University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Arts students may enrol in Education units of study as listed in Part B of the table of units of study for the BA.

The Faculty offers a wide range of units of study. These are not designed to prepare students for teaching but rather seek to promote the understanding of education as a social phenomenon. As such they open up for analysis the complexities of education through study in a number of fields. For example, there is the study of the nature, context and processes of education through historical, psychological, philosophical and sociological perspectives; of human growth and development and their implications for education; and, across different societies and cultures, of the relationship between education and politics, social organisation and economic development.

Details of the diploma and degree courses supervised by the Faculty of Education and Social Work such as the BEd, MTeach and MEd programs, may be found in the Education and Social Work Handbooks (postgraduate and undergraduate).

Pass and special entry units of study
Junior units of study in Education are available to Arts students. However, entry into intermediate and senior units in Education is possible, subject to completion of junior units in a range of other disciplines (see table of units of study in Education).

EDSE3047 and EDSE3048 are available to students with 28 credit points in a language other than English. Enrolment in these units will be restricted to students in the fourth and fifth year of their candidature for the BA (Languages) by Education and Social Work.

Noticeboards and phone numbers
Students should check on the noticeboard in the foyer of the Education Building Complex A35, for staff locations and phone numbers.

Education I, II and III: Dr Nigel Bagnall
Honours Coordinator: Dr Robyn Gibson

Members of staff will be available in the Education Building Complex at pre-enrolment time in October to give advice on planning units and sequences of units. Students should consult the relevant noticeboards for details of appropriate advisers.

Bachelor of Arts (Honours in Education)
Program Director: Associate Professor David Evans
Phone: +61 2 9351 8463
Fax: +61 2 9351 2606

Suitably qualified Arts candidates are invited to undertake honours in Education. The honours thesis involves an investigation of a topic of students' choice relevant to their own interests, and will be supervised directly by a member of the Faculty. Though the length of the thesis will vary with the nature of the investigation, and length does not indicate quality, the thesis will normally comprise 20,000€’25,000 words.

Students intending to take Honours in Education must have achieved a Credit average result or higher in an Arts subject area, for example History, Anthropology, etc.

Students enrol in the following Education units of study.

Second Year
Pass units
EDUF2006 Educational Psychology. 6 credit points
EDUF2007 Social Perspectives on Education. 6 credit points

BA Hons units
6 credit points from those Education units offered at 300 level

Total for Second Year: 18 credit points
Third Year
Pass units
Three pass units of study from Education 300 Level. 18 credit points.

Fourth Year
Honours units of study (EDUF4215/4216). 48 credit points

Total for Fourth Year: 48 credit points