University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Life Sciences

Units of study in this program are available at standard and advanced level.

About the program

A Life Sciences program is designed to take students on a journey of investigation across a multitude of life forms and their biochemical, molecular and genetic interactions – from viruses, bacteria and protozoans to fungi, plants and animals, including humans.
The program involves learning and understanding research in the life sciences from a range of interconnected disciplines including biochemistry, microbiology, molecular and cell biology, genetics and bioinformatics. The program provides students with a multidisciplinary experience and the connections they need to make among disciplines to develop knowledge, skills and expertise in Life Sciences. It will enable students to integrate concepts and create new understandings as an ideal preparation for STEM based careers and scientifically informed and inspired futures.
A multidisciplinary Life Science program, like the Medical Science and Mathematical Science programs, will create high quality graduates from the School of Life and Environmental Sciences. At first year, it starts with a basis in human and molecular biology and chemistry. At second year, it provides students with a choice of genetics, biochemistry and microbiology. It culminates at 3rd year, with dual choices of a disciplinary major(s) which suit students’ interest and an interdisciplinary capstone.
Importantly we want to give our students a broad basis of learning across life science disciplines and the experiences that will provide students with maximum career choices and make connections which will last a lifetime. To create the very best life science graduates requires an integrated base on which to build enduring understandings.

Requirements for completion

The Life Sciences program requirements are listed in the Life Sciences unit of study table.

Contact and further information

School of Life and Environmental Sciences
Level 5, Carslaw Building F07
University of Sydney NSW 2006


Learning Outcomes

Students who graduate from Quantitative Life Sciences will be able to:

  1. Exhibit a broad and coherent body of knowledge in the Life Sciences and describe how knowledge is created and contestable through further inquiry.
  2. Exhibit a deep understanding and skills of one disciplinary area in the Life Sciences and integrate this with at least another discipline in Life Sciences.
  3. Explore through experiments knowledge and concepts in Life Sciences and develop technical skills.
  4. Work competently, safely and responsibly in the laboratory, using a variety of practical and analytical techniques.
  5. Source, and collate Life Science information from a range of sources. Critically evaluate the validity of the information by cross referencing and through an assessment of the quality of the source information.
  6. Synthesise information from multiple related disciplines within the Life Sciences and apply these principles to more disparate discipline areas.
  7. Communicate Life Science concepts and experimental findings through a range of modes for a variety of purposes and audiences, using evidence-based arguments that are robust to critique.
  8. Propose a hypothesis and design an experimental plan in the Life Sciences including the identification of controls, and choice of relevant measurable outcomes.
  9. Address integrated and authentic problems in Life science, work professionally and ethically within collaborative, interdisciplinary teams.
  10. Examine and evaluate contemporary issues in Life Sciences from a range of ethical and cross-cultural perspectives.