Unit of study descriptions
Master of Professional Engineering (Geomechanical)
To qualify for the award of the Master of Professional Engineering in this specialisation, a candidate must complete 144 credit points, including core and elective units of study as listed below.
Core units
Year One
CIVL9110 Materials
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures, Tutorials, Laboratories Assessment: Through semester assessment (60%) and Final Exam (40%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: This unit is only available to students in the MPE degree who do not have a Civil Engineering background.
Materials are an important part of the civil engineers' work. Indeed, civil engineers who are concerned with the design, construction, and maintenance of facilities need to understand the behaviour and performance of the materials used. And as it happens, mechanical properties- which are essential and basic for civil engineers- are highly dependent on the structure of materials at various scales. Therefore, it is important that a student in Civil Engineering possesses a fundamental knowledge in materials science.
This unit of study aims to provide students with the tools necessary to select the adequate material for a particular application and to assess its mechanical behaviour while in use. This course will focus mainly on materials for civil engineering and construction applications, i. e. metals, concrete and soils.
This unit of study aims to provide students with the tools necessary to select the adequate material for a particular application and to assess its mechanical behaviour while in use. This course will focus mainly on materials for civil engineering and construction applications, i. e. metals, concrete and soils.
CIVL9201 Structural Mechanics
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures, Tutorials, Laboratories Assumed knowledge: From Engineering Mechanics, students should be competent in the following areas: 1. The concept of force and momentum equilibrium in two and three dimensions. 2. Drawing free body diagrams. 3. Establishing and solving the equations of equilibrium from the FBD. 4. Setting out solutions logically, clearly and neatly. Students should be competent incertain mathematical skills. 1. Solving algebraic equations. 2. Differentiation and integration (including double integrals). 3. Drawing graphs of polynomials (especially) and other mathematical function. 4. Trigonometry. Assessment: Through semester assessment (50%) and Final Exam (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: This unit is only available to students in the MPE degree who do not have a Civil Engineering background.
The primary objective of this unit is to understand internal actions (forces and moments) in structures (deformable objects) under loads in three key areas: how structures resist external loads by internal actions; the distribution of internal actions within structures; and the deformations, stresses and strains associated with the internal actions. At the end of this unit, students should be able to understand the basic methods of load transfer in structures - tension, compression, bending, shear and torsion (internal actions); apply the equations of equilibrium to determine the distribution of internal actions in a simple structure by drawing BMDs, SFDs, AFDs, and TMDs; understand the significance and methods of calculation of the geometric properties of structural sections (I, Z, S, J, etc. ); understand the effect of internal forces and deformations of bodies through the concept and calculation of strains and stresses; appreciate the behaviour of structures by analysing structures without numerical calculations; display a knowledge of basic material properties, combined stresses and failure criteria; and demonstrate their hands-on experience of the behaviour of structural members via experiments and the ability to prepare written reports on those experiments. Emphasis in the assessment scheme will be placed on understanding structural behaviour and solving problems, rather than remembering formulae or performing complex calculations. The course seeks to utilise and improve the generic skills of students, in areas such as problem solving, neat and logical setting out of solutions, report writing, and team work. The syllabus comprises introduction; equilibrium; internal actions: BMDs, SFDs, AFDs, and TMDs; elasticity, stress and strain, and basic material properties; axial forces: tension and compression; elastic bending of beams; shear force and shear stresses in beams; torsion; deflection of beams; pipes and pressure vessels; trusses; material properties, combined stresses and yield criteria; advanced bending; introduction to buckling and instability.
CIVL9700 Transport Systems
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures, Tutorials Assumed knowledge: Basic statistics through regression analysis, differential and integral calculus, computer programming. Assessment: through semester assessment (65%) and final exam (35%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit of study aims to provide an introduction to transport systems and is assumed knowledge for units on traffic engineering, transport planning, and city logistics. Topics include: the role of accessibility as the reason for transport; the history of transport technologies in Australia and globally; the characteristics of the principle modes of transport; factors behind the demand for mobility; qualitative choice modeling; agent-based modeling; predicting travel demands; the mechanics of queueing and traffic flow; intelligent transport systems; the microscopic and macroscopic fundamental diagrams; highway capacity and level of service; the design of transport junctions.
CIVL9802 Statics
Credit points: 6 Session: Intensive January,Semester 2 Classes: Lecture, Tutorials Prohibitions: ENGG9802 Assessment: through semester assessment (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Unit will focus on Engineering Statics, covering topics such as resolution of forces and moments, free body diagrams, support reactions, equilibrium in rigid bodies, trusses frames and machines, method of sections, method of joints, centroids, distributed forces, vibrations and friction. There will be extensive use of both 2D and 3D examples and solution methods by either resolution in the principle axes or by using vectors. Its main aim is to prepare students for 2nd year civil units such as Structural Mechanics.
GEOL1501 Engineering Geology 1
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Tom Hubble Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 2 hour lectures per week and 24 hours laboratory classes. Prohibitions: GEOL1002 or GEOL1902 or GEOS1003 or GEOS1903 Assessment: Practical laboratory work, Assignments, Tests and Quizzes, and a combined theory and practical exam (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Course objectives: To introduce basic geology and the principles of site investigation to civil engineering students. Expected outcomes: Students should develop an appreciation of geologic processes and their influence civil engineering works, acquire knowledge of the most important rocks and minerals and be able to identify them, and interpret geological maps with an emphasis on making construction decisions. Syllabus summary: Geological concepts relevant to civil engineering and the building environment. Introduction to minerals; igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, their occurrence, formation and significance. General introduction to physical geology and geomorphology, structural geology, plate tectonics, hydrogeology, rock core logging site investigation techniques for construction. Associated laboratory work on minerals, rocks and mapping.
Portrait of A Planet by Stephen Marshak, Published by H.H. Norton and Company and readings provided via Blackboard
CIVL9410 Soil Mechanics
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures, Tutorials, Laboratories Assumed knowledge: An understanding of simple statics, equilibrium, forces and bending moments, and of stress and strain and the relationship between them (CIVL9802 and CIVL9201). Familiarity with the use of spreadsheets (Excel, Mathcad) to obtain solutions to engineering problems, and with the graphical presentation of this data, and familiarity with word processing packages for report presentation. Familiarity with partial differential equations, and their analytical and numerical solution. Assessment: Through semester assessment (50%) and Final Exam (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: This unit of study is only available to students in the MPE degree who do not have a Civil Engineering background.
This course provides an elementary introduction to Geotechnical Engineering, and provides the basic mechanics necessary for the detailed study of Geotechnical Engineering. This course aims to provide an understanding of: the nature of soils as engineering materials; common soil classification schemes; the importance of water in the soil and the effects of water movement; methods of predicting soil settlements, the stress-strain-strength response of soils, and earth pressures.
CIVL9611 Introductory Fluid Mechanics
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures, Tutorials, Laboratories Assumed knowledge: CIVL9201. Students are expected to have a strong understanding of fundamental physics, statics, equilibrium, forces, and dimensional analysis. Familiarity with simple calculus, partial differential equations, and their analytical and numerical solutions Assessment: Through semester assessment (50%) and Final Exam (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The objective of this unit of study is to develop an understanding of basic fluid concepts for inviscid and incompressible fluids. Topics to be covered will include: basic fluid properties, hydrostatics, buoyancy, stability, pressure distribution in a fluid with rigid body motion, fluid dynamics, conservation of mass and momentum, dimensional analysis, open channel flow, and pipe flow.
This core unit of study forms the basis for further studies in the applied areas of ocean, coastal and wind engineering and other elective fluid mechanics units which may be offered.
This core unit of study forms the basis for further studies in the applied areas of ocean, coastal and wind engineering and other elective fluid mechanics units which may be offered.
CIVL9810 Engineering Construction and Surveying
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures, Tutorials, Workgroups Assessment: Through semester assessment (40%) and Final Exam (60%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: This unit of study includes a 2 day Engineering Construction and Survey Camp where field survey is practised and exercises in the application of field survey to Engineering Construction are also undertaken. The Camp is held at Webbs Creek (about 80km from Sydney). The camp is located in a bushland setting. It aims to provide valuable practice in practical field survey and has a secondary aim of providing a basis for social gathering (this aspect being requested in student feedback over recent years)
The objectives of this unit are to gain an understanding of the fundamentals of engineering construction including: design, control, management, measurement and construction methods for excavation, embankments and other earthworks, hauling and associated operations; building construction fundamentals, including reinforced concrete, masonry, steel and timber; drilling and blasting.
Engineering Survey topics aim: (a) to provide basic analogue methods of distance, angle and height measurement, and; (b) to provide an understanding of three dimensional mapping using basic total station electronic field equipment with associated data capture ability, and; (c) to give an insight into future trends in the use of GPS and GIS systems.
At the end of this unit, students should develop basic competency in earthwork engineering and economic optimisation of related construction, including proposing and analysing systems and methods, estimation of probable output, unit cost and productivity evaluation. Students should have a basic knowledge of vertical construction in reinforced concrete, masonry, steel and timber. Students should also develop proficiency in the design and implementation of mapping systems in Civil Engineering, using analogue and electronic field equipment and associated software packages.
The syllabus comprises introduction to the framework under which construction projects are formulated and analysed; construction engineering fundamentals; construction systems related to excavation, hauling and embankment construction, including selection and evaluation of plant and methods as well as the expected output and cost; introduction to construction operations management. Introduction to engineering surveying, distance measurement, angle measurement, levelling, traversing, topographic surveys, electronic surveying equipment, future surveying technologies.
Engineering Survey topics aim: (a) to provide basic analogue methods of distance, angle and height measurement, and; (b) to provide an understanding of three dimensional mapping using basic total station electronic field equipment with associated data capture ability, and; (c) to give an insight into future trends in the use of GPS and GIS systems.
At the end of this unit, students should develop basic competency in earthwork engineering and economic optimisation of related construction, including proposing and analysing systems and methods, estimation of probable output, unit cost and productivity evaluation. Students should have a basic knowledge of vertical construction in reinforced concrete, masonry, steel and timber. Students should also develop proficiency in the design and implementation of mapping systems in Civil Engineering, using analogue and electronic field equipment and associated software packages.
The syllabus comprises introduction to the framework under which construction projects are formulated and analysed; construction engineering fundamentals; construction systems related to excavation, hauling and embankment construction, including selection and evaluation of plant and methods as well as the expected output and cost; introduction to construction operations management. Introduction to engineering surveying, distance measurement, angle measurement, levelling, traversing, topographic surveys, electronic surveying equipment, future surveying technologies.
Year Two
ENGG5204 Engineering Professional Practice
Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: John Curry Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures Assumed knowledge: Competences and experience in engineering obtained during an accepted engineering degree Assessment: Through semester assessment (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit of study is designed to provide graduate engineers studying for a Master of Professional Engineering degree with an introduction to the professional engineering skills necessary to practice as an engineer.
These include the various elements of engineering practice, an understanding of the role of the engineer in industry, basic knowledge of the law of contracts and legal responsibility, teamwork and leadership skills, an understanding of the professional responsibilities of engineers, competence in verbal communication and presentations and in reading and writing reports, and an understanding of ethical considerations. The material, learning and assessment is tailored for graduates from Australian and overseas universities.
These include the various elements of engineering practice, an understanding of the role of the engineer in industry, basic knowledge of the law of contracts and legal responsibility, teamwork and leadership skills, an understanding of the professional responsibilities of engineers, competence in verbal communication and presentations and in reading and writing reports, and an understanding of ethical considerations. The material, learning and assessment is tailored for graduates from Australian and overseas universities.
CIVL9205 Concrete Structures 1
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures, Tutorials, Laboratories, Assignments Assumed knowledge: CIVL9110 AND CIVL9201. Basic concepts of solid mechanics and structural mechanics, including: compatability of strains; stress-strain relationships; equilibrium; flexure, shear and torsion; statically determinate load effects (reactions, bending moments, shear forces); elastic beam theory (strains, stresses and beam deflections). Assessment: Through semester assessment (30%) and Final Exam (70%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The objectives of this unit are to provide a basic understanding of the behaviour of reinforced concrete members and structures; to provide a basic understanding of standard methods of analysis and design of reinforced concrete structures (including an understanding of capabilities and limitations); and to provide design training in a simulated professional engineering environment. At the end of this unit students will gain proficiency in basic methods of reinforced concrete analysis and design.
The syllabus covers the behaviour of reinforced concrete members and structures, including: material properties, 'elastic' analysis (stresses/deformations/time-dependence), the ultimate strength of beams (flexure), the ultimate strength of columns (short and slender), the behaviour or reinforced concrete slabs, the reinforced concrete truss analogy (shear/torsion/and detailing implications), design of typical elements of a reinforced concrete building, structural modelling, analysis of load-effects (incl. earthquakes), design criteria (for durability, fire-resistance, serviceability and strength), design calculation procedures, reinforcement detailing and structural drawings.
The syllabus covers the behaviour of reinforced concrete members and structures, including: material properties, 'elastic' analysis (stresses/deformations/time-dependence), the ultimate strength of beams (flexure), the ultimate strength of columns (short and slender), the behaviour or reinforced concrete slabs, the reinforced concrete truss analogy (shear/torsion/and detailing implications), design of typical elements of a reinforced concrete building, structural modelling, analysis of load-effects (incl. earthquakes), design criteria (for durability, fire-resistance, serviceability and strength), design calculation procedures, reinforcement detailing and structural drawings.
CIVL9612 Fluid Mechanics
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures, Tutorials, Laboratories Assumed knowledge: CIVL9201 AND CIVL9611 AND (ENGG9802 OR CIVL9802). This unit of study follows on from Fluid Mechanics CIVL9611, which provides the essential fundamental fluid mechanics background and theory, and is assumed to be known and fully understood. Assessment: Through semester assessment (65%) and Final Exam (35%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit of study aims to provide an understanding of the conservation of mass and momentum in differential forms for viscous fluid flows. It provides the foundation for advanced study of turbulence, flow around immersed bodies, open channel flow, pipe flow and pump design.
CIVL6454 Rock Engineering
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Project Work - in class, Laboratories Prohibitions: CIVL5454 Assumed knowledge: Undergraduate geology and soil mechanics. Assessment: Through semester assessment (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) evening
Objectives: to develop an understanding of the behaviour and design of engineering structures in rock masses.
Outcomes: Students will have learnt how to classify and characterise rocks and rock masses for engineering purposes and developed an understanding of basic rock mechanics, etc.
Syllabus summary: Introduction to rock mechanics and rock engineering. Index properties and engineering characterisation of rocks and rock masses. Planes of weakness in rock masses. Rock material strength and rock mass strength. Rock deformability. In situ stress conditions in rock masses. Underground openings. Rock slopes.
Outcomes: Students will have learnt how to classify and characterise rocks and rock masses for engineering purposes and developed an understanding of basic rock mechanics, etc.
Syllabus summary: Introduction to rock mechanics and rock engineering. Index properties and engineering characterisation of rocks and rock masses. Planes of weakness in rock masses. Rock material strength and rock mass strength. Rock deformability. In situ stress conditions in rock masses. Underground openings. Rock slopes.
CIVL9206 Steel Structures 1
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures, Tutorials, Laboratories Assumed knowledge: CIVL9110 AND CIVL9201 AND CIVL9235 Assessment: Through semester assessment (60%) and Final Exam (40%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: It is assumed that students are competent in the following areas: the methods of load transfer in structures - tension, compression, bending, shear, torsion, and bearing; an appreciation of stress and strain, and being able to determine stresses and strains in simple sections under axial force, bending moments, shear and torsion; calculating and understanding the physical significance of geometric section properties - centroid, Ix, Iy, Zx, Zy, Sx, Sy, rx, ry, J, Ag; knowledge of the basic elastic-plastic material properties of steel, E, G, fy, fu; and knowledge of loading of structures. A special "assumed knowledge" lecture will be given in Week 1 to refresh the knowledge of students.
This unit of study is concerned with the behaviour and design of steel structures. Statics provided the fundamentals of equilibrium upon which most structural engineering is based. Structural Concepts and Structural Analysis provided information on the loads (actions) on a structure and how structures resist these actions with a resulting distribution of internal actions (bending moments, shear forces, axial forces; BMDs, SFDs and AFDs). Structural Mechanics considered how these internal actions resulted in stresses and strains in members. Materials considered the microscopic and molecular structure of metals to determine its inherent mechanical properties such as yield stress. This unit of study will then combine the knowledge of stresses, material properties of steel, structural analysis, and loading, and consider new concepts and modes of failure, such as local and flexural torsional buckling, combined actions and second-order effects to understand the behaviour of steel members and frames, and how this behaviour is accounted for in the design standard AS 4100. Both the units of study "Steel Structures 1" and "Concrete Structures 1" can be considered the culmination of the various elements of structural engineering begun in "Engineering Mechanics" in first year, and is further developed in "Civil Engineering Design" in final year. More advanced topics, such as plate behaviour, advanced buckling and connection design, are considered in the final year elective subject "Steel Structures 2". It is recognised that not all students intend to become consulting structural engineers. The unit of study is designed so that students who make an effort to understand the concepts are most capable of passing. Students who are planning a career in the consulting structural engineering profession should be aiming at achieving a Distinction grade or higher.
CIVL9411 Geotechnical Engineering
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures, Tutorials Assumed knowledge: Fundamentals of soil mechanics including effective stress, pore pressure, consolidation and seepage. Assessment: Through semester assessment (50%) and Final Exam (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The objectives of this unit are to provide an understanding of the factors influencing soil strength, and to give practice in the application of this understanding by exploring the stability of slopes, retaining walls and foundations. At the end of this unit students will be able to: determine the strength parameters appropriate to a range of stability problems, and understand the difference between total and effective stress approaches; evaluate strength parameters from laboratory data; critically analyse foundation stability and slope stability problems; use spreadsheets to perform parametric studies and produce design charts for simple geotechnical design problems; and communicate the results of experiments and analyses using written methods appropriate for professional geotechnical engineers. The syllabus comprises; methods of analysis for gravity and sheet pile retaining walls; reinforced soil; slope stability, including modes of failure, analysis and computer methods; bearing capacity of shallow foundations under general loading, and axial and lateral capacities of deep pile foundations; the mechanical behaviour of sands and clays; the Cam Clay model and the breakage model.
CIVL9811 Engineering Design and Construction
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Workshops, Lectures, Presentation, Project Work - own time Prerequisites: CIVL9810 Assessment: Through semester assessment (70%) and Final Exam (30%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Note: This unit aims to prepare students for employment in a broad range of engineering areas including design, planning and construction management.
The objectives of this unit are to develop an understanding of construction methods, strategies, equipment and machinery in a range of construction activities and an understanding of the principles involved in the design for those construction activities.
At the end of this unit, students will have developed a familiarity with a variety of construction methods, strategies, equipment and machinery in a range of construction activities such that they will be able, if and when the opportunity arises to participate as site engineers (or similar role) in the planning and execution of those construction activities, albeit with supervision and guidance from experienced professionals. Students will also have developed an understanding of the design principles and techniques involved in the planning for those construction activities such that they are able, if and when the opportunity arises, to participate as design engineers, in the planning and design for those construction activities, with supervision and guidance from experienced professionals. The range of topics covered in this course is such that the learning outcomes form a basis for later development of more detailed knowledge, dependent on the future career experiences of the student. The course does not prepare a student for immediate, unsupervised participation in construction and design work associated with the topics covered. The topics may vary dependent on current and planned projects in Sydney, NSW and Australia. At this stage the topics are hard rock tunnelling and general hard rock underground excavation; soft ground tunnelling; underground construction; micro tunnelling; cut and cover (cover and cut) tunnelling; earth retaining systems; piling; formwork and falsework (incl Tilt up, Ultrafloor, Sacrificial form); dewatering; pavement design and construction - rigid and flexible (incl and pavement construction materials); stormwater drainage design and construction; marine construction; civil construction in environmentally sensitive areas; contract administration for construction engineers; general engineering in remote localities (project based); construction methods in bridge engineering; QA documentation on a typical project; insurance in the construction industry occupational health and safety issues in the construction industry; timber engineering; post-tensioned/ pre-stressed concrete construction; civil engineering in a marine environment.
On day 1 of the course, a form based survey is taken to invite students to nominate specific areas of interest which may lead to adjustment in course content.
At the end of this unit, students will have developed a familiarity with a variety of construction methods, strategies, equipment and machinery in a range of construction activities such that they will be able, if and when the opportunity arises to participate as site engineers (or similar role) in the planning and execution of those construction activities, albeit with supervision and guidance from experienced professionals. Students will also have developed an understanding of the design principles and techniques involved in the planning for those construction activities such that they are able, if and when the opportunity arises, to participate as design engineers, in the planning and design for those construction activities, with supervision and guidance from experienced professionals. The range of topics covered in this course is such that the learning outcomes form a basis for later development of more detailed knowledge, dependent on the future career experiences of the student. The course does not prepare a student for immediate, unsupervised participation in construction and design work associated with the topics covered. The topics may vary dependent on current and planned projects in Sydney, NSW and Australia. At this stage the topics are hard rock tunnelling and general hard rock underground excavation; soft ground tunnelling; underground construction; micro tunnelling; cut and cover (cover and cut) tunnelling; earth retaining systems; piling; formwork and falsework (incl Tilt up, Ultrafloor, Sacrificial form); dewatering; pavement design and construction - rigid and flexible (incl and pavement construction materials); stormwater drainage design and construction; marine construction; civil construction in environmentally sensitive areas; contract administration for construction engineers; general engineering in remote localities (project based); construction methods in bridge engineering; QA documentation on a typical project; insurance in the construction industry occupational health and safety issues in the construction industry; timber engineering; post-tensioned/ pre-stressed concrete construction; civil engineering in a marine environment.
On day 1 of the course, a form based survey is taken to invite students to nominate specific areas of interest which may lead to adjustment in course content.
Select 6 credit points from the Electives block.
Year Three
CIVL6450 Analysis and Design of Pile Foundations
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures, Project Work - own time, Laboratories Prohibitions: CIVL5450 Assessment: Through semester assessment (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Objectives: To develop an understanding of the modern principles of design of pile foundations and the application of those principles to practice.
Outcomes: Students should gain an advanced understanding of the types of pile foundations used in practice, and the procedures for analysis of pile foundations under various types of loading, and gain experience in carrying out pile design for real geotechnical profiles.
Syllabus summary: Types of piles and their uses, effects of pile installation, axial capacity of piles and pile groups, settlement of pile foundations, ultimate lateral capacity, lateral deformations, analysis of pile groups subjected to general loading conditions, piled raft foundations, piles subjected to ground movements, pile load testing, code provisions for pile design.
Outcomes: Students should gain an advanced understanding of the types of pile foundations used in practice, and the procedures for analysis of pile foundations under various types of loading, and gain experience in carrying out pile design for real geotechnical profiles.
Syllabus summary: Types of piles and their uses, effects of pile installation, axial capacity of piles and pile groups, settlement of pile foundations, ultimate lateral capacity, lateral deformations, analysis of pile groups subjected to general loading conditions, piled raft foundations, piles subjected to ground movements, pile load testing, code provisions for pile design.
CIVL6455 Engineering Behaviour of Soils
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures, Laboratories, Tutorials Prohibitions: CIVL5455 Assumed knowledge: CIVL2410 AND CIVL3411. A knowledge of basic concepts and terminology of soil mechanics is assumed. Experience with geotechnical practice in estimating parameters from field and laboratory data would be useful but not essential. Assessment: Through semester assessment (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This is an advanced soil mechanics course. It is concerned with the mechanical stress, strain, strength behaviour and the application of this knowledge in geotechnical engineering. The course includes an introduction to critical state soil mechanics, which is used to assist with the interpretation of soil data, and to enable prediction of ground behaviour. The course uses the critical state framework to provide a firm basis for an understanding of the stress, strain, strength behaviour of all soils, and to enable a rational approach to the selection of parameters for use in geotechnical design.
CIVL6456 Energy Geotechnics
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: lectures, tutorials Assumed knowledge: [CIVL2410 OR CIVL9410] AND [CIVL3411 OR CIVL9411] Assessment: through semester assessment (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This is an advanced course on geotechnical engineering. The Unit of Study will focus on the design and analyses of geotechnical applications related to energy and sustainability. This course covers essential geotechnical design concepts related to some of the current and emerging energy projects, starting from the governing mechanisms controlling heat and mass transfer, to designing geothermal foundations and geological storage facilities, as examples. Other energy geotechnical problems include the design and analyses of offshore foundations for oil and gas platforms, which must sustain unique and harsh loading conditions, and carbon geosequestration facilities subjected to high temperatures, pressures and hydrological conditions. The course concerns with the constitutive behaviour of soils, including stress, strain, heat and mass transfer, and the application of this knowledge in practical engineering problems. Theme topics related with these materials will be discussed with specific emphases on the areas of energy and environmental engineering. This course aims to develop theoretical and numerical skills for students interested in structural and geotechnical engineering.
CIVL9903 Civil Engineering Design
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures, Tutorials Prerequisites: CIVL9205 AND CIVL9206 Assumed knowledge: CIVL9410 AND CIVL9612 AND CIVL9811 Assessment: Through semester assessment (75%) and Final Exam (25%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The objective of this unit is to give students an appreciation of the role of the designer in the development of Civil Engineering projects. At the end of this unit, students will have developed an understanding of the design philosophy. They will gain this through their involvement in a number of exercises which cover the design sequence from concept to documentation.
The syllabus comprises: design sequence including definition, value and criteria selection; generation of proposals; analysis of proposals; selection of design; development of details of a particular design selected; feasibility studies and examination of existing works; study of design projects by stages, including details of some aspects.
This unit is under the direction of an engineer in professional practice in cooperation with members of the academic staff. Lectures and exercises on architectural design and practice and their relationship to civil engineering are included in the unit.
The syllabus comprises: design sequence including definition, value and criteria selection; generation of proposals; analysis of proposals; selection of design; development of details of a particular design selected; feasibility studies and examination of existing works; study of design projects by stages, including details of some aspects.
This unit is under the direction of an engineer in professional practice in cooperation with members of the academic staff. Lectures and exercises on architectural design and practice and their relationship to civil engineering are included in the unit.
ENGG5205 Professional Practice in Project Management
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Lectures, E-Learning Assessment: Through semester assessment (60%) and Final Exam (40%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day, Online
Note: This is a core unit for all Master of Professional Engineering students as well as all students pursuing Project Management studies (including Master of Project Management, Graduate Certificate in Project Management and Graduate Diploma in Project Management). No prerequisite or assumed knowledge.
This unit of study teaches the fundamental knowledge on the importance, organisational context and professional practice in project management. It serves as an introduction to project management practices for non-PM students. For PM students, this unit lays the foundation to progress to advanced PM subjects. Although serving as a general introduction unit, the focus has been placed on scope, time, cost, and integration related issues.
Specifically, the unit aims to: Introduce students to the institutional, organisational and professional environment for today's project management practitioners as well as typical challenges and issues facing them; Demonstrate the importance of project management to engineering and organisations; Demonstrate the progression from strategy formulation to execution of the project; Provide a set of tools and techniques at different stages of a project's lifecycle with emphasis on scope, time, cost and integration related issues; Highlight examples of project success/failures in project management and to take lessons from these; Consider the roles of project manager in the organization and management of people; Provide a path for students seeking improvements in their project management expertise.
Specifically, the unit aims to: Introduce students to the institutional, organisational and professional environment for today's project management practitioners as well as typical challenges and issues facing them; Demonstrate the importance of project management to engineering and organisations; Demonstrate the progression from strategy formulation to execution of the project; Provide a set of tools and techniques at different stages of a project's lifecycle with emphasis on scope, time, cost and integration related issues; Highlight examples of project success/failures in project management and to take lessons from these; Consider the roles of project manager in the organization and management of people; Provide a path for students seeking improvements in their project management expertise.
ENGG5217 Practical Experience
Session: Intensive April,Intensive August,Intensive December,Intensive February,Intensive January,Intensive July,Intensive June,Intensive March,Intensive May,Intensive November,Intensive October,Intensive September Classes: Practical Experience Prohibitions: ENGP1000 OR ENGP2000 OR ENGP3000 OR ENGG4000 OR CHNG5205 OR AMME5010 Assessment: Through semester assessment (100%) Mode of delivery: Professional practice
Note: Students should have completed one year of their MPE program before enrolling in this unit.
The 3 year MPE requires students to obtain industrial work experience of twelve weeks duration (60 working days) or its equivalent towards satisfying the requirements for award of the degree. Students can undertake their work experience in the final year of the MPE program (Year 3). Students may have prior work in an Engineering field carried out on completion of their undergraduate degree accepted as meeting the requirements of this component.
Students must be exposed to professional engineering practice to enable them to develop an engineering approach and ethos, and to gain an appreciation of engineering ethics. and to gain an appreciation of engineering ethics.
The student is required to inform the Faculty of any work arrangements by emailing the Graduate School of Engineering and Information Technologies. Assessment in this unit is by the submission of a portfolio containing written reports on the involvement with industry. For details of the reporting requirements, go to the faculty's Practical Experience portfolio web site http://sydney.edu.au/engineering/practical-experience/index.shtml
Students must be exposed to professional engineering practice to enable them to develop an engineering approach and ethos, and to gain an appreciation of engineering ethics. and to gain an appreciation of engineering ethics.
The student is required to inform the Faculty of any work arrangements by emailing the Graduate School of Engineering and Information Technologies. Assessment in this unit is by the submission of a portfolio containing written reports on the involvement with industry. For details of the reporting requirements, go to the faculty's Practical Experience portfolio web site http://sydney.edu.au/engineering/practical-experience/index.shtml
Select at least 12 credit points from the Project or Research Pathway block.
Select 6 credit points from the Specialist electives block.
Specialist Elective units
Candidates must complete 6 credit points from the following Specialist elective units of study.
CIVL5351 Geoenvironmental Engineering
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures, Tutorials, Laboratories Assessment: Through semester assessment (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Geoenvironmental Engineering is an applied science concerned with the protection of the subsurface from human activities. It can be divided into 2 main branches: waste containment and treatment of pollution sites. The former is usually a preventative activity, whereas the latter is corrective, i. e. it occurs after pollution has taken place. Geoenvironmental Engineering draws on fundamental science, especially the chemistry of low-permeability material such as clay, fluid flow in soil and contaminant migration in soil. The goal of CIVL5351 is to introduce you to the science behind Geoenvironmental Engineering and develop your skills at designing waste containment systems.
Learning Outcomes: 1. Analyse flow regime in soil using Darcy equation; 2. Analyse contaminant migration in soil using coupled flow and reactive diffusion-advection equations; 3. Design a single or double composite landfill liner satisfying groundwater quality requirements; 4. Predict the potential for methane production in a landfill and assess the feasibility of waste-to-energy conversion; 5. Conduct research on a geoenvironmental topic as part for group.
Syllabus Summary: introduction to geoenvironmental engineering; integrated waste management and life cycle assessment; soil composition and mineralogy; types and characteristics of contaminants; theory of water seepage in soil and hydraulic conductivity; theory of reactive contaminant transport in soil including molecular diffusion, mechanical dispersion and advective flow; analytical and numerical solutions of reactive diffusion advection equation; design of landfills; geosynthetics and geomembranes; defects and leakage rates; methane generation in landfills and landfill gas management.
Learning Outcomes: 1. Analyse flow regime in soil using Darcy equation; 2. Analyse contaminant migration in soil using coupled flow and reactive diffusion-advection equations; 3. Design a single or double composite landfill liner satisfying groundwater quality requirements; 4. Predict the potential for methane production in a landfill and assess the feasibility of waste-to-energy conversion; 5. Conduct research on a geoenvironmental topic as part for group.
Syllabus Summary: introduction to geoenvironmental engineering; integrated waste management and life cycle assessment; soil composition and mineralogy; types and characteristics of contaminants; theory of water seepage in soil and hydraulic conductivity; theory of reactive contaminant transport in soil including molecular diffusion, mechanical dispersion and advective flow; analytical and numerical solutions of reactive diffusion advection equation; design of landfills; geosynthetics and geomembranes; defects and leakage rates; methane generation in landfills and landfill gas management.
CIVL5453 Geotechnical Hazards
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures, Tutorials, Project Work - in class, Project Work - own time Assumed knowledge: (CIVL2410 AND CIVL3411) OR (CIVL9410 AND CIVL9411). Students are assumed to have a good knowledge of fundamental soil mechanics, which is covered in the courses of soil mechanics (settlement, water flow, soil strength) and foundation engineering (soil models, stability analyses; slope stability; retaining walls; foundation capacity). Assessment: Through semester assessment (50%) and Final Exam (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Geotechnical hazards include landslides, rock falls and mud flows. They are triggered by soil/rock failure due to natural or human causes. The objective of this Unit of Study is to develop the ability to assess and mitigate the risks associated to such events.
Students will learn how to estimate when and where these events are likely to occur, how to define safety zones and how to design effective protection structures. The syllabus is comprised of (i) Landslide Risk Assessment and Management procedures (ii) post-failure and out of equilibrium soil mechanics applied to prediction of rock fall, landslide and mud flow run-out distance and impact force on structures; (iii) design of geotechnical protection structures using Finite Element modelling.
Senior geotechnical engineers from major companies will deliver some guest lectures presenting on practical case study involving geotechnical hazards throughout the semester.
Students will learn how to estimate when and where these events are likely to occur, how to define safety zones and how to design effective protection structures. The syllabus is comprised of (i) Landslide Risk Assessment and Management procedures (ii) post-failure and out of equilibrium soil mechanics applied to prediction of rock fall, landslide and mud flow run-out distance and impact force on structures; (iii) design of geotechnical protection structures using Finite Element modelling.
Senior geotechnical engineers from major companies will deliver some guest lectures presenting on practical case study involving geotechnical hazards throughout the semester.
CIVL5458 Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures, Tutorials, Demonstration Assessment: Through semester assessment (80%) and Final Exam (20%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The objective of this unit is to provide students with fundamental knowledge of finite element analysis and how to apply this knowledge to the solution of civil engineering problems at intermediate and advanced levels.
At the end of this unit, students should acquire knowledge of methods of formulating finite element equations, basic element types, the use of finite element methods for solving problems in structural, geotechnical and continuum analysis and the use of finite element software packages. The syllabus comprises introduction to finite element theory, analysis of bars, beams and columns, and assemblages of these structural elements; analysis of elastic continua; problems of plane strain, plane stress and axial symmetry; use, testing and validation of finite element software packages; and extensions to apply this knowledge to problems encountered in engineering practice.
On completion of this unit, students will have gained the following knowledge and skills:
1. Knowledge of methods of formulating finite element equations. This will provide students with an insight into the principles at the basis of the FE elements available in commercial FE software.
2. Knowledge of basic element types. Students will be able to evaluate the adequacy of different elements in providing accurate and reliable results.
3. Knowledge of the use of finite element methods for solving problems in structural and geotechnical engineering applications. Students will be exposed to some applications to enable them to gain familiarity with FE analyses.
4. Knowledge of the use of finite element programming and modeling.
5. Extended knowledge of the application of FE to solve civil engineering problems.
At the end of this unit, students should acquire knowledge of methods of formulating finite element equations, basic element types, the use of finite element methods for solving problems in structural, geotechnical and continuum analysis and the use of finite element software packages. The syllabus comprises introduction to finite element theory, analysis of bars, beams and columns, and assemblages of these structural elements; analysis of elastic continua; problems of plane strain, plane stress and axial symmetry; use, testing and validation of finite element software packages; and extensions to apply this knowledge to problems encountered in engineering practice.
On completion of this unit, students will have gained the following knowledge and skills:
1. Knowledge of methods of formulating finite element equations. This will provide students with an insight into the principles at the basis of the FE elements available in commercial FE software.
2. Knowledge of basic element types. Students will be able to evaluate the adequacy of different elements in providing accurate and reliable results.
3. Knowledge of the use of finite element methods for solving problems in structural and geotechnical engineering applications. Students will be exposed to some applications to enable them to gain familiarity with FE analyses.
4. Knowledge of the use of finite element programming and modeling.
5. Extended knowledge of the application of FE to solve civil engineering problems.
CIVL5460 Particle Mechanics for Geotechnics
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: lectures, tutorials Assumed knowledge: (CIVL2410 OR CIVL9410) AND (CIVL3411 OR CIVL9411) Assessment: through semester assessment (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The objectives of this unit are to demonstrate how the granular structure of soil materials controls their engineering behaviour; translate particle micromechanics to improve macroscopic engineering predictions; and establish the intimate connection of geotechnical engineering to other disciplines where granular materials play a pivotal role, including mining engineering, bulk materials handling, and geophysics. Similarly, this course will cohesively connect geotechnical engineering with fluids engineering principles, as well as enhance students' background in materials science. At the end of this unit students will be able to understand and use Discrete Element Method to evaluate and solve geotechnical problems such as rockfall interactions with surrounding terrain. They will also critically analyse pile penetration and silo discharge in light of granular mechanisms; apply soil rheology to carry out parametric study of landslide flows; and understand and use dimensionless analysis principles to predict resistive forces on obstacles. Strong focus will be dedicated for communicating students' results using written methods appropriate for professional engineers.
Elective units
Candidates must complete 6 credit points from the following Elective units of study.
CIVL5266 Steel Structures - Stability
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures, Tutorials Assumed knowledge: There are no prerequisites for this unit of study but it is assumed that students are competent in the content covered in Structural Mechanics, Steel Structures, and Structural Analysis. Assessment: Through semester assessment (45%) and Final Exam (55%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit aims to: provide fundamental understanding at advanced level of the behaviour and design of hot-rolled/fabricated and cold-formed steel members; to provide fundamental understanding of newly developed Direct Design Method (DDM) for analysis and design of structural systems; and to develop an understanding of the behaviour and design of steel connections in open and hollow sections. It is anticipated that at the end of this unit of study students should be familiar with the behaviour of steel structures at advanced level in selected areas, including design for local buckling and design for flexural-torsional buckling of columns and beams; have a sound knowledge of AS 4100 in the areas of section capacity determination of slender cross-sections, and flexural-torsional buckling of beams; have a sound knowledge of AS/NZS 4600 in the areas of section capacity determination of slender cross-sections, and flexural-torsional buckling of columns and beams; have knowledge of the use of FEM software in the design of structural systems; have the skills to assess the behaviour of specific connections; have an appreciation of some practical aspects of economical steel connection design. This unit will examine stability theory, Stability design to AS4100 and AS/NZS4600, Direct Design Method, Steel connection design.
CIVL5269 Advanced Concrete Structures
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures, Tutorials, Laboratories Prerequisites: CIVL3205 OR CIVL9205 Assessment: Through semester assessment (50%) and Final Exam (50%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This Unit reviews the fundamental concepts of 'elastic' behaviour of reinforced concrete structures and introduces models of behaviour and methods of analysis related to the time-dependent effects of creep and shrinkage (at service loads). This Unit also examines the non-linear (strain-softening) behaviour of reinforced concrete and the related effects concerning the strength of statically-indeterminate reinforced concrete structures. In particular, this Unit examines the concepts of ductility, moment-redistribution and plastic design (for beams and slabs). Strut-and-tie modelling of reinforced concrete members is also described. Design guidelines will reflect requirements of the Australian Standards and Eurocodes.
This Unit will provide students with the following knowledge and skills: understanding of the fundamental concepts and theoretical models concerning the time-dependent structural effects of concrete creep and shrinkage; ability to carry out calculations to estimate 'elastic' load-effects (stresses/strains/deformations) for reinforced concrete structures (at service loads), accounting for the time-dependent effects of concrete creep and shrinkage; understanding of the fundamental concepts and theoretical models of the strain-softening behaviour of reinforced concrete (in flexure); understanding of the fundamental concepts and numerical models of ductility and moment redistribution for reinforced concrete beams; ability to quantitatively assess the ductility and moment-redistribution capacity of reinforced concrete beams; understanding of the fundamental concepts and numerical models of plastic behaviour and design for reinforced concrete beams and slabs (including yield-line analysis); ability to determine the ultimate plastic load-carrying capacity of statically-indeterminate reinforced-concrete beams and slabs; ability to use strut-and-tie models of reinforced concrete behaviour.
This Unit will provide students with the following knowledge and skills: understanding of the fundamental concepts and theoretical models concerning the time-dependent structural effects of concrete creep and shrinkage; ability to carry out calculations to estimate 'elastic' load-effects (stresses/strains/deformations) for reinforced concrete structures (at service loads), accounting for the time-dependent effects of concrete creep and shrinkage; understanding of the fundamental concepts and theoretical models of the strain-softening behaviour of reinforced concrete (in flexure); understanding of the fundamental concepts and numerical models of ductility and moment redistribution for reinforced concrete beams; ability to quantitatively assess the ductility and moment-redistribution capacity of reinforced concrete beams; understanding of the fundamental concepts and numerical models of plastic behaviour and design for reinforced concrete beams and slabs (including yield-line analysis); ability to determine the ultimate plastic load-carrying capacity of statically-indeterminate reinforced-concrete beams and slabs; ability to use strut-and-tie models of reinforced concrete behaviour.
CIVL5277 Structural Rehabilitation and Timber Design
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: lectures, tutorials, workshops Assumed knowledge: (CIVL2201 AND CIVL3205 AND CIVL3206) OR (CIVL9201 AND CIVL9205 AND CIVL9206) Assessment: through semester assessment (60%), final exam (40%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This course will provide students broader knowledge in timber design and structural rehabilitation. In the first section of the subject, students will learn the engineering properties of timber and requirements to be met for specification of the design, installation and maintenance of timber structures. It includes grading and structural properties; design actions; design of timber columns, beams, tension members and connections; principles of limit state design and serviceability; methods of testing; quality standards and maintenance of timber structures based on AS 1720. 1-2010 timber structures-design methods, and AS NZS 4063. 1-2010 characterization of structural timber-test methods.
The second part covers monitoring, rehabilitation and strengthening techniques of existing structures (concrete/steel/timber/masonry). Students will be introduced to structural inspection and evaluation; durability and deterioration; destructive and non-destructive testing; and design of strengthening systems including advanced fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) materials, epoxy injection, steel plate bonding, and post tensioning according to relevant Australian, ACI and European guidelines.
The second part covers monitoring, rehabilitation and strengthening techniques of existing structures (concrete/steel/timber/masonry). Students will be introduced to structural inspection and evaluation; durability and deterioration; destructive and non-destructive testing; and design of strengthening systems including advanced fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) materials, epoxy injection, steel plate bonding, and post tensioning according to relevant Australian, ACI and European guidelines.
CIVL5320 Engineering for Sustainable Development
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lectures, Tutorials, Laboratories, Assignments Prerequisites: CIVL3310 OR CIVL9310 Assessment: through semester assessment (80%), final exam (20%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The aim of this unit of study is to provide students with an introduction to the knowledge and skills necessary to design and implement sustainable humanitarian engineering projects. The context for the delivery of humanitarian engineering projects are set in developing countries, disaster relief situations, indigenous communities and our societies at large. Sustainability it critical to the long term impact of any engineering project. Students will learn about how engineering fits within a range of sustainability frameworks. Systems thinking, inter-disciplinary approaches, partnerships and government policy are some of the topics that will be covered. This unit of study is the 4th year elective for Humanitarian Engineering major and is open to all undergraduate engineers who have completed the pre-requisites.
CIVL5452 Foundation Engineering
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures 3 hrs per week, presented in 2 sessions per week for 11 weeks of semester. Tutorials 1hr per week. Prohibitions: CIVL6452 Assumed knowledge: CIVL2410 AND CIVL3411. Students are assumed to have a good knowledge of fundamental soil mechanics, which is covered in the courses of soil mechanics (settlement, water flow, soil strength) and foundation engineering (soil models, stability analyses; slope stability; retaining walls; foundation capacity) Assessment: Through semester assessment (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The objectives of this unit are to gain an understanding of the design process in foundation engineering, to understand the importance of site investigation and field testing, and to learn how to deal with uncertainty. To achieve these objectives students are asked to design foundations using real data. Students will develop the ability to interpret the results of a site investigation; to use laboratory and field data to design simple foundations; develop an appreciation of the interaction between the soil, foundation system and the supported structure. The syllabus is comprised of field testing, site characterisation, interpretation of field data, design of pile raft and surface footings, support of excavations, soil improvement, and geotechnical report writing.
CIVL5668 Fundamentals of Wind Engineering for Design
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures, Tutorials Assessment: Through semester assessment (60%) and Final Exam (40%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit of study will introduce the fundamentals of meteorology governing wind flow, details of extreme wind events, wind structure, statistical distribution of the wind, the effect of topography and terrain changes on wind profile, investigate the fluid flow around bluff bodies, and detail the design of civil engineering structures for wind loading.
This unit will provide students with the following knowledge and skills: On completion of this course students will have an understanding of the governing principles of wind engineering, how to predict the extreme wind speed and analyse anemographs, predict the effect of terrain and topography on velocity and turbulence, understand flow patterns around bodies, how to predict the pressure distribution and wind loading on bodies and structures, dynamic response of structures, and how all the above relates to AS1170.2.
This unit will provide students with the following knowledge and skills: On completion of this course students will have an understanding of the governing principles of wind engineering, how to predict the extreme wind speed and analyse anemographs, predict the effect of terrain and topography on velocity and turbulence, understand flow patterns around bodies, how to predict the pressure distribution and wind loading on bodies and structures, dynamic response of structures, and how all the above relates to AS1170.2.
CIVL5670 Reservoir, Stream and Coastal Engineering
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures, Tutorials Assumed knowledge: (CIVL3612 OR CIVL9612) AND MATH2061 Assessment: Through semester assessment (40%) and Final Exam (60%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The objectives of this unit of study are to develop an understanding of the processes occurring in lakes, reservoirs, streams and coastal seas, an introduction to transport and mixing in inland waters, and to the design the design of marine structures. The unit will cover the mass and heat budget in stored water bodies, mixing, and the implications for water quality. In streams, natural river systems will be discussed, and the principles of sediment transport and scour, monitoring and management will be introduced. The basic equations for linear and nonlinear wave theories in coastal seas will be introduced, and wave forces on structures and an introduction to design of offshore structures will be discussed.
CIVL5999 Advanced Research and Analysis
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures, Laboratories, Project Work - in class, Project Work - own time Assumed knowledge: (CIVL2201 OR CIVL9201) AND (CIVL2611 OR CIVL9611) AND (CIVL2410 OR CIVL9410) Assessment: through semester assessment (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This unit requires students to use a number of advanced experimental tools and techniques which they learn through project-based learning as well as a structured theoretical lecture program. It will be very useful as co-requisite study for students engaged in an experimental honours thesis topic. It also covers issues of basic electronic circuitry and signal processing, various analysis techniques using both simple and advanced statistics, and advanced data processing methods such as PIV and Fourier filtering. It will also prepare students for further research in industry or academia.
CSYS5010 Introduction to Complex Systems
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Lectures, Laboratories Assessment: Through semester assessment (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Globalisation, rapid technological advances, the development of integrated and distributed systems, cross-disciplinary technical collaboration, and the emergence of "evolved" (as opposed to designed) systems are some of the reasons why many systems have begun to be described as complex systems in recent times. Complex technological, biological, socio-economic and socio-ecological systems (power grids, communication and transport systems, food webs, megaprojects, and interdependent civil infrastructure) are composed of large numbers of diverse interacting parts and exhibit self-organisation and/or emergent behaviour. This unit will introduce the basic concepts of "complex systems theory", and focus on methods for the quantitative analysis and modelling of collective emergent phenomena, using diverse computational approaches such as agent-based modelling and simulation, cellular automata, bio-inspired algorithms, and game theory. Students will gain theoretical knowledge of complex adaptive systems, coupled with practical skills in computational simulation and forecasting using a range of modern toolkits.
CSYS5020 Interdependent Civil Systems
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures, Laboratories Assessment: Through semester assessment (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
Our modern day civil infrastructure includes transport networks, telecommunications, power systems, financial infrastructure and emergency services, all of which are growing more and more interconnected. Moreover, the behaviour of the modern infrastructure is not dependent only upon the behaviour of its parts: complex civil systems (such as modern power grids), communication and transport systems, megaprojects, social and eco-systems, generate rich interactions among the individual components with interdependencies across systems. This interdependent behaviour brings about significant new challenges associated with the design and management of complex systems. Cascading power failures, traffic disruptions, epidemic outbreaks, chronic diseases, financial market crashes, and ecosystem collapses are typical manifestations of these challenges, affecting the stability of modern society and civil infrastructure. This unit will develop an understanding of how interdependent systems perform under stress, how to improve resilience and how best to mitigate the effects of various kinds of component failure or human error, by more accurate analysis of interdependent cascades of failures across system boundaries. The studied topics will include dynamical analysis of complex interdependent networks, local and global measures of network structure and evolution, cascading failures, as well as predictive measures of catastrophic failure in complex adaptive systems, and the tools that enable planning for resilient infrastructure. This unit will equip future professionals with sufficient expertise and technical know-how for the design of efficient prevention and intervention policies, and robust crisis forecasting and management. This unit will equip future professionals with sufficient expertise and technical know-how for the design of efficient prevention and intervention policies, and robust crisis forecasting and management.
ENGG5203 Quality Engineering and Management
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Presentation, Project Work - in class, Project Work - own time Assumed knowledge: First degree in Engineering or a related discipline Assessment: Through semester assessment (100%) Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
This subject is designed to support Engineers in the implementation of engineering tasks in the workplace. It addresses the use of quality control and management as well as systems assurance processes. It is designed to enable engineers entering practice from other related disciplines or with overseas qualifications to do so in a safe and effective way. The study program will include management of quality in research, design and delivery of engineering works and investigation, as well as of safe work practices and systems assurance.
Project units
All candidates are required to complete a minimum of 12 credit points of Project or Research units during the final year of study.
Candidates achieving an average mark of 70% or higher over 48 credit points of units of study in the Year Two Table or equivalent are eligible for the Extended Capstone Project.
Extended Capstone Project candidates take Capstone Project units CIVL5020 and CIVL5022 (total 18 cp) in place of Capstone Project CIVL5021 and 6 cp of elective units.
CIVL5020 Capstone Project A
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Lectures, Research, Meeting Prerequisites: 96 cp from MPE degree program or 48 cp from the MPE(Accel) program or 24 cp from the ME program (including any credit for previous study). Prohibitions: CIVL5222 OR CIVL5223 Assessment: Through semester assessment (100%) Mode of delivery: Supervision
The capstone project requires the student to plan and execute a substantial research-based project, using their technical and communication skills to design, evaluate, implement, analyse and theorise about developments that contribute to professional practice thus demonstrating the achievement of AQF Level 9.
Capstone Project provides an opportunity for students to conduct original research. Students will generally work individually and an individual thesis must be submitted by each student.
Capstone Project is a major task and is to be conducted with work spread over most of the year, in two successive Units of Study of 6 credits points each, Capstone Project A (CIVL5020) and Capstone Project B (CIVL5021). This particular unit of study, which must precede CIVL5021 Capstone Project B, should cover the first half of the work required for a complete Capstone Project. In particular, it should include almost all planning of a research or investigation project, a major proportion of the necessary literature review (unless the entire project is based on a literature review and critical analysis), and a significant proportion of the investigative work required of the project.
A thesis at this level will represent a contribution to professional practice or research, however the timeframe available for the thesis also needs to be considered when developing project scopes. Indeed, a key aim of the thesis is to specify a research topic that arouses sufficient intellectual curiosity, and presents an appropriate range and diversity of technical and conceptual challenges, while remaining manageable and allowing achievable outcomes within the time and resources available. It is important that the topic be of sufficient scope and complexity to allow a student to learn their craft and demonstrate their research skills. Equally imperative is that the task not be so demanding as to elude completion. Finally the ability to plan such a project to achieve results within constraints and the identification of promising areas and approaches for future research is a key assessment criterion.
Capstone Project provides an opportunity for students to conduct original research. Students will generally work individually and an individual thesis must be submitted by each student.
Capstone Project is a major task and is to be conducted with work spread over most of the year, in two successive Units of Study of 6 credits points each, Capstone Project A (CIVL5020) and Capstone Project B (CIVL5021). This particular unit of study, which must precede CIVL5021 Capstone Project B, should cover the first half of the work required for a complete Capstone Project. In particular, it should include almost all planning of a research or investigation project, a major proportion of the necessary literature review (unless the entire project is based on a literature review and critical analysis), and a significant proportion of the investigative work required of the project.
A thesis at this level will represent a contribution to professional practice or research, however the timeframe available for the thesis also needs to be considered when developing project scopes. Indeed, a key aim of the thesis is to specify a research topic that arouses sufficient intellectual curiosity, and presents an appropriate range and diversity of technical and conceptual challenges, while remaining manageable and allowing achievable outcomes within the time and resources available. It is important that the topic be of sufficient scope and complexity to allow a student to learn their craft and demonstrate their research skills. Equally imperative is that the task not be so demanding as to elude completion. Finally the ability to plan such a project to achieve results within constraints and the identification of promising areas and approaches for future research is a key assessment criterion.
CIVL5021 Capstone Project B
Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Research, Meeting Corequisites: CIVL5020 Prohibitions: CIVL5222 OR CIVL5223 OR CIVL5022 Assessment: Through semester assessment (100%) Mode of delivery: Supervision
The capstone project requires the student to plan and execute a substantial research-based project, using their technical and communication skills to design, evaluate, implement, analyse and theorise about developments that contribute to professional practice thus demonstrating the achievement of AQF Level 9.
Capstone Project provides an opportunity for students to conduct original research. Students will generally work individually and an individual thesis must be submitted by each student.
Capstone Project is a major task and is to be conducted with work spread over most of the year, in two successive Units of Study of 6 credits points each, Capstone Project A (CIVL5020) and Capstone Project B (CIVL5021). This particular unit of study, which must be preceded by or be conducted concurrently with CIVL5020 Capstone Project A, should cover the second half of the work required for a complete Capstone Project. In particular, it should include completion of all components of the research or investigation project planned but not undertaken or completed in CIVL5020 Capstone Project A.
A thesis at this level will represent a contribution to professional practice or research, however the timeframe available for the thesis also needs to be considered when developing project scopes. Indeed, a key aim of the thesis is to specify a research topic that arouses sufficient intellectual curiosity, and presents an appropriate range and diversity of technical and conceptual challenges, while remaining manageable and allowing achievable outcomes within the time and resources available. It is important that the topic be of sufficient scope and complexity to allow a student to learn their craft and demonstrate their research skills. Equally imperative is that the task not be so demanding as to elude completion. Finally the ability to plan such a project to achieve results within constraints and the identification of promising areas and approaches for future research is a key assessment criterion.
Capstone Project provides an opportunity for students to conduct original research. Students will generally work individually and an individual thesis must be submitted by each student.
Capstone Project is a major task and is to be conducted with work spread over most of the year, in two successive Units of Study of 6 credits points each, Capstone Project A (CIVL5020) and Capstone Project B (CIVL5021). This particular unit of study, which must be preceded by or be conducted concurrently with CIVL5020 Capstone Project A, should cover the second half of the work required for a complete Capstone Project. In particular, it should include completion of all components of the research or investigation project planned but not undertaken or completed in CIVL5020 Capstone Project A.
A thesis at this level will represent a contribution to professional practice or research, however the timeframe available for the thesis also needs to be considered when developing project scopes. Indeed, a key aim of the thesis is to specify a research topic that arouses sufficient intellectual curiosity, and presents an appropriate range and diversity of technical and conceptual challenges, while remaining manageable and allowing achievable outcomes within the time and resources available. It is important that the topic be of sufficient scope and complexity to allow a student to learn their craft and demonstrate their research skills. Equally imperative is that the task not be so demanding as to elude completion. Finally the ability to plan such a project to achieve results within constraints and the identification of promising areas and approaches for future research is a key assessment criterion.
CIVL5022 Capstone Project B Extended
Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Research, Meeting Prerequisites: 24 credit points in the Master of Engineering and WAM >=70, or 96 credit points in the Master of Professional Engineering and WAM >=70 or 48cp from MPE(Accel) program and WAM >=70 Prohibitions: CIVL5021 OR CIVL5222 OR CIVL5223 Assessment: Through semester assessment (100%) Mode of delivery: Supervision
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The capstone project requires the student to plan and execute a substantial research-based project, using their technical and communication skills to design, evaluate, implement, analyse and theorise about developments that contribute to professional practice thus demonstrating the achievement of AQF Level 9.
Capstone Project provides an opportunity for students to conduct original research. Students will generally work in groups, although planning and writing of the thesis will be done individually; i. e. , a separate thesis must be submitted by each student. Only in exceptional circumstances and by approval of Capstone Project course coordinator and the relevant academic supervisor concerned will a student be permitted to undertake a project individually.
Capstone Project is a major task and is to be conducted with work spread over most of the year, in two successive Units of Study of 6 credits points each, Capstone Project A (CIVL5020) and Capstone Project B (CIVL5021) or this unit Capstone Project B extended (CIVL5022) worth 12 credit points. This particular unit of study, which must be preceded by or be conducted concurrently with CIVL5020 Capstone Project A, should cover the second half of the work required for a complete Capstone Project. In particular, it should include completion of all components of the research or investigation project planned but not undertaken or completed in CIVL5020 Capstone Project A.
A thesis at this level will represent a contribution to professional practice or research, however the timeframe available for the thesis also needs to be considered when developing project scopes. Indeed, a key aim of the thesis is to specify a research topic that arouses sufficient intellectual curiosity, and presents an appropriate range and diversity of technical and conceptual challenges, while remaining manageable and allowing achievable outcomes within the time and resources available. It is important that the topic be of sufficient scope and complexity to allow a student to learn their craft and demonstrate their research skills. Equally imperative is that the task not be so demanding as to elude completion. Finally the ability to plan such a project to achieve results within constraints and the identification of promising areas and approaches for future research is a key assessment criterion.
Capstone Project provides an opportunity for students to conduct original research. Students will generally work in groups, although planning and writing of the thesis will be done individually; i. e. , a separate thesis must be submitted by each student. Only in exceptional circumstances and by approval of Capstone Project course coordinator and the relevant academic supervisor concerned will a student be permitted to undertake a project individually.
Capstone Project is a major task and is to be conducted with work spread over most of the year, in two successive Units of Study of 6 credits points each, Capstone Project A (CIVL5020) and Capstone Project B (CIVL5021) or this unit Capstone Project B extended (CIVL5022) worth 12 credit points. This particular unit of study, which must be preceded by or be conducted concurrently with CIVL5020 Capstone Project A, should cover the second half of the work required for a complete Capstone Project. In particular, it should include completion of all components of the research or investigation project planned but not undertaken or completed in CIVL5020 Capstone Project A.
A thesis at this level will represent a contribution to professional practice or research, however the timeframe available for the thesis also needs to be considered when developing project scopes. Indeed, a key aim of the thesis is to specify a research topic that arouses sufficient intellectual curiosity, and presents an appropriate range and diversity of technical and conceptual challenges, while remaining manageable and allowing achievable outcomes within the time and resources available. It is important that the topic be of sufficient scope and complexity to allow a student to learn their craft and demonstrate their research skills. Equally imperative is that the task not be so demanding as to elude completion. Finally the ability to plan such a project to achieve results within constraints and the identification of promising areas and approaches for future research is a key assessment criterion.
Research pathway
Candidates achieving an average mark of 75% or higher over 48 credit points of units of study in the Year Two Table or equivalent are eligible for the Research Pathway.
Research pathway candidates take Dissertation units CIVL5222 and CIVL5223 (total 24 cp) in place of Capstone Project units and 12 cp of elective units.
CIVL5222 Dissertation A
Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Prohibitions: CIVL5020 OR CIVL5021 OR CIVL5022 Assessment: Through semester assessment (100%) Mode of delivery: Supervision
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: In order to enrol in a project, students must first secure an academic supervisor in an area that they are interested. The topic of your project must be determined in discussion with the supervisor. The supervisor can come from any of the Engineering Departments, however, they need to send confirmation of their supervision approval to the Postgraduate Administrator.
To complete a substantial research project and successfully analyse a problem, devise appropriate experiments, analyse the results and produce a well-argued, in-depth thesis.
CIVL5223 Dissertation B
Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Prohibitions: CIVL5020 OR CIVL5021 OR CIVL5022 Assessment: Through semester assessment (100%) Mode of delivery: Supervision
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: In order to enrol in a project, students must first secure an academic supervisor in an area that they are interested. The topic of your project must be determined in discussion with the supervisor. The supervisor can come from any of the Engineering Departments, however, they need to send confirmation of their supervision approval to the Postgraduate Administrator.
To complete a substantial research project and successfully analyse a problem, devise appropriate experiments, analyse the results and produce a well-argued, in-depth thesis.
Exchange units
Exchange units require the approval of the Program Director. With approval, up to 12 credit points of Exchange units may taken in place of other units, towards the requirements ofthe degree.
ENGG5231 Engineering Graduate Exchange A
Credit points: 6 Session: Intensive January,Intensive July Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The purpose of this unit is to enable students to undertake an overseas learning activity during the university's summer or winter break while completing a Masters degree in either Engineering, Professional Engineering, Information Technologies or Project Management. The learning activity may comprise either a short project under academic or industry supervision or summer or winter school unit of study at an approved overseas institution. The learning activity should demonstrate outcomes and workload equivalent to a 6 credit point Master's level unit in the student's current award program.
Students may enrol in this unit with permission from the school and the Sub-Dean Students for the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies.
Students may enrol in this unit with permission from the school and the Sub-Dean Students for the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies.
ENGG5232 Engineering Graduate Exchange B
Credit points: 6 Session: Intensive January,Intensive July Mode of delivery: Normal (lecture/lab/tutorial) day
The purpose of this unit is to enable students to undertake an overseas learning activity during the university's summer or winter break while completing a Masters degree in either Engineering, Professional Engineering, Information Technologies or Project Management. The learning activity may comprise either a short project under academic or industry supervision or summer or winter school unit of study at an approved overseas institution. The learning activity should demonstrate outcomes and workload equivalent to a 6 credit point Master's level unit in the student's current award program.
Students may enrol in this unit with permission from the school and the Sub-Dean Students for the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies.
Students may enrol in this unit with permission from the school and the Sub-Dean Students for the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies.
For more information on units of study visit CUSP (https://cusp.sydney.edu.au).