University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Quantitative Life Sciences

Please check the current students website (Find a unit of study) for up-to-date information on units of study including availability.



Contact and further information:

Dr Floris Van Ogtrop

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session


The Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) (Quantitative Life Sciences) requires 48 credit points from this table including:
(i) 6 credit points of 4000-level Honours coursework experimental design units, and
(ii) 18 credit points of 4000-level Honours coursework selective units, and
(iii) 24 credit points of 4000-level Honours research project units

Honours Coursework Experimental Design

Data and Technology for the Life Sciences
6    A Completion of units in quantitative research methods, mathematics or statistical analysis at least at 1000-level
P 144 credit points of units of study including a minimum of 24 credit points at the 3000- or 4000-level and 18 credit points of 3000- or 4000-level units from Science Table A or 1
Semester 1a
Experimental Design and Data Analysis
6    A Completion of units in quantitative research methods, mathematics or statistical analysis at least at 1000-level
P 144 credit points of units of study and including a minimum of 24 credit points at the 3000- or 4000-level and 18 credit points of 3000- or 4000-level units from Science Table A
N ENVX3002 or STAT3X22 or STAT4022 or STAT3X12
Semester 1a

Honours Coursework Selective

GIS, Remote Sensing and Land Management
6    A Basic GIS knowledge. Completion of at least a major or minor
P 144 cp of 1000-3000 level units
Semester 1
Advanced Life Science
6    A This unit is advanced coursework related to understanding cellular and molecular processes in biology. It assumes background knowledge of cellular and molecular biological aspects of the life sciences consistent with a degree major in Biochemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Cell and Developmental Biology, Cell Pathology, Genetics and Genomics, Immunobiology, Infectious Diseases, Medical Science, Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Nutrition and Metabolism, Nutrition Science, or Quantitative Life Sciences
P A WAM of 65 or greater. 144 credit points of units of study, including a minimum of 12 credit points from the following (AMED3XXX or ANAT3XXX or ANSC3105 or BCHM3XXX or BCMB3XXX or BIOL3XXX or CPAT3XXX or ENVX3XXX or FOOD3XXX or GEGE3XXX or HSTO3XXX or IMMU3XXX or INFD3XXX or MEDS3XXX or MICR3XXX or NEUR3XXX or NUTM3XXX or PCOL3XXX or PHSI3XXX or QBIO3XXX or SCPU3001 or STAT3XXX or VIRO3XXX)

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit must be taken by all students in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology honours or Microbiology honours.
Semester 1
Computational Mathematics
6    A (MATH2X21 and MATH2X22) or (MATH2X61 and MATH2X65)
P [A mark of 65 or above in (12cp of MATH2XXX) or (6cp of MATH2XXX and 6cp of STAT2XXX or DATA2X02)] or (12cp of MATH3XXX)
N MATH3076 or MATH3976
Semester 1
Science Communication
6    A Completion of a major in a science discipline. Basic knowledge of other sciences is beneficial. Experience in communication such as delivering oral presentations and producing written reports. An awareness of science in a societal context, e.g., of disciplinary applications
P 144 credit points of units of study and including a minimum of 24 credit points at the 3000- or 4000-level and 18 credit points of 3000- or 4000-level units from Science Table A

Mid-year honours students would take this unit of study in S1 (their second semester of study).
Semester 1
Ethics in Science
6    A Successful completion of a Science major
P 144 credit points of units of study and including a minimum of 24 credit points at the 3000- or 4000-level and 18 credit points of 3000- or 4000-level units from Science Table A
N HSBH3004 or HPSC3107
Semester 1a
Semester 2a
Time Series
6    P STAT2X11 and (MATH1X03 or MATH1907 or MATH1X23 or MATH1933)
N STAT3925
Semester 1
Statistical Consulting
6    P At least 12cp from STAT2X11 or STAT2X12 or DATA2X02 or STAT3XXX
N STAT3926
Semester 1
Advanced Statistical Modelling
6    A A three year major in statistics or equivalent including familiarity with material in DATA2X02 and STAT3X22 (applied statistics and linear models) or equivalent
P (STAT3X12 or STAT3X22 or STAT4022) and (STAT3X13 or STAT3X23 or STAT4023)
Semester 2

Honours Core Research Project

Quantitative Life Sciences Honours Project A
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
Quantitative Life Sciences Honours Project B
6    C QBIO4103
Semester 1
Semester 2
Quantitative Life Sciences Honours Project C
6    C QBIO4104
Semester 1
Semester 2
Quantitative Life Sciences Honours Project D
6    C QBIO4105 and SCIE4999
Semester 1
Semester 2
Final Honours Mark
     Semester 1
Semester 2