University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Human Movement

Study in the Discipline of Human Movement is offered by the Sydney School of Health Sciences. The Human Movement major and minor are available to students in the Health stream as a second major or minor only.

About the major

A major in Human Movement integrates anatomical, physiological and biomechanical principles related to human movement and will equip you with a background to assist in health service roles and the conduct of research and analysis of data relevant to the study of human movement.

The Human Movement major provides a strong foundation for further graduate study in fields such as physiotherapy and medicine (subject to meeting eligibility criteria).

Requirements for completion

The Human Movement major and minor requirements are listed in the Human Movement unit of study table.

Contact and further information

T 1800 793 864

Learning Outcomes

Students who graduate from Human Movement will be able to:

  1. Exhibit a broad and coherent body of knowledge in the anatomical, physiological and biomechanical principles related to human movement.
  2. Interpret research findings to solve problems in a range of human movement performance contexts.
  3. Communicate concepts and findings in human movement effectively using a range of modalities and technologies for a variety of purposes and audiences, using evidence-based arguments that are robust to critique.
  4. Identify and evaluate research evidence and apply it to the measurement and enhancement of human movement.
  5. Exhibit knowledge, skills and attitudes about human movement that are transferable across global contexts, employment sectors and people.
  6. Exhibit the necessary skills, attitudes and behaviours to provide responsible, ethical and socially acceptable practices in human movement.