University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Bachelor of Design in Computing


The Bachelor of Design Computing program teaches design with a focus on the pragmatic, creative and aesthetic possibilities of computer-expressed works.

Although once regarded as being only about website design, special effects, computer games and animation, digital design has infused architecture, industrial design, fashion and the arts. The experimental digital practices of a vanguard of designers have promulgated a digital design culture whose aesthetic is defining the means of conception, implementation and industrial production of designed works and the aesthetic that is producible by new computing technologies. The Bachelor of Design Computing program responds to this convergence of design and computing. The academic program prepares graduates for careers in a style of design in which computation is integral to the performance of design.

More than simply learning de facto industry software tools for the production of designed works, the Bachelor of Design Computing program establishes new ways of doing design in which the modus operandi of computation is implicated in changing the course of the realisation of designed works. You will design works such as interactive digital media, virtual environments, digital audio, information visualisation, mobile phone-based applications and digital art in the units of study. You will master advanced software from Adobe, Autodesk and Virtools for digital media production, modelling, and animation. You will learn programming in Java and other web-based languages. You will work with hardware such as sensors, information devices and high-end mobile phones. If imagining the world as it could be is your goal, the Bachelor of Design Computing program can give you the opportunity to develop your own design language.

Graduates from the Bachelor of Design Computing program have gone on to work in various design firms and design industries including computer gaming, web design, media production, public relations and marketing, digital design consulting, start-up digital design firms and digital design think tanks.

Philosophy of the Bachelor of Design Computing

The are four knowledge areas of design computing that provide the basis for developing the students€™ capacity to both be skilled crafters of digitally designed works and emerge as part of a new generation of digital design specialists:


Focusing on masterful technical achievement with an attention to the interfacing of design, technology and originality of content, the design studios and lecture-based units of study serve as the principal forum for the conception and implementation of your designed works.

  • Digital Design Studio
  • Interaction Design Studio
  • Information Visualisation Design Studio
  • Human-Computer Experience Design Studio
  • Sound Design and Sonification
  • Understanding Design and Cognition

Programming is the glue between the conception and the implementation of your creative projects. The follow unit of study teaches the fundamentals of computer programming within a visual design context; however, programming is situated in most units of study. Programming languages taught include PHP, Java, Javascript and Processing. Students can increase their depth of knowledge of programming, which is still the most sought-after skill in industry, through elective units of study in the School of Information Technologies.

  • Design Programming

Modelling takes on two key directions in the Design Computing curriculum: modelling for the representation of form and simulation of the designed work such as with computer-aided design and animation, and modelling of the design process to enable the generative processes underpinning digital design. The latter is the trend in digital design, in which ever more complex forms for designed works are impossible to conceive without the use of computing. Software used in these units of study include Maya, Virtools, and MySQL.

  • 3D Modelling
  • Principles of 3D Animation
  • Database Systems 1

The theme of interaction deals with designing for the contact surface between humans and computers. These units of study address issues in interaction design such as information architectures, handling the feedback loop between humans and computers, and ease-of-use evaluation.

  • Collaborative Virtual Environments
  • Real Time 3D Multimedia
  • Advanced Interaction Design

Bachelor of Design Computing enrolment guide

The Bachelor of Design Computing is a three-year degree, or four years with honours. The first year introduces the concept of design, CAD, web page design and programming. These units form the basic knowledge needed for a broad range of design computing topics in second year, and the integrated design computing studio in the third year. The electives allow the student to develop additional skills and knowledge in design computing, computer science, architectural design or engineering.

In order to qualify for the degree, candidates must complete the requirements as specified in the resolutions of the Senate and faculty for this degree. All students should read the degree resolutions and monitor their progress throughout the degree by reference to them. The following points summarise the resolutions but do not replace them.

Summary of requirements

In order to qualify for the award of the pass degree, candidates:

  • must maintain a full-time enrolment (18 credit points or more per semester; a normal full-time load is 24 credit points per semester; the maximum allowed is 30 credit points per semester)
  • must complete successfully 144 credit points in total
  • must complete successfully 84 credit points from the core units of study described in Table B
  • must complete successfully 18 credit points from Technical Electives from the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies, from units of study prefixed COMP, ELEC, INFO, ISYS, MTRX and/or SOFT. At least 6 credit points of this must be at 2000 level or higher
  • must complete successfully 18 credit points from the faculties of Arts, Science or Economics and Business. At least 6 credit points of this must be at 2000 level or higher
  • must complete successfully at most 24 credit points from elective units of study from those listed in Table B, or with the permission of the unit coordinator concerned, units of study from the faculty€™s tables of graduate units, provided they have completed at least 96 credit points with a weighted average (WAM) of at least 70.


In order to qualify for the honours degree, candidates must satisfy the requirements for the pass degree with a eighted average mark (WAM) of at least 70 and in addition successfully complete 48 credit points consisting of a research thesis. In their third year, students would normally enrol in the preparatory unit of study as an elective. Honours may only be undertaken on a full-time basis. For more information about honours see the chapter of this Handbook about undergraduate honours.

Planning your degree

The program has been designed so that the core units should be taken in a certain order and the elective units fitted with them. The enrolment planner shows progression through the core units of study.

Bachelor of Design Computing planner

Unit of study

Credit points

Year 1

Semester 1


Design Programming



Understanding Design and Cognition



Digital Design Studio


Semester 2


3D Modelling



Sound Design and Sonification



Total for Year 1


Year 2

Semester 1


Collaborative Virtual Environments



Database Systems 1




Semester 2


Interaction Design Studio




Total for Year 2


Year 3

Semester 1


Information Visualisation Design Studio




Semester 2


Human-Computer Experience Design Studio




Total for Year 3


Units of study

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Core units of study

Candidates are required to complete all the core units of study listed in this table.

Junior units of study

Design Programming
6    N DECO2011, SOFT1001
Semester 1
Understanding Design and Cognition
6    N DECO1004
Semester 1
Digital Design Studio

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

12    N DECO1011

Core unit for Bachelor of Design Computing. BST students by permission. Enrolment is limited by teaching resources.
Semester 1
3D Modelling
6    N DECO2103

This unit is for BDesComp and BST students only. Others may enrol in DECO2103.
Semester 2
Sound Design and Sonification
6    N DECO2012

Enrolment limited by teaching resources. Permission required unless enrolled in the Bachelor of Design Computing or the BST. Other students may apply directly to the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning for a place.
Semester 2

Senior units of study

Designing Social Media
6    P DECO1100 or (DECO2101 and DECO2102) or INFO1000 or INFO1003
N DECO2005

Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre. First preference to Bachelor of Design Computing students.
Semester 1
Database Systems 1
6    A Some exposure to programming and some familiarity with data model concepts such as taught in INFO1103 or INFO1003 or INFS1000 or INFO1903
N INFO2820, INFO2005, INFO2905
Semester 1
Interaction Design Studio

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

12    P DECO1100
N DECO1200

Core unit for the Bachelor of Design Computing. BST students by permission. Enrolment is limited by teaching resources.
Semester 2
Information Visualisation Design Studio

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

12    P DECO(1100 and 1200) or DECO(1100 and 2200) or DECO(2101 and 2102) or DECO(2012 and 2013) or DECO(1013 and 2013)
N DECO3001

Core unit for Bachelor of Design Computing. BST students by permission. Enrolment is limited by teaching resources.
Semester 1
Human-Computer Experience Design Studio

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

12    P DECO3100 or (DECO2101 and DECO2102 and (DECO(1012 or 2011 or SOFT1001)))
N DECO3002

Core unit for Bachelor of Design Computing. BST students by permission. Enrolment is limited by teaching resources.
Semester 2

Technical electives

Candidates are required to complete a minimum of 18 credit points, with a minimum of 6 credit points at 2000 level or higher, from units offered by the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies prefixed ELEC, MTRX, COMP, ISYS and/or INFO.

Arts, Economics or Science electives

Candidates are required to complete a minimum of 18 points, with a minimum of 6 credit points at 2000 level or higher, from units offered by the Faculties of Arts, Economics and Business or Science.


Candidates are required to complete a maximum of 24 credit points of electives from the following list. Students who have completed 96 credit points with a WAM of at least 70 may substitute, with the permission of the unit coordinator concerned, units from Table G, The Faculty's table of graduate units.

Design Computing electives

Senior units of study

Advanced Interaction Design

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6    P DECO(1200 or 2200 or 2102)
N DESC9142

Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre. First preference to Bachelor of Design Computing students.
Semester 1
Principles of Animation

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6    P DECO1003 or DECO1008 or DECO2103
N DESC9019, DESC9141

Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre. First preference to Bachelor of Design Computing students.
Semester 1
Design Computing Prep Hons Research

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6    P 72 credit points and minimum WAM of 70

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Principles of ArchiCAD
6    N DESA1201, DESC9100, DESC9162

Permission required, unless enrolled as an undergraduate in the Faculty of Architecture or the BST. Other students must apply directly to the Faculty of Architecture
Semester 1
Real Time Multimedia
6    P DECO(1008 or 2103) and (SOFT1001 or DECO(1012 or 2011))

Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre. First preference to Bachelor of Design Computing students.
Semester 2
Design Computing Research Opportunity

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6    A Computer programming.
P 96 credit points and minimum WAM of 65.

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Students from other faculties may apply directly to the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning.
Semester 2
Principles of AutoCAD-Revit
6    N DESA1202, DESC9101, DESC9163

Permission required, unless enrolled as an undergraduate in the Faculty of Architecture or the BST. Other students must apply directly to the Faculty of Architecture
Semester 2

Allied Arts in Architecture

Junior units of study

Architectural Sketching and Drawing

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved


Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
Semester 1

Senior units of study

Public Art

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved


Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting.
Semester 1
Site Specific Art

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved


Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting.
Semester 2
Ceramics (Handbuilding)

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved


Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting.
Semester 1
Ceramics (Wheel Throwing)

Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Digital Video

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved


Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
Semester 1

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved


Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
Semester 1
Semester 2
General Drawing

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved


Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Graphic Design (Introduction)

Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Life Drawing

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved


Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Object Design

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6    A Completed an ATSC workshop proficiency class

Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
Semester 1
Semester 2

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved


Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Photography 1

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved


Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Photography 2

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6    P AWSS2023 or equivalent. Equivalence can be established by either presenting a portfolio of b&w photographic work or by presenting a transcript indicating a minimum of a full semester unit in b&w photography.

Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Screen Printing on Paper
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
S1 Intensive

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved


Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
Semester 2
Web Art and Design

Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
Semester 1
Semester 2

Design Architecture Electives

Junior units of study

Designing with Surfaces and Light

Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre.
Semester 2

Senior units of study

Designing with Colour 1
6    A DESA1004

Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Summer Early
Summer Main
Winter Main
Designing with Colour 2
6    P DAAE2005

Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Summer Early
Summer Main
Winter Main
Architecture Revue
6      Semester 2

General Electives

Senior units of study

Design Computing General Elective A

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6    P 48 credit points.

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Submit an Independent Study Approval Form, signed by the elective supervisor, with your request to enrol.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Design Computing General Elective B

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6    P 48 credit points.

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Submit an Independent Study Approval Form, signed by the elective supervisor, with your request to enrol.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Design Computing General Elective C

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6    P 48 credit points.

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Submit an Independent Study Approval Form, signed by the elective supervisor, with your request to enrol.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Design Computing General Elective D

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6    P 48 credit points.

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Submit an Independent Study Approval Form, signed by the elective supervisor, with your request to enrol.
Semester 1
Semester 2

Independent Study Electives

Senior units of study

Design Computing Independent Study A

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6    P 48 credit points and WAM of at least 70.

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Submit an Independent Study Approval Form, signed by your proposed supervisor and program coordinator with your request to enrol.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Design Computing Independent Study B

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6    P 48 credit points and WAM of at least 70.

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Submit an Independent Study Approval Form, signed by your proposed supervisor and program coordinator with your request to enrol.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Design Computing Independent Study C

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6    P 48 credit points and WAM of at least 70.

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Submit an Independent Study Approval Form, signed by your proposed supervisor and program coordinator with your request to enrol.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Design Computing Independent Study D

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6    P 48 credit points and WAM of at least 70.

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Submit an Independent Study Approval Form, signed by your proposed supervisor and program coordinator with your request to enrol.
Semester 1
Semester 2

Honours units of study

Candidates enrol in A and B in their first semester and C and D in their second semester.
Design Computing Honours Research A

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

12    P Completion of the Pass degree. Students in the Bachelor of Design Computing will require a WAM of at least 70.

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2
Design Computing Honours Research B

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

12    C DECO4001
Semester 1
Semester 2
Design Computing Honours Research C

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

12    C DECO4002
Semester 1
Semester 2
Design Computing Honours Research D

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

12    C DECO4003
Semester 1
Semester 2

Course rules


Bachelor of Design Computing

Bachelor of Design Computing (Honours)

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course Resolutions

1 Course codes


Course and stream title


Bachelor of Design Computing


Bachelor of Design Computing (Honours)

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time only.

3 Admission to candidature

Admission to this course is on the basis of a secondary school leaving qualification such as the NSW Higher School Certificate (including national and international equivalents), tertiary study or an approved preparation program. English language requirements must be met where these are not demonstrated by sufficient qualifications taught in English. Special admission pathways are open for mature aged applicants who do not possess a school leaving qualification, educationally disadvantaged applicants and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Applicants are ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking. Details of admission policies are found in the Coursework Rule.

4 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for this award are set out in Table B.
To qualify for the award of the pass degree, a candidate must successfully complete 144 credit points, comprising:
84 credit points of core unit of study
at least 18 credit points of electives from the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies, of which at least 6 credit points of these must be at 2000 level or higher
at least 18 credit points of electives from the Faculty of Arts, Economics and Business or Science electives, of which at least 6 credit points of these must be at 2000 level or higher
a maximum of 24 credit points of electives from Table B
a minimum of 72 credit points of the above must be from senior units.

5 Requirements for the Honours degree

Honours is available to meritorious students who complete an additional year of full time study, after the completion of the pass degree.
Admission, requirements and award of Honours are according to the resolutions of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning.

6 Award of the degree

The Bachelor of Design Computing is awarded in the grades of either Pass or Honours. The honours degree is awarded in classes ranging from First Class to Second Class according to the rules specified in the Resolutions of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning.
Candidates for the award of the Honours degree who do not meet the requirements, and who have not already graduated, will be awarded the pass degree. Students who fail or discontinue the honours program may not re-enrol in it, except with the approval of the Dean.

7 Credit for previous study

Credit transfer is subject to the provisions of the Coursework Rule and the Resolutions of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning. All candidates for the Bachelor of Design Computing, not withstanding any credit transfer, must complete DECO3100 and DECO3200 and not less than 12 additional senior credit points of units of study from Table B.

8 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 and who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that the requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.