University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Speech Pathology

Courses of study

The faculty offers a range of coursework and research degrees at undergraduate and graduate levels in the discipline of Speech Pathology.

Professional preparation degrees in speech pathology

Students who want to gain a speech pathology professional qualification you can study at either the bachelor or master's:

  • The Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) pass and honours degrees require four years of full-time study and will qualify you to practise as a speech pathologist.
  • The Master of Speech Language Pathology is a two year full-time or four year part-time postgraduate degree which also qualifies you to practise as a speech pathologist.
Related undergraduate study

Students wishing to study topics in communication can enrol in the Bachelor of Health Science with a Hearing and Speech second major. (See Chapter 1 for further information.) This degree does not qualify you to practise as a speech pathologist but provides you with a good background for postgraduate study. The Bachelor of Health Science is available as a pass degree (three years) and an honours degree (four years). Some individual undergraduate units of study are available as faculty electives.

Postgraduate degrees in speech pathology

Graduates who wish to become accredited speech language pathologists should undertake the Master of Speech Language Pathology (MSLP). This degree can be studied over two years full time or four years part time.

(No new places are being offered in the Graduate Diploma of Communication Disorders. Students currently enrolled in the MSLP who would like to graduate after Year 1 will be able to do so with the award of the Graduate Diploma of Communication Disorders. It does not qualify graduates to work as speech pathologists.)

For further information on postgraduate coursework degrees, see Chapter 18 of this Handbook.

Research degrees in speech pathology

Students wishing to undertake research in the discipline of speech pathology and related areas of speech sciences have a range of options.

A postgraduate research master€™s degree, the Master of Applied Science and a PhD degree are available for graduates of varied backgrounds who wish to undertake research in an area of communication sciences and/or disorders. Research areas include aphasia, dysarthria, language development/disorders, craniofacial anomalies, developmental and acquired speech disorders and normal speech function, voice and stuttering.

For further information on the research degrees, see Chapter 19.

Professional information

The Faculty of Health Sciences oversees two of the oldest and largest programs of speech pathology professional preparation in Australia. Speech pathology involves the study and treatment of communication disorders in both children and adults. Speech pathologists work in diverse settings (hospitals, private practice, schools and early childhood services) to assess and treat individuals who may present with a wide variety of communication disorders.

The Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) prepares students to practise as speech pathologists (formerly known as speech therapists). The degree is accredited by Speech Pathology Australia. Reference to specific professional competencies is made in each unit of study outline.

The Bachelor of Health Sciences with a Hearing and Speech second major shares some common units of study with Years 1 and 2 of the Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) course. The Hearing and Speech major does not qualify graduates to practise speech pathology but prepares them to pursue a variety of other career paths in areas involving either normal or impaired human communication. The Hearing and Speech major provides an excellent background for those who wish to pursue further education required for professional preparation in areas such as medicine, dentistry, education, rehabilitation counselling, speech pathology and audiology. The highest-performing students in the Bachelor of Health Sciences Hearing and Speech second major will be guaranteed a place in the Master of Speech Language Pathology (MSLP) postgraduate course.

An honours program is available for the Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) and provides opportunities for talented undergraduate students interested in research and/or pursuing graduate studies to obtain early experiences in the design and conduct of research in communication sciences and disorders.

The Master of Speech Language Pathology (MSLP) qualifies students to practise as speech pathologists. The degree is accredited by Speech Pathology Australia. Students must hold a bachelor degree with a grade point average of 4.5 or better to apply for entry into the MSLP. See Chapter 18 for full details.

The Master of Applied Science is a research degree with admission open to individuals with backgrounds in any area related to the human communication sciences and/or communication disorders. This degree is designed to prepare individuals to pursue their career objectives as specialist clinicians, administrators, academics or researchers in the field of communication sciences and disorders. Topics are individualised to meet students€™ specific career objectives.

At the PhD level, students work in consultation with their research supervisors to develop and conduct a line of research in an area relevant to communication sciences and/or disorders. Admission is available to individuals from a wide range of backgrounds relevant to the human communication sciences and/or communication disorders who have had previous research experience, such as an honours degree, a research master€™s degree or other equivalent preparation. Because of the expertise of the academics and the extensive facilities of the University, many different areas of research interests of students can be accommodated. Individuals with PhDs find rewarding careers in academic, research and clinical settings.

Facilities and resources

Research and teaching in speech pathology are supported by a large on-campus Communication Disorders Treatment and Research Clinic. The Clinic is a centre of excellence that offers evidence-based practice in a full range of services for adults and children with a communication difficulty, as well as functioning as a teaching and research laboratory. Audiology, speech science and psycholinguistic laboratories are also part of the on-campus clinic, and provide facilities for hearing assessments, the measurement of disordered and normal speech and high-quality speech recordings.

Further information

T: +61 2 9351 9161

Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology)

The Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) is an undergraduate degree that qualifies individuals to practise as speech pathologists.

Full-time and part-time study

The Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) is structured as a full-time degree course offered over four years, with expected enrolment in units totalling 24 credit points each semester. However, the faculty recognises that some students cannot attend full-time and wish to complete their degrees in a longer time.

Students requesting to enrol part-time should note that daytime attendance at lectures and clinic placements, as well as clinic block placements, is required for completion of the BAppSc (Speech Pathology).

Students wanting to study part-time must accept a full-time offer and then seek Discipline approval to reduce their load to less than 18 credit points per semester.

Students wanting to study part-time should also note the following:

  • Part-time students must adjust their load so that they can complete the course within the maximum time. No extensions of maximum time will be granted.
  • Minimum time: 6 years from the initial academic year of enrolment.
  • Maximum time: 10 years from the initial academic year of enrolment.
  • The course is structured as a full-time course. Students must be aware of the possibility of clashes in timetables for units with different first numerals in their codes €’ e.g. CSCD2XXX and CSCD3XXX.
  • Students must meet prerequisite and corequisite requirements as specified for enrolment in specific units of study.
  • Where a unit of study has a corequisite, a student is to enrol in that unit as well as the corequisite in the same semester.
  • Where a unit of study is a prerequisite, this prerequisite unit must be passed prior to enrolment in any other units for which it is a prerequisite.
  • Part-time students are completing their degree over a longer period of time and it is possible, and in fact likely, that there will be curriculum changes while they are undertaking their degree.
  • Part-time students have the responsibility for monitoring changes in curriculum which may affect their progression and for discussing these with the undergraduate Course Director or the respective year coordinators.
Admission requirements

There are no specific prerequisites for admission to the Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) course. Speech pathologists work with language and communication so good communication skills and a desire to work with people are very important. Students who have not studied chemistry to an equivalent of NSW Year 10 science are advised to do the chemistry bridging course to prepare them for the biomedical science units of study.

At the end of the Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) students are qualified to work in Australia and therefore must have high level spoken English which is intelligible in all Australian health care settings. If you are concerned that you may have difficulty meeting this requirement please contact the Discipline for further advice.

Students with a disability are encouraged to complete this degree. If you have a serious mobility disability or an uncorrected sensory difficulty (vision or hearing) please contact the Discipline for advice on preparation and completion as soon as possible.


For information specific to the Speech Pathology honours program, students are advised to contact the Honours Coordinator of the Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) course.

Students in the honours program complete all Year 1 and Year 2 units of study in the pass program. In Year 3, honours students undertake some of the same units of study in the pass program as well as units that are unique to the honours program. In Year 4, all units the honours students undertake are unique to the honours program.

Course outline

The course outlines for the Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) pass and honours are presented in Tables 6.1 and 6.1.1.

Unit of study descriptions and a list of faculty electives are found in Chapter 7.

Table 6.1: Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) Pass

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session
Course code SH128: Pass course; full-time, 4 years

Year 1

Semester 1
Speech Science
6      Semester 1
Human Cell Biology
6    A Students who have not completed HSC Chemistry (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Chemistry Bridging Course - CS208 (in February).
N BIOS1126 Human Biology and Biochemistry; BIOS1156 Human Biology and Radiobiology; BIOS1161 Biochemistry and Human Biology; HSBM1001 Biochemistry and Human Biology; and BIOS1130 Molecules and Energy
Semester 1
Human Communication

Speech Pathology students must pass this unit in order to enrol in clinical units in Year 2
Semester 1
Linguistics, Phonetics and Articulation
6    A Grammar bridging course or equivalent
C BIOS1163 Speech Science (or equivalent)

Students without a sound knowledge of formal traditional grammar are encouraged to undertake the Grammar bridging course. Speech Pathology students must pass this unit in order to enrol in clinical units in Year 2
Semester 1
Summer Main
Semester 2
Psychology and Cognitive Factors (Intro)
6      Semester 2
Hearing Science and Audiology
6    P BIOS1163 Speech Science
Semester 2
Neuroscience I: Communication Disorders
6    P BIOS1161 Biochemistry and Human Biology or BIOS1167 Human Cell Biology or BIOL1003 Human Biology
N BIOS1132, BIOS1141
Semester 2
Child Phonology
6    A CSCD1032 Human Communication, CSCD1034 Linguistics, Phonetics and Articulation

Speech Pathology students must pass this unit in order to enrol in Year 2 clinical units
Semester 2

Year 2

Semester 1
Neuroscience II: Communication Disorders
6    P BIOS1132 Neuroscience I and BIOS1141 Neuroscience II, or BIOS1166 Neuroscience
Semester 1
Child Language
6    A CSCD1032 Human Communication, CSCD1033 Child Phonology
P CSCD1034 Linguistics, Phonetics and Articulation
C CSCD2064 Introductory Practice 1: Clinical or CSCD2065 Introductory Practice 1: Community

This unit is a prerequisite for the CSCD3082 Phonology, Language and Literacy unit in Year 3, Semester 2
Semester 1
6    A CSCD1032 Human Communication

This unit is a prerequisite for speech pathology (Intermediate) clinical units in Year 3
Semester 1
and either
Introductory Practice 1: Clinical
6    P CSCD1032 Human Communication; CSCD1034 Linguistics, Phonetics and Articulation; CSCD1033 Child Phonology
C CSCD2057 Child Language
N Students must advise the Speech Pathology Director of Clinical Education before enrolling in this unit of study if they do not have a current National Police Certificate or are a prohibited person under the NSW Working with Children Act (2001)

Student must hold a current CPR certificate before they can enrol in this unit. Attendance at clinic orientation is compulsory. Students must pass this unit before they can enrol in Introductory Practice 2 units and Year 3 (Intermediate) speech pathology clinical units
Semester 1
Introductory Practice 1: Community
6    P CSCD1032 Human Communication; CSCD1034 Linguistics, Phonetics and Articulation; CSCD1033 Child Phonology
C CSCD2057 Child Language
N Students must advise the Speech Pathology Director of Clinical Education before enrolling in this unit of study if they do not have a current National Police Certificate or are a prohibited person under the NSW Working with Children Act (2001)

Student must hold a current CPR certificate before they can enrol in this unit. Attendance at clinic orientation is compulsory. Students must pass this unit before they can enrol Introductory Practice 2 units and Year 3 (Intermediate) speech pathology clinical units
Semester 1
Semester 2
Cognitive Neuropsychology
6    P BACH1165 Psychology and Cognitive Factors (Intro) or PSYC1001 Psychology 1001
Semester 2
Counselling &Behaviour Management for CD
6      Semester 2
Motor Speech and Dysphagia
6    A BIOS1163 Speech Science
P BIOS2062 Neuroscience II Communication Disorders

This unit is a prerequisite for Year 3 clinic units CSCD3078 Intermediate Clinic 1: Adult, CSCD3083 Intermediate Clinic 2: Adult and Community, CSCD3087 Intermediate Clinic 1H: Adult
Semester 2
and either
Introductory Practice 2: Clinical
6    P CSCD2065 Introductory Practice 1: Community
N Students must advise the Speech Pathology Director of Clinical Education before enrolling in this unit of study if they do not have a current National Police Certificate or are a prohibited person under the NSW Working with Children Act (2001)

Student must hold a current CPR certificate before they can enrol in this unit. Attendance at clinic orientation is compulsory. Students must pass this unit before they can enrol in Year 3 (Intermediate) speech pathology clinical units
Semester 2
Introductory Practice 2: Community
6    P CSCD2064 Introductory Practice 1: Clinical
N Students must advise the Speech Pathology Director of Clinical Education before enrolling in this unit of study if they do not have a current National Police Certificate or are a prohibited person under the NSW Working with Children Act (2001)

Student must hold a current CPR certificate before they can enrol in this unit. Attendance at clinic orientation is compulsory. Students must pass this unit before they can enrol in Year 3 (Intermediate) speech pathology clinical units
Semester 2

Year 3

Semester 1
Specialist Studies
6    P BIOS1165 Hearing Science and Audiology
Semester 1
Neurogenic Language Disorders 1
6    A BIOS2062 Neuroscience II: Communication Disorders
P BIOS1066 Neuroscience I: Communication Disorders
C CSCD3077 Intermediate Clinic 1: Child or CSCD3078 Intermediate Clinic 1: Adult or CSCD3087 Intermediate Clinic 1H: Adult

This unit is a prerequisite or corequisite for adult clinical placements in Year 3. Students undertaking international studies in this semester must include studies in adult language disorders in their program to meet this requirement for Year 3 clinic
Semester 1
Lifelong Disability and AAC
6    P CSCD1032 Human Communication
Semester 1
and either
Intermediate Clinic 1: Child
6    P Either CSCD2060 and CSCD2061 or CSCD2066 or CSCD2067; CSCD2058 Stuttering, CSCD2062 Motor Speech and Dysphagia
C CSCD3075 Neurogenic Language Disorders 1
N Students must advise the Speech Pathology Director of Clinical Education before enrolling in this unit of study if they do not have a current National Police Certificate or are a prohibited person under the NSW Working with Children Act (2001). Students must be able to supply proof of vaccination or positive serology results as per NSW Department of Health Requirements

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2,
Student must hold a current CPR certificate before they can enrol in this unit. Attendance at clinic orientation is compulsory
Semester 1
Semester 2
Intermediate Clinic 1: Adult
6    P Either CSCD2060 and CSCD2061 or CSCD2066 or CSCD2067; CSCD2058 Stuttering, CSCD2062 Motor Speech and Dysphagia
C CSCD3075 Neurogenic Language Disorders 1
N Students must advise the Speech Pathology Director of Clinical Education before enrolling in this unit of study if they do not have a current National Police Certificate or are a prohibited person under the NSW Working with Children Act (2001). Students must be able to supply proof of vaccination or positive serology results as per NSW Department of Health Requirements

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2,
Student must hold a current CPR certificate before they can enrol in this unit. Attendance at clinic orientation is compulsory
Semester 1
Semester 2
Semester 2
Phonology, Language and Literacy
6    P CSCD1033 Child Phonology, CSCD2066 Introductory Practice 2: Clinical or CSCD2067 Introductory Practice 2: Community, CSCD2057 Child Language
Semester 2
Speech Pathology Research Methods
6    A Understanding of descriptive statistics

This unit (CSCD3085) is a prerequisite for CSCD4051 Evidence Based Practice for SP
Semester 2
Voice and Voice Disorders
6    A BIOS1165 Hearing Science and Audiology; CSCD1034 Linguistics, Phonetics and Articulation
P BIOS1163 Speech Science

This unit is a prerequisite for CSCD4051 Evidence Based Practice for SP
Semester 2
and either
Intermediate Clinic 2: Adult & Community
6    P CSCD3075 Neurogenic Language Disorders 1, CSCD3077 Intermediate Clinic 1: Child
N Students must advise the Speech Pathology Director of Clinical Education before enrolling in this unit of study if they do not have a current National Police Certificate or are a prohibited person under the NSW Working with Children Act (2001). Students must be able to supply proof of vaccination or positive serology results as per NSW Department of Health Requirements

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1,
Student must hold a current CPR certificate before they can enrol in this unit. Attendance at clinic orientation is compulsory. External placements may be scheduled during the Summer and Winter semesters depending on availability
Semester 1
Semester 2
Intermediate Clinic 2: Child & Community
6    P CSCD3075 Neurogenic Language Disorders 1, CSCD3078 Intermediate Clinic 1: Adult
N Students must advise the Speech Pathology Director of Clinical Education before enrolling in this unit of study if they do not have a current National Police Certificate or are a prohibited person under the NSW Working with Children Act (2001). Students must be able to supply proof of vaccination or positive serology results as per NSW Department of Health Requirements

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1,
Student must hold a current CPR certificate before they can enrol in this unit. Attendance at clinic orientation is compulsory. External placements may be scheduled during the Summer and Winter semesters depending on availability
Semester 1
Semester 2

Year 4

Students in Year 4 of the course will be assigned to either Group A or B. Group assignment will be known by the end of Semester 1, Year 3. In Year 4, students in Group A enrol in their on-campus units of study in Semester 1 and off-campus units of study in Semester 2; students in Group B enrol in off-campus units of study in Semester 1 and on-campus units in Semester 2.

Group A

Semester 1
Evidence Based Practice for SP
6    A Students are assumed to be concurrently enrolled in Year 4 clinical units and should seek advice from the UOS coordinator if this is not the case.
P BACH1143 Designing Health Research; CSCD3074 Specialist Studies; CSCD3075 Neurogenic Language Disorders 1; CSCD3076 Lifelong Disability and AAC; CSCD3079 Voice and Voice Disorders 2; CSCD3080 Neurogenic Language Disorders 2; CSCD3081 Clinical Case Management; CSCD3082 Phonology, Language and Literacy; CSCD3083 Intermediate Clinic 2: Adult & Community OR CSCD3084 Intermediate Clinic 2: Child & Community
Semester 1
Semester 2
Professional Issues
6    C CSCD4053 Advanced Practice A: Clinical or CSCD4059 Advanced Practice B: Clinical

Students must complete year 3 Intermediate Clinic adult neuro-block before enrolling in CSCD4052 Professional Issues. Students must be prepared to travel to external health sites during their projects.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Advanced Practice A: Clinical
6    P CSCD3082 Phonology, Language and Literacy; CSCD3083 Intermediate Clinic 2: Adult & Community or CSCD3084 Intermediate Clinic 2: Child & Community
C CSCD4054 Advanced Practice A: Community, CSCD4052 Professional Issues
N Students must advise the Speech Pathology Director of Clinical Education before enrolling in this unit of study if they do not have a current National Police Certificate or are a prohibited person under the NSW Working with Children Act (2001). Students must be able to supply proof of vaccination or positive serology results as per NSW Department of Health requirements.

This unit of study is typically completed with concurrent enrolment in CSCD40XX Advanced Practice A: Community. Students must hold a current CPR certificate before they can commence in this unit. Attendance at clinic orientation is compulsory. Clinical placements are scheduled from February - November and hence may commence prior to the official start of semester and/or may extend beyond week 16 depending on availability.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Advanced Practice A: Community
6    P CSCD3082 Phonology, Language and Literacy; CSCD3083 Intermediate Clinic 2: Adult & Community or CSCD3084 Intermediate Clinic 2: Child & Community
C CSCD4053 Advanced Practice A: Clinical
N Students must advise the Speech Pathology Director of Clinical Education before enrolling in this unit of study if they do not have a current National Police Certificate or are a prohibited person under the NSW Working with Children Act (2001). Students must be able to supply proof of vaccination or positive serology results as per NSW Department of Health requirements

This unit of study is typically completed with concurrent enrolment in CSCD4053 Advanced Practice A: Clinical. Student must hold a current CPR certificate before they can commence in this unit. Attendance at clinic orientation is compulsory. Clinical placements are scheduled from January - December and hence may commence prior to the official start of semester and/or may extend beyond week 16 depending on availability.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Semester 2
Advanced Practice A: Paediatric
12    P CSCD3082 Phonology, Language and Literacy; CSCD3083 Intermediate Clinic 2: Adult & Community or CSCD3084 Intermediate Clinic 2: Child & Community
C CSCD4056 Advanced Practice A: Adult

This unit of study is typically completed with concurrent enrolment with CSCD4056 Advanced Practice A: Adult. Failure to achieve a pass grade in the first scheduled block may result in students being withdrawn from their second block placement. Student must hold a current CPR certificate as well as ensure they hold a clearance card following conduction of a National Police Check before they can commence in this unit. Clinical placements are scheduled from January-December and hence may commence prior to the official start of semester and/or may extend beyond week 16.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Advanced Practice A: Adult
12    P CSCD3082 Phonology, Language and Literacy, CSCD3083 Intermediate Clinic 2: Adult & Community or CSCD3084 Intermediate Clinic 2: Child & Community
C CSCD4055 Advanced Practice A: Paediatric

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1,
This unit of study is typically completed with concurrent enrolment with CSCD4055 Advanced Practice A: Paediatric. Failure to achieve a pass grade in the first scheduled block may result in students being withdrawn from their second block placement. Student must hold a current CPR certificate as well as ensure they hold a clearance card following conduction of a National Police Check before they can commence in this unit. Clinical placements are scheduled from January-December and hence may commence prior to the official start of semester and/or may extend beyond week 16.
Semester 1
Semester 2

Group B

Semester 1
Advanced Practice B: Paediatric
12    P CSCD3082 Phonology, Language and Literacy, CSCD3083 Intermediate Clinic 2: Adult & Community or CSCD3084 Intermediate Clinic 2: Child & Community
C CSCD4058 Advanced Practice B: Adult

This unit of study is typically completed with concurrent enrolment with CSCD4058 Advanced Practice B: Adult. Failure to achieve a pass grade in the first scheduled block may result in students being withdrawn from their second block placement. Student must hold a current CPR certificate as well as ensure they hold a clearance card following conduction of a National Police Check before they can commence in this unit. Clinical placements are scheduled from January - December and hence may commence prior to the official start of semester and/or may extend beyond week 16.
Semester 1
Advanced Practice B: Adult
12    P CSCD3082 Phonology, Language and Literacy, CSCD3083 Intermediate Clinic 2: Adult & Community or CSCD3084 Intermediate Clinic 2: Child & Community
C CSCD4057 Advanced Practice B: Paediatric

This unit of study is typically completed with concurrent enrolment with CSCD4057 Advanced Practice B: Paediatric. Failure to achieve a pass grade in the first scheduled block may result in students being withdrawn from their second block placement. Student must hold a current CPR certificate as well as ensure they hold a clearance card following conduction of a National Police Check before they can commence in this unit. Clinical placements are scheduled from January- December and hence may commence prior to the official start of semester and/or may extend beyond week 16.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Evidence Based Practice for SP
6    A Students are assumed to be concurrently enrolled in Year 4 clinical units and should seek advice from the UOS coordinator if this is not the case.
P BACH1143 Designing Health Research; CSCD3074 Specialist Studies; CSCD3075 Neurogenic Language Disorders 1; CSCD3076 Lifelong Disability and AAC; CSCD3079 Voice and Voice Disorders 2; CSCD3080 Neurogenic Language Disorders 2; CSCD3081 Clinical Case Management; CSCD3082 Phonology, Language and Literacy; CSCD3083 Intermediate Clinic 2: Adult & Community OR CSCD3084 Intermediate Clinic 2: Child & Community
Semester 1
Semester 2
Professional Issues
6    C CSCD4053 Advanced Practice A: Clinical or CSCD4059 Advanced Practice B: Clinical

Students must complete year 3 Intermediate Clinic adult neuro-block before enrolling in CSCD4052 Professional Issues. Students must be prepared to travel to external health sites during their projects.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Advanced Practice B: Clinical
6    P CSCD3082 Phonology, Language and Literacy; CSCD3083 Intermediate Clinic 2: Adult & Community or CSCD3084 Intermediate Clinic 2: Child & Community
C CSCD4052 Professional Issues, CSCD4060 Advanced Practice B: Community
N Students must advise the Speech Pathology Director of Clinical Education before enrolling in this unit of study if they do not have a current National Police Certificate or are a prohibited person under the NSW Working with Children Act (2001). Students must be able to supply proof of vaccination or positive serology results as per NSW Department of Health requirements

This unit of study is typically completed with concurrent enrolment with CSCD4060 Advanced Practice B: Community. Students must hold a current CPR certificate before they can commence in this unit. Attendance at clinic orientation is compulsory. Clinical placements are scheduled from February - November and hence may commence prior to the official start of semester and/or may extend beyond week 16 depending on availability.
Semester 2
Advanced Practice B: Community
6    P CSCD3082 Phonology, Language and Literacy, CSCD3083 Intermediate Clinic 2: Adult & Community or CSCD3084 Intermediate Clinic 2: Child & Community
C CSCD4059 Advanced Practice B: Clinical
N Students must advise the Speech Pathology Director of Clinical Education before enrolling in this unit of study if they do not have a current National Police Certificate or are a prohibited person under the NSW Working with Children Act (2001). Students must be able to supply proof of vaccination or positive serology results as per NSW Department of Health requirements

This unit of study is typically completed with concurrent enrolment in CSCD4059 Advanced Practice B: Clinical. Students must hold a current CPR certificate before they can commence in this unit. Attendance at clinic orientation is compulsory. Clinical placements are scheduled from January-December and hence may commence prior to the official start of semester and/or may extend beyond week 16 depending on availability.
Semester 2
Completion of the requirements of the 4-year Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) course meets the eligibility requirements for practising membership status of Speech Pathology Australia.

Table 6.1.1 Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) Honours

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session
Course code SH129: Honours program; full-time, 4 years

Year 1 and Year 2

As per Pass course

Year 3

Semester 1
Specialist Studies
6    P BIOS1165 Hearing Science and Audiology
Semester 1
Neurogenic Language Disorders 1
6    A BIOS2062 Neuroscience II: Communication Disorders
P BIOS1066 Neuroscience I: Communication Disorders
C CSCD3077 Intermediate Clinic 1: Child or CSCD3078 Intermediate Clinic 1: Adult or CSCD3087 Intermediate Clinic 1H: Adult

This unit is a prerequisite or corequisite for adult clinical placements in Year 3. Students undertaking international studies in this semester must include studies in adult language disorders in their program to meet this requirement for Year 3 clinic
Semester 1
Lifelong Disability and AAC
6    P CSCD1032 Human Communication
Semester 1
Intermediate Clinic 1H: Adult
6    P CSCD2058 Stuttering, CSCD2062 Motor Speech and Dysphagia, CSCD2066 Introductory Practice 2: Clinical or CSCD2067 Introductory Practice 2: Community
C CSCD3075 Neurogenic Language Disorders 1
N Students must advise the Speech Pathology Director of Clinical Education before enrolling in this unit of study if they do not have a current National Police Certificate or are a prohibited person under the NSW Working with Children Act (2001). Students must be able to supply proof of vaccination or positive serology results as per NSW Department of Health Requirements

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2,
Student must hold a current CPR certificate before they can enrol in this unit. Attendance at clinic orientation is compulsory. Students must maintain a credit average and must not have a Fail grade in any unit of study to be enrolled in the honours program
Semester 1
Semester 2
Semester 2
Phonology, Language and Literacy
6    P CSCD1033 Child Phonology, CSCD2066 Introductory Practice 2: Clinical or CSCD2067 Introductory Practice 2: Community, CSCD2057 Child Language
Semester 2
Voice and Voice Disorders
6    A BIOS1165 Hearing Science and Audiology; CSCD1034 Linguistics, Phonetics and Articulation
P BIOS1163 Speech Science

This unit is a prerequisite for CSCD4051 Evidence Based Practice for SP
Semester 2
Intermediate Clinic 2H:Child & Community
6    P CSCD3075 Neurogenic Language Disorders 1, CSCD3087 Intermediate Clinic 1H: Adult
N Students must advise the Speech Pathology Director of Clinical Education before enrolling in this unit of study if they do not have a current National Police Certificate or are a prohibited person under the NSW Working with Children Act (2001). Students must be able to supply proof of vaccination or positive serology results as per NSW Department of Health Requirements

Student must hold a current CPR certificate before they can enrol in this unit. Attendance at clinic orientation is compulsory. Students must maintain a credit average and must not have a Fail grade in any unit of study to be enrolled in the honours program
Semester 1
Semester 2
Speech Pathology Research Methods H
6    A Understanding of descriptive statistics

This unit is a prerequisite for CSCD4065 Research Project
Semester 2

Year 4

Semester 1
Advanced Practice H: Clincal
6    P CSCD3082 Phonology, Language and Literacy; CSCD3089 Intermediate Clinic 2H: Child & Community
C CSCD4062 Advanced Practice H: Community
N Students must advise the Speech Pathology Director of Clinical Education before enrolling in this unit of study if they do not have a current National Police Certificate or are a prohibited person under the NSW Working with Children Act (2001). Students must be able to supply proof of vaccination or positive serology results as per NSW Department of Health requirements

This unit of study is typically completed with concurrent enrolment in CSCD4062 Advanced Practice H: Community. Students must hold a current CPR certificate before they can commence in this unit. Attendance at clinic orientation is compulsory. Clinical placements are scheduled from February - November and hence may commence prior to the official start of semester and/or may extend beyond week 16 depending on availability.
Semester 1
Advanced Practice H: Community
6    P CSCD3082 Phonology, Language and Literacy, CSCD3089 Intermediate Clinic 2H: Child & Community
C CSCD4061 Advanced Practice H: Clinical
N Students must advise the Speech Pathology Director of Clinical Education before enrolling in this unit of study if they do not have a current National Police Certificate or are a prohibited person under the NSW Working with Children Act (2001). Students must be able to supply proof of vaccination or positive serology results as per NSW Department of Health requirements

This unit of study is typically completed with concurrent enrolment in CSCD4061 Advanced Practice H: Clinical. Students must hold a current CPR certificate before they can commence in this unit. Attendance at clinic orientation is compulsory. Clinical placements are scheduled from January - December and hence may commence prior to the official start of semester and/or may extend beyond week 16 depending on availability.
Semester 1
and either
Advanced Practice H: Paediatric
12    P CSCD3082 Phonology, Language and Literacy; CSCD3089 Intermediate Clinic 2H: Child & Community

Student must hold a current CPR certificate as well as ensure they hold a clearance card following conduction of a National Police Check before they can commence in this unit. Clinical placements are scheduled from January - December and hence may commence prior to the official start of semester and/or may extend beyond week 16.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Advanced Practice H: Adult
12    P CSCD3082 Phonology, Language and Literacy, CSCD3089 Intermediate Clinic 2H: Child & Community

Student must hold a current CPR certificate as well as ensure they hold a clearance card following conduction of a National Police Check before they can commence in this unit. Clinical placements are scheduled from January - December and hence may commence prior to the official start of semester and/or may extend beyond week 16.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Semester 2
Research Project
12    P BACH1143 Designing Health Research; CSCD3088 Research Seminar

Students must maintain a credit average and must not have a Fail grade in any unit of study to be enrolled in the Honours program.
Semester 2
and either
Advanced Practice H: Paediatric
12    P CSCD3082 Phonology, Language and Literacy; CSCD3089 Intermediate Clinic 2H: Child & Community

Student must hold a current CPR certificate as well as ensure they hold a clearance card following conduction of a National Police Check before they can commence in this unit. Clinical placements are scheduled from January - December and hence may commence prior to the official start of semester and/or may extend beyond week 16.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Advanced Practice H: Adult
12    P CSCD3082 Phonology, Language and Literacy, CSCD3089 Intermediate Clinic 2H: Child & Community

Student must hold a current CPR certificate as well as ensure they hold a clearance card following conduction of a National Police Check before they can commence in this unit. Clinical placements are scheduled from January - December and hence may commence prior to the official start of semester and/or may extend beyond week 16.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Completion of the requirements of the 4-year Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) Honours course meets the eligibility requirements for practising membership status of Speech Pathology Australia.

Clinical Education

Information related to Clinical Education is located at:

Course rules


Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology)

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course and stream title
SH128 Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology)
SH129 Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) (Honours)

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is full time or part time according to candidate choice.

3 Admission to candidature

Admission to this course is on the basis of a secondary school leaving qualification such as the NSW Higher School Certificate (including national and international equivalents), tertiary study or an approved preparation program. English language requirements must be met where these are not demonstrated by sufficient qualifications taught in English. Special admission pathways are open for mature aged applicants who do not possess a school leaving qualification, educationally disadvantaged applicants and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Applicants are ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking. Details of admission policies are found in the Coursework Rule.

4 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for these courses are set out in the Faculty of Health Sciences Table of units of study for the Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology).
To qualify for the award of the pass degree, a candidate must complete 192 credit points of core units of study in the order prescribed in the Table.

5 Requirements for the Honours degree

Honours is available to meritorious students who complete an alternative set of units of study in the third and fourth years of the program. Admission to the honours program is by permission of the program coordinator after the completion of Second Year. Entry to the Honours program is based on academic performance in years 1 and 2 of the course.
To qualify for the award of the honours degree a candidate must complete the requirements for the pass degree but include the alternative 66 credit point Honours pathway set out in the Speech Pathology Table of units of study.
Candidates must maintain a credit average throughout the honours program and complete the degree in the minimum, standard, full-time duration. The grade of honours will be determined by the result of the Research Project unit of study.

6 Award of the degree

The Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) is awarded at either Pass or Honours level. The honours degree is awarded in classes ranging from First Class to Third Class according to the rules specified in the Resolutions of the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Candidates for the award of the Honours degree, who do not meet the requirements, may be awarded the pass degree if they have completed the requirements for that award.

7 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that the requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.