University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Bachelor of Music Studies/Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

The Bachelor of Music Studies/Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery is intended to give students an opportunity to experience a broad musical education before embarking on medical studies. In this structure the Bachelor of Music Studies functions as a specific pathway to the MBBS for the highest achieving school leavers. Its structure facilitates creative interdisciplinary links between music, science and medicine at the University of Sydney. The course develops broadly educated musicians who are able to apply their knowledge, skills and attitudes creatively and flexibly.

As a pathway degree in the combined music and medicine program, the course offers students the opportunity to engage with the Faculties of Science and Medicine in addition to the Sydney Conservatorium of Music. The Honours year in particular also offers students in the combined degree program the opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary and applied music research that will give them a grounding in generic research skills required to undertake more advanced clinical/medical research.

Bachelor of Music Studies Course Structure

The degree is structured to allow students flexibility in their choice of units so they may pursue their own combinations of musical and non-musical disciplines. Students may choose units of study taught at another faculty of the University of Sydney up to a maximum credit point value of 28 credit points. Those units must include 18 junior credit points in designated Faculty of Science units of study. In addition, in the first three years of study, students complete a zero credit point unit of study offered by the Faculty of Medicine.

In the BMus Studies pathway degree, all students take a Principal Study in an instrument, voice, composition or musicology, core units in music skills, music pedagogy and music history and other units of their own choice.

Part-time study is not available to students in this award course.

Candidates should refer to the Faculty of Medicine for information on course structures for the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery degrees.

Principal study is available in the following areas:

  • Brass: french horn, trombone, trumpet, tuba
  • Composition: instrumental/vocal or electroacoustic
  • Early Music Performance: baroque flute, harpsichord, lute, organ, recorder, viola da gamba, baroque trumpet
  • Musicology
  • Percussion
  • Piano
  • Strings: cello, double bass, guitar, harp, viola, violin
  • Voice: classical or jazz
  • Woodwind: bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, saxophone

Core requirements

Students should complete at least the minimum number of credit points in each area throughout their course, and reach the minimum levels of achievement as outlined in the Faculty Resolutions.

Typical enrolment pattern

A typical enrolment program over six semesters in the Bachelor of Music Studies degree, together with the credit point value is set out in the following table:

Bachelor of Music Studies

Semester 1


Semester 2


Semester 3


Principal Study 1


Principal Study 2


Principal Study 3


Jazz Music Skills 1 or Aural Perception 1 + Harmony and Analysis 1


Jazz Music Skills 2 or Aural Perception 2 + Harmony and Analysis 2


Jazz Music Skills 3 or Aural Perception 3 + Harmony and Analysis 3








Teaching Music/Pedagogy


Music Technology or Free Choice


Free Choice


Musical Worlds of Today or Music in the Classical and Romantic Eras


Music in Modern Times or Music from the Middle Ages to the Baroque


Junior Biology Unit








Semester 4


Semester 5


Semester 6


Principal Study 4


Principal Study 5


Principal Study 6


Jazz Music Skills 4 or Aural Perception 4 + Harmony and Analysis 4


Studies in analysis, history and culture


Studies in analysis, history and culture




Free Choice


Free Choice


Studies in analysis, history and culture


Junior Chemistry Unit


Junior Physics Unit


Free Choice












Course rules


Bachelor of Music Studies/Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Bachelor of Music Studies / Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is normally full time. Part time study may be permitted upon successful application.

3 Cross faculty management

Candidates in this combined degree program will be under the general supervision of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music until the end of the semester in which they complete the requirements for the Bachelor of Music Studies. They will then be under the supervision of the Faculty of Medicine (Sydney Medical School).
The Deans of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and the Faculty of Medicine shall jointly exercise authority in any matter concerned with the combined course not otherwise dealt with in these resolutions.

4 Admission to candidature

Admission to undergraduate courses at the University of Sydney is either on the basis of completion of secondary study via the NSW Higher School Certificate, leading to the award of an Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking (ATAR) or equivalent. Applicants are ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking.
In addition, admission to this course requires the applicant:
to participate in a semi structured interview at the Faculty of Medicine; and
to complete a music skills test or jazz aptitude test and depending on the applicant's proposed Principal Study:
(i)  Principal Study in Composition, submit at least three compositions in different performance media which should represent their present level of achievement as composers and attend an interview;
(ii)  Principal Study in Musicology, present an example of recent written work and attend an interview;
(iii)  Principal Study in Performance, undertake a practical audition in the nominated instrument or in voice.
The results of this process will form part of the ranking of applicants.

5 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for the Bachelor of Music Studies are set out in the Table of units of study for Undergraduate Degrees from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.
The units of study that may be undertaken for the Bachelor of Medicine and the Bachelor of Surgery are set out in the table of units for the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from the Faculty of Medicine.
To qualify for the award of both degrees, a candidate must successfully complete 336 credit points, comprising:
144 credit points as required for the award of the Bachelor of Music Studies and reach the minimum levels of achievement as set out in the table below; and
192 credit points specified in the resolutions for the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from the Faculty of Medicine; and
one zero credit point Medicine unit of study in the first three years of the program.

Area of Study

Credit Points

Minimum level of achievement

Principal Study


Principal Study 6




Music Skills


Harmony and Analysis 4 and Aural Perception 4; or

Jazz Music Skills 4

Studies in analysis, history and culture


At least 12 credit points from Foundation units

Teaching Music


Can be taken in studio pedagogy or music education units of study



6 junior credit points of Chemistry; and

6 junior credit points of Physics; and

6 junior credit points of Biology or Molecular Biology and Genetics



At least one zero credit point unit from Medicine




6 Principal Studies

Principal Studies available for the Bachelor of Music Studies are listed under the course resolution for the Bachelor of Music Studies.

7 Progression rules

Candidates must complete all requirements for the Bachelor of Music Studies, including the designated Science units of study, in minimum time and must maintain a minimum average mark of 65 in all units of study in the Bachelor of Music Studies, this being the minimum achievement required for admission to candidature for the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.
Failure to maintain required progression and minimum result requirements will result in candidates being transferred from the combined degree program to the Bachelor of Music Studies with full credit for the units of study completed.

8 Requirements for the Honours degree

Honours is available to meritorious candidates, in either or both the Bachelor of Music Studies or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.
Honours in the Bachelor of Music Studies requires completion of one additional full time year of study. Candidates who enrol in the honours year at the completion of the Bachelor of Music Studies will suspend enrolment in the combined degree and transfer to the Bachelor of Music Studies (Honours) candidature and enrol in fourth year units of study, before returning to complete the combined award. Honours can also be attempted at the completion of the combined pass program.
Admission and award requirements for honours in the Bachelor of Music Studies are listed in the resolution for the Bachelor of Music Studies degree.
Honours in the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery requires successful completion of an alternative set of units completed within the normal timeframe of the pass degree. Admission and award requirements for honours are listed in the Course Resolution relating to the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.

9 Award of the degree

The Bachelor of Music Studies is awarded in the grades of either Pass or Honours. The honours degree is awarded in classes ranging from First Class to Third Class according to the conditions specified in the resolutions of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.
The Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery is awarded as either Pass or Honours. The honours degree is awarded in classes ranging from First Class to Second Class (Division 2) according to the conditions specified in the course resolutions relating to the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.
Candidates for the award of either Honours degree who do not meet the requirements, and who have not already graduated, will be awarded the relevant pass degree.

10 Cross-institutional study

Cross-institutional study is not available in this course.

11 Course Transfer

A candidate may abandon the combined program and elect to complete the Bachelor of Music Studies in accordance with the resolutions governing that degree. Completion of the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery in the future will require a new application for admission to candidature for that course and completion in accordance with the resolutions governing that degree.

12 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement.