University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Facilities Management

Every organisation uses buildings of some sort and their occupation incurs recurrent costs for rent, rates, cleaning, energy consumption, water and security, amounting in time to more than the capital cost of creating the buildings in the first place. Facility managers have the responsibility of ensuring that their employers’ premises assist them in fulfilling their core business objectives, retaining their capital value through appropriate maintenance, as well as obtaining value from their day-to-day operating costs. This program recognises that the facilities manager requires an understanding of business finance and management information as well as the technical aspects of buildings. Emphasis is placed on understanding the strategic objectives of the organisation, and the way that facilities contribute towards their realisation. You will be encouraged to direct your learning to your working situation where appropriate, through your assignments.

The Facilities Management program may be completed as a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Master of Facilities Management or as a secondary stream in the Master of Design Science (Master of Design Science (primary stream and Facilities Management)).

Units of study

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Certificate, Diploma and Master of Facilities Management

The following units apply to the Graduate Certificate, Diploma and Master of Design Science (Facilities Management) as well as the Graduate Certificate, Diploma and Master of Facilities Management.

Core units

Strategic Facility Management

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6      Semester 1
Financial Decision Making

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6      Semester 1b
Organisational Analysis and Behaviour

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6      Semester 1a
Operational Facility Management

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6      Semester 2a
Building Asset Management

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6      Semester 2a
Risk Management

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6    A DESC9047
Semester 2a

Optional units

Conservation Methods and Practices

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

12      Semester 1
Building Construction Technology

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6      Semester 1a
Project Management

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6      Semester 2a
Energy Management in Buildings

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved


Masters candidates must complete this unit in their final year.
Semester 1a
Planning Principles, Systems & Practice

This unit of study is not Data Audit Committee Approved

6    N PLAN9020, PLAN9044

Enrolment numbers limited by teaching resources. If your attempt to enrol online is unsuccessful please contact the Faculty of Architecture Student Administration Centre. Permission required in Semester One unless enrolled in Urban and Regional Planning.
Semester 1a
Semester 2a

Course rules


Graduate Certificate in Facilities Management

Graduate Diploma in Facilities Management

Master of Facilities Management

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course Resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Graduate Certificate in Facilities Management


Graduate Diploma in Facilities Management


Master of Facilities Management

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is either full time or part time according to student choice.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is a professional master's course, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Embedded courses in this sequence

The embedded courses in this sequence are:
the Graduate Certificate in Facilities Management
the Graduate Diploma in Facilities Management
the Master of Facilities Management
Providing candidates satisfy the admission requirements for each stage, a candidate may progress to the award of any of the courses in this sequence. Only the longest award completed will be conferred.

5 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on merit, according to the following admissions criteria:
Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Facilities Management requires a bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney or an equivalent qualification.
Admission to the Graduate Diploma in Facilities Management requires:
a bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney or an equivalent qualification; or
completion of the requirements of the embedded graduate certificate with a WAM of at least 70.
Admission to the Master of Facilities Management requires:
a bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney or an equivalent qualification; or
completion of the requirements of the embedded graduate diploma; or
completion of the requirements of the embedded graduate certificate with a WAM of at least 70.
In exceptional circumstances the Dean may admit applicants without these qualifications but whose evidence of experience and achievement is deemed by the Dean to be equivalent.

6 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for this course are set out in Table G.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Certificate in Facilities Management, a candidate must complete 18 credit points of core units of study and 6 credit points of elective units of study.
To qualify for the award of the Graduate Diploma in Facilities Management, a candidate must complete 48 credit points, including:
minimum 24 credit points of core units of study; and
minimum 12 credit points of optional units of study; and
maximum 12 credit points of elective units of study.
To qualify for the award of the Master of Facilities Management, a candidate must complete 72 credit points, including:
minimum 36 credit points of core units of study; and
minimum 18 credit points of optional units of study; and
maximum 18 credit points of elective units of study.
Core units completed in excess of the minimum requirements many count as optional or elective units of study.
Optional units completed in excess of the minimum requirements may count as elective units of study.

7 Course transfer

A candidate for the master's degree or graduate diploma may elect to discontinue study and graduate with a shorter award from this embedded sequence, with the approval of the Dean, and provided the requirements of the shorter award have been met.

8 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.