University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Film Studies

Film Studies is an interdisciplinary subject area of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and is part of the School of Letters, Art, and Media (SLAM).

The Film Studies major is an interdisciplinary program of study coordinated from the Department of Art History and Film Studies. Students are able to study the history of cinema, film theory and criticism, film aesthetics and style as well as the relationship between film and other disciplines.

The entry requirements for the major are 18 junior credit points taken from Part A of the table of units of study, including: ARHT1002 Modern Times: Art and Film or ENGL1025 Fiction, Film and Power or ENGL1026 Narrating the Fictive Self.

A major in Film Studies consists of at least 36 credit points at senior level which must include the compulsory core unit of study: ARHT2652 Silent to Sound Cinema and at least three of the following four units of study:

  • ARHT2653 Memory of the World: Key Films and Directors;
  • ARHT2655 Modern Cinema: Modes of Viewing;
  • ARHT2656 National and Transnational Cinema;
  • ARHT2657 Contemporary Hollywood; and
  • ARHT2658 American Independent Film

The remaining units can be selected from a list of cross-listed units of study offered by the participating departments. Art History is a complementary subject area to Film Studies.

Film Studies Honours (see chapter 5 for further information)
The prerequisite for Film Studies honours is a credit average in 48 senior credit points of Film Studies. If you do not have this prerequisite average please contact the Film Studies coordinator or office to determine possible waiving of the prerequisite. The honours year comprises two semester-long units of study and a thesis of 18,000 - 20,000 words in length. Further detail regarding prerequisites for 2011 and the nature of the honours year is described in chapter 5 of this handbook.

Summer and Winter School
The department will be offering the following undergraduate units of study as part of the 2011 University of Sydney Summer School:

ARHT2655 Modern Cinema: Modes of Viewing

For further details see the Summer School webpage:

Please check the Film Studies website for details:

Contact/further information
For comprehensive information see the Film Studies program website:
Undergraduate Student Advisor: Dr Richard Smith, phone
+61 2 9351 4208, email: