University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Master of Applied Science (MAppSc)

The master's degree offers candidates, from a wide range of disciplines and training, the opportunity to pursue their research interests within the faculty. Candidates are expected to work individually and under the direction of a primary supervisor and one or more associate supervisors on advanced study and research in one of the chosen research areas. At the end of the candidature, a student is expected to present a thesis for examination.

The proposed research topic must receive approval from the convener of the appropriate research group or unit director within the faculty who will also certify that appropriate supervisors and resources are available.

The faculty can offer supervision over a broad range of research topics. Areas of research expertise are available on the respective Faculty Research Group websites. To access this information visit the Faculty of Health Sciences at, and follow the links to the research area of your choice.

Research thesis and research electives are the major components of the course. Additional coursework may be required where this is considered necessary for the development of the thesis.

  • An application for admission to a master€™s degree program is accepted subject to the availability of facilities and supervision. Courses and arrangements as stated in the handbook or any other publication, announcement or advice of the faculty are expression of intent only and are not to be taken as a firm offer or undertaking. The faculty reserves the right to discontinue or vary such courses, or arrangement of staff allocations at any time without notice.
  • An application shall be made on the prescribed form and shall be lodged with the Research and Innovation Office (Cumberland).
  • An application shall normally be made by the end of October immediately preceding the year in which the applicant wishes to register, except that, for a program being conducted for the first time, application for admission shall be made by the specified closing date, as determined by the head of the Research and Innovation Office (Cumberland), from time to time.
  • An applicant may seek admission to a master€™s degree program either as a full-time or part-time on-campus or full-time or part-time off-campus student.
Time limits

Candidates can proceed on a full or part-time basis. The normal maximum length of candidature would be four semesters full-time and eight semesters part-time.

Admission Requirements

To qualify for admission to the Master of Applied Science degree, applicants must possess:

  • A relevant bachelor€™s degree from the University of Sydney or other Australian university or an overseas institution of higher education equivalent to an Australian bachelor degree.
  • Evidence of general and academic qualifications and experience as will satisfy the faculty that the applicant possesses the educational preparation and capacity to pursue independent research

Criteria for this program may differ from each area of study.

Course rules


Master of Applied Science

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Applied Science

2 Master of Applied Science

The master's degree offers candidates, from a wide range of disciplines and training, the opportunity to pursue their research interests within the faculty. Candidates are expected to work individually and under the direction of a primary supervisor and one or more associate supervisors on advanced study and research in one of the chosen research areas. At the end of the candidature, a student is expected to present a thesis for examination.
The minimum admission requirement to the master's degree is a relevant bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney or other Australian university or an overseas institution of higher education, equivalent to an Australian bachelor's degree or present such evidence of general or academic qualifications as will satisfy the faculty that the applicant possesses the educational preparation and capacity to pursue graduate studies.
The proposed research topic must receive approval from the convener of the appropriate research group or unit director within the faculty who will also certify that appropriate supervisors and resources are available.
The faculty can offer supervision over a broad range of research topics. Areas of research expertise are available on the respective Faculty Research Group websites. To access this information visit the Faculty of Health Sciences at, and follow the links to the research area of your choice.
Research thesis and research electives are the major components of the course. Additional coursework may be required where this is considered necessary for the development of the thesis.

3 Applications

An application for admission to a master's degree program is accepted subject to the availability of facilities and supervision. Courses and arrangements as stated in the handbook or any other publication, announcement or advice of the faculty are expression of intent only and are not to be taken as a firm offer or undertaking. The faculty reserves the right to discontinue or vary such courses, or arrangement of staff allocations at any time without notice.
An application shall be made on the prescribed form and shall be lodged with the Research and Innovation Office (Cumberland).
An application shall normally be made by the end of October immediately preceding the year in which the applicant wishes to register, except that, for a program being conducted for the first time, application for admission shall be made by the specified closing date, as determined by the head of the Research and Innovation Office (Cumberland), from time to time.
An applicant may seek admission to a master's degree program either as a full-time or part-time on-campus or full-time or part-time off-campus student.

4 Time limits

Candidates can proceed on a full or part-time basis. The normal maximum length of candidature would be four semesters full-time and eight semesters part-time.

5 Enrolment

The Faculty may:
permit an applicant to enrol as a master's degree by Research candidate in the Master of Applied Science Course (S018);
permit an applicant to enrol as a master's qualifying student for the purpose of preparing for candidature in any of the above master's degree courses. On successful completion of the Qualifying Program, a prospective master's degree student is required to apply for admission to the master's degree program.
An applicant enrolled as a master's degree candidate or as a qualifying student will not be permitted to undertake concurrently other graduate studies in the University, or elsewhere, except with the approval of the Faculty.
An applicant will not be permitted to enrol as a qualifying student or degree candidate unless the head of the academic unit has certified that the applicant is considered suited to undertake the program and that the current research interests of members of Faculty and the availability of resources for the proposed research have been discussed with the applicant.
The Faculty may permit an applicant to enrol as a master's degree candidate if the applicant has:
Qualified for admission in terms of the admission requirements (see Section on Admission Requirements), OR
(i)  Been enrolled as a Master of Applied Science/Health Science Qualifying Student in the Faculty and has subsequently carried out such work, passed such examinations and reached such standards as prescribed by the Faculty, AND
(ii)  Satisfied the Faculty that the applicant can devote sufficient time to advanced study and research, AND
(iii)  An applicant may be required to submit additional information to satisfy the head of the academic unit.

6 Admission requirements

To qualify for admission to the Master of Applied Science degree, applicants must possess:
A relevant bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney or other Australian university or an overseas institution of higher education equivalent to an Australian bachelor degree.
Evidence of general and academic qualifications and experience as will satisfy the faculty that the applicant possesses the educational preparation and capacity to pursue independent research.

7 Course requirements

A qualifying student shall be eligible for consideration for admission to a master's degree program on completion of a program approved by the Faculty at a level of performance prescribed by the Faculty.
A candidate shall be eligible for admission to the degree of Master of Applied Science if the candidate:
(i)  undertakes the prescribed course of study for the degree, and
(ii)  completes the prescribed program of the research thesis which involves original investigation or review, and
(iii)  submits and has accepted a thesis prepared under the supervision of an academic supervisor appointed by the Faculty.
Minimum time
A qualifying student shall not be eligible for consideration for enrolment as a master's degree candidate until a period of at least one semester has elapsed from initial enrolment.
A candidate shall not normally be eligible for conferral to the degree:
(i)  in the case of a full-time student, until a period of at least three semesters has elapsed from time of enrolment as a master's degree candidate, OR
(ii)  in the case of a part-time student, until a period of at least six semesters has elapsed from the time of enrolment as a master's degree candidate.
Maximum time
A qualifying student shall complete the program within two years.
A candidate shall present for examination:
(i)  in the case of a full-time student, not later than four semesters from the date of enrolment as a master's degree candidate, or
(ii)  in the case of a part-time student, not later than eight semesters from the date of enrolment as a master's degree candidate, unless special permission for an extension of time be granted by the Faculty.
Discontinuation of enrolment
Notwithstanding the provision of section 3 above, the Faculty may discontinue the enrolment of a master's degree candidate in less than the maximum time allowed, if it is dissatisfied with the candidate's progress.
Fieldwork and supervision
The work other than field work should be carried out in the academic unit and such other areas as appropriate or under such conditions as the Faculty may determine.
The Faculty shall appoint a supervisor from the academic staff of the Faculty/University.
Where the Faculty considers it appropriate, it may appoint academic associate supervisors. In the case of part-time students, the Faculty may appoint associate supervisors in the student's region or workplace.
Progress reports
Every master's degree candidate is required to complete an annual report on his/her work to the academic supervisor then through the head of the academic unit to the Higher Degree Research Subcommittee.
Research subject
Not later than two semesters after enrolment as a full-time master's degree candidate or three semesters after enrolment as a part-time master's degree candidate, the candidate shall submit the subject of the research thesis for approval by the Faculty. After the subject has been approved it may not be changed except with the written permission of the Faculty.

8 Research thesis

On completion of studies, a master's degree candidate will submit a thesis which complies with the following requirements:
The greater proportion of the work described must have been completed subsequent to initial enrolment, and
It must be a distinct contribution to the knowledge of the subject whether by original investigation or by review, and
It must be written in English or in a language approved by the Faculty and reach a satisfactory standard of literary presentation.
The thesis shall consist of the candidate's own account of his/her work. In special cases work done conjointly with other persons may be accepted provided the Faculty is satisfied with the candidate's part in the joint work.
Every candidate shall submit with the thesis a short abstract of the thesis comprising of not more than 300 words.
A candidate may not submit as the main content of the thesis any work or material which has been previously submitted for a degree or other similar award, but shall not be precluded from incorporating such in the thesis, provided that he/she indicates generally in the preface and specifically in the notes of the work, material which has been so incorporated.
The candidate shall give in writing two months' notice of the intention to submit the thesis.
Three copies of the thesis shall be prepared by the candidate.
The thesis shall be submitted to the Faculty Research and Innovation Office with a certificate signed by the supervisors certifying that the form of presentation in the candidate's thesis is satisfactory.
If the head of the academic unit declines to accept the thesis, the supervisor may appeal in writing to the Research Training Subcommittee.
If the supervisor or supervisor(s) decline(s) to certify the thesis is ready for examination and the head of the academic unit declines to accept the thesis, a candidate may appeal to the Research Training Subcommittee.

9 Examination of thesis

The Faculty shall appoint two examiners, at least one of whom shall not be a member of the academic staff of the University. At least one examiner shall be selected from within the University. The student's supervisor(s) shall not be an examiner.
All examiners shall be furnished with a copy of the course description and course requirements, and be required to award marks/grades of Fail, Pass, Credit, Distinction and High Distinction according to the criteria determined by the Faculty, which is available from Student Central (Cumberland).
The candidate may be required to attend the University or such other place as the Faculty shall determine for an oral examination of his/her thesis.
The report of examiners shall be forwarded to the head of the academic unit for recommendation to the Research Training Subcommittee, to award one of the above grades as a thesis final result. Note: However, if there is any disagreement among the examiners, the Head, shall consult the supervisor and the annual progress report before making a recommendation.
Following a resolution regarding the thesis by the Research Training Subcommittee, the examiners' reports may be released to the candidate by the relevant head of the academic unit.

10 Master of Applied Science - SC108

This generic degree is offered to candidates from a wide range of disciplines and training to pursue their research interest in this faculty. Students should refer to the academic chapters to identify appropriate supervisors. Coursework may be required where this is considered necessary for the development of the thesis. However the admission criteria for this program may differ from each area of study.