Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise Physiology)

Course Overview

Exercise physiologists specialise in the delivery of exercise and behaviour change for the prevention and management of conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, depression, cancer and arthritis.

During this four year degree students will develop competency in the assessment of physical and functional capacity, the identification of risks and the design of targeted, functional and sustainable exercise programs. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of exercise physiology, including areas such as musculoskeletal anatomy, muscle mechanics and training, the biomechanics of human movement, neuroscience, nutrition, rehabilitation, and exercise testing and prescription.

Through over 500 hours of clinical experience students will learn to apply knowledge and gain significant practical experience, working with a range of different clients in numerous settings such as gyms, hospitals and on-site clinics.


Students complete 192 credit points of units of study, including:
(a) 156 credit points of core units of study listed in the sequence from Table A
(b) 6 credit points of selective units of study. Availability of selectives may vary from year to year.
(c) Optionally, up to 12 credit points of units of study in the Open Learning Environment as listed in Table O in the Interdisciplinary Studies handbook
(d) Additional elective units of study as required, chosen from the Selective units, Health Sciences Undergraduate Electives Table, or from the list of Table S (Shared Pool of majors from across the university) Electives in the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook


Honours is available to meritorious students who will complete an alternative set of units of study in the last three semesters of the program.
Students in the honours course must complete 192 credit points of units of study comprising:
(a) the requirements for the pass degree and include the alternative honours units of study
(b) maintain a credit average or higher throughout the honours program.
(c) not fail a unit of study throughout their degree (any exceptions require Honours Committee approval).

The discipline of Exercise and Sports Science offers an embedded honours program. This program runs in parallel with the pass degree; honours students complete their degree at the same time as pass students. Honours students undertake some alternative units of study in the last 3 semesters of their degree and conduct a research project with one-to-one supervision from an experienced academic. Entry into the honours program is competitive and based on weighted average mark.

An honours degree is an opportunity for students to contribute to knowledge in their discipline, gain valuable professional skills, and broaden their career options.

To qualify for the award of Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise Physiology) Honours, a candidate must complete the requirements for the pass degree but include the alternative units of study listed in the Honours pathway of the Exercise Physiology table of units of study.

Professional Accreditation

The Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise Physiology) course has Qualifying Accreditation status at the level of exercise science and exercise physiology from Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA).

The course will be submitted for consideration of full accreditation, in line with standard procedures for ESSA accreditation.

Full (or provisional) accreditation status must be awarded for graduates of the course to be eligible for accreditation credentialing with ESSA.

Further information about accreditation may be obtained from Exercise and Sport Science Australia.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the program, students will be able to:


Course Learning Outcome

Graduate Quality

Graduate Quality

Graduate Quality

Graduate Quality


Extend knowledge and understanding of human structure, function, and behaviour to allow safe and effective engagement in physical activity and exercise to promote and maintain health in healthy and clinical populations.

Depth of disciplinary expertise

Critical thinking and Problem solving

Communication (oral and written)



Integrate knowledge from the basic, applied and social sciences to implement exercise and physical activity with an evidence-based practice approach.

Critical thinking and Problem solving

Depth of disciplinary expertise

Information and Digital literacy

Communication (oral and written)


Work collaboratively and effectively in interdisciplinary teams, demonstrating ethical, culturally sensitive and professional behaviour

Interdisciplinary effectiveness

Integrated professional, ethical and personal identity

Cultural competence



Engage individuals from different backgrounds, life stages and health needs in physical activity projects and exercise programs using a variety of tools, media and strategies appropriate to that audience.

Communication (oral and written)

Information and Digital literacy




Design and deliver exercise programs for different clinical conditions using behaviour change strategies through synthesis of evidence, critical reflection and inventiveness

Depth of disciplinary expertise

Critical thinking and Problem solving


Communication (oral and written)


Demonstrate ethical and professional behaviour, understand the scope of practice of exercise physiologists and comply with the ESSA code of professional conduct and ethical practice.

Integrated professional, ethical and personal identity

Depth of disciplinary expertise

Critical thinking and Problem solving


Further Information and contacts

for more information.