University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Study in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology is offered by the School of Life and Environmental Science. Units of study in this major are mostly available at standard and advanced level.

About the major

Ecology and evolution are important concepts that underlie a broad range of the biological sciences. Ecology investigates the processes that govern the biological interactions between individuals and that operate on ecosystem scales. Evolution is a unifying theme that explains the patterns we observe in the natural world, ranging from genomes to the diversification of life through time.

The fields of Ecology and Evolution intersect at multiple levels and are critically relevant to real-world challenges.

In this major you will learn about evolutionary and ecological processes and how these influence the population dynamics of animals, plants, and other organisms. This knowledge forms the basis for the effective management and conservation of biodiversity, ecosystems, and habitats.

Requirements for completion

The Ecology and Evolutionary major requirements are listed in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology unit of study table.

Contact and further information

T 1800 793 864

Professor Simon Ho

Learning Outcomes

Students who graduate from Ecology and Evolutionary Biology will be able to:

  1. Exhibit a broad and coherent body of knowledge in ecological and evolutionary patterns and processes.
  2. Integrate a deep knowledge of principles and concepts in ecology and evolutionary biology across subdisciplines and recognise the interdisciplinary connections with other biological sciences.
  3. Source, collate, and critically interpret ecological and evolutionary literature relevant to their investigations.
  4. Select and use appropriate statistical tools and concepts to analyse and critically interpret ecological and evolutionary data.
  5. Communicate concepts and findings in ecology and evolutionary biology through a range of modes for a variety of purposes and audience, using evidence-based arguments that are robust to critique.
  6. Describe and explain the meaning of ecological and evolutionary experimental results within the context of the current scientific literature.
  7. Design, plan and carry out an experiment in ecology and evolution, including generating testable hypotheses and communicate research plans and findings in presentations.
  8. Address authentic problems in ecology and evolutionary biology, working professionally and ethically within collaborative interdisciplinary teams.
  9. Examine and evaluate contemporary issues in ecology and evolution from multiple ethical perspectives and across social and cultural contexts.