University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Spanish and Latin American Studies

The department of Spanish and Latin American Studies is in the School of Languages and Cultures (SLC). Spanish staff offices are located on level 7 of the Brennan MacCallum Building A18.

Program structure and content
Spanish language units at The University of Sydney are designed to develop the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in Spanish. There are eight levels of Spanish language units, named Spanish Level 1, Spanish Level 2, etc. Students start at the most appropriate level and progress systematically through the levels.

In addition to language studies, the beginners' units contain an introduction to Spanish and Latin American culture, politics and history. Senior language units can be taken together with separate 6 credit point courses which deal with the culture and history of Spain and Latin America in greater depth.

Junior units
SPAN1611 Spanish Level 1 and SPAN1612 Spanish Level 2 are 6 credit point junior level units for students who have no substantial prior knowledge of the language. Students who have already studied Spanish at HSC level, or who have equivalent knowledge, may apply for advanced standing.

Students with prior knowledge of Spanish who enrol in SPAN1611/1612 without checking their eligibility may subsequently be obliged to withdraw and enrol in another unit of study.

Senior units
Students who have successfully completed their HSC or IB Beginners start in SPAN2611 Spanish Level 3. Those who have achieved more than 70 per cent in HSC Continuers start in SPAN2613 Spanish Level 5.   Students who are uncertain about their language level should email a short note in Spanish to Associate Professor Kathryn Crameri (

) setting out their circumstances. She will reply and advise the appropriate level of enrolment (you may be required to sit a short placement test).

As well as the senior language units (levels 3-8), there are a number of units on Spanish and Latin American culture and society. Many of these units are taught in Spanish, although some are taught in English and are available to people with no knowledge of the Spanish language. Please see individual entries for details of which units have Spanish language requirements.

Requirements for a major
Students who wish to major in Spanish must take at least 36 senior credit points from a combination of language units and other units offered by the Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies or through cross-listing. A minimum of 24 credit points must be taken from language units and a minimum of 12 credit points must be taken from other units of study.

Units of study from other departments may be cross-listed towards the Spanish and Latin American Studies major. The list of units on offer in 2011 that are officially cross-listed to the major will be available from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences website.

Sample pathways
Please note that where the description refers to 'other units of study' this means non-language units in Spanish and Latin American Studies or approved cross-listed units.

Pathway 1: for students who have no substantial prior knowledge of the language

  • First year: SPAN1611 and SPAN1612 Spanish 1 and 2.
  • Second year: SPAN2611 and SPAN2612 Spanish 3 and 4 plus 6 senior credit points in other units of study.
  • Third year: SPAN2613 and SPAN2614 Spanish 5 and 6 plus 6 senior credit points in other units of study.

Pathway 2: for students who have successfully completed HSC or IB Beginners

  • First year: SPAN2611 and SPAN2612 Spanish 3 and 4.
  • Second year: SPAN2613 and SPAN2614 Spanish 5 and 6, plus 6 senior credit points in other units of study.
  • Third year: SPAN3611 and SPAN3612 Spanish 7 and 8 plus 6 senior credit points in other units of study.

Pathway 3: for students who have achieved 70 per cent or more in HSC Continuers Spanish (or equivalent study)

  • First year: SPAN2613 and SPAN2614 Spanish 5 and 6.
  • Second year: SPAN3611 and SPAN3612 Spanish 7 and 8, plus 6 senior credit points in other units of study.
  • Third year: 6 senior credit points in other units of study.

Honours in Spanish and Latin American Studies (see chapter 5 for further information)
To qualify for honours, students must have taken 48 senior credit points of Spanish and Latin American Studies and achieved a credit average or better in those units. The course consists of taught seminar courses on topics in Spanish and Latin American culture and society, advanced language support, and a thesis on a topic chosen by the student in consultation with the department.

Contact/further information
A comprehensive overview of the Spanish and Latin American Studies program is available on the website:
There is a Spanish and Latin American Studies noticeboard on Level 7 of the Brennan MacCallum Building A18.

The Chair of the Department is Dr Vek Lewis (

, phone: +61 2 9351 4524). For further information on a particular unit of study please contact the named unit coordinator listed with the relevant unit of study description in chapter 5 of this handbook.

For general information about language study please contact the School of Languages and Cultures, phone +61 2 9351 2869 or email .