University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Plant Science

Please check the current students website (Find a unit of study) for up-to-date information on units of study including availability.

The Plant Science minor articulates to the Biology major.

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session


Plant Science minor

A minor in Plant Science requires 36 credit points from this table including:
(i) 12 credit points of 1000-level core units
(ii) 12 credit points of 2000-level core units
(iii) 6 credit points of 3000-level core units
(iv) 6 credit points of 3000-level selective units

Units of study

The units of study are listed below.

1000-level units of study

Life and Evolution
6    A HSC Biology. Students who have not completed HSC Biology (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Biology Bridging Course (offered in February)
N BIOL1001 or BIOL1911 or BIOL1991 or BIOL1906 or BIOL1996
Semester 1
Life and Evolution (Advanced)
6    A 85 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent
N BIOL1001 or BIOL1911 or BIOL1991 or BIOL1006 or BIOL1996

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Life and Evolution (SSP)
6    A 90 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent
N BIOL1001 or BIOL1911 or BIOL1991 or BIOL1006 or BIOL1906 or BIOL1993 or BIOL1998

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
From Molecules to Ecosystems
6    A HSC Biology. Students who have not completed HSC Biology (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Biology Bridging Course (offered in February)
N BIOL1907 or BIOL1997
Semester 2
From Molecules to Ecosystems (Advanced)
6    A 85 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent
N BIOL1007 or BIOL1997

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 2
From Molecules to Ecosystems (SSP)
6    A 90 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent
N BIOL1007 or BIOL1907

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 2

2000-level units of study

6    A Knowledge of concepts and skills in BIOL1XX6
N BIOL2023 or BIOL2923 or PLNT2001 or PLNT2901 or PLNT2002 or PLNT2902 or PLNT2003 or PLNT2903 or BIOL2930
Semester 1
Botany (Advanced)
6    A Knowledge of concepts and skills in BIOL1XX6
P Annual average mark of at least 70 in previous year
N BIOL2023 or BIOL2923 or AGEN2001 or PLNT2001 or PLNT2901 or PLNT2002 or PLNT2902 or PLNT2003 or PLNT2903 or AGEN2005 or BIOL2030
Semester 1
Plants and Environment
6    A Knowledge of concepts and skills in BIOL1XX6
N AGEN2005 or BIOL3043 or BIOL3943 or BIOL2931
Semester 2

3000-level units of study

Applied Plant Function
6    A Knowledge of concepts and skills in BIOL1XX6
P BIOL2X23 or BIOL2X30 or BIOL2X31 or AGEN2001 or AGEN2005 or BIOL2X09
N BIOL3043 or BIOL3943 or AGEN2005 or PLNT3001 or PLNT3901 or PLNT3002 or PLNT3902 or ENSY3001
Semester 1
Terrestrial Plant Ecosystem Management
6    A Students should have a basic understanding of plant biology, plant ecology and/or plant physiology. Some background knowledge in mathematics and chemistry would be beneficial
P 6cp of BIOL2X23 or BIOL2X30 or AGEN2001 or GEOS2X21 or AGEN2005 or BIOL2X09
N ENSY3003 or ENSY3002
Semester 2
Plant Protection
6    P 6cp of BIOL2X23 or BIOL2X30 or BIOL2X31 or AGEN2001 or AGEN2005
N PPAT3003
Semester 1