University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Doctor of Philosophy


Doctor of Philosophy

The PhD is a University degree and follows the resolutions of the Academic Board. They are printed in full in the Postgraduate Studies Handbook and may be found at The University of Sydney (Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)) Rule 2004 is of particular relevance. The faculty has resolutions additional to those of the Academic Board:

1 Course codes


Course title


Doctor of Philosophy

2 Form of assessment

A candidate for a research degree shall proceed by research and submission of a thesis.

3 Admission to candidature

The Dean may admit to candidature a person who has:
a master's degree or a bachelor's degree with first or second class honours;
submitted a statement of research interest in an area that the faculty can supervise; and
met the English language requirement as set by the faculty.

4 Appointment of committee

For each candidate the Dean shall appoint a committee, on advice of the supervisor, to assist in the progress of the candidature prior to the presentation of the research proposal.

5 Probationary period

A candidate for the PhD is on probation for two semesters.
The criteria for satisfactory completion of probation include:
the submission of a satisfactory research proposal to the candidate's committee;
the presentation of the research proposal to the candidate's committee at a public seminar;
demonstration of adequate English language competency to the candidate's committee;
completion of the unit Modes of Inquiry: Research and Scholarship;
satisfactory completion of a structured first year as determined by the Associate Dean (Research) in consultation with supervisors in disciplinary areas; and
a recommendation from the candidate's supervisor, on the advice of the candidate's committee, that the probationary requirements have been met.
A candidate who has not satisfied the probationary requirements at the end of two semesters will have the candidature terminated.
A PhD candidate who has not satisfied the probationary requirements at the end of two semesters may be permitted to transfer their candidature to the MPhil(Arch).

6 Satisfactory progress

Once a year, the candidate will be interviewed by the Associate Dean (Research) and the relevant head of department (unless one is the supervisor) to discuss facilities, resources, and supervision. If arrangements are not satisfactory, the Associate Dean (Research) will advise on supervisory arrangements and facilities.
Candidates are required to submit an annual progress report to the Associate Dean (Research). If progress is not satisfactory, the faculty may terminate the candidature.

7 Suspension of candidature

Candidates wishing to seek suspension of their candidature must seek formal permission to do so from the Dean.
Except with approval of the Dean, a candidate for a research degree in the faculty may only suspend candidature for periods totalling no more than two semesters.

8 Coursework

A candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy is permitted or may be required to enrol in a maximum of 24 credit points of coursework.