University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Government and International Relations

The department of Government and International Relations is part of the School of Social and Political Sciences (SSPS).

Program structure and content
Government and International Relations is a comprehensive political science department. It offers systematic and extended study in all major aspects of government and politics. It covers national, comparative, and international politics. It focuses on Australian politics, regional politics in Asia and the Pacific, comparative authoritarian and democratic politics, the ways in which societies deal with problems such as environmental issues through public-policy making, the interactions of states and other actors in international relations, and political theory. Students are invited to follow their interests through the range of elective units the Department offers. These electives include Australian politics, Australian foreign and defence policy, international relations, international business and politics, the state and the economy, politics in Asia and the Pacific, American politics, European politics, communist and post-communist systems, public policy and public management, international security, human rights, political institutions, political theory, and more. The junior units offer fundamental concepts and structures that support further study in senior units. The honours preparation units offer an additional opportunity for high achieving students who wish to pursue an honours year of concentrated political science study.

Requirements for a major
For a major in Government and International Relations, students must complete the following units of study:

  1. 12 credit points of compulsory junior units in Government and International Relations.
  2. At least 6 units of study (36 credit points) of senior elective units of study selected from the units offered.

Up to 12 credit points of units from the approved Table of cross-listed units on the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences website may be counted towards the major.

Honours (see chapter 5 for more information)

Contact/further information
Department Website:
Chair of Department: Associate Professor Rodney Smith

Undergraduate Coordinator: Dr Benjamin E. Goldsmith