide a public health perspective of the impact of HIV infection. It is available in both online and face to face modes. At the end of this unit, students will be able to understand the underlying principles of the surveillance systems used to monitor HIV infection; the core risk activity groups involved in the transmission of HIV; how the epidemiology of HIV infection varies within and between societies; the public health impacts of HIV infection; and effective prevention strategies. Course content will include an introduction to the basic science of HIV infection; epidemiology and surveillance; sexual blood borne and mother to child transmission; STI/HIV interactions; other methods of transmission; health promotion for HIV; government perspectives and ethical and legal issues.
SEXH5109 Introduction to STIs & HIV

This unit of study is not available in 2011

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Richard Hillman, Dr Shailendra Sawleshwarkar Session: Semester 1 Classes: online - synchronous and asynchronous on-line discussions will be held at times convenient to the students Prerequisites: Core units of Graduate Program of Sexual Health Assessment: on-line quizzes, case-based small group work assignments and individual activity reports. Campus: Camperdown/Darlington Mode of delivery: On-line
This unit aims to introduce the basic social, public health and medical aspects of the common sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
Individual modules addressing the key areas will be presented, with associated reading materials and exercises. A systematic approach is used, enabling the student to understand the basic principles of how STIs and HIV impact on society, present to clinical services and how they are managed in a variety of settings.
SEXH5205 Advanced Adolescent Sexual Health

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Melissa Kang Session: Semester 2 Classes: fully online Prohibitions: SEXH5204 Assessment: continuous assessment including participation in group discussion, short answer questions, 1000 word assignments plus 2500 word essay or field report. Campus: Westmead Mode of delivery: On-line
Note: Students are advised to select EITHER SEXH5204 (4 credit points) OR SEXH5205 (6 credit points). Students completing SEXH5204 will NOT be able to undertake SEXH5205. Students are advised to consult with the Unit Coordinator if they need assistance with this selection.
This unit aims to introduce the constructs of adolescent sexuality, explore the determinants of adolescent sexual health and to discuss the personal and public health implications of adolescent sexuality, with additional emphasis on a deeper exploration of an area of adolescent sexual health that is of particular interest to the student.
At the end of this unit of study, students will be able to describe the biological, developmental and socio-cultural contexts of adolescent sexual health as well as the constructs, challenges and diversities of adolescent sexuality. They will learn techniques used to optimize communication with adolescents and explore legal, ethical and public health implications of adolescent sexuality. They will also understand and describe one area of adolescent sexual health that the student chooses to study in depth from a list of suggestions.
The course is taught fully online using a range of assessments including group discussion, short answer questions and discussions based on case scenarios. It is divided into 6 modules: adolescent sexuality, adolescent sexual health, reproductive health issues in adolescence, diversity, legal and ethical issues and sexual health promotion.
SEXH5206 Diagnostic Methods in Sexual Health

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Richard Hillman, Dr Shailendra Sawleshwarkar Session: Semester 1 Classes: Semester 1: blended online with a compulsory one week laboratory practical session towards the end of the course will compliment the online learning; Semester 1 Intensive: blended online - compulsory attendance at classes during week 4 and attendance at a compulsory one week laboratory practical session towards the end of the course Assessment: online quizzes (30%), case based presentations (20%), online discussion (10%) and a written exam (40%) at the end of the practicum Campus: Westmead Mode of delivery: Distance Education/Intensive on Campus
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Students who are not enrolled in the STD/HIV program through the Faculty of Medicine must apply to Associate Professor Richard Hillman for permission to enrol in this unit of study.
This unit aims to introduce the student to the common methods used in the diagnosis and management of infections with the common Sexually Transmissible Infections (STIs), including HIV.
At the end of this unit, students will be able to understand the principles of Infection Control; methods used in diagnostic microbiology including specimen collection, storage and transport; specific diagnostic techniques and the interpretation of laboratory results; principle methods of detection for the following organisms: Chlamydia trachomatis, Candida albicans, genital mycoplasmas, Herpes simplex viruses, Human papillomaviruses, Molluscum contagiosum, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Treponema pallidum, Trichomonas vaginalis, tropical genital ulcerating conditions and genital ectoparasites. Students will also be able to discuss methods used and interpretation of Hepatitis serology; laboratory aspects of syndromic management of vaginal discharge, urethral discharge, rectal discharge and prostatism; the diagnosis and management of HIV infection; the diagnosis of HIV-related opportunistic infections and tumours, and genital cytological assessment.
Course content will include reading materials and exercises. A compulsory intensive one week face-to-face lab practicum allows students to consolidate their theoretical knowledge.