University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Units of study

About this chapter

This chapter lists the descriptions of all postgraduate units of study offered by the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, in unit of study code order. For information about how these units of study fit into your specific degree structure please refer to either:

  • Table M for the Master of Architecture, or
  • Table G for all other graduate degrees.

You should pay special attention to any enrolment information and instructions. For a full explanation of some of the terms you will encounter in this list please see the glossary at the rear of the handbook.

Unit of study descriptions

ARCF9001 Modes of Inquiry: Research & Scholarship

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Richard de Dear Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Four hours average class time per week, activities comprise, lectures seminars workshops and tutorials Assessment: written research proposal (50%), oral research proposal (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Permission required unless enrolled in a research degree. This unit is a probationary requirement for all MPhil and PhD students in the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning.
Content: The unit is a seminar with mini-lectures, presentations by members of the academic staff about research and scholarship methods in which they are most expert, critical review of readings, and discussions based on the seminar material, readings and research pre-proposals.
Objectives & Learning Outcomes: To provide newly admitted research students with a fundamental understanding of the nature of inquiry through research, the philosophy of scientific research and interpretive scholarship and a range of fundamentally different epistemologies or 'modes of inquiry.' The modes of inquiry explored includes (1) empirical, field-based epistemology used heavily in architectural science urban planning and other field-based research, including experimental, quasi-experimental, survey, naturalistic, ethnographic and case study methods; (2) text-based, interpretive epistemology used heavily in architecture and the allied arts and other humanities, including archival, historical, theoretical, interpretative, discourse analysis and other text based methods; (3) computationally-based epistemology used heavily in design computing and other IT-based disciplines, including axiom and conjecture based, simulation, virtual reality, and prototype development methods; and (4) policy-oriented, communication-contingency and modelling epistemologies used heavily in urban and regional planning and other policy-based disciplines, including archival, strategic and evidence-based policy research, communications and morphological analyses and quantitative modelling; as well as (5) interdisciplinary combinations, triangulations and mixed modes.
ARCH9001 Urban Design Studio A

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lee Stickells Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 4 hours per week - studio work, presentations and critiques Corequisites: ARCH9062 or ARCH9063 Assessment: Design and design-related projects and assignments, (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Permission of coordinator required unless enrolled in the Master, Grad Dip or Grad Cert of Urban Design or MUrbDes(UrbDes & Plan) or MUrbDes(Arch & UrbDes).
These studios are the heart of the urban design program. Values, knowledge and skills acquired in other units and from previous experience are supplemented and enhanced, and applied creatively to both the investigation and development phases of design projects at an urban scale. These may be concerned with the generation of strategies, frameworks, concepts, master plans, public space improvements, or other urban design purposes. They are chosen carefully to expose students to a range of contexts (central city, suburban, institutional campuses, etc) and contemporary issues concerning urban form, activity, transport and the implementation of projects.
Students are expected to extend their presentation methods by developing illustrative, writing and verbal skills appropriate to urban design. It is usual for the backgrounds of those enrolled in the studios to span at least architecture, planning and landscape architecture, with inter-disciplinary group work an essential part. Visionary and innovative approaches are encouraged.
Students will be expected to demonstrate appropriate (professional-level) problem recognition, investigative, analytical, interpretative, design and presentation skills and abilities on projects of an urban scale. Assessment may also embrace abilities to prepare and interpret project briefs, program proposals and work in groups.
The central aim of this unit is to develop abilities and skills (investigation, analysis and interpretation, design development and presentation) which will enable students to carry out urban design projects such as the preparation of strategies, frameworks, concepts and master plans in a professional and visionary manner.
ARCH9002 Urban Design Studio B

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lee Stickells Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 4 hours per week studio work, presentations and critiques Prerequisites: ARCH9001 Assessment: Design and design-related projects and assignments, (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Students will be expected to demonstrate appropriate (professional-level) problem recognition, investigative, analytical, interpretative, design and presentation skills and abilities on projects of an urban scale. Assessment may also embrace abilities to prepare and interpret project briefs, program proposals and work in groups.
These studios are the heart of the urban design program. Values, knowledge and skills acquired in other units and from previous experience are supplemented and enhanced, and applied creatively to both the investigation and development phases of design projects at an urban scale. These may be concerned with the generation of strategies, frameworks, concepts, master plans, public space improvements, or other urban design purposes. They are chosen carefully to expose students to a range of contexts (central city, suburban, institutional campuses, etc) and contemporary issues concerning urban form, activity, transport and the implementation of projects.
Students are expected to extend their presentation methods by developing illustrative, writing and verbal skills appropriate to urban design. It is usual for the backgrounds of those enrolled in the studios to span at least architecture, planning and landscape architecture, with inter-disciplinary group work and essential part. Visionary and innovative approaches are encouraged.
The central aim of this unit is to develop abilities and skills (investigation, analysis and interpretation, design development and presentation) which will enable students to carry out urban design projects such as the preparation of strategies, frameworks, concepts and master plans in a professional and visionary manner.
ARCH9028 Conservation Methods and Practices

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Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 4 hours per week lectures and site visits Assessment: Three assignments (equally weighted) (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The aims of this unit are to develop practical skills in the methods and practices of conservation at an accepted professional level, and to interpret and apply the theory of practice taught in the mandatory core of the course in practical, on-site projects.
The unit focuses on culturally significant structures and cultural landscapes and includes: methods of survey and documentation (locating, describing and recording components with possible heritage value; identifying and reading historic fabric; historic and archival research methods; thematic history methods; pattern recognition; natural systems; settlements; cultural mapping; aesthetic analysis; material and stylistic analysis); evaluation methodology (assigning heritage significance); assessment methodology (establishing conservation priorities); and appropriate conservation actions (conservation and management plans, policies and strategies).
At the end of the unit the student will successfully demonstrate: an understanding of the Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter and the ability to prepare, in accordance with current accepted professional practice, a conservation plan of a place or places of cultural significance; skill in methods and techniques of analysis, assessment and documentation of cultural significance; and the ability to develop relevant policies and strategies for the conservation of a variety places of cultural significance.
The intended outcomes are achieved through inquiry, individual study and research and are demonstrated by each student upon the successful completion of set assignments. The assignments are constructed to allow each student to demonstrate his or her level of understanding of the accepted professional methodology and practice in the preparation and presentation of a conservation plan. Assessment criteria based on unit outcomes are used for the examination of the assignments.
ARCH9031 Research Report

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Chris Smith/Program Director Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Independent research under academic supervision. Assessment: 10000 to 15000 word report (90%), research proposal (10 %). Final reports due by the end of the first week of the formal examination period. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Submit an Independent Study Approval Form, signed by your proposed supervisor, with your request to enrol. Available to Masters students only.
The report is a substantial piece of research conducted over one semester. It takes the form of report (between 10000 and 15000 words) on an approved subject of your choice. The report is an opportunity to advance your knowledge and skills in a particular area. The objective of the report is to allow you to develop research and analytic skills by undertaking an in depth study of your own selection. The expected learning outcomes of the report include the ability to think critically about a problem and develop an appropriate research methodology or analytical approach to address it; identify and access appropriate sources of information, research and literature relevant to the issues; undertake relevant primary and secondary research; and present your findings in a way that demonstrates academic and professional competence. A report generally includes a literature review to delineate a problem; a statement of research aims or objectives, as well as research questions; an explanation of research methods; presentation and analysis of data; and discussion of conclusions. Permission to continue the Report may be subject to a satisfactory research proposal being approved by your supervisor by week 3 of semester. Reports are due at the end of the first week of exams for the semester in which you are enrolled. The assessment is based solely on the submission of your report. The report is generally marked by two examiners, neither of whom is your supervisor.
ARCH9039 General Elective 1

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Chris Smith Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Assessment: Assignments as determined by Coordinator Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Submit an Independent Study Approval Form, signed by your proposed supervisor, with your request to enrol.
This elective allows an individual to pursue an agreed topic with a member of academic staff, or for a group of students to pursue a topic proposed by a member of academic staff in a formal learning environment.
For individual study arrangements this is an opportunity to develop independent study skills. The unit is undertaken with an agreement between the student and a supervisor on a topic related to the supervisor's expertise. The student will meet with the supervisor regularly to discuss progress.
For group study arrangements the unit of study is available to engage in a topic that is organised by a member of academic staff. This allows a member of staff to teach a topic of special interest or for a visiting academic to teach a subject related to their specialty. Students will participate in lectures, tutorials, or other activities as needed to pursue the elective topic.
Students will develop an understanding of a special topic through reports, projects, and/or tutorial exercises.
ARCH9040 General Elective 2

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Chris Smith Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Assessment: Assignments as determined by Coordinator Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Submit an Independent Study Approval Form, signed by your proposed supervisor, with your request to enrol.
This elective allows an individual to pursue an agreed topic with a member of academic staff, or for a group of students to pursue a topic proposed by a member of academic staff in a formal learning environment.
For individual study arrangements this is an opportunity to develop independent study skills. The unit is undertaken with an agreement between the student and a supervisor on a topic related to the supervisor's expertise. The student will meet with the supervisor regularly to discuss progress.
For group study arrangements the unit of study is available to engage in a topic that is organised by a member of academic staff. This allows a member of staff to teach a topic of special interest or for a visiting academic to teach a subject related to their specialty. Students will participate in lectures, tutorials, or other activities as needed to pursue the elective topic.
Students will develop an understanding of a special topic through reports, projects, and/or tutorial exercises.
ARCH9041 General Elective 3

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Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Chris Smith Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Assessment: Assignments as determined by Coordinator Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Submit an Independent Study Approval Form, signed by your proposed supervisor, with your request to enrol.
This elective allows an individual to pursue an agreed topic with a member of academic staff, or for a group of students to pursue a topic proposed by a member of academic staff in a formal learning environment.
For individual study arrangements this is an opportunity to develop independent study skills. The unit is undertaken with an agreement between the student and a supervisor on a topic related to the supervisor's expertise. The student will meet with the supervisor regularly to discuss progress.
For group study arrangements the unit of study is available to engage in a topic that is organised by a member of academic staff. This allows a member of staff to teach a topic of special interest or for a visiting academic to teach a subject related to their specialty. Students will participate in lectures, tutorials, or other activities as needed to pursue the elective topic.
Students will develop an understanding of a special topic through reports, projects, and/or tutorial exercises.
ARCH9042 General Elective 4

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Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Chris Smith Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Assessment: Assignments as determined by Coordinator Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Submit an Independent Study Approval Form, signed by your proposed supervisor, with your request to enrol.
This elective allows an individual to pursue an agreed topic with a member of academic staff, or for a group of students to pursue a topic proposed by a member of academic staff in a formal learning environment.
For individual study arrangements this is an opportunity to develop independent study skills. The unit is undertaken with an agreement between the student and a supervisor on a topic related to the supervisor's expertise. The student will meet with the supervisor regularly to discuss progress.
For group study arrangements the unit of study is available to engage in a topic that is organised by a member of academic staff. This allows a member of staff to teach a topic of special interest or for a visiting academic to teach a subject related to their specialty. Students will participate in lectures, tutorials, or other activities as needed to pursue the elective topic.
Students will develop an understanding of a special topic through reports, projects, and/or tutorial exercises.
ARCH9043 General Elective 5

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Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Chris Smith Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Assessment: Assignments as determined by Coordinator Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Submit an Independent Study Approval Form, signed by your proposed supervisor, with your request to enrol.
This elective allows an individual to pursue an agreed topic with a member of academic staff, or for a group of students to pursue a topic proposed by a member of academic staff in a formal learning environment.
For individual study arrangements this is an opportunity to develop independent study skills. The unit is undertaken with an agreement between the student and a supervisor on a topic related to the supervisor's expertise. The student will meet with the supervisor regularly to discuss progress.
For group study arrangements the unit of study is available to engage in a topic that is organised by a member of academic staff. This allows a member of staff to teach a topic of special interest or for a visiting academic to teach a subject related to their specialty. Students will participate in lectures, tutorials, or other activities as needed to pursue the elective topic.
Students will develop an understanding of a special topic through reports, projects, and/or tutorial exercises.
ARCH9044 General Elective 6

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Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Chris Smith Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Assessment: Assignments as determined by Coordinator Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Submit an Independent Study Approval Form, signed by your proposed supervisor, with your request to enrol.
This elective allows an individual to pursue an agreed topic with a member of academic staff, or for a group of students to pursue a topic proposed by a member of academic staff in a formal learning environment. For individual study arrangements this is an opportunity to develop independent study skills. The unit is undertaken with an agreement between the student and a supervisor on a topic related to the supervisor's expertise. The student will meet with the supervisor regularly to discuss progress. For group study arrangements the unit of study is available to engage in a topic that is organised by a member of academic staff. This allows a member of staff to teach a topic of special interest or for a visiting academic to teach a subject related to their specialty. Students will participate in lectures, tutorials, or other activities as needed to pursue the elective topic. Students will develop an understanding of a special topic through reports, projects, and/or tutorial exercises.
ARCH9045 Dissertation 1

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: An academic supervisor is required. Discuss with your program coordinator. Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Research under academic supervision Prerequisites: 48 credit points and a WAM of at least 75 Corequisites: ARCH9046 Prohibitions: ARCH9031, ARCH9060, PLAN9010, PLAN9011, PLAN9018 Assessment: 15000 to 25000 word dissertation (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Submit an Independent Study Approval Form, signed by your proposed supervisor, with your request to enrol.
ARCH9045 and ARCH9046 Dissertation 1 and 2 are only available to candidates with permission from an appropriate supervisor. Planning students should take PLAN9010 and PLAN9011 Planning Dissertations 1 and 2. Students enrol either full time over one semester (ARCH9045 and ARCH9046) or part time over two semesters (ARCH9045 then ARCH9046). The units are not assessed separately - a single dissertation is required. The appointment of a supervisor will depend on the topic chosen for the dissertation by the student. Students and their supervisors should complete an Independent Study Approval form and return it to the Student Administration Centre to effect enrolment.
The aim of the dissertation is twofold: to train the student in how to undertake advanced study. The student should learn how to examine published and unpublished data, survey and experimental results, set objectives, organise a program of work, analyse information, evaluate this in relation to existing knowledge and document the work; and to allow the student to pursue an area of interest in greater depth than is possible in coursework or to investigate an area of interest which is not covered in coursework. The dissertation will normally involve a critical review of published material in a specified subject area, but it may also be an experimental or theoretical investigation, a feasibility study, a case study, a computer program, or other work demonstrating the student's analytical ability. The dissertation should be 15000 to 25000 words in length. The dissertation should contain a literature review, a research methodology, analysis of data, a discussion of results and conclusions. The dissertation will be judged on the extent and quality of the student's work, and in particular on how critical, perceptive and constructive the student has been in assessing his or her own work and that of others. Three typed A4 sized copies of the dissertation are required to be presented for examination. These may be in either temporary or permanent binding. If in temporary binding they must be able to withstand ordinary handling and postage. The preferred method is "perfect binding" ; spring back, ring back or spiral binding is not permitted. Students are required to submit one copy in permanent binding on acid free paper for the library, including any emendations recommended by the examiners. For more detail see the requirements for the PhD thesis in the Postgraduate Research Studies Handbook. Dissertations are due at the end of the first week of exams for the semester in which you are enrolled for Dissertation 2. The assessment is based solely on the submission of your dissertation. The dissertation is generally marked by two examiners
ARCH9046 Dissertation 2

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: An academic supervisor is required. Discuss with your program coordinator. Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Research under academic supervision. Corequisites: ARCH9045 Assessment: 15000 to 25000 word dissertation (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
ARCH9045 and ARCH9046 Dissertation 1 and 2 are only available to candidates with permission from an appropriate supervisor. Planning students should take PLAN9010 and PLAN9011 Planning Dissertations 1 and 2. Students enrol either full time over one semester (ARCH9045 and ARCH9046) or part time over two semesters (ARCH9045 then ARCH9046). The units are not assessed separately - a single dissertation is required. The appointment of a supervisor will depend on the topic chosen for the dissertation by the student. Students and their supervisors should complete an Independent Study Approval form and return it to the Student Administration Centre to effect enrolment.
The aim of the dissertation is twofold: to train the student in how to undertake advanced study. The student should learn how to examine published and unpublished data, survey and experimental results, set objectives, organise a program of work, analyse information, evaluate this in relation to existing knowledge and document the work; and to allow the student to pursue an area of interest in greater depth than is possible in coursework or to investigate an area of interest which is not covered in coursework. The dissertation will normally involve a critical review of published material in a specified subject area, but it may also be an experimental or theoretical investigation, a feasibility study, a case study, a computer program, or other work demonstrating the student's analytical ability. The dissertation should be 15000 to 25000 words in length. The dissertation should contain a literature review, a research methodology, analysis of data, a discussion of results and conclusions. The dissertation will be judged on the extent and quality of the student's work, and in particular on how critical, perceptive and constructive the student has been in assessing his or her own work and that of others. Three typed A4 sized copies of the dissertation are required to be presented for examination. These may be in either temporary or permanent binding. If in temporary binding they must be able to withstand ordinary handling and postage. The preferred method is "perfect binding" ; spring back, ring back or spiral binding is not permitted. Students are required to submit one copy in permanent binding on acid free paper for the library, including any emendations recommended by the examiners. For more detail see the requirements for the PhD thesis in the Postgraduate Research Studies Handbook. Dissertations are due at the end of the first week of exams for the semester in which you are enrolled for Dissertation 2. The assessment is based solely on the submission of your dissertation. The dissertation is generally marked by two examiners
ARCH9058 General Elective 7

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Chris Smith Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Assessment: Assignments as determined by Coordinator Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Submit an Independent Study Approval Form, signed by your proposed supervisor, with your request to enrol.
This elective allows an individual to pursue an agreed topic with a member of academic staff, or for a group of students to pursue a topic proposed by a member of academic staff in a formal learning environment. For individual study arrangements this is an opportunity to develop independent study skills. The unit is undertaken with an agreement between the student and a supervisor on a topic related to the supervisor's expertise. The student will meet with the supervisor regularly to discuss progress. For group study arrangements the unit of study is available to engage in a topic that is organised by a member of academic staff. This allows a member of staff to teach a topic of special interest or for a visiting academic to teach a subject related to their specialty. Students will participate in lectures, tutorials, or other activities as needed to pursue the elective topic. Students will develop an understanding of a special topic through reports, projects, and/or tutorial exercises.
ARCH9059 General Elective 8

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Chris Smith Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Assessment: Assignments as determined by Coordinator Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Submit an Independent Study Approval Form, signed by your proposed supervisor, with your request to enrol.
This elective allows an individual to pursue an agreed topic with a member of academic staff, or for a group of students to pursue a topic proposed by a member of academic staff in a formal learning environment. For individual study arrangements this is an opportunity to develop independent study skills. The unit is undertaken with an agreement between the student and a supervisor on a topic related to the supervisor's expertise. The student will meet with the supervisor regularly to discuss progress. For group study arrangements the unit of study is available to engage in a topic that is organised by a member of academic staff. This allows a member of staff to teach a topic of special interest or for a visiting academic to teach a subject related to their specialty. Students will participate in lectures, tutorials, or other activities as needed to pursue the elective topic. Students will develop an understanding of a special topic through reports, projects, and/or tutorial exercises.
ARCH9060 Urban Design Report

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lee Stickells Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Research under academic supervision Prerequisites: 48 credit points incuding ARCH9001 Prohibitions: ARCH9031, ARCH9045, ARCH9046, PLAN9010, PLAN9011, PLAN9018 Assessment: Urban design report approx 10000 to 15000 words (100%). Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Submit an Independent Study Approval Form, signed by your proposed supervisor, with your request to enrol. This unit is for Masters students in an Urban Design stream only.
The Urban Design Report is a substantial project involving research conducted over one semester. It will usually take the form of an illustrated report (between 10000 and 15000 words) on an approved urban design subject of the student's choice. The subject may be of a practical bent (e.g. review or preparation of an urban design project) or more theoretical (e.g. review of a conceptual viewpoint), or it may occupy the middle ground (e.g. exploration of a contemporary issue or review/testing of a method). If of a more practical nature, its theoretical underpinning should be explicit. If more theoretical, it should refer to its practical implications. The report is an opportunity to advance knowledge and skills in a particular area of urban design and so develop a "professional edge".
The aim of the Report is to enhance abilities and knowledge essential to the practice of urban design.
These include the abilities to: define and address a practical or theoretical urban design problem; conduct such a project in an acceptable investigatory manner; think critically about the subject; identify, access and use appropriate and up-to-date information sources, including relevant theory and methods; and present the report, including appropriate illustrations, in a manner that shows both academic and professional competence. The report must demonstrate these features.
Permission to continue the Urban Design Report is subject to the approval of a satisfactory research proposal by week 3 of the semester in which the student is enrolled.
The Urban Design report is to be submitted by the end of the first week of the formal examination period for the semester in which the student is enrolled.
ARCH9061 East Asian Arch and Urbanism (Classical)

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Peter Armstrong Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3hrs per week Prohibitions: DESA2203, ARCH6202 Assessment: Attendance (10%); Group Seminar 1 (10%); Group Seminar 2 (10%); Group Seminar 3 (10%); Analytical Model (60%) Practical field work: Investigations, field work. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit is offered in odd numbered years only.
The unit provides an introduction to the urban and architectural traditions of East Asia in the pre-industrial era. Beginning with the classical Chinese concept of cosmos, state and society, the unit examines the development of these concepts and their architectural expression in time and in the context of the cultures of China, Korea and Japan. The development of cities and the full range of building types are traced, with cultural interaction and patterns of influence shown in terms of both architecture and its social context.
On successful completion of the unit of study, students will be able to give a clear picture of the philosophical and cultural foundations of urbanism and architecture in the dominant cultures of East Asia; to elucidate the origins and development of urban form from Chinese models in the context of the development of Japanese, Korean & Vietnamese cultural traditions; to provide an understanding of the design and construction principles of the principal building types of the region within the broad context of the Chinese cultural base of architecture and applied arts; to examine and contrast the national characteristics of the major periods of architectural development in each country; and to understand the ongoing influence of building traditions in contemporary culture.
ARCH9062 Urban Design - Ideas and Methods

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lee Stickells Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lec 2-3hrs/wk Prohibitions: ARCH9022 Assumed knowledge: Some prior study of architectural, urban or planning history. Assessment: Annotated Bibliography (10%); class presentation (20%); report (70%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The unit will familiarise students with the main ideas and methods that have influenced urban design practice from the late nineteenth century to the present. It covers the dominant urban design theories, principles, conceptual and physical models, analytical methods and drawings from key contributing authors over the period, and explores critically how and why these arose, their interrelationships, spheres of influence, and continuing validity. In exploring their origins, it necessarily refers back to earlier periods. In this unit, the urban design 'classics' (eg Sitte, Le Corbusier, Lynch, Hillier, etc) are presented and discussed critically as history, design sources and tools.
It complements the Urban Morphology unit (ARCH9063) unit, which emphasises the built forms that have resulted in part from the theories and models covered in Ideas and Methods. It is a core unit that supports the Urban Design Studios in the Urban Design programs and an informative elective for students enrolled in or intending to enrol in the Urban Architecture Research Studio.
ARCH9063 Urban Morphology

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lee Stickells Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lecture 2-3hrs/wk Prohibitions: ARCH9021 Assumed knowledge: Some prior study of architectural, urban or planning history. Assessment: Scoping Report (20%), Class Presentation (20%) and Final Report (60%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The unit outlines the nature of urban morphology, and its rise as an area of study, and explores the evolution of city forms with an emphasis upon urban structure and typology. Most designed components of our cities conform in their general characteristics to identifiable types; they reflect the functions of cities, cultural values and the technological, economic and social circumstances of their times. These have been laid down over particular landforms and previous built forms and landscapes to result in usually complex, and often distinct, local characteristics.
The ability to recognize, investigate and respond to these forms and relationships lies at the heart of good urban design. The development of an historical knowledge, and of sensibilities and skills in the recording and interpretation of urban pattern and form for design purposes is the unit's primary aim. It will develop abilities to make more informed 'readings' of the urban landscape, and judgments about structure and form in contemporary urban design: retention, modification, replacement, etc. On completion, a student will be better able to: recognize structures and patterns, and key building and spatial typologies that contribute to overall city morphology; record and describe these, investigate and explain their origins, and discuss informatively their place in urban change and contemporary design.
It complements the Urban Design - Ideas and Methods unit (ARCH9062) unit, which emphasises the theories and models underpinning the forms that are covered in this unit. It is a core unit that supports the Urban Design Studios in the Urban Design programs and an informative elective for students enrolled in or intending to enrol in the Urban Architecture Research Studio.
ARCH9064 East Asian Arch & Urbanism (Modern)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Barrie Shelton Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two hours lectures per week Prohibitions: ARCH9054 Assessment: Minor assignment, class presentation and major assignment (report) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit is offered in even numbered years only.
The aim of this unit is to provide an introduction to architecture and urbanism in East Asia during the modern era - with an emphasis upon modern Japan from the Meiji period to the present. It explores particularly the relationship between architecture and the city during this period; and the relationship between built form and cultural traditions, design responses to outside influences, and similarities and differences between countries. Work of selected architects is highlighted. An important aim of the unit is to enable participants to be more critical of their own design values and viewpoints as shaped by their own cultures.
On successful completion of the program, students will have extended their understanding of the history and theory of architecture and urbanism in the East Asian cultural realm - by way of critical assignments, class discussions and presentations. They will have demonstrated an understanding:
- of built forms in the context of regional philosophical and cultural foundations;
- of the ongoing influence of design traditions in contemporary built form;
- of major themes in the history of architecture and urbanism in modern East Asia, particularly Japan.
ARCH9074 History and Theory of Conservation

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Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures 2 hrs/wk Prohibitions: ARCH9003 Assessment: Written essay assignments (2x50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The purpose of this unit is to help student is the intent to develop an appropriate level of knowledge in the development of the ideas and practices of conservation over an historical perspective from Classical times to the present in the Western and Non-Western context. Particular emphasis will be placed on the theoretical ideas and practices of Sir George Gilbert Scott, John Ruskin, the Arts and Crafts Movement, SPAB in England, Eugene Voillet-le-Duc in France. The study of architectural history will provide a broad survey of the development of Western architecture and garden design from the time of the Ancient Egyptians to the present as well as examining in greater detail the development of Australian Architecture from 1788 till the present time.
The principal aims of the unit are to develop an understanding of the history and theoretical basis of the development if the idea and practice of conservation from Classical times to the present. Additional to this another main aim id to develop an understanding of the historical development of Western traditions of architectural and garden design, as well as to develop a sound intellectual basis for the understanding of the theory and practice of current conservation practice in Australia and beyond.
By the end of the unit the student will successfully demonstrate an understanding of the history of the development the idea of conservation through time and in Western and non-Western traditions; an understanding of the development of Western traditions of architecture and garden design; and skills in the applying this knowledge in the assessment of cultural significance in the Australian and international context.
Student workload effort expected:class preparation: three hours per week; assessment preparation 40 hours per semester.
ARCH9075 New Design in Old Settings

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Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures 2hrs/wk, site visits and seminars. Assessment: Preparation of a Heritage Impact Statement as per guidelines of NSW Heritage Branch - approximately equivalent to 4,000/5,000 word essay (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit will cover one of the most fundamental aspects of heritage conservation. Designing infill and additions to historic buildings and precincts are the common practice of architecture throughout time in all cultures. From a multi-disciplinary background this course will aim to develop skills in the assessment of the cultural significance of existing buildings, the impact of new works to the heritage significance of historic buildings in existing contexts, visual and spatial literacy in the design of new fabric in old settings. The course will provide a wide range of examples, including wide international perspective.
The aims of the unit are to develop an understanding of the history of designing and building new buildings in old settings; to develop an understanding of the major theoretical and practical issues of designing new buildings in old settings; to develop an ability to critically assess the appropriateness of the design of the new in the context of the accordingly accepted current conservation practice in Australia.
By the end of the course the student will be able to produce, at a professional level a Heritage Impact Statement as defined by the NSW Heritage Branch.
ARCH9080 Urban Ecology and Design

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lee Stickells Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lecture/seminar 2-3 hrs/wk Assumed knowledge: Undergraduate studio experience in design Assessment: Mini-assignment (20%), PowerPoint presentation or equivalent (20%), Design-related report (60%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Enrolment in this unit is NOT recommended for students who have completed Urban Environment (PLAN9065 pre 2009)
This unit will develop students' understanding of ecology and the city - of the relationships between ecology, landform, built form and design in the urban context. It will focus on developing knowledge of the ways that urban settings are analysed in the context of ecosystem ecology as well as sensibilities and skills in the representation and interpretation of urban ecological conditions.
The unit seeks to establish ecological thinking as an integral part of urban design and therefore a key factor in the generation of urban form. The unit will emphasise both conceptual knowledge as backcloth and case study projects as example applications (design criteria and frameworks, and designs). The development of appropriate communication skills is important, especially the diagramming of ecological processes and principles for design purposes. The knowledge and skills gained will support the achievement of sustainable solutions through: improved urban layouts, landscape and built forms, and infrastructure; more effective use of energy, water and materials; better systems of waste, transportation and habitat management; urban agriculture and biodiversity.
It is a core unit that supports the Urban Design Studios in the Urban Design programs and an informative elective for students enrolled in or intending to enrol in either the Sustainable Architecture Research or Urban Architecture Research Studios
Class preparation, 2 hrs per week, Assessment 2 hrs per wk
ARCH9081 Heritage Law and Policy

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Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures 2hrs/week Assessment: reports (2x50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Students completing this unit will be able to undertake heritage studies and assessments, and to prepare instruments and guidelines relating to heritage policies. They will have knowledge of: legislation (international and all levels of government), regulations, planning instruments and policies; registers, inventories and other records of significant items; roles and procedures of various government agencies involved in heritage and conservation.
The unit will consider a range of heritage issues, for example, ones relating to landscape, streetscape, archaeology, public places etc, besides buildings. It will also cover a range of issues such as: adaptive reuse, modifications for ESD provisions, management of the context of significant items, and the conservation areas.
Students will gain skills in: reviewing legislation, planning instruments and policy documents relating to heritage; preparing basic policies, instruments and related guidelines relating to heritage; critical thinking about heritage issues, and how heritage relate to urban design and planning, ESD and trade-offs with other considerations; reviewing and preparing heritage studies, proposals, management plans, approvals etc.
Assessment will be based on assignments addressing both the context and practice of heritage and conservation planning. The unit will be taught by lectures, with site visits. There will be a component of research-led teaching using projects
Class preparation: 2 hours/week, assessment preparation: 40.hours/semester
ARCH9082 Conservation of Traditional Materials

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Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures:2 hrs/wk (11 wks), site visits: 2hrs/wk (2 wks) Assessment: 1x 4000 word essay (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit of study is offered in even numbered years only.
The aims of the course are to introduce students to broad range of specialists from the related fields of architectural conservation and related disciplines who specialize in the conservation of traditional building fabric; to introduce students to the appropriate and accepted methods traditional construction and of the conservation traditional architectural materials; and to familiarise students with the relevant literature pertaining to the domain.
The objectives of the course are to allow the student to develop a broad understanding of excellent contemporary conservation practice in the conservation of traditional materials; to develop a broad understanding of traditional building methods; to develop an understanding of good and bad practice in the conservation of traditional materials. Students will be expected to demonstrate the ability to research and prepare academic paper related to the domain.
Class preparation: 1hour/week, assessment preparation: 15-20 hours/semester
ARCH9083 Conservation of Modern Materials

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Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures 2 hrs/wk (11 wks), site visits 2hrs/wk (2 wks) Assessment: 1x 4000 word essay (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit of study is offered in odd numbered years only.
The aims of the course are to introduce students to broad range of specialists from the related fields of architectural conservation and related disciplines that specialize in the conservation of modern building fabric; to introduce students to the appropriate and accepted methods of the conservation modern architectural materials; and to familiarise students with the relevant literature pertaining to the domain.
The objectives of the course are to allow the student to develop a broad understanding of excellent contemporary conservation practice in the conservation of modern materials; to develop a broad understanding of good and bad practice in the conservation of modern materials. Students will be expected to demonstrate the ability to research and prepare academic paper related to the domain.
Class preparation: 1hour /week, assessment preparation: 15-20 hours/semester
ARCH9084 Conservation Design Studio

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Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Studio 2 hrs/wk (10 wks), tutorials 2 hrs/wk (2 wks), site visit 2 hrs/wk (1wk) Corequisites: ARCH9075 (for student with non-design undergraduate degree) Assumed knowledge: BArch, MArch ( for students pursuing the design stream of this elective) Assessment: For Design-based students submission of a written site analysis (1x Essay 1500-2000 words) and for Non-Design-based students submission of a written site analysis [1x Essay 1500-2000 words] (30%); for Design-based students design proposal and model & Non-Design-based students a Heritage Impact Statement (70%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If you attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre. First preference to Master of Heritage Conservation students.
The aim of the course is to form and develop interdisciplinary collaboration in design teams of students design and non-design related backgrounds and to work collaboratively following accepted levels of contemporary architectural and conservation professional practice. Additionally, it is intended that students will develop a critical ability to assess the appropriateness of the design of new additions to existing buildings of recognised heritage value.
The course objective is to analyse a given site with an existing building of identified heritage value and for the design-based students to prepare, with a given brief, a contemporary addition that is both a credible work of contemporary architecture whilst at the same time a sensitive and appropriate addition that respects the cultural significance of the existing building. The non-design based students will accept as heritage consultants, in accordance with best professional practice and concurrently prepare for the proposed design a Heritage Impact Statement that conforms with the NSW Heritage Branch guidelines and standards of practice.
Class preparation: 2 hours/week
DESA9001 Graduate Art Studio (Graphic Design)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Mark Jones Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 3hrs per week. Practical studio classes, slide lectures. Prohibitions: AWSS2016 Assessment: Process Journal and exercises (55%); Studio projects and associated assignments (45%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
The unit offers a systematic approach to understanding and utilising the processes of designing for visual communications. A series of studio lectures and practical sessions provides students with an introduction to design history and basic skills for applying the principles of design. The unit addresses the elements of design, page composition and use of typography and image. As research, students will be required to apply weekly studio exercises created with hand-generated media to a specific contemporary design context using digital software.
The unit objective is for students to develop an understanding of the basic principles and processes of visual communication which will provide a basis for digital media design. These will be applied to a range of design contexts using different graphic techniques and media.
The outcomes involve the application of design principles to a range of design situations using hand-generated media. Students apply these exercises to a finished print outcome, using digital processes. The final project submission will demonstrate an understanding of design purpose, suitability and style in a contemporary context. Students will be asked to evaluate design effectiveness and address the use of new technologies in a specified area of visual communication in a digital media presentation.
DESA9003 Graduate Art Studio (Photography)

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Jan Fieldsend Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Practical studio classes, 3hrs per week Prohibitions: AWSS2023 Assessment: Attendance/darkroom practice (15%); test on darkroom practice and techniques (20%); presentation of ideas that reflects upon the relationship of photography to your coursework programme (15%); creative ideas/images (20%); technical skills (20%); presentation of finished work (10%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
This practical unit aims to give students an understanding of how photography functions as a contemporary visual medium, including it's historical development and it's different applications in such areas as visual arts, architecture, mass media and digital media. Students will gain knowledge of the principles and practice of camera operations and the production of high quality black and white negatives and prints in small studio style classes. Students will begin to think about ways in which the photographs produced in this unit of study can be used in or relate to their coursework program. For example how darkroom based photography relates to digital media or exploring the connections between architecture and photography. This module covers the use of 35mm. SLR camera, image composition, use of lighting, film developing, printing photographs and experimental techniques. Photographs of a wide range of subjects such as still lives, land and cityscapes and portraits will be produced. Practical work includes darkroom and studio work and gallery visits.
On the successful completion of this unit you will be able to: (1) demonstrate your knowledge of camera operations, film and print developing through darkroom practice and the production of a portfolio of black and white prints; (2) use an understanding of photography practice and theory to inform decision making in your creative process as well as entering into thoughtful debate; (3) reflect on your art practice through class and tutor crit sessions and from this point realistically evaluate your own work; (4) gain an awareness of how photography theory and practice relates your coursework.
Upon completion of this unit of study you will: have a body of knowledge in the field of photography; be able to exercise critical judgement, realistic self evaluation and imaginative thinking as outlined in the aims; be able to apply technical and conceptual skills as appropriate to photographic practice and furthermore develop your ideas about how these skills may be applied to new situations such as in your coursework program; develop the ability to plan and achieve a goal through a self directed final project.
DESA9005 Graduate Art Workshop

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Mark Jones Session: S1 Intensive,Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Three hours per week. Assessment: Portfolio of works and presentation (60%); process journal and associated assignments (40%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
Students may enrol in art workshop units of study as listed below. These studio-based units provide participants with the opportunity to explore a wide range of art and design practices. An awareness of current ideas and practice in contemporary visual art and design as well as how this knowledge may relate to architectural design is integral to these workshops. At the successful completion of a particular medium students will have: produced a body of work in a particular medium, be able to use an awareness of contemporary art theory and practice to inform decision making in their creative work as well as being able to reflect upon and realistically evaluate their own work. Art workshops on offer are: Screen printing (intensive mode semester 1 only), Painting or Photography 2 (both available semesters 1 and 2).
DESA9006 Ceramics 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Mark Jones Session: Semester 1 Classes: Practical studio classes 3 hours per week Prerequisites: AWSS2010 or AWSS2011 or equivalent Prohibitions: AWSS2012 Assessment: Attendance, application and participation (marks will be deducted after 1 missed class) ungraded (20%) from tutor's record; technical development/workshop practice from weekly tasks (30%) (graded); studio journal (20%) (graded); final work/s (30%) (graded) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
This practical unit aims to give students the understanding to produce a number of individually designed ceramic works that develop and extend techniques learnt in level 1. Students will gain the knowledge to create larger and more advanced ceramic forms with combinations of coil, hard slab and throwing techniques. Students will be introduced to plaster moulds for larger constructions and relief decorations. An individual approach to vessel and sculptural construction will be informed by historical and contemporary ceramic art and craft practices. In addition experimental surface treatments will be explored. Students of Architecture will be able to use this unit to explore architectural forms using ceramics and mixed media. The delivery mode will be practical ceramic studio work, demonstrations, side lectures, class discussions, gallery visits and one to one tutor crit sessions.
DESA9008 Object Design

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Jan Fieldsend Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Three hours per week. Prohibitions: AWSS2020 Assessment: Studio Projects and associated tasks (70%); Research Process Journal (30%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
In this unit students develop and inter-relate manufacturing and artisan skills with research, analysis and design development. It aims to develop a critical awareness of the nature of all objects, which surround us, exploring cultural, contextual and symbolic aspects of object design as well as functional and aesthetic qualities. Sustainability and social issues relating to their manufacture, use and disposal are also discussed. The unit aims to increase appreciation of the materiality of objects focusing on timber as an example and introduces students to the wonderful diversity of timber species, environmental and ethical issues associated with their selection, and also emerging alternative materials. Through a series of exercises and production of their major project, students develop knowledge of construction techniques and skills in using wood/plastics tools and machinery and in so doing, build an awareness of industrial and craft practices and how they impact on the design process and outcome. Students will be expected to produce a research process journal and report on how a particular artist/s or art movement has informed or influenced their final project/s. Class preparation and assessment 39.hrs/per semester face to face teaching
Student effort expected for an average student to achieve a pass level result:
29 hrs Research/process journal, 6 hrs Gallery visit and written report, 4 hrs presentation of final work to class
DESA9009 Public Art

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Jan Fieldsend Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures 2 hrs/wk and 2 x3 hr field trips Prohibitions: AWSS2001 Assessment: Studio Projects and associated tasks (70%); Research Process Journal (30%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
The field of public art is rapidly growing and as such has generated much debate and interest. The aim of this unit is to provide students with a broad overview of the issues that influence and inform the production of art in the public sphere: history and theory of public art, policy and management, conservation, community response and evaluation, current local and international practice. It aims to develop each student's ability to critically analyse and be able to enter into debate (both written and spoken) on public art issues, especially its relationship to architecture. Field trips, artist/commissioner talks, case studies, (e.g. the Vietnam Memorial in Washington and the Sydney Olympic Public Art Projects) and slide lectures will complement the theoretical content of Public Art.
Student effort expected for an average student to achieve a pass level result: class preparation and assessment: 51 hours per semester
DESA9010 Painting

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Jan Fieldsend Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Three hours per week Prohibitions: AWSS2022 Assessment: Studio Projects and associated tasks (70%); Research Process Journal (30%) Practical field work: Studio practice Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
This module aims to provide the student with the knowledge and aptitude required to use a range of fundamental painting skills to make a portfolio of work based on observation of the physical world, and to experiment with imaginative applications of acrylic or oil media. Students with little or no experience with painting will be shown how to prepare grounds, mix colours, make a tonal scale in colour), then undertake practical work in observational painting including still-life and interior (painting form, modelling and shading techniques, use of pure colour), landscape (compositional techniques, perspective, use of grounds), the nude and self-portraiture (painting with a life model, anatomy). Each project will be presented against a background of relevant art history and conceptual approaches, including, where appropriate, contemporary approaches to style and appropriation, the decorative, text, collage and abstraction. Students will be shown how to use a visual diary as their research/process journal, which will include all their visual and conceptual research. Students will be expected to produce a research process journal and report on how a particular artist/s or art movement has informed or influenced their final project/s.
Class preparation and assessment 39.hrs/per semester
Student effort expected for an average student to achieve a pass level result:
29 hrs Research/process journal, 6hrs Galery visit and written report, 4 hrs presentation of final work to class
DESA9011 Photography 2

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Jan Fieldsend Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Three hours per week. Prerequisites: AWSS2023 or DESA9003 Prohibitions: AWSS2024 Assessment: Studio Projects and associated tasks (70%); Research Process Journal (30%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
In this unit of study, students will have the opportunity to develop creative photographic projects from initial ideas to production of artwork, producing two major photographic series that function successfully at both an aesthetic and a conceptual level. They will have the opportunity to research and experiment with a variety of different ideas and take an experimental approach to photography, trying different techniques and considering which will best serve the intentions of the artwork. Students will be expected to produce a research process journal and report on how a particular artist/s or art movement has informed or influenced their final project/s.
Class preparation and assessment 39hrs/per semester
Student effort expected for an average student to achieve a pass level result:
14 hrs Research/process journal, 15 hrs Independent Studio time, 6 hrs Gallery visit and written report, 4 hrs presentation of final work to class
DESA9012 Screen Printing on Paper

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Jan Fieldsend. Session: S1 Intensive Classes: Three hours per week. Prohibitions: AWSS2026 Assessment: Studio Projects and associated tasks 70% (graded) Research Process Journal 30% (graded) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
This studio-based unit will introduce students to screen printing on paper, in both graphic design and contemporary art contexts. Screen-printing is most commonly known as a commercial process, however many artists have used this printmaking technique not only for its versatile aesthetic qualities but to comment on the way art is perceived in the age of mass media and consumerism. It aims to provide students with: the knowledge and skills to design for and print on paper; awareness and appreciation of screen-printing in historical and contemporary contexts, a wide variety of techniques and exercises that can be developed into an edition or experimental series of screen-prints. Techniques covered include: photo, wax emulsion stencils, preparation of photo-positives, ink technology, registration and print set-up for multi-coloured screen-prints. Through studio practice, set exercises, slide-lectures, gallery visits and library research students will develop an understanding of their creative process and ability to interpret ideas through the medium of screen-printing. Students will be expected to produce a research process journal and report on how a particular artist/s or art movement has informed or influenced their final project/s.
Class preparation and assessment 39.hrs/per semester
Student effort expected for an average student to achieve a pass level result:
14 hrs Research/process journal, 15 hrs Independent Studio time, 6 hrs Gallery visit and written report, 4 hrs presentation of final work to class
DESA9013 Sculpture

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Jan Fieldsend Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three hours per week. Prohibitions: AWSS2027 Assessment: Studio Projects and associated tasks (70%); Research Process Journal (30%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
The aim of this unit of study is to develop knowledge and abilities in all areas, practical, historical and theoretical relevant to the making of sculpture. Students will work with a broad range of materials and sculptural techniques such as clay modelling, plaster-mould making, casting, soldering, brazing and welding which will be used to explore elementary aspects of three-dimensional form and space. You will be required to design, plan and complete two projects, a casting in plaster and a work using metal. In addition to this you will need to independently research historical precedents and contemporary practice in sculpture and discuss your ideas and development of your work in class. Students will be expected to produce a research process journal and report on how a particular artist/s or art movement has informed or influenced their final project/s
Class preparation and assessment 39 hrs/per semester
Student effort expected for an average student to achieve a pass level result:
29 hrs Research/process journal, 6 hrs Gallery visit and written report,
4 hrs presentation of final work to class
DESA9014 Ceramics (Handbuilding)

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Jan Fieldsend Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three hours per week. Prohibitions: AWSS2010 Assessment: Studio Projects and associated tasks (70%); Research Process Journal (30%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
This practical unit aims to give students the understanding to create hand built ceramic constructions that will be fired and glazed. Students will explore the plastic properties of clay as well as glazing, underglazing and surface treatments. There will be an investigation of hand built ceramics at both historical and contemporary levels. Set projects will enable students to discover their own means of expression and design of vessels and sculptural forms. Projects include slab and coil construction and combinations of coil, slab and pinch construction. Various surface finishes such as brushwork, glazing and sculptural relief applications will be introduced including coloured under glazes, slips and glazes. Students will be expected to produce a research process journal and report on how a particular artist/s or art movement has informed or influenced their final project/s.
Class preparation and assessment 39 hrs/per semester
Student effort expected for an average student to achieve a pass level result:
14 hrs Research/process journal, 15 hrs Independent Studio time, 6 hrs Gallery visit and written report, 4 hrs presentation of final work to class
DESA9015 Site Specific Art

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Jan Fieldsend Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three hours per week. Assessment: Studio Projects and associated tasks (70%); Research Process Journal (30%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Please seek permission from the Tin Sheds Gallery, Wilkinson Building. Attendance at the first class is compulsory to maintain your place in the unit: allocation of spare places will be made at the first meeting. Students may incur costs for materials in some Art Workshops units.
This practical unit aims to give students a broad understanding of how site-specific art functions as a contemporary art medium, including its historical development and relationship to other visual art forms and architecture. Students gain experience in ways of selecting and analysing sites for the purposes of incorporation into artwork. Students begin to develop an individual art practice through using a wide range of materials to make temporary site-specific artworks and also begin to develop ways of analysing and evaluating site-specific artworks through directed group discussions.
Students will be expected to produce a research process journal and report on how a particular artist/s or art movement has informed or influenced their final project/s.
Class preparation and assessment 39 hrs/per semester
Student effort expected for an average student to achieve a pass level result:
14 hrs Research/process journal, 15 hrs Independent Studio time, 6 hrs Gallery visit and written report, 4 hrs presentation of final work to class
DESC9011 Audio Production

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Densil Cabrera Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3 hours per week lectures and studio work Assessment: A project and accompanying report (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful please contact the Faculty of Architecture Student Administration Centre.
The practice of audio production is a form of constructing discourse, with its own poetics i.e. its own grammar, its own conceptual shorthand, its own languages, and a multiplicity of genre, structures and forms that it sources and references albeit often tacitly or transparently.
This unit will look at the current tools and techniques, as well as the underlying strategies, processes and inherent philosophies involved in the various audio production modes. It will compare and contrast broadcast and other media production methods and ideologies including music recording, radio production, sound for picture, and new media, with reference to location recording practices.
The unit will examine various sound design philosophies, conventional and 'non-conventional' production models, different definitions by and of producers and provide by way of context a brief history of the impact on production practice by technological change. The producer's role in the process of the creation of meaning will be examined in cultural as well as technical contexts of compositional practices.
The unit will encourage debate about and a demystification of current production processes and will aim at developing and extending production techniques towards an individual aesthetic.
Students will achieve a basic familiarity and proficiency with mixing consoles, the fundamentals of multi track recording and digital editing; demonstrate an ability to communicate their ideas, and articulate the reasons for their choices of production methods; and work successfully within a group dynamic.
Students are expected to work in groups to produce an audio project in one or more of the following areas: drama, feature, documentary, sound composition, or music recording.
Students are expected to: participate in the workshops; complete class exercises/constructions; read additional materials to discuss in classes; submit a script, composition or otherwise detailed proposal for recording and postproduction with detailed raison d'etre of production values; produce and present on Audio CD a completed project, including documentation, evidence of background research, a commentary on the production and production outcomes, track sheets, mixing notes. It may be an adaptation or original work. Themes will be discussed in class.
DESC9014 Building Construction Technology

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Michael Muir/Prof Richard de Dear Session: Semester 1a Classes: 6 day intensive (9am - 5pm) Assessment: Two assignments (40%, 60%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit covers three related areas of investigation: basic building construction practices, advanced building construction practices & sustainable construction. It begins by introducing a number of recurrent themes in construction in Australia at the present time including the idea of building culture, the various modes of delivery and variety of classifications of buildings and building elements, rational construction & construction detailing from first principles. There follows a review of construction techniques of domestic scaled buildings using, where appropriate, examples of well documented and/or accessible exemplars. The second part of the unit reviews current approaches to building technologies employed in more complex public and commercial scaled buildings, particularly with regard to processes of structural system selection, façade systems design and construction and material performance. The fundamentals of heat transfer and effects of external conditions on indoor comfort, aspects of the BCA and integration of services into the building fabric relevant to building services engineers will also be reviewed. Again, accessible exemplars will be covered. Finally the unit will review current issues related to key attributes of buildings which make them sustainable, particularly with regard to material selection, appropriate detailing for energy and resources conservation and building reuse and recycling.
DESC9015 Building Energy Analysis

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Richard Hyde Session: Semester 2a Classes: five day intensive (9am-5pm) Assessment: 3 assignments (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The aim of the unit is to acquaint students with the range of analytical and design tools available for low energy building design; to provide the opportunity for students to become proficient at using some of these tools. Among the techniques and tools explored are: climate data analysis; graphical and model techniques for solar studies; steady state and dynamic heat flow analysis; simplified methods for sizing passive solar elements; computer models of thermal performance; modelling ventilation; estimating energy consumption. Emphasis is given to tools which assist the design of the building fabric rather than building systems. At the end of the unit it is expected that students will: be aware of the importance of quantitative analysis in the design of low energy buildings; have an understanding of the theoretical basis of a range of analytical techniques; be familiar with the range of techniques available for building energy analysis; be able to apply many of these to design analysis; be familiar with the range of thermal analysis computer software available; and be able to use a software package to analyse the thermal performance of a typical small scale building. All of the assignments are designed to provide students with hands-on experience of each of the analysis tools.
DESC9040 Electrical Services

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr John Roche/Prof Richard de Dear Session: Semester 1b Classes: 6 day intensive (9am-5pm) Assessment: 2 Assignments (50%, 50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The aim of this unit is to present basic principles of electricity and magnetism as necessary for an understanding of the application of electrical services in buildings; to introduce students to the applications of these principles to electrical distribution in buildings; to outline the principles of electric motors, transformers and switchboard design; and to introduce elementary principles of illumination and daylighting.
An understanding of electrical services is an essential requirement for building services practitioners involved in the design professions and the construction and building management industries. The unit is designed to provide an introduction to these services for recent graduates or diplomates in engineering, architecture or science and for people involved at a professional level in the building industry who do not possess a background in electrical engineering.
By the conclusion of the unit it is expected that students will gain basic knowledge of components of the electricity generating and distribution network external to and within buildings; the types and use of cables and enclosures in and around buildings; methods of assessment of loads and cable sizes; principles of operation of transformers and motors and the design of switchboards and earthing, emergency evacuation lighting and early warning information systems; an introduction to the fundamental principles of lighting design for interior and exterior applications; and a basic understanding of data transmission via copper wire and optical fibre.
Assignments will test acquired skills in electrical load estimation and the design of simple electrical distribution and artificial and day lighting systems.
DESC9042 Electrics Electronics & Electroacoustics

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof William Martens/Mr Ken Stewart Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lecture and Lab 3 hrs/wk Assessment: Written assignments (40%); practical tests (60%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The aim of the unit is to give an understanding of electronic devices and terms, measurement units used in audio electronics, and basic DC and AC circuits; to demonstrate simple audio circuit characteristics (e.g. amplifier/filter characteristics), and simple construction/maintenance techniques; to give practice at reading schematics and circuit diagrams and using audio test equipment; and to examine safety aspects of using electrical/electronic equipment.
This unit will give students an understanding of electronics and electronic terms, and experience at using test equipment. Students will learn basic electric theory, electronic components and devices, measurement units, interpretation of schematics and circuit diagrams, use of audio test equipment, basic circuit construction and maintenance, fault-finding and safety issues.
By the end of the unit students will be expected to: be able to recognise electronic components as used in audio electronic circuits, and state their function; use appropriate units when discussing audio electronic concepts; understand the effect of frequency on various electronic devices and circuits; given a schematic or circuit diagram of a circuit, be able to explain its general operation, and pinpoint such elements as inputs, outputs, power supply and gain elements; be able to use appropriate test equipment correctly to find a simple fault in a circuit, and to analyse sound level and frequency distribution of a sound in a given space; be able to construct and test a simple circuit, given a circuit diagram, and to explain and verify the circuits operation; and be able to state important precautions to be taken when operating or handling audio components, and safety considerations when dealing with electrical systems.
Students will demonstrate their understanding of the theoretical component of the unit by performance in the written test, and will be required to demonstrate competence in using test equipment.
DESC9047 Strategic Facility Management

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Kirsten Smith/Prof Richard de Dear Session: Semester 1 Classes: 4 day intensive (9am-5pm) Assessment: Two assignments (2x40%); presentation (10%); participation (10%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit is an introduction to forward planning of facilities and its impact on their management, since adjustments and alterations to facilities occur much slower than corporate decisions can be made.
It is a management discipline, and as such relies on the central topics of business finance, information systems, and of course management per se.
The teaching proceeds from an examination of the purpose of organisations and how the facility assists (or hinders) it achieving its goals. Explaining this understanding is the subject of the first Coursework assignment.
In this first half of the unit we will examine the purpose of 'organisations' and their 'facilities' and how they assist organisations to meet their goals. This includes examination of facilities and how their performance is measured. We shall consider the procedures necessary to obtain this information, and how to identify those areas that have 'elasticity' and are therefore amenable to management initiatives.
In the second half of the unit we will consider the potential improvement of the performance in terms of their contribution to the user organisation's mission. In this regard, occupational health and safety issues are germane. The second coursework assignment will require attendees to consider the means to measure the performance of facilities in order to relate them to corporate purpose.
DESC9048 Operational Facility Management

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Sunil Dubey/Prof Richard de Dear Session: Semester 2a Classes: 5 day intensive (9am-5pm) Assessment: Two assignments (2x40%); presentation (10%); participation (10%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Operational Facilities Management is a service industry concerned with the day-to-day operations required to run an organizations facilities. Primarily facility operation has to satisfy the user organisation's statutory responsibilities. Beyond that, whilst some major costs (such as Rates, Land Taxes, Insurance premiums etc.) are fixed other costs are amenable to management. Operational Management necessarily requires those charged with the task to evaluate where their effort is spent and where the significant resourcing costs lie, thus allowing them to prioritise and match their effort to the effect.
This unit will involve considerations of subcontracting. And examine 'best practice' guidelines for both hard and soft service provision.
DESC9049 Financial Decision Making

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Richard de Dear Session: Semester 1b Classes: 6 day intensive (9am-5pm) Assessment: 3 group assignments (2 x 40%), (1 x 20%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Facilities management is a subset of business management: As such, no 'management' can be exercised without first matching the need for resources against the resources available. This necessarily involves the financial and accounting information systems of the organisation, and the 'tools' necessary to extract information in order to make informed decisions.
The unit is in two halves: The first deals with management accounting. Students will learn how to interpret the standard historical information regarding organisations via the balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and cash flow forecast. Students will gain an appreciation of the underlying assumptions behind these performance measures and will learn how to interpret this information in order to recognise good and poorly performing businesses. The second half examines cost accounting, ie. the internal generation and flow of management information for financial control. Students will also gain an appreciation of accounting as a forward-looking managerial tool for controlling the conduct of an organisation. This will include an understanding of the budgeting process and how it can be utilised to achieve the Facility Management mission. The unit will also cover the principles and issues of Building, Finance and its impact on Life-cycling costings.
DESC9050 Fire Protection Services

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Steven Grubits Session: Semester 2a Classes: Lectures and computer laboratory. Assessment: Two assignments, 50% each. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit of study is offered in even numbered years only.
Objectives: to provide students with the knowledge and skills to design water-based fire suppression systems and fire detection systems for the more commonly encountered fire risks, and to impart an understanding of the basic principles of fire safety engineering. Content: fire safety in large modern buildings depends heavily on fire detection and suppression systems. This unit explores design rules for manual and automatic water-based systems intended to extinguish fires and detection systems designed to give early warning of fire. It also introduces the fundamental principles of fire safety engineering and their application in lieu of prescriptive rules. Outcomes: it is expected that students will complete the unit with sufficient knowledge to be able to design fire hydrant and hosereel, automatic sprinkler and fire detection systems for large buildings and that they will have a broad understanding of the principles of fire safety engineering, sufficient to enable them to consider some of the alternatives to conventional prescriptive design. Assignments will test design skills learned during the progress of the course.
DESC9059 Hydraulic Services

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Alan Obrart Session: Semester 2b Classes: 5 day intensive Assessment: Assignment (100%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
The supply and removal of water is a fundamental service required in buildings, and necessary for human survival. this unit presents a broad coverage of the principles, concepts assumptions, rules and regulations required for the analysis and design of hot and cold water supply system, stormwater drainage systems, including stormwater retention systems, and systems for piped gases for commercial and industrial buildings.
DESC9067 Mechanical Services

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Ashak Nathwani/Prof Richard de Dear Session: Semester 2b Classes: 6 day intensive (9am-5pm) Assessment: Assignment (90%); participation (10%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit reviews the need for and application of Mechanical Services in the built environment - in particular commercial buildings. Mechanical Services are responsible for significant portion of energy and water consumption in buildings. Thus they have become important components of most modern building complexes, with a strong influence on other services and the architecture. This unit provides an introduction to these services by experienced presenters, including from the industry, for recent graduates or diplomats in mechanical engineering and an understanding of fundamental principles and practice for people from backgrounds other than mechanical engineering.
Students will acquire skills in appreciation of impact of Mechanical services on the environment, including recent mandatory regulations, together with estimating ventilation, cooling and heating requirements, design of simple ventilation, air conditioning and smoke hazard management systems, combined with an overview of water, refrigerant, ducted systems, with applicable equipment, energy, noise, human comfort, air quality criteria.
Principles of heat transfer and fluid flow are applied to applications of mechanical ventilation, air conditioning and smoke hazard magagement, to satisfy regulations and standards, occupant and community expectations.
The practical basis of the programme leads to a design assignemtn involving selecting equipment and systems to provide mechanical services in a building.
DESC9071 Organisational Analysis and Behaviour

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Kirsten Smith/Prof Richard de Dear Session: Semester 1a Classes: 4 day intensive (9am-5pm) Assessment: Assignments (2x50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Organisations exist because individuals can achieve far more when they work together than they can singly. However, management attempts to subordinate individuals' motivations to that of the organisation. This unit examines the social science theories that offer explanations allowing organisations to harness the best from the individuals that comprise it; the physical workplace effects individuals, hence organisations.
Of great importance to the organisations are the areas of industrial relations and human resource management, as they are key to maintaining a harmonious working environment. Clearly, the facilities manager is part of the team ensure harmony prevails.
This unit examines six areas: the individual in an organisation; groups in an organisation; the structure of the organisation; the way organisations evolve and change; organisational management; industrial relations.
DESC9073 Computer Simulations in Buildings 1

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Daniel Ryan/Prof Richard Hyde Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures/computer labs 3 hrs/wk Assumed knowledge: Undergraduate Architecture, Design Computing or Engineering degree Assessment: Assignments (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The unit aims to introduce students to the theoretical bases for the current research approaches, established techniques and computational tools available for simulation and optimisation during the building design process to their response to environmental phenomena with respect to all the main technical subject areas within buildings. It investigates an integrated approach to technical aspects of building design process through a unifying framework built on performance and strategic decision models. The performance and decision models are based on mathematical, numerical and computational intelligence techniques. It provides hands-on experience in the use of some of the generic tools applicable across a number of subject areas, integrated tools that allow a holistic evaluation of building performances, specialised tools that focus on in-depth analysis and evaluation of just one subject area, and tools designed to work as plug-ins to 3D CAD software in one or more of the subject areas. At the completion of the unit each student is expected to have demonstrated through the assessment tasks: a good understanding of the theoretical bases for both the performance and strategic decision models; an ability to arrive at an optimum integrated design for the technical systems by selecting and using the appropriate qualitative and quantitative tools; and an ability to develop simulation and optimization models for applications within their area of interest.
DESC9074 Project Management

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Bill Stinson/Prof Richard de Dear Session: Semester 2a Classes: 4 day intensive (9am-5pm) Assessment: Two assignments (2x50%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Project Management is specific form of establishing, programming, and coordinating an activity having a specific start point and end point. This body of knowledge-as for example in the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK)-needs to be understood in general terms. Initially project managers must identify and define the services that are needed, (scope) and that their employers are willing to endorse. The activities requiring to be carried out need to be sorted and sequenced; the materials labour and plant required need to be estimated and procured. Projects involve the management of information, and communications. This unit will develop the student's ability to ascertain and document the scope of a project, schedule a programme, and understand the difficulties in directing it. This unit approaches the profession of Project Management as a cooperative undertaking rather than adversorial: It promotes the adoption of soft-skills rather than that of forceful command and supervision.
DESC9075 Computer Simulations in Buildings 2

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Tom Parkinson/Prof Richard Hyde Session: Semester 2a Classes: 6 day intensive Assumed knowledge: Undergraduate Architecture, Design Computing or Engineering degree Assessment: 2 assignments (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The unit aims to build on previous unit, and introduces students to the theoretical bases for the current research approaches, established techniques and computational tools available for simulation and optimisation during the construction and subsequent management phases within the building life cycle. It investigates a number of simulation, optimisation and strategic decision making models applicable to these phases, including those based on system dynamics, discrete event simulation and computational intelligence. It explores tools and techniques available for planning and scheduling such as 4D CAD, the use of simulation tools for the design process in making management decisions during the operational phase and the use of these tools for management of risk during both phases. . It also provides hands-on experience in the use of these techniques and tools for making management decisions during the constructional and operational phases of a building project. At the completion of the unit each student is expected to have demonstrated through the assessment tasks: a good understanding of the theoretical bases for both the simulation and strategic decision models; an ability to arrive at optimum decisions for construction scheduling and the management of the facilities by selecting and using the appropriate quantitative and qualitative tools; and an ability to develop simulation and optimization models for applications within their area of interest. Student workload effort expected: Contact hours three hours per week; class preparation 1 hour per week; assessment preparation 39 hours per semester
DESC9090 Audio Systems and Measurement

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof William Martens Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures 10 x 3hrs, Labs 3 x 3hrs (and continued lab projects) Assumed knowledge: DESC9138 Assessment: 1x1200 word report (35%) 1x2000 word report (50%), participation (15%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Students will learn to make and understand a wide range of acoustical and electroacoustical measurements, assessed through laboratory work; students will learn major aspects of sound system design, assessed through project work; students will work in small groups in laboratory and project work; Audio Systems and Measurement will develop knowledge and practical skills in electroacoustics; and the laboratory and project work will extend thinking and personal skills, so that students can apply the unit content to new situations.
Upon completing Audio Systems and Measurement, students will be expected to understand the implementation and limitations of a wide range of acoustical measurement techniques, such as sound pressure, sound intensity, sound power, source directivity, reverberation, intelligibility, echo interference, subjective quality, and component distortion. Students will also be expected to be able to design sound reinforcement systems, and to model system performance using various theoretical techniques.
DESC9111 Energy Management in Buildings

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Alan Obrart/Prof Richard de Dear Session: Semester 1a Classes: 6 day intensive (9am-5pm) Assessment: Two assignments (2x45%); presentation (10%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Masters candidates must complete this unit in their final year.
The objectives of this unit are to give students an understanding of energy consumption issues in buildings through both design and through operation and to give students an awareness of energy auditing, and current energy conservation techniques.
This unit is primarily concerned with the management and control of electrical power delivered via the grid.
We start with the commercial electricity sales environment; the rental of transmission lines, the rental of the utility company's infrastructure, the non-fossil fuel obligation, and tariff structures.
We will concentrate on the processes and the considerations involved in undertaking an energy audit, which will also be the focus of assignment 1. The options for demand management, including outsourcing will be examined. Passive energy design, which 'locks in' future energy usage will be presented. Active energy systems and their fundamentals : lighting, air conditioning, hot water, ventilation, vertical transportation, and machinery, will be reviewed. Finally methods of assessing energy performance including computer simulation will be covered.
DESC9115 Digital Audio Systems

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof William Martens Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures 10 x 3 hrs, Labs 3 x 3 hrs Assessment: Three assignments (70%); Three laboratory reports (30%). Practical field work: Practical exercises include programming a DSP chip in assembly language to perform real-time audio effects and the use of high-level software packages to generate, manipulate and analyse sounds. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Permission required unless enrolled in the Audio stream. Enrolment numbers are limited by teaching resources.
The objective of this unit is to provide both a strong theoretical understanding of digital audio and practical experience in applying these principles to digital audio systems.
This unit offers a systematic approach to understanding digital audio systems. Beginning with basic principles the unit provides a knowledge base for understanding advanced digital audio components, systems and techniques. Examples of everyday audio signals are used and characterised in terms of their temporal and spectral properties. Practical application is emphasised and is supported through laboratory exercises that include programming as well as the use of current hardware and software packages.
Topics include: digital principles, digital systems, sampling and quantisation, 1-bit and multi-bit conversion, digital signal processing, filtering, spectral analysis, sampling-rate conversion, data compression (MPEG etc), effects processing (echo, reverb etc), virtual reality audio, mixing, editing, optical storage (CD and DVD), magnetic storage (DAT and disks) and transmission formats (AES/EBU, SPDIF etc).
Having successfully completed this unit the student will have the tools to understand what happens to a digital audio signal when a given process is applied to it; how to best apply this process and how to successfully combine digital audio components.
DESC9116 Loudspeaker Design

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Densil Cabrera Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures 3 x 3hrs/week Assessment: Three exercise-based assignments (2x33%, 1 x 34%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre. First preference to Audio and Acoustics students.
This unit aims to give students thorough understanding of the structure of a loudspeaker, its mechanical, electrical and acoustical properties, the conceptual tools for designing the various components that comprise a loudspeaker system, the effective use of these tools and the influence on the performance of loudspeaker systems of the acoustic environments in which they operate.
Material covered: loudspeaker drivers: construction & sources of non-linearity (i.e. distortion); electrical & acoustical concepts; electrical equivalents of acoustical circuits; transfer functions: thiele/small parameters; closed-box loudspeakers: box volume vs. parameters vs. sensitivity vs. low frequency response; vented-box loudspeakers: box volume vs. parameters vs. vent tuning vs. low frequency response; methods of measurement: testing; box & vent design & construction: proportions, damping, bracing, diffraction; multi-way loudspeakers: crossover networks; all-pass responses; directivity; interaction with crossover of response & impedance of drivers: phase response & time alignment; passive crossovers, advantages & disadvantages: components, coil design & construction; active crossovers: advantages & disadvantages: factorisation of transfer functions: equalisation; band-pass sub-woofers; horns; cables; the listening room & positioning of loudspeakers; subjective testing.
On completing the unit, students should be able to design loudspeaker systems, assess the qualities of existing systems that they encounter and estimate their appropriateness to the intended application.
DESC9117 Sound Design for New Media

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Michael Bates/Assoc Prof William Martens Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures/Seminars 3 hrs/wk Assessment: Class attendance (25%), participation and journal (15%), major project: initial proposal presentation and 1 x 1000 word written (20%), final project (40%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful please contact the Faculty of Architecture Student Administration Centre. First preference to students in the Audio and Acoustics streams.
The objectives of this unit are to introduce essential sound design concepts including editing, synchronisation, rhythm and audiovisual counterpoint; to provide an overview of the sound design for visual media process including development an understanding of the historical impact of film 'factory', radio and television broadcasting production antecedents on the design language; to learn skills in track-laying, mixing and mastering audio for different media and genres; to learn essential sound recording skills; to learn the creation of various psychoacoustic effects and atmospheres; and to learn essential file management and archiving skills; to learn essential post-production skills in computer-based sound design in a studio environment.
This unit is intended to give an understanding of the theory and practice of digital audio production for various visual media including digital video, web-based and interactive media.
Using the industry standard ProTools software the unit will look at current computer-based tools and techniques available to the sound designer, as well as examine the various underlying strategies, processes, and sound design philosophies. The unit will offer a grounding in the history, theory and criticism of sound design and its applicability to current digital visual media. It will introduce conventional and non-conventional production models across a range of media production modes in broadcasting and multimedia.
The sound designer's role in the process of creation of meaning will be examined in cultural as well as technical contexts of compositional practices. It is anticipated that the unit will encourage debate about and a demystification of current production practices. It will aim at developing and extending production techniques towards an individual aesthetic.
At the completion of this unit students will be expected to: understand the aural medium, essential concepts and terms; have an overview of film 'factory', radio and television broadcasting production antecedents on the design language; be acquainted with the history, theory and criticism of audiovisual technology and design; develop an audiovisual language; understand spatial aspects of sound design; and develop technical and conceptual skills in preproduction, general miking techniques, post-synchronisation dialogue, editing dialogue, producing sound effects, multi-track laying, selecting music, creating atmospheres and various psychoacoustic effects, synchronisation and related issues, and mixing sound for vision.
DESC9133 Architectural Acoustics Practice

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Densil Cabrera Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures 3 x 3 hrs/wk Assumed knowledge: DESC9138 Assessment: Two projects - one theoretical report 2000 words (50%) and one practical report 1500 words (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit will cover a range of theoretical, practical and professional issues in architectural acoustics.
Codes and standards pertaining to architectural acoustics; Method and integrity of measurement; Room acoustical measurement, modelling, simulation and criteria; Sound absorption theory, measurement and specification; Sound insulation theory, measurement and specification; Design of spaces using acoustical criteria; and Field assessment of acoustical problems in and around buildings.
By the completion of this unit students will acquire knowledge and experience in areas commonly dealt with by the acoustical consulting profession. They will gain an appreciation of current issues in architectural acoustics, possibly inspiring future research.
DESC9134 Audio and Acoustics Seminar

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Densil Cabrera Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Seminar 1 hour and individual supervision x 13 weeks Prerequisites: DESC9090 or DESC9133 Assumed knowledge: DESC9138 and DESC9011 Assessment: Students will be required to do a small scale research project, which may be laboratory or studio based. This project will be presented in the seminar, and submitted with accompanying written report (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit introduces students to a broad range of current research in audio and acoustics, and gives them experience in research. It consists of a series of seminars on current research projects presented by active researchers in audio and acoustics, together with individual or small-group supervision of small-scale research projects.
By completing this unit students will gain an understanding of the research process, and receive some modest experience in research. They will appreciate a range of research methods and subject areas at the forefront of audio and acoustics. They will be in a good position to assess their interest in undertaking further academic research.
DESC9135 Digital Audio Production with ProTools

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Densil Cabrera Session: Semester 1b Classes: Lectures held as intensive weekend course (5 days 9am-5pm) with computer laboratory sessions. Assessment: Written project proposal demonstrating further research and comprehension of conceptual aspects of the production process, class presentation and project (100%). Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Permission required unless enrolled in the Audio and Acoustics stream. Enrolment numbers are limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre.
This unit is intended to give an understanding of the principles and practice of computer-based audio production and post-production, through the focus of the industry standard ProTools software.
This unit will: introduce the student to multitrack audio production concepts and practices as used with a personal computer; give an understanding of the specialised approaches and techniques used with various media, genres and formats; teach skills in computer-based audio production by way of lectures, practical demonstrations and individual or small-group practical work, both in-class and by assignments.
Students will develop technical and conceptual digital sound recording skills across a wide range of production areas. They will gain an understanding of the implications of non-linear, hard disk based recording systems on production practices. They will develop sound design skills in composition, editing, signal processing and mixing, as well as data management and archiving.
DESC9136 Music Technologies

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof William Martens/Mr Michael Bates Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures/Seminars 3 hrs/wk Assessment: Class attendance and participation (20%),2 x Class exercises (10%), Media Review (30%), Final Project (40%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. First preference to students in the Audio and Acoustics stream. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre.
This unit will introduce a wide range of electronic and computational approaches to music production, with a focus on analogue and digital sound synthesis, MIDI and audio sequencing, sampling, and inter-application synchronisation.
A range of concepts and practices will be examined including: the implications of non-linear recording technologies on music composition, sound design and studio production practices; music production for the internet; interactive and intelligent computer-music systems; virtual musical instrument design; and computer music programming.
Content covered: Sound synthesis theory and practice; Symbolic music and sequencing; MIDI, M-LAN, MPEG 4 and other recent developments in music technology; Sampling and re-processing; Interactive music technology and virtual musicians; Computer programming for music production; Real-time interactive networked music; and music for new media.
By completing the unit students will gain an understanding of many approaches to music technology, and will become adept at music production using computers. The knowledge acquired in this unit will be applicable to a wide range of music and audio production contexts including film, video and new media.
DESC9137 Spatial Audio

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Michael/Assoc Prof William Martens Session: Semester 1 Classes: 13 x 3 lecture/seminars Assumed knowledge: DESC9138 and DESC9011 Assessment: 1x1000 word project proposal (10%) 1x2000 word review (20%), review presentation (20%), final project (40%), participation (10%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre.
Unit content: Stereophonic, surround sound and binaural sound production techniques; Theory of auditory space; Spatial sound representation via single channel systems; Beyond localisation: spatial sound quality; Impulse response theory, measurement and prediction, and convolution; Auralisation for architectural design; Virtual sound space synthesis; Hybrid real/virtual sound spaces; and Interactive sound spaces and internet applications.
By completing this unit students will acquire: strong theoretical foundations in spatial audio; experience in spatial audio systems (physical and computational); an appreciation of spatial audio potential of emerging technologies; and an ability to integrate spatial audio into their broader practice.
DESC9138 Architectural and Audio Acoustics

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Densil Cabrera Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lecture 3 x hrs/wk Assessment: Exercise based assignments (2x50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit will introduce the fundamental concepts and issues of audio and architectural acoustics.
Unit content: basic acoustical concepts, quantities and units; principles of sound propagation; sound absorption and room acoustics; physiological and psychological acoustics; noise measurement and specification; and principles and specification of sound insulation.
By completing this unit students will be able to understand acoustical terminology, and perform calculations applicable to sound in the environment, in buildings, and in audio contexts. They will have the ability to critically assess claims of acoustical performance. This unit will provide the theoretical foundation of advanced units in audio and acoustics.
DESC9145 Sustaining the Built Environment

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Richard Hyde Session: Semester 1a Classes: 6 day intensive (9am-5pm) Assessment: 2 assignments (100%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. First preference to Sustainable Design students. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre.
The unit will aim to heighten student's awareness of the major environmental and resource issues facing the planners and designers of the built environment; introduce and explore concepts of ecological sustainable development as they apply to the built environment and debate the roles that designers and planners should play in the development of a sustainable future.
Unit content: an environmental history of 20th century urban growth and development; the impact of climate change and environmental degradation upon the planning and design of the built environment; energy and resource flows in the built environment; the dimensions of ecological sustainable development; urban and regional planning perspectives on a sustainable built environment; the roles of governments, industries and professions in creating a sustainable built environment; the role of architects in creating a sustainable built environment.
Students will be expected to take part in structured discussions relating to the design and planning of a sustainable built environment and prepare a personal response to the issues raised in these discussions and other unit material. The unit will broaden students understanding of the significance of sustainable architectural practice and planning upon creating a sustainable future built environment.
DESC9146 Climate, Comfort and Sustainable Design

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Richard de Dear Session: Semester 1b Classes: 5 day intensive (9am-5pm) Assessment: Written assignment and project (100%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. First preference to Sustainable Design students. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre.
The unit will broaden students understanding of the significance of considering climate and thermal comfort as essential design criteria for creating a more sustainable building environment.The aims of this unit are to establish the importance of climate and human thermal comfort as external and internal influences upon the form and substance of sustainable buildings; introduce a basic understanding of the thermal and other processes which create climate and influence human thermal interactions with their environment; introduce techniques for analysing and interpreting climates and specifying appropriate thermal dimensions for the spaces within sustainable buildings. Unit content: (1) Climate: the meaning of the concept of climate; the elements of climate: solar energy, the atmosphere, longwave radiation, the carbon cycle, the water cycle, winds, the earth's energy balance; the causes and likely impacts of global climate change; the influence of climate upon built form; the consequences of climate change upon building design practice; climate data and its interpretation. (2) Thermal Comfort: energy balance of the human body and its thermal environment; thermal spatial dimensions and their impact upon human thermal sensations; traditional methods for defining and measuring thermal comfort; cultural and climatic influences upon thermal comfort ; the Adaptive Model of thermal comfort and its application to sustainable design of buildings. (4) Buildings as environmental filter. At the conclusion of this unit students will be expected to demonstrate competence in understanding the operation of climates at global and local scales and competence in interpreting and analysing climate data for building design purposes. Students should also be able to define appropriate thermal dimensions for buildings and their ability to apply this knowledge and these skills to a simple design exercise. The aims of this unit are to establish the importance of climate and human thermal comfort as external and internal influences upon the form and substance of sustainable buildings.
DESC9147 Sustainable Building Design Principles

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Richard Hyde Session: Semester 2a Classes: 6 day intensive (9am-5pm) Assessment: 1 x assignment and 1 x project (100%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. First preference to Sustainable Design students. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre.
The aims of this unit are to develop an understanding and knowledge of the principles underlying sustainable building design practice, in particular those principles which relate to the environmental attributes of the building fabric, the creation of healthy and comfortable interior environments, the selection of appropriate building materials and the minimisation of embodied and operational energy consumption.
Unit content: environmental and health impacts of building materials; indoor air quality; embodied energy of building materials; understanding energy flows between buildings and their environment; the principles of passive solar heating strategies in cold and temperate climates; strategies for controlling solar and other loads on the building fabric; principles of cooling by natural ventilation; low energy mechanical cooling strategies; hybrid and mixed-mode cooling strategies.
By the completion of the unit students will be expected to demonstrate their knowledge of the relevant properties of building materials and construction elements which impact upon the environmental performance of buildings and to demonstrate their competence at applying this knowledge to the formulation of appropriate sustainable design strategies.
DESC9148 Sustainable Building Design Practice

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Richard Hyde Session: Semester 2a Classes: 6 day intensive (9am-5pm) Assessment: 1 x assignment and 1 x project (100%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. First preference to Sustainable Design students. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre.
The aims of this unit are to explore the implications of applying sustainable building design principles on design practice; to evaluate and critique the sustainability of current design practice through an examination of current theory and professional ethics and the exploration of case studies; to explore the development of new sustainable design paradigms. Unit content: the response of architectural practice to the rise of environmentalism in the 20th century; the emergence of passive solar architecture; ecologically sustainable design [ESD] and its impact upon current design practice; real and perceived barriers to a more sustainable design practice; impact of education and theory on practice; expressing the values of sustainability in built form; towards a new sustainable design paradigm.
By the completion of the unit students are expected to demonstrate an ability to critique current building design practice in relation to sustainable design principles; to demonstrate their knowledge of key recent buildings which their designers claim to be sustainable and their ability to evaluate these claims; to enunciate a personal position on the impact of applying sustainable design principles on future design practice. The unit will broaden students understanding of the principles of sustainable building design and their impact upon future design practice.
DESC9150 Sustainability Research Project

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Richard de Dear Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Tutorial 4 x 2hrs Assessment: Project (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The unit will provide an opportunity for students to undertake supervised research on a topic related to Sustainable Design through intensive study of a particular aspect of sustainable building design. The study may take the form of a state of the art review, case studies, modelling, field study or a position paper on a particular issue. Students contemplating going on to do a research degree could use this unit to explore and develop a potential M.Phil or Ph.D research topic. Students are expected to demonstrate their ability to undertake, document and report upon a small piece of structured research related to Sustainable Design. The unit will broaden students understanding of the principles of sustainable design and the techniques of research in the Discipline.
DESC9151 Introduction to Building Services

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Alan Obrart/Prof Richard de Dear Session: Semester 1a Classes: 5 day intensive (9am-5pm) Assessment: Assignments (2x45%), presentation (10%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Students with the relevant building services background may appy for a waiver.
The objective of this unit is to provide students with sufficient knowledge of the principles of operation of the various services systems in buildings of larger than domestic scale in order to be able to contribute competently to the decisions that have to be made about these systems and to be aware of the implications of these decisions upon building design and operation.
At the completion of this unit the student is expected to: understand the principles involved in the functioning of the systems (these principles should remain relevant in the future even if the technology changes); know about the technology currently available, and understand the issues involved in deciding between competing solutions (not necessarily to make a final choice but to contribute competently to a discussion about that choice); and be aware of the implications the system has on the planning and operation of the building. This usually means the space occupied, the need for access for maintenance and the effect on floors below and above. In the case of lifts, escalators and stairs, the pedestrian traffic patterns created should be considered.
Topics covered include: strategic planning for services; air conditioning and ventilating systems; lifts and escalators; hydraulics systems; fire services; electrical services, lighting, security systems.
DESC9152 Lighting Design Masterclass

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Warren Julian/Assoc Prof William Martens Session: Semester 1b Classes: Intensive studios Assumed knowledge: Lighting design fundamentals Assessment: Projects (2 x 50%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: This unit of study is offered in even numbered years only.
This is a studio-based program of advanced lighting design conducted by experienced practicing lighting designers. Application of lighting knowledge to the design of a lighting solution and its presentation in a form suitable for non-expert clients.
The student will learn how lighting design is conducted in a studio environment, from the brief, to understanding site conditions, to preliminary design, to the final design and client presentation skills.
DESC9153 Graduate Internship

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Chris Smith Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Fieldwork Assumed knowledge: Sufficient coursework to undertake guided professional work Assessment: Log book signed by practice supervisor and 2000 word report on the benefits of the internship (100%); pass/fail only Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Masters students only. Graduate Diploma students with permission of the Program Coordinator. Credit will not be granted for this unit of study.
The aims of the internship are to provide a direct link between the academic core of the course and the disciplines and methods of practice; to enable candidates to experience aspects of practice and provide the opportunity for them to work in areas of the field outside their specific expertise; to enable candidates to observe, analyse and comment on the interaction between theoretical and practical issues of their Program as it is practiced, and to establish connections between practice and the development of relevant research programs.
The internship is intended to provide the opportunity for students to work in various situations in their Program's area. A secondary intention is that students use the opportunities of placement to broaden their own experience beyond the limitations of their chosen discipline. Candidates must find a suitable professional placement. Permission to enrol is given after the proposed placement has been approved by the Program Coordinator. The host organisation will nominate a supervisor for the student for the internship. The student must complete at least 120 hours of full or part-time experience, supervised by a practicing designer (or other professional depending upon the field). A log-book of each day's work, signed by the supervisor must be submitted on completion. A 2000 word report on the benefits of the internship must also be produced.
At the end of the internship the student will: demonstrate that they have completed a program of work (through a log-book); present a report; analyse their experiences and compare these to the theoretical content of the units they have completed, and suggest appropriate research directions so as to improve the complementarity of theory to practice.
DESC9154 Lighting Design Software

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Warren Julian/Assoc Prof William Martens Session: Semester 1a Classes: Intensive. Prerequisites: 24 credit points Assumed knowledge: Lighting design fundamentals Assessment: 2 assignments at 50% Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Graduate Diploma or Masters only. This unit of study is offered in even numbered years only.
Students will learn how to use software for the design of interior and exterior lighting. Rendering software will also be discussed and demonstrated. Assignments requiring the use of software, such as AGI, will demonstrate the achievement of the objectives. Content: types of software including product design, photometry, etc but emphasizing interior and exterior lighting design. Data formats. Availability of data. Exporting and importing (eg with AutoCAD). Basics of AGI and exterior software. Workshops and tutorials. Objectives and learning outcomes: students will understand lighting design software; understand limitations and calculation models; gain some experience in its use and understand the import and export of data.
DESC9160 Lighting Photography

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Warren Julian Session: S1 Late Int Classes: four day intensive (9am-5pm) Assessment: Project (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit of study is offered in odd numbered years only. Available to Graduate Diploma and Masters students only.
This unit introduces lighting photography by considering the principles of photography; issues in architectural photography and how lighting can be photographed. The photography of interior and exterior lighting is covered, including landscape and floodlighting.
Upon successful completion of this unit the student will be able to photograph interior and exterior lighting.
DESC9161 Theatre and Performance Lighting

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Warren Julian Session: S2 Late Int Classes: theatre workshops/ five day intensive (9am-5pm) Assumed knowledge: fundamentals of lighting. Assessment: Preparation of a lighting design for a performance (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit of study is offered in odd numbered years only. Available to Graduate Diploma and Masters students only.
The unit is targeted at people interested in lighting design for theatre and other entertainment applications, to gain an insight into "theatre" lighting design as well as a working understanding of the associated technical elements of theatre lighting. The unit covers not only theatre lighting design techniques, but, also other "event" lighting design from small low budget to large scale performances.
The unit of study has practical "hands on" workshops where students are expected to participate. Workshops include, rigging, focusing and plotting for scenes in a play. DMX addressing, data system layout for use with moving lights and programming moving lights for theatre and other events.
By completion of this unit the student will gain practical "hands on" experience of theatre lighting by participating in workshops on rigging, focusing and plotting for scenes in a play, DMX addressing , data system layout for use with moving lights and programming moving lights for theatre and other events.
DESC9164 Light Sources and Luminaires

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Warren Julian Session: S2 Intensive Classes: Lectures and demonstrations in four day intensive mode (9am-5pm) Prerequisites: DESC9072 or DESC9166 Prohibitions: DESC9063 Assessment: Two assignments (2x50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit of study is offered in odd numbered years only
The objectives of this unit are to understand the major light source families; the performance properties of lamps; the various methods of light control; and the design, testing and manufacture of luminaires.
The various methods employed in the production of light and the performance criteria applied to the sources are discussed. Topics covered include: a historical outline of the development of sources; the practical requirements of light sources; black-body radiation; the sun; the sky; gaseous discharges; electro-luminescence; chemiluminescence; incandescent lamps; the halogen cycle; fluorescence; tubular fluorescent lamps; various high pressure and low pressure discharge lamps. Practical lamps are discussed in terms of luminous efficacy, spectral output, colour rendering, life, supply requirements, control gear, cost, etc.
The design, manufacture, testing and the provision of data on luminaires are discussed. Topics covered include: the requirements of luminaires; methods of light control; the properties of optical systems; refractors; reflectors and diffusers; luminance control techniques; manufacture of luminaires and auxiliaries; codes and provision of photometric data for indoor and outdoor luminaires; the calculation of utilisation factors; luminaire luminances; computerised testing; machine readable photometric data.
Laboratory exercises will demonstrate some lamp characteristics and luminaires are photometered and photometric data calculated.
Upon successful completion of this unit the student will know the bases of light production and the characteristics of practical lamps, how luminaires operate, how to design reflector systems and relevant safety and other standards. Students will discover some of the outcomes through laboratory exercises and will demonstrate them in the assignments and examination.
DESC9165 Lighting Design

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Warren Julian/Assoc Prof William Martens Session: Semester 1b Classes: Lectures and studio in intensive mode. Prohibitions: DESC9064 Assessment: 4 assignments each at 25% Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: This unit of study is offered in even numbered years only.
Objectives: to develop the basic skills needed in the design of interior and exterior lighting. Content: this unit brings together the material of the four basic lighting units to develop the concepts and methodologies of interior lighting design. Topics covered include: the perception of colour, form, pattern and space, and issues relating to the perception and comprehension of the large-scale environment; aesthetics, perception and emotion; the limited quantitative procedures available for use in achieving the foregoing; the practical methods available for predicting illuminances from daylight and uniform arrays of luminaires; the prediction of discomfort; appraisals; codes of practice; economics; maintenance; integration of daylight and electric light. More advanced methods of interior lighting design follow, including: design appearance techniques; lighting systems; colour and atmosphere-creating; task analysis; choices of sources and luminaires; practical considerations of various lighting situations (e.g. domestic, offices, factories, hospitals, schools, etc.); special applications (stage, television, merchandising, agriculture, etc.). The requirements for various exterior lighting applications are discussed. Some topics are treated in greater depth (e.g. various floodlighting techniques) than others (e.g. road, tunnel, aircraft and navigation lighting). Topics covered include: general floodlighting requirements; floodlighting equipment; light distributions; calculation methods; area floodlighting; building floodlighting; road lighting; pedestrian lighting; tunnel lighting; vehicle lighting; traffic signals, airport lighting; navigation lighting; display lighting; advertising.
Various computer-aided design methods are discussed and demonstrated. Assignments based on computer-aided design are used as part of the assessment. Outcomes: the student will be able to design simple and complex interior lighting using manual and computer-aided methods. The experience will include design for effect and atmosphere. The student will also be able to design exterior lighting for roads, sport and floodlighting. The outcomes will be demonstrated through individual design assignments.
DESC9166 Photo & Colorimetric Concepts & Mensurtn

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Warren Julian Session: S1 Intensive Classes: Lectures and laboratory classes in four day intensive mode (9am-5pm) Prohibitions: DESC9072 Assessment: two assignments (2x25%); two laboratories (2x25%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit of study is offered in odd numbered years only.
The objective of this unit is to understand the basic photometric and colorimetric terms, quantities and relationships and be able to apply these in practical and theoretical situations.
This unit introduces the rational system of measurement of lighting qualities and provides the bases for photometric and colorimetric calculations. Topics include: the development of the system of measurement of luminous flux; luminous intensity; illuminance; luminance; reflectance; luminance factor; transmittance; mention of refraction, diffraction and reflection laws; relationships between luminous qualities; basic calculations involved with diffuse surfaces; inverse square law; cosine law; interreflections; Munsell Colour System; CIE Colour System; graphical representation of photometric data; measuring instruments; accuracy; repeatability; colorimetric calculations (chromaticity coordinates Yxy, L*A*B*, Luv, correlated colour temperature, colour rendering indices); the integrating sphere; goniophotometry; distribution photometry. Various measurement and calculation techniques are applied in the laboratory exercises which support the unit.
Upon successful completion of this unit the student will know the basic photometric and colorimetric systems used in Australian and other national and international standards.
Students will discover some of the outcomes through laboratory exercises and will demonstrate them in the assignments and examination.
DESC9167 Vision and Visual Perception

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Warren Julian Session: S1 Intensive Classes: Lectures in four day intensive mode (9am-5pm) Prohibitions: DESC9085 Assessment: 2 assignments (33.33%) and (66.67%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit of study is offered in odd numbered years only
The objective of this unit is to to introduce the student to the processes involved in seeing and the perception and appreciation of the luminous environment.
This unit is an introduction to the science and art of illumination, examining how individuals maintain contact with and gather information about their environment via their sensory systems, and how this information is dealt with by the brain to create complex perception and awareness of the environment. After a brief general overview of human sensory systems the physiological and psychological processes in seeing are discussed. Topics covered are: the dual nature of light; the physiology of the eye and its musculature; light detection; the visual anomalies; contrast sensitivity; colour vision; adaptation; brightness and lightness. The processes involved in image detection and recognition are discussed including: edge detection; lightness determination; the association of the characteristics of patterns; camouflage; stereopsis; the importance of the visual attributes of tasks, such as alphabets; expectation. Some of the characteristics of seeing are explored in the laboratory, particularly the size-contrast-luminance relationship.
At the conclusion of the unit the student will have a knowledge of the anatomy, physiology and neurology of the visual system related to sight, including anomalies and age-related effects; the processes involved in vision; the distinguishing features of seeing; the physical, psychological and psychophysical processes involved in image detection, figure-ground, colour, form, texture and appreciation.
The assignments will allow the student to demonstrate the achievement of this knowledge some of the work is related to their private environments.
DESC9168 The Visual Field and Human Factors

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Warren Julian Session: S2 Intensive Classes: Lectures and laboratory exercises in four day intensive mode (9am-5pm) Prerequisites: DESC9085 or DESC9167 Prohibitions: DESC9086 Assessment: Two assignments (2x25%) and two labs (2x25%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit of study is offered in odd numbered years only.
The objective of this unit is to show the basis for the standards and practices used in lighting analysis and design.
This unit will develop material dealt with in the unit Vision and Visual Perception to examine full-field vision and the human factors involved in lighting the visual field. Topics covered include: the definition of the visual field with regard to size, luminance, contrast and time; the extension of threshold studies to practical task situations; the evaluation of visual tasks with regard to difficulty and complexity; the development of measures of discomfort and disability glare; the illuminance and glare scales used in practical standards; methods for the assessment of tasks and environments; experimental techniques of evaluation, such as multi-dimensional scaling. Laboratory exercises on the assessment of environments in physical and psychophysical terms are used to support the lectures and demonstrations.
At the conclusion of the unit the student will know the bases of the light-technical recommendations in Australian and other national and international standards. They will discover some through laboratory exercises and will demonstrate them in the assignments and examination.
DESC9169 Daylight in Buildings

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Warren Julian/Assoc Prof William Martens Session: Semester 1b Classes: Lectures in four day intensive mode (9am-5pm) Prohibitions: DESC9106 Assessment: Assignment (30%), Assignment (70%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Objectives: The unit will introduce the physical processes behind the availability of daylight; explore the techniques for modelling daylight; explore design issues that result from daylighting needs; provide design information for the resolution of daylighting design problems; and outline the issues involved in integration of daylight and electric lighting.
Content: This unit provides an overview of research in daylight measurement and knowledge about the possibilities for daylight design for buildings. Topics include the atmosphere and daylight; sky luminance distributions; daylight measurement; daylight modelling including illuminance and luminance models; traditional daylighting techniques including building form, openings, glass and control devices; innovative daylight technologies including 'light shelves', 'beam' lighting and photochromic glasses; and economics of daylight including electric light supplementation.
DESC9172 Building Asset Management

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Paul Micallef/Prof Richard de Dear Session: Semester 2a Classes: 5 day intensive (9am-5pm) Assessment: Assignments (2x50%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit will examine the objectives of both private and public building providers and consider the role that the built assets play in organisations. Buildings per se are a means to an end, as well as a 'product' in their own right. They involve a very large capital commitment, thus represent a large proportion of the owners asset base. The assets suffer degradation from wear and tear over time that needs to be mitigated.The mechanics of maintenance, and the background systems that have to be out in place in order to keep this aspect of operations under control will be considered. The role of Asset Registration, Condition Registration and Maintenance Schedules will be studied. Successful students will be able to structure and implement Management Information Systems from asset registration through condition and maintenance schedules, and be able to demonstrate an ability to create a structured asset register, and to identify key assets; an ability to include condition, and maintenance task schedules, and so be able to map future capital expenditures to maintain the building at an appropriate level.
Student effort expected: contact hours: 24 hours per semester; class preparation: 8 hours per semester; assessment preparation: 46 hours per semester.
DESC9183 Risk Management

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Sunil Dubey/Assoc Prof William Martens Session: Semester 2a Classes: 5 day intensive (9am-5pm) Assumed knowledge: DESC9047 Assessment: Assignments (100%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
At the end of the unit successful students will: have an ability to undertake a risk identification study to AS4360:2004; have an understanding of the process of prioritising risk; have an ability to generate and assess risk management options and lead the discussion in the selection of the most appropriate mitigation strategy. The major area of the unit covers OH&S.This requires the student to understand the policies and processes that their organisation need to put in place to satisfy the legislation. Upon completing this unit, students will: be able to undertake an analysis of the areas of risk related to their organisation's workplaces having an impact on their missions and goals; understand the process for assessing risk in terms of 'best practice'; demonstrate their ability to present appropriate risk management options; be aware of the
Occupational Health and Safety regulations and will understand the impact of these on their workplaces; and be able to implement OH&S management procedures.
Student workload effort expected: contact hours: 24 hrs in intensive mode; class preparation: 16 hours per semester; assessment preparation: 56 hours per semester.
DESC9191 Building Acoustics and Noise Control

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Densil Cabrera Session: Semester 1b Classes: Five days intensive: lectures 9am-1pm and 1:45pm-5pm each day Assumed knowledge: Undergraduate architecture or engineering degree. Assessment: One technical project-based assignment (100%). Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: This unit is not offered in 2012
This unit investigates the attenuation and control of noise generated by mechanical building services systems. This will impart in students an understanding of the basics of sound transmission; sound pressure and power; and the fundamentals of the human auditory response. Students will further have an awareness of the statutory noise control requirements, current standards and sources of data. Moreover, students will obtain an ability in design and selection of acoustic treatment methods to meet those statutory requirements.
At the successful completion of this Unit students will have an awareness of the statutory noise control requirements, current standards and sources of data; an understanding of the fundamentals of the basics of sound transmission; sound pressure and power; and human auditory response; and an ability in design and selection of acoustic treatment methods to meet those statutory requirements.
DESC9192 Energy Code Compliance in Buildings

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Alan Obrart Session: Semester 2b Classes: 6 day intensive (9am-5pm) Assumed knowledge: Undergraduate architecture or engineering degree. Assessment: Assignment (100%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
The aim of this 6 day intensive is to provide the students with the knowledge to prepare a BCA Section J - JV3 modeling exercise suitable for presentation to a principal certifying authority thus demonstrating building compliance.
Students will explore the BCA procedure and sections dealing with alternative solutions, deemed-to-satisfy prescription, verification methods, specifications, and also utilize the GREENSTAR and NABERS Energy computer programmes.
DESC9193 History of Sustainable Building Design

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Estelle Lazer Session: Semester 2 Classes: Online Assessment: Student presentation (25%); Student assignment (25%); Essay -case study research (50%) Mode of delivery: On-line
This is a research led, cross disciplinary course, which synthesises archaeological and building science approaches. The course examines how people from different eras and cultures have responded to the need to construct the built environment in the context of the often conflicting requirements of comfort, health, energy usage and the supply of resources. Case studies from the Classical, Renaissance and early Modern periods, will be used to consider various topics, including: energy usage and efficiency, materials and construction, thermal comfort, ventilation, illumination, water supply and drainage. Archaeological and historical evidence will be used to elucidate the cultural context and use of the built environment of earlier populations, for example what can be interpreted about urban space and room function.
ENVI5903 Sustainable Development

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Alison Gates Session: Semester 2a Classes: Two 2 hour lectures per week for seven weeks. Assessment: Essay and presentation (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit of study demonstrates the history and contested understandings of the concept of sustainable development. It applies these concepts to explore important environmental science issues such as population, water management sustainable cities, rural development, industrial ecology, and energy issues. The unit concludes by presenting a range of future scenarios and encouraging students to develop their own vision of sustainability at the global and other scales, and to communicate their means of achieving this sustainability vision.
ENVI5801 Social Science of Environment

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof P McManus Session: Semester 1a Classes: 2hrs lectures and 2 hrs tutorials per week plus directed reading. The unit runs for weeks 1-7 Assessment: essay and seminar presentation (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit provides both a conceptual and an empirical foundation for the analysis of relationships between society, the environment and natural resources. Contexts for application of social science concepts to the environment include climate change, water resources management, forest issues and urban environmental quality. Students will deal with both broad theoretical approaches to the societal analysis of relationships between people and the environment, for example political ecology, and with specific themes including the sociological basis of collective action, property relations, resource tenure, decentralisation, participatory approaches to environmental and natural resource management, and systems of knowledge. The unit pays particular attention to the implications of heterogeneous and competing interests for environmental and natural resource management and explores ways of dealing with diverse stakeholder interests. Empirical material is drawn from various countries, with special emphasis on Southeast Asia and Australia. The aim of the unit is to provide conceptual tools that will be used in other units of study within the program and for application in analysis of resource and environmental management issues faced in real world decision-making contexts. The unit will draw on the professional experience and agency roles of participants. The unit is taught through a combination of lectures and reading-based seminars.
IDEA9101 Experimental Interfaces Laboratory

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Rob Saunders Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3 hrs/wk Corequisites: IDEA9102 Assessment: 3 x technical exercises, involving design, implementation (40%); presentation (20%); technical documentation (40%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit is offered in odd numbered years only. Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre. First preference to IDEA, Digital Media and Design Computing students.
The aim of this unit of study is to support IDEA9102 Installation Studio concerned with interaction, using installation as the experimental interface. The studio encompasses a wide array of advanced, sensor-based interfaces for responsive environments. It supports the learning of important technical skills required to develop the hardware and software necessary for experimenting with sensor-based interfaces.
This workshop will provide a framework for students to learn new technical skills and integrate processes from human-computer interaction, multimedia, and advanced sensor technologies within the context of a series of practical exercises. These skills and processes will support the students in designing prototypes of experimental interfaces on a human scale to produce performative architectures, and responsive environments.
Through a series of exercises, students will develop both the hardware and the software for responsive environments. The aim of these exercises is to provide students with an introduction to the technological platforms available for building advanced, sensor-based interfaces. Through these exercises, students will gain an understanding of the challenges and possibilities of designing interactive installations.
IDEA9102 Installation Studio

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Rob Saunders Session: Semester 1 Classes: 6 hours per week Corequisites: IDEA9101 Assessment: Participation (15%); technical competency & idea proposal demonstration (15%); research report and design process documentation (20%); design major project and exhibition (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit is offered in odd numbered years only. Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre. First preference to IDEA, Digital Media and Design Computing students.
The aim of this unit of study is to explore interaction, using installation as the interface. This investigates the relationship between our environments, bodies and technologies in a practice-led fashion. It evolves a discourse on the next generation of mixed-media installations, involving their history, their evolution, and their cultural context.
This studio will provide a platform for students to integrate knowledge of interaction design, multimedia, and advanced sensor technologies within the context of installation art and design. Students will have the opportunity to develop in-depth knowledge through practice by developing prototypes of experimental interfaces on a human scale. These prototypes will culminate in the form of a performance or an installation, producing performative architectures, and responsive environments.
The aim of this design process is to explore the potential for responsive, adaptive and proactive spaces that enhance our relationship with our environment and extend our social interactions. Students will participate in the entire design process from concept to completion, developing their own software and hardware as required. Through this process, students will gain an understanding of the challenges and possibilities of designing technologies to perform as interfaces to our shared physical, social and cultural environments.
IDEA9103 Virtual Worlds Laboratory

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Rob Saunders Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3 hrs/wk Corequisites: IDEA9104 Assessment: Participation (15%), summative technical competency tasks (85%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit is offered in even numbered years only. Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre. First preference to IDEA, Digital Media and Design Computing students.
The aim of this unit of study is to support IDEA9104 Cyber Studio concerned with interaction, using virtual worlds as the interface. This lab introduces design principles and styles, along with virtual world software platforms and their related 3D modelling tools. A range of virtual worlds design styles will be considered with respect to the intended use of the virtual world: collaboration, entertainment, socialising and education. The focus will be on designing for human activities where humans are represented as avatars in interactive, functional, multi-user environments. Students will learn to design an interactive virtual world for a specified activity; to create and compose the 3D models that comprise the world; to program the behaviours of the objects in the virtual world; to critically read research papers; to develop an experimental study on the created virtual world that analyses the behaviour of the avatars.
IDEA9104 Cyber Studio

Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Xiangyu Wang and Dr Andy Dong Session: Semester 1 Classes: Six hours per week Corequisites: IDEA9103 Assessment: Participation: 15%, technical competency & idea proposal demonstration: 15%, design process documentation: 20%, design major project and exhibition: 50% Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit is offered in even numbered years only. Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre. First preference to IDEA, Digital Media and Design Computing students.
The aim of this unit of study is to explore interaction, using the virtual world as the interface. Students will develop an understanding of the unique characteristics of designing in and for virtual worlds, taking into consideration the different types of activities that take place in virtual worlds and how avatars move, talk, and interact in virtual worlds. The associated lab introduces design principles and styles, along with virtual world software platforms and their related 3D modelling tools. A range of virtual worlds design styles will be considered with respect to the intended use of the virtual world: collaboration, entertainment, socialising and education. The focus will be on designing for human activities where humans are represented as avatars in interactive, functional, multi-user environments. Students will learn to design an interactive virtual world for a specified activity; to create and compose the 3D models that comprise the world; to program the behaviours of the objects in the virtual world; to critically read research papers; to develop an experimental study on the created virtual world that analyses the behaviour of the avatars.
IDEA9105 Human Computer Interaction

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Martin Tomitsch Session: Semester 1 Classes: One hour lecture and two hours tutorial per week Assessment: Weekly tutorial submissions (30%); individual design project submission (40%); exam (30%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit is a foundation unit that provides a theoretical perspective on the concept of interaction within the Interaction Design and Electronic Arts (IDEA) stream. The aim of this unit of study to introduce Human Computer Interaction (HCI) design principles and methods. It introduces students to valuable tools, techniques, and sources of information about HCI and provides a systematic approach to the design and evaluation of alternative ways in which people interact with various types of computational environments. The unit increases awareness of good and bad design through observation of existing technology, and teaches the basic skills of task analysis, and analytic and empirical evaluation methods. Students will learn to apply knowledge of HCI theory and processes by conducting a case study to different types of interfaces; to critically read and examine research papers; to develop an experimental study on one developed or existing human-computer interface; to analyse the interface issues and effectiveness using HCI evaluation techniques.
IDEA9106 Design Thinking

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Paul Murty Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lecture 1 hr/wk, Seminar 2 hrs/wk Assessment: Investigations, design studies, process documtneation and oral presentations (90%), Participation in class activities (10%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to give students a fuller awareness of designing as a combination of cognitive and metacognitive activities, by which a designer: 1) acquires, learns and integrates knowledge and skills, 2) applies these to particular experiences, settings and requirements, to conceptualise and create unique designs, and 3) discovers and develops individual designerly ways. The unit investigates the mentality of designing, presenting key findings, issues, research questions and methods of contemporary cognitive science and design research. Students will explore, analyse, reflect and report upon an array of characteristic designerly acts in different settings. An intention of this approach is to facilitate comprehension of the arts, technologies, theories, cultures and practice of designing, in both the digital and physical domains, as one entity.
IDEA9201 Physical Computing Laboratory

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Andrew Vande Moere Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three hours per week Corequisites: IDEA9202 Assessment: Participation (15%); summative technical competency tasks (85%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit is offered in odd numbered years only. Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre. First preference to IDEA, Digital Media and Design Computing students.
The aim of this unit of study is to support IDEA9202 Devices Studio concerned with interaction, using devices, e-fashion/e-jewellery, and ubiquitous computing as the interface. The studio encompasses a wide array of physical computing devices (wearable, mobile, portable, tangible 'things' in which the computational technology is embedded in the device or artefact). The lab teaches students technical skills for operating the devices, microprocessors, sensors, other relevant hardware, and the important industry-standard softwares pertinent to the development of physical computing devices, such as object-oriented real-time responsive audio-visual programming environments (e.g. Max/MSP or Processing). In the lab, students will foster their conceptual and skill knowledge necessary for the implementation of ideas borne out in the studio. Hence it will support a number of modes for visual, sonic, textile or material expression of ideas.
IDEA9202 Device Studio

Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Andrew Vande Moere Session: Semester 2 Classes: Six hours studio per week Corequisites: IDEA9201 Assessment: Participation (15%); technical competency & idea proposal demonstration (15%); design process documentation (20%); design major project and exhibition 50% Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit is offered in odd numbered years only. Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre. First preference to IDEA, Digital Media and Design Computing students.
The aim of this unit of study is to explore interaction, using miniature devices as the interface. This encompasses a wide array of physical computing devices, such as wearable, mobile, portable or tangible furniture, garments, jewellery or other artefacts in which computational sensor and actuator technology is embedded. Everyday objects that are able to analyse, respond and mediate our user experience are rapidly permeating the expression, monitoring, customisation and personalisation of professional, industrial, personal and daily activities. This studio will investigate a number of modes for the multi-sensory expression of ideas. The kinds of information represented may range from personal to social and external, for applications ranging from entertainment to health. The studio is offered biennially in odd-numbered years: each time it will revolve around a socially relevant theme. Students will use various computing technologies including sensors, microprocessors and actuators to facilitate the design and development of novel, innovative applications that imbue intelligence, responsiveness and interaction in small-sized physical objects that can be manipulated, worn, used, watched, listened to, in order to communicate physically (in digital or analogue material ways) the message of the interaction.
IDEA9203 Time-Based Media Laboratory

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr onacloV Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three hours per week Corequisites: IDEA9204 Assessment: Participation (15%), summative technical competency tasks (85%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit is offered in even numbered years only. Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre. First preference to IDEA, Digital Media and Design Computing students.
The aim of this unit of study is to support IDEA9204 Screen Studio concerned with interaction, using screen as the interface. The studio aims to present the principles of narrative and language as metaphors for discursive interfaces. This supporting lab develops competence in working with time-based media including digital video production, editing, post-production, special effects, real-time video processing, and text analysis.
IDEA9204 Screen Studio

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr onacloV Session: Semester 2 Classes: Six hours studio per week. Corequisites: IDEA9203 Assessment: Participation: 15%; technical competency & idea proposal demonstration: 15%; design process documentation: 20%; design major project and exhibition: 50% Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit is offered in even numbered years only. Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre. First preference to IDEA, Digital Media and Design Computing students.
The aim of this unit of study is to explore interaction, using the screen as the interface. The unit aims to present the principles of narrative and language as metaphors for discursive interfaces. Students will produce interactive digital video and/or video art, which combine multiple screen-based platforms and the viewer(s) as (an) active part of the video work. The works will be informed by theories drawn from film theory and linguistics. The technical aspects of working with time-based media including digital video production, editing, post-production, special effects, real-time video processing, and text analysis are developed in the associated lab.
IDEA9205 Art, Technology and Culture

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr onacloV Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three hours per week Assessment: Class/online blog discussion (30%); written essay (40%); concept proposal (30%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Objectives include the development of a deeper understanding of the complex interactions between modern technology, visual art and electronic art forms, and the conceptualisation and formulisation of the issues arising from these interactions in the creative design process.
The unit of study sets out as an investigatory process, investigating a set of artistic, cultural, and social practices that both constitute and reflect the theoretical foundations of art, culture, and technology. The investigation is shaped and structured as a platform for discussions, readings, screenings, exhibition viewings, concept proposals and presentations.
The students' investigatory process is grounded in a wide set of readings, including cultural studies, art history and theory and visual culture. This theoretical discourse is extended and provoked by a wide collection of materials and screenings, originating from visual artworks, electronic art, experimental film and video, live performance and interactive design artworks.
IDEA9301 Graduation Studio

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Rob Saunders Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Studio six hours per week Prerequisites: 48 credit points including 24 credit points from IDEA(9102, 9104, 9202 or 9204) Corequisites: IDEA (9101, 9103, 9201 or 9203) Assessment: Participation (15%); technical competency & idea proposal demonstration (15%); design process documentation (20%); design major project and exhibition (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre. MIDEA, MDigital Media and MDesign Computing students only. Students may incur materials costs in this unit.
This is the culminating studio of the Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Arts that provides students with a capstone experience. The aim of this studio is to draw together and synthesise the learning that has taken place during the whole degree. The student will develop a graduation design project based on the theme from the concurrent studio. The design project must exceed the normal submission requirements of the studio by bringing together the knowledge acquired during the whole degree in a more sophisticated, rigorous result and a more detailed documentation. The project undertaken will be supported by an in-depth artistic reflection or written report demonstrating the independent exploration of relevant theories and issues raised during the design.
Alternatives to the Graduation Studio include enrolment in IDEA9311 Research Internship or participation in and approved international exchange.
IDEA9302 IDEA Research Project

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Rob Saunders Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Individual supervision 1 hr/wk. Prerequisites: 48 credit points including 24 credit points from IDEA(9102, 9104, 9202 or 9204) and a WAM of at least 75 Corequisites: IDEA9303 Assessment: Attendance, intermediate presentation (20%); Final dissertation: Design (Concept), Implementation, Evaluation or Reflection, Presentation and Documentation (80%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: IDEA9302 Research Project and IDEA9303 IDEA Dissertation are not assessed separately, as a single result is given for the combined dissertation and project. Admission in this unit is merit-based and requires a minimum Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of 75. MIDEA students only.
IDEA9302 Research Project and IDEA9303 IDEA are not assessed separately. A single result is given for the combined thesis and project. Admission in this unit is merit-based and requires a minimum Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of 75.
The appointment of a supervisor depends on the research topic chosen for the dissertation by the student.
On the successful completion of this unit, students will have demonstrated: an ability to develop a theoretical, practice-based or research project in the field of Interaction Design or Electronic Arts; an ability to undertake this project in an independent way, incorporating all technical and theoretical aspects appropriate and related to the previous units of study taken, and an ability to communicate and present their ideas embedded in the appropriate theoretical foundation.
A research thesis should be 15,000 to 25,000 words in length, or equivalent in the form of software programming, hardware development or any other artefacts that can be construed as research. The research project and dissertation will be assessed by a minimum of two independent academic examiners on the merits of its underlying design rationale or original conceptual thinking, its implementation in the form of software, hardware, theoretical discourse or other physical manifestation, while the dissertation is assessed on its design rationale, empirical evaluation, analysis or description within related theories or critical reflection, and the presentation, using appropriate visual, written, verbal and multimedia presentation techniques.
IDEA9303 IDEA Dissertation

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Rob Saunders Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Individual supervision 1 hr/wk Corequisites: IDEA9302 Assessment: Attendance, intermediate presentation (20%); Final dissertation: Design (Concept), Implementation, Evaluation or Reflection, Presentation and Documentation (80%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: IDEA9302 Research Project and IDEA9303 IDEA Dissertation are not assessed separately, as a single result is given for the combined dissertation and project. Admission in this unit is merit-based and requires a minimum Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of 75. MIDEA students only.
IDEA9302 Research Project and IDEA9303 IDEA are not assessed separately. A single result is given for the combined thesis and project. Admission in this unit is merit-based and requires a minimum Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of 75.
The appointment of a supervisor depends on the research topic chosen for the dissertation by the student.
On the successful completion of this unit, students will have demonstrated: an ability to develop a theoretical, practice-based or research project in the field of Interaction Design or Electronic Arts; an ability to undertake this project in an independent way, incorporating all technical and theoretical aspects appropriate and related to the previous units of study taken, and an ability to communicate and present their ideas embedded in the appropriate theoretical foundation.
A research thesis should be 15,000 to 25,000 words in length, or equivalent in the form of software programming, hardware development or any other artefacts that can be construed as research. The research project and dissertation will be assessed by a minimum of two independent academic examiners on the merits of its underlying design rationale or original conceptual thinking, its implementation in the form of software, hardware, theoretical discourse or other physical manifestation, while the dissertation is assessed on its design rationale, empirical evaluation, analysis or description within related theories or critical reflection, and the presentation, using appropriate visual, written, verbal and multimedia presentation techniques.
IDEA9311 Research Internship

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Rob Saunders Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1 hr/ 2 wks, supervision by academic supervisor. 2 hrs/wk supervision by private partner. Prerequisites: 48 credit points including 24 credit points from IDEA(9102, 9104, 9202 or 9204) and a WAM of at least 75 Assessment: Log Book (strict requirement) (10%); Written Report (15%); Public Exhibition and Documentation (15%); Quality of Work (concept and implementation) (60%) Mode of delivery: Professional Practice
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Students must have WAM of at least 75. Students must seek permission to enrol from the proposed academic supervisor and the M.IDEA program coordinator before the start of the teaching semester. Internship must end before end of semester. Credit will not be granted for this unit of study.
This unit allows students to collaborate with a private partner on a project with a strong design research character. Such project would typically not be connected to the direct commercial goals, require a certain degree of risk, and necessitates a level of technical and design expertise that is not available by the private partner. The program coordinator can choose to offer pre-approved client briefs from known external partners to interested students.
Students need to submit a written project proposal, detailing the academic supervisor, the outcomes and timeline of the internship, and the agreement from the private partner. The proposal must describe how the outcome of the internship will include the design and production of a design work that has a clear relationship to the skills and knowledge taught in at least one of the 4 M.IDEA studios. The total workload should reflect a 12 credit point unit of study in this degree.
At completion, the student must submit: a log book (physical or digital) of their internship activities; a written report describing the design rationale and the development structure, and an evaluation or reflection of the design work undertaken at the internship of at least 5000 words; a public exhibition of the work including appropriate documentation. The academic supervisor, the program coordinator and the private partner will jointly assess the work.
MARC4001 Urban Architecture Research Studio

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lee Stickells and Dr Peter Armstrong Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 6 hr tutorial/wk for 12 wks (lectures, technical consultants and demonstartions as required) Assessment: Portfolio (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This studio cannot be taken in the same semester with MARC4002 or MARC4003. Students may incur materials costs in this unit.
The studio examines the nature of architecture in the urban context in terms of the internal and external parameters which act on the design process at incremental urban scales and intensities of use. The studio also examines the societal, financial, legislative and managerial framework which determines the envelope within which development may occur. The evolutionary nature of urban fabric and the historical processes acting on the urban form and on individual projects will be researched as a foundational process in the development of design projects as well as the evolving statutory environment. Each studio will require the presentation of a developed design project substantiated by a researched report defining the foundations on which the project rests.
MARC4001 Studio A Urban Architecture, MARC4002 Studio B Sustainable Architecture and MARC4003 Studio C Digital Architecture are all available in both semesters 1 and 2. Students may enrol or pre-enrol freely, but some will be asked to swap to create equal groups. After three semesters each student will have done each of the studios. The studios examine the relationships between architecture and urbanism; architecture and sustainability; and architecture and digital design. Each is based around one or more design projects which address a specialised area of study, supported by lectures and seminars which introduce the relevant theory, knowledge and design precedents. Studios require the investigation of key technical issues and systems, and their innovative integration in the design, with the preparation of appropriate contract documents.On the successful completion of these units, students will have demonstrated: an ability to formulate, interpret and communicate appropriate concepts derived from the study of brief and site; an ability to extend those starting points into a working design proposal; an ability to develop the design proposal in response to critique, and produce a building design which demonstrably embodies understanding of the principles associated with the specialised study area; an ability to communicate the design ideas effectively through appropriate graphic and three-dimensional means using architectural conventions; and an ability to cohesively design and execute a comprehensive presentation of the project. These units are core to the Master of Architecture.
MARC4002 Sustainable Architecture Research Studio

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Glen Hill/ Mr Daniel Ryan Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 6 hr tutorial/wk for 12 wks (lectures, technical consultations and demonstrations as required) Assessment: Portfolio (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This studio cannot be taken in the same semester with MARC4001 or MARC4003. Students may incur materials costs in this unit.
MARC4002 Studio B Sustainable Architecture will focus on the theories, technologies and techniques that promote the creation of a sustainable built environment. The studio projects will directly explore the interdependent issues of environmental, social and economic sustainability. The studio will prompt students to develop critical positions in regard to sustainability and to extend and explore those positions through the architectural design process.
MARC4001 Studio A Urban Architecture, MARC4002 Studio B Sustainable Architecture and MARC4003 Studio C Digital Architecture are all available in both semesters 1 and 2. Students may enrol or pre-enrol freely, but some will be asked to swap to create equal groups. After three semesters each student will have done each of the studios. The studios examine the relationships between architecture and urbanism; architecture and sustainability; and architecture and digital design. Each is based around one or more design projects which address a specialised area of study, supported by lectures and seminars which introduce the relevant theory, knowledge and design precedents. Studios require the investigation of key technical issues and systems, and their innovative integration in the design, with the preparation of appropriate contract documents.On the successful completion of these units, students will have demonstrated: an ability to formulate, interpret and communicate appropriate concepts derived from the study of brief and site; an ability to extend those starting points into a working design proposal; an ability to develop the design proposal in response to critique, and produce a building design which demonstrably embodies understanding of the principles associated with the specialised study area; an ability to communicate the design ideas effectively through appropriate graphic and three-dimensional means using architectural conventions; and an ability to cohesively design and execute a comprehensive presentation of the project. These units are core to the Master of Architecture.
MARC4003 Digital Architecture Research Studio

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Dagmar Reinhardt Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Six hr tutorial for 12 weeks (lectures, technical consultations and demonstrations as required) Assessment: Portfolio (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This studio cannot be taken in the same semester with MARC4001 or MARC4002. Students may incur materials costs in this unit.
MARC4003 Studio C Digital Architecture explores theories, media and techniques that involve digital mediation to create engaging architectural designs that stimulate all human senses in their relationship with the built environment. The studio addresses various issues of digital media, digital design techniques, design theories, computational concepts and other factors influencing the development of architectural production using digital tools. The studio prompts critical reflections on design conventions and creates novel design positions.
MARC4001 Studio A Urban Architecture, MARC4002 Studio B Sustainable Architecture and MARC4003 Studio C Digital Architecture are all available in both semesters 1 and 2. Students may enrol or pre-enrol freely, but some will be asked to swap to create equal groups. After three semesters each student will have done each of the studios. The studios examine the relationships between architecture and urbanism; architecture and sustainability; and architecture and digital design. Each is based around one or more design projects which address a specialised area of study, supported by lectures and seminars which introduce the relevant theory, knowledge and design precedents. Studios require the investigation of key technical issues and systems, and their innovative integration in the design, with the preparation of appropriate contract documents. On the successful completion of these units, students will have demonstrated: an ability to formulate, interpret and communicate appropriate concepts derived from the study of brief and site; an ability to extend those starting points into a working design proposal; an ability to develop the design proposal in response to critique, and produce a building design which demonstrably embodies understanding of the principles associated with the specialised study area; an ability to communicate the design ideas effectively through appropriate graphic and three-dimensional means using architectural conventions; and an ability to cohesively design and execute a comprehensive presentation of the project. These units are core to the Master of Architecture.
MARC4101 Advanced Technologies 1

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Peter Armstrong Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lecture 2hrs/wk, Tutorial 1hr/wk Corequisites: MARC(4001 or 4002 or 4003) Prohibitions: ARCH4202 Assessment: Weekly detailing excercises (60%), design development drawing (40%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The unit introduces students to concepts, issues and techniques relating to the design of some advanced structural, construction and services systems, and the integration of these systems within the design decision making process. This unit has a modular structure and aims to give students the tools to initiate and develop their design intentions in relation to structural, construction and services technologies. The knowledge will move from an understanding of the nature and impact of materiality on the architectural design process through to the implementation of this knowledge in the practice of a professional architect through design, consultation and building processes. The unit aims to examine the foundation and structural systems of large scale public buildings, the construction of the elements of the external fabric and the impact on the design process of the anthropomorphic, environmental and engineering requirements of the internal spaces. The unit stresses the primacy of detailing, skills in the development of individual design processes, and the understanding of design principles of construction materials in relation to structural and environmental concerns. It also aims to develop an understanding of the impact of the BCA and relevant Australian Standards on the building interior and exterior. Knowledge required for the selection of strategies, systems, and integration of the systems for a variety of design situations, is assessed through case study assignments and an examination. This unit is core to the Master of Architecture. Contact hours: 6 hours per week (lecture and tutorial); student effort expected for an average student to achieve a pass level result: class preparation: 3 hours per week; assessment preparation: 30 hours per semester.
MARC4102 Modern Architectural Theory

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Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Tutorials 2hrs/wk Prohibitions: ARCH6104, ARCH9048, ARCH9049 Assessment: Assignment 1 (30%); Assignment 2 (10%); Essay (60%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The objective of the Modern Architectural Theory unit is to equip students with a critical understanding of key Western architectural theories from the Enlightenment to the present. Emphasis is placed on the specific historical situations and cultural and philosophical contexts in which those theories arose, and ultimately how they were represented within the domain of architectural embodiment. It is organized predominantly as a chronological survey which clearly identifies particular trains of thought in their continuity and transformation throughout history. Students will become generally conversant in the principles of central theories, and will understand their terms and references. Through readings, lectures, and tutorial sessions, students will acquire the literacy required to perceive and articulate contemporary theoretical standpoints, and will refine their research and writing skills through independent research into a particular aspect of recent architectural theory and history related to their concurrent studio design project. Close attention will be paid to the exchange between practice and theory and the relevance of the discussed theories to the formation of current circumstances, and to the place of architecture within contemporary culture as a whole.
MARC4201 Modern Architectural History

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Sandra Kaji-O'Grady Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2hr lecture/week for 13 weeks, 1 hr tutorial/week for 13 weeks Prohibitions: ARCH4102 Assessment: Illustrated Research Essay (50%), Critical Summaries (20%), and Seminar Presentation (30%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit presents foundational knowledge concerning modern movements in global architecture and urbanism, from the early-20th century to the present. It explores the relationships between developments in architectural practice and broader dynamics of 20th century history. Organised as a chronological survey focused on case studies of individual buildings, the course uses architectural exemplars to explore the social, political, technological, economic, and aesthetic guises of modernity. In addition to developing student analytical skills, the unit seeks to introduce students to formal and conceptual approaches to architectural modernity, provide a critical overview of the architectural profession and its historical context over the last century, and impart knowledge of the major periods and developments of modern movements in architecture and their relationship to the multiple guises of modernity in which they were embedded.
Through readings and lectures, students will acquire the architectural literacy required to perceive the contemporary built environment as an artefact of modernity's varied legacies. In addition, students will be expected to refine their research and writing skills through their individual investigations of a particular aspect of modern architecture.
MARC5001 Graduation Studio

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Sandra Kaji-O'Grady Semester 1; Prof Michael Tawa Semester 2 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 6 hr tutorial/week for 13 weeks (lectures, technical consultations and demonstrations as required) Prerequisites: MARC4001and MARC4002 and MARC4003 Prohibitions: ARCH5201, MARF5201 Assessment: Portfolio (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Students may incur materials costs in this unit.
This is the culminating studio of the Master of Architecture degree and provides students with the opportunity to develop a complex architectural project that builds upon knowledge gained from the preceding digital, sustainable or urban architecture studios.The project will be supported by a comprehensive research report demonstrating independent exploration of relevant theories and issues raised during the design. This unit is core to the Master of Architecture.
MARC5101 Advanced Technologies 2

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Peter Armstrong Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lecture and tutorial 3 hrs/wk Corequisites: MARC4001 or MARC4002 or MARC4003 Prohibitions: ARCH4203 Assessment: Assignment (2 x 30%), examination (40%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The unit introduces students to concepts, issues and techniques relating to the design of more advanced and complex structural, foundation and services systems for buildings. The unit has a modular structure and explores in depth the integration of these systems within the design decision making process. It aims to give students the ability to realize their design intentions initially in the studio projects of the degree; to understand the nature and impact of materiality on the architectural design process; and then in subsequent practice, to provide the basis for the development of technical and design skills required of a professional architect. This unit reviews the recent developments and emerging trends in the design of more advanced structural systems for buildings, including those inspired by nature and generated through computational processes, and explores the nature of both the building fabric and, the environmental and management systems which enable the building to function optimally in a complex and dynamic urban environment. Students are expected to develop the ability to research alternative structural, environmental and construction systems that satisfy the aesthetic requirements of their design and to evaluate them based on clearly articulated decision criteria. Knowledge required for the selection of strategies, systems, and the integration of the systems, for a variety of design situations, is assessed through a computer modelling assignment, a case study assignment and a written examination. Student effort expected for an average student to achieve a pass level result: class preparation - 2 hours per week; assessment preparation - 39 hours per semester
MARC5102 Contract Documentation

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Peter Armstrong Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures/tutorials 3 hrs/wk Corequisites: One of MARC4001, MARC4002, MARC4003, MARC5001 or MARC5201 Prohibitions: ARCH4103 Assessment: 4 assignments (40%); contract documentation set (60%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The unit aims to provide knowledge of basic contract law and building contracts; as well as information about, and skills in, the production of working drawings, specifications and opinions of probable construction costs, as commonly prepared by an architect. On the successful completion of this unit of study, students will have demonstrated: a competent ability in the production of working drawings, specifications and cost control for the building designed during the semester studio; an ability to communicate this documentation to clients, statutory authorities, consultants, tenderers, contractors and sub-contractors etc. such that they are able to understand what is required to be built; an understanding of the significance of contract documents in contracts, the relationship between contract documents and relevant law, and the provision of a context for understanding the full examination of commonly used building contracts in the Management in Architecture unit of study; an ability in the making of working drawings and specifications, the coordination of these documents into contact documents; an understanding of the role of consultants with specific reference to cost control, and the management of the process. This unit is core to the Master of Architecture.
Contact hours: 3 hours per week. Class preparation and assessment preparation: 39 hours per semester.
MARC5201 Management in Architecture

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Peter Armstrong Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three hours per week Prohibitions: ARCH6201 Assessment: written exercises, tutorial participation, examination. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Students are expected to demonstrate a capacity to identify specific issues and articulate methods of resolving related problems with specific reference to the links between the contacts, their administration, the architect's responsibility to the contracted parties, and how these issues can impact on the design and construction of a building project.
This unit provides information on the practice of architecture with particular emphasis on the obligations and responsibilities of architects to clients, builders, consultants and the community and to the administration of contracts commonly used in the procurement of buildings.
The unit provides instruction in: the regulation of the architectural profession; roles of consultants and their selection, engagement, coordination and responsibilities; modes of practice, conditions of engagement for architects; fee structures; meeting procedures; pre-contract management; contract selection and administration; alternative procurement methods and the relationship of these factors in completing a building project.
On the successful completion of this unit of study, students will have demonstrated: an understanding of an architect's responsibilities; an understanding of the management of architectural practices; an understanding of the manner in which architects are involved in contract administration, and commonly used procurement methods within the building industry.
This unit is core in the Bachelor of Architecture. Contact hours: 3 hours per week. Class preparation: 1 hour per week. Assessment preparation: 26 hours per semester.
MARC6101 Performance Based Modelling in Design

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Daniel Ryan Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lecture 1 hr/wk, computer lab 2 hrs/wk Corequisites: One of MARC4001, MARC4002, MARC4003, MARC5001 or MARC5201 Assessment: Two assignments (40%) and (60%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The unit aims to introduce students to selected state-of-the-art applications software for performance-based modelling of buildings through simulation and optimisation of structural and environmental systems. Performance may be thought of as how a building form interacts with environmental and structural forces to offer a setting for particular activities to occur. New software allow us to model and visualise such forces and their relationship to a building's geometry. This unit looks at investigating how to manipulate the form and detail of a building to improve the structural and environmental performance. It provides hands-on experience in the use of these applications software for decision making at the conceptual stage of the design process. It provides a framework for integrating and optimally responding to the technical opportunities and constraints during the conceptual design phase. It will facilitate and extend students' capability to explore and develop novel innovative technical solutions in resolving their design problems. At the completion of the unit each student is expected to have demonstrated through the assessment tasks a good understanding of the capabilities of the different research and applications software presently available; an ability to interpret the performance information and make conceptual design decisions; a good understanding of the theoretical bases for the features in the research and applications software; and an ability to develop design solutions that optimally integrates the technical aspects of design.
MARC6102 3D Computer Design Modelling

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Dagmar Reinhardt Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Lectures 1 hr/wk, tutorials 2 hrs/wk Assessment: Exercises Weeks 1-10 (60%); Final Portfolio Weeks 11-13 (40%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful, please seek permission from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning Student Administration Centre.
This unit of study consolidates students' knowledge of advanced concepts in digital modelling and visualization media available for architectural design. The unit develops conceptual understanding and practical application of these techniques, using commercial modelling and rendering packages.
It will help students: generate sophisticated 3D modelling through pre-packaged techniques and scripting processes, assign colour and texture information, generate complex photorealistic images and develop transferable conceptual skills that apply across different 3D packages and for different contexts such as modeling, animation, games assets, and photorealistic rendering.
At the conclusion of this unit students should be conversant with 3D modeling and photo-rendering terminology and have the ability to produce sophisticated digital models and photorealistic images.
Class preparation: 3 hours/week, assessment preparation 8 hours/semester
MARC6201 Design as Social Practice

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Anna Rubbo Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two hours seminar per week Prerequisites: DAAE2002 Prohibitions: DAAE2003 Assessment: Attendance; seminar presentation; fieldwork; and paper (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Through the study of selected building types and settings the unit aims to explore the ways in which cultural and social factors influence design, and how design can be inclusive of, and responsive to, a range of user groups. Building types might be housing, educational, religious, and institutional or community buildings. The type and the approach will be introduced in lectures and seminars, and an understanding of the type gained through fieldwork using mixed mode research approaches taking into account the environmental context. It is intended that the building type and setting will vary each year the unit is offered. Through an increased capacity for critical analysis and interpretation, this research led learning unit will provide students with useful knowledge of the design of socially responsive and inclusive environments.
This elective unit will contribute to knowledge of design as a social practice, and provide an interdisciplinary learning setting in which to consider the design of the built environment. Design as Social Practice will enhance participants' capacity to analyse how social and cultural factors influence design, and how design can be socially responsive and inclusive. It is intended that students in other disciplines will develop a means of interpreting buildings that will enhance their appreciation of design as a social practice.
MARC6202 Architecture Workshop A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Glen Hill Session: S1 Intensive,S2 Intensive Classes: 40 hours intensive mode Assessment: Design jury (100%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Students may incur materials costs in this unit.
Through design projects offered by visiting national and international design practitioners and Faculty staff, this unit of study will provide students with the opportunity to explore a wide range of design issues and ideas in an intensive design studio environment. At the successful completion of this unit of study students will have: extended their ability to develop creative responses to a design brief or situation; extended their understanding of the theoretical, historical, cultural, environmental or technical framework of design; applied these understandings and demonstrated good architectural judgement; and communicated these ideas and understandings effectively through presentation means including drawings, models and CAD, which are assessed in a jury context. This unit is Pass/Fail. Contact hours: 40 hours intensive. Assessment and preparation: 38 hours.
MARC6203 Architecture Workshop B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Glen Hill Session: S1 Intensive,S2 Intensive Classes: 40 hours intensive mode. Assessment: Design jury (100%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Students may incur materials costs in this unit.
Through design projects offered by visiting national and international design practitioners and Faculty staff, this unit of study will provide students with the opportunity to explore a wide range of design issues and ideas in an intensive design studio environment. At the successful completion of this unit of study students will have: extended their ability to develop creative responses to a design brief or situation; extended their understanding of the theoretical, historical, cultural, environmental or technical framework of design; applied these understandings and demonstrated good architectural judgement; and communicated these ideas and understandings effectively through presentation means including drawings, models and CAD, which are assessed in a jury context. This unit is Pass/Fail. Contact hours: 40 hours intensive. Assessment and preparation: 38 hours.
PLAN9010 Planning Dissertation 1

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Krishna Shrestha Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Independent Study + Seminars Prerequisites: WAM of at least 75 and 48 credit points being the core requirements for the MURP. Prohibitions: PLAN9018, ARCH9031, ARCH9045, ARCH9046, ARCH9060 Assessment: Proposal preparation and presentation (5%); Final presentation (or Progress presentation if continuing in the second semester - feedback only) (10%); Dissertation of at between 15,000 and 25,000 words (85%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Submit an Independent Study approval form, signed by Program Director, with your request to enrol. This unit is for masters of Urban and regional Planning student only. It MUST be taken in conjunction with PLAN9011 Planning Dissertation 2, either in the same or following semester.
The planning dissertation is a substantial piece of research, conducted full time over one semester (by enrolment in PLAN9010 and PLAN9011), or part time over two semesters (by consecutive enrolment in these units). It takes the form of a document (between 15000 and 25000 words) on an approved urban and regional planning subject of your choice. Students electing to do a stream in the MURP program must select a topic relevant to their chosen stream. There is also an option for students to prepare a shorter document suitable for publication in a refereed journal. The planning dissertation is an opportunity to advance your knowledge and skills in a particular area. For those intending to undertake further academic study, the dissertation also provides an opportunity for you to develop your research skills.
The objective of the dissertation is to allow you to develop higher order research and analytic skills by undertaking an in depth study of your own selection. The expected learning outcomes of the dissertation include the ability to: think critically about a planning problem and develop an appropriate research methodology or analytical approach to address it; identify and access appropriate sources of information, research and literature relevant to urban and regional planning issues; undertake primary and secondary research; present your findings in a way that demonstrates academic and professional competence.
A dissertation generally includes: a literature review to delineate a problem or gap in knowledge; a statement of research aims or objectives, as well as research questions and / or hypotheses; explanation of research methods; presentation and analysis of data; discussion of conclusions; an abstract.
Permission to continue the Planning Dissertation is subject to a satisfactory research proposal which must be approved by your supervisor by week 3 of semester.
The dissertation will be marked by two examiners. Dissertations are due at the end of the first week of exams for the semester in which you are enrolled in Planning Dissertation 2. Note that only one submission is required for both Planning Dissertation 1 and 2. It is not possible to complete Dissertation 1 independently of Dissertation 2. Students who intend a shorter project should enrol in PLAN9018 Planning Report.
PLAN9011 Planning Dissertation 2

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Krishna Shrestha Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Independent Study + Seminars Prerequisites: WAM of at least 75 and 48 credit points being the core requirements for the MURP Corequisites: PLAN9010 Assessment: Proposal preparation and presentation (5%); Final presentation (or Progress presentation if continuing in the second semester - feedback only) (10%), Dissertation of at between 15,000 and 25,000 words (85%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: This unit is for Masters of Urban & Regional Planning students only. It MUST be taken in conjunction with PLAN9010 Planning Dissertation 1, either in the same or preceding semester.
The planning dissertation is a substantial piece of research, conducted full time over one semester (by enrolment in PLAN9010 and PLAN9011), or part time over two semesters (by consecutive enrolment in these units). It takes the form of a document (between 15000 and 25000 words) on an approved urban and regional planning subject of your choice. Students electing to do a stream in the MURP program must select a topic relevant to their chosen stream. There is also an option for students to prepare a shorter document suitable for publication in a refereed journal. The planning dissertation is an opportunity to advance your knowledge and skills in a particular area. For those intending to undertake further academic study, the dissertation also provides an opportunity for you to develop your research skills.
The objective of the dissertation is to allow you to develop higher order research and analytic skills by undertaking an in depth study of your own selection. The expected learning outcomes of the dissertation include the ability to: think critically about a planning problem and develop an appropriate research methodology or analytical approach to address it; identify and access appropriate sources of information, research and literature relevant to urban and regional planning issues; undertake primary and secondary research; present your findings in a way that demonstrates academic and professional competence.
A dissertation generally includes: a literature review to delineate a problem or gap in knowledge; a statement of research aims or objectives, as well as research questions and / or hypotheses; explanation of research methods; presentation and analysis of data; discussion of conclusions; an abstract.
Permission to continue the Planning Dissertation is subject to a satisfactory research proposal which must be approved by your supervisor by week 3 of semester.
The dissertation will be marked by two examiners. Dissertations are due at the end of the first week of exams for the semester in which you are enrolled in Planning Dissertation 2. Note that only one submission is required for both Planning Dissertation 1 and 2. It is not possible to complete Dissertation 1 independently of Dissertation 2. Students who intend a shorter project should enrol in PLAN9018 Planning Report.
PLAN9018 Planning Report

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Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Krishna Shrestha Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Independent Study + Seminars Prerequisites: 48 credit points Prohibitions: ARCH9031, ARCH9060, ARCH9045, ARCH9046, PLAN9010, PLAN9011 Assessment: Proposal preparation and presentation (5%); final presentation (10%); Report of between 10,000 and 15,000 words (85%). Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Submit an Independent Study approval form, signed by Program Director, with your request to enrol. This unit is for masters of Urban and regional Planning student only.
The planning report is a substantial piece of research conducted over one semester. It takes the form of report (between 10,000 and 15,000 words) on an approved urban and regional planning subject of your choice. Please note however that students electing to do a stream in the MURP program should select a topic relevant to their chosen stream.) The planning report is therefore an opportunity to advance your knowledge and skills in a particular area and so develop a "professional edge". The objective of the planning report is to allow you to develop research and analytic skills by undertaking an in depth study of your own selection. The expected learning outcomes of the report include the ability to: think critically about a planning problem and develop an appropriate research methodology or analytical approach to address it; identify and access appropriate sources of information, research and literature relevant to urban and regional planning issues; undertake primary and secondary research relevant to problems in planning practice; present your findings in a way that demonstrates academic and professional competence. A planning report generally includes: a literature review to delineate a planning problem or gap in knowledge; a statement of research aims or objectives, as well as research questions; an explanation of research methods; presentation and analysis of data; discussion of conclusions. Permission to continue the Planning Report is subject to a satisfactory research proposal which must be approved by your supervisor by week 3 of semester. Planning reports are due at the end of the first week of exams for the semester in which you are enrolled.
PLAN9045 Economic Tools and Community Development

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Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2b Classes: 5 day intensive (9am-5pm) Assessment: Two smaller analytical assessments (2x25%) and a larger report (50%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This specialisation unit is concerned with: project and program evaluation; economic and social impact analysis; regional planning and development; and assessment of benefits and costs, and justification for public funding.
On completion of the unit students should be able to: critically review a cost-benefit analysis, a feasibility study, economic impact analysis and a social impact analysis; generate an economic development strategy for a region; analyse a regional planning policy; understand the social and economic impacts of tourism; apply theoretical concepts and methods to practical problem; think creatively and critically about planning issues; use the available computer and information technology; and apply technical skills in a sound and useful manner.
PLAN9048 Environmental Design and Planning

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Martin Payne Session: Semester 2b Classes: 4 days intensive (9am-5pm) Assessment: One report, 6000 - 7000 words (100%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
The unit teaches knowledge and skills relevant to designing and planning the built environment. It engenders capability with designing buildings, places and urban form, having regard to a range of environmental design, planning and sustainability considerations.
The unit covers a range of related concepts and topics: designing for user comfort, quality built environments, and sustainability; key environmental design factors (air flow and ventilation; natural and artificial lighting; solar provisions; noise; energy efficiency, waste management etc); urban ecology and landscapes; natural environments and urban systems; innovative hydraulic systems; sustainable architectural and urban design; social dimensions of environmental design; lighting public places for safety, amenity and enclosure; designing secure and manageable public places; implementing ESD with instruments, guidelines and approvals; and environmental studies and development approval.
The key attributes engendered by the unit are: to be able to use concepts and methods in a sound and creative manner; to be able to solve relevant design problems; to be able to apply appropriate technical skills and knowledge; and to be able to produce appropriate reports and designs.
PLAN9049 Development Planning and Policy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Paul Jones Session: S1 Late Int Classes: Intensive module - lectures, seminars and group work/discussions run over three days (9am to 5 pm) Assessment: Three assignments: (1) development project reading report (20%); (2) critical essay (30%); (3) draft project design (50%). Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: This unit is offered in odd numbered years only.
This unit is designed to fill a significant gap in the evolution of the urban and regional planning syllabus. Development project assistance is a multi billion dollar industry with Australia alone contributing significantly through projects and technical assistance in Africa, Asia (east, south and north) and the Pacific. Additionally are the programs of the multilateral agencies like the World and Asian Development Banks and those of the largest donor countries of Japan, United States and European nations. There are many parallels between urban and regional plan making and the design of development projects. Indeed, some planning consultancies are primarily engaged in international development assistance work. Differences in context, approach, content and implementation place particular demands on development project designers that are not addressed in standard land use planning texts. Additionally, expenditure of large sums of public money has brought with it demands for quality assurance (QA) assessment at each stage of the development project activity cycle. An introduction to QA methodology and practice is a necessary component of development project design.
International development assistance is a huge business employing large numbers of Australian consultants, contractors and supplying companies together with those of partner governments. Planners contribute to the design, implementation and evaluation of development projects in most of the neighbouring countries of Asia and the Pacific. Development project design is conditioned by several key elements including: components of the project activity cycle, thematic policy goals and essential quality assurance requirements. This unit is designed for planners who may work in the field of international development.
By the end of this unit of study you should have an understanding of the role and scope of development assistance project planning; an ability to undertake the studies required at each stage of the development project activity cycle; familiarity with the fundamentals of development project design; ability to comply with design conditions imposed by the key policy themes of: poverty, gender equity, environmental and sustainability focused development objectives; familiarity with the scope and character of urban and regional planning project design and implementation in the Asia-Pacific region; and an understanding of quality assurance assessment methodology in development project assessment.
The unit reflects the increasing internationalisation of Australian planning practice. It caters to the needs of local and international students intending to work on urban and regional planning projects within a development assistance context.
PLAN9061 Planning Principles, Systems & Practice

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Nicole Gurran Session: Semester 1a,Semester 2a Classes: Four day intensive (9am-5pm) Prohibitions: PLAN9020, PLAN9044 Assessment: There are three written assessment items (100%). These are based on current case studies in the Sydney metropolitan area, and may be used for a portfolio of professional work. Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Note: Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful please contact the Faculty of Architecture Student Administration Centre. Permission required in Semester One unless enrolled in Urban and Regional Planning.
This unit aims to prepare you for professional practice as a strategic or development assessment planner. It focuses on social, economic and environmental principles for contemporary planning practice; the systems for land use planning and environmental management in Australia, and the practice of statutory planning and development assessment in NSW.
By the end of this unit of study you will: understand the social, economic, and environmental principles underpinning contemporary planning practice; appreciate key legal and institutional processes for environmental planning in Australia and internationally; be familiar with the various planning state, regional, and local planning instruments in NSW, and understand when and how they apply to planning proposals. You will also be able to assess the social, economic, and environmental impacts of basic planning proposals, and justify these recommendations in professional planning reports. In preparing for professional practice you will gain an understanding of the principles, techniques and requirements for public participation in environmental planning and assessment; and the ethical responsibilities of land use planners, including respect for diversity and the importance of social equity, in guiding decision making processes and assessing planning proposals.
PLAN9062 Planning Law

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Mary-Lynne Taylor Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lecture 2 hrs/wk Corequisites: PLAN9061 Prohibitions: PLAN9021 Assessment: Local government decision-making Report, Court Decision-making Report, and Heritage Decision-making Report (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit aims to develop an understanding of planning law that enables competent professional practice in addressing a range of complex planning issues.
Students will be able to prepare reports on practical planning issues that demonstrate: knowledge of how planning intentions are implemented through policies, instruments and controls; knowledge of how planning law shapes practice; knowledge of instrumental arrangements and environmental planning procedures; knowledge of the main characteristics of well-reasoned and well-structured documents; awareness of the importance of evidence and argument in preparing planning proposals, for example, about planning instruments and development applications; and a general understanding of techniques for community consultation.
PLAN9063 Strategic Planning and Design

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Nicole Gurran Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures 2 hrs/wk, seminar 2 hrs/wk Prohibitions: PLAN9027 Assessment: Three reports and graphics, based on group work on a project, with individual submissions. Each equivalent to 2,000-2,500 words in length.Assessment (3x 33.3%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The aim of PLAN9063 Strategic Planning and Design is to provide students with grounding in the core knowledge and skills needed to practice as a contemporary urban planner. By the end of this Unit of Study, students will be able to explain the varied forms, scales and key issues of contemporary strategic urban planning and urban design, prepare a basic strategic context analysis, site analysis, design proposal, and an articulation of planning and urban design issues; and apply key technical tools, including demographic analysis, graphic presentation, consultation strategies and survey tools, to urban planning and problems. In addition, this Unit of Study will enable students to develop generic skills such as group discussion, productive group work and organisation, negotiation skills and information literacy skills.
PLAN9064 Land Use and Infrastructure Planning

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Martin Payne Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lecture 2 hrs/wk Prohibitions: PLAN9028 Assessment: Three reports and graphics (100%), based on group work on a project, with individual submissions. Each equivalent to 2,000 to 2,500 words in length. Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The unit is primarily concerned with planning, land use and infrastructure within natural and built environments. It emphasises conceptual knowledge, with examples and case studies to demonstrate the application of concepts in practice. Students are encouraged to think independently, creatively and critically in developing understanding and practical knowledge about environmental planning.
This unit is in three modules, each of which is assessed.
1. Infrastructure planning and urban development: different forms of infrastructure; the role of infrastructure in creating good environments and urban development; the interdependence of infrastructure and urban development, how the need to manage the environment shapes infrastructure, government etc; regulation pricing and demand management; orthodox water supply, sewerage, drains, roads, electricity, gas; emergent technologies and the significance for the design and management of development.
2. Land-use and transportation planning: transport and the space economy; accessibility, bid-rents and the distribution of activities; the emergence of transport technologies and their influence on urban form; the impacts of car travel on densities, dispersion, congestion etc; orthodox transport planning; transport systems management; demand management and travel pricing; traffic restraint and local area traffic management; mobility and accessibility; networks, centres, and development corridors; transit oriented development and urban form etc.
3. Urban development and public policy: reasons for government intervention, monopolies, market failures, positive and negative externalities, public goods; public finance, balance sheets and current accounts, assets and liabilities, capital and recurrent items, cash flow, borrowing and debt servicing, efficient pricing and the role of subsidies; pricing and regulation; budgets and implementation structures.
PLAN9065 Resource and Environmental Management

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Krishna Shrestha Session: Semester 1b Classes: Lectures plus discussion 2hrs/wk + consultation Assessment: essay of 2,500 words (40%); case study report of 3,000 words (45%); in-class group presentation at the end of the semester (10%); participation in group discussion (in class and WebCT) (5%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The aims of this unit are (1) to understand basic principles and decision making tools of sustainable environmental and resource planning and management through social science perspective; (2) to apply principles of resource and environmental management to assess the impacts of development activities through case study discussion, and (3) to help students formulating strategies to address environmental and resource management issues and enhance environmental equity and sustainability, particularly with respect to conducting, managing and evaluating environmental impact assessments and addressing the issues of stakeholders participation in collaborative planning and management of environmental and natural resources in Australia. This unit is especially relevant to government agencies, community groups and also non-government organisations involved in environmental and resource planning and management at local, regional, state and national levels; to international conservation and environmental management organisations; and to consulting firms, including those that specialise in environmental assessment and management. Through lectures, case study analyses and discussions, this unit aims to enable students to explore and understand how political and economic processes at various scales can influence environmental and resource management decisions and outcomes at local and regional levels, affecting the nature and extent of social and ecological outcomes in relation to moving towards achieving sustainable environmental and resource management.
PLAN9067 Metropolitan Planning

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Kimberly Everett Session: S1 Late Int Classes: 6 days intensive Prerequisites: 36 credit points Assessment: Assignment one: 25%, assignment two: 30%, assignment three: 40%, readings: 5% Mode of delivery: Block Mode
Students will learn about: the roles of governments in metropolitan planning and implementing urban development policies; planning for a range of infrastructure and for key urban activities; implementation arrangements for public and private sector agencies; and types of metropolitan plans and their relations with other instruments and policies.
Each student will be able to: prepare a policy analysis on a planning issue that supports proposals and related actions; prepare a well organised report and make a short oral presentation on their analyses and proposals; conceptualise complex urban development situations; critically review and interpret literature, instruments, policies, plans etc; and conduct 'field' investigations, and construct sound, contextual and practical knowledge (especially using stories and arguments).
PLAN9068 History and Theory in Urban Planning

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Martin Payne Session: Semester 1 Classes: lectures 2 hrs/wk Prohibitions: PLAN9031 Assessment: 2000 word Essay, 2000 word Essay, and Oral Presentation (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The unit enables students to understand how the main concepts and practices of urban planning and development have evolved; appreciate different perspectives about the roles and purposes of planning; undertake basic historical research about urban planning and development issues; and prepare basic stories and arguments about practical planning issues.
Students will be able to: critically review and interpret planning documents; construct and present basic arguments, orally and in documents; access and engage with key literature and other sources of knowledge; and use basic conceptual frameworks about planning arguments and stories.
Contribution of unit of study to its program: this is an introductory, core unit.
PLAN9069 Urban Design and Development Control

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Kimberley Everett Session: Semester 1 Classes: lectures 2 hrs/wk Prohibitions: PLAN9051 Assessment: Reports, with supporting graphics (100%). Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
The unit aims to develop a professional standard of competence in the generation and implementation of urban design and development controls; and to demonstrate a critical and reflective awareness of the philosophies, concepts and practice of urban design and development control.
The unit focuses on the development of design arguments, the translation of preferred design outcomes into development control codes, the legal framework of development controls and the comparison and contrasting of desired design outcomes against appropriate controls.
Students should be able to prepare clear and concise development controls, assess and report on the physical and social impact of alternative urban design and development control strategies, and prepare and evaluate design proposals. By the completion of this unit students will be expected to: understand the nature, history, and evolution of development controls; have fundamental notions of good urban design; critically examine design strategies and development controls and make inferences about the type and quality of urban design they are likely (or not) to produce; and develop skills in understanding the implications of overlaying development controls over the built environment. It is expected that: each student will demonstrate critical skills for assessing the soundness of policies, regulations, norms, and codes; students will be able to prepare case studies, which demonstrate understanding of various forms of development controls, and the ability to apply these to urban design proposals.
PLAN9071 Housing & Urban and Regional Development

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof. Nicole Gurran Session: S1 Late Int Classes: Four day intensive (9am-5pm) Prohibitions: ARCH9057 Assessment: Two assignments (2x50%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit introduces the key policy and planning issues associated with the "production" and "consumption" of housing. These range from the physical location and sustainable design of new housing, through to the dynamics of the housing market, and the contribution of housing strategies to urban and regional revitalisation. The unit focuses on emerging themes in housing and urban development, and develops practical skills in designing strategic planning, policy, and project based responses to encourage more affordable, appropriate and environmentally sustainable housing outcomes for urban and regional Australia. By the end of this unit of study you should understand the basic structure and operation of housing markets; be familiar with important policy objectives for housing within the broader context of sustainable urban or regional development, such as sustainability, affordability and appropriateness of design; and understand the relationships between these policy objectives and the land use planning framework. Case studies and or a housing project development simulation forms the focus for much of the learning in this unit.
PLAN9072 Housing Policy and Assistance

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Nicole Gurran Session: Semester 2a Classes: Four day intensive (9am-5pm) Prohibitions: ARCH9056 Assessment: Two assignments (2x50%) Mode of delivery: Block Mode
This unit focuses on emerging issues associated with the role of governments in housing, particularly the provision of housing assistance. The field of housing policy studies is extensive with a strong interdisciplinary base that provides a variety of theoretical and practical perspectives on housing issues facing professional housing workers, planners and architects working in Australia or abroad. The unit includes a comparative and historical perspective to increase awareness of differences in housing markets and housing needs, and to promote discussion of alternative approaches to housing policy. The unit will provide opportunities for students to discuss the policy making process and policy choices with practitioners working in different agencies and to analyse the drivers, objective and impacts of recent housing policy initiatives. Students will gain a comparative perspective on housing policy approaches using European and regional examples; and learn to analyse housing assistance needs and measures, including approaches for particular groups - for example housing for indigenous people and communities, housing models for people with support needs. The anticipated outcomes of the unit are to provide a conceptual framework for understanding the rationale for, and scope of, government intervention in housing; and to develop skills in developing and implementing policies that assist lower income earners and those with particular needs to access appropriate and affordable housing.
PLAN9073 GIS Based Planning Policy and Analysis

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Krishna Shrestha Session: Int November Classes: Lectures, studios and workshops 2 hrs/wk Assessment: Two smaller analytical assessments (2x25%) and a larger report (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit is concerned with using GIS to analyse planning problems and undertake policy analyses. The unit will include a comprehensive introduction to mapping and the use of GIS: data structures, topology, projections, spatial and non-spatial queries. Australian census products will be described and students will be expected to analyse census statistics using GIS maps. The role of GIS in coordinating various forms of information for policy analyses, preparing master plans, in presenting information for development control, impact analyses and wider management purposes will also be covered. The use of GIS to support visualisation will be covered, using examples about designing development projects and planning instruments. Finally, the various forms of distributing maps to the public and policy-makers will be discussed.
The unit integrates the hands-on learning of GIS software with a `research-based` approach. Teaching will involve short lectures, studios and workshops. Assessment will be on a series of smaller assignments and a larger report prepared by each student that integrates GIS-based (and other) graphics into a coherent policy analysis. In addition, each student will make oral presentations on their work in studio sessions.
PLAN9074 Public & Community Finance for Planners

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Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Nicole Gurran Session: Int Sept Classes: 4 day intensive (9am-5pm) Assessment: Three papers (2x30%) and (40%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) Day
This unit will cover the elements of public and community finance relevant to planners. The need for this unit has become more significant as planning policies shift from the regulatory towards direct engagement with the financial underpinnings of urban development. The unit will be divided into three modules. The first will cover the basics of business finance, including: the roles of equity and debt, analysing business finance statements (current account, balance sheets etc) and, understanding the role of depreciation, working capital, fixed capital and real estate finance. Students will learn to prepare basic feasibility studies using spreadsheets. The second module will focus on pubic finance. This will include discussion of the regulation of the banking sector, bonding authority and bonding, public revenue sources including the rating system, and public decision making, including issues of discounting and alternative discount rates. It will also consider the governments' roles in financing urban development, (land, infrastructure besides buildings etc) and the related roles of departments and corporatised agencies with implementing public policy and managing urban development.
The final module will focus on the financing arrangements between government and private sector agencies, including public-private partnerships and development agreements. It will consider different forms of organizations for undertaking and owning urban development, and examine innovative arrangements drawn from overseas experience and consider their relevance to Australia.
Class preparation:12hours each of the two weeks, assessment preparation:40.hours/semester