University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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Wildlife Conservation

Study in Wildlife Conservation is offered by the School of Life and Environmental Sciences. Units of study in this minor are mostly available at standard and advanced level.

About the minor

The fields of Ecology and Evolution intersect at multiple levels and are critically relevant to real-world challenges, including Wildlife Conservation. Students will learn explicitly about evolutionary and ecological processes and how these influence the population dynamics of animals, plants, and other organisms. This knowledge forms the basis for the effective management and conservation of biodiversity, ecosystems, and habitats.

Requirements for completion

The Wildlife Conservation minor requirements are listed in the Wildlife Conservation unit of study table.

Contact and further information


Learning Outcomes

Students who graduate from Wildlife Conservation will be able to:

  1. Exhibit a coherent body of knowledge in ecology, wildlife biology and conservation.
  2. Integrate understandings from ecology to describe and explain their role in wildlife conservation.
  3. Source, collate, synthesise and critically evaluate information in wildlife biology and conservation from a range of relevant sources.
  4. Design and plan experimental investigations to explore issues in wildlife conservation.
  5. Use statistical tools and concepts to analyse and interpret wildlife and conservation data.
  6. Communicate concepts and findings in wildlife conservation in written reports and using evidence from experiments in the literature.
  7. Analyse wildlife conservation issues, for individual species to global populations and communities.