University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Postgraduate research

Note: Information in this chapter should be read in conjunction with the resolutions of the Senate in the University of Sydney Calendar , University of Sydney (Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)) Rule 2004, and the University Postgraduate Research/Coursework handbook.

The faculty offers supervision in a range of research training opportunities in the health sciences that are supported within the following research areas.

Research groups
  • Clinical and Rehabilitation Sciences
  • Disability and Community
  • Exercise, Health and Performance
  • Health Systems and Global Populations
  • Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences
Research units
  • Ageing Work and Health Unit
Research centre
  • Australian Stuttering Research Centre

Each of these bodies conducts a wide range of research. Further details may be found at:

The faculty offers the following postgraduate research degrees that may be taken across any of these faculty research areas:

  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • Doctor of Health Science (for continuing students only)
  • Master of Applied Science.
Course design

The courses have different designs but there are a number of common features. All higher degree research students must complete an annual progress report and interview annually.

Students are expected to participate regularly in University and faculty forums and conferences, virtual or campus-based, as active members of the research community.

Students will be expected to present their work to their peers at least once a year in research forums.


For each student, a supervisor who is a member of the academic staff of the faculty will be appointed. In accordance with University policy, one or more associate supervisors will also be appointed. These supervisors are normally identified during consultations prior to application to the research course. The faculty strongly encourages all applicants to consult with their proposed primary supervisor prior to and during the application process.


For local students, an application should be made on the prescribed form and should be lodged with the Research and Innovation Office (Cumberland). Forms may be downloaded from these websites:

International students apply through the University's International Office. See


The federal government's Research Training Scheme (RTS) provides HECS exemptions for Commonwealth-funded higher degree students for the duration of an accredited higher degree course. This means local PhD and HScD students are covered by the scheme for four years fulltime (or equivalent) and research Master students are covered for two years full time (or equivalent).

For information on fees for international students, see:

Further Enquiries

T: +61 2 9351 9355
F: +61 2 9036 7303