University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Core Units

Subject tables

The following list of units of study make up the core requirements (apart from Principal Study) for all the undergraduate programs. Many of these units of study can also be taken as electives.

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session


Compositional techniques & analysis

Compositional Techniques and Analysis 1
6    A It is strongly recommended that participants have a good grasp of modern and 20th century repertoire.
Semester 1
Compositional Techniques and Analysis 2
6    P CMPN1611
Semester 2
Compositional Techniques and Analysis 3
3    P CMPN1612
C CMPN2603
Semester 1
Compositional Techniques and Analysis 4
3    P CMPN2011
C CMPN2604
Semester 2

Composition through improvisation

Composition Through Improvisation 1
3      Semester 1
Composition Through Improvisation 2
3    P CMPN1000
Semester 2
Composition Through Improvisation 3
3    P CMPN1003
Semester 1
Composition Through Improvisation 4
3    P CMPN2000
Semester 2

Electroacoustic and computer music

Electroacoustic Music 1
6    P MUED1002
Semester 1
Electroacoustic Music 2
6    P CMPN1631
Semester 2
Computer Music Fundamentals
6    P CMPN1008 or CMPN1632

Students who don't have the prerequisite, but have prior computer programming experience can apply to the Unit for permission to enrol.
Semester 1
Computer Music Advanced
6    P CMPN2633
Semester 2

Chamber music

All students are required to register for chamber music groups after they enrol. Students will receive assistance and approval from unit Chamber Music Coordinators. Students must complete a minimum of four compulsory semesters of chamber music, but may complete up to eight semesters in chamber music (with unit permission). Piano students take the alternative Accompaniment units in their first two years. Students from the Vocal Unit may enrol in Choral Ensemble in lieu of Chamber Music for a maximum of two semesters. Each student also completes one semester of Composer Performer Workshop in Chamber Music 4 either as an individual or as a group. This counts as one of the compulsory four semesters of chamber music required of all Bachelor of Music and Diploma students. Chamber Music in this context is defined as a group of 3-10 musicians, performing without a conductor. In rare circumstances large works of chamber music may be conducted by a tutor or conductor nominated by the Chair of Conducting. Combinations outside these guidelines will only be acceptable under certain conditions, as prescribed by the Accompaniment and Chamber Music Unit. In accordance with this definition, participation in other larger ensembles within the Conservatorium will not be regarded as an acceptable alternative to Chamber Music. Students are assigned a Principal Tutor who will advise of appropriate works for each level and coach the ensemble through the semester. Each group is required to attend six 1-hour tutorials per semester and three unit seminars (performing at one) and a minimum of nine independent rehearsals. It is expected that students prepare and rehearse to professional standards of performance.
Chamber Music 1
3      Semester 1
Semester 2
Chamber Music 2
3    P ENSE1005 or CHMB1301
Semester 1
Semester 2
Chamber Music 3
3    P ENSE1007 or CHMB1302
Semester 1
Semester 2
Chamber Music 4 (CPW)
3    P ENSE2002 or CHMB2303
Semester 1
Semester 2


Continuo 1
3    A Standard 17th - and 18th century repertoire and harmony.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Continuo 2
3    P EMUS1671

It is strongly advised that all bass continuo instrumentalists (harpsichordists, organists, fortepianists, lutenists, harpists and so on) take this Unit of Study with Principal Study 2.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Continuo 3
3    P EMUS1672

It is strongly advised that all bass continuo instrumentalists (harpsichordists, organists, fortepianists, lutenists, harpists and so on) take this Unit of Study with Principal Study 5.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Continuo 4
3    P EMUS2673

It is strongly advised that all bass continuo instrumentalists (harpsichordists, organists, fortepianists, lutenists, harpists and so on) take this Unit of Study with Principal Study 6.
Semester 1
Semester 2

Composer performer workshop

Composer Performer Workshop 1
3      Semester 1
Semester 2
Composer Performer Workshop 2
3    P CMPN3000
Semester 1
Semester 2
Composer Performer Workshop 3
3    P CMPN3001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Composer Performer Workshop 4
3    P CMPN4000
Semester 1
Semester 2


Jazz ensemble

Jazz Ensemble 1
6    C JAZZ1601

Jazz students must attend the Large Ensemble auditions for placement in one of the large ensembles; Non-jazz students can apply to the Chair of Jazz Unit to audition for entry to either the Large or Small Jazz Ensemble 1-8 electives.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Jazz Ensemble 2
6    P JAZZ1611
C JAZZ1602
Semester 1
Semester 2
Jazz Ensemble 3
6    P JAZZ1612
C JAZZ2603
Semester 1
Semester 2
Jazz Ensemble 4
6    P JAZZ2613
C JAZZ2604
Semester 1
Semester 2
Jazz Ensemble 5
6    P JAZZ2614
C JAZZ3605
Semester 1
Semester 2
Jazz Ensemble 6
6    P JAZZ3615
C JAZZ3606
Semester 1
Semester 2
Jazz Ensemble 7
6    P JAZZ3616
C JAZZ4607
Semester 1
Semester 2
Jazz Ensemble 8
6    P JAZZ4617
C JAZZ4608
Semester 1
Semester 2

Opera ensemble

Opera Ensemble 1
3      Semester 1
Semester 2
Opera Ensemble 2
3    P VSAO1047
Semester 1
Semester 2
Opera Ensemble 3
3    P VSAO1048
Semester 1
Semester 2
Opera Ensemble 4
3    P VSAO2047
Semester 1
Semester 2
Opera Ensemble 5
3    P VSAO2048
Semester 1
Semester 2
Opera Ensemble 6
3    P VSAO3047
Semester 1
Semester 2

Orchestral studies

The purpose of Orchestral Studies is to develop the entire range of skills which musicians must possess to prepare them to be a member of a professional orchestral ensemble. All students enrolled in Orchestral Studies must participate in two performance projects per semester. This is supported by the orchestral development program: students will receive weekly training/instruction in all aspects of orchestral playing. This includes participating in weekly repertoire sessions in the Symphony Orchestra or, in other training ensembles and groups such as the Chamber Orchestra, Wind Symphony, Early Music Ensemble, Modern Music Ensemble, Saxophone Orchestra and Brass Ensemble. The objectives of Orchestral Studies are to develop: A thorough knowledge of orchestral performing styles and practices; ensemble intonation – the ability to play precisely and rhythmically and in tune with other members of an ensemble; the ability to concentrate and play with commitment; teamwork; the ability to work with a conductor and interpret his gestures. Assessment is based on all aspects of participation in the orchestral ensemble (assessed by the ensemble director/coordinator and other involved faculty), in the weekly orchestral development classes. Assessment criteria are: level of preparation, actual performance in the ensemble, commitment, concentration, ability and teamwork. For administrative arrangements contact the Ensembles and Orchestral Coordinators.
Orchestral Studies 1
6    C Principal Study 1 in an appropriate orchestral instrument.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Orchestral Studies 2
6    P ENSE1618
C Principal Study 2 in an appropriate orchestral instrument.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Orchestral Studies 3
6    P ENSE1619
C Principal Study 3 in an appropriate orchestral instrument
Semester 1
Semester 2
Orchestral Studies 4
6    P ENSE2005
C Principal Study 4 in an appropriate orchestral instrument
Semester 1
Semester 2
Orchestral Studies 5
6    P ENSE2016
C Principal Study 5 in an appropriate orchestral instrument.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Orchestral Studies 6
6    P ENSE3017
C Principal Study 6 in an appropriate orchestral instrument
Semester 1
Semester 2
Orchestral Studies 7
6    P ENSE3018
C Principal Study 7 in an appropriate orchestral instrument or Principal Study (Honours) 7
Semester 1
Semester 2
Orchestral Studies 8
6    P ENSE4021
C Principal Study 8 in an appropriate orchestral instrument or Principal Study (Honours) 8
Semester 1
Semester 2

Analysis, history and culture studies

Foundation history & analysis

Jazz History 1

Non Jazz Majors need to seek departmental approval in order to enrol.
Semester 1
Jazz History 2
3    P JAZZ1021

Non Jazz Majors need to seek departmental approval in order to enrol.
Semester 2
Jazz History 3
3    P JAZZ1022

Non Jazz Majors need to seek departmental approval in order to enrol.
Semester 1
Jazz History 4
3    P JAZZ2018

Non Jazz Majors need to seek departmental approval in order to enrol.
Semester 2
Jazz Analysis: An Introduction
6    P JAZZ2017 or JAZZ2624
N JAZZ3018, JAZZ3019
Semester 2
Music from the Middle Ages to Baroque
6    A Ability to read musical notation

This is a Foundation unit in the History and Analysis of Music.
Semester 2
Music in the Classical and Romantic Eras

This is a Foundation unit in the History and Analysis of Music.
Semester 1
Music in Modern Times
6    A It is desirable that students should have a sound knowledge of 19th century music.

This is a Foundation unit in the History and Analysis of Music.
Semester 2
Musical Worlds of Today

This is a Foundation unit in the History and Analysis of Music.
Semester 1

Music education

Education 1: Introduction to Teaching
3      Semester 1
Education 2: Educational Psychology
3      Semester 2
Education 3: Developmental Psychology
3    P GENS1001
Semester 1
Non Western Music
3      Semester 1
Significant Methods
3      Semester 1
Aboriginal & Torres Strt Islander Musics
3      Semester 1
Children, Music and Educational Settings
6    A It is strongly recommended that students have completed MUED1006 Significant Methods and GENS1000 Introduction to Teaching
Semester 2
Survey of Jazz History

This unit is not available for Jazz Performance students unless they are enrolled in BMus (Music Education).
Semester 1
Teaching Music: Junior Secondary School
12    P MUED2605
Semester 2
Composition in Music Education
3    P MUED1002 or MUED4002
Semester 1
Ensemble Pedagogy
6      Semester 2
Technology in Music Education
3    N MUED1002
Semester 2
Popular Music Studies
3      Semester 1
Transcription and Analysis in Music Ed
3    P MCGY2011
Semester 1
Professional & Social Issues in Music Ed
6    A It is strongly recommended that students have completed MUED4602
P MUED3602; MUED4602
C MUED4611
Semester 2
Senior Secondary Music Education
6    P MUED3602
Semester 1
Cultural Diversity in Music Education
6    A It is strongly recommended that students have completed MUED2605 Children, Music & Educational Settings, and MUED3602 Teaching Music in the Junior Secondary School
Semester 1
Professional Experience
18    P MUED3602
C MUED4601
Semester 1
Semester 2

Music skills

Aural perception

Aural Perception is taken as a sequence of either four or five semester units. On entry to the BMus, DipMus, BMusStudies and combined degree awards courses, students will – on the basis of a written test – be assigned either to AP1 or to AP1A and AP1B. Both options cover the same material and have the same exit standard, but while AP1 is a one semester unit, AP1A and AP1B extend over one year (two semesters) to enable students with limited experience or weakness to progress at a slower pace. Regardless of the results of the written test, students may request enrolment in AP1A and AP1B. Students who successfully complete AP1 in first semester progress to AP2 in second semester. Students who successfully complete AP1B at the end of second semester progress to AP2 in first semester of the following year. The AP units aim to foster musical understanding by developing the aural perception skills which are essential for any professional musician: The ability to recognise, memorise and notate musical patterns heard (dictation and analysis work); and The ability to imagine in one’s ‘inner ear’, and reproduce vocally, musical patterns from notation (Solfege work). Students are encouraged to apply the ideas and procedures studied in class to their own musical pursuits. Within the Musicology unit, AP is integrated as closely as possible with the Harmony and Music History units. For further information contact the Aural Perception Co-ordinator, Christopher Coady (Musicology).
Aural Perception 1
3    A Ability to read music notation including treble and bass clefs. Knowledge of all tonal key signatures and standard time signatures.
Semester 1
Aural Perception 1A
3    A Ability to read music notation including treble and bass clefs. Knowledge of all tonal key signatures and standard time signatures.
Semester 1
Aural Perception 1B
3    P MCGY1001
Semester 2
Aural Perception 2
3    P MCGY1000 or MCGY1002
Semester 1
Semester 2
Aural Perception 3
3    P MCGY1003
Semester 1
Semester 2
Aural Perception 4
3    P MCGY2004
Semester 1
Semester 2

Harmony & analysis

Harmony and Analysis 1
3      Semester 1
Harmony and Analysis 2
3    P MCGY1008
Semester 2
Harmony and Analysis 3
3    P MCGY1009
Semester 1
Harmony and Analysis 4
3    P MCGY2010
Semester 2

Jazz music skills

Jazz Music Skills 1
6    C JAZZ1601 or JAZZ1631
Semester 1
Jazz Music Skills 2
6    P JAZZ1621
C JAZZ1602 or JAZZ1632
Semester 2
Jazz Music Skills 3
6    P JAZZ1622
C JAZZ2603 or JAZZ2633
Semester 1
Jazz Music Skills 4
6    P JAZZ2623
C JAZZ2604 or JAZZ2634
Semester 2

Music technology

Music Technology
3    A Basic computer skills.
Semester 1
Semester 2


Jazz improvisation

Jazz Improvisation 1
3    C JAZZ1601
Semester 1
Semester 2
Jazz Improvisation 2
3    P JAZZ1006
C JAZZ1602
Semester 1
Semester 2
Jazz Improvisation 3
3    P JAZZ1007
C JAZZ2603
Semester 1
Jazz Improvisation 4
3    P JAZZ2006
C JAZZ2604
Semester 1
Semester 2

Organ resources

Organ Resources 1
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2,

Semester 1
Semester 2
Organ Resources 2
3    P ORGN1008

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1,

Semester 1
Semester 2
Organ Resources 3
3    P ORGN1009 Organ Resources 2

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2,

Semester 1
Semester 2
Organ Resources 4
3    P ORGN2008

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1,

Semester 1
Semester 2
Organ Resources 5
3    P ORGN2009

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2,

Semester 1
Semester 2
Organ Resources 6
3    P ORGN3008

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1,

Semester 1
Semester 2
Organ Resources 7
3    P ORGN3003

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2,

Semester 1
Semester 2
Organ Resources 8
3    P ORGN4009
Semester 1
Semester 2

Opera – movement & production

Movement and Production 1
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Movement and Production 2
6    P VSAO1631
Semester 1
Semester 2
Movement and Production 3
6    P VSAO1632
Semester 1
Semester 2
Movement and Production 4
6    P VSAO2633
Semester 1
Semester 2
Movement and Production 5
6    P VSAO2634
Semester 1
Semester 2
Movement and Production 6
6    P VSAO3635
Semester 1
Semester 2

Opera –repertoire

Opera Repertoire 1
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2,

Semester 1
Semester 2
Opera Repertoire 2
3    P VSAO1016
Semester 1
Semester 2
Opera Repertoire 3
3    P VSAO2014
Semester 1
Semester 2
Opera Repertoire 4
3    P VSAO2015
Semester 1
Semester 2
Opera Repertoire 5
3    P VSAO3012
Semester 1
Semester 2
Opera Repertoire 6
3    P VSAO3313
Semester 1
Semester 2

Vocal & opera diction

Italian Diction for Singers 1
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2,

Semester 1
Semester 2
German Diction for Singers 1
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1,

Semester 1
Semester 2
French & Italian Diction for Singers 2
3    P VSAO1009 and VSAO1008
Semester 1
Semester 2
German Diction for Singers 2
3    P VSAO1008 and VSAO1009
Semester 1
Semester 2
Diction for Performance 1
3    P VSAO2028 and VSAO2029
Semester 1
Semester 2
Diction for Performance 2
3    P VSAO3645
Semester 1
Semester 2
Diction for Performance 3
3    P VSAO3646
Semester 1
Semester 2
Diction for Performance 4
3    P VSAO4647
Semester 1
Semester 2
Opera Diction 1
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Opera Diction 2
6    P VSAO1621
Semester 1
Semester 2
Opera Diction 3
6    P VSAO1622
Semester 1
Semester 2
Opera Diction 4
6    P VSAO2623
Semester 1
Semester 2
Opera Diction 5
6    P VSAO2624
Semester 1
Semester 2
Opera Diction 6
6    P VSAO3625
Semester 1
Semester 2

Vocal performance class

Vocal Performance Class 1

Students enrolled in Principal Study (Advanced) units may not concurrently enrol in unit specific performance classes.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Vocal Performance Class 2
3    P VSAO1017

Students enrolled in Principal Study (Advanced) units may not concurrently enrol in unit specific performance classes.
Semester 1
Semester 2

Subject details

The following is ordered alphabetically by area, and contains the non-principal study core units of study for all undergraduate degrees and diplomas.

Many of these core units of study can also be taken as electives.

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