University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Writing Studies

About the minor

Writing Studies is an interdisciplinary minor which draws from established research in a wide range of fields including rhetoric and composition, classics, philosophy, religious studies, digital cultures, Australian studies, and higher education studies.

Students will learn to combine various research methods including rhetorical, discourse and textual analysis to examine written, spoken and visual texts at various stages of production, from conception to transmission and consumption. We teach students to consider, apply and control stylistic options in relation to prose style, figurative language, voice, register, tone and word choice. We encourage students to think creatively and imaginatively to produce effective written assignments according to the specific guidelines of a range of academic disciplines. Students will understand rhetoric as the theoretical foundation of writing and recognize how rhetoric is used in various textual practices and discourse communities.

The Writing Studies Minor will cultivate the ability to identify the historical, analytical, and ethical dynamics of written, oral, digital and visual communication, as well as its material and cultural contexts and its associations with power. Our units of study will strengthen students’ academic and professional writing and increase their confidence in critical thinking, argumentation, global awareness, and composition. Students who complete this minor will be able to critically engage with conventions of academic and professional writing and produce reasoned, rhetorically sound arguments across a range of genres, learning to apply language consistent with appropriate disciplinary, cultural and professional conventions.

Students are also encouraged to take optional elective units offered by the Department (WRIT1000 Introduction to Academic Writing, WRIT2001 Writing, Truth, Falsification, WRIT3000 Business and Workplace Communications) available from the Arts and Social Sciences Electives list in Table S of the Interdisciplinary Handbook as well as the Open Learning Environment units (OLET2127 Wiki Writing for the Web, OLET2119 Professionalism in the Workplace, OLES2129 Writing for the Digital World) available from Table O of the Interdisciplinary Handbook.

Requirements for completion

The Writing Studies minor requirements are listed in the Writing Studies unit of study table.

Learning outcomes
No. Learning outcome
1 Critically engage with conventions of academic and professional writing and the creation of texts.
2 Identify the historical, analytical, and ethical dynamics of written, oral, digital and visual communication, its material and cultural contexts, and its associations with power.
3 Produce persuasive, audience-focused written, oral, digital and visual texts that reflect a sound understanding of key rhetorical debates and theories.
4 Write collaboratively with peers on team projects and across cultural, academic and professional discourse communities.
5 Develop a reflective writing process, honing both self-editing and peer-editing skills.
6 Produce reasoned, rhetorically sound arguments across a range of genres applying language consistent with appropriate disciplinary, cultural and professional conventions.
7 Write, edit and revise a range of texts in a professional online portfolio.
8 Apply principles from rhetorical theories to create clear, concise and informative spoken and written texts.
Contacts and further information

Department of Writing Studies website:
School of Literature, Art and Media website:

Example pathways

Writing Studies minor pathway with Linguistics major

Year and Semester


Units of Study  


Year 1

Sem 1

Writing Studies minor Core: WRIT1001 Writing and Rhetoric: Academic Essays

Linguistics Major Core:
LNGS1001 Structure
of Language




Sem 2

Writing Studies minor Core: WRIT1002 Writing and Rhetoric: Argumentation

Linguistics Major Core: LNGS1002 Language and
Social Context

Linguistics Major Core: LNGS2601 Phonetics
and Phonology


Year 2

Sem 1

Writing Studies minor Core: WRIT2002 Arguments that Change the World

Linguistics Major Core:

LNGS2624 Grammar in the
World's Languages




Sem 2

Writing Studies minor Core: WRIT2000 Contemporary Rhetoric

Linguistics Major Selective: LNGS3612 Dynamics of Sound

2000/3000 level unit in Major 2 from Table A or S


Year 3

Sem 1

Writing Studies minor Core: WRIT3002 Rhetorical Traditions

Linguistics Major Selective: LNGS3702 Pragmatics- meaning in use

Linguistics Major Interdisciplinary Project: LNGS3999 Interdisciplinary Impact



Sem 2

Writing Studies minor Core: WRIT3003 Visual  Rhetoric and Contemporary Society

Linguistics Major Selective: LNGS3605 Describing a Language