Process Intensification Major
The Process Intensification major is about making industrial processes smaller, cleaner, more energy efficient and more productive by smarter use of technology and smarter integration. Process intensification is central to the ongoing transformation and future opportunities of a wide range of established and emerging industries including bulk chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food, agriculture and renewable energy. Students in this major will learn how to apply process modelling techniques at multiple scales to develop a comprehensive understanding of real life production scenarios, how to identify and quantify potential gains in productivity and efficiency under different operating conditions and how to design new chemical engineering equipment harnessing new production methods and technologies.
This major is best aligned with the Chemical or Biomedical stream.
Unit of study | Credit points | A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition | Session |
Process Intensification |
Achievement of a major in Process Intensification requires 48 credit points from this table including: | |||
(i) 6 credit points of 1000-level core units | |||
(ii) 6 credit points of 1000-level selective units | |||
(iii) 12 credit points of 2000-level selective units | |||
(iv) 12 credit points of 3000-level or above selective units from the Advanced Breadth group | |||
(v) 12 credit points of 3000-level or above selective units from the Advanced Depth group | |||
Units of Study |
1000-level units of study |
Core units |
CHNG1103 Conservation of Mass and Energy |
6 | A HSC Mathematics Extension 1 |
Semester 2 |
Selective units |
CHEM1111 Chemistry 1A |
6 | A Students who have not completed HSC Chemistry (or equivalent) and HSC Mathematics (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Chemistry and Mathematics Bridging Courses (offered in February) N CHEM1001 or CHEM1101 or CHEM1901 or CHEM1903 or CHEM1109 or CHEM1011 or CHEM1911 or CHEM1991 Students who have not completed secondary school chemistry are strongly advised to instead complete Fundamentals of Chemistry 1A in the first semester of the calendar year (unless you require 12 credit points of Chemistry and are commencing in semester 2). You should also take the Chemistry Bridging Course in advance (offered in February, and online year-round |
Intensive January Semester 1 Semester 2 |
CHEM1112 Chemistry 1B |
6 | P CHEM1111 or CHEM1911 or CHEM1991 or CHEM1101 or CHEM1901 or CHEM1903 or (75 or above in CHEM1011 or CHEM1001) N CHEM1002 or CHEM1102 or CHEM1902 or CHEM1904 or CHEM1108 or CHEM1012 or CHEM1912 or CHEM1992 |
Intensive January Semester 1 Semester 2 |
CHEM1911 Chemistry 1A (Advanced) |
6 | A 80 or above in HSC Chemistry or equivalent N CHEM1001 or CHEM1101 or CHEM1901 or CHEM1903 or CHEM1109 or CHEM1011 or CHEM1111 or CHEM1991 Note: Department permission required for enrolment |
Semester 1 |
CHEM1912 Chemistry 1B (Advanced) |
6 | P CHEM1911 or CHEM1991 or CHEM1901 or CHEM1903 or (75 or above in CHEM1111 or CHEM1101) or (90 or above in HSC Chemistry or equivalent) N CHEM1002 or CHEM1102 or CHEM1902 or CHEM1904 or CHEM1108 or CHEM1012 or CHEM1112 or CHEM1992 Students who commence in semester 2 are strongly advised that you would be better served by taking the mainstream level units in sequence, Chemistry 1A before Chemistry 1B, rather than the Advanced units in the opposite order. |
Semester 2 |
ENGG1801 Engineering Computing |
6 | N COSC1003 |
Intensive January Semester 1 |
2000-level units of study |
AMME2261 Fluid Mechanics 1 |
6 | A Students are expected to be familiar with basic, first year, integral calculus, differential calculus and linear algebra. P (MATH1001 OR MATH1021 OR MATH1901 OR MATH1921 OR MATH1906 OR MATH1931) AND (MATH1002 OR MATH1902) AND (MATH1003 OR MATH1023 OR MATH1903 OR MATH1923 OR MATH1907 OR MATH1933) N AMME2200 |
Semester 1 |
AMME2262 Thermal Engineering 1 |
6 | A Students are expected to be familiar with basic, first year, integral calculus, differential calculus and linear algebra. P (MATH1001 OR MATH1021 OR MATH1901 OR MATH1921 OR MATH1906 OR MATH1931) AND (MATH1002 OR MATH1902) AND (MATH1003 OR MATH1023 OR MATH1903 OR MATH1923 OR MATH1907 OR MATH1933) N AMME2200 |
Semester 2 |
CHNG2801 Fluid Mechanics |
6 | A It is assumed that students will be concurrently enrolled in or have already completed CHNG2802 or MATH2xxx P CHNG1103 |
Semester 1 |
CHNG2802 Applied Maths for Chemical Engineers |
6 | A Calculus, linear algebra, descriptive statistics. P (MATH1001 OR MATH1021 OR MATH1901 OR MATH1921) AND (MATH1002 OR MATH1902) AND (MATH1003 OR MATH1023 OR MATH1903 OR MATH1923) AND (MATH1005 OR MATH1015 OR MATH1905 OR BUSS1020) AND CHNG1103 |
Semester 1 |
CHNG2803 Heat and Mass Transfer |
6 | A It is assumed that students will be concurrently enrolled in or have already completed: CHNG2801 or equivalent, and (CHNG2802 or MATH2XXX) P (MATH1001 OR MATH1021 OR MATH1901 OR MATH1921) AND (MATH1002 OR MATH1902) AND (MATH1003 OR MATH1023 OR MATH1903 OR MATH1923) AND (MATH1005 OR MATH1905 OR BUSS1020) AND ENGG1801 AND CHNG1103 |
Semester 1 |
CHNG2804 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics |
6 | A Calculus, linear algebra, numerical methods, computational tools (Matlab, Excel), basic mass and energy balances, heat transfer, mass transfer, momentum (from fluid mechanics), reaction balances. P CHNG1103 AND (CHEM1101 OR CHEM1111 OR CHEM1901 OR CHEM1911) |
Semester 2 |
CHNG2805 Engineering for a Sustainable Society |
6 | A Mass and energy balances, physical chemistry, physics. P CHNG1103 |
Semester 2 |
CHNG2806 Separation Processes |
6 | A It is assumed that students will be concurrently enrolled in or have already completed CHNG2804 or equivalent P CHNG1103 AND CHNG2803 |
Semester 2 |
Advanced Breadth |
CHNG3808 Engineering Macromolecules and Nanocomposites |
6 | A CHNG2801 and 12 cp of CHEM1XXX C CHNG3802 |
Semester 1 |
CHNG3809 Laboratory and Industrial Practice |
6 | C CHNG3802 AND CHNG3803 |
Semester 1 |
CHNG5003 Green Engineering |
6 | A Completion of 72 cp in science, engineering or equivalent. |
Semester 2 |
CHNG5605 Bio-Products: Laboratory to Marketplace |
6 |
This course is for Master degree students and also is offered as an elective course for fourth year students. |
Semester 2 |
Advanced Depth |
CHNG5001 Process Systems Engineering |
6 | A 1000 level physics and mathematics (differential equations). Use of mathematical and/or computer-based modelling tools and techniques. Feedback control concepts and principles as taught in CHNG3802/CHNG9302 or similar courses. Students who are unsure about meeting these requirements should contact the unit coordinator for advice. This unit of study is for Masters students and can be selected as an elective by 4th year students. |
Semester 2 |
CHNG5004 Particles and Surfaces |
6 | A Enrolment in this unit of study assumes that all 3000 level core chemical engineering units have been successfully completed. |
Semester 1 |
CHNG5008 Nanotechnology in Chemical Engineering |
6 | A 12cp CHEM2xxx |
Semester 2 |
CHNG5603 Advanced Process Modelling and Simulation |
6 | A It is assumed that students have a general knowledge of: (MATH1001 OR MATH1021) AND (MATH1003 OR MATH1023) AND (CHNG2802 OR MATH2XXX) This course is for Master degree students and also is offered as an elective course for fourth year students. Some lectures my be given by a guest lecturer. |
Semester 1 |