University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Cell and Developmental Biology

Study in Cell and Developmental Biology is offered by the Disciplines of Anatomy and Histology and Physiology, in the School of Medical Sciences, as well as Developmental Biology in the School of Life and Environmental Sciences. Units of study in this major are available at standard and advanced level.

About the major

Cell and Developmental Biology aims to understand how cells proliferate, differentiate and become coordinated to form diverse complex multicellular organisms. Such knowledge is applicable to understanding the origin, function and diversity of complex life and is directly relevant to problems in multiple disciplines, from improving crop yields to better understanding processes in cancer, wound healing, and even the application of stem cells for organ replacement. Cell and Developmental Biology provides undergraduate units of study that are transdisciplinary in nature.

Requirements for completion

The Cell and Developmental Biology major and minor requirements are listed in the Cell and Developmental Biology unit of study table.

Contact and further information

School of Life and Environmental Sciences

School of Medical Sciences
Anderson Stuart Building (F13)
Eastern Avenue
University of Sydney NSW 2006

Associate Professor Mary Byrne
T +61 2 9114 0978

Professor Frank Lovicu
T +61 2 9351 5170

Learning Outcomes

Students who graduate from Cell and Developmental Biology will be able to:

  1. Exhibit a broad and coherent body of knowledge in the principles, concepts and methods of cell and developmental biology.
  2. Integrate deep knowledge of the role and relevance of cell and developmental biology to society with concepts in human health and the continuation of life, across different social and cultural contexts.
  3. Source, collate, synthesise and critically evaluate information about phenomena in cells and development from a range of sources.
  4. Collect, accurately record, interpret, analyse, and draw conclusions from data generated in the interrogation of cells and developmental biology.
  5. Work effectively and responsibly in individual and team contexts.
  6. Communicate concepts and findings in cells and development, across a range of modes for a variety of purposes and audiences, using evidence-based arguments that are robust to critique.
  7. Critically analyse observations of cells and developmental biology to propose and test hypotheses through experimentation.
  8. Address authentic problems in cell and developmental biology, working responsibly and professionally, and with consideration of cross-cultural perspectives, within collaborative, interdisciplinary teams.
  9. Acquire an awareness of regulatory frameworks and ethical principles relevant to cell and developmental biology in their effective, responsible and safe research practice.