University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Units of study

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Master of Criminology

Candidates must complete 48 credit points of units of study including:
12 credit points of core units of study and 36 credit points of elective units of study for candidates with a law background; or
18 credit points of core units of study and 30 credit points of elective units of study for candidates without a law background

2011 Core Units of Study

Crime Research and Policy

compulsory for MCrim and GradDipCrim students and co-requisite for other criminology units. The unit replaced LAWS6032 Crime Research and Policy 1.
Semester 1
Criminal Liability
6    N This unit is an introduction to aspects of criminal law for non-lawyers and is therefore not available to students who have completed a law degree or completed criminal law at a tertiary level

compulsory for MCrim students
Semester 2
Explaining Crime

compulsory for MCrim and GradDipCrim students and co-requisite for other criminology elective units
Semester 1

2011 Elective Units of Study

Anti-Terrorism Law
6    N CISS6011, CISS6007

This unit replaced LAWS6856 Terrorism & Counterterrorism Policy and Law
S2 Intensive
Criminal Justice Internship
6    P LAWS6048 Explaining Crime or approval from the Program Coordinator

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit is available to students enrolled in the MCrim and GradDipCrim only. Placement will be based on a selection process. Interested applicants must submit an Expression of Interest (maximum two typed pages) clearly outlining their reasons for applying; details of previous internships undertaken; and what they perceive to be the benefits of completing the internship. The Expression of Interest must be submitted to Mr Garner Clancey by Friday 29 April 2011. Successful applicants will be formally notified of the outcome of the application and enrolment procedures.
S2 Intensive
Criminal Procedures
6      S1 Intensive
Criminology Research Project
This unit is worth 12 credit points and candidates may complete it in one or two semesters.
Criminology Research Project A
6    C LAWS6234

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Closing date 30 September (Semester 1) and 30 April (Semester 2). Students must complete both LAWS6233 and LAWS6234 within one or two semesters.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Criminology Research Project B
6    C LAWS6233

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Closing date 30 September (Semester 1) and 30 April (Semester 2). Students must complete both LAWS6233 and LAWS6234 within one or two semesters.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Death Law
6      S1 Late IntB
Explaining Punishment
6      S1 Intensive
Forensic Psychology
6      Semester 1
Indigenous Peoples and Criminal Justice
6      S2 Late IntB
Internatl & Comparative Criminal Justice
6    N LAWS6269, LAWS6219
S1 Late IntC
Mental Illness: Law and Policy
6      Int Sept
Young People, Crime and the Law

This unit replaced LAWS6069 Juvenile Justice
Semester 2
Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Graduate Diploma in Criminology

Candidates must complete 24 credit points of units of study including 12 credit points of core units of study and 12 credit points of elective units of study.

2011 Core Units of Study

Crime Research and Policy

compulsory for MCrim and GradDipCrim students and co-requisite for other criminology units. The unit replaced LAWS6032 Crime Research and Policy 1.
Semester 1
Explaining Crime

compulsory for MCrim and GradDipCrim students and co-requisite for other criminology elective units
Semester 1

2011 Elective Units of Study

Anti-Terrorism Law
6    N CISS6011, CISS6007

This unit replaced LAWS6856 Terrorism & Counterterrorism Policy and Law
S2 Intensive
Criminal Justice Internship
6    P LAWS6048 Explaining Crime or approval from the Program Coordinator

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit is available to students enrolled in the MCrim and GradDipCrim only. Placement will be based on a selection process. Interested applicants must submit an Expression of Interest (maximum two typed pages) clearly outlining their reasons for applying; details of previous internships undertaken; and what they perceive to be the benefits of completing the internship. The Expression of Interest must be submitted to Mr Garner Clancey by Friday 29 April 2011. Successful applicants will be formally notified of the outcome of the application and enrolment procedures.
S2 Intensive
Criminal Liability
6    N This unit is an introduction to aspects of criminal law for non-lawyers and is therefore not available to students who have completed a law degree or completed criminal law at a tertiary level

compulsory for MCrim students
Semester 2
Criminal Procedures
6      S1 Intensive
Death Law
6      S1 Late IntB
Explaining Punishment
6      S1 Intensive
Forensic Psychology
6      Semester 1
Indigenous Peoples and Criminal Justice
6      S2 Late IntB
Internatl & Comparative Criminal Justice
6    N LAWS6269, LAWS6219
S1 Late IntC
Mental Illness: Law and Policy
6      Int Sept
Young People, Crime and the Law

This unit replaced LAWS6069 Juvenile Justice
Semester 2

Course rules


Graduate Diploma in Criminology

Master of Criminology

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course title
JF008 Graduate Diploma in Criminology
JC031 Master of Criminology

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is full-time or part-time according to candidate choice.

3 Master's type

The master's degree in these resolutions is a professional master's degree, as defined by the Coursework Rule.

4 Embedded courses in this sequence

The embedded courses in this sequence are:
the Graduate Diploma in Criminology
the Master of Criminology
Provided that candidates satisfy the admission requirements for each stage, a candidate may progress to the award of either of the courses in this sequence. Only the longer award completed will be conferred.

5 Admission to candidature

Available places will be offered to qualified applicants based on merit, according to the following admissions criteria.
Admission to candidature for the Graduate Diploma in Criminology requires:
a bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney in law, psychology or other appropriate discipline as determined by the Faculty, or an equivalent qualification; or
a bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney, or an equivalent qualification; and the applicant provides evidence of professional experience or of a period of service (normally of several years in duration) which in the opinion of the Dean adequately prepares the applicant to undertake the course of study.
Admission to candidature for the Master of Criminology requires:
a bachelor's degree with a minimum credit average from the University of Sydney in law, psychology or other appropriate discipline as determined by the Faculty, or an equivalent qualification; or
a bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney, or an equivalent qualification; and the applicant provides evidence of professional experience or of a period of service (normally of several years in duration) which in the opinion of the Dean adequately prepares the applicant to undertake the course of study; or
completion of the requirements of the Graduate Diploma in Criminology with a minimum credit average, or an equivalent qualification.

6 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for the Graduate Diploma in Criminology are set out in the table of units of study for the Graduate Diploma in Criminology. To qualify for the award of the Graduate Diploma in Criminology, a candidate must complete 24 credit points, including:
12 credit points of core units of study; and
12 credit points of elective units of study.
The units of study that may be taken for the Master of Criminology are set out in the table of units of study for the Master of Criminology. To qualify for the award of the Master of Criminology, a candidate must complete 48 credit points, including:
either 12 credit points of core units of study and 36 credit points of elective units of study for candidates with a law background; or
18 credit points of core units of study and 30 credit points of elective units of study for those without a law background.

7 Course transfer

A candidate for the master's degree may elect to discontinue study and graduate with the shorter award from this embedded sequence, with the approval of the Dean, and provided the requirements of the shorter award have been met.

8 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature on or after 1 January 2011.
Students who commenced prior to 1 January 2011 will complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that requirements are completed by 1 January 2016. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.