University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Computer Science

Please check the current students website (Find a unit of study) for up-to-date information on units of study including availability.


Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session


Computer Science major

A major in Computer Science requires 48 credit points from this table including:
(i) 12 credit points of 1000-level core units
(ii) 18 credit points of 2000-level core units
(iii) 6 credit points of 3000-level core units
(iv) 6 credit points of 3000-level interdisciplinary project units according to the following rules:
(a) for students in the Bachelor of Advanced Computing or Bachelor of Computing they must complete the COMP coded interdisciplinary project units
(b) all other students may complete either the COMP or SCPU coded units
(v) 6 credit points of 3000-level selective units

Computer Science minor

A minor in Computer Science requires 36 credit points from this table including:
(i) 12 credit points of 1000-level core units
(ii) 18 credit points of 2000-level core units
(iii) 6 credit points of 3000-level selective units

Units of study

The units of study are listed below.

1000-level units of study

Introduction to Programming
6    N INFO1910 or INFO1103 or INFO1903 or INFO1105 or INFO1905 or ENGG1810
Semester 1
Semester 2
Introduction to Programming (Advanced)
6    A ATAR sufficient to enter Dalyell program, or passing an online programming knowledge test, which will be administered during the O-week prior to the commencement of the semester
N INFO1110 OR INFO1103 OR INFO1903 OR INFO1105 OR INFO1905

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2
Object-Oriented Programming
6    P INFO1110 OR INFO1910 OR ENGG1810
N INFO1103 OR INFO1105 OR INFO1905
Semester 1
Semester 2

2000-level units of study

Data Structures and Algorithms
6    P INFO1110 OR INFO1910 OR INFO1113 OR DATA1002 OR DATA1902 OR INFO1103 OR INFO1903
N INFO1105 OR INFO1905 OR COMP2823
Semester 1
Data Structures and Algorithms (Adv)
6    P Distinction level results in (INFO1110 OR INFO1910 OR INFO1113 OR DATA1002 OR DATA1902 OR INFO1103 OR INFO1903)
N INFO1105 OR INFO1905 OR COMP2123
Semester 1
Systems Programming
6    P INFO1113 OR INFO1105 OR INFO1905 OR INFO1103
C COMP2123 OR COMP2823 OR INFO1105 OR INFO1905
N COMP2129 OR COMP9017 OR COMP9129
Semester 1
Models of Computation
6    A (MATH1004 OR MATH1904 OR MATH1064 OR MATH2069 OR MATH2969) AND (INFO1105 OR INFO1905 OR COMP2123 OR COMP2823)
P INFO1103 OR INFO1903 OR INFO1113
N COMP2922
Semester 2
Models of Computation (Adv)
6    A (MATH1004 OR MATH1904 OR MATH1064 OR MATH2069 OR MATH2969) AND (INFO1105 OR INFO1905 OR COMP2123 OR COMP2823)
P Distinction level result in (INFO1103 OR INFO1903 OR INFO1113)
N COMP2022
Semester 2

3000-level units of study

Algorithm Design
6    A MATH1004 OR MATH1904 OR MATH1064
P COMP2123 OR COMP2823 OR INFO1105 OR INFO1905
N COMP2007 OR COMP2907 OR COMP3927
Semester 1
Algorithm Design (Adv)
6    A MATH1004 OR MATH1904 OR MATH1064
P Distinction level results in (COMP2123 OR COMP2823 OR INFO1105 OR INFO1905)
N COMP2007 OR COMP2907 OR COMP3027
Semester 1
Interdisciplinary projects
Computer Science Project (Advanced)
6    P (COMP2123 OR COMP2823) AND COMP2017 AND (COMP2022 OR COMP2922) with Distinction level results in at least one of these units
N INFO3600 OR COMP3615 OR COMP3600 OR COMP3888
Semester 2
Computer Science Project
6    P (COMP2123 OR COMP2823) AND COMP2017 AND (COMP2022 OR COMP2922)
N INFO3600 OR COMP3600 OR COMP3615 OR COMP3988
Semester 2
Science Interdisciplinary Project
6    P 96 credit points
Intensive February
Intensive July
Semester 1
Semester 2
Major selective
Programming Languages and Paradigms
6    P (COMP2017 or COMP2129) and (COMP2022 or COMP2922)
Semester 2
Distributed Systems
6    P (INFO1105 OR INFO1905) OR ((INFO1103 OR INFO1113) AND (COMP2123 OR COMP2823))
N COMP2121
Semester 1
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
6    A Algorithms. Programming skills (e.g. Java, Python, C, C++, Matlab)
N COMP3608
Semester 1
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Adv)
6    A Algorithms. Programming skills (e.g. Java, Python, C, C++, Matlab)
P Distinction-level results in at least one 2000 level COMP or MATH or SOFT unit
N COMP3308

COMP3308 and COMP3608 share the same lectures, but have different tutorials and assessment (the same type but more challenging).
Semester 1
Graphics and Multimedia
6    A Programming skills
P COMP2123 OR COMP2823 OR INFO1105 OR INFO1905
Semester 2
Operating Systems Internals
6    P (COMP2017 OR COMP2129) AND (COMP2123 OR COMP2823 OR INFO1105 OR INFO1905)
Semester 2
Minor selective
Algorithm Design
6    A MATH1004 OR MATH1904 OR MATH1064
P COMP2123 OR COMP2823 OR INFO1105 OR INFO1905
N COMP2007 OR COMP2907 OR COMP3927
Semester 1
Algorithm Design (Adv)
6    A MATH1004 OR MATH1904 OR MATH1064
P Distinction level results in (COMP2123 OR COMP2823 OR INFO1105 OR INFO1905)
N COMP2007 OR COMP2907 OR COMP3027
Semester 1
Programming Languages and Paradigms
6    P (COMP2017 or COMP2129) and (COMP2022 or COMP2922)
Semester 2
Distributed Systems
6    P (INFO1105 OR INFO1905) OR ((INFO1103 OR INFO1113) AND (COMP2123 OR COMP2823))
N COMP2121
Semester 1
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
6    A Algorithms. Programming skills (e.g. Java, Python, C, C++, Matlab)
N COMP3608
Semester 1
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Adv)
6    A Algorithms. Programming skills (e.g. Java, Python, C, C++, Matlab)
P Distinction-level results in at least one 2000 level COMP or MATH or SOFT unit
N COMP3308

COMP3308 and COMP3608 share the same lectures, but have different tutorials and assessment (the same type but more challenging).
Semester 1
Graphics and Multimedia
6    A Programming skills
P COMP2123 OR COMP2823 OR INFO1105 OR INFO1905
Semester 2
Operating Systems Internals
6    P (COMP2017 OR COMP2129) AND (COMP2123 OR COMP2823 OR INFO1105 OR INFO1905)
Semester 2