Bachelor of Science/Doctor of Medicine

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Dalyell Stream students

The requirements for Dalyell stream students are:

  • 12 credit points of mathematics degree core units of study as set out in Table A (candidates may count the units from their major(s) or minor(s) to fulfil this requirement)
  • 12 credit points of 1000-level science elective units of study (excluding units listed as mathematics degree core) as set out in Table A (candidates may count the units from their major(s) or minor(s) to fulfil this requirement)
  • A major (48 credit points) or program listed in Table AA minor (36 credit points) or second major (48 credit points) listed in Table A or Table S6 cp of Open Learning Environment units as listed in Table O and 12 cp of Dalyell units as specified in Table D18 credit points of foundational knowledge units of study for medicine offered comprising BIOL1XX7, PHSI2X07 or MEDS2001, ANAT2011 or MEDS2005 and one zero credit point unit (SMTP3007)
  • Where appropriate, elective units from Table A and Table S
  • If enrolled in a stream, complete the requirements for the stream as specified in Table A or Table S192 credit points to qualify for the award of the Doctor of Medicine as specified in the resolutions for the Doctor of Medicine

Table D – Dalyell Stream
Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science Dalyell stream and Doctor of Medicine are required to complete 12 credit points of Dalyell units of study as specified in Table D to meet the requirements for their degree/s. Details of available Table D units can be found in Table D in the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook.


To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Medicine, students must complete 336 credit points in total, including 144 credit points to qualify for Bachelor of Science as specified in the resolutions.

The requirements are:

  • 12 credit points of mathematics degree core units of study as set out in Table A (candidates may count the units from their major(s) or minor(s) to fulfil this requirement)
  • 12 credit points of 1000-level science elective units of study (excluding units listed as mathematics degree core) as set out in Table A (candidates may count the units from their major(s) or minor(s) to fulfil this requirement)
  • A major (48 credit points) or program listed in Table A
  • A minor (36 credit points) or second major (48 credit points) listed in Table A or Table S
  • 12 credit points of units of study in the Open Learning Environment as listed in Table O
  • 18 credit points of foundational knowledge units of study for medicine offered comprising BIOL1XX7, PHSI2X07 or MEDS2001, ANAT2011 or MEDS2005 and one zero credit point unit (SMTP3007)
  • Where appropriate, elective units from Table A and Table S
  • If enrolled in a stream, complete the requirements for the stream as specified in Table A or Table S
  • 192 credit points to qualify for the award of the Doctor of Medicine as specified in the resolutions for the Doctor of Medicine

See the Bachelor of Science sample enrolment to plan your degree structure.

Table S - Interdisciplinary Studies (Shared pool)

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Medicine can complete a second major or minor in a wide range of subject areas offered by the University of Sydney through the shared pool of majors and minors.

The available subject areas for majors and minors and their requirements can be found in the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook.

Table O - Open Learning Environment (OLE)

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Medicine are required to complete at least 12 credit points in units of study from the Open Learning Environment (OLE) to meet the requirements for their degree/s.

Details of available OLE units can be found in Table O in the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook.