University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Master of Music

The Master of Music research degrees can be taken in the following disciplines:

  • Master of Music (Applied Research in Music Performance)
  • Master of Music (Composition)
  • Master of Music (Music Education)
  • Master of Music (Musicology)
  • Master of Music (Performance)

Language requirements for international candidates

An IELTS level of 7.0 with no component below 6.5 is normally required for entry to all Master of Music degrees.

Master of Music (Applied Research in Music Performance)

The Master of Music (Applied Research in Music Performance) offers candidates broad opportunities for interdisciplinary research at the Conservatorium in the areas of music performance, which may include psychology of music, music perception and acoustics as well as other fields. This research degree may stand alone or serve as preliminary to PhD study in the discipline.

Course structure

The aim is to provide training and supervision to students undertaking research into physiological, psychological, sociological, organisational, economic, industrial, perceptual, acoustic or other interdisciplinary aspects of music performance. The degree aims to encourage interdisciplinary approaches to research into music performance and, where appropriate, to foster links with the music profession and arts industry with the aim of promoting excellence in music performance. It can be completed in either four semesters of full-time study or eight semesters of part-time study.

Candidature includes:

  • enrolment in appropriate research methods units
  • enrolment in nominated seminar topics
  • supervised research on an approved topic
  • presentation of research findings at faculty research forums and other conferences as relevant, and
  • submission of a thesis of 40,000 words embodying the results of the research.

Candidates complete the following units of study

  • PERF5600 Research Methods
  • PERF5611 Graduate Seminar 1
  • PERF5612 Graduate Seminar 2
  • PERF6613 Graduate Seminar 3

Master of Music (Composition)

The Master of Music (Composition) offers candidates the opportunity to facilitate the development of advanced compositional skills and to work on compositions of a length and complexity not possible during undergraduate award programs.

Candidates are exposed to theoretical, philosophical and sociological aspects of composition, and given a deep background knowledge of the possibilities of electronic technology in music to enable them to play a part in the revolutionary changes which this technology is bringing about in the music profession.

Candidates can specialise in electronic, electroacoustic, ensemble/orchestral or musical theatre composition, and are encouraged to develop skills in, and an understanding of all aspects in the successul completion of a composition project.

Course structure

The Master of Music (Composition) can be completed either in four semesters of full-time study or eight semesters of part-time study. There is an expectation that work on both composition portfolio and thesis will be pursued concurrently and at an even rate across the duration of the candidature. Demands of candidates in terms of craft skills and imaginative writing are high.

Candidature includes:

  • enrolment in appropriate research methods units
  • enrolment in nominated seminar topics
  • supervised research on an approved topic
  • presentations at the Composition Seminar
  • presentation of a 10,000 to 15,000 word essay/thesis associated with the candidate’s composition portfolio, and
  • submission of a substantial body of original compositions.

The following are benchmark examples of portfolio size, and should be referred to by intending students writing the 500 word research summary when applying for entry into the course.

Candidates specialising in Ensemble/Orchestral or Musical Theatre Composition

  • Four chamber works of 12-15 minutes duration for approximately 8 players.
  • Two chamber works as above plus one orchestral or concerto work of 20 minutes.
  • One chamber work as above plus one musical theatre work of 45-60 minutes.
  • One musical theatre/opera work of 90 minutes.

Candidates specialising in Electroacoustic Composition

  • Four chamber works of 12-15 minutes duration for approximately 8 players.
  • Two chamber works as above plus one orchestral or concerto work of 20 minutes.
  • One chamber work as above plus one musical theatre work of 45-60 minutes.

Candidates specialising in Electronic Composition

A number of electronic compositions that have a collective duration of 12 minutes of music per each full-time semester of the candidature, (that is 48 minutes for entire candidature) or the equivalent of software creation.

Where software creation is a significant component of the work then a balance between music composition and software creation shall be negotiated with the supervisor, but a minimum of two (2) 12 minute works will be required under any circumstance.

Candidates normally complete the following units of study

  • CMPN5001 Principal Study (Composition) 1
  • CMPN5002 Principal Study (Composition) 2
  • CMPN6003 Principal Study (Composition) 3
  • CMPN6004 Principal Study (Composition) 4
  • PERF5600 Research Methods
  • PERF5611 Graduate Seminar 1
  • PERF5612 Graduate Seminar 2

Master of Music (Music Education)

The Master of Music (Music Education) program consists of two streams of study. The first stream of study consists of two seminars selected from a range of fields relevant to music teaching and learning, including: Foundations of Music Education; Comparative Music Education; Curriculum Design; Technology in Music Education; Multicultural Studies; Sociology of Music Education; Musical Ability; and Psychology of Music. A concurrently running research stream provides instruction in research methodology which underpins the writing of a thesis, the major component of the degree. The term €˜thesis€™ is interpreted loosely in this context, and refers to any form of research-based work approved by the Conservatorium.

Course structure

The Master of Music (Music Education) degree can be completed in either four semesters of full-time study or six to eight semesters of part-time study. The emphasis in the first year is primarily on the development of research skills. In the second year, it focuses on the writing of a thesis.

Candidature includes

  • enrolment in the Music Education Research Method courses
  • enrolment in two seminars
  • supervised research on an approved topic, and
  • submission of a thesis of 25,000€’40,000 words embodying the results of the research.

Candidates normally complete the following Units of Study

  • MUED5008 Music Education Research Methods 1
  • MUED5016 Music Education Research Methods 2
  • PERF5611 Graduate Seminar 1
  • PERF5612 Graduate Seminar 2

Master of Music (Musicology)

The Master of Music (Musicology) aims to train students to become independent scholars in musicology and to communicate their findings in appropriate written and spoken forms. This research degree may stand alone or serve as preliminary to PhD study in the discipline. Students in this course carry out research in a variety of fields able to be supported by the staff of the faculty.

Course structure

The Master of Music (Musicology) can be completed in either four semesters of full-time study or eight semesters of part-time study.

Candidature includes

  • enrolment in appropriate research methods units
  • enrolment in nominated seminar topics
  • attendance at the Musicology Research Workshop and, as required, at Musicology Workshop.
  • workshops supplement classes and individual research and provide a forum for discussion.
  • candidates will be required to present reports of their research in the Research Workshop
  • supervised research on an approved topic, and
  • submission of a thesis of 40,000 words embodying the results of the research.

At the end of the first year candidates may be required to take a qualifying examination. This examination is designed to test a number of aspects of the progress of the candidate and to assess his/her preparedness and ability to undertake the intellectual demands of independent research. Candidates will not be permitted to proceed to the thesis without being able to demonstrate that they have integrated and can apply what they have learned thus far in the course, and that their methodological base is sound.

Candidates normally complete the following units of study

  • PERF5600 Research Methods
  • PERF5611 Graduate Seminar 1
  • PERF5612 Graduate Seminar 2
  • PERF6613 Graduate Seminar 3.

Master of Music (Performance)

On successful completion of the Master of Music (Performance), candidates will be able to organise and present performances which demonstrate independence of thought, critical awareness and interpretative capacities, and high potential as a musician and scholar. Candidates will be able to articulate the contribution which their performance makes towards extending the boundaries of the discipline of performance through such means as expanded stylistic or interpretative horizons, investigation of historical performance practice, development of new performance modes, relationships and techniques, or through enhance critical, historical or analytical perspectives.

Applicants should be prepared to present an audition comprising a 50-minute recital of works at an advanced level of difficulty to a high standard of excellence. The audition panel retains the right to curtail the performance and select excerpts of the works presented as it sees fit. At the interview, candidates should be prepared to discuss their proposed area of research and its relationship to their performance work.

Course structure

The Master of Music (Performance) course is normally completed in two years of full-time study and comprises a major study in an instrument or voice, and academic skills. The academic studies component assumes that candidates have a sound basic knowledge of the history and harmonic practice of western music from at least the Baroque era to the present day.

Candidature includes

  • Development and presentation of one 50-80 minute recital or performance project which demonstrates originality and which investigates and expands the boundaries of the discipline of performance. The performance is accompanied by critical notes which articulate the aim of the performance and its place in the area of the student€™s research enquiry. (This is the degree recital, where the examination panel must include an external examiner). Candidates can apply for up to 8 hours of rehearsal time plus the recital with a staff accompanist.
  • Submission (by week 15 of the semester) of a thesis of 15,000 to 20,000 words on a topic relevant to the performance interest, developed with the supervisors.

Candidates normally complete the following units of study

  • PERF5001 Principal Study (MMus) 1
  • PERF5002 Principal Study (MMus) 2
  • PERF6000 Principal Study (MMus) 3
  • PERF5600 Research Methods
  • MCGY6602 Performance Thesis
  • PERF5611 Graduate Seminar 1
  • PERF5612 Graduate Seminar 2.

Master’s preliminary course

Candidates who demonstrate through audition, interview and/or portfolio of work that they have a capacity to undertake the Master of Music degree in Performance, Composition, Musicology, Applied Research in Music Performance or Music Education, but whose prior learning is deficient in a specific area may, on the advice of the Graduate Studies Committee be admitted to the Master's Preliminary Course.

Students normally undertake:

  • programs within the master’s preliminary courses drawn from existing undergraduate units of study within the Conservatorium,
  • programs delivered by the Student Learning Centre at the University of Sydney,
  • preliminary research projects in the student€™s area of research interest (designed to give the student basic research competencies).

Programs are designed around the individual needs of particular students on the advice of the admission panel. The course normally represents 15 credit points per semester and is subject to pro-rata fee payment. Assessment in this course consists of the following:

  • completion of assessment requirements of specified undergraduate units of study and Student Learning Centre units as stipulated by the Associate Dean, and
  • anessay of 5000 words on a negotiated topic, demonstrating competence in research and academic writing.

The Master’s preliminary units of study are

  • PREL4001 Project 1 (6cp)
  • PREL4002 Project 2 (6cp)
  • PREL4003 Elective A (3cp)
  • PREL4004 Elective B (3cp)
  • PREL4005 Elective C (3 cp)
  • PREL4006 Elective D (3 cp).

Course rules


Master of Music

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course and stream title


Master of Music (Applied Research in Music Performance)


Master of Music (Composition)


Master of Music (Music Education)


Master of Music (Musicology)


Master of Music (Performance)

2 Award of the degree

The degree of Master of Music shall be awarded in the following subject areas:
Music Education
Applied Research in Music Performance

3 Eligibility for admission

An applicant for admission to the Master of Music (Performance) will:
have gained a Bachelor of Music degree with a major in Performance from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music; or
have completed studies deemed by the Conservatorium to be equivalent to the standard of knowledge and ability required for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Music; or
in exceptional circumstances, if the Conservatorium determines that such applicant, although not meeting the requirements of 3(1)(a) or 3(1)(b), have exceptional qualifications and the aptitude required for undertaking the award program; and
present a program on their principal instrument in audition at graduating undergraduate recital standard; and
present a 500-word summary of their proposed area of research/creative work and attend an interview.
An applicant for admission to the Master of Music (Musicology) will:
have gained a Bachelor of Music degree from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music; or
have completed studies deemed by the Conservatorium to be equivalent to the standard of knowledge and ability required for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Music; or
in exceptional circumstances, if the Conservatorium determines that such applicant, although not meeting the requirements of 3(2)(a) or 3(2)(b), have exceptional qualifications and the aptitude required for undertaking the award program; and
present a 500-word summary of their proposed area of research and attend an interview.
An applicant for admission to the Master of Music (Music Education) will:
have gained a Bachelor of Music degree with a major in Music Education from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music; or
have completed studies deemed by the Conservatorium to be equivalent to the standard of knowledge and ability required for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Music; or
in exceptional circumstances, if the Conservatorium determines that such applicant, although not meeting the requirements of 3(3)(a) or 3(3)(b), have exceptional qualifications and the aptitude required for undertaking the award program; and
present a 500-word summary of their proposed area of research and attend an interview.
An applicant for admission to the Master of Music (Composition) will:
have gained a Bachelor of Music degree with a major in Composition from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music; or
have completed studies deemed by the Conservatorium to be equivalent to the standard of knowledge and ability required for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Music; or
in exceptional circumstances, if the Conservatorium determines that such applicant, although not meeting the requirements of 3(4)(a) or 3(4)(b), have exceptional qualifications and the aptitude required for undertaking the award program; and
submit a folio of original compositions; and
present a 500-word summary of their proposed area of research / creative work and attend an interview.
An applicant for admission to the Master of Music (Applied Research in Music Performance) will:
have gained a Bachelor of Music degree from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music; or
have completed studies deemed by the Conservatorium to be equivalent to the standard of knowledge and ability required for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Music; or
in exceptional circumstances, if the Conservatorium determines that such applicant, although not meeting the requirements of 3(5)(a) or 3(5)(b), have exceptional qualifications and the aptitude required for undertaking the award program; and
submit a 500-word summary of their proposed area of research; and
attend an interview.

4 Availability

Admission to candidature for any master's degree or any program within a master's degree may be limited by quota.
In determining any quota the University will take into account:
availability of resources including space, library, equipment and computing facilities; and
availability of adequate and appropriate supervision.
In considering an application for admission to candidature the Conservatorium shall take account of any quota; and
will select in preference applicants who are most meritorious in terms of the admission criteria.
Before recommending the admission of any applicant the Conservatorium shall ensure that the extent of the resources and supervision available is known to and understood by the applicant and is appropriate to the applicant's proposed area of study and research.

5 Preliminary studies

An applicant may be required to undertake preliminary or qualifying studies; and
complete such preliminary examinations as the Conservatorium may prescribe, before admission to candidature.
Such an applicant shall complete the preliminary studies:
in not less than one semester; and
in not greater time than the Conservatorium may prescribe; but
in any case in not longer than four semesters.

6 Probationary admission

A candidate may be accepted by the Conservatorium on a probationary basis for a period not exceeding two semesters (full-time or part-time); and upon completion of this period the Conservatorium shall review the candidate's work, and either:
confirm the candidate's status with effect from the date of the original acceptance; or
terminate the candidature.

7 Method of progression

Candidates shall proceed primarily by research; incorporating performances, creative work and portfolios in composition; and thesis; as set out in the Conservatorium Handbook.
Candidates may be required to undertake coursework as determined by the Assistant principal on the advice of the relevant postgraduate coordinator

8 Time limits

A candidate may be admitted to proceed on either a full-time basis or a part-time basis.
Except with the permission of the Conservatorium as provided in section 8(4) below:
a full-time candidate shall complete the requirements:
(i)  not earlier than the end of the fourth semester; and
(ii)  not later than the end of the fourth semester of candidature;
a part-time candidate shall complete the requirements:
(i)  not earlier than the end of the eighth semester; and
(ii)  not later than the end of the eighth semester of candidature.
The Conservatorium may, in special circumstances:
extend a candidate's maximum period of candidature by one semester for full-time candidates and two semesters for part-time candidates; and
prescribe special conditions to be fulfilled by the candidate.
The Conservatorium, at the time of admission to candidature, may permit a candidate proceeding primarily by research and thesis who holds a bachelor's degree with first or second class honours from the University of Sydney or an equivalent qualification, to complete the requirements:
not earlier than the end of the second semester of candidature if a full-time candidate; and
not earlier than the end of the fourth semester of candidature if a part-time candidate.

9 Credit

The Conservatorium may, in respect of a candidate who before admission to candidature has spent time in advanced study or research in the University of Sydney or in another university or institution:
deem such time to have been time spent after admission to candidature; and
grant credit towards the degree on the basis of a course or courses regarded as equivalent in workload and academic standard; provided that:
(i)  the time recognised or the credit granted represents no more than half of the total candidature; and
(ii)  any attendance requirements as may be prescribed by resolution of the Conservatorium are met.

10 Supervision

The Conservatorium shall appoint a full-time or fractional member of the academic staff of the Conservatorium to act as supervisor of each candidate and may appoint, for each such candidate, an associate supervisor.
The Conservatorium may appoint from amongst appropriately qualified persons, an associate supervisor to assist in the supervision of any candidature.

11 Enrolment

A candidate shall, unless otherwise permitted by the Conservatorium, enrol each semester until the requirements for the degree are completed or the candidature terminated, subject to section 10(1) above.
A candidate readmitted to candidature after an absence of more than two semesters shall complete the degree under such conditions as the Conservatorium shall determine.

12 Requirements for the degree

A candidate for the degree of Master of Music (Performance) shall, unless otherwise permitted by the Conservatorium:
complete the units of study for the degree as prescribed by the Conservatorium and set out in the Conservatorium Handbook (such units of study shall normally comprise introductory seminars in research method, and other seminars relevant to the candidate's field of inquiry); and
prepare performances and/or recordings as required; and
carry out research on a thesis topic which has been approved by the Conservatorium on the recommendation of the head of the school or centre concerned no later than the end of the second semester of the full-time candidature or the fourth semester of part-time candidature; and
give performances on their principal instrument; and
write a thesis embodying the results of the research and/or recordings.
A candidate for the degree of Master of Music (Composition) shall, unless otherwise permitted by the Conservatorium:
complete the units of study for the degree as prescribed by the Conservatorium and set out in the Conservatorium Handbook (such units of study shall normally comprise introductory seminars in research method, and other seminars relevant to the candidate's field of inquiry); and
carry out composition and research on a thesis topic which has been approved by the Conservatorium on the recommendation of the head of the school or centre concerned no later than the end of the second semester of the full-time candidature or the fourth semester of part-time candidature; and
compose a substantial portfolio of works; and
write a thesis embodying the results of the research.
A candidate for the degree of Master of Music (Music Education) shall, unless otherwise permitted by the Conservatorium:
complete the units of study for the degree as prescribed by the Conservatorium and set out in the Conservatorium Handbook (such units of study shall normally comprise introductory seminars in research method, and other seminars relevant to the candidate's field of inquiry); and
carry out supervised research on a topic which has been approved by the Conservatorium on the recommendation of the head of the school or centre concerned no later than the end of the second semester of the full-time candidature or the fourth semester of part-time candidature; and
write a thesis embodying the results of the research.
A candidate for the degrees of Master of Music (Musicology) and Master of Music (Applied Research in Music Performance) shall, unless otherwise permitted by the Conservatorium:
complete units of study for the degree as prescribed by the Conservatorium and set out in the Conservatorium Handbook (such units of study shall normally comprise introductory seminars in research method, and other seminars relevant to the candidate's field of inquiry); and
carry out supervised research on a topic which has been approved by the Conservatorium on the recommendation of the head of the school or centre concerned no later than the end of the second semester of the full-time candidature or the fourth semester of part-time candidature; and
write a thesis embodying the results of the research.
All theses, and the portfolios for Composition, must be submitted in the format prescribed by the Conservatorium from time to time.
The degree shall not be awarded until the candidate has caused at least two copies of the thesis (containing any corrections or amendments that may be required) to be bound in a permanent form and lodged in the library (except in the case of Performance candidates in which case the thesis shall be lodged with the Conservatorium).
The candidate shall state in the thesis:
the sources from which the information was derived;
the extent to which the work of others has been used; and
the portion of the work claimed as original.
The thesis and portfolio for Composition shall be accompanied by a statement from the supervisor stating whether, in the supervisor's opinion, the form of presentation of the portfolio and thesis is satisfactory.
A candidate may not present as the thesis a work which has been presented for a degree in this or another university;
but will not be precluded from incorporating such in the thesis provided that in presenting the thesis the candidate indicates the part of the work which has been so incorporated.

13 Examination

On completion of requirements for the degree , the Conservatorium will make the following arrangements:
Master of Music (Performance)
(i)  For the final public recital of the degree the Conservatorium shall appoint an examination panel to assess the candidate's performance and/or recording.
(ii)  For the final public recital or recording at least one of the examiners shall not be a member of the academic staff of the Conservatorium.
(iii)  On completion of the requirements for the degree, the Conservatorium, on the recommendation of the head of the school or centre concerned, shall appoint two examiners, of whom one shall not be a member of the academic staff of the Conservatorium, to examine and report on the thesis.
Master of Music (Composition)
On completion of the requirements for the thesis, the Conservatorium, on the recommendation of the head of the school or centre concerned, shall appoint two examiners, of whom one shall not be a member of the academic staff of the Conservatorium, to examine and report on the portfolio and thesis.
Master of Music (Musicology), Master of Music (Music Education) and Master of Music (Applied Research in Music Performance)
On completion of the requirements for the thesis, the Conservatorium, on the recommendation of the head of the school or centre concerned, shall appoint two examiners, of whom one shall not be a member of the academic staff of the Conservatorium, to examine and report on the thesis.
All examiners shall be furnished with a copy of the course description and course requirements as published in the Conservatorium Handbook, and be required to award marks/grades of Fail, Pass, Credit, Distinction and High Distinction for the thesis, portfolio, performance or recording according to the criteria prescribed by the Conservatorium.
The reports of the examiners shall be made available to the head of the school or centre concerned who shall consult with the supervisor.
The head of the school or centre concerned shall report the result of the examination of the candidature together with a recommendation concerning the award of the degree to the Conservatorium which shall determine the final result.
In special cases the Conservatorium may, on the recommendation of the Head of School or centre concerned, require the candidate to make emendations as specified by examiners and advised by the Conservatorium.
The Conservatorium may permit an unsuccessful candidate to revise and resubmit the thesis (and portfolio for Composition) for re-examination if, in the opinion of the Head of School, the candidate's work is of sufficient merit and may prescribe special conditions to be fulfilled by the candidate.

14 Progress

The Conservatorium will assess the progress of candidates as follows:
Master of Music (Performance)
(i)  A report on the progress towards completion of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music (Performance) shall be prepared by the assigned supervisor at least annually.
(ii)  The report shall be shown to the candidate and the candidate shall sign the report as having sighted the contents.
(iii)  The report, after signature by the candidate, shall be forwarded to the Dean.
Master of Music (Musicology), Master of Music (Music Education), Master of Music (Composition) and Master of Music (Applied Research in Music Performance)
(i)  A report on the progress towards completion of the requirements for the degree shall be prepared by the appointed supervisor at least annually for each candidate.
(ii)  The report shall be shown to the candidate and the candidate shall sign the report as having sighted the contents.
(iii)  The report, after signature by the candidate, shall be forwarded to the Dean.
The Conservatorium may, on the recommendation of the Dean, call upon any candidate to show cause why that candidature should not be terminated by reason of unsatisfactory progress towards completion of the degree; and where, in the opinion of the Conservatorium, the candidate does not show good cause, terminate the candidature.