Resolutions of the Faculty Sydney Dental School
The faculties of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing and Midwifery, and Pharmacy are now schools within the Faculty of Medicine and Health.
Current courses and units of study offered through the schools will continue as the University transitions to the new faculty.
Existing faculty resolutions, including award course resolutions transfer to the new faculty. The University of Sydney (Governance of Faculties and University Schools) Rule 2016 (289KB PDF) covers the management and governance framework for the new faculty.
Any future changes to academic programs offered will be developed and approved through the University’s normal mechanisms involving the faculty, the Academic Board and the University Senate.
These resolutions apply to all undergraduate and postgraduate coursework award courses in the Faculty, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Students enrolled in postgraduate research awards should consult the resolutions for their course. These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2014 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Coursework Policy 2014, the Resolutions of the School, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended), the Academic Honesty in Coursework Policy 2015 and the Academic Honesty Procedures 2016. Up to date versions of all such documents are available from the Policy Register:
Students are only permitted to enrol for the units of study specified for each semester of their program of study.
The Coursework Rule defines the maximum time limits, and how time limits are affected by periods of suspension or absence.
The Coursework Rule and Coursework Policy specify the conditions for suspending or discontinuing candidature, and return to candidature after these events.
Credit for previous study may be granted for the Bachelor of Oral Health degree. Refer to the specific resolutions for the Bachelor of Oral Health.
Cross institutional study is not permitted by the Faculty of Dentistry.
International exchange is not permitted by the Faculty of Dentistry.
Students are required to be in attendance at the correct time and place of any formal or informal examinations. Non attendance on any grounds insufficient to claim special consideration will result in the forfeiture of marks associated with the assessment. Participation in a minimum number of assessment items may be a requirement of any unit of study.
Students are expected to attend a minimum of 90 percent of timetabled activities for each component of a unit of study. The Dean or academic staff member most concerned may determine that a student fails a unit of study due to inadequate attendance.
It is expected that unless an application for an extension or special consideration has been approved, students will make submissions for a unit of study on the due date specified. Submissions may include assignments, application forms or log books. If the submission is made by the student within a period of approved extension, no academic penalty will be applied.
Late assignments that have not been granted extensions will attract a penalty of 5 percent of the maximum mark each day they are late, except week ends and public holidays.
Special consideration is a process that affords equal opportunity to students who have experienced circumstances that adversely impact their ability to adequately complete an assessment task in a unit of study. The Coursework Policy 2014 and Assessment Procedures 2011 provide full details.
In this Faculty, opportunities for re-assessment are offered to students on the grounds as stated in the Faculty of Dentistry - Assessment Provision 2017.
The Faculty will monitor students for satisfactory progress towards the completion of their award course in accordance with the Coursework Policy 2014. In addition to the common triggers used to identify students not meeting academic progression requirements (as defined by the progression requirements of the Coursework Policy 2014), students must meet any other requirements specified in the course resolutions as being critical to progression through the course.
The University uses the following formula for calculating the WAM. WAMs are used by the University as one indicator of performance. For example, WAMs can be used in assessing admission to and award of honours, eligibility for prizes and scholarships, or assessing progression through a course.
Sum(Wc x Mc)
Where Wc is the unit of study credit points x the unit weighting and Mc is the mark achieved for the unit. Pass/fail units and credited units from other institutions are not counted.
The weight of a unit of study is assigned by the owning faculty. In the Faculty of Dentistry, all units carry a weighting value of one.
These resolutions apply to all students enrolled in programs of study in the Faculty of Dentistry. However, in exceptional circumstances and at the Dean's discretion, some exemptions may be permitted.
These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2018 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2018, who elect to proceed under these resolutions.