University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Resolutions of the Faculty


Resolutions of the Faculty of Health Sciences for coursework awards

These resolutions apply to all undergraduate and postgraduate coursework award courses in the Faculty, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Students enrolled in postgraduate research awards should consult the resolutions for their course. These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the resolutions for the course of enrolment, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Part 1: Course enrolment

1 Enrolment restrictions

The Coursework Rule limits the maximum number of credit points students may take in any given semester. The Faculty does not encourage full time students to exceed the recommended enrolment patterns for its courses.
Except with the permission of the Dean, a student may not enrol in more than 30 credit points in any one semester. All other enrolment restrictions are as defined by the Coursework Rule.

2 Time limits

The Coursework Rule limits the time students may take to complete their course; part time students should ensure their enrolment pattern allows completion within the maximum time. The Rule also defines how time limits are affected by periods of suspension or absence.

3 Suspension, discontinuation and lapse of candidature

Suspension, discontinuation and lapse of candidature are governed in accordance with the Coursework Rule.

4 Credit for previous study

The Coursework Rule specifies the general conditions for the granting of credit for previous study to courses in this Faculty, except that credit will not be granted for recognised prior learning older than 5 years at the time of first enrolment.
The Faculty does not grant credit for units of study for which a result of Terminating Pass or Pass (Concessional) has been awarded.

Part 2: Unit of study enrolment

5 Cross-institutional study

Provided permission has been obtained in advance, the Dean may permit a student to complete a unit of study at another institution and have that unit credited to the student's course requirements, provided that:
the unit of study content is not taught in any corresponding unit of study at the University; or
the student is unable, for good reason, to attend a corresponding unit of study at the University.
Cross institutional study is regarded as another form of credit and will be counted as such when considering eligibility.
Credit granted on the basis of work completed at another university or institution under a cross-institutional program may not exceed 24 credit points, or half of the overall course requirements, whichever is lesser.
Credit granted on the basis of postgraduate study completed under a cross-institutional program at another institution other than a university may not exceed:
18 credit points for a master's degree;
12 credit points for a graduate diploma; and
6 points for a graduate certificate.

6 International exchange

The faculty encourages students to participate in international exchange programs, unless specified otherwise in the resolutions for a particular course. For more information refer to the International Office.

Part 3: Studying and Assessment

7 Attendance

Students are required to be in attendance at the correct time and place of any formal or informal examinations. Non attendance on any grounds insufficient to claim special consideration will result in the forfeiture of marks associated with the assessment. Participation in a minimum number of assessment items may be a requirement of any unit of study.
Students are expected to attend a minimum of 90% of timetabled activities for a unit of study, unless granted exemption by the Dean, head of school or professor most concerned. The Dean, head of school or professor most concerned may determine that a student fails a unit of study because of inadequate attendance. Alternatively, at their discretion, they may set additional assessment items where attendance is lower than 90%.

8 Late submission policy

It is expected that unless an application for special consideration has been approved, students will submit all assessment for a unit of study on the due date specified. If the assessment is completed or submitted within the period of extension, no academic penalty will be applied to that piece of assessment.
If a student does not seek an extension, or one is not granted by the academic staff member concerned, or is granted but work is submitted by the student after the extended due date, the late submission of assessment will result in an academic penalty as follows:
For work submitted after the deadline but up to three calendar days late, a penalty of 20 per cent of the total mark awardable for the assignment will apply.
For work submitted after 3 days and less than one week after the deadline, a penalty of 30 per cent of the total mark awardable for the assignment will apply.
For work submitted more than one week late but less than two weeks after the deadline, a penalty of 40 per cent of the total mark awardable for the assignment will apply.
Work submitted more than two weeks after deadline will not be assessed (Fail).

9 Special consideration for illness, injury or misadventure

Special consideration is a process that affords equal opportunity to students who have experienced circumstances that adversely impact their ability to adequately complete an assessment task in a unit of study. The Coursework Rule provides full details of the University policy. The procedures for applying for special consideration are described in each unit of study outline.

10 Concessional pass

In this Faculty the grade PCON (Concessional Pass) is not awarded.

11 Re-assessment

The Faculty does not offer opportunities for re-assessment other than on the grounds of approved Special Consideration.
Students who have successfully requested special consideration may be allowed to sit the exam or submit the required work at a negotiated date that should not be longer than the period of incapacitation and in any case not longer than 3 months after the original examination or submission date. After this time the student will be considered to have discontinued with permission. Marks will be awarded at full value for further examination where special consideration is approved.

Part 4: Progression, Results and Graduation

12 Progression in honours courses

Candidates for honours must maintain a credit average throughout the program.

13 Satisfactory progress

The Faculty will monitor students for satisfactory progress towards the completion of their award course. In addition to the common triggers used to identify students not meeting academic progression requirements (as set out in the provisions relating to progression in the Coursework Rule), students must pass any unit of study identified in the course resolutions as being critical to progression through the course. In addition, students must meet all requirements of off-campus clinical placement components of any unit of study undertaken. Performance in clinical placements will be monitored in accordance with the faculty's Clinical Progression Policy for Students.
Students must complete at least one core unit per semester where core units are available for study in the normal progression pattern. Students who fail a core unit of study must repeat the failed unit at the first opportunity.
Students whose conduct or work towards their award is unsatisfactory, may, on the recommendation of the head of the academic unit concerned, be refused permission by the Faculty to undertake or continue the clinical educational fieldwork/professional experience component of their award. The Faculty reserves the right not to place a student in any clinical placement or other professional experience setting in any instance where the performance, personal or professional conduct of the student does not meet the required standard of the professional organisation, regardless of the fact that the student may be enrolled in the unit of study.

14 Award of the bachelor's degree with honours

Honours is available to meritorious students as either appended honours or integrated honours. Admission to candidature and requirements for the honours courses are in accordance with the relevant course resolutions.
Honours is awarded in the following classes:


Mark Range

Honours Class I

mark >= 80

Honours Class II (Division 1)

75 <= mark < 80

Honours Class II (Division 2)

70 <= mark < 75

Honours Class III

65 <= mark < 70

Honours not awarded

mark < 65

15 University medal

A student with an honours mark of 90 or above may be awarded a university medal. The medal is awarded at the discretion of the Faculty to the highest achieving students who in the opinion of the Faculty have an outstanding academic record, in accordance with the Coursework Rule.

16 Weighted average mark (WAM)

WAM's are used by the University as one indicator of performance. For example, WAM's may be used in assessing admission to and progression of honours, eligibility for prizes and scholarships, or assessing progression through a course. Unless another formula is specified for a particular purpose, the University WAM is used. The University WAM is calculated using the following formula:
WAM =  
sum(Wc x Mc)  
where Wc is the unit of study credit points x the unit weighting and Mc is the mark achieved for the unit. The mark used for units with a grade AF is zero. Pass/ fail units and credited units from other institutions are not counted.
The weight of a unit of study is assigned by the owning faculty. In this Faculty, Junior units are weighted 1, Intermediate units are weighted 2, Senior units are weighted 3 and graduate units are weighted 4.

Part 5: Other

17 Requirements for students undertaking clinical placements

Certificate of competency in CPR
Students must have a current certificate of competency in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation before enrolling in a course with a practicum placement requirement and must ensure that their certificate retains currency for the duration of their course.
Student clearance for clinical placements
The NSW Department of Health requires that all students obtain clearance in order to undertake clinical placements. This involves a criminal record check according to NSW Health policy.
Students must have evidence of vaccinations and immunisation against certain infectious diseases prior to undertaking clinical placements. The requirements are consistent with Australian public health policy and NHMRC guidelines.
Prohibited employment declaration
Students should complete a prohibited employment declaration as required by the NSW Commission for Children and Young People.
NSW Health Records and Information Privacy Act (2002)
Students must comply with the NSW Health Records and Information Privacy Act (2002).

18 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Students who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.


Master of Diagnostic Radiography

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course title
SC131 Master of Diagnostic Radiography

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time only.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is a professional master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on academic merit, according to the following admissions criteria.
Admission to candidature for the Master of Diagnostic Radiography requires a PhD, master's or bachelor's degree from an Australian institution or equivalent.

5 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for this course are set out in the Table of Units of Study for Master of Diagnostic Radiography.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Diagnostic Radiography a candidate must complete 96 credit points of units of study, including:
90 credit points of core units; and
6 credit points of elective units, chosen either from the list of elective units in the Table or, with the approval of the Dean, from any postgraduate units offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences or by any other faculty in the University.

6 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.


Master of Exercise Physiology

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course title
SC149 Master of Exercise Physiology

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time only.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is a professional master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on academic merit, according to the following admissions criteria.
Admission to candidature for the Master of Exercise Physiology requires the applicant to have a PhD, master's or bachelor's degree from an Australian institution or equivalent; and also to have extensive pre-existing knowledge in:
human anatomy
human or exercise physiology
psychology/behavioural science and
research design and statistics.

5 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for this course are set out in the Table of Units of Study for the Master of Exercise Physiology.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Exercise Physiology a candidate must complete 96 credit points of core units of study.

6 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.


Master of Health Informatics

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Health Informatics

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time or part time according to candidate choice.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is a professional master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on academic merit, according to the following admissions criteria.
Admission to candidature for the Master of Health Informatics requires a PhD, master's or bachelor's degree from an Australian tertiary institution or equivalent.
Applicants without a degree in a health related area such as medicine, nursing, allied health or health sciences, must complete prescribed units of study as electives.

5 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for this course are set out in the Table of Units of Study for the Master of Health Informatics.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Health Informatics a candidate must complete 96 credit points of units of study, including:
72 credit points of core units; and
24 credit points of elective units, chosen either from the list of elective units in the Table or, with the approval of the Dean, from any postgraduate units offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences or by other faculties in the University. Candidates who have not completed health-related undergraduate studies must complete two prescribed units of study listed in the Table.

6 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.


Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Developmental Disability)

Master of Health Science (Developmental Disability)

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course and stream title
SG028 Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Developmental Disability)
SC107 Master of Health Science (Developmental Disability)

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is full time or part time, according to candidate choice.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is an advanced learning master's course, as defined by the Coursework Policy.

4 Embedded courses in this sequence

The embedded courses in this sequence are:
the Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Developmental Disability)
the Master of Health Science (Developmental Disability)
Providing candidates satisfy the admission requirements for each stage, a candidate may progress to the award of either of the courses in this sequence. Only the longest award completed will be conferred.

5 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on academic merit, according to the following admissions criteria.
Admission to candidature for the Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Developmental Disability) and the Master of Health Science (Developmental Disability) requires:
a bachelor's degree with a credit average from the University of Sydney, in a discipline related to the course specialisation, or an equivalent qualification; or
general and professional qualifications and/or experience that will satisfy the Dean that the applicant possesses the educational preparation and capacity to pursue postgraduate studies; or
in the case of the Master's degree, completion of the embedded Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Developmental Disability) from the University of Sydney, or an equivalent qualification.

6 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for these awards are set out in the Faculty of Health Sciences Table of units of study for the Graduate Certificate / Master of Health Science (Developmental Disability).
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Developmental Disability) a candidate must complete 24 credit points of units of study, comprising:
6 credit points of core units listed in the Developmental Disability Table; and
18 credit points of elective units, including a minimum of 12 credit points of units chosen from the Developmental Disability Table and a maximum of 6 credit points of elective units, chosen, with the approval of the Dean, from other postgraduate units offered in the Faculty or by other faculties in the University.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Health Science (Developmental Disability) a candidate must complete 48 credit points, comprising:
6 credit points of core units listed in the Developmental Disability Table; and
42 credit points of elective units, including a minimum of 24 credit points of units chosen from the Developmental Disability Table and a maximum of 18 credit points of elective units, chosen, with the approval of the Dean, from other postgraduate units offered in the Faculty or by other faculties in the University.

7 Course transfer

A candidate for the master's degree may elect to discontinue study and graduate with the shorter award from this embedded sequence, with the approval of the Dean, and provided the requirements for the shorter award have been met.

8 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.


Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Exercise and Sport Science)

Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Exercise and Sport Science)

Master of Exercise and Sport Science

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course and stream title
SG026 Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Exercise and Sport Science)
SF054 Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Exercise and Sport Science)
SC155 Master of Exercise and Sport Science

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is full time or part time, according to candidate choice.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is an advanced learning master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Embedded courses in this sequence

The embedded courses in this sequence are:
the Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Exercise and Sport Science)
the Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Exercise and Sport Science)
the Master of Exercise and Sport Science
Providing candidates satisfy the admission requirements for each stage, a candidate may progress to the award of any of the courses in this sequence. Only the longest award completed will be conferred.

5 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on academic merit, according to the following admissions criteria.
Admission to candidature for the Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Exercise and Sport Science), the Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Exercise and Sport Science) and the Master of Exercise and Sport Science requires an Australian bachelor's degree in medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing, physical education or other related fields (or overseas equivalent). A background in anatomy or biomechanics and physiology is essential.

6 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for these awards are set out in the Faculty of Health Sciences Table of units of study for the Graduate Certificate / Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Exercise and Sport Science), Master of Exercise and Sport Science.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Exercise and Sport Science) a candidate must complete 24 credit points of units of study, including:
6 credit points of core units from the Exercise and Sport Table; and
18 credit points of elective units, chosen from the Table or, with the approval of the Dean, from any postgraduate units offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences or by other faculties in the University.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Exercise and Sport Science) a candidate must complete 36 credit points of units of study, including:
6 credit points of core units from the Exercise and Sport Table; and
30 credit points of elective units, chosen from the Table or, with the approval of the Dean, from any postgraduate units offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences or by other faculties in the University.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Exercise and Sport Science a candidate must complete 48 credit points of units of study, including:
6 credit points of core units from the Exercise and Sport Table; and
42 credit points of elective units, chosen from the Table or, with the approval of the Dean, from any postgraduate units offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences or by other faculties in the University.

7 Course transfer

A candidate for the Master's degree or Graduate Diploma may elect to discontinue study and graduate with a shorter award from this embedded sequence, with the approval of the Dean, and provided the requirements of the shorter award have been met.

8 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.


Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences)

Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences)

Master of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences)

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course and stream title
SG024 Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences)
SF053 Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences)
SC077 Master of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences)

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for the Master's degree and Graduate Diploma courses is full time or part time, according to candidate choice; for the Graduate Certificate it is part time only.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is an advanced learning master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Embedded courses in this sequence

The embedded courses in this sequence are:
the Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences)
the Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences)
the Master of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences)
Providing candidates satisfy the admission requirements for each stage, a candidate may progress to the award of any of the courses in this sequence. Only the longest award completed will be conferred.

5 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on academic merit, according to the following admissions criteria.
Admission to candidature for the Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences), the Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences) and the Master of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences) requires:
a bachelor's degree in a relevant field; or
other evidence of general and professional qualifications and/or experience, to satisfy the Faculty that the applicant possesses the educational capacity to pursue postgraduate studies, and satisfy such additional requirements for admission to the program, if any, as may be prescribed by the Faculty.
in the case of the Graduate Diploma, completion of the embedded Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences) from the University of Sydney, or an equivalent qualification; or
in the case of the Master's degree, completion of the embedded Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences) from the University of Sydney, or an equivalent qualification; or
Students who entered the Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences) with an undergraduate diploma or less will be required to achieve at least a credit average to be able to articulate to the Master of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences).

6 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for these awards are set out in the Faculty of Health Sciences Tables of units of study for the Graduate Certificate / Graduate Diploma / Master of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences).
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences) a candidate must complete 24 credit points of elective units of study comprising:
18 credit points of elective units chosen from the Table; and
6 credit points of elective units, chosen from the Table or, with the approval of the Dean, from any postgraduate units offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences, by other faculties in the University or from outside the University.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences) a candidate must complete 36 credit points of units of study comprising:
6 credit points of core units listed in the Table;
12 credit points of elective units chosen from the Table; and
18 credit points of elective units chosen from the Table or, with the approval of the Dean, from any postgraduate units offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences, by other faculties in the University or from outside the University.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Health Science (Medical Radiation Sciences) a candidate must complete 48 credit points of units of study comprising:
6 credit points of core units listed in the Table;
24 credit points of elective units chosen from the Table; and
18 credit points of elective units chosen from the Table or, with the approval of the Dean, from any postgraduate units offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences, by other faculties in the University or from outside the University.

7 Course transfer

A candidate for the Master's degree or Graduate Diploma may elect to discontinue study and graduate with a shorter award from this embedded sequence, with the approval of the Dean, and provided the requirements of the shorter award have been met.

8 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.


Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Sexual Health)

Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Sexual Health)

Master of Health Science (Sexual Health)

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course and stream title
SG030 Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Sexual Health)
SF057 Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Sexual Health)
SC109 Master of Health Science (Sexual Health)

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is full time or part time, according to candidate choice.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is an advanced learning master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Embedded courses in this sequence

The embedded courses in this sequence are:
the Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Sexual Health)
the Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Sexual Health)
the Master of Health Science (Sexual Health)
Providing candidates satisfy the admission requirements for each stage, a candidate may progress to the award of any of the courses in this sequence. Only the longest award completed will be conferred.

5 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on academic merit, according to the following admissions criteria.
Admission to candidature for the Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Sexual Health), the Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Sexual Health) and the Master of Health Science (Sexual Health) requires:
a bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney, in a discipline related to the course specialisation, or an equivalent qualification; or
general and professional qualifications and/or experience that will satisfy the Dean that the applicant possesses the educational preparation and capacity to pursue postgraduate studies; or
in the case of the Graduate Diploma, completion of the embedded Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Sexual Health) from the University of Sydney, or an equivalent qualification; or
in the case of the Master's degree, completion of the embedded Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Sexual Health) from the University of Sydney, or an equivalent qualification.

6 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for these courses are set out in the Faculty of Health Sciences Table of units of study for the Graduate Certificate / Graduate Diploma / Master of Health Science (Sexual Health).
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Sexual Health) a candidate must complete 24 credit points of units of study comprising:
12 credit points of core units; and
12 credit points of elective units.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Sexual Health) a candidate must complete 36 credit points of units of study comprising:
18 credit points of core units; and
18 credit points of elective units.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Health Science (Sexual Health) a candidate must complete 48 credit points of units of study comprising:
30 credit points of core units; and
18 credit points of elective units.

7 Course transfer

A candidate for the Master's degree or Graduate Diploma may elect to discontinue study and graduate with a shorter award from this embedded sequence, with the approval of the Dean, and provided the requirements of the shorter award have been met.

8 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.


Master of Molecular Imaging

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Molecular Imaging

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is full time or part time, according to candidate choice.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is an advanced learning master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on merit, according to the following admissions criteria.
Admission to candidature for the Master of Molecular Imaging requires successful completion of a relevant Bachelors degree or equivalent from a recognised tertiary institution with a minimum credit (65%) average. A relevant bachelor degree includes a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Medical Science, Bachelor of Pharmacy, Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical), Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical) or Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology from the University of Sydney, or an equivalent qualification.

5 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for this course are set out in the Table of Units of Study for the Master of Molecular Imaging.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Molecular Imaging a candidate must complete 48 credit points of units of study comprising:
24 credit points of core units and 24 credit points of industry pathway units of study for candidates undertaking the industry pathway; or
24 credit points of core units and 24 credit points of research pathway units of study for candidates undertaking the research pathway.

6 Cross-institutional study

Credit granted on the basis of postgraduate study completed under a cross-institutional program at another university or institution may not exceed 24 credit points.

7 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011.


Master of Nuclear Medicine

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Nuclear Medicine

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time only.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is a professional master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on academic merit, according to the following admissions criteria.
Admission to candidature for the Master of Nuclear Medicine requires a PhD, master's or bachelor's degree from an Australian institution or equivalent.

5 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for this course are set out in the Table of Units of Study for the Master of Nuclear Medicine.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Nuclear Medicine a candidate must complete 96 credit points of units of study comprising:
90 credit points of core units; and
6 credit points of elective units, chosen either from the list of elective units in the Table or, with the approval of the Dean, from any postgraduate units offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences or by any other faculty in the University.

6 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.


Master of Occupational Therapy

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Occupational Therapy

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time or part time according to candidate choice.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is a professional master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on academic merit, according to the following admissions criteria.
Admission to candidature for the Master of Occupational Therapy requires a PhD, master's or bachelor's degree from an Australian institution or equivalent. Applicants without a degree in a health related area such as medicine, nursing, allied health or health sciences or human functioning (education, anthropology, anthropometrics, built environment) must complete prescribed units of study in anatomy and/or psychology as electives.

5 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for this course are set out in the Table of Units of Study for the Master of Occupational Therapy.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Occupational Therapy a candidate must complete 96 credit points of units of study, including:
90 credit points of core units; and
6 credit points of elective units, chosen either from the list of elective units in the Table or, with the approval of the Dean, from any postgraduate units offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences or by any other faculty in the University.

6 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016, or later date as the faculty may, in special circumstances, approve.


Master of Orthoptics

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Orthoptics

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time or part time, according to candidate choice.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is a professional master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on academic merit, according to the following admissions criteria.
Admission to candidature for the Master of Orthoptics requires a PhD, master's or bachelor's degree from an Australian institution or equivalent.

5 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for this course are set out in the Table of Units of Study for the Master of Orthoptics.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Orthoptics a candidate must complete 96 credit points of core units of study.

6 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016, or later date as the faculty may, in special circumstances, approve.


Master of Physiotherapy

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Physiotherapy

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time only.

3 Master's type

This master's degree is a professional master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on academic merit, according to the following admissions criteria.
Admission to candidature for the Master of Physiotherapy requires the applicant to have a PhD, master's or bachelor's degree from an Australian institution or equivalent and to have extensive pre-existing knowledge in the following nine areas:
human anatomy
human physiology
motor performance and learning
research design and statistics
measurement of human performance
exercise physiology (desirable but not essential)

5 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for this course are set out in the Table of Units of Study for the Master of Physiotherapy.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Physiotherapy a candidate must complete 96 credit points of core units of study.

6 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.


Master of Radiation Therapy

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Radiation Therapy

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time only.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is a professional master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on academic merit, according to the following admissions criteria.
Admission to candidature for the Master of Radiation Therapy requires a bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney, in a health-related discipline, or an equivalent qualification.

5 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for this course are set out in the Table of Units of Study for the Master of Radiation Therapy.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Radiation Therapy a candidate must complete 96 credit points of units of study comprising:
90 credit points of core units; and
6 credit points of elective units, chosen either from the list of elective units in the Table or, with the approval of the Dean, from any postgraduate units offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences or by any other faculty in the University.

6 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.


Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Counselling

Master of Rehabilitation Counselling

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Counselling


Master of Rehabilitation Counselling

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is full time or part time, according to candidate choice.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is a professional master's courses, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Embedded courses in this sequence

The embedded courses in this sequence are:
the Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Counselling
the Master of Rehabilitation Counselling
Providing candidates satisfy the admission requirements for each stage, a candidate may progress to the award of either of the courses in this sequence. Only the longest award completed will be conferred.

5 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on academic merit, according to the following admissions criteria.
Admission to candidature for the Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Counselling requires a PhD, master's or bachelor's degree from an Australian institution or equivalent.

6 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for these courses are set out in the Table of Units of Study for the Graduate Diploma / Master of Rehabilitation Counselling.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Counselling a candidate must complete 48 credit points of core units of study.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Rehabilitation Counselling a candidate must complete 96 credit points of units of study comprising:
84 credit points of core units; and
12 credit points of elective units, chosen from the Table.

7 Course transfer

A candidate for the master's degree may elect to discontinue study and graduate with the shorter award from this embedded sequence, with the approval of the Dean, and provided the requirements for the shorter award have been met.

8 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.


Master of Applied Science

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Applied Science

2 Master of Applied Science

The master's degree offers candidates, from a wide range of disciplines and training, the opportunity to pursue their research interests within the faculty. Candidates are expected to work individually and under the direction of a primary supervisor and one or more associate supervisors on advanced study and research in one of the chosen research areas. At the end of the candidature, a student is expected to present a thesis for examination.
The minimum admission requirement to the master's degree is a relevant bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney or other Australian university or an overseas institution of higher education, equivalent to an Australian bachelor's degree or present such evidence of general or academic qualifications as will satisfy the faculty that the applicant possesses the educational preparation and capacity to pursue graduate studies.
The proposed research topic must receive approval from the convener of the appropriate research group or unit director within the faculty who will also certify that appropriate supervisors and resources are available.
The faculty can offer supervision over a broad range of research topics. Areas of research expertise are available on the respective Faculty Research Group websites. To access this information visit the Faculty of Health Sciences at, and follow the links to the research area of your choice.
Research thesis and research electives are the major components of the course. Additional coursework may be required where this is considered necessary for the development of the thesis.

3 Applications

An application for admission to a master's degree program is accepted subject to the availability of facilities and supervision. Courses and arrangements as stated in the handbook or any other publication, announcement or advice of the faculty are expression of intent only and are not to be taken as a firm offer or undertaking. The faculty reserves the right to discontinue or vary such courses, or arrangement of staff allocations at any time without notice.
An application shall be made on the prescribed form and shall be lodged with the Research and Innovation Office (Cumberland).
An application shall normally be made by the end of October immediately preceding the year in which the applicant wishes to register, except that, for a program being conducted for the first time, application for admission shall be made by the specified closing date, as determined by the head of the Research and Innovation Office (Cumberland), from time to time.
An applicant may seek admission to a master's degree program either as a full-time or part-time on-campus or full-time or part-time off-campus student.

4 Time limits

Candidates can proceed on a full or part-time basis. The normal maximum length of candidature would be four semesters full-time and eight semesters part-time.

5 Enrolment

The Faculty may:
permit an applicant to enrol as a master's degree by Research candidate in the Master of Applied Science Course (S018);
permit an applicant to enrol as a master's qualifying student for the purpose of preparing for candidature in any of the above master's degree courses. On successful completion of the Qualifying Program, a prospective master's degree student is required to apply for admission to the master's degree program.
An applicant enrolled as a master's degree candidate or as a qualifying student will not be permitted to undertake concurrently other graduate studies in the University, or elsewhere, except with the approval of the Faculty.
An applicant will not be permitted to enrol as a qualifying student or degree candidate unless the head of the academic unit has certified that the applicant is considered suited to undertake the program and that the current research interests of members of Faculty and the availability of resources for the proposed research have been discussed with the applicant.
The Faculty may permit an applicant to enrol as a master's degree candidate if the applicant has:
Qualified for admission in terms of the admission requirements (see Section on Admission Requirements), OR
(i)  Been enrolled as a Master of Applied Science/Health Science Qualifying Student in the Faculty and has subsequently carried out such work, passed such examinations and reached such standards as prescribed by the Faculty, AND
(ii)  Satisfied the Faculty that the applicant can devote sufficient time to advanced study and research, AND
(iii)  An applicant may be required to submit additional information to satisfy the head of the academic unit.

6 Admission requirements

To qualify for admission to the Master of Applied Science degree, applicants must possess:
A relevant bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney or other Australian university or an overseas institution of higher education equivalent to an Australian bachelor degree.
Evidence of general and academic qualifications and experience as will satisfy the faculty that the applicant possesses the educational preparation and capacity to pursue independent research.

7 Course requirements

A qualifying student shall be eligible for consideration for admission to a master's degree program on completion of a program approved by the Faculty at a level of performance prescribed by the Faculty.
A candidate shall be eligible for admission to the degree of Master of Applied Science if the candidate:
(i)  undertakes the prescribed course of study for the degree, and
(ii)  completes the prescribed program of the research thesis which involves original investigation or review, and
(iii)  submits and has accepted a thesis prepared under the supervision of an academic supervisor appointed by the Faculty.
Minimum time
A qualifying student shall not be eligible for consideration for enrolment as a master's degree candidate until a period of at least one semester has elapsed from initial enrolment.
A candidate shall not normally be eligible for conferral to the degree:
(i)  in the case of a full-time student, until a period of at least three semesters has elapsed from time of enrolment as a master's degree candidate, OR
(ii)  in the case of a part-time student, until a period of at least six semesters has elapsed from the time of enrolment as a master's degree candidate.
Maximum time
A qualifying student shall complete the program within two years.
A candidate shall present for examination:
(i)  in the case of a full-time student, not later than four semesters from the date of enrolment as a master's degree candidate, or
(ii)  in the case of a part-time student, not later than eight semesters from the date of enrolment as a master's degree candidate, unless special permission for an extension of time be granted by the Faculty.
Discontinuation of enrolment
Notwithstanding the provision of section 3 above, the Faculty may discontinue the enrolment of a master's degree candidate in less than the maximum time allowed, if it is dissatisfied with the candidate's progress.
Fieldwork and supervision
The work other than field work should be carried out in the academic unit and such other areas as appropriate or under such conditions as the Faculty may determine.
The Faculty shall appoint a supervisor from the academic staff of the Faculty/University.
Where the Faculty considers it appropriate, it may appoint academic associate supervisors. In the case of part-time students, the Faculty may appoint associate supervisors in the student's region or workplace.
Progress reports
Every master's degree candidate is required to complete an annual report on his/her work to the academic supervisor then through the head of the academic unit to the Higher Degree Research Subcommittee.
Research subject
Not later than two semesters after enrolment as a full-time master's degree candidate or three semesters after enrolment as a part-time master's degree candidate, the candidate shall submit the subject of the research thesis for approval by the Faculty. After the subject has been approved it may not be changed except with the written permission of the Faculty.

8 Research thesis

On completion of studies, a master's degree candidate will submit a thesis which complies with the following requirements:
The greater proportion of the work described must have been completed subsequent to initial enrolment, and
It must be a distinct contribution to the knowledge of the subject whether by original investigation or by review, and
It must be written in English or in a language approved by the Faculty and reach a satisfactory standard of literary presentation.
The thesis shall consist of the candidate's own account of his/her work. In special cases work done conjointly with other persons may be accepted provided the Faculty is satisfied with the candidate's part in the joint work.
Every candidate shall submit with the thesis a short abstract of the thesis comprising of not more than 300 words.
A candidate may not submit as the main content of the thesis any work or material which has been previously submitted for a degree or other similar award, but shall not be precluded from incorporating such in the thesis, provided that he/she indicates generally in the preface and specifically in the notes of the work, material which has been so incorporated.
The candidate shall give in writing two months' notice of the intention to submit the thesis.
Three copies of the thesis shall be prepared by the candidate.
The thesis shall be submitted to the Faculty Research and Innovation Office with a certificate signed by the supervisors certifying that the form of presentation in the candidate's thesis is satisfactory.
If the head of the academic unit declines to accept the thesis, the supervisor may appeal in writing to the Research Training Subcommittee.
If the supervisor or supervisor(s) decline(s) to certify the thesis is ready for examination and the head of the academic unit declines to accept the thesis, a candidate may appeal to the Research Training Subcommittee.

9 Examination of thesis

The Faculty shall appoint two examiners, at least one of whom shall not be a member of the academic staff of the University. At least one examiner shall be selected from within the University. The student's supervisor(s) shall not be an examiner.
All examiners shall be furnished with a copy of the course description and course requirements, and be required to award marks/grades of Fail, Pass, Credit, Distinction and High Distinction according to the criteria determined by the Faculty, which is available from Student Central (Cumberland).
The candidate may be required to attend the University or such other place as the Faculty shall determine for an oral examination of his/her thesis.
The report of examiners shall be forwarded to the head of the academic unit for recommendation to the Research Training Subcommittee, to award one of the above grades as a thesis final result. Note: However, if there is any disagreement among the examiners, the Head, shall consult the supervisor and the annual progress report before making a recommendation.
Following a resolution regarding the thesis by the Research Training Subcommittee, the examiners' reports may be released to the candidate by the relevant head of the academic unit.

10 Master of Applied Science - SC108

This generic degree is offered to candidates from a wide range of disciplines and training to pursue their research interest in this faculty. Students should refer to the academic chapters to identify appropriate supervisors. Coursework may be required where this is considered necessary for the development of the thesis. However the admission criteria for this program may differ from each area of study.


Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science)

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course and stream title
SH088 Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science)
SH054 Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) (Honours)

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is full time only.

3 Admission to candidature

Admission to this course is on the basis of a secondary school leaving qualification such as the NSW Higher School Certificate (including national and international equivalents), tertiary study or an approved preparation program. English language requirements must be met where these are not demonstrated by sufficient qualifications taught in English. Special admission pathways are open for mature aged applicants who do not possess a school leaving qualification, educationally disadvantaged applicants and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Applicants are ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking. Details of admission policies are found in the Coursework Rule.

4 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for these courses are set out in the Faculty of Health Sciences Table of units of study for the Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science).
To qualify for the award of the pass degree, a candidate must complete 144 credit points of units of study comprising:
120 credit points of core units; and
24 credit points of elective units, following the rules specified in the table listed in the Faculty of Health Sciences Handbook.

5 Requirements for the Honours degree

Honours is available to meritorious students who complete an additional year of full-time study, after the completion of the pass degree. Part-time study is permitted if the head of department/ discipline/ program coordinator is satisfied the candidate cannot undertake full-time study.
To qualify for admission to the Honours Year a student must:
have qualified for, or been awarded, the pass degree of Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science), or an equivalent qualification;
have a WAM of at least 65 in that course; and
have the permission of the relevant head of department/ discipline/ program coordinator.
To qualify for the award of the honours degree a candidate must complete 48 credit points of honours units of study from the Honours pathway section of the Exercise and Sport Science Table, as prescribed by the head of department/ discipline/ program coordinator.

6 Award of the degree

The Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) is awarded at either Pass or Honours level. The honours degree is awarded in classes ranging from First Class to Third Class according to the rules specified in the Resolutions of the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Candidates for the award of the Honours degree who do not meet the requirements, and who have not already graduated, will be awarded the pass degree.

7 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that the requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.


Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Radiation Sciences) Diagnostic Radiography

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course and stream title
SH116 Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Radiation Sciences) Diagnostic Radiography
SH114 Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Radiation Sciences) Diagnostic Radiography (Honours)

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is full time only.

3 Admission to candidature

Admission to this course is on the basis of a secondary school leaving qualification such as the NSW Higher School Certificate (including national and international equivalents), tertiary study or an approved preparation program. English language requirements must be met where these are not demonstrated by sufficient qualifications taught in English. Special admission pathways are open for mature aged applicants who do not possess a school leaving qualification, educationally disadvantaged applicants and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Applicants are ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking. Details of admission policies are found in the Coursework Rule.

4 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for these courses are set out in the Faculty of Health Sciences Table of units of study for the Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Radiation Sciences) Diagnostic Radiography.
To qualify for the award of the pass degree, a candidate must complete 144 credit points of core units of study in the order prescribed in the Table.

5 Requirements for the Honours degree

Honours is available to meritorious students who complete an additional year of full-time study, after the completion of the pass degree. Part-time study is permitted if the head of department/ discipline/ program coordinator is satisfied the candidate cannot undertake full-time study.
To qualify for admission to the Honours Year a student must:
have qualified for, or been awarded, the pass degree of Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Radiation Sciences) Diagnostic Radiography, or an equivalent qualification;
have a WAM of at least 65 in that course; and
have the permission of the relevant head of department/ discipline/ program coordinator.
To qualify for the award of the honours degree a candidate must complete 48 credit points of honours units of study from the Honours pathway section of the Medical Radiation Sciences Diagnostic Radiography Table.

6 Award of the degree

The Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Radiation Sciences) Diagnostic Radiography is awarded at either Pass or Honours level. The honours degree is awarded in classes ranging from First Class to Third Class according to the rules specified in the Resolutions of the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Candidates for the award of the Honours degree who do not meet the requirements, and who have not already graduated, will be awarded the pass degree.

7 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that the requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.


Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy)

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course and stream title
SH135 Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy)
SH112 Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy) (Honours)

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is full time only.

3 Admission to candidature

Admission to this course is on the basis of a secondary school leaving qualification such as the NSW Higher School Certificate (including national and international equivalents), tertiary study or an approved preparation program. English language requirements must be met where these are not demonstrated by sufficient qualifications taught in English. Special admission pathways are open for mature aged applicants who do not possess a school leaving qualification, educationally disadvantaged applicants and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Applicants are ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking. Details of admission policies are found in the Coursework Rule.

4 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for these courses are set out in the Faculty of Health Sciences:
Table of units of study for the Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy); and
Table of Undergraduate Elective units of study.
To qualify for the award of the pass degree, a candidate must complete 192 credit points of units of study comprising:
156 credit points of core units; and
36 credit points of elective units, including a minimum of 6 credit points from the Behavioural or Social Sciences and 6 credit points from the Biomedical Sciences.

5 Requirements for the Honours degree

Honours is available to meritorious students who complete an alternative set of units of study in the last three semesters of the program. Admission to the Honours program is by permission of the program coordinator after the completion of Second Year. Entry to the Honours program is based on performance during years 1 and 2 of the couse. Selection of students into the Honours program is competitive and based on the student's Weighted Average Mark (WAM).
To qualify for the award of the honours degree a candidate must complete the requirements for the pass degree but include the alternative 54 credit points of honours units of study listed in the Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy) Table of units of study.

6 Award of the degree

The Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy) is awarded at either Pass or Honours level. The honours degree is awarded in classes ranging from First Class to Third Class according to the rules specified in the Resolutions of the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Candidates for the award of the Honours degree, who do not meet the requirements, may be awarded the pass degree if they have completed the requirements for that award.

7 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that the requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.


Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy)

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course and stream title
SH137 Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy)
SH120 Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy) (Honours)

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is full time only.

3 Admission to candidature

Admission to this course is on the basis of a secondary school leaving qualification such as the NSW Higher School Certificate (including national and international equivalents), tertiary study or an approved preparation program. English language requirements must be met where these are not demonstrated by sufficient qualifications taught in English. Special admission pathways are open for mature aged applicants who do not possess a school leaving qualification, educationally disadvantaged applicants and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Applicants are ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking. Details of admission policies are found in the Coursework Rule.

4 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for these courses are set out in the Faculty of Health Sciences Table of units of study for the Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy).
To qualify for the award of the pass degree, a candidate must successfully complete 192 credit points of core units of study.

5 Requirements for the Honours degree

Honours is available to meritorious students who complete an alternative set of units of study in the final year of the program. Admission to the honours program is by permission of the program coordinator after the completion of the first semester of the second year. Admission requires a credit or higher average without any fail grades in units of study completed to that point.
To qualify for the award of the honours degree a candidate must complete the requirements for the pass degree but include the alternative 12 credit point unit of study listed in the Honours pathway section of the Physiotherapy Table of units of study.

6 Award of the degree

The Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy) is awarded at either Pass or Honours level. The honours degree is awarded in classes ranging from First Class to Third Class according to the rules specified in the Resolutions of the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Candidates for the award of the Honours degree who do not meet the requirements, but who have otherwise satisfied the course requirements, will be awarded the pass degree.

7 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that the requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.


Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology)

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course and stream title
SH128 Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology)
SH129 Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) (Honours)

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is full time or part time according to candidate choice.

3 Admission to candidature

Admission to this course is on the basis of a secondary school leaving qualification such as the NSW Higher School Certificate (including national and international equivalents), tertiary study or an approved preparation program. English language requirements must be met where these are not demonstrated by sufficient qualifications taught in English. Special admission pathways are open for mature aged applicants who do not possess a school leaving qualification, educationally disadvantaged applicants and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Applicants are ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking. Details of admission policies are found in the Coursework Rule.

4 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for these courses are set out in the Faculty of Health Sciences Table of units of study for the Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology).
To qualify for the award of the pass degree, a candidate must complete 192 credit points of core units of study in the order prescribed in the Table.

5 Requirements for the Honours degree

Honours is available to meritorious students who complete an alternative set of units of study in the third and fourth years of the program. Admission to the honours program is by permission of the program coordinator after the completion of Second Year. Entry to the Honours program is based on academic performance in years 1 and 2 of the course.
To qualify for the award of the honours degree a candidate must complete the requirements for the pass degree but include the alternative 66 credit point Honours pathway set out in the Speech Pathology Table of units of study.
Candidates must maintain a credit average throughout the honours program and complete the degree in the minimum, standard, full-time duration. The grade of honours will be determined by the result of the Research Project unit of study.

6 Award of the degree

The Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) is awarded at either Pass or Honours level. The honours degree is awarded in classes ranging from First Class to Third Class according to the rules specified in the Resolutions of the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Candidates for the award of the Honours degree, who do not meet the requirements, may be awarded the pass degree if they have completed the requirements for that award.

7 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that the requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.


Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) / Master of Nutrition and Dietetics

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course and stream title
SH139 Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) / Master of Nutrition and Dietetics

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time only.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is a professional master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Cross-faculty management

Candidates will be under the general supervision of the Faculty of Health Sciences until the end of the semester in which they complete the requirements for the Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science). They will then be under the supervision of the Faculty of Science.
The Deans of the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Science shall jointly exercise authority in any matter concerned with the double degree course not otherwise dealt with in these resolutions.

5 Admission to candidature

Admission to this course is on the basis of a secondary school leaving qualification such as the NSW Higher School Certificate (including national and international equivalents), tertiary study or an approved preparation program. English language requirements must be met where these are not demonstrated by sufficient qualifications taught in English. Special admission pathways are open for mature aged applicants who do not possess a school leaving qualification, educationally disadvantaged applicants and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Applicants are ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking. Details of admission policies are found in the Coursework Rule.

6 Requirements for the award of the degrees in the double degree

The units of study that may be taken for the degrees in the double degree program are set out in the Faculty of Health Sciences Table of units of study for the Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) / Master of Nutrition and Dietetics.
To qualify for the award of the degrees in the double degree program, a candidate must complete 240 credit points comprising:
144 credit points of units of study prescribed for the Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) component, including 138 credit points of core units and 6 credit points of elective units, chosen, with the approval of the Dean, from any undergraduate units offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences or by any other faculty in the University; and
96 credit points of core units of study prescribed for the Master of Nutrition and Dietetics component.

7 Progression rules

Candidates must complete the requirements for the Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) with a WAM of at least 65 in order to be eligible to proceed to the Master of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Candidates who complete the requirements for the Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) but fail to achieve a WAM of 65 will be awarded the Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science).
Candidates for the Master of Nutrition and Dietetics must complete First Year units of study before proceeding to the Second Year units.

8 Requirements for the Honours degree

Honours is available in the Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) to meritorious candidates who complete an additional year of full-time study, after completion of the pass degree. Part-time study over two years may be permitted if the Faculty is satisfied the candidate cannot undertake honours full time.
Admission and award requirements for honours are described in the Course Resolutions relating to the Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science).
Candidates who qualify to undertake honours in the Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) will enrol in and complete the honours program prior to the commencement of the Master of Nutrition and Dietetics course.

9 Award of the degrees

The Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) is awarded at either Pass or Honours level. The honours degree is awarded in classes ranging from First Class to Third Class, according to the rules specified in the Resolutions of the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Candidates for the award of the Honours degree who do not meet the requirements, and who have not already graduated, will be awarded the pass degree.
The Master of Nutrition and Dietetics is awarded at Pass level only.

10 Course transfer

A candidate may abandon the double degree program and elect to complete the Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) in accordance with the resolutions governing that degree.
Completion of the Master of Nutrition and Dietetics in the future will require a new application for admission to that course and completion in accordance with the resolutions governing that degree.

11 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that the requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.


Bachelor of Health Sciences

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course title
SH130 Bachelor of Health Sciences
SH123 Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours)

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is full time only.

3 Admission to candidature

Admission to this course is on the basis of a secondary school leaving qualification such as the NSW Higher School Certificate (including national and international equivalents), tertiary study or an approved preparation program. English language requirements must be met where these are not demonstrated by sufficient qualifications taught in English. Special admission pathways are open for mature aged applicants who do not possess a school leaving qualification, educationally disadvantaged applicants and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Applicants are ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking. Details of admission policies are found in the Coursework Rule.

4 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for these courses are set out in:
the Faculty of Health Sciences Table of units of study for the Bachelor of Health Sciences;
the Faculty of Health Sciences Table of Undergraduate Elective units of study;
Table 1: Bachelor of Science, of the Faculty of Science Tables of units of study;
Table A of the Faculty of Arts Table of units of study; and
Section 2 of the Faculty of Economics and Business Table of undergraduate units of study.
To qualify for the award of the pass degree, a candidate must complete 144 credit points comprising:
a Faculty of Health Sciences Major;
a second Major in an area related to Health; and
additional elective units of study to satisfy the total number of credit points required for the award. (These elective units of study may be chosen from any undergraduate units available throughout the University, subject to approval by the Dean.)

5 Majors

Completion of two majors is a requirement of the course. Except as specified in the Bachelor of Health Sciences Table of units of study, units counted towards one major may not count towards any other major completed.
Health Sciences Major
The Health Sciences Major comprises 60 credit points of units of study, including:
(i)  24 credit points of Junior core units, as listed in the Bachelor of Health Sciences Table;
(ii)  6 credit points of a core Psychology unit, as listed in the Bachelor of Health Sciences Table;
(iii)  6 credit points of a Junior Biology unit, chosen from Science Table 1; and
(iv)  24 credit points of Senior units, chosen from the Bachelor of Health Sciences Table.
Major in Health
The second Major must be in an area related to Health. It may be completed in units offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences or in a subject area offered by the Faculties of Arts, Economics and Business or Science.
The Majors available within the Faculty of Health Sciences are:
(i)  Hearing and Speech; and
(ii)  Movement Science.
Candidates undertaking one of these Majors in the Faculty of Health Sciences must complete the units of study prescribed in the Table of units of study for the Bachelor of Health Sciences for that major.
Health Majors available in other faculties are:
(i)  Social Policy;
(ii)  Psychology;
(iii)  Biochemistry;
(iv)  Cell Pathology;
(v)  Management Decision Science;
(vi)  Nanoscience and Technology; and
(vii)  other Majors in Health, chosen from the Arts, Economics and Business or Science Tables and approved on a case-by-case basis by the Dean.
Any Major completed in an Arts, Economics and Business or Science subject area must be completed in accordance with the rules relating to the completion of a Major in that Faculty, as set out in the relevant Faculty Resolutions.

6 Progression rules

Candidates must pass all core units of study for the degree and any units of study required for the completion of the Faculty of Health Sciences Majors. Candidates who fail one of these units of study must repeat the failed unit at the first opportunity.

7 Requirements for the Honours degree

Honours is available to meritorious students who complete an additional year of full-time study, after the completion of the pass degree. Part-time study is permitted if the head of department/ discipline/ program coordinator is satisfied the candidate cannot undertake full-time study.
To qualify for admission to the Honours Year a candidate must have:
qualified for the award of, or been awarded, the pass degree or an equivalent degree from another university;
completed a major/s in the intended area/s of study;
completed the Honours Research Proposal unit of study, or an equivalent unit;
a WAM of at least 65; and
the permission of the relevant head of department/ discipline/ program coordinator.
To qualify for the award of the Honours degree a candidate must complete 48 credit points of honours units of study from the Honours Table, as prescribed by the head of department/ discipline/ program coordinator.

8 Award of the degree

The Bachelor of Health Sciences is awarded at either Pass or Honours level. The honours degree is awarded in classes ranging from First Class to Third Class according to the rules specified in the Resolutions of the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Candidates for the award of the Honours degree who do not meet the requirements, and who have not already graduated, will be awarded the pass degree.

9 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that the requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.

Please see the 2009 handbook for the course resolutions of the combined degrees.