University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Juris Doctor

Units of study

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Faculty of Law Juris Doctor Units of Study

Compulsory Units of Study

Year 1

Foundations of Law
6    N LAWS1000, LAWS1006
Semester 1a
6    P LAWS5000
N LAWS1005, LAWS1010, LAWS1012, LAWS3001
Semester 1
6    P LAWS5000
N LAWS1002, LAWS1015, LAWS2000, LAWS2008
Semester 1
Summer Early
Civil and Criminal Procedure
6    P LAWS5000 or LAWS1006
N LAWS1001, LAWS1007, LAWS1014, LAWS2006, LAWS3002, LAWS3004
S1 Late IntC
Criminal Law
6    P LAWS5000 or LAWS1006, LAWS5003 or LAWS1014
N LAWS1003, LAWS1016, LAWS2001, LAWS2009
Semester 2a
Torts and Contracts II
6    P LAWS5000 or LAWS1006, LAWS5001 or LAWS1012, LAWS5002 or LAWS1015
N LAWS1017
Semester 2a
Public International Law
6    N LAWS1023
S2 Late IntB
Winter Main
Public Law
6    P LAWS5000 or LAWS1006
N LAWS1004, LAWS1021, LAWS2002, LAWS3003
Semester 2b
Summer Late

Year 2

Administrative Law
6    P LAWS5007 or LAWS1021
N LAWS2002, LAWS2010, LAWS3200
Semester 1
Federal Constitutional Law
6    P LAWS5007 or LAWS1021
N LAWS1004, LAWS1011, LAWS2011, LAWS3000, LAWS3003
Semester 1
Intro to Property and Commercial Law
6    N LAWS2004, LAWS2007, LAWS2012
Semester 1
The Legal Profession
6    N LAWS1001, LAWS1020, LAWS2013, LAWS3002, LAWS3004
Semester 1
Corporations Law
6    N LAWS2003, LAWS2014
Semester 2
Winter Main
6    N LAWS2004, LAWS2015
Semester 2
Summer Main
6    P LAWS5000 or LAWS1006, LAWS5003 or LAWS1014
N LAWS2006, LAWS2016, LAWS3223
Semester 2
Summer Early
Real Property
6    P LAWS5008 or LAWS1012
N LAWS2007, LAWS2017
Semester 2
Winter Main

Year 3

LAWS5017 Private International Law A (This unit of study is not available in 2011)

2011 Juris Doctor Elective Units of Study

Candidates must complete 42 Credit Points of elective units of study.

Part 1- International, Comparative, and Transnational Electives

Candidates must complete a minimum of 6 Credit Points from Part 1 to satisfy the International, Comparative, and Transnational requirement
Advanced Constitutional Law
6    P LAWS1004 or LAWS3000 or LAWS3003 or (LAWS1021 and LAWS2011) or (LAWS5007 and LAWS5011)
C LAWS2011 or LAWS5011
N LAWS3027, LAWS3401

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 2
Advanced Public International Law
6    P LAWS1018 or LAWS1023 or LAWS2005 or LAWS5005
N LAWS3009, LAWS3408

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Comparative Constitutional Law: Aus & US
6    P LAWS1004 or (LAWS1021 and LAWS2011) or LAWS3003 or LAWS3000, or (LAWS5007 and LAWS5011)
N LAWS3418
Semester 1
6    N LAWS3020, LAWS3426

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2,

Semester 1
Semester 2
Development and Human Rights
6    N LAWS3478

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Enrolment is by application in August 2010.
Summer L4
International Commercial Arbitration
6    P LAWS1015 or LAWS1002 or LAWS2008 or LAWS5002
N LAWS3092, LAWS3437
Semester 2
International Commercial Transactions
6    P LAWS1015 or LAWS1002 or LAWS2008 or LAWS5002
N LAWS3072, LAWS3438

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 2
International Human Rights Law
6    P LAWS2005 or LAWS1018 or LAWS1023 or LAWS5005
N LAWS3034, LAWS3434
Semester 2
International Moot
6    P LAWS1018 or LAWS1023 or LAWS5005. Other pre-requisites may apply to individual moots.
N LAWS3093, LAWS3035, LAWS3489

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Enrolment in this unit of study will be by special application, and will be based on competitve selection in accordance with the rules of the individual competion.
S2 Late Ib
Semester 1
Introduction to Islamic Law
6    N LAWS3441
Semester 1
Japanese Law
6    N LAWS3076, LAWS3444

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Applications for the offshore intensive unit open on 13 September 2010 and close on 8 October: see For further details of the course see
Summer L4
Migration Law
6    P (LAWS1021 and LAWS2010) or LAWS2002 or (LAWS5007 and LAWS5010), LAWS2011 or LAWS1004 or LAWS3003 or LAWS5011
C LAWS2002 or LAWS2010 or LAWS5010
N LAWS3045, LAWS3453
Semester 1
Policing, Crime and Society
6    N LAWS3048, LAWS3455
Semester 1
Private International Law B
6    N LAWS3015, LAWS3457

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1,,Semester 2,

Semester 1
Semester 2
Summer Main
Refugees and Forced Migration
6    P LAWS2002 or (LAWS2010 and LAWS1021) or (LAWS5007 and LAWS5010), LAWS1004 or LAWS3000 or LAWS3003 or LAWS2011 or LAWS5011
C LAWS2002 or LAWS2010 or LAWS5010, LAWS1018 or LAWS2005 or LAWS1023 or LAWS5005
N LAWS3045, LAWS3458
Semester 2
Master's Level Electives
Candidates may choose no more than 12 Credit Points of master's level units of study. The master's units of study satisfy the International, Comparative, and Transnational requirement.
Asia Pacific Environmental Law
6      Int Sept
Commercial Maritime Law
6    N LAWS6137
Semester 2
Comparative Income Taxation
6    A Students who are not working in the tax area and have not taken an undergraduate/postgraduate income tax unit in Australia in the past five years must undertake LAWS6128 or LAWS6825 before enrolling in this unit. If in doubt, please consult the Taxation Program Coordinator.
S2 Late IntA
Comparative International Taxation

compulsory for MIntTax students
S1 Late IntA
Comparative Value Added Tax
6      S1 Late IntB
Death Law
6      S1 Late IntB
Doing Business in China
6    A LAWS6252 or law degree from a common or civil law jurisdiction
S2 Intensive
European Environmental Law

This unit of study is not available in2011

6      S1 Late IntC
Human Rights and the Global Economy
6      Int Sept
IDR: Principles
6    N LAWS6202

This unit replaced LAWS6865 International Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice
S1 Late IntA
Information Rights in Health Care

Compulsory for GradDipHL students. MHL students may select this unit as one of the three compulsory units required in addition to LAWS6252 or LAWS6881.
Int Sept
Internatl & Comparative Criminal Justice
6    N LAWS6269, LAWS6219
S1 Late IntC
International Environmental Law
6      S1 Intensive
International Humanitarian Law
6      S1 Late IntB
International Human Rights Advocacy
6      S2 Late IntB
Law and Investment in Asia
6      S1 Late IntC
Law, Justice and Development

This unit replaced LAWS6928 Law & Economic Development
S2 Late IntB
Law of the Sea
6      S2 Late IntA
The Legal System of the European Union
6    N LAWS6819

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Int July
World Trade Organization Law I
6    A limited knowledge of law of treaties

This unit replaced LAWS6063 International Trade Regulation
S1 Late IntB

Part 2- Elective Units of Study

Candidates may choose a maximum of 32 credit points of units of study from Part 2.
Advanced Corporate Law
6    P LAWS2003 or LAWS2014 or LAWS5014
N LAWS3008, LAWS3403

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1,

Semester 1
Summer Early
Advanced Criminal Law
6    P LAWS1016 or LAWS1003 or LAWS2009 or LAWS5004
N LAWS3445, LAWS3404
Semester 2
Advanced Obligations and Remedies
6    P LAWS1010 or LAWS1012 or LAWS5001, LAWS1002 or (LAWS1015 and LAWS1017) or (LAWS5002 and LAWS5006), LAWS2004 or LAWS2015 or LAWS5015
N LAWS3477
Semester 1
Advanced Taxation Law
6    P LAWS3047 or LAWS3412 or LAWS5112
N LAWS3013, LAWS3409
Semester 2
Animal Law
6    N LAWS3088, LAWS3410
Semester 2
Anti-Discrimination Law
6    N LAWS3012, LAWS3411
Semester 2
Australian Income Tax
6    N LAWS3047, LAWS3412
Semester 1
Chinese Laws and Chinese Legal Systems
6    N LAWS3014, LAWS3068

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Summer L3
Commercial Dispute Resolution
6    N LAWS3006, LAWS3022, LAWS3416

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Enrolment in this unit of study is by special application and priority is given to final year students.
Semester 2
Competition Law
6    N LAWS3016, LAWS3419
Semester 1
6    P LAWS2007 or LAWS2017 or LAWS5012
N LAWS3017, LAWS3422
Semester 1
Corporate and Securities Regulation
6    P LAWS2003 or LAWS2014 or LAWS5014
N LAWS3108, LAWS3424

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 2
Environmental Law
6    C LAWS2002 or LAWS2010 or LAWS5010
N LAWS3024, LAWS3430
Semester 1
Equity and Financial Risk Allocation
6    P LAWS2004 or LAWS2015 or LAWS5015
N LAWS3474
Semester 1
External Placement Program
6    N LAWS3025, LAWS3431

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Enrolment in this unit is by special application. Enrolment is restricted to students in their final year of study.
Semester 1
Family Law
6    N LAWS3026, LAWS3432

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 2
Independent Research Project
6    N LAWS3030, LAWS3031, LAWS3115, LAWS3260, LAWS5315, LAWS5330, LAWS5331

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Enrolment in this unit of study is by special application and is restricted to students in their final year of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Summer Late
Independent Research Project
4    N LAWS3031, LAWS3115, LAWS3260, LAWS3030, LAWS5315, LAWS5331, LAWS5360

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Enrolment in this unit of study is at the discretion of the Faculty. Enrolment is by special application and is restricted to students in their final year of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Summer Late
Independent Research Project
2    N LAWS3031, LAWS3030, LAWS3260, LAWS3115, LAWS5330, LAWS5331, LAWS5360

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Semester 2
Summer Late
Indigenous People and the Law
6    N LAWS3005, LAWS3435
Semester 1
6    P (LAWS1002 or LAWS2008 or LAWS1015 or LAWS5002) and (LAWS2002 or LAWS1021 or LAWS5007)
N LAWS3443
Semester 2
Investment and Financial Services Law
6    P LAWS2003 or LAWS2014 or LAWS5014
N LAWS3481
Semester 1
IP: Copyright and Designs
6    N LAWS3033, LAWS3472, LAWS3423, LAWS3480

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2,

Semester 1
Semester 2
IP: Trademarks and Patents
6    N LAWS3472, LAWS3033, LAWS3479

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Labour Law
6    N LAWS3023, LAWS3446
Semester 1
Law International Exchange Electives
24    N LAWS3044

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Available to outbound exchange students only.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Media Law: Defamation and Privacy
6    N LAWS3059, LAWS3428

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 2,

Semester 2
Summer Early
Medical Law
6    N LAWS3046, LAWS3452

Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Semester 1,

Semester 1
Semester 2
Roman Law
6    N LAWS3052, LAWS3460
Semester 1
Secured Transactions in Commercial Law
6    P LAWS2012 or LAWS5008
N LAWS3484
Semester 2
Social Justice Clinical Course
6    N LAWS3112, LAWS3461

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Enrolment in this unit of study is by special application. Priority will be given to students in their final year of study.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Sports Law
6    N LAWS3087, LAWS3463
Semester 2
Sydney Law Review
6    N LAWS3057, LAWS3465

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Enrolment in this unit of study is by special application. For further information, please visit
Semester 1
Semester 2
The Constitution and the Crown
6    P (LAWS1021 and LAWS2011) or LAWS1004 or LAWS3000 or LAWS3002 or (LAWS5007 and LAWS5011)
N LAWS3466
Semester 1
War Law: Use of Force & Humanitarian Law
6    N LAWS3440, LAWS3086, LAWS3483

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1

Part 3- Jurisprudence Units of Study

Candidates must complete a minimum of 6 Credit Points from Part 3 to satisfy the Jurisprudence requirement
Critical Legal Theory
6    N LAWS3473

This unit satisfies the Jurisprudence/Part 2 requirement of the LLB.
Semester 2
International/Comparative Jurisprudence
6    N JURS3006, LAWS3436

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Satisfies the Jurisprudence/Part 2 requirement of the LLB
Semester 1
Law and Economics
6    N LAWS3036, LAWS3447

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit satisfies the Jurisprudence/Part 2 requirement of the LLB.
Semester 2
Sociological Theories of Law
6    N JURS3001, LAWS3462

Satisfies the Jurisprudence/Part 2 requirement of the LLB.
Semester 1
Theories of Justice
6    N LAWS3077, LAWS3468

This unit satisfies the Juriprudence/Part 2 requirement of the LLB.
Semester 2
Theories of Law
6    N LAWS3089, LAWS3469

This unit satisfies the Jurisprudence/Part 2 requirement of the LLB.
Semester 1
Theories of Law in World Society
6    N LAWS3475

This unit satisfies the Jurisprudence/Part 2 requirement of the LLB.
Semester 2
Theories of Legal Reasoning
6    N LAWS3083, LAWS3470

This unit satisfies the Jurisprudence/Part 2 requirement of the LLB.
Semester 1
Theories of Obedience
6    N LAWS3471

This unit satisfies the Jurisprudence/Part 2 requirement of the LLB.
Semester 2

Course rules


Juris Doctor

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney Coursework Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended)and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes

Code Course title
JC034 Juris Doctor

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is generally full time. The Faculty of Law will make a limited number of places available to part time candidates.

3 Admission to candidature

Admission to candidature for the Juris Doctor requires a bachelor's degree from any discipline other than Law. Students are assessed on a combination of a secondary school leaving qualification such as the NSW Higher School Certificate (including national and international equivalents) and completed tertiary study. English language requirements must be met where these are not demonstrated by sufficient qualifications taught in English. Applicants are ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking.

4 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for the course are set out in the Faculty of Law Juris Doctor Table.
To qualify for the award of the Juris Doctor a candidate must complete 144 credit points taken from the Faculty of Law Juris Doctor Table, including:
102 credit points of compulsory units of study; and
42 credit points of elective units of study comprising:
(i)  a minimum of one unit of study taken from Part 1, and
(ii)  a maximum of four units of study taken from Electives Part 2, and
(iii)  a minimum of one unit of study taken from Part 3.
Of the elective units of study, a maximum of two advanced learning Master's units may be taken. Enrolment in Master's units will be subject to availability and any unit pre-requisites or assumed knowledge, which may include relevant industry experience or prior specialist study.
All candidates will be required to complete a capstone experience in their final year which is a unit of study designed to draw together and synthesize prior learning and experience, and form the basis for further intellectual and professional growth. This requirement will be met by completion of a Jurisprudence elective. Other electives taken in final year which may meet this requirement include external placements, mooting activities or research projects.

5 Cross-institutional study

In addition to the provisions for cross-institutional study described in the resolutions of the Faculty of Law, cross-institutional study is only available under the following terms:
Candidates are not permitted to undertake any compulsory unit or Part 3 elective (Jurisprudence) on a cross-institutional basis;
Candidates must have completed a minimum of 96 credit points towards the Juris Doctor before undertaking any cross-institutional study;
Candidates can receive a maximum of 24 credit point for cross-institutional study;
Candidates must be in their final year and have satisfied the usual progression rules and maximum enrolment requirements;
The proposed cross institutional unit must be offered within another Juris Doctor or Master of Laws program. Credit will not be granted towards units undertaken as part of a Bachelor of Laws degree.
Credit will only be granted for a maximum of two advanced learning Master's units. .
Cross-institutional study is regarded as another form of credit and will be counted as such when considering eligibility.

6 Suspension, discontinuation and lapse of candidature

Candidates are entitled to suspend their candidature for two years. Further suspension will only be approved in cases of serious illness or misadventure.
Candidates will not be permitted to suspend in order to complete another award course unless they can provide evidence that the award course can be completed within two years and they have not previously suspended.

7 Progression rules

Candidates are required to complete the Juris Doctor units of study in the order listed in the Faculty of Law Juris Doctor Table. Candidates must pass all Year One units of study before proceeding to Year Two. Candidates must pass all Year One and Year Two units of study before proceeding to enrol in any elective units of study, except with the permission of the Dean.

8 Credit for previous study

A candidate may be granted a maximum of 48 credit points towards the requirements of the Juris Doctor. Specific credit will only be granted for equivalent compulsory units of study undertaken as part of a Juris Doctor degree at an approved Australian law school. A maximum of 24 credit points of non-specific credit may be granted for elective units undertaken as part of a Juris Doctor or Masters degree at an approved law school. Of these 24 credit points, a maximum of two advanced learning Masters units can be credited to the Juris Doctor.
A candidate may be granted credit for law units which have the equivalent face-to-face teaching hours and similar assessment requirements as units offered by the Faculty.
Candidates who have completed a law degree or equivalent professional legal qualification from a recognised law school outside Australia may be granted up to 42 credit points of non-specific credit, but will be required to complete all compulsory units listed in the Faculty of Law Juris Doctor Table.
A candidate may not be granted credit for units of study:
for which the result is Terminating Pass, Conceded Pass or equivalent; or
which were conducted on a distance or online basis; or
which have been relied upon to qualify for the award of another degree or qualification, except for units of study which were taken as part of a completed overseas legal qualification .
which were undertaken as part of Bachelor of Laws degree.