Table R - Higher Degree By Research

Unit outlines will be available through Find a unit outline.

Table R - Medicine and Health

This table lists Table R - Higher Degree by Research units of study
CEPI5100 Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Intensive February,Intensive July,Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day, Online
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This online unit that can be undertaken either face-to-face, fully online, or in intensive block mode, introduces the concept of clinical epidemiology and provides students with core skills in clinical epidemiology at an introductory level. The unit is aimed at clinician learners and as such some clinical experience is required. Topics covered include asking and answering clinical questions; basic and accessible literature searching techniques; study designs used in clinical epidemiological research; confounding and effect modification; sources of bias; interpretation of results including odds ratios, relative risks, confidence intervals and p values; applicability of results to individual patients; critical appraisal of clinical epidemiological research literature used to answer questions of therapy (RCTs and systematic reviews), harm, prognosis, diagnosis and screening; applicability of results to individual patients; and evidence-based use of health resources.
Refer to the unit of study outline
PUBH5224 Advanced Epidemiology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: (PUBH5010 or CEPI5100 or BSTA5011) and (PUBH5018 or FMHU5002 or BSTA5002) Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
This unit of study is intended for students who have completed Epidemiology Methods and Uses (or an equivalent unit of study) at a credit or higher level. It is designed to extend students' practical and theoretical knowledge of epidemiology beyond basic principles and in particular to give them a practical understanding of how epidemiological principles and practices are used in real world settings. Students are given an opportunity to acquire some of the practical knowledge and skills needed to undertake epidemiological research and also to consolidate their critical appraisal skills.
Refer to the unit of study outline
PUBH5312 Health Economic Evaluation

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Refer to the unit of study outline Session: Semester 2 Classes: Refer to the unit of study outline Prerequisites: HPOL5000 and (PUBH5010 or CEPI5100 or BSTA5011) and (PUBH5018 or FMHU5002 or BSTA5002) Prohibitions: PUBH5302 Assessment: Refer to the unit of study outline Practical field work: Refer to the unit of study outline Mode of delivery: Block mode, Online
Note: Refer to the unit of study outline
The overall aim of the course is to develop students' knowledge and skills of economic evaluation as an aid to priority setting in health care. Students will be introduced to the principles of economic evaluation and develop skills in the application of those principles to resource allocation choices. Emphasis will be placed on learning by case study analysis and problem solving in small groups. This unit covers: principles and different types of economic evaluation; critical appraisal guidelines; measuring and valuing benefits; methods of costing; modeling in economic evaluation, the role of the PBAC, introduction to advanced methods including use of patient-level data and data linkage. The workshops consist of interactive lectures, class exercises and quizzes.
Refer to the unit of study outline