University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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This chapter provides information on each of the undergraduate units of study offered by the Faculty of Science, as well as additional information on each of the teaching Schools and Departments and interdisciplinary subject areas.

Organisation of unit of study information

The units of study are generally organised alphabetically by School or Departments. EMHU and HSTO units can be found under the entry for Anatomy and Histology. NEUR can be found in the Anatomy or Physiology entries, depending on the principle teaching department for the individual unit. COMP, INFO, ISYS, NETS, MULT AND SOFT can be found under the Information Technologies entry. Further information on Information Technology units can be found in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies Handbook and website. NTMP can be found under the Marine Science entry. STAT can be found under the Mathematics and Statistics entry. VIRO can be found under the Microbiology entry.

Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering

The School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering is part of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies. In addition to providing professional training in aerospace, mechanical, biomedical and mechatronic engineering, units of study in the School are available to students in the Faculty of Science who meet any prerequisite requirements for a particular unit.

Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science

Study in the discipline of Agricultural Chemistry is offered by the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. Units of study in Agricultural Chemistry for Science students cover aspects of chemistry and biochemistry which are relevant in basic and applied biological sciences including agriculture, the environment and food science. The unit of study, Agricultural Chemistry (AGCH2004) introduces students to basic analytical and environmental chemistry. Senior units of study include Chemistry and Biochemistry of Foods A and B (AGCH3025 and AGCH3026) and Land and Water Ecochemistry (AGCH3032). These senior units of study introduce students to the applied aspects of food chemistry science or to applied environmental chemistry. Emphasis is placed on the chemistry of both naturally occurring molecules of biological, agricultural and environmental significance (eg in foods and natural fibres), and chemically synthesised (eg insecticides and herbicides). Agricultural Chemistry Honours is available to students who wish to further their studies in food chemistry or environmental chemistry.
AGCH2004 Agricultural Chemistry

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Robert Caldwell, Professor David Fraser, Professor Ivan Kennedy Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3x1-hr lectures/week, 1x3-hr laboratory session, weeks 1 to 12 Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry Prohibitions: AGCH2003, PLNT2001 Assessment: 1x2-hr exam (50%), 1x1-hr quiz (10%), 1x1-hr theory of practical test (10%), laboratory reports (30%)
This introductory unit of study consists of aspects of chemistry relevant in studies of basic and applied biological sciences including agriculture, food and the rural environment. Lecture topics include an introduction to quantitative aspects of bio-analytical chemistry; the principles of basic analytical methods such as spectroscopy, chromatography and electrochemistry; environmental aspects of water and its behaviour as a solvent of hydrophobic solutes, surfactants, neutral hydrophilic solutes, salts and other electrolytes, and gases. A component of the unit will be devoted to basic biological chemistry and enzymology having particular emphasis on biochemical processes in animals. Six laboratory sessions will demonstrate aspects of analytical chemistry including: elemental analysis of foods and natural waters, spectrophotometry, chromatographic techniques, preparation of buffers, fundamentals of pH measurement. A further five laboratory sessions will involve experiments in the preparation and/or properties of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and DNA. One session will examine some fundamental properties of enzymes.
AGCH3025 Chemistry and Biochemistry of Foods

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Meredith Wilkes, Prof Les Copeland, Dr Robert Caldwell Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3x1-hr lectures/week, 1x4-hr practical fortnightly Prerequisites: AGCH2004 or BCHM2071 or BCHM2971 or BCHM2072 or BCHM2972 or PLNT2001 or PLNT2901 or 6 credit points of Intermediate units in Chemistry Assessment: 1x2hr exam (50%) and lab reports (50%)
This unit of study aims to give students an understanding of the properties of food constituents, and the interactions between these constituents during food processing, storage and digestion. The unit will develop an understanding of the relationship between form and functionality of constituents and the concept of fitness-for-purpose (ie, quality) in converting agricultural products into foods. Students will gain an appreciation of the relationship between chemical composition and properties of macroconstituents (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids) and microconstituents (vitamins, minerals, flavour and antinutritional chemicals) and their functions in plant and animal based foods. The material presented in lectures and practical classes will enable students to develop research and inquiry skills and an analytical approach in understanding the biochemistry of foods, food processing and storage. On completing this unit, students will be able to describe the chemical and biochemical properties of major food constituents, and demonstrate an understanding of the functionality of these constituents in food processing and nutrition. Students will have gained experience in laboratory techniques used in industry for the analysis of some food products, and information literacy and communication skills from the preparation of practical reports.
Laboratory notes will be available for purchase from the Copy Centre in the first week of semester and lecture notes and readings will be made available through WebCT. There is no recommended textbook.
AGCH3026 Food Biotechnology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Meredith Wilkes, Prof Les Copeland Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3x1-hr lectures/week, 1x4-hr practical fortnightly Prerequisites: AGCH2004 or BCHM2071 or BCHM2971 or BCHM2072 or BCHM2972 or PLNT2001 or PLNT2901 or 6 credit points of Intermediate units in Chemistry Corequisites: AGCH3025 Assessment: 1x2hr exam (50%) and lab reports (30%) and 1xoral presentation (20%)
This unit aims to give students an understanding of the chemistry, biochemistry and biotechnology of analytical and diagnostic methods and manufacturing processes used in the conversion of raw products into foods. Knowledge of food constituents gained in AGCH3025 will be applied to develop an understanding of: the use of enzymes in food processing and diagnostic technologies; processing of cereal, legume and oilseed grains, and livestock products, into foods; doughs and baking technologies; the evaluation of foods and food quality. Emphasis is placed on current issues faced by the food industry (including GM technology, organic production, and food safety) through a series of special guest lectures from people connected with the food industry. On completing this unit, students will have gained an enhanced understanding of food production and manufacturing systems, the processing of raw ingredients into food products, and food analysis and evaluation. Students will have gained experience in laboratory techniques used in industry for the analysis of some food products, and information literacy and communication skills from the preparation of a case study and practical reports.
Laboratory notes will be available for purchase from the Copy Centre in the first week of semester and lecture notes and readings will be made available through WebCT. There is no recommended textbook.
AGCH3032 Land and Water Ecochemistry

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Ivan Kennedy, Dr Robert Caldwell Session: Semester 2 Classes: 5-day field trip in AVCC common break; 20 hr lectures/tutorials, 25 hr laboratory classes and project during semester Prerequisites: AGCH2003 or AGCH2004 or PLNT2001 or CHEM24XX or BCHM2XXX or ENVI2001 Prohibitions: AGCH3030, AGCH3031 Assessment: 1x 2 hr exam (60%), laboratory prac reports (25%) and 1x field trip report and presentation (15%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This field-oriented unit will develop professional expertise in rural ecochemistry, measuring impacts on sustainability and seeking solutions to chemical problems at the catchment scale. AGCH3032 is an elective unit suitable for the BSc, BScAgr, BLWSc, BHortSc, BResEc and BAnVetBioSc degrees, building on intermediate units in chemistry or biochemistry. It will promote knowledge and professional skills related to key chemical processes in ecosystems causing risks to soil and water resources, the quality of agricultural produce and to ecological biodiversity. These will be examined by quantitative risk analysis, targeted monitoring and remediation, seeking innovative solutions (e.g. IPM and genetic modification).
A field trip in the AVCC break and professional report on a chosen topic will investigate relevant case studies at selected centres in eastern Australian doing innovative research on global warming and climate change, soil and water quality and environmental protection. Lectures will provide knowledge in the environmental C, N and S cycles important for sustaining action in ecosystems, the nature of greenhouse gases and mitigation of their production including C sequestration, risks to biota (soil, water, plants, animals) from acidification and innovative means of remediation, environmental risk from pesticides and other pollutants, monitoring and their remediation. In laboratory exercises, students will gain skills in relevant analyses using GC, LC, mass spectrometry and ELISA. The assessment procedures are designed to provide students with skills in definition of research problems and risk assessment, quality in analyses, risk management and remediation, and effective communication of outputs.

Soil Science

The Soil Science units of study aim primarily at giving students an introduction to the three major branches of soil science, namely soil physics, soil chemistry, and pedology, and at providing the basis for a professional career in each of these divisions for students wishing to specialise. The introductory unit of study is particularly relevant for students interested in the environmental and geological sciences and in land-use management. For a major in Soil Science, the minimum requirement is completion of SOIL3008, 3009 and 3010 and one of (AGCH3032 or LWSC3007 or PPAT4005).
SOIL2003 Soil Properties and Processes

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Balwant Singh (Coordinator), Prof Alex McBratney, Dr Stephen Cattle Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3x1hr lectures and 1x3hr practical/week, commencing week 1, and a compulsory field excursion to be held on the Thursday and Friday in the week preceding the first semester. Assessment: Soil description report (10%), Quizzes (or Essay) (15%), Practical exercise book (20%), Practical exam (15%) and Written exam (40%).
This unit of study is designed to introduce students to the fundamental concepts within pedology, soil physics and soil chemistry. These concepts are part of the grounding principles that underpin crop and animal production, nutrient and water cycling, and environmental sustainability taught by other units of study in the Faculty. Students will participate in a two-day field excursion in the first week of semester to examine some common soils of the Sydney Basin, they will also learn to describe soil, and measure soil chemical and physical properties in the field. Referring to common soil profiles of the Sydney Basin, students will concentrate on factors affecting soil formation, the rudiments of soil description, and analysis of soil properties that are used in soil classification. Students will also develop knowledge of the physics of water and gas movement, soil strength, soil chemical properties, inorganic and organic components, nutrient cycles and soil acidity in an agricultural context. At the end of this unit students will become familiar with the factors that determine a soil's composition and behaviour, and will have an understanding of the most important soil physical and chemical properties. Students will develop communication skills through essay, report and practical exercises. The final report and laboratory exercise questions are designed to develop team work and collaborative efforts.
Campbell, K.O. & Bowyer, J.W. (eds) (1988). The Scientific Basis of Modern Agriculture. Sydney University Press.
SOIL2004 The Soil Resource

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Stephen Cattle (Coordinator), Prof Alex McBratney, A/Prof Balwant Singh Session: Semester 2 Classes: (2x1 hr lec, 1x2hr pracs)/wk, 24 hr (5 days) field work out of semester time Assessment: Fieldtrip participation (5%), soil survey mapping report (30%), laboratory report and poster presentation (25%), three group tutorials (20%), viva voce exam (20%)
This unit will familiarize students with the description and mapping of soil types in the Australian landscape, with common analytical methods for soil and with the various forms of degradation that may alter the quality and function of soil. It is an applied soil science unit which builds on the fundamental soil science concepts learned in the SOIL2003 unit. The first practical component of the unit, a five-day soil survey, will give students experience in soil description and classification in the field, and soil samples collected during this survey will be subsequently analysed for a variety of attributes by the students in laboratory practicals. In the lecture series, topics including soil type distribution, soil quality, soil function, soil fertility and soil degradation will be discussed and linked to practical sessions. By the end of this unit, students will be able to construct maps of soil properties and soil type distribution, describe primary soil functions, soil attributes and types of soil degradation in an agricultural context, and be able to recognize and communicate the ability of a soil profile to sustain plant growth. Students will gain research and inquiry skills by collecting, analyzing and interpreting soil survey data, and will gain communication skills by having to prepare and present a poster.
Brady NC & Weil RR. (2002) The Nature and Properties of Soils. 13th ed. (or any later edition) Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
LWSC2002 Introductory Hydrology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Willem Vervoort Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lec 2hr/wk; practical: 3hr/wk (for 8 weeks); field work: 25hr/wk (for 1 wk only) Assumed knowledge: AFNR1001, AFNR1002, ENSY1001 and (BIOM1003 or ENVX1001) Assessment: One 2 hr exam (50%), laboratory and practical reports (20%), field trip report (30%). Practical field work: 1 week field trip
This unit introduces students to hydrology and water management in the context of Australian integrated catchment management. It particularly focuses on the water balances, rainfall runoff modeling, analysis and prediction of streamflow and environmental flows, water quality and sustainable practices in water management. Through theoretical work and case studies, the students will engage with problems related water quantity and quality in Australia and the world. The unit builds on knowledge gained in AFNR1001, AFNR1002, and SOIL2001 and establishes the foundation for later units in the hydrology and water area. The unit provides one of the essential building blocks for a career related to water management and hydrology. The unit consists of two parts; the first part will involve a series of lectures, tutorials, practical exercises and case studies. The second part of the unit consists of field excursions to parts of NSW. During the field excursions, students will engage with current water problems and engage in basic hydrometric and water quality data collection. The data will be used later to analyse catchment condition and water supply issues.
After completion of this unit, you should be able to:
Explain the different processes in the hydrological cycle
Measure and interpret hydrometric and basic water quality data
Elucidate the processes involved in generation of streamflow from rainfall.
Distinguish the link between water quantity and water quality and its implications for water management.
Demonstrate a deeper understanding of the unique nature of Australian Hydrology
Master the ability to critically debate problems facing sustainable water resource management policy and practice in Australia using course material, scientific literature, policy and popular media
Al Bakri D 2002. Geoscience and sustainable catchment and resource management: The Ben Chifley Catchment case study, Environmental Geology, 42, 588-596.
SOIL3009 Contemporary Field and Lab Soil Science

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Alex McBratney (coordinator), A/Prof Balwant Singh, Dr Stephen Cattle, Dr Budiman Minasny Session: Semester 1 Classes: (2 lec, 2 prac)/wk, 6-day field excursion Prerequisites: SOIL2003 Assessment: 1 x viva voce exam (40%), pedology written assessments (15%), soil physics written assessments (15%), soil chemistry written assessments (15%), 1 x group presentation (5%), 1 x synthesis paper (10%)
This is a theoretical and empirical unit providing specialised training in three important areas of contemporary soil science, namely pedology, soil chemistry and soil physics. The key concepts of these sub-disciplines will be outlined and strengthened by hands-on training in essential field and laboratory techniques. All of this is synthesized by placing it in the context of soil distribution and use in North-Western New South Wales. The unit is motivated by the teaching team's research in this locale. It builds on students existing soil science knowledge gained in SOIL2003. After completion of the unit, students should be able to articulate the advantages and disadvantages of current field & laboratory techniques for gathering necessary soil information, and simultaneously recognise key concepts and principles that guide contemporary thought in soil science. Students will be able to synthesise soil information from a multiplicity of sources and have an appreciation of the cutting edge areas of soil research. By investigating the contemporary nature of key concepts, students will develop their skills in research and inquiry. Students will develop their communication skills through report writing and oral presentations and will also articulate an openness to new ways of thinking which augments intellectual autonomy. Teamwork and collaborative efforts are encouraged in this unit.
D. Hillel. 2004. Introduction to Environmental Soil Physics. Elsevier Science, San Diego, CA, USA
SOIL3010 The Soil at Work

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Alex McBratney (coordinator) A/Prof Balwant Singh, Dr Stephen Cattle (facilitators) plus research-only academics Session: Semester 2 Classes: Problem-based unit: each student completes 2 problems; 4 x 3 hr workshops per problem (each student attends 8 workshops in total) Prerequisites: SOIL2003 or SOIL2004 Assessment: For each of two scenarios: Statement of the problem report (2x12.5%) - shared info, but two team reports; How to tackle problem seminar (2x12.5%) - team seminars, before fieldwork, analyses done; Results seminar (2x12.5%) - team seminars; Final report (2x12.5%) - individual work.
This is a problem-based applied soil science unit. It is designed to allow students to identify soil-related problems in the real-world and by working in a group and with an end-user to suggest short and long-term solutions to such problems. This is a core unit for students majoring or specializing in soil science and an elective unit for those wishing to gain an understanding of environmental problem-solving. It utilises and reinforces soil-science knowledge gained in SOIL2003 and/or SOIL2004 and problem-solving skills gained during the degree program. This unit will address real-world scenarios which involve soil-related problems such as carbon management, structural decline, acidification, salinisation and contamination. Students will gain some understanding of the concept of sustainability, and will be able to identify the causes of problems by reference to the literature, discussion with landusers and by the design and execution of key experiments and surveys. They will gain a focused knowledge of the key soil drivers to environmental problems and will have some understanding on the constraints surrounding potential solutions. By designing and administering strategies to tackle real-world soil issues students will develop their research and inquiry skills and enhance their intellectual autonomy. By producing reports and seminars that enables understanding by an end-user students will improve the breadth of their communication skills.
I.W.Heathcote 1997. Environmental Problem Solving: A Case Study Approach. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, USA.
AGCH3032 Land and Water Ecochemistry

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Ivan Kennedy, Dr Robert Caldwell Session: Semester 2 Classes: 5-day field trip in AVCC common break; 20 hr lectures/tutorials, 25 hr laboratory classes and project during semester Prerequisites: AGCH2003 or AGCH2004 or PLNT2001 or CHEM24XX or BCHM2XXX or ENVI2001 Prohibitions: AGCH3030, AGCH3031 Assessment: 1x 2 hr exam (60%), laboratory prac reports (25%) and 1x field trip report and presentation (15%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This field-oriented unit will develop professional expertise in rural ecochemistry, measuring impacts on sustainability and seeking solutions to chemical problems at the catchment scale. AGCH3032 is an elective unit suitable for the BSc, BScAgr, BLWSc, BHortSc, BResEc and BAnVetBioSc degrees, building on intermediate units in chemistry or biochemistry. It will promote knowledge and professional skills related to key chemical processes in ecosystems causing risks to soil and water resources, the quality of agricultural produce and to ecological biodiversity. These will be examined by quantitative risk analysis, targeted monitoring and remediation, seeking innovative solutions (e.g. IPM and genetic modification).
A field trip in the AVCC break and professional report on a chosen topic will investigate relevant case studies at selected centres in eastern Australian doing innovative research on global warming and climate change, soil and water quality and environmental protection. Lectures will provide knowledge in the environmental C, N and S cycles important for sustaining action in ecosystems, the nature of greenhouse gases and mitigation of their production including C sequestration, risks to biota (soil, water, plants, animals) from acidification and innovative means of remediation, environmental risk from pesticides and other pollutants, monitoring and their remediation. In laboratory exercises, students will gain skills in relevant analyses using GC, LC, mass spectrometry and ELISA. The assessment procedures are designed to provide students with skills in definition of research problems and risk assessment, quality in analyses, risk management and remediation, and effective communication of outputs.
LWSC3007 Advanced Hydrology and Modelling

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr. Willem Vervoort Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hr lectures/ week, 1 hr on-line and 2 hr practical/week Prerequisites: LWSC2002 Assessment: Practical reports (50%), take-home exam (50%)
This unit of study is designed to allow students to examine advanced hydrological modeling and sampling designs focusing on catchment level responses and uncertainty.
This unit builds on the theoretical knowledge gained in LWSC2002 and possibly GEOG2321. Students will learn how to develop their own simulation model of catchment hydrological processes in R and review the possibilities and impossibilities of using simulation models for catchment management. Students will further investigate optimal sampling techniques for water quality data based on understanding the variability in hydrological responses. At the end of this unit, students will be able to build their own catchment model and calibrate this model, articulate advantages and disadvantages of using simulation models for catchment management, justify the choice of a simulation model for a particular catchment management problem, identify issues in relation to uncertainty in water quality and quantity, develop an optimal water quality sampling scheme. The students will gain research and inquiry skills through research based group projects, information literacy and communication skills through on-line discussion postings, laboratory reports and a presentation and personal and intellectual autonomy through working in groups.
Beven, K.J. Rainfall-Runoff modeling, The Primer, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 2001
PPAT4005 Soil Biology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof David Guest Session: Semester 1 Classes: (2 tut, 3 hrs prac)/wk Prerequisites: MICR2024 or 6cp intermediate microbiology Assessment: Tutorial papers (30%), project proposal (10%), project report (50%), peer review (10%).
This unit investigates the diversity of organisms living in the soil, their biology, interactions and ecology, and their roles in maintaining and improving soil function. The unit is an elective for BScAgr, BHortSc and BSc students. It builds on the material introduced in MICR2024, PPAT3003 and BIOL3017. Undertaking this unit will develop skills in monitoring soil microbes, designing, conducting and analysing experiments. At the completion of this unit, students will be able to exercise problem-solving skills (developed through practical experiments, projects and tutorial discussions), think critically, and organise knowledge (from consideration of the lecture material and preparation of project reports), and expand from theoretical principles to practical explanations (through observing and reporting on project work). Students will consolidate their teamworking skills, develop self-directed study skills and plan effective work schedules, use statistical analysis in research, keep appropriate records of laboratory research, work safely in a research laboratory and operate a range of scientific equipment. Students will gain research and inquiry skills through group research projects, information literacy and communication skills through assessment tasks and personal and intellectual autonomy through working in groups.
Sylvia et al. 2005. Principles and Applications of Soil Microbiology 2nd ed. Pearson.

Anatomy and Histology

The Discipline of Anatomy and Histology teaches topographical and neuroanatomy, histology and cell biology, developmental biology and physical anthropology to students in the Faculties of Science, Medicine and Dentistry.
The office is in the Anderson Stuart Building. The Discipline Office is on the first floor, Room S463.
The noticeboards are situated near Room S463. Students are advised to consult the noticeboard regularly. Timetables for lectures and practical classes will be posted, where possible, in the week before the beginning of each semester.
All students studying gross anatomy or neurosciences who may also be exposed to human tissues or fluids should contact the University Health Service regarding vaccinations.
Protective clothing
All students studying gross anatomy or neurosciences must wear a laboratory coat or gown in tutorial rooms and a gown in dissection rooms and must wear gloves when handling cadaveric material. Closed footwear must be worn in both tutorial rooms and dissection rooms.
The Department's website is
ANAT2008 Principles of Histology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Laura Lindsay Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and one 2-hour practical per week; online and museum exercises (6 hours per week total) Prerequisites: 6 credit points of Junior biology or psychology or molecular biology Prohibitions: ANAT2001 Assumed knowledge: General concepts in human biology Assessment: One 1-hour theory exam, one 1 hour practical exam, four quizzes (100%)
This unit of study covers the principles of cell biology and study of the structure of cells, tissues and organ systems at the light and electron microscopic levels. The focus is on human systems. Extension exercises introduce students to the connection between histology and anatomy. Modern practical applications of histological techniques and analysis for research are also presented.
Ross, MH, Paulina, W. Histology - A Text and Atlas. 5th Edition, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 2006.
ANAT2009 Comparative Primate Anatomy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Denise Donlon Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and one 2-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: 36 credit points, including 12 credit points of Junior Biology (BIOL) or Junior Psychology or Junior Archaeology. Prohibitions: ANAT2002 Assumed knowledge: Knowledge of basic vertebrate biology Assessment: Essay (10%), 2 quizzes (10%), Theory exam (50%), Practical exam (30%)
This unit of student covers the musculo-skeletal anatomy of the human body with particular emphasis on human evolution and comparisons with apes and fossil hominids. The topics covered include the versatility of the human hand, in manipulation and locomotion, bipedalism, climbing and brachiation in apes, and the change in pelvic anatomy associated with bipedalism and obstetric consequences.
Kapit, W and Elson, LM The Anatomy Coloring Book. Addison-Wesley. 2002.
ANAT2010 Concepts of Neuroanatomy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Karen Cullen Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and one 2-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: BIOL (1003 or 1903) and one of: ANAT2008 or BIOL (1002 or 1902) or MBLG(1001 or 1901 or 2071 or 2971) or PSYC (1001 and 1002). Students must have a grade of credit in at least one of the prerequisite units. Prohibitions: ANAT2003 Assumed knowledge: Background in basic cell biology and basic mammalian biology. Assessment: One 1.5-hour theory exam, one 1 hour practical exam, 2000 word essay, practical reports (100%)
Students are introduced to the structure and organisation of the central and peripheral nervous system. The course begins with an exploration into the make-up of the individual cells, followed by an examination of the different regions of the nervous system. A final theme of the course touches on the organisation of various systems (sensory and motor), together with aspects of higher-order function (memory). In essence, the course covers general concepts of organisation, structure and function of the brain and its different areas. The practicals offer students the unique opportunity to examine specimens in the Anatomy labs and museum. This course will be of considerable interest to students studying science and related disciplines, as well as those wishing to pursue further study in Neuroscience at senior levels.
Bear, MF, Connors, BW, Paradiso, MA. Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain. 3rd edition. Williams and Wilkins. 2006.
ANAT3004 Cranial and Cervical Anatomy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Robin Arnold Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 1-hour lecture and two 2-hour tutorials per week. Prerequisites: ANAT2009 or ANAT2010. For BMedSc students: 42 credit points of BMED intermediate units including BMED(2803 or 2804 or 2805 or 2806). Prohibitions: ANAT3904 Assumed knowledge: General knowledge of biology. Assessment: Theory exam, prac exam, continuous assessment (100%)
Note: The completion of 6 credit points of MBLG is highly recommended.
This unit of study covers skull, muscles of facial expression, muscles of jaw and neck, ear, eye, nose, oral cavity and larynx and pharynx as well as peripheral distribution of cranial nerves in the head and neck. The functional components of the cranial nerves and their relationship to the special senses and special motor functions such as facial gesture and speech are also studied. Tutorials are designed to encourage students to develop their own approach to the understanding and organisation of subject material. Communication of key concepts and presentation of subject material in an academic context are encouraged and assessed in a major assignment.
Rohan, Yokochi, Lutjen-drecoll. Color Atlas of Human Anatomy.
ANAT3904 Cranial & Cervical Anatomy (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Robin Arnold, Professor Longping Liu Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two lectures per week, one 1-hour tutorial per week Prerequisites: Availaible to BSc students only. By invitation only. Requires a credit average in ANAT3007 plus a demonstrated aptitude for practical work. Emphasis in selecting for inivitation is placed on results in practical performance, marks and quizzes in ANAT3007. Prohibitions: ANAT3004 Assessment: Theory exam, practical spot test, participation in dissection practicals and production of detailed weekly reports of the dissection carried out that week (100%) Practical field work: One 3-hour dissection per week
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Course is subject to availability of donor material for dissection.
This unit of study is an alternative to ANAT3004 Cranial & Cervical for talented students with a special interest in and need for dissection experience. The lecture/tutorial component of the course is run in conjunction with ANAT3004. Students in the advanced course will study the anatomy of the skull, muscles of face, jaw and neck, eye, ear, nose oral cavity, larynx and pharynx as well as the peripheral distribution of cranial nerves in the neck. Dissection will allow students to find these structures in donated human cadavers for themselves and to study and to understand at least some of the many anomalies and variations which characerise human cranial and cervical anatomy.
An Anatomy atlas such as Rohan, Yokochi, Lutjen-Drecoll. Colour Atlas of Human Anatomy.
ANAT3006 Forensic Osteology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Denise Donlon Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures, one 2-hour tutorial and one 1-hour practical per week Prerequisites: ANAT2008 and a credit in ANAT2009 or in ANAT2002. Assumed knowledge: An understanding of basic musculoskeletal anatomy. Assessment: Quiz 1 (5%), Quiz 2 (5%), Critique/review of journal article (15%), Case study report (15%), Theory exam (30%) Practical exam (30%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: The completion of 6 credit points of MBLG is highly recommended.
This unit of study aims to introduce students to the area of forensic osteology, which is the study of human skeletal remains within the legal context. Thus the unit of study aims to help students learn about human morphology and variation through the investigation and identification of human bones. It will also help students gain skills in observation and rigorous record taking and in analysis and interpretation. Production of case reports and practice in acting as 'expert witness' will improve students written and oral skills. An additional objective will be to assist students in learning to deal with legal and ethical issues.
Bass, W. Human Osteology: a Laboratory and Field Manual 5th edition. Missouri Archaeological Society Columbia. 2005.
ANAT3007 Visceral Anatomy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Robin Arnold Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and two 2-hour practicals per week. Prerequisites: ANAT2009 or ANAT2010. Assumed knowledge: General knowledge of biology. Assessment: Theory exam, prac exam, continuous assessment (100%)
This unit of study aims to provide an understanding of the anatomy of the viscera of the thorax, abdomen and pelvis. Structures covered include the heart and associated great vessels, lungs, mediastinum and the abdominal viscera, the alimentary organs and the genitourinary system. The structure of anterior thoracic and abdominal walls and pelvis along with the nerve supply to the viscera and relevant endocrine structures is also covered. Emphasis is placed on the relationship of structure to function especially with respect to the important functions of breathing, digestion, excretion and reproduction. Students will also be encouraged to relate their understanding of the structures studied to current research into these structures in related fields such as molecular biology and physiology.
Rohan, Yokochi and Lutjen-drecoll. Color Atlas of Human Anatomy.
ANAT3008 Musculoskeletal Anatomy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Richard Ward Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures, one 3-hour practical class per week. Prerequisites: ANAT2009 or ANAT2002 (for students who completed Intermediate study before 2005). For BMedSc students: 42 credit points of BMED intermediate units including BMED(2803 or 2804 or 2805 or 2806). Prohibitions: ANAT3005 Assumed knowledge: A knowledge of the subject of anatomy, including practical class experience, and some knowledge of basic mammalian biology. Assessment: One 30 min prac exam (40%). One 90 min theory exam (60%)
The unit provides an opportunity for students to study the topographical and systems anatomy of the upper limb, lower limb and the back regions. Emphasis is placed upon the identification and description of structures and the correlation of structure with function. This includes for the upper limb, its role in manipulation, for the lower limb standing and walking and for the back flexible support and protection. Emphasis is also given to the innervation of the limbs. The unit also aims to develop the general skills of observation, description, drawing, writing and discussion as applying to biological structure.
EMHU3001 Electron Microscopy and Imaging/Theory

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr. Suzanne Ollerenshaw/ Dr Allan Jones Session: Semester 2 Classes: Four 1-hour lectures and one 1-hour tutorial per week Prerequisites: At least 12 cp of Intermediate Science units from any of the following: Anatomy & Histology, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology & Genetics, Pharmacology, Physics, Physiology or Statistics. For BMedSc students: 42 cp of BMED Intermediate units including (2801, 2802, 2803 & 2806) Assumed knowledge: General concepts in Biology, and in Biochemistry or in Chemistry. Assessment: One 2-hour exam, theoretical research assignment as a powerpoint submission (100%)
The course is run conjointly by the Department of Anatomy and Histology and the Electron Microscope Unit. The course will focus on the theoretical aspects of transmission and scanning electron microscopy, the preparation of biological samples for electron microscopy, digital imaging, and freeze-fracture. Immunological and other techniques required in modern research and hospital electron microscope laboratories will also be covered. Students will also receive theoretical training in laser scanning confocal microscopy including the use of fluorescent probes to visualize cellular organelles and cellular processes. Students will undertake a theoretical research project of their choice which is of relevance to the course.
Bozzola, JJ, Russell LD. Electron Microscopy. 2nd edition. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. 1999.
EMHU3002 Electron Microscopy and Imaging/Prac

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Suzanne Ollerenshaw/ Dr Alan Jones Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 2-hour practicals and one 1-hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 cp of Intermediate Science units of study including ANAT2008. For BMedSc students: 42 credit points of BMED Intermediate units including BMED (2801, 2802, 2803 & 2806) Corequisites: EMHU3001 Assumed knowledge: General concepts in Biology, Histology and in Biochemistry or in Chemistry. Assessment: One 2-hour exam, practical report, practical project assignment by powerpoint submission and group presentation (10 mins.) (100%)
The course is run conjointly by the Department of Anatomy & Histology and the Electron Microscope Unit. The course will provide hands-on training in the operation of transmission and scanning electron microscopes, processing biological samples for electron microscopy, ultrathin sectioning, cryo-ultramicrotomy, freeze-fracture, electron diffraction, digital imaging, immunological and other techniques required in modern research and hospital electron microscope laboratories. Students will also learn the operation of laser scanning confocal microscopes, including the use of fluorescent probes to visualise cellular organelles and cellular processes. Students will apply their knowledge to complete a project of their choice on electron microscopy of a biological sample, from fixation of the sample to interpretation of the resulting electron micrographs.
Bozzola, JJ and Russell, LD. Electron Microscopy. 2nd edition. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. 1999.
HSTO3001 Microscopy & Histochemistry Theory

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Robin Arnold, Prof Chris Murphy Session: Semester 1 Classes: Usually four 1-hour lectures per week plus some tutorials Prerequisites: Credit or better grade in ANAT2008. For BMedSc students: 42 credit points of BMED Intermediate units including Credit in each of BMED2801, BMED2803, BMED2804, BMED2805 Corequisites: HSTO3002 Assessment: One 2-hour theory exam (100%)
The aims of this unit of study are to provide a theoretical understanding of why biological tissues need to be specifically prepared for microscopic examination, how differing methods yield different types of morphological information; to allow students to study the theory of different types & modalities of microscopes, how they function & the differing information they provide; to develop an understanding of the theory of why biological material needs to be stained for microscopic examination; to allow students to understand how biological material becomes stained; to develop an understanding of the chemical information provided by biological staining - dyes, enzymes & antibodies.
Keirnan, J.A. Histological & Histochemical Methods. 4th edition. Scion. 2008.
HSTO3002 Microscopy & Histochemistry Practical

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Robin Arnold, Prof Chris Murphy Session: Semester 1 Classes: Usually 5.5-hour practical per week Prerequisites: Credit grade or better in ANAT2008. For BMedSc students: 42 credit points of BMED Intermediate units including Credit in each of BMED2801, BMED2803, BMED2804, BMED2805 Corequisites: HSTO3001 Assessment: One 1.5-hour practical exam, 1 practical report, essay (100%)
The aims of this unit of study are to provide an practical understanding of why biological tissues need to be specifically prepared for microscopic examination, to apply different methods to gain different types of morphological information; to allow students to learn to use the different types & modalities of microscopes: to gain first hand experience of how they function & see for themselves the differing information they provide; to learn to stain biological material for microscopic examination; applying their theoretical knowledge & to allow students to develop practical skills in diverse histochemical staining procedures - dyes, enzymes and antibodies.
Keirnan, JA. Histological & Histochemical Methods. 4th edition. Scion. 2008.
HSTO3003 Cells and Development: Theory

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Frank Lovicu Session: Semester 2 Classes: Four 1-hour theory lectures and one 1-hour tutorial per week Prerequisites: For BSc students: ANAT2008 For BMedSc students: 42 credit points of Intermediate BMED units, including: BMED2801, BMED2802, BMED2805. Assumed knowledge: (i) An understanding of the basic structure of vertebrates; (ii) An understanding of elementary biochemistry and genetics. Assessment: One 2-hour exam, tutorial research papers (100%)
The main emphasis of this unit of study concerns the mechanisms that control animal development. Fertilisation, cleavage, gastrulation and the formation of the primary germ layers are described in a range of animals, mainly vertebrates. Much of the emphasis will be placed on the parts played by inductive cell and tissue interactions in cell and tissue differentiation, morphogenesis and pattern formation. This will be studied at both cellular and molecular levels.
Gilbert, SF. Developmental Biology. 9th edition. Sinauer Associates Inc. 2010.
HSTO3004 Cells and Development: Practical (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Frank Lovicu Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 1-hour tutorial and two 2-hour practicals per week Prerequisites: Unless special permission is granted from the course coordinator, this advanced unit of study is only available to select students who have achieved a mark of 65 or above in the following prerequisite units of study. For BSc students: ANAT2008. For BMedSc students: 42 credit points of Intermediate BMED units, including: BMED2801, BMED2802, BMED2805. Corequisites: HSTO3003 Assessment: One 90 minute exam, Practical class reports (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This advanced unit of study complements HSTO3003 (Cells and Development:Theory) and is catered to provide students with laboratory research experience leading to Honours and higher degrees. It will primarily cover the design and application of experimental procedures involved in cell and developmental biology, using appropriate molecular and cellular techniques to answer developmental questions raised in HSTO3003. This unit of study will promote hands on experience with different animal models, allowing students to observe and examine developing and differentiating tissues at the macroscopic and microscopic level. The main emphasis of this unit of study will concentrate on practical approaches to understanding the mechanisms that control animal development. Fertilization, cleavage, gastrulation and the formation of the primary germ layers are covered. The parts played by inductive cell and tissue interactions in differentiation, morphogenesis and pattern formation are examined at cellular and molecular levels. Note that for some weeks of the course, specialised practical classes will be carried out at the Westmead campus.
Gilbert SF. Developmental Biology. 9th edition. Sinauer Associates Inc. 2010.
NEUR3002 Neuroscience: Motor Systems & Behaviour

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Vladimir Balcar Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week, one 3-hour practical and one 3-hour tutorial per fortnight. Prerequisites: For BMedSc students: BMED2801 and BMED2806 For other students: (PHSI(2101 or 2001 or 2901 or 2005 or 2905) or ANAT(2003 or 2010)) and 6 credit points of MBLG. Prohibitions: PHSI3001, NEUR3902 Assumed knowledge: It is strongly recommended that students also take unit NEUR3001. ANAT2010 and PHSI2005 is assumed knowledge. Assessment: Two 1-hour exams, neuroanatomy practical test, prac report, paper discussion sessions, library essay (100%)
The aim of this course is to provide students with an introduction to the structure and function of the nervous system. Our current knowledge of how the brain works is based on the analysis of the normal structure of the nervous system and its pathways, the functional effects of lesions and neurological diseases in different parts of the nervous system, and the way that nerve cells work at the molecular, cellular and integrative level. This course focuses on to the neural circuits and the mechanisms that control somatic and autonomic motor systems, motivated behaviours, emotions, and other higher order functions. The lecture series addresses the different topics, each of which offers special insight into the function of the nervous system in health and disease.
Kandel, Schwartz, Jessel. Principles of Neural Science. 4th edition. Elsevier. 2000. or Bear, Connors, Paradiso. Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain. Williams & Wilkins. 2001.
NEUR3902 Neuroscience: Motor Systems & Behav. Adv

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Vladimir Balcar Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week, one 3-hour practical and one 3-hour tutorial per fortnight. Advanced students may be exempt from attending some of these classes to permit meetings with supervisor. Prerequisites: For BMedSc students: Credit average in BMED2801 and BMED2806 For other students: Credit average in (PHSI(2101 or 2001 or 2901 or 2005 or 2905) or ANAT(2003 or 2010)) and 6 credit points of MBLG. Prohibitions: NEUR3002, PHSI3001 Assumed knowledge: ANAT2010 and PHSI2005 is assumed knowledge. Assessment: Two 1-hour exams, neuroanatomy practical test, prac report, paper discussion sessions, one research or review essay (research essay will replace some other assessment items from regular course) (100%)
Note: Permission from the coordinators is required for entry into this course. It is strongly recommended that students also take unit NEUR3001 or NEUR3901.
This unit of study is an extension of NEUR3002 for talented students with an interest in Neuroscience and research in this field. The lecture/practical component of the course is run in conjunction with NEUR3002. The aim of this course is to provide students with an introduction to the structure and function of the nervous system. Our current knowledge of how the brain works is based on the analysis of the normal structure of the nervous system and its pathways, the functional effects of lesions and neurological diseases in different parts of the nervous system, and the way that nerve cells work at the molecular, cellular and integrative level. This course focuses on to the neural circuits and the mechanisms that control somatic and autonomic motor systems, motivated behaviours, emotions, and other higher order functions. The lecture series addresses the different topics, each of which offers special insight into the function of the nervous system in health and disease.
Kandel, Schwartz, Jessel. Principles of Neural Science. 4th edition. Elsevier. 2000. or Bear, Connors, Paradiso. Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain. Williams & Wilkins. 2001.
NEUR3004 Integrative Neuroscience

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kevin Keay, Dr Catherine Leamey Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 0-1 hour lecture, one 2-hour tutorial plus 1-2 hours small meeting/laboratory session per week. Prerequisites: For BMedSci: 42 credit points of intermediate BMed units. For others: 18 credit points of Intermediate science units of study from Anatomy & Histology, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Physiology, Psychology or Statisitics. Prohibitions: NEUR3904, PHSI3002, PHSI3902 Assumed knowledge: Students should be familiar with the material in Bear, Connors & Paradiso Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain. Assessment: Mid-semester exam. 1-hour final exam. Major essay/report. Tutorial participation (100%)
Note: Enrolment in NEUR3003 is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Courses are designed to be taken in conjunction with each other.
This second semester unit is designed to introduce students to "cutting edge" issues in the neurosciences and to be taken in conjunction with NEUR3003. This course is a combination of small group lectures on current issues in neuroscience, seminar groups and a research-based library project. Suitably qualified students may have the option of replacing the library project with a laboratory project. Seminars will be held on topics including imaging pain, emotions, cortical development & plasticity, colour vision, stroke and hypertension, long-term regulation of blood pressure, auditory hallucinations and the "cocktail party effect".
Kandell, Schwartz and Jessell. Principles of Neural Science. 4th edition.
NEUR3904 Integrative Neuroscience (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kevin Keay, Dr Catherine Leamey Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 1-hour lecture, one 2-hour tutorial and 1-2 hour small meeting/laboratory per week. Prerequisites: For BMedSCI: 42 credit points of intermediate BMed units. For others: 18 credit points of Intermediate science units of study from Anatomy & Histology, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Physiology, Psychology or Statisitics. Plus, students must have a CREDIT (or better) in NEUR3001/3901 and NEUR3002/3902. Prohibitions: NEUR3004, PHSI3002, PHSI3902 Assumed knowledge: Students should be familiar with the material in Bear, Connors & Paradiso Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain. Assessment: Mid-semester exam. 1-hour final exam. Major essay/report. Tutorial participation. Mini lecture. (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Enrolment in NEUR3003/3903 is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Courses are designed to be taken in conjunction with each other. Students must receive permission from the coordinators for enrolment.
This unit encompasses the material taught in NEUR3004. Advanced students perform a research project and present a mini-lecture on a current topic in neuroscience research.
Kandell, Schwartz and Jessell. Principles of Neural Science. 4th edition.
For other NEUR units of study, see the entry under the School of Physiology.


The discipline teaches Biochemistry and Molecular Biology to Science and Medical Science students at the Junior, Intermediate and Senior levels. This discipline area includes the fundamental principles governing the structure, function and interactions of biological molecules, the nature of genetic material and control of its expression and leads to an understanding of the molecular nature of living systems.
Junior program
The junior program has the introductory faculty unit of study Molecular Biology and Genetics Intro (MBLG1001) or Molecular Biology and Genetics Adv (MBLG1901).
Intermediate program
The comprehensive Intermediate program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology includes Protein Biochemistry (BCHM2071/2971), Human Biochemistry (BCHM2072/2972) and the faculty unit of study Molecular Biology and Genetics A (MBLG2071/2971). Students wishing to progress to the Senior units of study in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology need to have completed MBLG1001 and 12 CP of Intermediate BCHM/MBLG units of study.
Senior program
The Senior program consists of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry - Genes (BCHM3071/3971), Molecular Biology and Biochemistry - Protein (BCHM3081/3981), Human Molecular Cell Biology (BCHM3072/3972), Medical and Metabolic Biochemistry, (BCHM3082/3982), Proteomics and Functional Genomics (BCHM3092/3992). Any four of these units of study constitute a major in Biochemistry. Students seeking further information should consult the relevant Tables in earlier Undergraduate Enrolment Advice chapters.
MBLG1001 Molecular Biology and Genetics (Intro)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Dale Hancock Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week; one 1-hour tutorial and one 4-hour practical per fortnight Prohibitions: AGCH2001, BCHM2001, BCHM2101, BCHM2901, MBLG2101, MBLG2901, MBLG2001, MBLG2111, MBLG2771, MBLG2871, MBLG1901 Assumed knowledge: 6 credit points of Junior Biology and 6 cp of Junior Chemistry Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam, in-semester skills test and assignments (100%)
The lectures in this unit of study introduce the "Central Dogma" of molecular biology and genetics -i.e., the molecular basis of life. The course begins with the information macromolecules in living cells: DNA, RNA and protein, and explores how their structures allow them to fulfill their various biological roles. This is followed by a review of how DNA is organised into genes leading to discussion of replication and gene expression (transcription and translation). The unit concludes with an introduction to the techniques of molecular biology and, in particular, how these techniques have led to an explosion of interest and research in Molecular Biology. The practical component complements the lectures by exposing students to experiments which explore the measurement of enzyme activity, the isolation of DNA and the 'cutting' of DNA using restriction enzymes. However, a key aim of the practicals is to give students higher level generic skills in computing, communication, criticism, data analysis/evaluation and experimental design.
MBLG1901 Molecular Biology and Genetics (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Dale Hancock Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week; one 1-hour tutorial and one 4-hour practical per fortnight; four 1-hour seminars per semester. Prerequisites: UAI (or ATAR equivalent) of 95 or minimum Band 5 in HSC chemistry and biology or by invitation Prohibitions: AGCH2001, BCHM2001, BCHM2101, BCHM2901, MBLG2101, MBLG2901, MBLG2001, MBLG2111, MBLG2771, MBLG2871, MBLG1001 Assumed knowledge: HSC Chemistry and Biology OR 6 credit points of Junior Biology and 6 cp of Junior Chemistry Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam, in-semester skills test and assignments (100%)
The lectures in this unit of study introduce the "Central Dogma" of molecular biology and genetics, i.e., the molecular basis of life. The course begins with the information macro-molecules in living cells: DNA,RNA and protein, and explores how their structures allow them to fulfill their various biological roles. This is followed by a review of how DNA is organised into genes leading to discussion of replication and gene expression (transcription and translation). The unit concludes with an introduction to the techniques of molecular biology and, in particular, how these techniques have led to an explosion of interest and research in Molecular Biology. The practical component complements the lectures by exposing students to experiments which explore the measurement of enzyme activity, the isolation of DNA and the 'cutting' of DNA using restriction enzymes. However,a key aim of the practicals is to give students higher level generic skills in computing, communication, criticism, data analysis/evaluation and experimental design.
The advanced component is designed for students interested in continuing in molecular biology. It consists of 7 advanced lectures (replacing 7 regular lectures) and 3 advanced laboratory sessions (replacing 3 regular practical classes). The advanced lectures will focus on the experiments which led to key discoveries in molecular biology. The advanced practical sessions will give students the opportunity to explore alternative molecular biology experimental techniques. Attendance at MBLG1999 seminars is strongly encouraged.
Introduction to Molecular Biology MBLG1001 & MBLG1901, 2nd edition compiled by D. Hancock, G. Denyer and B. Lyon
BCHM2071 Protein Biochemistry

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Charles Collyer Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 2-hour lectures per week, one 1-hour tutorial and one 4-hour practical per fortnight. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry and MBLG (1001 or 1901) Corequisites: Recommended concurrent units of study: MBLG2071 and BCHM2072 for progression to Senior Biochemistry. Prohibitions: BCHM2011, BCHM2971 Assumed knowledge: CHEM (1101 and 1102) Assessment: One 2-hour theory and theory of practical exam, 2 prac reports (100%)
This unit of study introduces biochemistry by describing the physical and chemical activities of proteins and their functions in cells. The details of protein interactions with other cellular components are presented and the relationship of protein structure and function is discussed. Techniques in protein chemistry and analysis, including proteomics are introduced together with key experiments which reveal the physical basis of the functioning of proteins. This course builds on the protein science presented in MBLG1001 and is ideally suited to students studying intermediate Chemistry together with Biochemistry. The practical course will nurture technical skills in biochemistry and will include protein preparation, the analysis of protein structure and enzymatic assays.
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 5th edition, by Nelson and Cox
BCHM2971 Protein Biochemistry (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Charles Collyer Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week, one 1-hour tutorial and one 4-hour practical per fortnight. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry and Distinction in MBLG1001 or MBLG1901 Prohibitions: BCHM2011, BCHM2071 Assessment: One 2-hour theory and theory of practical exam, online quizzes, practical assignments and laboratory book reports (100%)
This advanced unit of study introduces biochemistry by describing the physical and chemical activities of proteins and their functions in cells. The details of protein interactions with other cellular components are presented and the relationship of protein structure and function is discussed. Techniques in protein chemistry and analysis, including proteomics are discussed together with key experiments which reveal the physical basis of the functioning of proteins. This course builds on the protein science presented in MBLG1001 and is ideally suited to students studying Intermediate Chemistry together with Biochemistry. The advanced practical course will nurture technical skills in protein biochemistry and will include protein preparation, the interpretation of protein structure, enzymatic assays and biochemical analysis.
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 5th edition, by Nelson and Cox
BCHM2072 Human Biochemistry

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Gareth Denyer Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two lectures per week, one tutorial per fortnight, and one 4-hour practical per fortnight Prerequisites: Either MBLG (1001 or 1901) and 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry or either MBLG2071 or MBLG2971 Prohibitions: BCHM2972, BCHM2002, BCHM2102, BCHM2902, BCHM2112 Assessment: One 3-hour exam, practical reports, in semester assignments (100%)
This unit of study aims to describe how cells work at the molecular level, with special emphasis on human biochemistry. The chemical reactions which occur inside cells are described in the first series of lectures, Cellular Metabolism. Aspects of the molecular architecture of cells which enable them to transduce messages and communicate are described in the second half of the unit of study. At every stage there is emphasis on the 'whole body' consequences of reactions, pathways and processes. Cellular Metabolism describes how cells extract energy from fuel molecules like fatty acids and carbohydrates, how the body controls the rate of fuel utilisation and how the mix of fuels is regulated (especially under different physiological circumstances such as starvation and exercise). The metabolic inter-relationships of the muscle, brain, adipose tissue and liver and the role of hormones in coordinating tissue metabolic relationships is discussed. The unit also discusses how the body lays down and stores vital fuel reserves such as fat and glycogen, how hormones modulate fuel partitioning between tissues and the strategies involved in digestion and absorption and transport of nutrients. Signal Transduction covers how communication across membranes occurs (i.e. via surface receptors and signaling cascades). This allows detailed molecular discussion of the mechanism of hormone action and intracellular process targeting. The practical component complements the lectures by exposing students to experiments which investigate the measurement of glucose utilisation using radioactive tracers and the design of biochemical assay systems. During the unit of study, generic skills are nurtured by frequent use of computers and problem solving activities. However student exposure to generic skills will be extended by the introduction of exercises designed to teach oral communication, instruction writing and feedback articulation skills.
BCHM2972 Human Biochemistry (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Gareth Denyer Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two lectures per week, one tutorial per fortnight, and one 4-hour practical per fortnight Prerequisites: Distinction in one of (BCHM (2071 or 2971) or MBLG(2071 or 2971)) or (Distinction in MBLG (1001 or 1901) and Distinction average in all other Junior Science Units of Study undertaken). Prohibitions: BCHM2072, BCHM2002, BCHM2102, BCHM2902, BCHM2112 Assessment: One 3-hour exam, practical reports (100%)
This advanced unit aims to describe how cells work at the molecular level, with special emphasis on human biochemistry. The chemical reactions which occur inside cells are described in the first series of lectures, Cellular Metabolism. Aspects of the molecular architecture of cells which enable them to transduce messages and communicate are described in the second half of the unit of study. At every stage there is emphasis on the 'whole body' consequences of reactions, pathways and processes. Cellular Metabolism describes how cells extract energy from fuel molecules like fatty acids and carbohydrates, how the body controls the rate of fuel utilization and how the mix of fuels is regulated (especially under different physiological circumstances such as starvation and exercise). The metabolic inter-relationships of the muscle, brain, adipose tissue and liver and the role of hormones in coordinating tissue metabolic relationships is discussed. The unit also discusses how the body lays down and stores vital fuel reserves such as fat and glycogen, how hormones modulate fuel partitioning between tissues and the strategies involved in digestion and absorption and transport of nutrients. Signal Transduction covers how communication across membranes occurs (i.e., via surface receptors and signaling cascades). This allows detailed molecular discussion of the mechanism of hormone action and intracellular process targeting. The practical component complements the lectures by exposing students to experiments which investigate the measurement of glucose utilisation using radioactive tracers and the design of biochemical assay systems. During the unit of study, generic skills are nurtured by frequent use of computers and problem solving activities. However, student exposure to generic skills will be extended by the introduction of exercise designed to teach oral communication, instruction writing and feedback articulation skills.
BCHM3071 Molecular Biology & Biochemistry- Genes

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mrs Jill Johnston, Prof Iain Campbell. Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week and one 6-hour practical per fortnight. Prerequisites: MBLG (1001 or 1901) and 12 CP of Intermediate BCHM/MBLG units (taken from MBLG2071/2971 or BCHM2071/2971 or BCHM2072/2972) or 42CP of Intermediate BMedSc units, including BMED2802 and BMED2804. Prohibitions: BCHM3971, BCHM3001, BCHM3901 Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam, practical work (100%)
This unit of study is designed to provide a comprehensive coverage of the activity of genes in living organisms, with a focus on eukaryotic and particularly human systems. The lecture component covers the arrangement and structure of genes, how genes are expressed, promoter activity and enhancer action. This leads into discussions on the biochemical basis of differentiation of eukaryotic cells, the molecular basis of imprinting, epigenetics, and the role of RNA in gene expression. Additionally, the course discusses the effects of damage to the genome and mechanisms of DNA repair. The modern techniques for manipulating and analysing macromolecules such as DNA and proteins and their relevance to medical and biotechnological applications are discussed. Techniques such as the generation of gene knockout and transgenic mice are discussed as well as genomic methods of analysing gene expression patterns. Particular emphasis is placed on how modern molecular biology and biochemical methods have led to our current understanding of the structure and functions of genes within the human genome. The practical course is designed to complement the lecture course and will provide students with experience in a wide range of techniques used in molecular biology laboratories.
Lewin, B. Genes IX. 9th edition. Jones & Bartlett. 2008.
BCHM3971 Molecular Biology & Biochem- Genes (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mrs Jill Johnston, Prof Iain Campbell. Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week and one 6-hour practical per fortnight. Prerequisites: MBLG (1001 or 1901) and Distinction in 12 CP of Intermediate BCHM/MBLG units (taken from MBLG2071/2971 or BCHM2071/2971 or BCHM2072/2972) or 42CP of Intermediate BMedSc units, with Distinction in BMED2802 and BMED2804. Prohibitions: BCHM3071, BCHM3001, BCHM3901 Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam, practical work (100%)
This unit of study is designed to provide a comprehensive coverage of the activity of genes in living organisms, with a focus on eukaryotic and particularly human systems. The lecture component covers the arrangement and structure of genes, how genes are expressed, promoter activity and enhancer action. This leads into discussions on the biochemical basis of differentiation of eukaryotic cells, the molecular basis of imprinting, epigenetics, and the role of RNA in gene expression. Additionally, the course discusses the effects of damage to the genome and mechanisms of DNA repair. The modern techniques for manipulating and analysing macromolecules such as DNA and proteins and their relevance to medical and biotechnological applications are discussed. Techniques such as the generation of gene knockout and transgenic mice are discussed as well as genomic methods of analysing gene expression patterns. Particular emphasis is placed on how modern molecular biology and biochemical methods have led to our current understanding of the structure and functions of genes within the human genome. The practical course is designed to complement the lecture course and will provide students with experience in a wide range of techniques used in molecular biology laboratories.
The lecture component of this unit of study is the same as BCHM3071. Qualified students will attend seminars/practical classes in which more sophisticated topics in gene expression and manipulation will be covered.
Lewin, B. Genes IX. 9th edition. Jones & Bartlett. 2008.
BCHM3081 Mol Biology & Biochemistry- Proteins

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mrs Jill Johnston, Prof Joel Mackay Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 2 hour lectures week and one 6 hour practical per fortnight. Prerequisites: MBLG (1001 or 1901) and 12 CP of Intermediate BCHM/MBLG units (taken from MBLG2071/2971 or BCHM2071/2971 or BCHM2072/2972) or 42CP of Intermediate BMedSc units, including BMED2802 and BMED2804. Prohibitions: BCHM3981, BCHM3001, BCHM3901 Assessment: One 2.5 hour exam, practical work (100%)
This unit of study is designed to provide a comprehensive coverage of the functions of proteins in living organisms, with a focus on eukaryotic and particularly human systems. Its lecture component deals with how proteins adopt their biologically active forms, including discussions of protein structure, protein folding and how recombinant DNA technology can be used to design novel proteins with potential medical or biotechnology applications. Particular emphasis is placed on how modern molecular biology and biochemical methods have led to our current understanding of the structure and functions of proteins. It also covers physiologically and medically important aspects of proteins in living systems, including the roles of chaperones in protein folding inside cells, the pathological consequences of misfolding of proteins, how proteins are sorted to different cellular compartments and how the biological activities of proteins can be controlled by regulated protein degradation. The practical course is designed to complement the lecture course and will provide students with experience in a wide range of techniques used in molecular biology and protein biochemistry laboratories.
Branden C & Tooze J. Introduction to Protein Structure. 2nd edition. Garland. 1999.
BCHM3981 Mol Biology & Biochemistry- Proteins Adv

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mrs Jill Johnston, Prof Joel Mackay Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week and one 6-hour practical per fortnight. Prerequisites: MBLG (1001 or 1901) and Distinction in 12 CP of Intermediate BCHM/MBLG units (taken from MBLG2071/2971 or BCHM2071/2971 or BCHM2072/2972) or 42CP of Intermediate BMedSc units, with Distinction in BMED2802 and BMED2804. Prohibitions: BCHM3081, BCHM3001, BCHM3901 Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam, practical work (100%)
This unit of study is designed to provide a comprehensive coverage of the functions of proteins in living organisms, with a focus on eukaryotic and particularly human systems. Its lecture component deals with how proteins adopt their biologically active forms, including discussions of protein structure, protein folding and how recombinant DNA technology can be used to design novel proteins with potential medical or biotechnology applications. Particular emphasis is placed on how modern molecular biology and biochemical methods have led to our current understanding of the structure and functions of proteins. It also covers physiologically and medically important aspects of proteins in living systems, including the roles of chaperones in protein folding inside cells, the pathological consequences of misfolding of proteins, how proteins are sorted to different cellular compartments and how the biological activities of proteins can be controlled by regulated protein degradation. The practical course is designed to complement the lecture course and will provide students with experience in a wide range of techniques used in molecular biology and protein biochemistry laboratories.
The lecture component of this unit of study is the same as BCHM3081. Qualified students will attend seminars/practical classes in which more sophisticated topics in protein biochemistry will be covered.
Branden, C & Tooze, J. Introduction to Protein Structure. 2nd edition. Garland. 1999.
BCHM3072 Human Molecular Cell Biology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mrs Jill Johnston, Prof Iain Campbell Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week and one 6-hour practical per fortnight. Prerequisites: (MBLG (1001 or 1901) and 12 CP of Intermediate BCHM/MBLG units (taken from MBLG2071/MBLG2971or BCHM2071/2971 or BCHM2072/2972)) or (42CP of Intermediate BMedSc units, including BMED2802 and BMED2804) Prohibitions: BCHM3972, BCHM3002, BCHM3902, BCHM3004, BCHM3904 Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam, practical work (100%)
Note: BExSci/BSc(Nutrition) students successfully progressing though the combined degree meet the pre-requisites for this unit of study
This unit of study will explore the responses of cells to changes in their environment in both health and disease. The lecture course consists of four integrated modules. The first will provide an overview of the role of signalling mechanisms in the control of human cell biology and then focus on cell surface receptors and the downstream signal transduction events that they initiate. The second will examine how cells detect and respond to pathogenic molecular patterns displayed by infectious agents and injured cells by discussing the roles of relevant cell surface receptors, cytokines and signal transduction pathways. The third and fourth will focus on the life, death and differentiation of human cells in response to intra-cellular and extra-cellular signals by discussing the eukaryotic cell cycle under normal and pathological circumstances and programmed cell death in response to abnormal extra-cellular and intra-cellular signals. In all modules emphasis will be placed on the molecular processes involved in human cell biology, how modern molecular and cell biology methods have led to our current understanding of them and the implications of them for pathologies such as cancer. The practical component is designed to complement the lecture course, providing students with experience in a wide range of techniques used in modern molecular cell biology.
Alberts, B. et al. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 5th edition. Garland Science. 2008.
BCHM3972 Human Molecular Cell Biology (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mrs Jill Johnston, Prof Iain Campbell Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week and one 6-hour practical per fortnight. Prerequisites: MBLG (1001 or 1901) and Distinction in 12 CP of Intermediate BCHM/MBLG units (taken from MBLG2071/MBLG2971 or BCHM2071/2971 or BCHM2072/2972) or 42CP of Intermediate BMedSc units, with Distinction in BMED2802 and BMED2804. Prohibitions: BCHM3072, BCHM3002, BCHM3004, BCHM3902, BCHM3904 Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam, practical work (100%)
This unit of study will explore the responses of cells to changes in their environment in both health and disease. The lecture course consists of four integrated modules. The first will provide an overview of the role of signalling mechanisms in the control of human cell biology and then focus on cell surface receptors and the downstream signal transduction events that they initiate. The second will examine how cells detect and respond to pathogenic molecular patterns displayed by infectious agents and injured cells by discussing the roles of relevant cell surface receptors, cytokines and signal transduction pathways. The third and fourth will focus on the life, death and differentiation of human cells in response to intra-cellular and extra-cellular signals by discussing the eukaryotic cell cycle under normal and pathological circumstances and programmed cell death in response to abnormal extra-cellular and intra-cellular signals. In all modules emphasis will be placed on the molecular processes involved in human cell biology, how modern molecular and cell biology methods have led to our current understanding of them and the implications of them for pathologies such as cancer. The practical component is designed to complement the lecture course, providing students with experience in a wide range of techniques used in modern molecular cell biology.
The lecture component of this unit of study is the same as BCHM3072. Qualified students will attend seminars/practical classes in which more sophisticated topics in modern molecular cell biology will be covered.
Alberts, B. et al. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 5th edition. Garland Science. 2008.
BCHM3082 Medical and Metabolic Biochemistry

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mrs Jill Johnston, A/Prof Gareth Deyner Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week and one 6-hour practical per fortnight. Prerequisites: MBLG (1001 or 1901) and 12 CP of Intermediate BCHM/MBLG units (taken from MBLG2071/2971 or BCHM2071/2971 or BCHM2072/2972) or 42CP of Intermediate BMedSc units, including BMED2802 and BMED2804. Prohibitions: BCHM3982, BCHM3002, BCHM3004, BCHM3902, BCHM3904 Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam, practical work (100%)
Note: BExSci/BSc(Nutrition) students successfully progressing though the combined degree meet the pre-requisites for this unit of study
This unit of study will explore the biochemical processes involved in the operation of cells and how they are integrated in tissues and in the whole human body in normal and diseased states. These concepts will be illustrated by considering whole-body aspects of energy utilisation, fat and glycogen storage and their regulation under normal conditions compared to obesity and diabetes. Key concepts that will be discussed include energy balance, regulation of metabolic rate, control of food intake, tissue interactions in fuel selection, the role of adipose tissue and transport of fuel molecules from storage organs and into cells. Particular emphasis will be placed on how the modern concepts of metabolomics, coupled with molecular biology methods and studies of the structure and function of enzymes, have led to our current understanding of how metabolic processes are normally integrated and how they become deranged in disease states. The practical component is designed to complement the lecture course and will provide students with experience in a wide range of techniques used in modern medical and metabolic biochemistry.
Nelson, D L & Cox, M M. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. 5th edition. Freeman. 2008.
BCHM3982 Medical and Metabolic Biochemistry (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Mrs Jill Johnston, A/Prof Gareth Deyner Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week and one 6-hour practical per fortnight. Prerequisites: MBLG (1001 or 1901) and Distinction in 12 CP of Intermediate BCHM/MBLG units (taken from MBLG2071/2971 or BCHM2071/2971 or BCHM2072/2972) or 42CP of Intermediate BMedSc units, with Distinction in BMED2802 and BMED2804. Prohibitions: BCHM3082, BCHM3002, BCHM3004, BCHM3902, BCHM3904 Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam, practical work (100%)
This unit of study will explore the biochemical processes involved in the operation of cells and how they are integrated in tissues and in the whole human body in normal and diseased states. These concepts will be illustrated by considering whole-body aspects of energy utilisation, fat and glycogen storage and their regulation under normal conditions compared to obesity and diabetes. Key concepts that will be discussed include energy balance, regulation of metabolic rate, control of food intake, tissue interactions in fuel selection, the role of adipose tissue and transport of fuel molecules from storage organs and into cells. Particular emphasis will be placed on how the modern concepts of metabolomics, coupled with new methods, including magnetic resonance techniques and molecular biology methods, as well as studies of the structure and function of enzymes, have led to our current understanding of how metabolic processes are normally integrated and how they become deranged in disease states. The practical component is designed to complement the lecture course and will provide students with experience in a wide range of techniques used in modern medical and metabolic biochemistry.
Qualified students will attend some lectures/practical classes in common with BCHM3082 and some separate lectures/ practical classes in which more sophisticated topics in metabolic biochemistry will be covered.
Nelson, D L & Cox, M M. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. 5th edition. Freeman, 2008.
BCHM3092 Proteomics and Functional Genomics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Stuart Cordwell, Mrs Jill Johnston Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week and one 3-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: MBLG (1001 or 1901) and 12 CP of Intermediate BCHM/MBLG units (taken from MBLG2071/2971 or BCHM2071/2971 or BCHM2072/2972) or 42CP of Intermediate BMedSc units, including BMED2802 and BMED2804. Prohibitions: BCHM3992, BCHM3098 Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam, practical work (100%)
This unit of study will focus on the high throughput methods for the analysis of gene structure and function (genomics) and the analysis of proteins (proteomics), which are at the forefront of discovery in the biomedical sciences. The course will concentrate on the hierarchy of gene-protein-structure-function through an examination of modern technologies built on the concepts of genomics versus molecular biology, and proteomics versus biochemistry. Technologies to be examined include DNA sequencing, nucleic acid and protein microarrays, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of proteins, uses of mass spectrometry for high throughput protein identification, isotope tagging for quantitative proteomics, high-performance liquid chromatography, high-throughput functional assays, affinity chromatography and modern methods for database analysis. Particular emphasis will be placed on how these technologies can provide insight into the molecular basis of changes in cellular function under both physiological and pathological conditions as well as how they can be applied to biotechnology for the discovery of biomarkers, diagnostics, and therapeutics. The practical component is designed to complement the lecture course and will provide students with experience in a wide range of techniques used in proteomics and genomics.
Liebler, DC. Introduction to Proteomics: Tools for the New Biology. Humana Press. 2002.
BCHM3992 Proteomics and Functional Genomics (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Stuart Cordwell, Mrs Jill Johnston Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week and one 3-hour practical per fortnight. Prerequisites: MBLG (1001 or 1901) and Distinction in 12 CP of Intermediate BCHM/MBLG units (taken from MBLG2071/2971 or BCHM2071/2971 or BCHM2072/2972) or 42CP of Intermediate BMedSc units, with Distinction in BMED2802 and BMED2804. Prohibitions: BCHM3092, BCHM3098 Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam, practical work (100%)
This unit of study will focus on the high throughput methods for the analysis of gene structure and function (genomics) and the analysis of proteins (proteomics) which are at the forefront of discovery in the biomedical sciences. The course will concentrate on the hierarchy of gene-protein-structure-function through an examination of modern technologies built on the concepts of genomics versus molecular biology, and proteomics versus biochemistry. Technologies to be examined include DNA sequencing, nucleic acid and protein microarrays, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of proteins, uses of mass spectrometry for high throughput protein identification, isotope tagging for quantitative proteomics, high-performance liquid chromatography, high-throughput functional assays, affinity chromatography and modern methods for database analysis. Particular emphasis will be placed on how these technologies can provide insight into the molecular basis of changes in cellular function under both physiological and pathological conditions as well as how they can be applied to biotechnology for the discovery of biomarkers, diagnostics, and therapeutics. The practical component is designed to complement the lecture course and will provide students with experience in a wide range of techniques used in proteomics and genomics.
The lecture component of this unit of study is the same as BCHM3092. Qualified students will attend seminars/practical classes in which more sophisticated topics in proteomics and genomics will be covered.
Liebler, DC. Introduction to Proteomics: Tools for the New Biology. Humana Press. 2002.


Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary area of science, involving Computer Science, Computational Science, Mathematics, Statistics, and the Life Sciences (ie. biology, medicine, etc). It is responsible for the development and use of computer systems, databases, software, networks, and hardware to solve scientific problems in a wide variety of areas ranging from biology to medicine. Due to its interdisciplinary nature, the BSc (Bioinformatics) degree is composed of units of study that are offered also to students enrolled in other degrees, the general aim being to equip the students enrolled in the BSc (Bioinformatics) degree with knowledge in key areas of relevance to Bioinformatics.
First Year
In the first year of their study, students devote time to units of study offered by the School of Biological Sciences, School of Chemistry, School of Information Technologies, School of Mathematics and Statistics, and School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences (see Table 1A in chapter 4).
Second Year
In the second and third year of their study, students divide time equally between the Life Sciences and the mathematical, statistical, and computational sciences, choosing units of study from those offered by the School of Biological Sciences, School of Information Technologies, School of Mathematics and Statistics, School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences, School of Physics, and the Department of Pharmacology (see Table 1A).
Third Year
In the third year of their study, students are highly recommended to enrol in BIOL3027/3927 (Bioinformatics and Genomics) and BCHM3092/3992 (Proteomics and Functional Genomics). Furthermore, students complete a unit of study - BINF3101 (Bioinformatics Project) - that is designed specifically to give them an opportunity to do real research, supervised by scientists from the bio-medical disciplines. For further information regarding third year requirements see Table 1A.
BINF3101 Bioinformatics Project

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Michael Charleston, Dr Nathan Lo Session: Semester 2 Classes: Meeting with academic supervisor 1hour per week & class meeting 1 hour per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points from Intermediate Biology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pharmacology Prohibitions: COMP3206, BINF3001, INFO3600, SOFT3300, SOFT3600, SOFT3200, SOFT3700 Assumed knowledge: INFO2110 and (INFO1103 or INFO1903) Assessment: Oral group presentations, individual and group reports (100%)
This unit will provide students an opportunity to apply the knowledge and practice the skills acquired in the prerequisite and qualifying units, in the context of designing and building a substantial bioinformatics application. Working in groups, students will carry out the full range of activities including requirements capture, analysis and design, coding, testing and documentation.

Biological Sciences

Advice on units of study
Any student needing advice before enrolling should make an appointment to see an adviser from the School of Biological Sciences. Phone 9351 5819 (First Year Biology Office) for enquiries about junior units; or 9351 2848 for enquiries about Intermediate and Senior units. Units of study in Biology include those with the prefixes BIOL (Biology), PLNT (Plant Sciences) and MBLG (Molecular Biology and Genetics), as well as ENVI2111. Refer to the relevant sections of this handbook for details of PLNT, MBLG and ENVI units of study. For information on how to major in Biology or Plant Sciences, with advice on units of study, see
Assistance during semester
The offices of junior year Biology staff and the Biology Learning Centre are on the 5th floor of Carslaw. Staff are available for consultation throughout semester. The School maintains a website that provides access to resources for students:
Summer School: January-February
The School of Biological Sciences offers some junior units of study in the Sydney Summer School. Consult The Sydney Summer School website for more information: Students may enrol in junior units of study offered at Summer School before their first semester of university enrolment.
Biology Bridging Course
Students who have not completed HSC Biology or equivalent are strongly encouraged to attend the Biology Bridging Course before commencing any Biology study at university. Details are available each year from the School of Biological Sciences website:
Junior units of study
Students may take up to four units of study in Junior Biology: BIOL1001 or 1911 (Concepts in Biology); BIOL1003 or 1903 (Human Biology); BIOL1002 or 1902 (Living Systems); and MBLG1001 or 1901 (Molecular Biology and Genetics).
BIOL1001 Concepts in Biology

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Summer Main Classes: 3x1 hr lectures/fortnight and 1x4 hr practical/fortnight. Prohibitions: BIOL1911 Assumed knowledge: None. However, semester 1 students who have not completed HSC Biology (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Biology Bridging Course (in February). Assessment: 1x2 hr exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
Note: It is recommended that BIOL (1001 or 1911) be taken concurrently with either BIOL1003 or BIOL1903. Students who have completed HSC Biology and scored 80+ should enrol in BIOL1911. Students who lack 80+ in HSC Biology but have a UAI of at least 93 may enrol in BIOL1911 with permission from the UEO. The completion of MBLG 1001 is highly recommended.
Concepts in Biology is an introduction to the major themes of modern biology. The unit emphasizes how biologists carry out scientific investigations, from the cellular/molecular level to the level of ecosystems. Topics covered in lectures and practicals include: introductory cell biology, with particular emphasis on how cells obtain and use energy; the diversity and biology of microorganisms; an introduction to molecular biology through the role of DNA in protein synthesis, including current developments in DNA technology; genetics or organisms; theories of evolution and phylogenetic analysis, and how they are used to interpret the origins of the diversity of modern organisms; and interactions between organisms in biological communities, with emphasis on Australian ecology.
Knox R B et al. Biology, An Australian Focus. 4th ed. McGraw-Hill. 2010
BIOL1911 Concepts in Biology (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 3x1 hr lectures/fortnight and 1x4 hr practical/fortnight. Prerequisites: 80+ in HSC 2-unit Biology (or equivalent) or Distinction or better in a University level Biology unit, or by invitation. Prohibitions: BIOL 1001 Assessment: 1x2 hr exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: It is recommended that BIOL (1001 or 1911) be taken concurrently with all other Junior units of study in Biology. The completion of MBLG1001 is highly recommended.
Concepts in Biology (Advanced) builds on the main themes introduced in HSC Biology, with emphasis on current research in biology. Topics covered in lectures and practicals include: cell biology, with particular emphasis on how cells obtain and use energy; the diversity and biology of microorganisms; current developments in molecular biology, including recombinant DNA technology and the human genome project; inheritance, genetics and the origins of diversity of modern organisms; and interactions between organisms in biological communities, with emphasis on Australian ecology. Research-based lectures will expand on the general lecture topics and include current investigations of such diverse topic areas as cancer therapies, metabolic malfunction, anarchy in beehives, evolutionary studies of snake reproductive strategies, plant phylogeny and global environmental change.
As for BIOL1001.
BIOL1003 Human Biology

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Summer Main Classes: 2x1 hr lectures/week (3 lectures in some weeks), 1x3 hr practical class/fortnight, 1x1-2hr workshop/fortnight, 6-9 hrs HBOnline work/fortnight covering online practical activities, prework and homework. Prohibitions: BIOL1903 Assumed knowledge: HSC 2-unit Biology. Semester 1 students who have not completed HSC biology (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Biology Bridging Course (in February). Assessment: 1x2 hr exam, assignments and quizzes (100%)
Note: It is recommended that BIOL (1001 or 1911) be taken concurrently with this unit of study.
This Unit of Study has four main components: lectures, practicals, workshops and HBOnline activities. The unit of study provides an introduction to human evolution and ecology, cell biology, physiology and anatomy, through lectures and practical work. The unit of study includes human nutrition, distribution of essential requirements to and from cells, control of body functions and defence mechanisms. After discussion of reproduction and development, it concludes with modern studies and research prospects in biotechnology and human genetics.
This unit of study, together with BIOL (1001 or 1911 or 1002 or 1902), or MBLG (1001 or 1901), provides entry to Intermediate units of study in Biology, but the contents of BIOL (1002 or 1902) is assumed knowledge for BIOL (2011 or 2012) and PLNT 2003, and students entering these units with BIOL (1003 or 1903) will need to do some preparatory reading.
Seeley, RR et al. 2007. Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology. 7th ed. McGraw Hill.
BIOL1903 Human Biology (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x1 hr lectures/week (3 lectures in some weeks), 1x3 hr practical class/fortnight, 1x1-2 hr workshop/fortnight, 6-9 hours HBOnline work/forthnight covering online practical activities, prework and homework. Prerequisites: UAI (or ATAR equivalent) of at least 93 and HSC Biology result in the 90+, or Distinction or better in a University level Biology unit, or by invitation. Prohibitions: BIOL1003 Assessment: 1x2 hr exam, assignment, group project presentation, discussion activities and quizzes (100%)
This unit of study is the same as BIOL1003 except for the addition of 3 special seminars from guest speakers, a three hour ethics and bioscience component and three student peer group case study presentations.
As for BIOL1003
BIOL1002 Living Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3x1 hr lectures/week, 1x2.5 hr practical/week. Prohibitions: BIOL1902 Assumed knowledge: HSC 2-unit Biology. Students who have not completed HSC biology (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Biology Bridging Course (in February). Assessment: 1x2 hr exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
Note: It is recommended that BIOL (1001 or 1911) be taken before this unit of study. This unit of study, together with BIOL (1001 or 1911) provides entry to all Intermediate units of study in biology in the School of Biological Sciences.
Living Systems deals with the biology of organisms, from bacteria to large plants and animals, and emphasises the ways in which they can live in a range of habitats. The importance of energy in living systems, and how elements are used and recycled in biological communities, are described. The unit of study includes lectures and laboratory classes on the physiology of nutrition and growth, basic physiological processes of animals and plants, the ways in which organisms control and integrate their activities, and their reproduction. Finally applications of knowledge of genetics and ecology to practical problems in agriculture and conservation are introduced.
Knox R B et al. Biology. An Australian Focus. 4th ed. McGraw-Hill. 2010.
BIOL1902 Living Systems (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3x1 hr lectures/week, 1x2.5 hr practical/week. Prerequisites: UAI (or ATAR equivalent) of at least 93 and HSC Biology result in the 90+, or Distinction or better in a University level Biology unit, or by invitation. Prohibitions: BIOL1002 Assessment: 1x2 hr exam, assignments, quizzes, independent project (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study shares lectures and practical classes with BIOL1002 but also includes more demanding alternative components of Living Systems.
As for BIOL1002.
MBLG1001 Molecular Biology and Genetics (Intro)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Dale Hancock Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week; one 1-hour tutorial and one 4-hour practical per fortnight Prohibitions: AGCH2001, BCHM2001, BCHM2101, BCHM2901, MBLG2101, MBLG2901, MBLG2001, MBLG2111, MBLG2771, MBLG2871, MBLG1901 Assumed knowledge: 6 credit points of Junior Biology and 6 cp of Junior Chemistry Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam, in-semester skills test and assignments (100%)
The lectures in this unit of study introduce the "Central Dogma" of molecular biology and genetics -i.e., the molecular basis of life. The course begins with the information macromolecules in living cells: DNA, RNA and protein, and explores how their structures allow them to fulfill their various biological roles. This is followed by a review of how DNA is organised into genes leading to discussion of replication and gene expression (transcription and translation). The unit concludes with an introduction to the techniques of molecular biology and, in particular, how these techniques have led to an explosion of interest and research in Molecular Biology. The practical component complements the lectures by exposing students to experiments which explore the measurement of enzyme activity, the isolation of DNA and the 'cutting' of DNA using restriction enzymes. However, a key aim of the practicals is to give students higher level generic skills in computing, communication, criticism, data analysis/evaluation and experimental design.
MBLG1901 Molecular Biology and Genetics (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Dale Hancock Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week; one 1-hour tutorial and one 4-hour practical per fortnight; four 1-hour seminars per semester. Prerequisites: UAI (or ATAR equivalent) of 95 or minimum Band 5 in HSC chemistry and biology or by invitation Prohibitions: AGCH2001, BCHM2001, BCHM2101, BCHM2901, MBLG2101, MBLG2901, MBLG2001, MBLG2111, MBLG2771, MBLG2871, MBLG1001 Assumed knowledge: HSC Chemistry and Biology OR 6 credit points of Junior Biology and 6 cp of Junior Chemistry Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam, in-semester skills test and assignments (100%)
The lectures in this unit of study introduce the "Central Dogma" of molecular biology and genetics, i.e., the molecular basis of life. The course begins with the information macro-molecules in living cells: DNA,RNA and protein, and explores how their structures allow them to fulfill their various biological roles. This is followed by a review of how DNA is organised into genes leading to discussion of replication and gene expression (transcription and translation). The unit concludes with an introduction to the techniques of molecular biology and, in particular, how these techniques have led to an explosion of interest and research in Molecular Biology. The practical component complements the lectures by exposing students to experiments which explore the measurement of enzyme activity, the isolation of DNA and the 'cutting' of DNA using restriction enzymes. However,a key aim of the practicals is to give students higher level generic skills in computing, communication, criticism, data analysis/evaluation and experimental design.
The advanced component is designed for students interested in continuing in molecular biology. It consists of 7 advanced lectures (replacing 7 regular lectures) and 3 advanced laboratory sessions (replacing 3 regular practical classes). The advanced lectures will focus on the experiments which led to key discoveries in molecular biology. The advanced practical sessions will give students the opportunity to explore alternative molecular biology experimental techniques. Attendance at MBLG1999 seminars is strongly encouraged.
Introduction to Molecular Biology MBLG1001 & MBLG1901, 2nd edition compiled by D. Hancock, G. Denyer and B. Lyon
Intermediate units of study
Students who wish to take Intermediate Biology units of study should refer to the booklet 'Information for Students Considering Intermediate Biology Units of Study' which is available at the website and from the School Office (Science Rd Cottage, A10). If you are considering going on to study Senior Biology you must satisfy the Intermediate qualifying and prerequisite units of study for the units of study you intend taking. Units of study in Intermediate Biology include those with the prefixes BIOL (Biology), PLNT (Plant Sciences) and MBLG (Molecular Biology and Genetics), as well as ENVI2111 (Conservation Biology). Refer to the relevant sections of this handbook for details of PLNT (Plant Science), MBLG (Molecular Biology and Genetics) and ENVI (Environmental Studies) units of study. Note that MBLG (2071 or 2971) and MBLG (2072 or 2972) are qualifying units for BIOL (3018, 3025, 3026, 3027). Note also that MBLG (2071 or 2971) is assumed knowledge for students wishing to enrol in MBLG (2072 or 2972). The following Intermediate units of study are offered:
Semester 1 units of study
BIOL2011 Invertebrate Zoology, BIOL2016 Cell Biology, PLNT2001 Applied Plant Biochemistry, PLNT2002 Aust Flora: Ecology and Conservation, ENVI2111 Conservation Biology and Applied Ecology and MBLG2071 Molecular Biology and Genetics A. (Plus Advanced versions of the above – BIOL29xx, PLNT29xx, ENVI2911, MBLG29xx).
Semester 2 units of study
BIOL2012 Vertebrates and their Origins, BIOL2017 Entomology, BIOL2018 Introduction to Marine Biology, PLNT2003 Plant Form and Function, MBLG2072 Molecular Biology and Genetics B. (Plus Advanced versions of the above – BIOL29xx, PLNT29xx, MBLG29xx).
Only one version of each unit of study may be credited towards the degree (e.g. only one of BIOL2011 or 2911 can be taken). Qualifying units of study for certain Senior Biology units of study are defined as combinations of 6 credit points of Intermediate Biology units of study (see the Senior unit of study descriptions or Information for Students booklets). For details of PLNT units please refer to the Plant Science entry in this chapter.
BIOL2011 Invertebrate Zoology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr E May Session: Semester 1 Classes: 5 x1 hr lectures/fortnight, 1x1 hr tutorial/fortnight, 1x2 hr practical/week Prerequisites: BIOL (1001 or 1911) and 6 additional credit points of Junior Biology (BIOL/MBLG/EDUH). 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry. Prohibitions: BIOL2911 Assumed knowledge: BIOL (1002 or 1902). Assessment: 1x1 hr mid-semester test, 1x2 hr theory exam, 1x1.5 hr practical exam, 1 assignment, 1 essay, 1 oral presentation (100%)
Note: This unit of study may be taken alone, but when taken with BIOL2012 provides entry into certain Senior Biology units of study. The content of BIOL (1002 or 1902) is assumed knowledge and students entering without BIOL (1002 or 1902) will need to do some preparatory reading. The completion of 6 credit points of MBLG units of study is highly recommended.
This unit of study provides a thorough grounding in the diversity of animals by lectures and detailed laboratory classes, which include dissections and demonstrations of the functional anatomy of invertebrates. The material is presented within the conceptual framework of evolution and the principles and use of phylogeny and classification. Tutorials further explore concepts of phylogeny, animal structure and function, and provide opportunity to develop oral and written communication skills. The unit of study is designed to be taken in conjunction with BIOL2012 Vertebrates and their Origins; the two units of study together provide complete coverage of the diversity of animals at the level of phylum.
BIOL2911 Invertebrate Zoology (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr E May Session: Semester 1 Classes: 5 x1 hr lectures/fortnight, 1x1 hr tutorial/fortnight, 1x2 hr practical/week Prerequisites: Distinction average in BIOL (1001 or 1911) and 6 additional credit points of Junior Biology (BIOL/MBLG/EDUH). 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry. These requirements may be varied and students with lower averages should consult the Unit Executive Officer Prohibitions: BIOL2011 Assumed knowledge: BIOL (1002 or 1902). Assessment: See BIOL2011 except essay is replaced by a literature review (100%)
Note: The completion of 6 credit points of MBLG units of study is highly recommended.
Qualified students will participate in alternative components of BIOL2011 Invertebrate Zoology. The content and nature of these components may vary from year to year.
BIOL2012 Vertebrates and their Origins

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr E L May Session: Semester 2 Classes: 5x1 hr lectures/fortnight, 1x1 hr tutorial/fortnight, 1x2 hr practical/week, 1x3.5 day field trip (optional). Prerequisites: BIOL (1001 or 1911) and 6 additional credit points of Junior Biology (BIOL/MBLG/EDUH). 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry. Prohibitions: BIOL2912 Assumed knowledge: The content of BIOL (1002 or 1902) is assumed knowledge and students who have not completed BIOL (1002 or 1902) will need to do some preparatory reading. Assessment: 1x1 hr mid-semester test, 1x2 hr theory exam, 1x1.5 hr practical exam, 1 assignment, 1 essay, 1 oral presentation (100%)
Note: This unit of study may be taken alone, but when taken with BIOL2011 provides entry into certain Senior Biology units of study. The completion of MBLG1001 is highly recommended.
This unit of study completes the grounding in the diversity of animals at the level of phylum introduced in BIOL2011 Invertebrate Zoology, by lectures and detailed laboratory classes, which include dissections and demonstrations of the functional anatomy of vertebrates and related invertebrate phyla. Tutorials further explore concepts of phylogeny, animal structure and function, and provide opportunity to develop oral and written communication skills. Students may choose to attend an intensive 3.5 day field trip, which takes place in the July break preceding Semester 2. (Contact Dr May during Semester 1 if you wish to attend).
BIOL2912 Vertebrates and their Origins (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr E May Session: Semester 2 Classes: See BIOL2012 Prerequisites: Distinction average in BIOL (1001 or 1911) and 6 additional credit points of Junior Biology (BIOL/MBLG/EDUH). 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry. These requirements may be varied and students with lower averages should consult the Unit Executive Officer. Prohibitions: BIOL2012 Assumed knowledge: The content of BIOL (1002 or 1902) is assumed knowledge and students who have not completed BIOL (1002 or 1902) will need to do some preparatory reading. Assessment: See BIOL2012 (100%)
Note: The completion of MBLG1001 is highly recommended.
Qualified students will participate in alternative components of BIOL2012 Vertebrates and their Origins. The content and nature of these components may vary from year to year.
BIOL2016 Cell Biology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr M Thomson. Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x1 hr lectures/week, 1x4 hr practical/week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Junior Biology, e.g. any combination of 2 units made from the following options, BIOL (1001 or 1911), BIOL (1002 or 1902), BIOL (1003 or 1903), MBLG (1001 or 1901), EDUH1016, and 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry. Prohibitions: BIOL2916 Assessment: 1x3 hr theory exam, 1 project assignment, 1 practical report (100%)
Note: The completion of MBLG1001 is highly recommended.
This unit of study focuses on contemporary principles in cell biology and development in plant and animals, with emphasis on cellular functions and favouring the molecular perspective. Topics include cancer and control of cell division and migration, pre-programmed cell death, molecular signaling and transport systems, cellular endocrinology and embryonic development. The practical component provides students with hands-on training in key research techniques using modern equipment and is therefore of immense benefit to students contemplating honours study or a career in molecular and cellular research. The unit of study is designed to complement intermediate Molecular Biology and Genetics units and leads ideally to various senior units of study in biology, including Plant Growth & Development, Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology, Evolutionary Genetics & Animal Behaviour, Fungi in the Environment, Animal Physiology, Bioinformatics and Genomics, as well as senior units of study in biochemistry.
Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, Walter P. 2007. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 5th Edition. Garland Science.
BIOL2916 Cell Biology (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Murray Thomson. Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x1 hr lectures/week, 1x4 hr practical/week. Prerequisites: Distinction average in 12 credit points of Junior Biology or equivalent, e.g. any combination of 2 units made from the following options, BIOL (1001 or 1911), BIOL (1002 or 1902), BIOL (1003 or 1903), MBLG (1001 or 1901), EDUH1016, and 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry. Prohibitions: BIOL2016 Assessment: 1x3 hr exam, 1 practical report, 1 project assignment (100%)
Note: The completion of MBLG1001 is highly recommended.
Qualified students will participate in alternative components of BIOL2016 Cell Biology.
As for BIOL2016
BIOL2017 Entomology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Dieter Hochuli Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x1 hr lectures/week, 1x3 hr practical/week, 2 x field trips during semester. Prerequisites: BIOL (1001 or 1911) and 6 additional credit points of Junior Biology (BIOL/MBLG/EDUH) Prohibitions: BIOL2917 Assumed knowledge: Although not a prerequisite, knowledge obtained from BIOL (2011 or 2911) is recommended. Assessment: 1x2 hr theory exam (50%), practical test (week 6) (5%), report on zoo trip (5%), 2x practical reports(25%), insect collection (15%). Practical field work: The practical classes give students a working knowledge of the major orders of insects and species of importance, as well as principles of collection, preservation and identification. Project work considers forensic entomology, learning in social insects and insect behaviour. Field trips to the Australian Museum and Taronga Zoo will also consider insect husbandry and the role of insects in education. There will also be an introduction to entomological databases and an assignment that involves the making and presentation of a small collection of insects.
This is a general but comprehensive introduction to Insect Biology taught in 3 integrated modules. The first module examines morphology, classification, life histories and development, physiology, ecology, behaviour, conservation, and the biology of prominent members of major groups. The other two modules examine new developments in entomological research, focusing on research strengths at the University of Sydney, the biology of social insects and insect behaviour.
BIOL2917 Entomology (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Dieter Hochuli. Session: Semester 2 Classes: See BIOL2017. Prerequisites: Distinction average in BIOL (1001 or 1911) and 6 additional credit points of Junior Biology (BIOL/MBLG/EDUH). These requirements may be varied and students with lower averages should consult the Unit Executive Officer. Prohibitions: BIOL2017 Assumed knowledge: Although not a prerequisite, knowledge obtained from BIOL (2011 or 2911) is recommended. Assessment: 1x2 hr theory exam (50%), practical test (week 6) (5%), report on zoo trip (5%), 2xpractical reports (25%), insect collection (15%).
Qualified students will participate in alternative components of BIOL2017, Entomology. The content and nature of these components may vary from year to year.
BIOL2018 Introduction to Marine Biology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr A Pile Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x1 hr lectures/week. Practical classes will comprise of 6x1 hr tutorials, 1x8 hr field excursion on a Saturday, 3x4 hr excursions, 1x3 hr practical. Excursions may be timetabled for weekends. Prerequisites: BIOL (1001 or 1911) and 6 additional credit points of Junior Biology (BIOL/MBLG/EDUH). 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry. Prohibitions: BIOL2918 Assumed knowledge: 12 credit points of Junior Biology. Assessment: 1x2 hr theory exam (40%), 4 written reports (60%)
This unit will describe some of the ways in which the properties of the oceans affect marine organisms. It also introduces coral reefs and other marine ecosystems, together with their productivity, biological oceanography, the reproductive biology of marine organisms, and marine biological resources. The practical elements will provide the core skills and techniques that will equip students to perform laboratory and field studies in marine biology. The unit will introduce appropriate methodologies for the collection, handling and analysis of data; the scientific principles underlying experimental design; and the effective communication of scientific information.
Levinton, J. (2009) Marine Biology: Function, Biodiversity and Ecology (3rd ed). Oxford University Press.
BIOL2918 Introduction to Marine Biology (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Professor R Coleman Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x1hr lectures per week. 6x1hr tutorials, 1x8hr field trip, 3x4hr field trips and 1x3hr practical. Prerequisites: Distinction average in BIOL (1001 or 1911) and 6 additional credit points of Junior Biology (BIOL/MBLG/EDUH). 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry (or for BSc (Marine Science) students 6 credit points of Junior Chemistry and either an additional 6 credit points of Junior Chemistry or 6 credit points of Junior Physics. These requirements may be varied and students with lower averages should consult the Unit Executive Officer. Prohibitions: BIOL2018, MARS2006, MARS2906, MARS2007, MARS2907 Assumed knowledge: 12 credit points of Junior Biology. Assessment: Two hour theory exam, four written reports (100%)
Note: Entry is restricted and selection is made from applicants on the basis of previous performance.
This unit has the same objectives as BIOL2018, Introduction to Marine Biology, and is suitable for students wishing to pursue aspects from the unit in greater depth. Students taking this unit will participate in alternatives to some elements of the ordinary level course and will be required to pursue the unit objectives by more independent means. Specific details of the unit will be announced in meetings, during the first week of teaching.
As for BIOL2018
Refer to the relevant sections of this handbook for details on the following units of study:
Environmental Studies: ENVI2111 Conservation Biology and Applied Ecology. Plant Science: PLNT2001 Applied Plant Biochemistry, PLNT2002 Australian Flora: Ecology and Conservation, PLNT2003 Plant Form and Function. Molecular Biology and Genetics: MBLG2071 Molecular Biology and Genetics A, MBLG2072 Molecular Biology and Genetics B. (Plus Advanced versions of the above – ENVI2911, PLNT29xx, MBLG29xx).

Senior units of study

Students who intend to proceed from Intermediate to Senior Biology should refer to the booklet Information for Students Considering Senior Biology Units of Study, which is available from the School Office (The Cottage, A10 Science Road) and at A major in Biology comprises 24 credit points of Senior Biology units of study. Units of study followed by (MS) may be used to count towards a major in Marine Science.
Senior units of study offered: Pre-semester 1
BIOL3010 Tropical Wildlife Biology and Management - (Pre-Semester 1 intensive). BIOL3017 Fungi in the Environment – (Summer Break and Semester 1). (Plus Advanced versions of the above – BIOL39xx)
Senior units of study offered: Semester 1
BIOL3006 Ecological Methods (MS), BIOL3011 Ecophysiology (MS), BIOL3012 Animal Physiology, BIOL3013 Marine Biology (MS), BIOL3018 Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology, BIOL3027 Bioinformatics and Genomics, PLNT 3003 Systematics and Evolution of Plants. (Plus advanced versions of the above - BIOL 39xx, PLNT 39xx).
Senior units of study offered: Pre-semester 2 intensive
BIOL3008 Marine Field Ecology (MS) – (Pre-Semester 2 intensive). BIOL3009 Terrestrial Field Ecology – (Pre-Semester 2 intensive). BIOL3016 Coral Reef Biology (Pre-semester 2 intensive) (Plus Advanced versions of the above - BIOL 39xx)
Senior units of study offered: Semester 2
BIOL3007 Ecology (MS), BIOL3025 Evolutionary Genetics and Animal Behaviour, BIOL3026 Developmental Genetics, PLNT3002 Plant Growth and Development. (Plus advanced versions of the above - BIOL 39xx, PLNT 39xx).
Further information
Details of lectures and practical classes are given in the booklet: Information for Students Considering Senior Biology Units of Study. Any combination of units may be chosen subject to timetable and prerequisite constraints. Units of study are offered subject to student numbers, availability of staff and resources. Quotas exist on BIOL 3008/3908 Marine Field Ecology, and BIOL 3009/3909 Terrestrial Field Ecology and BIOL3016 Corel Reef Biology. When necessary, selection is based on academic merit. Students majoring in Marine Science must enrol in 24 credit points of Senior Marine Science, including at least 6 credit points of Senior Biology (from those marked MS) and 6 credit points from GEOS units. If these credit points are taken as part of Marine Science major they may not be counted towards a Biology major.
Selecting units of study
Select your units of study after checking (a) that you have passed the qualifying units of study stated for each unit of study, and (b) checking your timetable. You are strongly advised to check the most up-to-date information (including details of quotas in Marine modules) in the booklet: Information for Students Considering Senior Biology Units of Study, available from the School Office (The Cottage, A10, Science Road).
A list of textbooks and reference books is provided in the booklet: Information for Students Considering Senior Biology Units of Study.
BIOL3006 Ecological Methods

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Clare McArthur Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x1 hr lectures/week 1x3 hr practical/week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology; or 6 credit points of Intermediate BIOL and one of ENVI (2111 or 2911) or GEOS (2115 or 2915). Prohibitions: BIOL3906 Assumed knowledge: BIOL (2011 or 2911 or 2012 or 2912) or PLNT (2002 or 2902). Assessment: 1x2 hr exam (40%), practical assignments (including calculations, reports and reviews) (60%)
This unit will consider ecology as a quantitative, experimental and theoretical science. It is concerned with the practical skills and philosophical background required to explore questions and test hypotheses in the real world. Application of ecological methods and theory to practical problems will be integrated throughout the unit of study. Lectures will focus on sound philosophical and experimental principles, drawing on real examples for demonstration of concepts, and will be useful as one basis for informed conservation and management of natural populations and habitats. Practical sessions will be used to gain experience in effective sampling,determining patterns of distribution and abundance, estimating ecological variables, and statistically analysing ecological data. Computer simulations and statistical packages for analyses will be used where appropriate.
Dytham, C. 2003. Choosing and using statistics. A biologist's guide. 2nd edition. Blackwell Science. Melbourne.
BIOL3906 Ecological Methods (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr C McArthur Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x1 hr lectures/week, 1x3 hr practical/week. Prerequisites: Distinction average in 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology; or 6 credit points of Intermediate BIOL and ENVI (2111 or 2911) or GEOS (2115 or 2915). These requirements may be varied and students with lower averages should consult the Unit Executive Officer. Prohibitions: BIOL3006 Assumed knowledge: BIOL (2011 or 2911 or 2012 or 2912) or PLNT (2002 or 2902). Assessment: 1x2 hr exam (40%), practical assignments (including calculations, reports and reviews) (60%).
This unit has the same objectives as BIOL3006 Ecological Methods, and is suitable for students who wish to pursue certain aspects in greater depth. Entry is restricted, and selection is made from the applicants on the basis of their previous performance. Students taking this unit of study will participate in alternatives to some elements of the standard course and will be required to pursue the objectives by more independent means. Specific details of this unit of study and assessment will be announced in meetings with students in week 1 of semester 1. This unit of study may be taken as part of the BSc (Advanced) program.
As for BIOL3006
BIOL3007 Ecology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr D Hochuli Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x1 hr lectures/week, 1x3 hr practical/week Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology; or 6 credit points of Intermediate BIOL, and one of ENVI (2111 or 2911) or GEOS(2115 or 2915). Prohibitions: BIOL3907 Assumed knowledge: Although not prerequisites, knowledge obtained from BIOL3006/3906, and BIOL3008/3908 and/or BIOL3009/3909, is strongly recommended. Assessment: 1x2hr exam, group presentations, 1xessay, 1xproject report (100%)
This unit explores the dynamics of ecological systems, and considers the interactions between individual organisms and populations, organisms and the environment, and ecological processes. Lectures are grouped around four dominant themes: Interactions, Evolutionary Ecology, The Nature of Communities, and Conservation and Management. Emphasis is placed throughout on the importance of quantitative methods in ecology, including sound planning and experimental designs, and on the role of ecological science in the conservation, management, exploitation and control of populations. Relevant case studies and examples of ecological processes are drawn from marine, freshwater and terrestrial systems, with plants, animals, fungi and other life forms considered as required. Students will have some opportunity to undertake short term ecological projects, and to take part in discussions of important and emerging ideas in the ecological literature.
Begon M, Townsend CR, Harper JL (2005) Ecology, From individuals to ecosystems. Wiley-Blackwell.
BIOL3907 Ecology (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr D Hochuli Session: Semester 2 Classes: See BIOL3007 Prerequisites: Distinction average in 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology; or 6 credit points of Intermediate BIOL and one of ENVI (2111or 2911) or GEOS (2115 or 2915). Prohibitions: BIOL3007 Assumed knowledge: Although not prerequisites, knowledge obtained from BIOL3006/3906, and BIOL3008/3908 and/or BIOL3009/3909, is strongly recommended. Students entering this unit of study should have achieved Distinction average. Assessment: 1x2hr exam, presentations, 1xessay, 1xproject report (100%)
This unit has the same objectives as BIOL3007 Ecology, and is suitable for students who wish to pursue certain aspects in greater depth. Entry is restricted, and selection is made from the applicants on the basis of their previous performance. Students taking this unit of study will participate in alternatives to some elements of the standard course and will be encouraged to pursue the objectives by more independent means. Specific details of this unit of study and assessment will be announced in meetings with students in week 1 of semester 2. This unit of study may be taken as part of the BSc (Advanced) program.
As for BIOL3007
BIOL3008 Marine Field Ecology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Ross Coleman Session: S2 Intensive Classes: Intensive 8 day-field course held in the pre-semester break. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology; or 6 credit points of Intermediate BIOL and one of ENVI (2111 or 2911) or GEOS (2115 or 2915). Prohibitions: BIOL3908 Assumed knowledge: BIOL2018 or GEOS2115. BIOL (3006 or 3906). Prior completion of one of these units is very strongly recommended. Assessment: Discussion groups, research project proposal, biodiversity survey report, data analysis and checking, research project report (100%)
Note: Dates: 28 June - 5 July 2011.
This field course provides a practical introduction to the experimental analysis of marine populations and assemblages. Students gain experience using a range of intertidal sampling techniques and develop a detailed understanding of the logical requirements necessary for manipulative ecological field experiments. No particular mathematical or statistical skills are required for this subject. Group experimental research projects in the field are the focus of the unit during the day, with lectures and discussion groups about the analysis of experimental data and current issues in experimental marine ecology occurring in the evening.
No textbook is prescribed but Coastal Marine Ecology of Temperate Australia. Eds. Underwood, A.J. & Chapman, M.G. 1995. University of New South Wales Press, provides useful background reading.
BIOL3908 Marine Field Ecology (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof R Coleman. Session: S2 Intensive Classes: One 8 day field course held in the pre-semester break, plus 4x1 hr tutorials during semester 2. Prerequisites: Distinction average in 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology; or 6 credit points of Intermediate BIOL and one of ENVI (2111 or 2911) or GEOS (2115 or 2915). Prohibitions: BIOL3008 Assumed knowledge: BIOL2018 or GEOS2115. Prior completion of BIOL (3006 or 3906) is very strongly recommended. Assessment: Discussion groups, research project proposal, biodiversity report, data analysis and checking, research project report (100%)
Note: Dates: 28 June - 5 July 2011.
This unit has the same objectives as Marine Field Ecology BIOL3008, and is suitable for students wishing to pursue certain aspects of marine field ecology in a greater depth. Entry is restricted and selection is made from applicants on the basis of past performance. Students taking this unit of study will be expected to take part in a number of additional tutorials after the field course on advanced aspects of experimental design and analysis and will be expected to incorporate these advanced skills into their analyses and project reports. This unit may be taken as part of the BSc(Advanced).
As for BIOL 3008.
BIOL3009 Terrestrial Field Ecology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr G Wardle Session: S2 Intensive Classes: Note: 1x6 day field trip held in the pre-semester break and 4x4 hr practical classes during weeks 1-4 in Semester 2. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology or ANSC2004 and BIOM2001. Prohibitions: BIOL3909 Assumed knowledge: BIOL (3006 or 3906). Prior completion of one of these units is very strongly recommended. Assessment: Discussions and quiz (10%), research project proposal and brief presentation (10%), sampling project report (20%), specimen collection (10%), research project report (50%).
Note: One 6 day field trip held in the pre-semester break (17 - 22 July 2011), and 4x4 hr practical classes during weeks 1-4 in Semester 2.
This field course provides practical experience in terrestrial ecology suited to a broad range of careers in ecology, environmental consulting and wildlife management. Students learn a broad range of ecological sampling techniques and develop a detailed understanding of the logical requirements necessary for manipulative ecological field experiments. The field work incorporates survey techniques for plants, small mammals and invertebrates and thus provides a good background for ecological consulting work. Students attend a week-long field course and participate in a large-scale research project as well as conducting their own research project. Invited experts contribute to the lectures and discussions on issues relating to the ecology, conservation and management of Australia's terrestrial flora and fauna.
BIOL3909 Terrestrial Field Ecology (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr G Wardle. Session: S2 Intensive Classes: See BIOL3009. Prerequisites: Distinction average in 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology or ANSC2004 and BIOM2001 Prohibitions: BIOL3009 Assumed knowledge: BIOL (3006 or 3906). Prior completion of one of these units is very strongly recommended. Assessment: Discussions and quiz (10%), research project proposal and brief presentation (10%), sampling project report (20%), sample and data processing (10%), research project report (50%).
Note: One 6 day field trip held in the pre-semester break (17 - 22 July 2011) and 4x4 hr practical classes during weeks 1-4 in Semester 2.
This unit has the same objectives as BIOL3009 Terrestrial Field Ecology, and is suitable for students who wish to pursue certain aspects in greater depth. Entry is restricted, and selection is made from applicants on the basis of previous performance. Students taking this unit of study will complete an individual research project on a topic negotiated with a member of staff. It is expected that much of the data collection will be completed during the field trip but some extra time may be needed during semester 2. Specific details of this unit of study and assessment will be announced in meetings with students at the beginning of the unit. This unit of study may be taken as part of the BSc (Advanced) program.
BIOL3010 Tropical Wildlife Biology and Management

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr J Webb Session: S1 Intensive Classes: 5 day Field School, followed by 5 days of classes at Sydney University. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology (BIOL/ENVI/PLNT), or equivalent. Prohibitions: BIOL3910 Assumed knowledge: None, although BIOL2012/2912 (Vertebrates and their Origins) would be useful. Assessment: 1x2 hr theory exam, 1x1 hr practical exam, 1x2 page report, 1x2000 word paper, 1x15 minute oral presentation (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Dates: 13 February - 18 February 2011 Northern Territory, followed by tutorials and practical classes at the University of Sydney 21 February - 25 February 2011.
Australia has a unique terrestrial vertebrate fauna, but also has the worst record of recent mammalian extinctions. Because of Australia's unusual climate, landforms, and the rarity of many species, the management of our native wildlife presents special challenges for biologists, conservationists and land managers. This unit of study addresses the biogeography, ecology and management of Australia's terrestrial fauna. The subject comprises of a five-day field course at Mary River Park in the Northern Territory. During the course, students will learn how to carry out wildlife surveys, how to identify animals, and how to track wildlife. The field trip will be complemented by lectures from experts in the evolution, ecology and management of wildlife. A one day field trip to Litchfield National Park will be held on the last day of the field course.
BIOL3910 Tropical Wildlife Biol & Management Adv

Credit points: 6 Session: S1 Intensive Classes: See BIOL3010. Prerequisites: Distinction average in 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology (BIOL/ENVI/PLNT). Prohibitions: BIOL3010 Assumed knowledge: None, although BIOL2012/2912 (Vertebrates and their Origins) would be useful. Assessment: 1x2 hr theory exam, 1x1 hr practical exam, 1x2000 word practical report, 1x15 min oral presentation (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Dates: 13 - 18 February 2011 Northern Territory followed by tutorials and practical classes at the University of Sydney 21 - 25 February 2011.
This unit has the same objectives as BIOL3010 Tropical Wildlife Biology and Management, and is suitable for students who wish to pursue certain aspects in greater depth. Entry is restricted, and selection is made from the applicants on the basis of their previous performance. Students taking this unit of study will participate in alternatives to some elements of the standard course and will be required to pursue the objectives by more independent means. Specific details of this unit of study and assessment will be announced in meetings with students at the beginning of the unit. This unit of study may be taken as part of the BSc(Advanced) program.
BIOL3011 Ecophysiology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Seebacher. Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x1 hr lectures/week, 1x4 hr practical/week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology; or 6 credit points of Intermediate BIOL and one of ENVI (2111 or 2911) or GEOS (2115 or 2915). Prohibitions: BIOL3911 Assumed knowledge: BIOL (2012 or 2912 or 2016 or 2916) or PLNT (2003 or 2903). Assessment: 1x1.5 hr exam, field trip, seminar, laboratory report (100%)
Note: The completion of 6 credit points of MBLG units is highly recommended.
Ecophysiology is a conceptually based unit of study that covers physiological interactions between organisms and their environments. The unit focuses on the evolution of physiological capacities and how these may explain the ecology and biogeography or organisms. Lectures are based on the current primary literature. Lecturers have active research programs on the topics they cover and will present original research findings where appropriate. Examples are mainly from insects, vertebrates, and marine organisms. As part of the practical component, students design their own original research projects to be conducted during a week-end long field trip, and during self-directed laboratory sessions.
BIOL3911 Ecophysiology (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Seebacher Session: Semester 1 Classes: See BIOL3011. Prerequisites: Distinction average in 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology; or 6 credit points of Intermediate BIOL and ENVI (2111 or 2911) or GEOS (2115 or 2915). These requirements may be varied and students with lower averages should consult the Unit Executive Officer. Prohibitions: BIOL3011 Assumed knowledge: BIOL (2012 or 2912 or 2016 or 2916) or PLNT (2003 or 2903) Assessment: 1x1.5 hr exam, field trip seminar, independent project report (100%)
Note: The completion of 6 credit points of MBLG units is highly recommended.
Ecophysiology (Advanced) shares the same lectures as BIOL 3011 Ecophysiology, but it includes an independent project in place of the laboratory report (equivalent of 30% of Ecophysiology). The content and nature of the independent project varies and students are encouraged to design their own project.
BIOL3012 Animal Physiology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr M Thomson Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x1 hr lectures/week, 1x4 hr practial/week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology. Prohibitions: BIOL3912 Assessment: 1x3 hr exam, laboratory/library reports (100%)
Note: The completion of 6 credit points of MBLG units is highly recommended.
In this unit of study students explore how animal physiology is influenced by environmental factors. There is a strong emphasis on how modern research is expanding the field of physiology throughout a diverse array of vertebrates and invertebrates and the unit is designed to complement Ecophysiology. Particular emphasis will be placed on nutrition, animal behaviour, energy metabolism, endocrinology and neurobiology, as well as more exotic animal physiology such as electro-reception in sharks and infra-red detection of prey in snakes.
BIOL3912 Animal Physiology (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr M Thomson Session: Semester 1 Classes: See BIOL3012. Prerequisites: Distinction average in 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology. These requirements may be varied and students with lower averages should consult the Unit Executive Officer. Prohibitions: BIOL3012 Assessment: 1x3 hr exam, laboratory reports, independent project report (100%)
Animal Physiology (Advanced) shares the same lectures as Animal Physiology, but it includes an independent project in place of one or more components of the laboratory classes to the equivalent of 30% of Animal Physiology. The content and nature of the independent project may vary from year to year.
BIOL3013 Marine Biology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr W Figueira Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x 1hr lectures/week, 1x4 hr practical/week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology, or 6 credit points of Intermediate BIOL and one of ENVI (2111or 2911) or GEOS (2115 or 2915). Prohibitions: BIOL3913 Assumed knowledge: BIOL2018 or GEOS2115. Assessment: Practical reports, paper criticisms and other assignments (100%)
Note: The completion of 6 credit points of MBLG units is highly recommended.
We will examine in detail processes that are important for the establishment and maintenance of marine communities. Lectures will expose students to the key ideas, researchers and methodologies within selected fields of marine biology. Laboratory sessions will complement the lectures by providing students with hands-on experience with the organisms and the processes that affect them. Students will develop critical analysis and scientific writing skills while examining the current literature.
BIOL3913 Marine Biology (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr W Figueira Session: Semester 1 Classes: See BIOL3013. Prerequisites: Distinction average in 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology; or 6 credit points of Intermediate BIOL and one of ENVI (2111 or 2911) or GEOS (2115 or 2915). Prohibitions: BIOL3013 Assumed knowledge: BIOL2018 or GEOS2115 Assessment: Practical reports, paper criticisms and other assignments (100%)
Note: The completion of 6 credit points of MBLG units is highly recommended.
Qualified students will participate in alternative components of the BIOL3013 Marine Biology unit. The content and nature of these components may vary from year to year.
BIOL3016 Coral Reef Biology

Credit points: 6 Session: S2 Intensive Classes: Fieldwork 80 hours block mode. Prerequisites: 12 credit points from Intermediate science units of study which must include at least 6 credit points of BIOL units; or 6 credit points of BIOL and one of ENVI (2111 or 2911) or GEOS (2115 or 2915). Prohibitions: BIOL3916, NTMP3001 Assessment: Participation in field work, essays, project report and an exam (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: 9-15 July 2011
Coral Reef Biology is an intensive unit held at a research station on the Great Barrier Reef, usually One Tree Island Research Station. The unit focuses on the dominant taxa in coral reef environments and the linkages between them. Emphasis is places on the biological adaptations for life in tropical waters and the ecological, oceanographic and physiological processes involved. Aspects covered include: processes influencing the distribution of coral reefs, symbiosis, reef connectivity, lagoon systems, nutrient cycling and the impacts of climate change and other anthropogenic pressures on the world's corals reefs.
BIOL3916 Coral Reef Biology (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Maria Byrne Session: S2 Intensive Classes: See BIOL3016. Prerequisites: .Distinction average in 12 credit point from Intermediate science units of study which must include at least 6 credit points of Biology; or 6 credit points of Intermediate BIOL and one of ENVI (2111 or 2911) or GEOS (2115 or 2915). Prohibitions: BIOL3006, NTMP3001 Assumed knowledge: BIOL2018 or GEOS2115 Assessment: 1x 2hr exam, 2x1500wd essays, project presentation and report (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: 9-15 July 2011
This unit has the same objectives as BIOL3016, Coral Reef Biology, and is suitable for students who wish to pursue certain aspects of tropical marine biology in greater depth, with a focus on the GBR. Entry is restricted, and selection is made from the applicants on the basis of their previous performance. Students taking this unit of study will pursue individual projects in consultation with, and under the guidance of, the course coordinator. The aim is to design a project relating to the particular interests of the student. The nature of these projects will vary from year to year. This unit of study may be taken as part of the BSc (Advanced) program.
BIOL3017 Fungi in the Environment

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof P McGee Session: S1 Intensive Classes: 40 hours of practicals in a two week intensive program held immediately prior to semester one (laboratory component each morning from 14-25 February 2011), plus the equivalent of 30 hours self-guided study during the semester. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology or Plant Science, or 6 credit points of Intermediate Biology, or Plant Science, and 6 Intermediate credit points of either Microbiology or Geography. Prohibitions: BIOL3917 Assessment: Selected from 1x2 hr take home exam, laboratory component and written assignments (100%)
Note: Dates: 14-25 February 2011. The completion of 6 credit points of MBLG units is highly recommended.
The unit is designed to develop understanding of fungal ecology in relation to environmental and rehabilitation biology, biological control of pests and pathogens, and soil microbiology. Emphasis will be placed on the function of fungi, and the benefit provided by fungi in symbiotic interactions with plants, including mycorrhizal fungi and shoot-borne endophytes. Physiological and ecological implications of the interactions will also be considered. Each student will design and implement a research project. Analytical thinking and research-led activity will be encouraged. Using broad scientific approaches, each student will gain the capacity to work cooperatively to find and analyse information from primary sources, develop approaches to test their understanding, and to present their work in a scientifically acceptable manner. Students will develop a deeper understanding of one area of fungal biology through independent study. Part of the learning material will be available on the internet.
BIOL3917 Fungi in the Environment (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof P McGee Session: S1 Intensive Classes: See BIOL3017. Prerequisites: Distinction average in 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology and Plant Science, or 6 credit points of Intermediate Biology, or Plant Science, and 6 Intermediate credit points of either Microbiology or Geography. Prohibitions: BIOL3017 Assessment: Selected from 1x2 hr take home exam, laboratory and written assignments (100%)
Note: The completion of 6 credit points of MBLG units is highly recommended.
Qualified students will be encouraged to develop a research project under supervision. The content and nature of the research will be agreed on with the executive officer.
BIOL3018 Applications of Recombinant DNA Tech

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr B Lyon Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x1 hr lectures/week, 1x4 hr practical/week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points from MBLG (2071/2971), MBLG (2072/2972) and Intermediate Biology units. For BMedSc students: 36 credit points of Intermediate BMED units including BMED 2802. Prohibitions: BIOL3918 Assessment: 1x2 hr exam, practical reports, assignment/seminar (100%)
A unit of study with lectures, practicals and tutorials on the application of recombinant DNA technology and the genetic manipulation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. Lectures cover the applications of molecular genetics in biotechnology and consider the impact and implications of genetic engineering. Topics include the cloning and expression of foreign genes in bacteria, yeast, animal and plant cells, novel human and animal therapeutics and vaccines including human gene therapy, new diagnostic techniques for human and veterinary disease, the transformation of animal and plant cells, the genetic engineering of animals and plants, and the environmental release of genetically-modified (transgenic) organisms. Practical work may include nucleic acid isolation and manipulation, gene cloning and PCR amplification, DNA sequencing and computer analysis of gene sequences, immunological detection of proteins, and the genetic transformation and assay of plants.
BIOL3918 Applications of Recombinant DNA Tech Adv

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr B Lyon Session: Semester 1 Classes: See BIOL3018. Prerequisites: Distinction average in 12 credit points from MBLG (2071/2971), MBLG (2072/2972) and Intermediate Biology units. For BMedSc students: 36 credit points of Intermediate BMED units including Distinction in BMED2802. Prohibitions: BIOL3018 Assessment: 1x2 hr exam, assignment/seminar (100%)
Qualified students will participate in alternative components of BIOL3018 Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology. The content and nature of these components may vary from year to year.
BIOL3025 Evolutionary Genetics & Animal Behaviour

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Oldroyd, A/Prof Beekman. Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x1 hr lectures/week, 1x4 hr practical/week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points from MBLG (2071/2971), MBLG (2072/2972) or Intermediate Biology or Intermediate PLNT units. For BMedSc students: 36 credit points of Intermediate BMED units including BMED2802. Prohibitions: BIOL3925 Assessment: 1x1.5 hour exam, assignments, seminar (100%)
The unit of study covers the main themes of modern evolutionary theory including population genetics. In the practicals, students use molecular methods to quantify genetic variation in natural populations. Using these skills we will search for population subdivision and discuss how this can lead to speciation. Lectures will cover how the evolution of traits can be tracked using the comparative method. We will consider how studies of sex ratios, sexual selection, kin selection, game theory and quantitative genetics can illuminate the mechanisms by which animals have evolved, and explain why they behave as they do. We will then consider if these themes have any relevance to human sociobiology. The unit also covers the role of genetics in conservation. There will be a field trip to collect organisms for population genetic analysis. There will be plenty of opportunity in the student seminars to examine the more controversial aspects of modern evolutionary thought.
BIOL3925 Evolutionary Gen. & Animal Behaviour Adv

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof B Oldroyd, A/Prof Beekman. Session: Semester 2 Classes: See BIOL3025. Prerequisites: Distinction average in12 credit points from MBLG (2071/2971), MBLG (2072/2972) or Intermediate Biology or PLNTunits. For BMedSc students: 36 credit points of Intermediate BMED units including Distinction in BMED2802. Prohibitions: BIOL3025 Assessment: 1x1.5 hr exam, assignments, seminar (100%)
Qualified students will participate in alternative components of BIOL3025 Evolutionary Genetics and Animal Behaviour. The content and nature of these components may vary from year to year. Some assessment will be in an alternative format to components of BIOL3025.
BIOL3026 Developmental Genetics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr J Saleeba, Dr Mary Byrne. Session: Semester 2 Classes: Twenty-four 1 hour lectures/tutorials per semester and up to 3 hours laboratory per week Prerequisites: 12 credit points from MBLG (2071/2971) and MBLG (2072/2972). For BMedSc students: 36 credit points of Intermediate BMED units including BMED2802. Prohibitions: BIOL3926 Assessment: 1x2 hr exam, assignments (100%)
This unit discusses the major concepts and current understanding of developmental biology with an emphasis on molecular genetics. The developmental genetics of model plant and animal systems, and approaches used to determine how a complex multicellular organism is established in a single cell, will be investigated. In particular, the molecular genetics development of model animal species, including invertebrates and vertebrates, and plant specific processes such as leaf, root and flower development will be covered. The study of mutants in development will be used to highlight pattern formation and the importance of regulated gene expression in development. Reference will be made to the use of modern techniques in developmental biology such as transgenics, recombinant DNA technology, and tissue-specific expression analysis. Various methods of genetic mapping will be covered. Practical work complements the theoretical aspects and develops important genetical skills.
BIOL3926 Developmental Genetics (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr J Saleeba Session: Semester 2 Classes: See BIOL3026. Prerequisites: Distinction average in 12 credit points from MBLG (2071/2971), and MBLG (2072/2972). For BMedSc students: 36 credit points of Intermediate BMED units including Distinction in BMED2802. Prohibitions: BIOL3026 Assessment: 1x2 hr exam, assignments (100%)
Qualified students will participate in alternative components to BIOL3026 Developmental Genetics. The content and nature of these components may vary from year to year. Some assessment will be in an alternative format to components of BIOL3026.
BIOL3027 Bioinformatics and Genomics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof N Firth Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x1 hr lectures/week, 1x3 hr practical/week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points from MBLG (2071/2971), MBLG (2072/2972) and Intermediate Biology units. For BMedSc students: 36 credit points of Intermediate BMED units including BMED 2802. Prohibitions: BIOL3927 Assessment: 1x2 hr exam, assignments (100%)
A unit of study comprising lectures, practical assignments and tutorials on the application of bioinformatics to the storage, retrieval and analysis of biological information, principally in the form of nucleotide and amino acid sequences. Although the main emphasis is on sequence data, other forms of biological information are considered.
The unit begins with the assembly and management of nucleotide sequence data and an introduction to the databases that are normally used for the storage and retrieval of biological data, and continues with signal detection and analysis of deduced products, sequence alignment, and database search methods. Phylogenetic reconstruction based on distance-based methods, parsimony methods and maximum-likelihood methods is described and students are introduced to the idea of tree-space, phylogenetic uncertainty, and taught to evaluate phylogenetic trees and identify factors that will confound phylogenetic inference. Finally, whole genome analysis and comparative genomics are considered. The unit gives students an appreciation of the significance of bioinformatics in contemporary biological science by equipping them with skills in the use of a core set of programs and databases for "in silico" biology, and an awareness of the breadth of bioinformatics resources and applications.
BIOL3927 Bioinformatics and Genomics (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof N Firth Session: Semester 1 Classes: See BIOL3027. Prerequisites: Distinction average in 12 credit points from MBLG (2071/2971), MBLG (2072/2972) and Intermediate Biology units. For BMedSc students: 36 credit points of Intermediate BMED units including Distinction in BMED2802. Prohibitions: BIOL3027 Assessment: 1x2 hr exam, assignments (100%)
Qualified students will participate in alternative components of BIOL3027 Bioinformatics and Genomics. The content and nature of these components may vary from year to year. Some assessment will be in alternative format.
Refer to the relevant sections of this handbook for details on the following Plant Science units of study
PLNT3001 Plant Cell and Environment, PLNT3002 Plant Growth and Development, PLNT3003 Systematics and Evolution of Plants. (Plus advanced versions of the above - PLNT39xx).

Cell Pathology

Cell Pathology is taught by the Discipline of Pathology, located on Level 5 of the Blackburn Building (phone 9351 2414). The discipline maintains a website to help students access information and resources:
CPAT3201 Pathogenesis of Human Disease 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Bob Bao Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 3 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: At least 6cp intermediate of one of the following: ANAT or BCHM or MBLG or BIOL or HPSC or MICR or PCOL or PHSI, or as the head of department determines. Assessment: One 2 hour exam (60%), one major research essay (1500w) (20%) generation of detractors for MCQ stems with referenced support texts for these (20%).
The Pathogenesis of Human Disease 1 unit of study modules will provide a theoretical background to the scientific basis of the pathogenesis of disease. Areas covered in theoretical modules include: tissue responses to exogenous factors, adaptive responses to foreign agents, cardiovascular/pulmonary/gut responses to disease, forensic science, neuropathology and cancer.
The aim of the course is
- To give students an overall understanding of the fundamental biological mechanisms governing disease pathogenesis in human beings.
- To introduce to students basic concepts of the pathogenesis, natural history and complications of common human diseases.
- To demonstrate and exemplify differences between normality and disease.
- To explain cellular aspects of certain pathological processes.
Together with CPAT3202, the unit of study would be appropriate for those who intend to proceed to Honours research, to professional degrees or to careers in biomedical areas such as hospital science. Together with CPAT3202, it fulfils the Pathology requirements for the Centre for Chiropractic at Macquarie University.
Kumar, Cotran & Robbins. Robbins Basic Pathology. 8th edition. Saunders. 2008.
CPAT3202 Pathogenesis of Human Disease 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Bob Bao Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 2 hour practical per week and one 2 hour museum practical. Prerequisites: At least 6cp intermediate of one of the following: ANAT or BCHM or MBLG or BIOL or HPSC or MICR or PCOL or PHSI, or as the head of department determines. Corequisites: CPAT3201 Assessment: One 2 hour exam (70%), Museum Practical Reports (30%).
The Pathogenesis of Human Disease 2 unit of study modules will provide a practical background to the scientific basis of the pathogenesis of disease. Areas covered in practical modules include disease specimen evaluation on a macroscopic and microscopic basis.
The aim of the course is
- To enable students to gain an understanding of how different organ systems react to injury and to apply basic concepts of disease processes.
- To equip students with skills appropriate for careers in the biomedical sciences and for further training in research or professional degrees.
At the end of the course students will:
- Have acquired practical skills in the use of a light microscope.
- Have an understanding of basic investigative techniques for disease detection in pathology.
- Be able to evaluate diseased tissue at the macroscopic and microscopic level.
- Have the ability to describe, synthesise and present information on disease pathogenesis.
- Transfer problem-solving skills to novel situations related to disease pathogenesis.
The unit of study would be appropriate for those who intend to proceed to Honours research, to professional degrees or to careers in biomedical areas such as hospital science. Together with CPAT3201, it fulfils the Pathology requirements for the Centre for Chiropractic at Macquarie University.
Kumar, Cotran & Robbins. Robbins Basic Pathology, 8th edition. Saunders. 2008.

Chemical Engineering

The School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering is part of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies. In addition to providing professional training in this branch of engineering it offers CHNG1103 Introduction to Material and Energy Transformations to students enrolled in the Faculty of Science. Details regarding this unit of study can be obtained from the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies Handbook. This unit of study is intended to give a science student some insight into the principles which control the design and performance of large scale industrial processing plants. Faculty of Science students are invited to enrol in any other chemical engineering unit of study, provided they have the appropriate prerequisites and have consulted with the Head of School.


Study plan for a major
First Year Junior units of study aim to provide students with an understanding of the molecular basis of the physical properties of materials, the reasons chemical reactions occur and the energy changes involved. Units are offered at different levels depending on whether chemistry was studied at the HSC level or equivalent and the results obtained. Second Year Intermediate core units Molecular Reactivity & Spectroscopy and Chemical Structure & Stability provide the mainstream chemistry essential for students planning to major in chemistry and other chemical-related sciences. Elective units in Forensic & Environmental Chemistry and in the Chemistry of Biological Molecules are also available. Third Year Senior units allow students to specialise in particular areas of chemistry and cover such areas as: biomolecules; organic structure and reactivity; materials; catalysis and sustainable processes; metal complexes in medicines and materials; synthetic medicinal chemistry; membranes, self assembly and surfaces; and molecular spectroscopy and quantum theory.
Further study
Eligible students may apply for admission to a BSc Honours year in chemistry. The Honours year gives students the opportunity to get involved in a research program in an area that is of interest to them and provides training in research techniques and experience in using modern research instrumentation. It adds a new dimension to the skills that students have acquired during their undergraduate years. The research experience gained during the Honours year often leads students on to postgraduate study as a MSc or PhD research student. The MSc or PhD degree programs involve undertaking a major research project working under the supervision of a member of the academic staff.
Related Majors
Nanoscience, Medicinal Chemistry
Graduate opportunities
There are many different employment opportunities for chemists including the chemical industry, government laboratories, the education sector, and corporate management. The industrial sector includes polymers, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, drug design and development, food and drink technologies, sports drug testing, computing, and scientific journalism. The emerging areas of biotechnology and nanoscience rely on chemical principles and employ large numbers of chemically trained scientists. The whole industrial sector is being transformed as it moves to a molecular level understanding of materials and embraces environmentally sustainable technologies through the use of ‘green chemistry’. Chemistry graduates are essential to the success of these transformations.
Course accreditation
Sydney Bachelor of Science graduates who hold a major in chemistry may be admitted as professional members of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) and may become a "Chartered Chemist".
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Junior units of study
Details on Chemistry Junior Units of Study is available at the Chemistry First Year website ( This information is also provided in a booklet: 'Information for Students', which is distributed to students at the time of enrolment, and is also available from the Chemistry First Year Office. The coordinator for all Junior Chemistry units of study is A/Prof Adam Bridgeman.
CHEM1001 Fundamentals of Chemistry 1A

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week; one 3 hour practical per week for 10 weeks. Prohibitions: CHEM1101, CHEM1901, CHEM1109, CHEM1903 Assumed knowledge: There is no assumed knowledge of chemistry for this unit of study, but students who have not undertaken an HSC chemistry course are strongly advised to complete a chemistry bridging course before lectures commence. Assessment: Theory examination (60%), laboratory exercises and continuous assessment quizzes (40%) Practical field work: A series of 10 three-hour laboratory sessions, one per week for 10 weeks of the semester.
The aim of the unit of study is to provide those students whose chemical background is weak (or non-existent) with a good grounding in fundamental chemical principles together with an overview of the relevance of chemistry. There is no prerequisite or assumed knowledge for entry to this unit of study. Lectures: A series of 39 lectures, three per week throughout the semester.
A booklist is available from the First Year Chemistry website.
CHEM1002 Fundamentals of Chemistry 1B

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week; one 3 hour practical per week for 10 weeks. Prerequisites: CHEM (1001 or 1101) or equivalent Prohibitions: CHEM1102, CHEM1108, CHEM1902, CHEM1904 Assessment: Theory examination (70%), laboratory exercises and continuous assessment quizzes (30%) Practical field work: A series of 10 three-hour laboratory sessions, one per week for 10 weeks of the semester.
CHEM1002 builds on CHEM1001 to provide a sound coverage of inorganic and organic chemistry. Lectures: A series of 39 lectures, three per week throughout the semester.
A booklist is available from the First Year Chemistry website.
CHEM1101 Chemistry 1A

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2,Summer Main Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week; one 3 hour practical per week for 10 weeks. Corequisites: Recommended concurrent units of study: 6 credit points of Junior Mathematics Prohibitions: CHEM1001, CHEM1109, CHEM1901, CHEM1903 Assumed knowledge: HSC Chemistry and Mathematics Assessment: Theory examination (70%), laboratory exercises and continuous assessment quizzes (30%) Practical field work: A series of 10 three-hour laboratory sessions, one per week for 10 weeks of the semester.
Chemistry 1A is built on a satisfactory prior knowledge of the HSC Chemistry course. Chemistry 1A covers chemical theory and physical chemistry. Lectures: A series of 39 lectures, three per week throughout the semester.
A booklist is available from the First Year Chemistry website.
CHEM1102 Chemistry 1B

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2,Summer Main Classes: One 3 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week; one 3 hour practical per week for 10 weeks. Prerequisites: CHEM (1101 or 1901) or a Distinction in CHEM1001 or equivalent Corequisites: Recommended concurrent units of study: 6 credit points of Junior Mathematics Prohibitions: CHEM1002, CHEM1108, CHEM1902, CHEM1904 Assessment: Theory examination (70%), laboratory exercises and continuous assessment quizzes (30%)
Chemistry 1B is built on a satisfactory prior knowledge of Chemistry 1A and covers inorganic and organic chemistry. Successful completion of Chemistry 1B is an acceptable prerequisite for entry into Intermediate Chemistry units of study. Lectures: A series of 39 lectures, three per week throughout the semester.
A booklist is available from the First Year Chemistry website.
CHEM1108 Chemistry 1A Life Sciences

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week; one 3 hour practical per week for 10 weeks. Corequisites: Recommended concurrent units of study: 6 credit points of Junior Mathematics Prohibitions: CHEM1002, CHEM1102, CHEM1902, CHEM1904 Assumed knowledge: HSC Chemistry and Mathematics Assessment: Theory examination (70%), laboratory exercises and continuous assessment quizzes (30%). Practical field work: A series of 10 three-hour laboratory sessions, one per week for 10 weeks of the semester.
Note: This unit of study is available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Medical Science, the Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology and Genetics), the Bachelor of Science (Nutrition) and the Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biotechnology) only.
Lectures (39 hrs): A strong background in junior chemistry is essential for understanding molecular structures and processes. This unit of study provides the basis for understanding fundamental chemical processes and structures at an advanced level, with particular emphasis on how these apply to the life sciences. Topics to be covered include: atomic structure, chemical bonding and organic chemistry of functional groups with applications in life sciences.
Tutorials (12 hrs): These will provide aspects of problem solving relevant to the theory.
A booklist is contained in the booklet Junior Chemistry distributed at enrolment. Further information can be obtained from the School.
CHEM1109 Chemistry 1B Life Sciences

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week; one 3 hour practical per week for 10 weeks. Prerequisites: CHEM1108 Corequisites: Recommended concurrent units of study: 6 credit points of Junior Mathematics Prohibitions: CHEM1001, CHEM1101, CHEM1901, CHEM1903 Assessment: Theory examination (70%), laboratory exercises and continuous assessment quizzes (30%)
Note: This unit of study is available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Medical Science, the Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology and Genetics), the Bachelor of Science (Nutrition) and the Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biotechnology) only.
Lectures (39 hrs): A strong background in junior chemistry is essential for understanding molecular structures and processes. This unit of study provides the basis for understanding fundamental chemical processes and structures at an advanced level, with particular emphasis on how these apply to the life sciences. Topics to be covered include: chemical equilibria, solutions, acids and bases, ions in solution, redox reactions, colloids and surface chemistry, the biological periodic table, chemical kinetics and radiochemistry with applications to life sciences.
Tutorials provide aspects of problem solving relevant to the unit of study.
A booklist is available from the First Year Chemistry website.
CHEM1901 Chemistry 1A (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures and one 1-hour tutorial per week; one 3-hour practical per week for 10 weeks. Prerequisites: ATAR of at least 95.4 and HSC Chemistry result in band 5 or 6, or by invitation. Corequisites: Recommended concurrent unit of study: 6 credit points of Junior Mathematics Prohibitions: CHEM1001, CHEM1101, CHEM1109, CHEM1903 Assessment: Theory examination (70%), laboratory exercises and continuous assessment quizzes (30%) Practical field work: A series of 10 three-hour laboratory sessions, one per week for 10 weeks of the semester.
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Chemistry 1A (Advanced) is available to students with a very good HSC performance as well as a very good school record in chemistry or science. Students in this category are expected to do Chemistry 1A (Advanced) rather than Chemistry 1A.
The theory and practical work syllabuses for Chemistry 1A and Chemistry 1A (Advanced) are similar, though the level of treatment in the latter unit of study is more advanced, presupposing a very good grounding in the subject at secondary level. Chemistry 1A (Advanced) covers chemical theory and physical chemistry. Lectures: A series of about 39 lectures, three per week throughout the semester.
A booklist is available from the First Year Chemistry website.
CHEM1902 Chemistry 1B (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures and one 1-hour tutorial per week; one 3-hour practical per week for 10 weeks. Prerequisites: CHEM (1901 or 1903) or Distinction in CHEM1101 or equivalent Corequisites: Recommended concurrent unit of study: 6 credit points of Junior Mathematics Prohibitions: CHEM1002, CHEM1102, CHEM1108, CHEM1904 Assessment: Theory examination (70%), laboratory exercises and continuous assessment quizzes (30%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Chemistry 1B (Advanced) is built on a satisfactory prior knowledge of Chemistry 1A (Advanced) and covers inorganic and organic chemistry. Successful completion of Chemistry 1B (Advanced) is an acceptable prerequisite for entry into Intermediate Chemistry units of study. Lectures: A series of about 39 lectures, three per week throughout the semester.
A booklist is available from the First Year Chemistry website.
CHEM1903 Chemistry 1A (Special Studies Program)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lecture, one 1 hour tutorial per week and one 3 hour practical per week. Prerequisites: ATAR of at least 99.0 and HSC Chemistry result in Band 6 Corequisites: Recommended concurrent unit of study: 6 credit points of Junior Mathematics. Prohibitions: CHEM1001, CHEM1101, CHEM1109, CHEM1901 Assessment: Theory examination (70%), laboratory exercises and continuous assessment quizzes (30%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Entry is by invitation. This unit of study is deemed to be an Advanced unit of study.
Entry to Chemistry 1A (Special Studies Program) is restricted to students with an excellent school record in Chemistry. The practical work syllabus for Chemistry 1A (Special Studies Program) is very different from that for Chemistry 1A and Chemistry 1A (Advanced) and consists of special project-based laboratory exercises. All other unit of study details are the same as those for Chemistry 1A (Advanced). A Distinction in Chemistry 1A (Special Studies Program) is an acceptable prerequisite for entry into Chemistry 1B (Special Studies Program).
A booklist is available from the First Year Chemistry website.
CHEM1904 Chemistry 1B (Special Studies Program)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures, one 1-hour tutorial per week, one 3-hour practical per week for 12 weeks. Prerequisites: Distinction in CHEM1903 Corequisites: Recommended concurrent units of study: 6 credit points of Junior Mathematics. Prohibitions: CHEM1002, CHEM1102, CHEM1108, CHEM1902 Assessment: Theory examination (70%), laboratory exercises and continuous assessment quizzes (30%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Entry is by invitation. This unit of study is deemed to be an Advanced unit of study.
Entry to Chemistry 1B (Special Studies Program) is restricted to students who have gained a Distinction in Chemistry 1A (Special Studies Program). The practical work syllabus for Chemistry 1B (Special Studies Program) is very different from that for Chemistry 1B and Chemistry 1B (Advanced) and consists of special project-based laboratory exercises. All other unit of study details are the same as those for Chemistry 1B (Advanced). Successful completion of Chemistry 1B (Special Studies Program) is an acceptable prerequisite for entry into Intermediate Chemistry units of study.
A booklist is available from the First Year Chemistry website.
Intermediate units of study
The School of Chemistry offers a number of units of study to cater for the differing needs and interests of students. The following 6 credit point units of study are offered: CHEM2401 Molecular Reactivity and Spectroscopy, CHEM2402 Chemical Structure and Stability, CHEM2403 Chemistry of Biological Molecules, CHEM2404 Forensic and Environmental Chemistry, CHEM2911 Molecular Reactivity and Spectroscopy (Adv), CHEM2912 Chemical Structure and Stability (Adv), CHEM2915 Molecular Reactivity and Spectroscopy (SSP), CHEM2916 Chemical Structure and Stability (SSP). Note: The core Intermediate Chemistry units CHEM (2401 or 2911 or 2915) and CHEM (2402 or 2912 or 2916) are prerequisites for all Senior Chemistry units of study.
CHEM2401 Molecular Reactivity and Spectroscopy

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr P J Rutledge Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures per week, seven 1-hour tutorials per semester, eight 4-hour practicals per semester. Prerequisites: CHEM (1101 or 1901 or 1903) and CHEM (1102 or 1902 or 1904), 6 credit points of Junior Mathematics. Prohibitions: CHEM2001, CHEM2101, CHEM2301, CHEM2311, CHEM2502, CHEM2901, CHEM2903, CHEM2911, CHEM2915 Assessment: One 3-hour examination, quizzes, lab reports (100%)
Note: This is a required chemistry unit of study for students intending to major in chemistry. Students who have passed CHEM(1001 or 1907 or 1908 or 1108) and CHEM (1002 or 1901 or 1109) may enroll in this unit after obtaining Departmental permission.
This is one of the two core units of study for students considering majoring in chemistry, and for students of other disciplines who wish to acquire a good general background in chemistry. The unit considers fundamental questions of molecular structure, chemical reactivity, and molecular spectroscopy: What are chemical reactions and what makes them happen? How can we follow and understand them? How can we exploit them to make useful molecules? This course includes the organic and medicinal chemistry of aromatic and carbonyl compounds, organic reaction mechanisms, molecular spectroscopy, quantum chemistry, and molecular orbital theory.
CHEM2911 Molecular Reactivity & Spectroscopy Adv

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr P J Rutledge Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures per week, seven 1-hour tutorials per semester and eight 4-hour practicals per semester. Prerequisites: Credit average or better in CHEM (1101 or 1901 or 1903) and CHEM (1102 or 1902 or 1904), 6 credit points of Junior Mathematics. Prohibitions: CHEM2001, CHEM2101, CHEM2301, CHEM2311, CHEM2401, CHEM2502, CHEM2901, CHEM2903, CHEM2915 Assessment: One 3-hour examination, quizzes, lab reports (100%)
The syllabus for this unit is the same as that of CHEM2401 together with special Advanced material presented in the practical program. The lectures cover fundamental consideration of molecular electronic structure and its role in molecular reactivity and spectroscopy and include applications of spectroscopy, the organic chemistry of aromatic systems, molecular orbital theory and quantum chemistry. For more details of the lecture syllabus, please read the entry for CHEM2401.
CHEM2915 Molecular Reactivity & Spectroscopy SSP

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr P J Rutledge Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures per week, twelve 1-hour SSP seminars per semester, eight 4-hour practicals per semester. Prerequisites: By invitation. High WAM and a Distinction average in CHEM (1101 or 1901) and CHEM (1102 or 1902 or 1904), 6 credit points of Junior Mathematics. Prohibitions: CHEM2001, CHEM2101, CHEM2301, CHEM2311, CHEM2401, CHEM2502, CHEM2901, CHEM2903, CHEM2911 Assessment: One 3-hour examination, quizzes, assignments, lab reports (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: The number of places in this unit of study is strictly limited and entry is by invitation only. Enrolment is conditional upon available places.
The lectures for this unit comprise the lectures for CHEM2401 and the Advanced practical program together with additional SSP seminars. Two streams of SSP seminars are offered: Series One comprises three seminar series on state of the art topics in chemistry (in 2010, these included Advanced Kinetics, Quantum Theory and Organofluorine Chemistry). Series Two is devoted to Advanced Theoretical Chemistry.
CHEM2402 Chemical Structure and Stability

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr P J Rutledge Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures per week, seven 1-hour tutorials per semester, eight 4-hour practicals per semester. Prerequisites: CHEM (1101 or 1901 or 1903) and CHEM (1102 or 1902 or 1904), 6 credit points of Junior of Mathematics. Prohibitions: CHEM2202, CHEM2302, CHEM2902, CHEM2912, CHEM2916 Assessment: One 3-hour examination, quizzes, lab reports (100%)
Note: This is a required chemistry unit of study for students intending to major in chemistry. Students who have passed CHEM(1001 or 1907 or 1908 or 1108) and CHEM (1002 or 1901 or 1109) may enroll in this unit after obtaining Departmental permission.
This is the second core unit of study for students considering majoring in chemistry, and for students seeking a good general background in chemistry. The unit continues the consideration of molecular structure and chemical reactivity. Topics include the structure and bonding of inorganic compounds, the properties of metal complexes, materials chemistry and nanotechnology, thermodynamics and kinetics.
CHEM2912 Chemical Structure and Stability (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr P J Rutledge Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures per week, seven 1-hour tutorials per semester, eight 4-hour practicals per semester. Prerequisites: Credit average or better in CHEM (1101 or 1901 or 1903) and CHEM (1102 or 1902 or 1904), 6 credit points of Junior Mathematics. Prohibitions: CHEM2202, CHEM2302, CHEM2402, CHEM2902, CHEM2916 Assessment: One 3-hour examination, quizzes, lab reports (100%)
The syllabus for this unit is the same as that of CHEM2402 together with special Advanced material presented in the practical program. The lectures include the properties of inorganic compounds and complexes, statistical thermodynamics, the chemistry of carbonyls, nucleophilic organometallic reagents, and synthetic methods. For more details of the lecture syllabus, please read the entry for CHEM2402.
CHEM2916 Chemical Structure and Stability (SSP)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr P J Rutledge Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures per week, twelve 1-hour SSP seminars per semester, eight 4-hour practicals per semester. Prerequisites: By invitation. High WAM and a Distinction average in CHEM (1101 or 1901 or 1903) and CHEM (1102 or 1902 or 1904), 6 credit points of Junior Mathematics. Prohibitions: CHEM2202, CHEM2302, CHEM2402, CHEM2902, CHEM2912 Assessment: One 3-hour examination, quizzes, assignments, lab reports (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: The number of places in this unit of study is strictly limited and entry is by invitation only. Enrolment is conditional upon available places.
The lectures for this unit comprise the lectures for CHEM2402 and the Advanced practical program together with additional SSP seminars comprising three seminar series on state of the art topics in chemistry (in 2010, these included chemical simulation, molecular nanomaterials and Palladium in organic synthesis).
CHEM2404 Forensic and Environmental Chemistry

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr P J Rutledge Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures per week, six 1-hour tutorials and five 4-hour practical sessions per semester. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry; 6 credit points of Junior Mathematics Prohibitions: CHEM3107, CHEM3197 Assessment: One 3-hour examination, quizzes, lab reports (100%)
Note: To enrol in Senior Chemistry students are required to have completed CHEM (2401 or 2911 or 2915) and CHEM (2402 or 2912 or 2916). Students are advised that combinations of Intermediate Chemistry units that do not meet this requirement will generally not allow progression to Senior Chemistry.
The identification of chemical species and quantitative determination of how much of each species is present are the essential first steps in solving all chemical puzzles. In this course students learn analytical techniques and chemical problem solving in the context of forensic and environmental chemistry. The lectures on environmental chemistry cover atmospheric chemistry (including air pollution, global warming and ozone depletion), and water/soil chemistry (including bio-geochemical cycling, chemical speciation, catalysis and green chemistry). The forensic component of the course examines the gathering and analysis of evidence, using a variety of chemical techniques, and the development of specialised forensic techniques in the analysis of trace evidence. Students will also study forensic analyses of inorganic, organic and biological materials (dust, soil, inks, paints, documents, etc) in police, customs and insurance investigations and learn how a wide range of techniques are used to examine forensic evidence.
CHEM2403 Chemistry of Biological Molecules

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr P J Rutledge Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures per week, six 1-hour tutorials per semester, five 4-hour practical sessions per semester. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry, 6 credit points of Junior Mathematics. Prohibitions: CHEM2001, CHEM2901, CHEM2311, CHEM2903, CHEM2913 Assessment: One 3-hour examination, quizzes, lab reports (100%)
Note: To enrol in Senior Chemistry, students are required to have completed CHEM (2401 or 2911 or 2915) and CHEM (2402 or 2912 or 2916). Students are advised that combinations of Intermediate Chemistry units that do not meet this requirement will generally not allow progression to Senior Chemistry.
Life is chemistry, and this unit of study examines the key chemical processes that underlie all living systems. Lectures cover the chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids and DNA, the mechanisms of organic and biochemical reactions that occur in biological systems, chemical analysis of biological systems, the inorganic chemistry of metalloproteins, biomineralisation, biopolymers and biocolloids, and the application of spectroscopic techniques to biological systems. The practical course includes the chemical characterisation of biopolymers, experimental investigations of iron binding proteins, organic and inorganic chemical analysis, and the characterisation of anti-inflammatory drugs.
Senior units of study
The School of Chemistry offers a choice of 6 credit point units of study to cater for the differing needs and interests of students. Each unit involves two lectures and 4 hours of lab each week.
CHEM3110 Biomolecules: Properties and Reactions

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and one 4-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: CHEM(2401 or 2911 or 2915) and CHEM(2402 or 2912 or 2916). Prohibitions: CHEM3910 Assessment: One 2-hour exam, prac reports (100%)
DNA, proteins and carbohydrates represent three classes of essential biomolecules present in all biological systems. This unit will cover the structure, reactivity and properties of biomolecules and the building blocks from which these molecules are assembled. Interactions between biomolecules and metal ions, small molecules and other biomolecules will be covered and the chemical tools for studying biomolecules highlighted. The design and synthesis of small molecules which mimic the functions of biomolecules will also be illustrated.
CHEM3910 Biomolecules: Properties & Reactions Adv

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures, one 1-hour seminar and one 4-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: WAM of 65 or greater and a Credit or better in: CHEM (2401 or 2911 or 2915) and CHEM (2402 or 2912 or 2916). Prohibitions: CHEM3110 Assessment: One 2-hour exam, prac reports (100%)
DNA, proteins and carbohydrates represent three classes of essential biomolecules present in all biological systems. This unit will cover the structure, reactivity and properties of biomolecules and the building blocks from which these molecules are assembled. Interactions between biomolecules and metal ions, small molecules and other biomolecules will be covered and the chemical tools for studying biomolecules highlighted. The design and synthesis of small molecules which mimic the functions of biomolecules will also be illustrated. CHEM3910 students attend the same lectures as CHEM3110 students but attend an additional advanced seminar series comprising one lecture a week for 12 weeks.
CHEM3111 Organic Structure and Reactivity

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 4 hour practical per week. Prerequisites: CHEM(2401 or 2911 or 2915) and CHEM(2402 or 2912 or 2916). Prohibitions: CHEM3911 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, prac reports (100%)
The structure and shape of organic molecules determines their physical properties, their reaction chemistry as well as their biological/medicinal activity. The determination of this structure and understanding its chemical consequences is of fundamental importance in chemistry, biochemistry, medicinal and materials chemistry. This course examines the methods and techniques used to establish the structure of organic molecules as well as the chemistry which dictates the shapes that they adopt. The first part of the course examines the use of modern spectroscopic methods (nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy) which are used routinely to identify organic compounds. The second part of the course examines the chemical consequences of molecular shapes in more depth and looks at the inter-relationship between molecular shape and the processes by which bonds are made and broken (the reaction mechanism). An understanding of these processes allows the outcome of reactions to be predicted, which is an essential tool enabling the construction of complex molecules from simple starting materials.
CHEM3911 Organic Structure and Reactivity (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures, one 1-hour seminar and one 4-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: WAM of 65 or greater and a Credit or better in: CHEM (2401 or 2911 or 2915) and CHEM (2402 or 2912 or 2916). Prohibitions: CHEM3111 Assessment: One 2-hour exam, prac reports (100%)
The structure and shape of organic molecules determines their physical properties, their reaction chemistry as well as their biological/medicinal activity. The determination of this structure and understanding its chemical consequences is of fundamental importance in chemistry, biochemistry, medicinal and materials chemistry. This course examines the methods and techniques used to establish the structure of organic molecules as well as the chemistry which dictates the shapes that they adopt. The first part of the course examines the use of modern spectroscopic methods (nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy) which are used routinely to identify organic compounds. The second part of the course examines the chemical consequences of molecular shapes in more depth and looks at the inter-relationship between molecular shape and the processes by which bonds are made and broken (the reaction mechanism). An understanding of these processes allows the outcome of reactions to be predicted, which is an essential tool enabling the construction of complex molecules from simple starting materials. CHEM3911 students attend the same lectures as CHEM3111 students, but attend an additional advanced seminar series comprising one lecture a week for 12 weeks.
CHEM3112 Materials Chemistry

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and one 4-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: CHEM(2401 or 2911 or 2915) and CHEM(2402 or 2912 or 2916). Prohibitions: CHEM3912 Assessment: One 2-hour exam, written assignments, prac reports (100%)
This course concerns the inorganic chemistry of solid-state materials: compounds that possess 'infinite' bonding networks. The extended structure of solid materials gives rise to a wide range of important chemical, mechanical, electrical, magnetic and optical properties. Consequently such materials are of enormous technological significance as well as fundamental curiosity. In this course you will learn how chemistry can be used to design and synthesise novel materials with desirable properties. The course will start with familiar molecules such as C60 and examine their solid states to understand how the nature of chemical bonding changes in the solid state, leading to new properties such as electronic conduction. This will be the basis for a broader examination of how chemistry is related to structure, and how structure is related to properties such as catalytic activity, mechanical strength, magnetism, and superconductivity. The symmetry of solids will be used explain how their structures are classified, how they can transform between related structures when external conditions such as temperature, pressure and electric field are changed, and how this can be exploited in technological applications such as sensors and switches. Key techniques used to characterise solid-state materials will be covered, particularly X-ray diffraction, microscopy, and physical property measurements.
CHEM3912 Materials Chemistry (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures, one 1-hour seminar and one 4-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: WAM of 65 or greater and a Credit or better in: CHEM (2401 or 2911 or 2915) and CHEM (2402 or 2912 or 2916). Prohibitions: CHEM3112 Assessment: One 2-hour exam, written assignments, prac reports (100%)
This course concerns the inorganic chemistry of solid-state materials: compounds that possess 'infinite' bonding networks. The extended structure of solid materials gives rise to a wide range of important chemical, mechanical, electrical, magnetic and optical properties. Consequently, such materials are of enormous technological significance as well as fundamental curiosity. In this course you will learn how chemistry can be used to design and synthesize novel materials with desirable properties. The course will start with familiar molecules such as C60 and examine their solid states to understand how the nature of chemical bonding changes in the solid state, leading to new properties such as electronic conduction. This will be the basis for a broader examination of how chemistry is related to structure, and how structure is related to properties such as catalytic activity, mechanical strength, magnetism, and superconductivity. The symmetry of solids will be used explain how their structures are classified, how they can transform between related structures when external conditions such as temperature, pressure and electric field are changed, and how this can be exploited in technological applications such as sensors and switches. Key techniques used to characterise solid-state materials will be covered, particularly X-ray diffraction, microscopy, and physical property measurements. CHEM3912 students attend the same lectures as CHEM3112 students, but attend an additional advanced seminar series comprising one lecture a week for 12 weeks.
CHEM3113 Catalysis and Sustainable Processes

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 4 hour practical per week. Prerequisites: CHEM(2401 or 2911 or 2915) and CHEM(2402 or 2912 or 2916). Prohibitions: CHEM3913 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, written assignments, prac reports (100%)
At present rates of consumption, the resources of 5 planets would be needed for everyone on earth to enjoy our standard of living. Since so much of our consumption and waste involves chemical processes in some way, more efficient chemical processes are needed in a sustainable tomorrow. Catalysis is and will increasingly be at the heart of these sustainable processes. This unit examines the fundamentals of catalysis and its use to design sustainable processes. The course will initially focus on the organometallic fundamentals in order to show how they can be used to understand and design homogeneous catalytic processes from a molecular perspective, which, in turn, leads on to biocatalytic conversions where the enzyme is treated like a large ligand with a special surface, pointing towards the surface chemistry involved in supported catalysts - the next topic. Within this general discussion, the special case of the three-dimensional surface found in zeotypes will be developed and the acid/base and redox catalysis (the mainstay of the majority of industrial processes) in such confined spaces of molecular dimensions will be examined. The course will continue with examining the production of polymers as an example of a major industrial process. An introduction on polymer chemistry and polymer properties will be given, followed by the examination of the various synthetic routes and processes that yield to the production of polymers. The recent advances in polymer synthesis and the design of new materials of improved properties and function will be reviewed. The last part of this section will explore the various approaches designed to improve the sustainability of polymer synthesis, in particular for the specific case of free radical polymerization, with an emphasis on the design of novel catalysts. The course will conclude by examining a variety of case studies. All the preceding topics find their way into the discussion of the key role of catalysts in the design of sustainable chemical processes, rationalizing the choices behind catalyst design.
CHEM3913 Catalysis and Sustainable Process (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures, one 1-hour seminar and one 4-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: WAM of 65 or greater and a Credit or better in: CHEM (2401 or 2911 or 2915) and CHEM (2402 or 2912 or 2916). Prohibitions: CHEM3113 Assessment: One 2-hour exam, written assignments, prac reports (100%)
At present rates of consumption, the resources of 5 planets would be needed for everyone on earth to enjoy our standard of living. Since so much of our consumption and waste involves chemical processes in some way, more efficient chemical processes are needed in a sustainable tomorrow. Catalysis is and will increasingly be at the heart of these sustainable processes. This unit examines the fundamentals of catalysis and its use to design sustainable processes. The course will initially focus on the organometallic fundamentals in order to show how they can be used to understand and design homogeneous catalytic processes from a molecular perspective, which, in turn, leads on to biocatalytic conversions where the enzyme is treated like a large ligand with a special surface, pointing towards the surface chemistry involved in supported catalysts - the next topic. Within this general discussion, the special case of the three-dimensional surface found in zeotypes will be developed and the acid/base and redox catalysis (the mainstay of the majority of industrial processes) in such confined spaces of molecular dimensions will be examined. The course will continue with examining the production of polymers as an example of a major industrial process. An introduction on polymer chemistry and polymer properties will be given, followed by the examination of the various synthetic routes and processes that yield to the production of polymers. The recent advances in polymer synthesis and the design of new materials of improved properties and function will be reviewed. The last part of this section will explore the various approaches designed to improve the sustainability of polymer synthesis, in particular for the specific case of free radical polymerization, with an emphasis on the design of novel catalysts. The course will conclude by examining a variety of case studies. All the preceding topics find their way into the discussion of the key role of catalysts in the design of sustainable chemical processes, rationalizing the choices behind catalyst design. CHEM3913 students attend the same lectures as CHEM3113 students, but attend an additional advanced seminar series comprising one lecture a week for 12 weeks.
CHEM3114 Metal Complexes: Medicine and Materials

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and one 4-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: CHEM(2401 or 2911 or 2915) and CHEM(2402 or 2912 or 2916) Prohibitions: CHEM3914 Assessment: One 2-hour exam, written assignments, prac reports (100%)
Coordination compounds, with bonds between a central metal atom and surrounding ligands, play critical roles in biology, biochemistry and medicine, controlling the structure and function of many enzymes and their metabolism. They play similarly vital roles in many industrial processes and in the development of new materials with specifically designed properties. Building on the foundation of crystal field theory, this course offers a comprehensive treatment of the structures and properties of coordination compounds, with a qualitative molecular orbital description of metal-ligand bonds, and their spectroscopic, magnetic and dynamic effects. The exploitation of these properties in medicine and materials will be emphasized. Medical topics include descriptions of the essential and toxic elements of the Periodic Table, metal complexes as anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer drugs, and their use as tumour imaging and radiotherapeutic agents. Materials topics include metal directed self assembly into unique structures, ligand design and control of the synthesis of nanoporous materials with new electronic and magnetic properties and applications in catalysis and molecular separations.
CHEM3914 Metal Complexes: Medic. & Mater. (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures, one 1-hour seminar and one 4-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: WAM of 65 or greater and a Credit or better in: CHEM (2401 or 2911 or 2915) and CHEM (2402 or 2912 or 2916). Prohibitions: CHEM3114 Assessment: One 2-hour exam, written assignments, prac reports (100%)
Coordination compounds, with bonds between a central metal atom and surrounding ligands, play critical roles in biology, biochemistry and medicine, controlling the structure and function of many enzymes and their metabolism. They play similarly vital roles in many industrial processes and in the development of new materials with specifically designed properties. Building on the foundation of crystal field theory, this course offers a comprehensive treatment of the structures and properties of coordination compounds, with a qualitative molecular orbital description of metal-ligand bonds, and their spectroscopic, magnetic and dynamic effects. The exploitation of these properties in medicine and materials will be emphasized. Medical topics include descriptions of the essential and toxic elements of the Periodic Table, metal complexes as anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer drugs, and their use as tumour imaging and radiotherapeutic agents. Materials topics include metal directed self assembly into unique structures, ligand design and control of the synthesis of nanoporous materials with new electronic and magnetic properties and applications in catalysis and molecular separations. CHEM3914 students attend the same lectures as CHEM3114 students, but attend an additional advanced seminar series comprising one lecture a week for 12 weeks.
CHEM3115 Synthetic Medicinal Chemistry

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and one 4-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: CHEM(2401 or 2911 or 2915) and CHEM(2402 or 2912 or 2916) Prohibitions: CHEM3915 Assessment: One 2-hour exam, written assignments, prac reports (100%)
The development of new pharmaceuticals fundamentally relies on the ability to design and synthesize new compounds. Synthesis is an enabling discipline for medicinal chemistry - without it, the development of new drugs cannot progress from design to implementation, and ultimately to a cure. This unit will tackle important factors in drug design, and will highlight the current arsenal of methods used in the discovery of new drugs, including rational drug design, high throughput screening and combinatorial chemistry. We will develop a logical approach to planning a synthesis of a particular target structure. The synthesis and chemistry of heterocycles, which comprise some 40% of all known organic compounds and are particularly common in pharmaceuticals, will be outlined. Examples will include important ring systems present in biological systems, such as pyrimidines and purines (DNA and RNA), imidazole and thiazole (amino acids and vitamins) and porphyrins (natural colouring substances and oxygen carrying component of blood). Throughout the course, the utility of synthesis in medicinal chemistry will be illustrated with case studies such as anti-influenza (Relenza), anaesthetic (benzocaine), anti-inflammatory (Vioxx), antihypertensive (pinacidil) and cholesterol-lowering (Lovastatin) drugs.
CHEM3915 Synthetic Medicinal Chemistry (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour seminar and one 4 hour practical per week. Prerequisites: WAM of 65 or greater and a Credit or better in: CHEM (2401 or 2911 or 2915) and CHEM (2402 or 2912 or 2916). Prohibitions: CHEM3115 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, written assignments, prac reports (100%)
The development of new pharmaceuticals fundamentally relies on the ability to design and synthesize new compounds. Synthesis is an enabling discipline for medicinal chemistry - without it, the development of new drugs cannot progress from design to implementation, and ultimately to a cure. This unit will tackle important factors in drug design, and will highlight the current arsenal of methods used in the discovery of new drugs, including rational drug design, high throughput screening and combinatorial chemistry. We will develop a logical approach to planning a synthesis of a particular target structure. The synthesis and chemistry of heterocycles, which comprise some 40% of all known organic compounds and are particularly common in pharmaceuticals, will be outlined. Examples will include important ring systems present in biological systems, such as pyrimidines and purines (DNA and RNA), imidazole and thiazole (amino acids and vitamins) and porphyrins (natural colouring substances and oxygen carrying component of blood). Throughout the course, the utility of synthesis in medicinal chemistry will be illustrated with case studies such as anti-influenza (Relenza), anaesthetic (benzocaine), anti-inflammatory (Vioxx), antihypertensive (pinacidil) and cholesterol-lowering (Lovastatin) drugs. CHEM3915 students attend the same lectures as CHEM3115 students, but attend an additional advanced seminar series comprising one lecture a week for 12 weeks.
CHEM3116 Membranes, Self Assembly and Surfaces

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and one 4-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: CHEM(2401 or 2911 or 2915) and CHEM(2402 or 2912 or 2916) Prohibitions: CHEM3916 Assessment: One 2-hour exam, written assignments, prac reports (100%)
Away from the covalent and ionic interactions that hold molecules and solids together is the world of fragile objects - folded polymers, membranes, surface adsorption and stable molecular aggregates - held together by weak forces such as van der Waals and the hydrophobic effect. The use of molecules rather than atoms as building blocks means that there are an enormous number of possibilities for stable aggregates with interesting chemical, physical and biological properties, many of which still wait to be explored. In this course we will examine the molecular interactions that drive self assembly and the consequences of these interactions in supramolecular assembly, lipid membrane formations and properties, microemulsions, polymer conformation and dynamics and range of fundamental surface properties including adhesion, wetting and colloidal stability.
CHEM3916 Membranes, Self Assembly & Surfaces(Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour seminar and one 4 hour practical per week. Prerequisites: WAM of 65 or greater and a Credit or better in: CHEM (2401 or 2911 or 2915) and CHEM (2402 or 2912 or 2916). Prohibitions: CHEM3116 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, written assignments, prac reports (100%)
Away from the covalent and ionic interactions that hold molecules and solids together is the world of fragile objects - folded polymers, membranes, surface adsorption and stable molecular aggregates - held together by weak forces such as van der Waals and the hydrophobic effect. The use of molecules rather than atoms as building blocks means that there are an enormous number of possibilities for stable aggregates with interesting chemical, physical and biological properties, many of which still wait to be explored. In this course we examine the molecular interactions that drive self assembly and the consequences of these interactions in supramolecular assembly, lipid membrane formations and properties, microemulsions, polymer conformation and dynamics and range of fundamental surface properties including adhesion, wetting and colloidal stability. CHEM3916 students attend the same lectures as CHEM3916 students, but attend an additional advanced seminar series comprising one lecture a week for 12 weeks.
CHEM3117 Molecular Spectroscopy & Quantum Theory

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and one 4-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: CHEM(2401 or 2911 or 2915) and CHEM(2402 or 2912 or 2916) Prohibitions: CHEM3917 Assessment: One 2-hour exam, written assignments, prac reports (100%)
This course will cover the fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy as a modern research tool and as a theoretical basis with which to understand everyday phenomena. This course is aimed at the student wishing a rigorous understanding of the fabric of nature -- electronic structure -- and the interaction between light and matter. The course teaches the quantum theory needed to understand spectroscopic phenomena (such as the absorption of light) at the empirical and deeper levels. A student completing this course will take with him/her an understanding of spectroscopy as both a phenomenon and a research tool. The course teaches application and theory, with descriptions of applied spectroscopic techniques. Alongside the coverage of modern spectroscopy, the course provides an accessible treatment of the science behind vision, flames, solar cells and photochemical smog.
CHEM3917 Mol. Spectroscopy & Quantum Theory (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures, one 1-hour seminar and one 4-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: WAM of 65 or greater and a Credit or better in: CHEM (2401 or 2911 or 2915) and CHEM (2402 or 2912 or 2916). Prohibitions: CHEM3117 Assessment: One 2-hour exam, written assignments, prac reports (100%)
This course will cover the fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy as a modern research tool and as a theoretical basis with which to understand everyday phenomena. This course is aimed at the student wishing a rigorous understanding of the fabric of nature -- electronic structure -- and the interaction between light and matter. The course teaches the quantum theory needed to understand spectroscopic phenomena (such as the absorption of light) at the empirical and deeper levels. A student completing this course will take with him/her an understanding of spectroscopy as both a phenomenon and a research tool. The course teaches application and theory, with descriptions of applied spectroscopic techniques. Alongside the coverage of modern spectroscopy, the course provides an accessible treatment of the science behind vision, flames, solar cells and photochemical smog. CHEM3917 students attend the same lectures as CHEM3117 students, but attend an additional advanced seminar series comprising one lecture a week for 12 weeks.

Civil Engineering

The School of Civil Engineering is part of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies. In addition to providing professional training in this branch of engineering it offers units of study to students enrolled in the Faculty of Science majoring in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Computer Science or Soil Science. The most relevant units of study are CIVL2201 - Structural Mechanics, CIVL2230 - Introduction to Structural Concepts and Design, CIVL2410 Soil Mechanics, and CIVL2611 Fluid Mechanics. Details regarding these units of study can be obtained from the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies Handbook. These units of study are intended first to demonstrate the application of scientific principles in an engineering context. The second intention is to introduce the application of this understanding to analysis and design in civil engineering. As well as the above units of study, Faculty of Science students are invited to enrol in other civil engineering units of study, provided they have the appropriate pre-requisites and assumed knowledge.

Computational Science

Dr Pulin Gong
Junior units of study
COSC1001 Computational Science in Matlab

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 1 hour lecture and one 2 hour practical per week. Prohibitions: COSC1901 Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics Assessment: One assignment, practical work, including practical exams, theory exam (100%)
This unit of study focuses on scientific problem solving and data visualisation using computers and is complementary to COSC1002. Students will learn how to solve problems arising in the natural sciences and mathematics using core features of the problem solving environment MATLAB, with a choice of problems from various areas of science at each stage. Emphasis will be placed on graphical display and visualisation of data and solutions to problems. No previous knowledge of programming is assumed.
COSC1901 Computational Science in Matlab (Adv)

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 1 hour lecture and one 2 hour practical per week. Prerequisites: UAI (or ATAR equivalent) of at least 90, or COSC1902, or a distinction or better in COSC1002, INFO1003 or INFO1903. Prohibitions: COSC1001 Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics Assessment: One assignment, practical work, including practical exams, theory exam (100%)
This unit of study is the advanced version of COSC1001 and is complementary to COSC1902. The subject matter is very similar but more challenging problems will be covered and some additional programming and visualisation techniques will be used.
COSC1002 Computational Science in C

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 1 hour lecture and one 2 hour practical per week. Prohibitions: COSC1902 Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics Assessment: One assignment, practical work, including practical exams, theory exam (100%)
This unit of study focuses on scientific problem-solving using computers and is complementary to COSC1001. Students will learn how to solve problems arising in the natural sciences and mathematics using core features of the language C, with a choice of problems from various areas of science at each stage. No previous knowledge of programming is assumed.
COSC1902 Computational Science in C (Adv)

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 1 hour lecture and one 2 hour practical per week. Prerequisites: UAI (or ATAR equivalent) of at least 90, or COSC1901, or a distinction or better in COSC1001, INFO1003 or INFO1903. Prohibitions: COSC1002 Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics Assessment: One assignment, practical work, including practical exams, theory exam (100%)
This unit of study is the advanced version of COSC1002 and is complementary to COSC1901. The subject matter is very similar, but more challenging problems will be covered and some additional programming techniques will be used.
Senior units of study
For a major in Computational Science, the minimum requirement is 24 credit points chosen from the core or elective senior units of study listed for this subject area, of which at least 12 credit points must be from the following core senior units of study: COSC3011 Scientific Computing; COSC3911 Scientific Computing (Advanced); MATH3076 Mathematical Computing*; MATH3976 Mathematical Computing (Advanced)*. For Senior elective units see Table 1.
* Refer to Mathematics listing in this chapter for descriptions of these units of study. Senior elective units of study for a major in Computational Science are listed in Table 1.
COSC3011 Scientific Computing

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and one 3-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points chosen from Junior Mathematics and Statistics, 12 credit points of Intermediate units in Science subject areas. Prohibitions: COSC3911, COSC3001, COSC3901, PHYS3301, PHYS3901 Assumed knowledge: Programming experience in MATLAB. Assessment: Assignments, lab, project work and written exam (100%)
This unit of study provides a senior-level treatment of scientific problem solving using computers. Students will understand and apply a wide range of numerical schemes for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. Linear algebra is used to provide detailed insight into stability analysis, relaxation methods, and implicit integration. A variety of scientific problems are considered, including planetary motion, population demographics, heat diffusion, traffic flow and quantum mechanics. All coding is performed with MATLAB, and basic programming experience is assumed.
Garcia, AL. Numerical Methods for Physics, 2nd Edition.
COSC3911 Scientific Computing (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and one 3-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points chosen from Junior Mathematics and Statistics, 12 credit points of Intermediate units in Science subject areas with a credit average. Prohibitions: COSC3011, COSC3001, COSC3901, PHYS3301, PHYS3901 Assumed knowledge: Programming experience in MATLAB. Assessment: Assignments, lab, project work and written exam (100%)
This unit is the Advanced version of COSC3011. The subject matter is very similar, but more challenging problems will be covered.
Garcia, AL. Numerical Methods for Physics, 2nd Edition.
MATH3076 Mathematical Computing

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour laboratory per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics and one of MATH(1001 or 1003 or 1901 or 1903 or 1906 or 1907) Prohibitions: MATH3976, MATH3016, MATH3916 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
This unit of study provides an introduction to Fortran 95 programming and numerical methods. Topics covered include computer arithmetic and computational errors, systems of linear equations, interpolation and approximation, solution of nonlinear equations, quadrature, initial value problems for ordinary differential equations and boundary value problems.
MATH3976 Mathematical Computing (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr D J Ivers Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics and one of MATH(1903 or 1907) or Credit in MATH1003 Prohibitions: MATH3076, MATH3016, MATH3916 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
See entry for MATH3076 Mathematical Computing.

Electrical Engineering

The School of Electrical and Information Engineering is part of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies. In addition to providing professional training in this branch of engineering it offers many units of study that are available to students enrolled in the Faculty of Science. Details regarding these units of study can be obtained from the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies Handbook or from the school website:

Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies is the examination of the human interactions with the natural and built environment. It encapsulates the fundamental social aspects of sustainability, environmental impact, law, ethics, development, energy use, economics and politics. In order to properly cover this material, the ENVI units are taught by various staff from within the Faculties of Science, Architecture and Law. Consequently, the ENVI units are complimentary to studies not only in the physical and natural Science disciplines but also to the social disciplines.
Obtaining a major in Environmental studies
A major in Environmental Studies constitutes the completion of 24 credit points of Senior units as listed in Table 1, including at least 12 credit points of Senior ENVI units of study listed below. Study of at least one Intermediate ENVI unit is highly recommended.
ENVI2111 Conservation Biology and Applied Ecology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr C Taylor Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x1 hr lectures/week, 1x2 hr practical/week, 1x2 day field trip during the semester. Prerequisites: BIOL (1001 or 1911) and 6 additional credit points of Junior Biology (BIOL/MBLG/EDUH). 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry. Prohibitions: ENVI2911 Assessment: 1x2 hr exam, 1 field report, 1 review paper, a group presentation (100%)
This topic examines the role of conservation biology and applied ecology in environmental science, examining pattern and process in natural systems and evaluating how these are being affected by pervasive anthropogenic impacts. Focusing on the conservation, assessment of impacts and the restoration of natural systems, we consider the range of ecological issues environmental scientists must address. We examine the extent of environmental problems; derive explanations of why and how they are occurring and address management options for resolving them. We will derive general principles for these by addressing case studies, chosen from Australian examples when possible. The aim of this unit is for you to understand the processes that go into solving environmental problems from an ecological perspective and how to identify management options.
ENVI2911 Conservation Biol & Applied Ecology Adv

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Charlotte Taylor Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x1 hr lectures/week and 1x2 hr practical/week, 1x2 day field trip during the semester. Prerequisites: Distinction average in BIOL (1001 or 1911) and 6 additional credit points of Junior Biology (BIOL/MBLG/EDUH). 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry. These requirements may be varied and students with lower averages should consult the Unit Executive Officer. Prohibitions: ENVI2111. Assessment: 1x2 hr exam, 1 field report, 1 independent research report, 1 oral presentation (100%)
Qualified students will participate in alternative components of ENVI2111, Conservation Biology, including an independent research project.
Caughley G, Gunn. Conservation Biology in Theory and Practice. Blackwell. 1996.
GEOS2121 Environmental and Resource Management

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Dan Penny, A/Prof Phil McManus Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures per week, 6 one hour tutorials and 6 two hour practical, one fieldtrip Prerequisites: 24 credit points of junior units of study, including 6 credit points of Junior Geoscience or ECOP1001 or ECOP1002 Prohibitions: GEOG2421, GEOL2202, GEOS2921 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, two tutorial/practical class papers, one fieldtrip report, one lab report (100%)
This unit of study explores cultural constructions of nature and resources, the evolution of environmental thought and the debates about sustainable development and climate change. It integrates environmental, economic, cultural and social considerations in respect to natural resource management in Australia and across Southeast Asia. The environmental considerations extend to an understanding of climatic responses over the long term that provide constraints on resource management today, and how these responses are projected to vary in future. These environmental constraints include air, land, vegetation and water resources and are examined in relation to current issues driving contemporary debate on the politics of climate change that must now be considered in environmental management and competition for resources. The principles are brought to life through a fieldtrip to the Hunter Valley to look at geographical issues pertaining to mines, wines and the thoroughbred breeding industries in this region. The unit of study enables students to learn about the social, cultural and environmental considerations that must be taken into account when developing and implementing environmental and resource management policies in climate-change society.
GEOS2921 Environmental & Resource Management Adv

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Dan Penny, A/Prof Phil McManus Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial per week and one fieldtrip. Prerequisites: 24 credit points of Junior units of study, including a distinction in 6 credit points of Junior Geoscience or in ECOP1001 or ECOP1002. This requirement may be varied and students should consult the unit of study coordinator. Prohibitions: GEOG2421, GEOL2202, GEOS2121 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, one media report, one tutorial / practical class paper, one fieldtrip report (100%)
Advanced students will complete the same core lecture materials as for GEOS2121 but are required to complete an essay in place of the regular tutorial reports prepared in GEOS2121.
ENVI3111 Environmental Law and Ethics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Leta Webb Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 2 hour lectures per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Science or Agriculture units. Prohibitions: ENVI3001, ENVI3003 Assumed knowledge: Intermediate Environmental Science. Assessment: Essays, tutorial papers (100%)
This unit of study covers topics in environmental law and ethics. The environmental law component provides an overview of laws in Australia pertaining to environmental matters and looks at a number of environmental issues at the various levels of analysis, policy making, implementation of policy, enforcement, and dispute resolution. It also provides a broad background to the political and economical issues as they relate to the legal issues involved. It also examines international environmental law, particularly examining how these influence and affect our local policies. The ethics component helps students develop thoughtful and informed positions on issues in environmental ethics using arguments derived from traditional ethics as well as environmentally specific theories. Ethical conflicts are often inevitable and difficult to resolve but using the resources of philosophical ethics and regular reference to case studies, students can learn to recognize the values and considerations at stake in such conflicts, acknowledge differing viewpoints and defend their own well considered positions.
ENVI3112 Environmental Assessment

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr John Dee Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 2 hour lectures per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Science or Agriculture units. Prohibitions: ENVI3002, ENVI3004 Assumed knowledge: Intermediate Environmental Science. Assessment: Essays, tutorial papers, report (100%)
This unit of study is composed of two components: environmental impact assessment and risk assessment. The former is generally concerned with issues related to environmental impact assessment and builds toward the process of producing an EIS/EIA. More specifically it seeks to establish a critical understanding of the theory and practice of environmental impact studies/statements (EIS) and environmental impact assessment processes (EIA) from both the positive (scientific) and normative (value) perspectives. Emphasis is placed on gaining skills in writing and producing an assessment report, which contains logically ordered and tightly structured argumentation that can stand rigorous scrutiny by political processes, the judiciary, the public and the media. The risk assessment component considers a more chemical approach to the assessment of risk and issues of safety with respect to chemicals, ecotoxicology and the environment. It draws on current environmental management practice to investigate what constitutes risk and to demonstrate how risk may be managed.
ENVI3114 Energy and the Environment

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Chris Dey Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Science or Agriculture units. Prohibitions: ENVI3001, PHYS3600 Assumed knowledge: Junior Physics or Intermediate Environmental Science. Assessment: Essays, tutorial papers and presentation, and short test (100%)
This unit covers the following aspects of energy and the environment: energy resources and use; electrical power generation including alternate methods such as wind turbines; the environmental impact of energy use and power generation including the enhanced greenhouse effect; transportation and pollution; energy management in buildings; solar thermal energy, photovoltaics, and nuclear energy; and, socio-economic and political issues related to energy use and power generation.
GEOS3513 Regional Development and Environment

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Bill Pritchard, Dr Michael Harris Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures per week and 2 hours of tutorials/practicals per week Prerequisites: 24 credit points of intermediate and/or senior units of study including 6 credit points of Intermediate units of study in Geography. Prohibitions: ENVI3113, GEOS3511, GEOS3911, GEOS3913 Assessment: Two in-class tests, one 1500 word essay, one GIS report (100%)
This unit of study acquaints students with debates and tools associated with regional development and the economic analysis of environmental issues. It provides a useful preparation for professional employment in the field of regional development, environmental policy and management, and is relevant for students interested in economic and social issues in regional Australia. Co-taught by a geographer and an economist, the unit addresses four key areas of relevance: (i) regional development theory and practice; (ii) the economics of efficiently utilising and managing the environment; (iii) debates on regional development in Australia (including consideration of the farm sector, Indigenous communities and environmental sustainability), and (iv) the use of GIS to analyse population census date. The unit requires no prior knowledge of economic theory or GIS software.
GEOS3913 Regional Development & Environment (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Bill Pritchard Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures per week and 2 hours of tutorials/practicals per week. Prerequisites: 24 credit points of intermediate and/or senior units of study including 6 credit points of intermediate units of study in Geography with a grade of Credit or better Prohibitions: ENVI3113, GEOS3511, GEOS3513, GEOS3911 Assessment: In-class tests, essay, report (100%)
This unit of study is a more advanced version of GEOS3513. It includes more challenging assessment tasks.

Financial Mathematics and Statistics

This is an interdisciplinary major offered in the Faculty of Science consisting of several core units and a number of elective units from mathematics, statistics and information technologies. The program is designed to meet the need for high level quantitative and modelling skills in the banking, insurance, stockbroking and finance industries without constraining students to a full major in mathematics or statistics. Graduates with specifically strong mathematical and statistics backgrounds are in very high demand. The core units Optimisation and Financial Mathematics (MATH2070/2970) and Financial Mathematics (MATH3075/3975) are the backbone of the program and introduce the student to important financial concepts within a mathematical and statistical framework. The core mathematics and statistics units provide the technical base that is required by a quantitative analyst, while the elective units offer the student increased flexibility and additional opportunities to develop related skills. Students completing the program at the Advanced Level may continue into Fourth Year Honours where a number of further Financial Mathematics and Statistics units are on offer. It is envisaged that students completing the Honours program will not only be highly trained in quantitative finance, but will also be well prepared for active research in the field. Students should refer to Table 1 for an enrolment guide and to entries under the contributing Schools for unit of study descriptions.


The School of Geosciences offers units of study in the discipline areas of Geography, Geology and Geophysics. Students may take a major in either of these disciplines, and many Geoscience units are key components of the Environmental Studies, merine Geoscience and Marine Science majors. The junior units GEOS1001, GEOS1002 and GEOS1003 provide a comprehensive introduction to both Geography and Geology and Geophysics. A major can be included within many undergraduate degree programs, including the Bachelors of Science, Arts, Liberal Studies, Liberal Arts and Sciences, Arts and Sciences, Science and Technology, Economics and Social Sciences.


Geography is the study of earth as the home of people. As the need to find solutions to issues of environmental sustainability, population change and globalisation have become more challenging, the skills and knowledge of geographers have come to the forefront. Students of Geography are interested in their world, and are taught to think critically about the relationships between people, environments and places. The knowledge and skills gained from studying Geography at the University of Sydney provide a launch pad to a professional career in an array of fields including environmental management, planning, overseas development and consulting research. Our Geography program has strong linkages with various national and international organisations that provide pathways for further studies at Honours and post-graduate levels, and into the work force. It differs from High School Geography in that it provides more opportunities for independent learning, introduces new techniques and skills, offers flexibility for you to follow your interests and is tailored to real world events and issues.

Geology and Geophysics

Geology and Geophysics provides a unifying context for understanding the surface and internal planetary processes that determine how the earth functions as a system. Global climate change, an increasing population and shrinking mineral and energy resources have heightened our sense of dependence on our earth's complex natural systems and increased our need to understand the dynamic structural relationships between the continents and oceans which provide the physical habitat for the earth's various ecosystems. Geology and Geophysics provides students with an understanding of change on Earth, its origin, plate tectonics, surface processes, evolution of life and geologic time. Intermediate units highlight the role of the earth system in all natural phenomena, including those of concern to humans such as geo-biodiversity, salinity, seismicity, volcanic hazards, climate and sea level change. Senior units of study cover methods of field data collection and provide access to cutting edge computing and data resources used for turning such observations into knowledge. Students will acquire the skills necessary for employment in all areas of sustainable exploration and management of our natural, mineral and energy resources.
Geosciences Advice
As a Geoscience student at the University of Sydney, you will participate in an array of learning environments that complement traditional lecture and tutorial classes; for example, studies can include field trips to destinations in Australia and overseas. Students who wish to obtain advice concerning the units of study described below should approach School advisers during the enrolment week or the unit coordinators during semester. Further information is available at, as well as in the Geosciences' student handbook available from the School's administrative office (Room 348, Madsen Building).
The School of Geosciences website is:
The School of Geosciences is located in the Madsen Building (F09). All student enquiries can be made at the Madsen Building, Room 348 - 9 am to 4.30pm, Mon to Fri.
Further information
Further information is available at, as well as in the Geosciences' student handbook available from the School's administrative office.
Geosciences junior units of study
Students are encouraged to commence their studies of Geography, Geology and Geophysics, Environmental Studies or Marine Science by enrolling in GEOS1001 (Earth, Environment and Society) (February semester). This unit of study provides an overarching introduction to issues and themes taught across the School of Geosciences. In the second (July) semester, students intending to major in Geography should enroll in GEOS1002 (Introductory Geography); students intending to major in Geology and Geophysics or Marine Geoscience should enroll in GEOS1003 (Introduction to Geology). Entry into any of these units of study does not require any prior knowledge
GEOS1001 Earth, Environment and Society

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Tom Hubble, Dr Jody Webster, A/Prof Bill Pritchard Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 2 hour practical per week. Prohibitions: GEOS1901, GEOG1001, GEOG1002, GEOL1001, GEOL1002, GEOL1902 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, 2000 word essay, field and prac reports (100%)
This is the gateway unit of study for Human Geography, Physical Geography and Geology. Its objective is to introduce the big questions relating to the origins and current state of the planet: climate change, environment, landscape formation, and the growth of the human population. During the semester you will be introduced to knowledge, theories and debates about how the world's physical and human systems operate. The first module investigates the system of global environmental change, specifically addressing climate variability and human impacts on the natural environment. The second module presents Earth as an evolving and dynamic planet, investigating how changes take place, the rate at which they occur and how they have the potential to dramatically affect the way we live. Finally, the third module, focuses on human-induced challenges to Earth's future. This part of the unit critically analyses the relationships between people and their environments, with central consideration to debates on population change and resource use.
GEOS1002 Introductory Geography

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kurt Iveson Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 2 hour practical per week. Prohibitions: GEOS1902, GEOG1001, GEOG1002 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, one 1000 word essay, two online quizzes, one practical report (100%)
This Unit of Study provides an introductory geographical analysis of the ways in which people and physical processes/features are produced, behave and interact. The Unit focuses on the physical and human processes that generate spatial variation and difference, as well as tracing the interactions between these processes. It includes an investigation of Earth's surface features, exploring the distribution of select landforms across Earth and interpreting their evolutionary histories. Several landscapes will be examined, such as those formed by rivers, wind, and glaciers. But physical landscapes evolve under the influence of and affect human operations. Therefore, the Unit of Study will also consider the political, economic, cultural and urban geographies that shape contemporary global society. Each of these themes will be discussed with reference to key examples (such as Hurricane Katrina, the Kashmir Earthquake, the conflict in Darfur, and sea-level rise in the Pacific), in order to consider the ways in which the various processes (both physical and human) interact. The Unit of Study will also include a short field trip to localities surrounding the university to observe processes of spatial change and conflict. The Unit of Study is designed to attract and interest students who wish to pursue geography as a major within their undergraduate degree, but also has relevance to students who wish to consider the way geographers understand the contemporary world.
GEOS1003 Introduction to Geology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Tom Hubble, Prof Geoff Clarke Session: Semester 2,Summer Late Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour practical per week. Prohibitions: GEOS1903, GEOL1002, GEOL1902, GEOL1501 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical reports, field report (100%)
The aim of this unit of study is to examine the chemical and physical processes involved in mineral formation, the interior of the Earth, surface features, sedimentary environments, volcanoes, and metamorphism. Lectures and laboratory sessions on mountain building processes and the formation of mineral deposits will lead to an understanding of the forces controlling the geology of our planet. Processes such as weathering, erosion and nature of sedimentary environments are related to the origin of the Australian landscape. In addition to laboratory classes there is a one-day excursion to the western Blue Mountains and Lithgow to examine geological objects in their setting.
The recommended text is Stephen Marshak, Earth: Portrait of a Planet. W. W. Norton & Company (2007) - Paperback - 832 pages - ISBN 039393036X
GEOL1501 Engineering Geology 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Tom Hubble Session: Semester 2 Classes: 39 hours lectures, 26 hours laboratory. Field excursions in the Sydney region, as appropriate. Prohibitions: GEOL1002, GEOL1902, GEOS1003, GEOS1903 Assumed knowledge: No previous knowledge of Geology assumed Assessment: Practical laboratory work, assignment, and a combined theory and practical exam (100%)
Course objectives: To introduce basic geology and the principles of site investigation to civil engineering students.
Expected outcomes: Students should develop an appreciation of geologic processes as they influence civil engineering works, acquire knowledge of the most important rocks and minerals and be able to identify them, and interpret geological maps with an emphasis on making construction decisions.
Syllabus summary: Geological concepts relevant to civil engineering and the building environment. Introduction to minerals; igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, their occurrence, formation and significance. General introduction to physical geology and geomorphology, structural geology, plate tectonics, and hydrogeology. Associated laboratory work on minerals, rocks and mapping.
Approved readings will be provided via WebCT
GEOS1901 Earth, Environment and Society Advanced

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Tom Hubble, Dr Jody Webster, A/Prof Bill Pritchard Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 2 hour practical per week. Prerequisites: Departmental permission is required for enrolment. An ATAR above 93 is normally required for admission. This requirement may be varied and students should consult the unit of study coordinator. Prohibitions: GEOS1001, GEOG1001, GEOG1002, GEOL1001, GEOL1002, GEOL1902 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, 2000 word essay, field and prac reports (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Advanced students will complete the same core lecture material as for GEOS1001, but will be required to carry out more challenging practical assignments.
GEOS1902 Introductory Geography (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kurt Iveson Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 2 hour practica per week. Prerequisites: Departmental permission is required for enrolment. A UAI (or ATAR equivalent) above 93 is normally required for admission. This requirement may be varied and students should consult the unit of study coordinator. Prohibitions: GEOS1002, GEOG1001, GEOG1002 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, one 1000 word essay, two online quizzes, one practical report (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Advanced students will complete the same core lecture material as for GEOS1002, but will be required to carry out more challenging practical assignments.
GEOS1903 Introduction to Geology (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Tom Hubble, Prof Geoff Clarke Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour practical per week. Prerequisites: Departmental permission is required for enrolment. A UAI (or ATAR equivalent) above 93 is normally required for admission. This requirement may be varied and students should consult the unit of study coordinator. Prohibitions: GEOL1002, GEOL1902, GEOS1003 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical reports, field report (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit has the same objectives as GEOS1003 and is suitable for students who wish to pursue aspects of the subject in greater depth. Entry is restricted and selection is made from the applicants on the basis of their ATAR or UAI and/or their university performance at the time of enrolment. Students that elect to take this unit will participate in alternatives to some aspects of the standard unit and will be required to pursue independent work to meet unit objectives. This unit may be taken as part of the BSc (Advanced).
Geosciences intermediate units of study
Geoscience intermediate units of study are listed below. Students interested in different areas of the Geoscience disciplines might select intermediate units of study as follows: physical and environmental Geography: GEOS2113 (Feb semester); GEOS2121 and/or GEOG2321 (July semester), human and environmental Geography: GEOS2112 (Feb semester); GEOS2122 and/or GEOS2121 (July semester), Geology and Geophysics: GEOL2112 and/or GEOS2114 (Feb semester); GEOS2124 and/or GEOS2121 (July semster). Regardless, subject to the prerequisites for each individual unit of study, students may vary their enrolment across these streams. The School of Geosciences encourages students to construct a sequential ordering of units that best meets their interests and aspirations.
GEOG2321 Fluvial and Groundwater Geomorphology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Alison Gates, Dr Willem Vervoot Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 2 hour practical per week. Prerequisites: 24 credit points of Junior units of study including 6 credit points of Junior Geoscience. Students in the BEnvSys should have ENSY1001, 12 credit points of Chemisty, 6 credit points of Biology, BIOM1003 or ENVX2001 Prohibitions: GEOG2002, GEOG2302, GEOG2303, MARS2002, MARS2006 Assessment: One 2 hr exam, two quizzes, one field report, practical exercises (100%)
This unit of study provides an introduction to the fundamentals of fluvial geomorphology (the study of surface water as an agent of landscape change) and groundwater hydrology. The fluvial geomorphology section of the unit will describe the movement of water in stream channels and investigate the landscape change associated with that movement. Topics to be covered will include open channel flow hydraulics, sediment transport processes and stream channel morphology. Practical work will focus on the collection and analysis of field data. The quantity and quality of the groundwater resources are closely linked to geology and fluvial geomorphology. The groundwater section of this unit is based around four common groundwater issues: contamination, extraction, dryland salinity and groundwater-surface water interaction. In the practical component, common groundwater computer models such as FLOWTUBE and MODFLOW will be used to further explore these problems.
Recommended Textbooks: Fetter, CW. Applied Hydrogeology. Prentice-Hall. 2001.
GEOS2112 Economic Geography of Global Development

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Bill Pritchard, Prof Philip Hirsch Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 2 hour practical per week. Prerequisites: 24 credit points of Junior units of study, including 6 credit points of Junior Geoscience or ECOP1001 or ECOP1002 Prohibitions: GEOS2912, GEOG2511 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, 2000 word essay, tutorial papers, practical report (100%)
In this unit of study, students will be introduced to the sub-discipline of economic geography by way of debates on the spatial character of global development. We focus on questions relating to who are the winners and losers from contemporary patterns of global economic change. This includes the analysis of relevant conceptual approaches to these questions (including comparative advantage, global commodity chain theory, regionalism, economic governance etc), plus 'hands-on' examination of the key institutions (such as the WTO and ADB) driving these changes. In general, issues are tailored to themes being played out in Asia-Pacific countries. Students are expected to participate in a variety of practical class exercises throughout the semester, which will include presenting the fruits of independent research activities. This unit provides an especially relevant feeder-unit into GEOS3053/ GEOS3054, the Asia-Pacific Field School.
GEOS2114 Volcanoes, Hot Rocks and Minerals

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Derek Wyman, Dr Patrice Rey Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 3 hour practical per week. Prerequisites: One of (GEOG1001, GEOL1001, GEOL1002, GEOS1003, GEOS1903, ENVI1002, GEOL1902, GEOL1501) and 24 credit points of Junior Science units of study. Prohibitions: GEOL2111, GEOL2911, GEOS2914 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical reports, field trip report, group presentation (100%)
This unit of study relates the plate tectonics of subduction zones to a) volcanoes and their hazards; b) geological processes in the deep crust; and c) the formation of precious metal and gemstone ores around the Pacific Rim. A problem solving approach is used to develop the skills required to understand the history of individual volcanoes and predict their future activity and hazards. The unit includes a two to three day field trip to study an extinct volcanoe in NSW. Practical work includes independent study of igneous systems, rocks and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit provides relevant knowledge for GEOS3006/3906 - Mineral Deposits and Spatial Data Analysis.
GEOS2115 Oceans, Coasts and Climate Change

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Maria Seton; A/Prof Peter Cowell, Dr Ana Vila Concejo, Dr Jody Webster Session: Semester 1 Classes: 26 one-hour lectures, 6 one hour workshops, 1 four hour field work, 6 two hour practical classes Prerequisites: 48 credit points from Junior Units of Study Prohibitions: GEOS2915, MARS2006 Assumed knowledge: At least one of (GEOG1001, GEOL1001, GEOL1002, GEOS1003, GEOS1903, ENVI1002, GEOL1902, GEOL1501) Assessment: Web-based on-line reports (30%). One lab report (20%). One 2-hour exam (50%)
This unit of study introduces core concepts about how the formation of ocean basins and their influence on climate govern the development of coasts and continental margins, and related environmental processes responsible for physical hazards. These concepts provide a framework for understanding the geographic variation of coasts, continental shelves and sediment accumulations in the deep ocean. Ocean-basin evolution is explained in terms of movements within the Earth's interior and how these movements determine the geometry of ocean basins, and their alpine counterparts, which interact with the global circulation of the ocean and atmosphere. Affects of this interaction on energy regimes and hydrology are described in accounting for regional controls that govern supply and dispersal of sediments on continental margins and in ocean basins. These controls also govern environmental conditions determining development of coral reefs and other ecosystems that play a key role in marine sedimentation. The Unit of Study systematically outlines how these factors have played out with climate change to produce by gradual change the coasts we see today, as well as the less familiar deposits hidden beneath the sea and coastal lands. These gradual changes are compared to the sudden effects of more catastrophic geophysical events. The Unit thereby outlines how knowledge of responses to climate change in the past allow us to predict environmental responses to accelerated climate change occurring now and in the future due to the industrial greenhouse effect, but places these responses into perspective against natural hazards that already occur. Overall therefore, the Unit aims to provide familiarity with fundamental phenomena central to the study of marine geoscience and environmental impacts, introduced through process-oriented explanations. The Unit of Study is structure around problem-based project work, for which lectures provide the theoretical background.
On line reading material provided via Fisher Library
GEOS2121 Environmental and Resource Management

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Dan Penny, A/Prof Phil McManus Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures per week, 6 one hour tutorials and 6 two hour practical, one fieldtrip Prerequisites: 24 credit points of junior units of study, including 6 credit points of Junior Geoscience or ECOP1001 or ECOP1002 Prohibitions: GEOG2421, GEOL2202, GEOS2921 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, two tutorial/practical class papers, one fieldtrip report, one lab report (100%)
This unit of study explores cultural constructions of nature and resources, the evolution of environmental thought and the debates about sustainable development and climate change. It integrates environmental, economic, cultural and social considerations in respect to natural resource management in Australia and across Southeast Asia. The environmental considerations extend to an understanding of climatic responses over the long term that provide constraints on resource management today, and how these responses are projected to vary in future. These environmental constraints include air, land, vegetation and water resources and are examined in relation to current issues driving contemporary debate on the politics of climate change that must now be considered in environmental management and competition for resources. The principles are brought to life through a fieldtrip to the Hunter Valley to look at geographical issues pertaining to mines, wines and the thoroughbred breeding industries in this region. The unit of study enables students to learn about the social, cultural and environmental considerations that must be taken into account when developing and implementing environmental and resource management policies in climate-change society.
GEOS2122 Urban Geography

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kurt Iveson Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1 two hour lecture and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 24 credit points of Junior units of study, including 6 credit points of Junior Geoscience or ECOP1001 or ECOP1002. Prohibitions: GEOS2922, GEOG2521 Assessment: One 90 minute exam, one in class test, one 2000 word essay, tutorial papers (100%)
By their very nature, cities are intense assemblages of different people doing all sorts of different things. For this reason, urban geographies are highly dynamic. Urban inhabitants engaged in different activities use urban space in different ways, and in the process they continually remake their cities. Inevitably, different uses and users of urban spaces sometimes come into conflict with each other and with the urban authorities who try to shape and regulate cities. This Unit of Study aims to understand some of these dynamic urban geographies, primarily (but not exclusively) in western cities. We will do this by thinking critically about urban places and practices that we often take for granted. As we will see, we can learn a lot about processes of urban change by considering apparently 'everyday' things like going to the shopping mall, eating out, driving, skateboarding, using mobile phones and computers, policing, participating in a protest or a religious ceremony - even hopping in a lift!
GEOS2124 Fossils and Tectonics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Adriana Dutkiewicz (coordinator), A/Prof Patrice Rey Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures plus one 2 hour practical each week. Prerequisites: 24 credit points of Junior units of study, including GEOS1003 or GEOS1903 or GEOL1002 or GEOL1902 or GEOL1501 Prohibitions: GEOS2924, GEOL2123, GEOL2124 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical reports, field report (100%)
The unit aims to convey how fossils, stratigraphic and structural data are used together to determine ages and environments and the deformation history of rock layers. It covers an introduction to historical geology and the evolution of the major fossils groups. Methods of stratigraphic age determination include litho-, bio-, chemo-, magneto- stratigraphy, as well as radiometric geochronology and the stratigraphic characteristics of the main geological time intervals. Structural methods are focused on brittle deformation in the upper crust and sediments. Students will gain familiarity with the most important fossil groups and how to identify them, and with the most important types of faults and folds. The formation of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas will also be covered in an earth history and resource exploration context. The simultaneous use of fossils, stratigraphy and structure to unravel the geological history of a set of exposed rock layers is demonstrated during a field excursion to Yass.
Class notes will be available for purchase from The University Copy Centre
GEOS2912 Economic Geography of Global Dev. Adv.

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Bill Pritchard, Prof Philip Hirsch Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 2 hour practical per week. Prerequisites: 24 credit points of Junior units of study, including a distinction in 6 credit points of Junior Geoscience or in ECOP1001 or ECOP1002 Prohibitions: GEOS2112, GEOG2511 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, 2000 word essay, tutorial papers, practical reports (100%)
This is an Advanced version of GEOS2112. In this unit of study, students will be introduced to the sub-discipline of economic geography by way of debates on the spatial character of global development. We focus on questions relating to who are the winners and losers from contemporary patterns of global economic change. This includes the analysis of relevant conceptual approaches to these questions (including comparative advantage, global commodity chain theory, regionalism, economic governance etc), plus 'hands-on' examination of the key institutions (such as the WTO and ADB) driving these changes. In general, issues are tailored to themes being played out in Asia-Pacific countries. Students are expected to participate in a variety of practical class exercises throughout the semester, which will include presenting the fruits of independent research activities. This unit provides an especially relevant feeder-unit into GEOS3053/ GEOS3054, the Asia-Pacific Field School.
GEOS2914 Volcanoes, Hot Rocks and Minerals Adv

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Derek Wyman, Dr Patrice Rey Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 3 hour practical per week. Prerequisites: 24 credit points of Junior Science units of study and Distinction in one of GEOL1002 or GEOS1002 or ENVI1002 or GEOL1501 or GEOL1902 or GEOS1902 or GEOS1003 or GEOS1903.This requirement may be varied and students should consult the unit of study coordinator. Prohibitions: GEOL2001, GEOS2114 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical reports, field trip report, group presentation (100%)
This unit has the same objectives as GEOS2114 and is suitable for students who wish to pursue aspects of the subject in greater depth. Entry is restricted and selection is made from the applicants on the basis of their performance to date. Students that elect to take this unit will participate in alternatives to some aspects of the standard unit and will be required to pursue independent work to meet unit objectives. This unit may be taken as part of the BSc (Advanced).
No required textbook. Course notes available.
GEOS2921 Environmental & Resource Management Adv

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Dan Penny, A/Prof Phil McManus Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial per week and one fieldtrip. Prerequisites: 24 credit points of Junior units of study, including a distinction in 6 credit points of Junior Geoscience or in ECOP1001 or ECOP1002. This requirement may be varied and students should consult the unit of study coordinator. Prohibitions: GEOG2421, GEOL2202, GEOS2121 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, one media report, one tutorial / practical class paper, one fieldtrip report (100%)
Advanced students will complete the same core lecture materials as for GEOS2121 but are required to complete an essay in place of the regular tutorial reports prepared in GEOS2121.
GEOS2922 Urban Geography (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof John Connell, Dr Kurt Iveson Session: Semester 2 Classes: one 2 hour lecture and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 24 credit points of Junior units of study, including a distinction in 6 credit points of Junior Geoscience or in ECOP1001 or ECOP1002 Prohibitions: GEOS2122 Assessment: One 90 minute exam, one in-class test, one 2000 word essay, tutorial papers (100%)
This unit aims to understand everyday life in cities, and to develop new perspectives on metropolitan change. It will examine how a range of everyday practices use and shape urban space - including shopping, eating, moving around, protesting, playing sport, having sex, religious observance, and hanging out. We'll also consider the role of technology in these activities, thinking about how people relate to things like cars, elevators, mobile phones and networked sensors in the course of their everyday lives in cities. In considering these various practices, we will investigate how different people perceive space and construct urban space, primarily in western contexts. We will also think critically about the regulation of urban space, and consider the efforts of urban authorities to manage conflicts between different groups and activities in the city.
GEOS2924 Fossils and Tectonics (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Adriana Dutkiewicz (co-ordinator), A/Prof Patrice Rey Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures plus one 2 hour practical each week. Prerequisites: Distinction in GEOS1003 or Distinction average in 12 credit points of Junior Geoscience units (Geoscience is the disciplines of Geography, Geology and Geophysics) Prohibitions: GEOS2124, GEOL2123, GEOL2124 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical reports, field report (100%)
This unit has the same objectives as GEOS2124 and is suitable for students who wish to pursue aspects of the subject in greater depth. Entry is restricted and selection is made from the applicants on the basis of their performance to date. Students that elect to take this unit will participate in alternatives to some aspects of the standard unit and will be required to pursue independent work to meet unit objectives. This unit may be taken as part of the BSc (Advanced).
Class notes will be available for purchase from The University Copy Centre
Geosciences senior units of study
Geosciences Senior units of study provide specialist themes or topics relevant to ongoing studies or professions. Students may select from any of the units listed below.
Geography Major
The requirements for a Major in Geography are defined in Table 1. Students are required to complete 24 credit points from Senior units of study in Geography that must include either GEOS3513/3913 OR GEOS3053/3953 OR GEOG3521/3921
Geology and Geophysics Major
The requirements for a major in Geology and Geophysics are defined in Table 1. Students are required to take two compulsory units, GEOS3101/3801 and the field studies unit GEOS3008/3908, as well as two of GEOS3102/3802, GEOS3103/3803, GEOS3104/3804. These units provide students with a foundation training that prepares them for further study in an Honours or postgraduate coursework program as well as enabling them to enter the main professional fields of the discipline, eg. Resource and Energy Exploration, Engineering Geology, and Environmental Geology.
GEOS3008 Field Geology and Geophysics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Geoffrey Clarke Session: Semester 2a Classes: (weeks 1-7) 14 days of field work Prerequisites: GEOS2124 or GEOS2924 Prohibitions: GEOL3103, GEOS3908 Assessment: The field work will be assessed by written reports (up to 10 pages in total), field exercises and practical tests (100%)
This unit is considered an essential component all Geology and Geophysics majors. All students will undertake a range of exercises, but concentrate on aspects that emphasise their chosen major: (1) field mapping and the analysis of geological objects in the field, in weakly to complexly deformed sedimentary and volcanic sequences; (2) field investigations of mineral deposits and their relationships to host rocks; and (3) the practical application of geophysical methods in field mapping. The field course complements other subject areas in Geology & Geophysics and will give students experience in the field identification of rocks and minerals, regional geology, stratigraphy, structure and rock relationships. Students will be required to pay the cost of hostel-style accommodation during field work, which may involve camping.
GEOS3908 Field Geology and Geophysics (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Geoffrey Clarke Session: Semester 2a Classes: 14 days of fieldwork. Prerequisites: GEOS2124 or GEOS2924 with a mark of 65% or greater Prohibitions: GEOS3008 Assessment: Written reports and field exercises (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit has the same objectives as GEOS3008 and is suitable for students who wish to pursue aspects of the subject in greater depth. Entry is restricted and selection is made from the applicants on the basis of their performance at the time of enrolment. Students who elect to take this unit will participate in alternatives to some aspects of the standard unit and will be required to pursue independent work to meet unit objectives. Specific details for this unit of study will be announced in meetings with students in week prior to the field camp which is usually in the break between semester 1 and 2. This unit of study may be taken as part of the BSc (Advanced).
GEOS3009 Coastal Environments and Processes

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Ana Vila-Concejo, Dr Jody Webster Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 2 hour practical per week; weekend excursion. Prerequisites: (6 credit points of Intermediate Geoscience units) and (6 further credit points of Intermediate Geoscience or 6 credit points of Physics or Mathematics or Information Technology or Engineering units) or ((MARS2005 or MARS2905) and (MARS2006 or MARS2906)) Prohibitions: GEOS3909, MARS3003, MARS3105 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, two 1500 word reports (100%)
Note: * Geoscience is the disciplines of Geography, Geology and Geophysics.
The aim of this course is to introduce students to a variety of Coastal Environments and the major physical and chemical processes which control the morphodynamic evolution of these systems. The course offers a unique opportunity of learning the full spectrum of marine sedimentary environments from siliciclastic, temperate, highly urbanised and impacted estuarine ecosytems to carbonate, tropical, pristine and undeveloped/protected coastal and continental margin environments. The course includes field work at two of the Universities research stations, i. e. at Chowder Bay, Port Jackson and One Tree Island on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). The two parts of the course comprise physical and chemical processes in estuarine and carbonate-dominated coastal and continental margin environments.
The first part of the course covers basic morphodynamics and physical processes in estuarine environments and focuses on methods of assessing the magnitude of human impact on these valuable and sensitive ecosystems and judging the risks of sedimentary contaminants on benthic animals. A major part of this section is a project aimed at assessing the environmental status of a major embayment of the Sydney estuary.
The second part of the course covers the basic morphodynamics and processes impacting carbonate-dominated coastal and continental margin environments. The focus is on carbonate reefal and margin systems and their geologic and biologic responses to past, present and future environmental changes. These systems will be also be studied in the field at The University of Sydney One Tree Island Research Station and on Heron Island in the GBR. This fieldtrip is not compulsory but is strongly recommended as it will expose students first hand to a pristine, world class coral reef system. Students who are unable participate in the GBR field trip will be given an alternative assignment.
GEOS3909 Coastal Environments and Processes (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Gavin Birch, Dr Ana Vila Concejo Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, two 3 hour practicals per week, fieldwork. Prerequisites: Distinction average in ((6 credit points of Intermediate Geoscience* units) and (6 further credit points of Intermediate Geoscience or 6 credit points of Physics, Mathematics, Information Technology or Engineering units) or ((MARS2005 or MARS2905) and (MARS2006 or MARS2906))) Prohibitions: GEOS3009, MARS3003, MARS3105 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, two 1500 word reports (100%)
Note: A distinction average in prior Geography or Geology units is normally required for admission. This requirement may be varied and students should consult the unit of study coordinator.
Advanced students will complete the same core lecture material as for GEOS3009 but will carry out more challenging projects, practicals, assignments and tutorials.
GEOS3014 GIS in Coastal Management

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Eleanor Bruce, Dr Ana Vila Concejo Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 3 hour practical per week. Prerequisites: MARS(2005 or 2905) and MARS(2006 or 2906), or 12 credit points of Intermediate Geoscience* units, or (GEOS(2115 or 2915) and BIOL(2018 or 2918)) Prohibitions: GEOS3914, MARS3104 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, two project reports, quizzes (100%)
Note: * Geoscience is the disciplines of Geography, Geology and Geophysics.
Coastal Management is about how scientific knowledge is used to support policy formulation and planning decisions in coastal environments. The course links coastal science to policy and practice in management of estuaries, beaches and the coastal ocean. The principles are exemplified through specific issues, such as coastal erosion, pollution, and impacts of climate-change. The issues are dealt with in terms of how things work in nature, and how the issues are handled through administrative mechanisms. These mechanisms involve planning strategies like Marine Protected Areas and setback limits on civil development in the coastal zone. The coastal environments and processes that are more relevant to coastal management including: rocky coasts; beaches, barriers and dunes; and coral reefs will also be introduced. At a practical level, the link between science and coastal management is given substance through development and use of 'decision-support models'. These models involve geocomputing methods that entail application of simulation models, remotely sensed information, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The course therefore includes both principles and experience in use of these methods to address coastal-management issues. (It thus also involves extensive use of computers.) Although the focus is on the coast, the principles and methods have broader relevance to environmental management in particular, and to problem-solving in general. That is, the course has vocational relevance in examining how science can be exploited to the benefit of society and nature conservation.
Burrough, PA and McDonnell, RA. Principles of Geographical Information Systems: Spatial information systems and geostatistics. Oxford University Press. 1998.
GEOS3914 GIS in Coastal Management (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Eleanor Bruce, Dr Ana Vila Concejo Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two hours of lectures, one 3 hour practical per week comprising one 1 hour practical demonstration and one 2 hour practical Prerequisites: Distinction average in 12 credit points of Intermediate geography or geology units or GEOS (2115 or 2915) and BIOL (2018 or 2918). Department permission required for enrolment Prohibitions: GEOS3014, MARS3104 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, project work, two practical-based project reports, fortnightly progress quizzes (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: A distinction average in prior Geography, Geology or Marine Science units of study is normally required for admission. This requirement may be varied and students should consult the unit of study coordinator.
Advanced students will complete the same core lecture material as for GEOS3014 but will carry out more challenging projects, practicals, assignments and tutorials.
GEOS3018 Rivers: Science, Policy and Management

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Philip Hirsch, Dr Tom Hubble Session: Semester 1 Classes: one 2 hour lecture and one 2 hour tutorial per week, fieldwork Prerequisites: 24 credit points of Intermediate units of study including 6 credit points of Intermediate Geoscience (GEOG or GEOS) units of study Prohibitions: GEOS3918 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, one 1500 word essay, one group project (100%)
This unit of study aims to decipher the multi-faceted nature of river management by examining how rivers function, from both natural science and social science perspectives. The physical condition of rivers is assessed by considering issues such as catchment hydrology, water quality, the structure and role of riparian vegetation and the functioning of aquatic ecosystems. This information is then combined to examine the science underpinning river rehabilitation projects and environmental assessment of river basin development. The ability to rehabilitate rivers and their management for social and economic goals is also controlled by a range of social and political factors. Therefore, water resource policies and institutions, both within Australia and globally, are also examined in terms of their influences on fluvial systems.
GEOS3918 Rivers: Science and Management (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Philip Hirsch, Dr Tom Hubble Session: Semester 1 Classes: one 2 hr lecture, one 2 hour tutorial, fieldwork Prerequisites: Distinction average in 24 credit points of Intermediate units of study including 6 credit points of Intermediate Geoscience(GEOS or GEOG) units of study Prohibitions: GEOS3018 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, one group project, one individual field report (100%)
Advanced students will complete the same core lecture material as for GEOS3018, but will carry out more challenging projects and reports.
GEOS3513 Regional Development and Environment

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Bill Pritchard, Dr Michael Harris Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures per week and 2 hours of tutorials/practicals per week Prerequisites: 24 credit points of intermediate and/or senior units of study including 6 credit points of Intermediate units of study in Geography. Prohibitions: ENVI3113, GEOS3511, GEOS3911, GEOS3913 Assessment: Two in-class tests, one 1500 word essay, one GIS report (100%)
This unit of study acquaints students with debates and tools associated with regional development and the economic analysis of environmental issues. It provides a useful preparation for professional employment in the field of regional development, environmental policy and management, and is relevant for students interested in economic and social issues in regional Australia. Co-taught by a geographer and an economist, the unit addresses four key areas of relevance: (i) regional development theory and practice; (ii) the economics of efficiently utilising and managing the environment; (iii) debates on regional development in Australia (including consideration of the farm sector, Indigenous communities and environmental sustainability), and (iv) the use of GIS to analyse population census date. The unit requires no prior knowledge of economic theory or GIS software.
GEOS3913 Regional Development & Environment (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Bill Pritchard Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hours of lectures per week and 2 hours of tutorials/practicals per week. Prerequisites: 24 credit points of intermediate and/or senior units of study including 6 credit points of intermediate units of study in Geography with a grade of Credit or better Prohibitions: ENVI3113, GEOS3511, GEOS3513, GEOS3911 Assessment: In-class tests, essay, report (100%)
This unit of study is a more advanced version of GEOS3513. It includes more challenging assessment tasks.
GEOS3101 Earth's Structure and Evolution

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Patrice Rey, Prof Geoff Clarke Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 3 hour tutorial/practical class per week, and a 3-day excursion. Prerequisites: GEOS(2114 or 2914) and GEOS(2124 or 2924); or 24 credit points of Intermediate Science units of study and GEOS1003 with permission of the Head of School Prohibitions: GEOS3801, GEOS3003, GEOS3903, GEOS3004, GEOS3904, GEOS3006, GEOS3906, GEOS3017, GEOS3917 Assumed knowledge: GEOS2114, GEOS2124 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical and field reports (100%)
The Earth's crust and upper mantle, or lithosphere, are a consequence of dynamic and thermal processes operating since the beginning of the Archaean. This unit focuses on information and techniques that enable an understanding of these processes. The main topics presented in this unit include: the formation and evolution of oceanic and continental lithosphere; techtonic deformation, magmatism and metamorphism at plate boundries; and the mesoscopic and microscopic analysis of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Practical classes and field exercises are designed to enable students to competently and independently identify the common crystalline rocks in hand-specimen; and to gather and interpret the structural field data which enables the determination of the structural style and deformational history presented in particular tectonic settings. The concepts and content presented in this unit are generally considered to be essential knowledge for geologists and geophysicists and provide a conceptual framework for their professional practice. Students wishing to specialise in the field and become professional geologists will normally need to expand upon the knowledge gained from this unit and either complete an honours project or progress to postgraduate coursework in this field.
GEOS3102 Global Energy and Resources

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Derek Wyman, A/Prof Gavin Birch Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and one 2-hour tutorial/practicals per week. Prerequisites: GEOS(2114 or 2914) and GEOS(2124 or 2924); or 24 credit points of Intermediate Science units of study and GEOS1003 with permission of the Head of School Prohibitions: GEOS3802, GEOS3003, GEOS3903, GEOS3004, GEOS3904, GEOS3006, GEOS3906, GEOS3017, GEOS3917 Assumed knowledge: GEOS2114 and GEOS2124 Assessment: One 2-hour exam, practical and field reports (100%)
This unit examines the processes that form energy and mineral resources, outlines the characteristics of major fossil fuel and metal ore deposits and introduces the principles that underpin exploration strategies used to discover and develop geological resources. The unit will focus on a variety of topics including: coal; petroleum formation and migration, hydrocarbon traps and maturation; precious metal, base metal and gemstone deposit types; and exploration strategies. An integrated approach will relate tectonic processes through time to the formation of fossil fuel and mineral provinces. Practical exercises will introduce students to the techniques used to identify economically viable geological resources using a variety of exercises based on actual examples of resource exploration drawn from both the petroleum and minerals industry.
GEOS3103 Environmental and Sedimentary Geology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Adriana Dutkiewicz (co-ordinator), Dr Dan Penny Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 3 hour tutorial/practical class per week Prerequisites: GEOS(2124 or 2924) and GEOS(2111 or 2911 or 2114 or 2914 or 2113 or 2913); or GEOS(1003 or 1903) and 24 credit points of Intermediate Science units of study with permission of the Head of School Prohibitions: GEOS3803 Assumed knowledge: GEOS1003, GEOS2124 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical and field reports (100%)
Sediments and sedimentary rocks cover most of the Earth's surface, record much of the Earth's geological and climatic history and host important resources such as petroleum, coal, water and mineral ores. The aim of this unit is to provide students with the skills required to examine, describe and interpret sediments and sedimentary rocks for a variety of different purposes. Specific foci of the unit will be the identification of the recent or ancient environment in which sedimentary materials were deposited, the environmental controls which produce sedimentary structures, and the processes that control the production, movement and storage of sediment bodies. On completion of this unit students will be familiar with the natural processes that produce and modify sediments across a range of environments at the Earth's surface, including fluvial, aeolian, lacustrine, marginal marine and deep marine environments. The various controls on the sedimentary record such as climate and sea-level change, as well as diagenesis and geochemical cycles will also be discussed. Practical exercises will require students to examine global datasets, and determine the properties and significance of sediments and sedimentary rocks. The course is relevant to students interested in petroleum or mineral exploration, environmental and engineering geology as well as marine geoscience.
Course notes will be available from the Copy Centre and an appropriate set of reference texts will be placed on special reserve in the library.
GEOS3104 Geophysical Methods

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Christian Heine (co-ordinator), Dr Gabriele Morra, Dr Simon Williams Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 3 hour practical class per week. Prerequisites: 24 credit points of Intermediate Science units of study or (GEOS(2114/2914) and GEOS(2124/2924)) Prohibitions: GEOS3004, GEOS3804, GEOS3003, GEOS3903, GEOS3006, GEOS3906, GEOS3016, GEOS3916, GEOS3017, GEOS3917 Assessment: One 2 hour exam (50%), practical work (50%)
This unit introduces the common geophysical methods used to investigate the interior and dynamics of the Earth and focuses on the techniques used for mineral and hydrocarbon exploration. On completion of this unit students will have developed a thorough understanding of the common geophysical methods utilised in academia and the resource exploration industry. They will be able to evaluate and critically assess most forms of geophysical data as well as actively participate in geophysical explorations. Furthermore the course will provide the students with the computational skills to process different geophysical data in an applied, resource exploration-centered perspective. The unit is aimed at students with interests in land-based and marine resource exploration, plate tectonics, internal earth structure/dynamics, and near-surface investigations of groundwater resources and environmental pollution. Students wishing to specialise in the field and become professional geophysicists will normally need to expand upon the geophysics knowledge gained from this unit and either complete an honours project or progress to postgraduate coursework in this field.
GEOS3053 Asia-Pacific Field School-Assessment A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jeff Neilson Session: S1 Intensive Classes: Five weeks intensive, six modules of 3 lectures each, ten full days equivalent fieldwork, 20 hours small group work. Prerequisites: 6 credit points of Intermediate units of study in Geography. Department permission is required for enrolment. Corequisites: GEOS3054 Prohibitions: GEOS3953 Assessment: One group activity, one field diary, one extended field research report, one exam (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Students must contact the unit coordinator no later than the end of May in the year before taking this Unit.
The unit of study can be taken only in coincidence with GEOS3054 and with prior permission from the unit of study coordinator. It constitutes a Field School run over a five- week period in January-February, prior to the commencement of the semester. In 2011 the Field School will be held in Indonesia (Java, Sulawesi and Bali). In other years it may be held in mainland Southeast Asia (China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Viet Nam). The Field School focuses on two main themes; i) rural economic development and integration with the global economy; and ii) community-based natural resource management and environmental governance. The Field School is run in close association with local universities, whose staff and students participate in some components of the course. Places are limited, and students interested in the 2011 Field School should indicate expression of interest to before the end of May 2010.
GEOS3953 Asia-Pacific Field School-A (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jeff Neilson Session: S1 Intensive Classes: Five weeks intensive, six modules of 3 lectures each, ten full days equivalent fieldwork, 20 hours small group work Prerequisites: 6 credit points of Intermediate units of study in Geography. Department permission required for enrolment. Corequisites: GEOS3954 Prohibitions: GEOS3053 Assessment: One group activity, one field diary, one extended field research report, one exam (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Department permission required for enrolment. Students must contact the unit coordinator no later than the end of May in the year before taking this Unit.
The unit of study can be taken only in coincidence with GEOS 3954 and with prior permission from the unit of study coordinator. It constitutes a Field School run over a five - week period in January-February, prior to the commencement of the semester. In 2011 the Field School will be held in Indonesia (Java, Sulawesi and Bali). In other years it may be held in mainland Southeast Asia (China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Viet Nam). The field school focuses on two main themes: i) rural economic development and integration with the global economy; and ii) community-based natural resource management and environmental governance. The Field School is run in close association with local universities, whose staff and students participate in some components of the course. Places are limited, and students interested in the 2011 Field School should indicate expression of interest to before the end of May 2010.
GEOS3054 Asia-Pacific Field School-Assessment B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jeff Neilson Session: S1 Intensive Classes: Five weeks intensive, six modules of 3 lectures each, ten full days equivalent fieldwork, 20 hours small group work Prerequisites: 6 credit points of Intermediate units of study in Geography. Department permission required for enrolment. Corequisites: GEOS3053 Prohibitions: GEOS3954 Assessment: One group activity, one field diary, one extended field research report, one exam (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Department permission required for enrolment. Students must contact the unit coordinator no later than the end of May in the year before taking this Unit.
The unit of study can be taken only in coincidence with GEOS3054 and with prior permission from the unit of study coordinator. It constitutes a Field School run over a five - week period in January-February, prior to the commencement of the semester. In 2011 the Field School will be held in Indonesia (Java, Sulawesi and Bali). In other years it may be held in mainland Southeast Asia (China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Viet Nam). The Field School focuses on two main themes: i) rural economic development and integration with the global economy; and ii) community-based natural resource management and environmental governance. The Field School is run in close association with local universities, whose staff and students participate in some components of the course. Places are limited, and students interested in the 2011 Field School should indicate expression of interest to before the end of May 2010.
GEOS3954 Asia-Pacific Field School-B (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jeff Neilson Session: S1 Intensive Classes: Five weeks intensive, six modules of 3 lectures each, ten full days equivalent fieldwork, 20 hours small group work Prerequisites: 6 credit points of Intermediate units of study in Geography. Department permission is required for enrolment. Corequisites: GEOS3953 Prohibitions: GEOS3054 Assessment: One group activity, one field diary, one extended field research report, one exam (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Students must contact the unit coordinator no later than the end of May in the year before taking this Unit.
The unit of study can be taken only in coincidence with GEOS3953 and with prior permission from the unit of study coordinator. It constitutes a Field School run over a five - week period in January-February, prior to the commencement of the semester. In 2011 the Field School will be held in Indonesia (Java, Sulawesi and Bali). In other years it may be held in mainland Southeast Asia (China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Viet Nam). The Field School focuses on two main themes: i) rural economic development and integration with the global economy; and ii) community-based natural resource management and environmental governance. The Field School is run in close association with local universities, whose staff and students participate in some components of the course. Places are limited, and students interested in the 2011 Field School should indicate expression of interest to before the end of May 2010.
GEOS3801 Earth's Structure and Evolutions (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Patrice Rey, Prof Geoff Clarke Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 3 hour tutorial/practical class per week. Prerequisites: Distinctions in GEOS(2114/2914) and GEOS(2124/2924); Students who have a credit average for all Geoscience units may enrol in this unit with the permission of the Head of School Prohibitions: GEOS3101, GEOS3003, GEOS3903, GEOS3004, GEOS3904, GEOS3006, GEOS3906, GEOS3017, GEOS3917 Assumed knowledge: GEOS2114, GEOS2124 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical and field reports (100%)
This unit has the same objectives as GEOS3101 and is suitable for students who wish to pursue aspects of the subject in greater depth. Entry is restricted and selection is made from the applicants on the basis of their performance at the time of enrolment. Students who elect to take this unit will participate in alternatives to some aspects of the standard unit and will be required to pursue independent work to meet unit objectives. Specific details for this unit of study will be announced in meetings with students in week 1 of semester.
GEOS3802 Global Energy and Resources (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Derek Wyman, A/Prof Gavin Birch Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 3 hour tutorial/practical class per week Prerequisites: Distinction in GEOS(2114 or 2914) and GEOS(2124 or 2924); Students who have a credit average for all Geoscience units may enrol in this unit with the permission of the Head of School. Prohibitions: GEOS3102, GEOS3003, GEOS3903, GEOS3004, GEOS3904, GEOS3006, GEOS3906, GEOS3017, GEOS3917 Assumed knowledge: GEOS2114 and GEOS2124 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical and field reports (100%)
This unit has the same objectives as GEOS3102 and is suitable for students who wish to pursue aspects of the subject in greater depth. Entry is restricted and selection is made from the applicants on the basis of their performance at the time of enrolment. Students who elect to take this unit will participate in alternatives to some aspects of the standard unit and will be required to pursue independent work to meet unit objectives. Specific details for this unit of study will be announced in meetings with students in week 1 of semester.
GEOS3803 Environmental & Sedimentary Geology(Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Adriana Dutkiewicz (co-ordinator), Dr Dan Penny Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 3 hour tutorial/practical class per week. Prerequisites: Distinctions in GEOS(2114 or 2914) and GEOS(2124 or 2924); Students who have a credit average for all Geoscience units may enrol in this unit with permission of the Head of School Prohibitions: GEOS3103 Assumed knowledge: GEOS1003, GEOS2124 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical and field reports (100%)
This unit has the same objectives as GEOS3103 and is suitable for students who wish to pursue aspects of the subject in greater depth. Entry is restricted and selection is made from the applicants on the basis of their performance at the time of enrolment. Students who elect to take this unit will participate in alternatives to some aspects of the standard unit and will be required to pursue independant work to meet unit objectives. Specific details for this unit of study will be announced in meetings with students in week 1 of semester.
Course notes will be available from the copy centre and appropriate set of reference texts will be placed on special reserve in the library.
GEOS3804 Geophysical Methods (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Christian Heine (co-ordinator), Dr Gabriele Morra, Dr Simon Williams Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 3 hour practical class per week. Prerequisites: Distinction in GEOS2114 or GEOS2914 and GEOS2124 or GEOS2924; Students who have a credit average for all Geoscience units may enrol in this unit with the permission of the Head of School Prohibitions: GEOS3104, GEOS3003, GEOS3903, GEOS3006, GEOS3906, GEOS3016, GEOS3916, GEOS3017, GEOS3917 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical work (100%)
This unit has the same objectives as GEOS3104 and is suitable for students who wish to pursue aspects of the subject in greater depth. Entry is restricted and selection is made from the applicants on the basis of their performance at the time of enrolment. Students who elect to take this unit will participate in alternatives to some aspects of the standard unit and will be required to pursue independant work to meet unit objectives. Specific details for this unit of study will be announced in meetings with students in week 1 of semester.
ENVI3112 Environmental Assessment

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr John Dee Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 2 hour lectures per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Science or Agriculture units. Prohibitions: ENVI3002, ENVI3004 Assumed knowledge: Intermediate Environmental Science. Assessment: Essays, tutorial papers, report (100%)
This unit of study is composed of two components: environmental impact assessment and risk assessment. The former is generally concerned with issues related to environmental impact assessment and builds toward the process of producing an EIS/EIA. More specifically it seeks to establish a critical understanding of the theory and practice of environmental impact studies/statements (EIS) and environmental impact assessment processes (EIA) from both the positive (scientific) and normative (value) perspectives. Emphasis is placed on gaining skills in writing and producing an assessment report, which contains logically ordered and tightly structured argumentation that can stand rigorous scrutiny by political processes, the judiciary, the public and the media. The risk assessment component considers a more chemical approach to the assessment of risk and issues of safety with respect to chemicals, ecotoxicology and the environment. It draws on current environmental management practice to investigate what constitutes risk and to demonstrate how risk may be managed.

History and Philosophy of Science

History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) allows students to enrich and deepen their knowledge of science and stand back from the specialised concerns of their other subjects by gaining a broader perspective on what science is, how it acquired its current form and how it fits into contemporary society. HPS is particularly relevant for students hoping to make careers in science policy, science administration, science education and science journalism. Any student with a genuine interest in science will derive benefit from study in HPS.
An adviser will be available in the Unit for History and Philosophy of Science during the enrolment period. The Unit is located on Level 4 of the Carslaw Building. More detailed information on units of study is available either in a handbook from the Unit office or electronically via the Unit website The Unit for History and Philosophy of Science offers the Junior unit of study Bioethics (HPSC1000), which analyses and discusses the ethical concerns raised by scientific accomplishments in modern society. Students interested in related topics should consider taking the unit Concepts and Issues in Physical Science (PHYS1600) offered in the School of Physics. This unit serves as useful background for further studies in HPS and is offered as an Arts unit for all students, including students enrolled in the Faculty of Science.
Junior units of study
HPSC1000 Bioethics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Catherine Mills Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 1 hour and one 2 hour lecture and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: HPSC1900 Assessment: Short essays, tutorial work, tests (100%)
Note: This Junior unit of study is highly recommended to Intermediate and Senior Life Sciences students.
Science has given us nearly infinite possibilities for controlling life. Scientists probe the origins of life through research with stem cells and embryos. To unlock the secrets of disease, biomedicine conducts cruel experiments on animals. GM crops are presented as the answer to hunger. Organ transplantation is almost routine. The international traffic in human body parts and tissues is thriving. The concept of brain death makes harvesting organs ethically more acceptable. It may also result in fundamental changes in our ideas about life. Science has provided new ways of controlling and manipulating life and death. As a consequence, difficult ethical questions are raised in increasingly complex cultural and social environments. This course will discuss major issues in the ethics of biology and medicine, from gene modification to Dolly the sheep. This unit will be introductory, but a small number of topical issues will be studied in depth. No scientific background beyond School Certificate level will be assumed.
Course reader
HPSC1900 Bioethics (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Catherine Mills Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: HPSC1000 Assessment: Tutorial work, essays, exam, tutorial participation (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The topics covered by HPSC1000 - Bioethics will be treated in more depth, in a special tutorial set aside for Advanced students.
Course reader
Intermediate units of study
There are two Intermediate units of study offered by the Unit for History and Philosophy of Science. They provide a broad background in the history and the philosophy of science, and a solid background for students in arts and science who wish to acquaint themselves with principles and methods in the history and philosophy of science. For students who wish to major in HPS, they provide essential background knowledge.
HPSC2100 The Birth of Modern Science

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Ofer Gal Session: Semester 1,Summer Main Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 24 credit points of Junior units of study Prohibitions: HPSC2002, HPSC2900 Assessment: 4xquizzes (30%) and 6x100wd questions (30%) and 3x750wd essays (30%) and class participation (10%)
Modern culture is a culture of science and modern science is the outcome of a historical process of 2,500 years. In this course we investigate how traditional knowledge gradually acquired the characteristics of 'science': the social structure, contents, values and methods we are familiar with. We will look at some primary chapters of this process, from antiquity to the end of the seventeenth century, and try to understand their implications to understanding contemporary science in its culture. Special emphasis will be given to the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century, which is often described as the most important period in the history of science and as one of the most vital stages in human intellectual history.
Dear, Peter: Revolutionizing the Sciences: European Knowledge and Ambitions, 1500-1700. Princeton: Princeton University Press (2001)
HPSC2101 What Is This Thing Called Science?

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Dominic Murphy Session: Semester 2,Summer Main Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 24 credit points of Junior units of study Prohibitions: HPSC2001, HPSC2901 Assessment: 2x1500 wd essays (50%) and 1x3000 wd essay (50%)
Philosophers of science aim to define what distinguishes creationism from evolutionary theory, or astrology from astronomy. They give reasons why we can believe that today's theories are improvements over those that preceded them and how we know that what we see and do in scientific practice reflects the nature of reality. This course critically examines the most important attempts to define the scientific method, to draw a line dividing science from non-science, and to justify the high status generally accorded to scientific knowledge. The philosophies of science studied include Karl Popper's idea that truly scientific theories are falsifiable, Thomas Kuhn's proposal that science consists of a series of paradigms separated by scientific revolutions; and Feyerabend's anarchist claim that there are no objective criteria by which science can be distinguished from pseudo-science. This unit of study also explores contemporary theories about the nature of science and explores ideas about the nature of the experimental method and concepts such as underdetermination, the nature of scientific explanation, theory confirmation, realism, the role of social values in science, sociological approaches to understanding science, and the nature of scientific change.
J.A. Cover and M. Curd (eds.), Philosophy of Science: The Central Issues. W. H. Norton, 1998.
HPSC2900 The Birth of Modern Science (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Ofer Gal Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: Enrolment in the Talented Student Program or 24 credit points of Junior study with a Distinction average Prohibitions: HPSC2002, HPSC2100 Assessment: 2x1500wd essays (45%) and 1x3000 wd essay (45%) and class presentation (10%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The topics covered in 'The Birth of Modern Science' will be covered in more depth, in a special tutorial set aside for advanced students.
Henry, J. The Scientific Revolution and the Origins of Modern Science.
HPSC2901 What Is This Thing Called Science? (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Dominic Murphy Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: Enrolment in the Talented Student Program or 24 credit points of Junior study with a Distinction average Prohibitions: HPSC2002, HPSC2100 Assessment: 2x1500 wd essays (45%) and 1x3000 wd essay (45%) and class presentation (10%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The topics covered in 'What is This Thing Called Science?' will be covered in more depth, in a special tutorial set aside for advanced students.
Alan F Chalmers. What Is This Thing Called Science? 3rd edition.
Senior units of study
Students wishing to major in History and Philosophy of Science in either the BSc, BA or BLibSt must take 24 credit points from the following Senior units of study. Our Intermediate courses provide students with a background in the history and philosophy of science. HPSC3022 Science and Society, provides students with an essential background in the sociology of science. This unit of study is compulsory for majors in history and philosophy of science. HPSC3021 Philosophy and Sociology of Biology is unavailable in 2011.
HPSC3002 History of Biological/Medical Sciences

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Hans Pols Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and two 1 hour tutorials per week. Prerequisites: HPSC(2100 or 2900) and HPSC(2101 or 2901) Assessment: 2X300-400wd reports (25%) and 1xclass presentation (25%) and class questions (10%) and 1x2500-3000 wd essay (40%)
Throughout the ages people have been born, have died, and in between have lived in various stages of sickness or health. In this unit of study we shall look at how these states of being were perceived in different times and places throughout history, while at the same time noting the increasing medicalisation of everyday life, together with the irony that the "miracles" of modern medicine appear to have created a generation of the "worried well". Using this historical perspective, we shall ask how perceptions of sickness, health and the related provision of health care have been intertwined with social, political and economic factors and, indeed still are today.
Course reader
HPSC3016 The Scientific Revolution

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Ofer Gal Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and two 1 hour tutorials per week. Individual student consultation as required. Prerequisites: HPSC(2100 or 2900) and HPSC(2101 or 2901) Prohibitions: HPSC3001, HPSC3106 Assessment: 10x150wd questions (40%) and 1x 3500wd essay (40%) and 1 x Experiment (10%) and Class Participation (10%)
Modern Western science has a number of characteristics which distinguish it from other scientific cultures. It ascribes its tremendous success to sophisticated experiments and meticulous observation. It understands the universe in terms of tiny particles in motion and the forces between them. It is characterised by high- powered mathematical theorising and the rejection of any intention, value or purpose in Nature. Many of these characteristics were shaped in the 17th century, during the so called scientific revolution. We will consider them from an integrated historical- philosophical perspective, paying special attention to the intellectual motivations of the canonical figures of this revolution and the cultural context in which they operated. Topics will include: experimentation and instrumentation, clocks, mechanistic philosophy, and the changing role of mathematics.
Course reader
HPSC3022 Science and Society

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Chris Degeling Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and two 1 hour tutorials per week. Prerequisites: HPSC(2100 or 2900) and HPSC(2101 or 2901) Prohibitions: HPSC3003 Assessment: 2x1500wd essay (50%) and 1x3000wd essay (50%)
Note: This unit is a requirement for HPS majors.
Science has become an essential element of Western societies. It is impossible to imagine our lives today without the achievements of science, technology, and medicine. Many scientists and laypeople think that scientific knowledge transcends political, social, cultural, and economic conditions. Sociologists of science think otherwise. In this unit, we will investigate the nature of science, the position of science in society, and the internal dynamics of science.
Sociologists of science have compared scientific knowledge to a ship in a bottle: if you see the finished product, you can't understand how it came about, and you can't believe that it is not what it claims to be: the empirically-determined truth about the world. In this unit, we will have a close look at some of these ships in bottles and examine how they got there. When observing science-in-the-making, rather than the finished product, the factors that influence science become much clearer. We will introduce some the most exciting and innovative ideas about what science is and how it works by examining the sociological and anthropological approaches to science that have become the basis for research in the social studies of science, technology, and medicine, including: the norms of science, scientists' images of themselves, the boundaries between science and other subjects, the rhetoric of scientific writing, laboratory work, science museums and science in the media.
S. Sismondo, An Introduction to Science and Technology Studies
HPSC3023 Psychology & Psychiatry: History & Phil

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Hans Pols and Dr Fiona Hibberd Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 2 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: (at least 12 credit points of intermediate HPSC Units of study) OR (a CR or above in one HPSC intermediate Unit of Study) OR (12 intermediate credit points in psychology). Prohibitions: PSYC3202 Assumed knowledge: Basic knowledge about the history of modern science as taught in HPSC2100 AND the principles of philosophy of science as taught in HPSC2101 OR knowledge of the various sub-disciplines within Psychology. Assessment: 1x 2500wd essay (45%) and 1x2hr exam (45%) class participation (10%)
Across the unit we examine one of the most interesting aspects of the history and philosophy of science. viz., the scientific practices and assumptions involved in making human beings an object of study. We will examine the ways in which psychologists and psychiatrists have investigated human nature, the kinds of experimental approaches they have developed to that end, the major controversies in this field, and the basic philosophical assumptions that have been made in the sciences of human nature. We investigate the developments of psychological theories and investigative methods as well as the development of psychiatric theory, treatment methods, and institutions.
Course reader
HPSC3024 Science and Ethics

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jane Johnson Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and two 1 hour tutorials per week. Prerequisites: At least 24 credit points of Intermediate or Senior units of study; HPSC1000 Prohibitions: HPSC3007 Assessment: 2x short essays (40%) and 1x journal (30%) and 1x tutorial assignment (20%) and class participation (10%)
Science is a powerful institution but its reputation as a noble pursuit of truth was tarnished by a number of developments in the twentieth century, like the dropping of the atomic bombs in WWII and the involvement of doctors in Nazi medicine. These incidents shook the faith of many scientists and others in the direction of science and the ethics of its practitioners. While science can furnish a strong factual account of the world, it lacks the internal resources to deal with the many normative questions it raises. On its own science cannot answer questions about right and wrong, about how we ought to make decisions and act. Instead it must appeal to ethics to help formulate adequate responses. Throughout the semester we will use the lens of scientific responsibility to frame and explore a number of questions intended to help expose important ethical issues in science, and to help you develop and articulate thoughtful answers and arguments. Such questions will include: Is science objective and value free? What is scientific fraud and does the very nature of the practice of science make fraud more likely? Do scientists have an obligation to disseminate their findings, and how does the increasing role of commercialization effect the responsibilities of scientists? Can we separate out science from its applications and thereby absolve scientists of ethically problematic outcomes? Should some scientific questions simply not be pursued, i.e. do they constitute forbidden knowledge? Can the methods of scientists be unethical and does unethical practice equate to bad science?
Course reader

Immunobiology major

The Discipline of Infectious Diseases and Immunology administers the Immunobiology Major. Our location is on Level 6, Blackburn Building D06. Further information from Dr Allison Abendroth (phone: (02) 93516867, email: or Dr Scott Byrne (phone: (02)93517308, email: A major in Immunobiology requires successful completion of 12 credit points of Senior study in Immunology plus 12 credit points from the elective Senior units of study in Biochemistry, Biology, Cell Pathology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Microbiology, Physiology or Virology listed in Table I. Participants in the Immunobiology major will select accompanying Senior units according to their particular interest. Concurrent study in the life science disciplines will add a depth of understanding in a particular aspect of immunology. Participants are invited to consult with either Dr Allison Abendroth or Dr Scott Byrne as well as with elective unit of study co-ordinators before selecting concurrent study units and should note that a unit of study taken as part of the Immunobiology Major cannot count towards a major in another Science discipline area.


Immunology is offered as Introductory Immunology (IMMU2101) at Intermediate level, Molecular and Cellular Immunology (IMMU3102/3902) and Immunology in Human Disease (IMMU3202/3903) at Senior level, and Immunology Honours. Further information can be obtained from Dr Allison Abendroth (phone: (02) 93516867, email: or Dr Scott Byrne (phone: (02)93517308, email:
Immunology intermediate units of study
IMMU2101 Introductory Immunology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Scott Byrne Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures per week, one 3 hour tutorial or practical or independent study per week. Prerequisites: 24 credit points of Junior units of study from any of the Science discipline areas. Prohibitions: IMMU2001, BMED2506, BMED2807 Assumed knowledge: Junior Biology and Junior Chemistry. Assessment: Progressive assessment: includes written, practical and oral based assessments (50%); Formal assessment: one 2 hour examination (50%).
Note: This is a prerequisite unit of study for IMMU3102 and IMMU3202. The completion of 6 credit points of MBLG units of study is highly recommended.
Our immune system not only protects us from viruses, bacteria, and parasites, it can prevent the growth of tumours. Sometimes our immune system can be the cause of diseases like multiple sclerosis, Type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. If you are interested in studying how our immune system works to keep us alive, then Introductory Immunology is for you. This unit of study will provide an overview of the immune system and the essential features of immune responses. You will be treated to a lecture course delivered by cutting edge immunologists that begins with a study of immunology as a basic research science. This includes an introduction to the nature of the cells and molecules involved in the immune response. We build on this foundation by introducing the immunological principles underlying the eradication of infectious diseases, successful vaccination strategies, organ transplantation, combatting autoimmune diseases and treating cancer. The integrated tutorials will build on the lecture material and introduce you to four "Immunological Legends" of Australian research. The practical sessions will further illustrate particular concepts introduced in the lecture program and provide you with valuable exposure to a variety of very important immunological techniques.
Abdul K Abbas & Andrew H Lichtman. Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System. 3rd Ed. updated. Saunders, 2010.
Immunology senior units of study
IMMU3102 Molecular and Cellular Immunology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Allison Abendroth Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one tutorial and one practical per fortnight. Prerequisites: BMED2807 or IMMU2101 and 6cp of Intermediate units of study from Biochemistry or Biology or Microbiology or Molecular Biology and Genetics or Pharmacology or Physiology. Prohibitions: IMMU3002, BMED3003 Assumed knowledge: Intermediate biochemistry and molecular biology and genetics. Assessment: Formal examination: one 2 hour exam (60%). Progressive assessment: includes practical assessment (lab quizzes/practical assignment), 1500-word essay, tutorial presentation (40%)
Note: The completion of 6 CP of MBLG units of study is highly recommended. Concurrent study of IMMU3202 Immunology in Human Disease is strongly recommended.
This study unit builds on the series of lectures that outlined the general properties of the immune system, effector lymphocytes and their functions, delivered in the core courses, IMMU2101 - Introductory Immunology and BMED2807 -Microbes & Body Defences (formerly IMMU2001 and BMED2506). In this unit the molecular and cellular aspects of the immune system are investigated in detail. We emphasise fundamental concepts to provide a scientific basis for studies of the coordinated and regulated immune responses that lead to elimination of infectious organisms. Guest lectures from research scientists eminent in particular branches of immunological research are a special feature of the course. These provide challenging information from the forefront of research that will enable the student to become aware of the many components that come under the broad heading 'Immunology'. Three lectures (1 hour each) will be given each fortnight: 2 lectures in one week and one lecture the following week, for the duration of the course. This unit directly complements the unit "Immunology in human disease IMMU3202" and students are strongly advised to undertake these study units concurrently.
Abbas, AK, Lichtman, AH and Pillai, S. Cellular and Molecular Immunology 6th edition. 2007. WB Saunders Company and/or Janeway, CA, Travers, P, Walport, M and Shlomchik, M. Immunobiology - the Immune System in Health and Disease 6th edition. Garland Press. 2005.
IMMU3902 Molecular and Cellular Immunology (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Allison Abendroth Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3 lectures, 1 special seminar/tutorial (2 hours), 1 practical (4 hours) every 2 weeks Prerequisites: Distinction in Intermediate Immunology IMMU2101 and 6CP of intermediate units of study from Biochemistry or Biology or Microbiology or Molecular Biology and Genetics or Pharmacology or Physiology. For BMedSc students: 36 credit points of intermediate BMED units including Distinction in BMED2807 Prohibitions: IMMU3102 Assumed knowledge: Intermediate biochemistry and molecular biology and genetics. Assessment: Formal examination: (60%) one 2 hour exam. Progressive assessment: (40%) includes practical work and assignment, essay, tutorial presentation
This unit is available to students who have performed well in Intermediate Immunology (IMMU2101). Advanced students will complete the same core lecture material as students in IMMU3102 but carry out advanced level practical work and a series of specialized seminar based tutorial classes.
Cellular and Molecular Immunology 6th edition 2007. Ak Abbas, AH Lichtman and S Pillai. WB Saunders Company
IMMU3202 Immunology in Human Disease

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Allison Abendroth Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one tutorial and one practical per fortnight. Prerequisites: BMED2807 or IMMU2101 and 6cp of Intermediate units of study from Biochemistry, or Biology or Microbiology or Molecular Biology and Genetics or Pharmacology or Physiology. Prohibitions: IMMU3002, BMED3003 Assumed knowledge: Intermediate biochemistry and molecular biology and genetics. Assessment: Progressive assessment: includes practical assignment, portfolio of case studies, poster presentation, tutorial presentation (40%). Formal examination: one 2 hour exam (60%).
Note: The completion of 6CP of MBLG units of study is highly recommended. Concurrent study of IMMU3102 Molecular and Cellular Immunology is very strongly recommended.
This study unit builds on the series of lectures that outlined the general properties of the immune system, effector lymphocytes and their functions, delivered in the core courses, IMMU2101 - Introductory Immunology and BMED2807 - Microbes & Body Defences (formerly IMMU2001 and BMED2506). We emphasise fundamental concepts to provide a scientific basis for studies in clinical immunology; dysfunctions of the immune system e.g. autoimmune disease, immunodeficiencies, and allergy, and immunity in terms of host - pathogen interactions. This unit has a strong focus on significant clinical problems in immunology and the scientific background to these problems. The unit includes lectures from research scientists and clinicians covering areas such as allergy, immunodeficiency, autoimmune disease and transplantation. This course provides challenging information from the forefront of clinical immunology and helps the student develop an understanding of immune responses in human health and disease. Three lectures (1 hour each) will be given each fortnight: 2 lectures in one week and one lecture the following week, for the duration of the course. This unit directly complements the unit "Molecular and Cellular Immunology" and students are very strongly advised to undertake these study units concurrently.
Abbas, AK, Lichtman, AH, Cellular and Molecular Immunology 5th edition 2003. WB Saunders Company and/or Janeway, CA, Travers, P, Walport, M and Shlomchik, M. Immunobiology -the immune system in health and disease 6th edition. Garland Press. 2005. Rosen and Geha. Case studies in immunology-a clinical companion 4th edition. Garland Press. 2005
IMMU3903 Immunology in Human Disease (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Allison Abendroth and Dr Scott Byrne Session: Semester 2 Classes: 3 lectures (1hr each) and 1 seminar/tutorial (2 hours) per week. 1 practical (4 hours) every 2 weeks. Prerequisites: At least 6 credit points intermediate immunology including a Distinction in Intermediate Immunology (IMMU2101) and 6 credit points of intermediate units of study from (Biochemistry or Biology or Microbiology or Molecular Biology and Genetics or Pharmacology or Physiology). For BMedSci students: 42 credit points of intermediate BMED units including Distinction in BMED2908 or BMED2808. Prohibitions: IMMU3202 Assumed knowledge: Intermediate biochemistry and molecular biology and genetics Assessment: Progressive assessment: (40%) includes practical work and poster presentation, lab assignment and tutorial presentation; (60%) 2 hour formal examination
This unit is available to students who have performed well in Intermediate Immunology (IMMU2101). Advanced students will complete the same core lecture material as students in IMMU3202 but carry out advanced level practical work and a series of specialized seminar based tutorial classes.
Cellular and Molecular Immunology 6th edition 2009. Ak Abbas, AH Lichtman and S Pillai. WB Saunders Company

Information Technologies

Information Technologies in the Bachelor of Science degree
The School of Information Technologies is part of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies. In addition to providing professional training in Computer Science and Information Systems leading toward bachelor level degrees, it offers many units of study that students who are enrolled in the Faculty of Science may take as a part of a major in either Information Systems or Computer Science or a minor in Information Technology. Details regarding the units of study required for the award of a Science major in Information Systems or Computer Science can be obtained from the Faculty of Science Handbook or from the website
Special consideration applications for illness or misadventure
Students should note that applications for special consideration on grounds of illness or misadventure for COMP, INFO, ISYS or ELEC units are processed by the Faculty of Engineering and IT.
Minor in IT
Students enrolled in non-IT degrees or majors who, are eligible (upon application) for a Minor in Information Technology if they complete at least 18 credit points of intermediate or above units of study offered by the School of IT, within a completed degree. For further information see
Computer Science
The requirements for a major in Computer Science are defined in Table 1. Computer Science is a scientific discipline which has grown out of the use of computers to manage and transform information. It is concerned with the design of computers, their applications in science, government and business, and the formal and theoretical properties which can be shown to characterise these applications. The current research interests in the School include algorithms, bioinformatics, data management, data mining and machine learning, internet working, wireless networks, network computing, biomedical image processing, parallel and distributed computing, user-adaptive systems and information visualisation. The School has a range of computers and specialised laboratories for its teaching and research.
Information Systems
The requirements for a major in Information Systems are defined in Table 1. Information Systems is the study of people and organisations in order to determine, and deliver solutions to meet, their technological needs. Hence Information Systems deals with the following type of issues: strategic planning, system development, system implementation, operational management, end-user needs and education. Information Systems study is related to Computer Science but the crucial distinction is that the Information Systems is about the architecture of computer systems and making them work for people, whereas much of Computer Science is about developing and improving the performance of computers. The School's research in Information Systems encompasses natural language processing, IT economics, social networking analysis, ontologies design, data mining and knowledge management and open source software.
Summer School: January-February
This School sometimes offers some units of study in The Sydney Summer School. Consult The Sydney Summer School web site for more information:
Computer Science and Information Systems junior units of study
See the School web site for advice on choosing appropriate units of study from this list.
INFO1003 Foundations of Information Technology

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: (Lec 2 hrs & Prac 2hrs) per week Prohibitions: INFO1000 or INFS1000 Assessment: Assignments (50%) and written exam (50%).
Information technologies (IT) and systems have emerged as the primary platform to support communication, collaboration, research, decision making, and problem solving in contemporary organisations. The essential necessity for all university students to acquire the fundamental knowledge and skills for applying IT effectively for a wide range of tasks is widely recognised. Foundations of Information Technology (INFO1003) is an introductory unit of study which prepares students from any academic discipline to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to be competent in the use of information technology for solving a variety of problems. The main focus of this unit is on modelling and problem solving through the effective use of using IT. Students will learn how to navigate independently to solve their problems on their own, and to be capable of fully applying the power of IT tools in the service of their goals in their own domains while not losing sight of the fundamental concepts of computing. Students are taught core skills related to general purpose computing involving a range of software tools such as spreadsheets, database management systems, internet search engine, HTML, and JavaScript. Students will undertake practical tasks including authoring an interactive website using HTML, JavaScript and AJAX and building a small scale application for managing information. In addition, the course will address the many social, ethical, and intellectual property issues arising from the wide-spread use of information technology in our society.
INFO1103 Introduction to Programming

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: (Lec 1hr & Lab 2hrs) per week Prohibitions: SOFT (1001 or 1901) or COMP (1001 or 1901) or DECO2011 Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics Assessment: Assignment (20%), Quiz (15%), Lab Skills (5%), Final Exam (60%)
Programming in a legible, maintainable, reusable way is essential to solve complex problems in the pervasive computing environments. This unit will equip students with foundation of programming concepts that are common to widely used programming languages. The "fundamentals-first & objects-later" strategy is used to progressively guide this introductory unit from necessary and important building blocks of programming to the object-oriented approach. Java, one of the most popular programming languages, is used in this unit. It provides interdisciplinary approaches, applications and examples to support students from broad backgrounds such as science, engineering, and mathematics.
INFO1903 Informatics (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: (Lec 3hrs & Prac 3hrs) per week Prerequisites: ATAR sufficient to enter BCST(Adv), BIT or BSc(Adv), or portfolio of work suitable for entry Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics Assessment: Assignments (30%), mid-sem exam (5%), report (15%) and written exam (50%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit covers advanced data processing and management, integrating the use of existing productivity software, e.g. spreadsheets and databases, with the development of custom software using the powerful general-purpose Python scripting language. It will focus on skills directly applicable to research in any quantitative domain. The unit will also cover presentation of data through written publications and dynamically generated web pages, visual representations and oral presentation skills. The assessment, a long project, involves the demonstration of these skills and techniques for processing and presenting data in a choice of domains.
INFO1105 Data Structures

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 2hrs) per week Prohibitions: INFO1905 or SOFT (1002 or 1902) or COMP (1002 or 1902 or 2160 or 2860 or 2111 or 2811 or 2002 or 2902) Assumed knowledge: Programming, as for INFO1103 Assessment: Quiz (5%), Assignment (35%), Final Exam (60%)
The unit will teach some powerful ideas that are central to quality software: data abstraction and recursion. It will also show how one can analyse the scalability of algorithms using mathematical tools of asymptotic notation. Contents include: both external "interface" view, and internal "implementation" details, for commonly used data structures, including lists, stacks, queues, priority queues, search trees, hash tables, and graphs; asymptotic analysis of algorithm scalability, including use of recurrence relations to analyse recursive code. This unit covers the way information is represented in each structure, algorithms for manipulating the structure, and analysis of asymptotic complexity of the operations. Outcomes include: ability to write code that recursively performs an operation on a data structure; experience designing an algorithmic solution to a problem using appropriate data structures, coding the solution, and analysing its complexity.
INFO1905 Data Structures (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 2hrs) per week Prerequisites: 75% or greater in INFO1103 or INFO1903 Prohibitions: INFO1105 or SOFT (1002 or 1902) or COMP (1002 or 1902) Assessment: Assignments (40%), Final Exam (60%)
An advanced alternative to INFO1105; covers material at an advanced and challenging level. See the description of INFO1105 for more information.
INFO1911 IT Special Project 1A

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Meeting 1 hour per week, project work 8 hours per week. Assessment: Project (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Enrolment in this unit of study is by invitation only.
This unit of study is specially designed for students in their first year of study who is an academic high achiever, as well as talented in IT areas of study. In this unit, students will be involved in advanced projects, which may be research-oriented, in which students apply problem solving and IT skills.
INFO1912 IT Special Project 1B

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Meeting 1 hour per week, project work 8 hours per week. Assumed knowledge: ATAR of at least 98 and High Distinction average in first year IT units of study and Distinction average in first year non-IT units of study. Assessment: Project (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Departmental permission is required.
This unit of study is specially designed for students in their first year of study who is an academic high achiever, as well as talented in IT areas of study. In this unit, students will be involved in advanced projects, which may be research-oriented, in which students apply problem solving and IT skills.
Computer Science and Information Systems intermediate units of study
It is important to choose second year subjects appropriately to keep options open for further study. See for advice.
COMP2007 Algorithms and Complexity

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 2hrs) per week Prohibitions: COMP2907, COMP3309, COMP3609, COMP3111, COMP3811 Assumed knowledge: INFO1105, MATH1004 or MATH1904 Assessment: Assignments (20%), quizzes (20%) and final exam (60%).
This unit provides an introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms. The main aims are (i) to learn how to develop algorithmic solutions to computational problem and (ii) to develop understanding of algorithm efficiency and the notion of computational hardness.
COMP2907 Algorithms and Complexity (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 2hrs) per week Prerequisites: Distinction level result in INFO(1105 or INFO1905 or SOFT1002 or SOFT1902 Assumed knowledge: INFO1905, MATH1904 Assessment: In-course involvement, assignments(20%), quizzes(20%) and written exam (60%)
An advanced alternative to COMP2007; covers material at an advanced and challenging level. This unit provides an introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms. The main aims are (i) to learn how to develop algorithmic solutions to computational problem and (ii) to develop understanding of algorithm efficiency and the notion of computational hardness.
COMP2121 Distributed Systems & Network Principles

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Lecture 2 hrs per week, Tutorial 2 hrs per week. Prerequisites: (INFO1103 or INFO1903) AND (INFO1105 or INFO1905) Corequisites: (COMP2007 OR COMP2907) Assessment: Assignment (30%), Mid-Sem Exam (20%), Final Exam (50%)
The unit will provide a broad introduction to the principles of distributed systems and their design; provide students the fundamental knowledge required to analyse and construct various types of distributed systems; explain the common architectural principles and approaches used in the design of networks at different scales (e.g. shared medium access and routing); introduce the programming skills required for developing distributed applications, and will cover the use of Java class libraries and APIs; cover common approaches and techniques in distributed resource management (e.g. task scheduling).
COMP2129 Operating Systems and Machine Principles

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lecture 3 hours per week, Laboratory 2 hours per week. Prohibitions: SOFT2130, SOFT2830, SOFT2004, SOFT2904, COMP2004, COMP2904 Assumed knowledge: Programming, as from INFO1103 Assessment: Quizzes (15%), laboratory skills and reports (15%) and final written exam (70%).
In this unit of study elementary methods for developing robust, efficient and re-usable software will be covered. The unit is taught in C, in a Unix environment. Specific coding topics include memory management, the pragmatic aspects of implementing data structures such as lists and hash tables and managing concurrent threads. Debugging tools and techniques are discussed and common programming errors are considered along with defensive programming techniques to avoid such errors. Emphasis is placed on using common Unix tools to manage aspects of the software construction process, such as version control and regression testing. The subject is taught from a practical viewpoint and it includes a considerable amount of programming practice, using existing tools as building blocks to complete a large-scale task.
INFO2110 Systems Analysis and Modelling

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 2hrs) per week Prohibitions: INFO2810, INFO2000, INFO2900 Assumed knowledge: Experience with a data model as in INFO1003 or INFO1103 or INFS1000 Assessment: Assignment (30%), Quiz (10%), Final Exam (60%)
This unit provides a comprehensive introduction to the analysis of complex systems. Key topics are the determination and expression of system requirements (both functional and non-functional), and the representation of structural and behavioural models of the system in UML notations. Students will be expected to evaluate requirements documents and models as well as producing them. This unit covers essential topics from the ACM/IEEE SE2004 curriculum, especially from MAA Software Modelling and Analysis.
INFO2120 Database Systems 1

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: (Lec 3hrs & Prac 2hrs) per week Prohibitions: INFO2820, INFO2005, INFO2905 Assumed knowledge: Some exposure to programming and some familiarity with data model concepts such as taught in INFO1103 or INFO1003 or INFS1000 or INFO1903 Assessment: Assignment (30%), Quiz (10%), Final Exam (60%)
The proper management of data is essential for all data-centric applications and for effective decision making within organizations. This unit of study will introduce the basic concepts of database designs at the conceptual, logical and physical levels. Particular emphasis will be placed on introducing integrity constraints and the concept of data normalization which prevents data from being corrupted or duplicated in different parts of the database. This in turn helps in the data remaining consistent during its lifetime. Once a database design is in place, the emphasis shifts towards querying the data in order to extract useful information. The unit will introduce different query languages with a particular emphasis on SQL, which is industry standard. Other topics covered will include the important concept of transaction management, application development with a backend database, an overview of data warehousing and online analytic processing, and the use of XML as a data integration language.
INFO2820 Database Systems 1 (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: (Lec 4hrs & Prac 2hrs) per week Prerequisites: Distinction-level result in INFO1003 or INFO1103 or INFO1903 or INFO1105 or INFO1905 Prohibitions: INFO2120, INFO2005, INFO2905 Assessment: Assignment (30%), Quiz (10%), Final Exam (60%)
The proper management of data is essential for all data-centric applications and for effective decision making within organizations. This unit of study is an advanced alternative to INFO2120 that will introduce the basic concepts of database designs at the conceptual, logical and physical levels. Particular emphasis will be placed on introducing integrity constraints and the concept of data normalization which prevents data from being corrupted or duplicated in different parts of the database. This in turn helps in the data remaining consistent during its lifetime. Once a database design is in place, the emphasis shifts towards querying the data in order to extract useful information. The unit will introduce different query languages with a particular emphasis on SQL and, in INFO2820, deductive databases and DATALOG, which are all industry standard. Other topics covered will include the important concept of transaction management, application development with a backend database, an overview of data warehousing and OLAP, and the use of XML as a data integration language.
INFO2315 Introduction to IT Security

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 1hr) per week Prohibitions: NETS3305, NETS3605, NETS3016, NETS3916, ELEC5610, ELEC5616 Assumed knowledge: Computer literacy Assessment: In-course involvement (5%), assignments(35%) and written exam (60%).
This unit provides a broad introduction to the field of IT security. We examine secure and insecure programs, secure and insecure information, secure and insecure computers, and secure and insecure network infrastructure. Key content includes the main threats to security; how to analyse risks; the role in reducing risk that can be played by technical tools (such as encryption, signatures, access control, firewalls, etc); the limitations of technical defences; and the simple process and behavioural changes that can reduce risk.
INFO2911 IT Special Project 2A

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Meeting 1 hour per week, project work 8 hours per week. Prerequisites: Distinction average in non-IT units completed in previous year of study, high distinction average in IT units completed in previous year. Assessment: Project (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Departmental permission required.
This unit of study enables talented students to apply their IT knowledge from their first year study to more advanced and exciting projects. In this unit, students will be provided with the opportunity to be involved in projects will a greater research focus.
INFO2912 IT Special Project 2B

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Meeting 1 hour per week, project work 8 hours per week. Prerequisites: Distinction average in non-IT units completed in previous year of study, high distinction average in IT units completed in previous year. Assessment: Project (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Departmental permission required.
This unit of study enables talented students to apply their IT knowledge from their first year study to more advanced and exciting projects. In this unit, students will be provided with the opportunity to be involved in projects will a greater research focus.
ISYS2140 Information Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 3hrs) per week Prohibitions: ISYS2006. ISYS2007 Assumed knowledge: INFO1003 or INFS1000 Assessment: Quiz (10%), Project (20%), Assignment (20%), Final Exam (50%)
This unit of study will provide a comprehensive conceptual and practical introduction to information systems (IS) in contemporary organisations. Content: General Systems Theory; Basic concepts of organisations, systems and information; The role of information systems in operating and managing organisations; How IS and the Internet enables organisations to adopt more competitive business models, including e-Commerce; The technologies that underpin IS; Distributed systems, including security, networking principles, the client server model and how distributed components locate and communicate with each other; The integration of disparate systems both within the organisation and between organisations, including the role of XML; Behavioural, managerial and ethical issues in implementing and managing IS.
Computer Science and Information Systems senior units of study in the BSc
Students are advised that doing less than 24 Senior credit points is not regarded as adequate preparation for a professional career in computing or for further study. Students are advised to balance their workload between semesters. It is important to choose second year subjects appropriately to keep options open for further study. See for advice.
COMP3109 Programming Languages and Paradigms

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Tutorial 1hrs) per week Assumed knowledge: COMP2007 Assessment: In-course involvement, assignments(20%), quizzes(20%) and written exam(60%).
This unit provides an introduction to the foundations of programming languages and their implementation. The main aims are to teach what are: grammars, parsers, semantics, programming paradigms and implementation of programming languages.
COMP3308 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Tut 1hr) per week Prohibitions: COMP3608, COMP3002, COMP3902 Assumed knowledge: COMP2007 Assessment: Assignment (50%), Final Exam (50%)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all about programming computers to perform tasks normally associated with intelligent behaviour. Classical AI programs have played games, proved theorems, discovered patterns in data, planned complex assembly sequences and so on. This unit of study will introduce representations, techniques and architectures used to build intelligent systems. It will explore selected topics such as heuristic search, game playing, machine learning, and knowledge representation. Students who complete it will have an understanding of some of the fundamental methods and algortihms of AI, and an appreciation of how they can be applied to interesting problems. The unit will involve a practical component in which some simple problems are solved using AI techniques.
COMP3608 Intro. to Artificial Intelligence (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 1hrs) per week. Prerequisites: Distinction-level results in some 2nd year COMP or MATH or SOFT units. Prohibitions: COMP3308, COMP3002, COMP3902 Assessment: Assignment (50%), Final Exam (50%)
An advanced alternative to COMP3308; covers material at an advanced and challenging level.
COMP3419 Graphics and Multimedia

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 2hrs) per week Prohibitions: MULT3306, MULT3606, MULT3019, MULT3919, MULT3004, MULT3904, COMP3004, COMP3904 Assumed knowledge: COMP2007, MATH1002 Assessment: In-course involvement(10%), assignments(20%), quizzes(10%) and written exam(60%).
Computer Graphics and Multimedia are core technologies to support an interdisciplinary computing and communication environment. This unit provides a broad introduction to the field of multimedia to meet the diverse requirements of application areas such as entertainment, industrial design, virtual reality, intelligent media management, medical imaging and remote sensing. The unit covers both the underpinning theories and the practices of manipulating and enhancing digital media including image, computer graphics, audio, computer animation, and video. It introduces principles and cutting-edge techniques such as multimedia data processing, content analysis, media retouching, media coding and compression. It elaborates on various multimedia coding standards. A particular focus is on principles and the state-of-the-art research and development topics of Computer Graphics such as modelling, rendering and shading, and texturing.
COMP3456 Computational Methods for Life Sciences

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 2hrs) per week Prerequisites: INFO1105 and (COMP2007 or INFO2120) and 6 credit points from BIOL or MBLG Assessment: In-course involvement, assignments(20%), quizzes(10%) and written exam(70%).
This unit introduces the algorithmic principles driving advances in the life sciences. It discusses biological and algorithmic ideas together, linking issues in computer science and biology and thus is suitable for students in both disciplines. Students will learn algorithm design and analysis techniques to solve practical problems in biology.
COMP3520 Operating Systems Internals

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 2hrs) per week Prohibitions: NETS3304, NETS3604, NETS3009, NETS3909, COMP3009, COMP3909 Assumed knowledge: COMP2129, INFO1105 Assessment: Lab reports (10%), assignments(30%) and written exam (60%).
This unit will provide a comprehensive discussion of relevant OS issues and principles and describe how those principles are put into practice in real operating systems. The contents include internal structure of OS; several ways each major aspect (process scheduling, inter-process communication, memory management, device management, file systems) can be implemented; the performance impact of design choices; case studies of common OS (Linux, MS Windows NT, etc). The contents also include concepts of distributed systems: naming and binding, time in distributed systems, resource sharing, synchronization models (distributed shared memory, message passing), fault-tolerance, and case study of distributed file systems.
COMP3615 Software Development Project

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: (Meeting with academic supervisor 1hr & Class meeting 1hr) per week Prerequisites: INFO3402 Prohibitions: INFO3600, SOFT3300, SOFT3600, SOFT3200, SOFT3700 Assessment: Presentation/Seminar (20%), Report (70%), Progress Report (10%)
This unit will provide students an opportunity to apply the knowledge and practise the skills acquired in the prerequisite and qualifying units, in the context of designing and building a substantial software development system in diverse application domains including life sciences. Working in groups for an external client combined with academic supervision, students will need to carry out the full range of activities including requirements capture, analysis and design, coding, testing and documentation. Students will use the XP methodology and make use of professional tools for the management of their project.
INFO3220 Object Oriented Design

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 2 hrs) per week Prohibitions: SOFT3301, SOFT3601, SOFT3101, SOFT3801, COMP3008, COMP3908 Assumed knowledge: INFO2110, INFO1105 Assessment: Final Exam (70%), Assignment (26%), Quiz (4%)
This unit covers essential design methods and language mechanisms for successful object-oriented design and programming. C++ is used as the implementation language and a special emphasis is placed on those features of C++ that are important for solving real-world problems. Advanced software engineering features, including exceptions and name spaces are thoroughly covered.
INFO3315 Human-Computer Interaction

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 1hr) per week Prohibitions: MULT3307, MULT3607, MULT3018, MULT3918, SOFT3102, SOFT3802, COMP3102, COMP3802 Assumed knowledge: INFO2110 Assessment: Lab skills(10%), assignment(20%), quiz(10%) and written exam (60%).
This unit will introduce techniques to evaluate software user interfaces using heuristic evaluation and user observation techniques. Students will (i) learn how to design formal experiments to evaluate usability hypothesis and (ii) apply user centered design and usability engineering principles to design software user interfaces. A brief introduction to the psychological aspects of human-computer interaction will be provided.
INFO3402 Management of IT Projects and Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 1hr) per week. Prohibitions: ISYS3000, ISYS3012, ELEC3606 Assumed knowledge: INFO2000, INFO2110, INFO2810, INFO2900 Assessment: Project (10%), Quiz (20%), Participation (20%), Final Exam (50%)
This course introduces the basic processes and techniques for managing IT projects, systems and services, throughout the IT lifecycle. It addresses both the technical and behavioural aspects of IT management at the enterprise level. Major topics include: organisational strategy and IT alignment, IT planning, project planning, tracking, resource estimation, team management, software testing, delivery and support of IT services, service level agreements, change and problem management, cost effectiveness and quality assurance.
INFO3404 Database Systems 2

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 2hrs) per week Prohibitions: INFO3504, INFO3005, INFO3905, COMP3005, COMP3905 Assumed knowledge: Introductory database study such as INFO2120 or INFO2820 or INFO2005 or INFO2905. Students are expected to be familiar with SQL and the relational data model, and to have some programming experience. Assessment: Quiz (30%), Assignment (20%), Final Exam (50%)
This unit of study builds upon INFO2120 Database Systems 1 and provides a comprehensive overview of the internal mechanisms of Database Management Systems (DBMS) and other systems that manage large data collections. These skills are needed for successful performance tuning and to understand the scalability challenges faced by the information age. The first part of this subject focuses on mechanisms for large-scale data management. It provides a deep understanding of the internal components of a database engine. Topics include: physical data organization and disk-based index structures, query processing and optimisation, locking and logging, and database tuning. The second part focuses on the large-scale management of textual data such as by an information retrieval system or with web search engines. Topics include: distributed and replicated databases, information retrieval, document management, text index structures, web retrieval and page rank algorithms. The unit will be of interest to students seeking an introduction to database tuning, disk-based data structures and algorithms, and information retrieval. It will be valuable to those pursuing such careers as Software Engineers, Database Experts, Database Administrators, and e-Business Consultants.
INFO3504 Database Systems 2 (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: - Session: Semester 2 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 2hrs) per week Prerequisites: Distinction-level result in INFO2120 or INFO2820 or COMP2007 or COMP2907 Prohibitions: INFO3404, INFO3005, INFO3905, COMP3005, COMP3905 Assessment: Quiz (30%), Assignment (20%), Final Exam (50%)
This unit of study builds upon INFO2820 Database Systems 1 (Adv) and provides a comprehensive overview of the internal mechanisms of Database Management Systems (DBMS) and other systems that manage large data collections. These skills are needed for successful performance tuning and to understand the scalability challenges faced by the information age. The first part of this subject focuses on mechanisms for large-scale data management. It provides a deep understanding of the internal components of a database engine. Topics include: physical data organization and disk-based index structures, query processing and optimisation, locking and logging, and database tuning. The second part focuses on the large-scale management of textual data such as by an information retrieval system or with web search engines. Topics include: distributed and replicated databases, information retrieval, document management, text index structures, web retrieval and page rank algorithms. This is an advanced alternative to INFO3404; it covers material at an advanced and challenging level. In particular, students in this advanced stream will study an actual DBMS implementation on the source code level, and also gain practical experience in extending the DBMS code base.
INFO3600 Major Development Project (Advanced)

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Project Work - in class 2 hours per week, Site Visit 1 hour per week, Meeting 1 hour per week. Prerequisites: INFO3402 Prohibitions: COMP3615, ISYS3400, SOFT3300, SOFT3600, SOFT3200, SOFT3700 Assessment: Individual presentation/report (30%), oral examination(20%) and group reports (50%).
Note: Only available to students in BIT, BCST(Adv) or BSc(Adv)
This unit will provide students an opportunity to carry out substantial aspects of a significant software development project. The project will be directed towards assisting a client group (from industry or with strong industry links). The student's contribution could cover one or more aspects such as requirements capture, system design, implementation, change management, upgrades, operation, and/or tuning. Assessment will be based on the quality of the delivered outputs, the effectiveness of the process followed, and the understanding of the way the work fits into the client's goals, as shown in a written report.
INFO3911 IT Special Project 3A

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Meeting 1 hour per week, project work 8 hours per week. Prerequisites: Distinction average in non-IT units completed in previous year of study, high distinction average in IT units completed in previous year. Assessment: Project (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Departmental permission required.
This unit of study enables talented students with maturing IT knowledge to integrate various IT skills and techniques to carry out projects which are predominantly research-intensive.
INFO3912 IT Special Project 3B

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Meeting 1 hour per week, project work 8 hours per week. Prerequisites: Distinction average in non-IT units completed in previous year of study, high distinction average in IT units completed in previous year. Assessment: Project (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Departmental permission required.
This unit of study enables talented students with maturing IT knowledge to integrate various IT skills and techniques to carry out projects which are predominantly research-intensive.
ISYS3400 Information Systems Project

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: (Meeting with academic supervisor 1hr & Class meeting 1hr) per week Prerequisites: (INFO3402 or ISYS3012) and (ISYS3401 or ISYS3015) Prohibitions: INFO3600, ISYS3207 Assumed knowledge: INFO2120 Assessment: Proposal (20%), Presentation/Seminar (10%), Report (30%), Participation (10%), Progress Report (10%), Final Exam (20%)
This unit will provide students an opportunity to apply the knowledge and practise the skills acquired in the prerequisite and qualifying units, in the context of a substantial information systems research or development project and to experience in a realistic way many aspects of analysing and solving information systems problems. Since information systems projects are often undertaken by small teams, the experience of working in a team is seen as an important feature of the unit. Students often find it difficult to work effectively with others and will benefit from the opportunity provided by this unit to further develop this skill.
ISYS3401 Analytical Methods & Information Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: (Lec 2hrs & Prac 1hr) per week Prohibitions: ISYS3015 Assumed knowledge: INFO2110, ISYS2140 Assessment: In-course quizzes(50%) and written exam (50%).
This course will provide an introduction to the scientific approach and basic research methods that are relevant for conceptualizing and solving complex problems encountered Information Systems practice. A collection of different methods for collecting and analyzing information will be studied in the context of a few typical information system projects. These methods include surveys, controlled experiments, questionnaire design and sampling.

Law units of study

The following units of study are only available to students in the Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws degree.
LAWS1006 Foundations of Law

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x1hr lec and 1x2hr seminar/wk Prohibitions: LAWS1000 Assessment: class participation (20%), 1 x case analysis (30%), 1 x essay (50%)
This unit of study provides a foundation core for the study of law. We aim to provide a practical overview of the Australian legal system, an introduction to the skills of legal reasoning and analysis which are necessary to complete your law degree, and an opportunity for critical engagement in debate about the role of law in our lives. The course will introduce students to issues such as: (i) the development of judge made and statute law, with a particular focus on English and Australian legal history; (ii) the relationship between courts and parliament; (iii) the role and function of courts, tribunals and other forms of dispute resolution; (iv) understanding and interrogating principles of judicial reasoning and statutory interpretation; (v) the relationship between law, government and politics; (vi) what are rights in Australian law, where do they come from and where are they going; (vii) the development and relevance of international law. The course focus may be subject to change.
LAWS1012 Torts

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof Barbara McDonald, Mr Ross Anderson Session: S1 Intensive,Semester 2 Classes: semester 1 (graduate law): 3 x 2hr seminars for 6 weeks. semester 2 (combined law): 1x2hr lectures and 1x1hr seminars/wk Prerequisites: LAWS1006 Prohibitions: LAWS1005, LAWS1010, LAWS3001 Assessment: Combined Law: 1 x class test (30%); 1 x tutorial participation (10%) and 1 x 2hr exam (60%); Graduate Law: 1 x class test (30%), 1 x 2hr exam (70%).
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:S1 Intensive
This is a general introductory unit of study concerned with liability for civil wrongs. The unit seeks to examine and evaluate, through a critical and analytical study of primary and secondary materials, the function and scope of modern tort law and the rationale and utility of its governing principles. Particular topics on which the unit will focus include:
(a) The relationship between torts and other branches of the common law including contract and criminal law;
(b) The role of fault as the principal basis of liability in the modern law;
(c) Historical development of trespass and the action on the case and the contemporary relevance of this development;
(d) Trespass to the person (battery, assault, and false imprisonment);
(e) Trespass to land and private nuisance;
(f) The action on the case for intentional injury;
(g) Defences to intentional torts;
(h) Development and scope of the modern tort of negligence, including detailed consideration of duty of care and breach of duty and causation and remoteness of damage with particular reference to personal and psychiatric injury;
(i) Compensation for personal injuries, including special and alternative compensation schemes;
(j) Injuries to relational interests, including compensation to relatives of victims of fatal accidents;
(k) Defences to negligence.
LAWS1013 Legal Research I

Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Graeme Coss Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 6x1hr seminars Corequisites: LAWS1006 Prohibitions: LAWS1008 Assessment: Satisfactory attendance, WebCT-based quizzes and 1x in-class exam
Note: Semester 1 classes are for Combined Law candidates in the faculties of Arts, Engineering and Science. Semester 2 classes are for Combined Law candidates in the Faculty of Economics & Business.
This is a compulsory unit taught on a pass/fail basis. The aim of the unit is to introduce you to finding and citing primary and secondary legal materials and introduce you to legal research techniques. These are skills which are essential for a law student and which you will be required to apply in other units.
LAWS1014 Civil and Criminal Procedure

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof David Hamer Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x2hr seminars/wk for 10 weeks Prerequisites: LAWS1006, LAWS1012 Prohibitions: LAWS1001, LAWS1007, LAWS3002, LAWS3004, LAWS2006 Assessment: 1x optional non-redeemable take home exam (30%) and 1x 2hr final exam (70% or 100%)
This unit of study aims to introduce students to civil and criminal procedure. It is concerned with the procedures relating to civil dispute resolution and criminal justice which are separate to the substantive hearing. The unit will consider the features of an adversarial system of justice and its impact on process. Recent reforms to the adversarial system of litigation will be explored. The civil dispute resolution part of the unit will cover alternative dispute resolution, the procedures for commencing a civil action, case management, gathering evidence and the rules of privilege. Criminal process will be explored by reference to police powers, bail and sentencing. The course focuses on practical examples with consideration of the applicable legislation, ethics, and contextual and theoretical perspectives.
LAWS1015 Contracts

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Greg Tolhurst Session: Semester 1,Summer Early Classes: 2x2hr lectures or tutorials/wk Prerequisites: LAWS1006 Prohibitions: LAWS1002, LAWS2008 Assessment: class participation (10%), 1 x take-home assignment due week 7 (30%), 1 x 2hr final exam (60%)
Contract law provides the legal background for transactions involving the supply of goods and services and is, arguably the most significant means by which the ownership of property is transferred from one person to another. It vitally affects all members of the community and a thorough knowledge of contract law is essential to all practising lawyers. In the context of the law curriculum as a whole, Contracts provides background which is assumed knowledge in many other units. The aims of the course are composite in nature. The course examines the rules that regulate the creation, terms, performance, breach and discharge of a contract. Remedies and factors that may vitiate a contract such as misrepresentation are dealt with in Torts and Contracts II. The central aim of the course is to provide an understanding of the basic principles of contract law and how those principles are applied in practice to solve problems. Students will develop the skills of rules based reasoning and case law analysis. A second aim is to provide students an opportunity to critically evaluate and make normative judgments about the operation of the law. Successful completion of this unit of study is a prerequisite to the elective unit Advanced Contracts.
LAWS1016 Criminal Law

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Arlie Loughnan, Mr Graeme Coss Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x2hr seminar/wk for 10 weeks. Prerequisites: LAWS1006, LAWS1014 Prohibitions: LAWS1003, LAWS3001, LAWS2009 Assessment: class participation (10%), 1x research problem (30%) and 1x 2hr open book exam (60%)
This unit of study is designed to introduce the general principles of criminal law in NSW, and to critically analyse these in their contemporary social and political context. In order to achieve this, the unit will consider a range of theoretical literature as well as critical commentary, and will focus on particular substantive legal topics in problem-centred contexts. Although the topic structure is necessarily selective, it is intended that students will gain a broad understanding of crime and justice issues, as well as of the applications of the criminal law. Students will encounter problem-based learning and will be encouraged to challenge a range of conventional wisdom concerning the operation of criminal justice. This unit of study is designed to assist students in developing: (1) A critical appreciation of certain key concepts which recur throughout the substantive criminal law. (2) knowledge of the legal rules in certain specified areas of criminal law and their application. (3) preliminary knowledge of how the criminal law operates in its broader societal context. (4) Through following the process of proof in a criminal prosecution and its defense, to understand the determination of criminal liability. The course has a critical focus and will draw on procedural, substantive, theoretical and empirical sources. The contradictions presented by the application of legal principle to complex social problems will be investigated.
LAWS1017 Torts and Contracts II

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Barbara McDonald, Mr Ross Anderson Session: Semester 2,Winter Main Classes: 1x2hr lecture and 1x1hr tutorial/wk Prerequisites: (LAWS1010 or LAWS1012) and LAWS1015 Assessment: 1 xx 2000w assignment or class test (30%): tutorial participation (10%); 1x 2 hour exam (60%).
The laws of tort and contract frequently overlap in practice and are increasingly regulated by statute. This unit aims to develop the integrated study of the law of obligations and remedies. It builds on the introduction to tort and contract law which students have acquired in Torts and Contracts. It will include the study of more advanced topics in both areas and the impact of related statutory liability and remedies. Topics:
(a) Concurrent, proportionate and vicarious liability;
(b) Tortious interference with goods;
(c) Liability for misrepresentation in tort, contract and under statute (eg statutory duties, s 52 Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth));
(d) Liability for economic loss in tort, including some comparative study;
(e) Detailed consideration of causation and remoteness of damage in tort and contract;
(f) Damages for breach of contract;
(g) Unfair dealing in contracts and vitiating factors: mistake, misrepresentation, duress, undue influence, unconscionable conduct. This topic includes a study of equitable principles and statutory rights.
LAWS1019 Legal Research II

Teacher/Coordinator: Mr Graeme Coss Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 4 x 2hr seminars Prerequisites: LAWS1013 Prohibitions: LAWS1008, LAWS1022 Assessment: Satisfactory attendance and 1x class exam
Note: Semester 1 classes are for Combined Law candidates in the faculties of Arts, Engineering and Science. Semester 2 classes are for Combined Law candidates in the Faculty of Economics & Business.
This is a compulsory unit taught on a pass/fail basis. It is a continuation of Legal Research I and covers advanced searching techniques and the use of, Westlaw and other complex commercial databases. The purpose of this unit is to further develop the skills you will need as a law student and to introduce you to the legal research skills you will need after graduation.

Marine Science

The University of Sydney Institute of Marine Science (USIMS) provides for undergraduate units of study of a transdisciplinary nature in the marine sciences at the Intermediate, Senior and Honours levels. Staff from the School of Biological Sciences and the School of Geosciences teach these units. For further information on all units of study, please refer to the Marine Science website
Marine Science Intermediate units of study
GEOS2115 Oceans, Coasts and Climate Change

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Maria Seton; A/Prof Peter Cowell, Dr Ana Vila Concejo, Dr Jody Webster Session: Semester 1 Classes: 26 one-hour lectures, 6 one hour workshops, 1 four hour field work, 6 two hour practical classes Prerequisites: 48 credit points from Junior Units of Study Prohibitions: GEOS2915, MARS2006 Assumed knowledge: At least one of (GEOG1001, GEOL1001, GEOL1002, GEOS1003, GEOS1903, ENVI1002, GEOL1902, GEOL1501) Assessment: Web-based on-line reports (30%). One lab report (20%). One 2-hour exam (50%)
This unit of study introduces core concepts about how the formation of ocean basins and their influence on climate govern the development of coasts and continental margins, and related environmental processes responsible for physical hazards. These concepts provide a framework for understanding the geographic variation of coasts, continental shelves and sediment accumulations in the deep ocean. Ocean-basin evolution is explained in terms of movements within the Earth's interior and how these movements determine the geometry of ocean basins, and their alpine counterparts, which interact with the global circulation of the ocean and atmosphere. Affects of this interaction on energy regimes and hydrology are described in accounting for regional controls that govern supply and dispersal of sediments on continental margins and in ocean basins. These controls also govern environmental conditions determining development of coral reefs and other ecosystems that play a key role in marine sedimentation. The Unit of Study systematically outlines how these factors have played out with climate change to produce by gradual change the coasts we see today, as well as the less familiar deposits hidden beneath the sea and coastal lands. These gradual changes are compared to the sudden effects of more catastrophic geophysical events. The Unit thereby outlines how knowledge of responses to climate change in the past allow us to predict environmental responses to accelerated climate change occurring now and in the future due to the industrial greenhouse effect, but places these responses into perspective against natural hazards that already occur. Overall therefore, the Unit aims to provide familiarity with fundamental phenomena central to the study of marine geoscience and environmental impacts, introduced through process-oriented explanations. The Unit of Study is structure around problem-based project work, for which lectures provide the theoretical background.
On line reading material provided via Fisher Library
GEOS2915 Oceans, Coasts and Climate Change (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Ana Vila Concejo Session: Semester 1 Classes: 26 x 1 hour lectures, 7 two hour practical classes, 4 x 1 hour workshops, 1 x 4 hour field work Prerequisites: Distinction average in 48 credit points from Junior units of study Prohibitions: GEOS2115, MARS2006 Assumed knowledge: (GEOG1001, GEOL1001, GEOL1002, GEOS1003, GEOS1903, ENVI1002, GEOL1902, GEOL1501) Assessment: Field School Report (20%), Field and Lab report (45%), 2 web based online reports (15%), one 1 hour exam: subset of GEOS2115 (20%)
This unit has the same objectives as GEOS2115 and is suitable for students who wish to pursue aspects of the subject in greater depth. Entry is restricted and selection is made from the applicants on the basis of their performance to date. Students who elect to take this unit will participate in alternatives to some aspects of the standard unit and will be required to pursue independent work to meet unit objectives.
Online reading materials are provided via Fisher Library.
BIOL2018 Introduction to Marine Biology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr A Pile Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x1 hr lectures/week. Practical classes will comprise of 6x1 hr tutorials, 1x8 hr field excursion on a Saturday, 3x4 hr excursions, 1x3 hr practical. Excursions may be timetabled for weekends. Prerequisites: BIOL (1001 or 1911) and 6 additional credit points of Junior Biology (BIOL/MBLG/EDUH). 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry. Prohibitions: BIOL2918 Assumed knowledge: 12 credit points of Junior Biology. Assessment: 1x2 hr theory exam (40%), 4 written reports (60%)
This unit will describe some of the ways in which the properties of the oceans affect marine organisms. It also introduces coral reefs and other marine ecosystems, together with their productivity, biological oceanography, the reproductive biology of marine organisms, and marine biological resources. The practical elements will provide the core skills and techniques that will equip students to perform laboratory and field studies in marine biology. The unit will introduce appropriate methodologies for the collection, handling and analysis of data; the scientific principles underlying experimental design; and the effective communication of scientific information.
Levinton, J. (2009) Marine Biology: Function, Biodiversity and Ecology (3rd ed). Oxford University Press.
BIOL2918 Introduction to Marine Biology (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Professor R Coleman Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x1hr lectures per week. 6x1hr tutorials, 1x8hr field trip, 3x4hr field trips and 1x3hr practical. Prerequisites: Distinction average in BIOL (1001 or 1911) and 6 additional credit points of Junior Biology (BIOL/MBLG/EDUH). 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry (or for BSc (Marine Science) students 6 credit points of Junior Chemistry and either an additional 6 credit points of Junior Chemistry or 6 credit points of Junior Physics. These requirements may be varied and students with lower averages should consult the Unit Executive Officer. Prohibitions: BIOL2018, MARS2006, MARS2906, MARS2007, MARS2907 Assumed knowledge: 12 credit points of Junior Biology. Assessment: Two hour theory exam, four written reports (100%)
Note: Entry is restricted and selection is made from applicants on the basis of previous performance.
This unit has the same objectives as BIOL2018, Introduction to Marine Biology, and is suitable for students wishing to pursue aspects from the unit in greater depth. Students taking this unit will participate in alternatives to some elements of the ordinary level course and will be required to pursue the unit objectives by more independent means. Specific details of the unit will be announced in meetings, during the first week of teaching.
As for BIOL2018
Marine Science senior units of study
Students can major in Marine Science, Marine Geoscience and Marine Biology by completing Senior units of study to a total worth of 24 credit points from the units listed in Table 1 for the respective majors. The marine science major is interdisciplinary so it must include at least one BIOL and one GEOS unit. Students in the specialist BSc (Marine Science) degree must enrol in a minimum of 36 credit points of Senior Marine Science units of study, which may include up to 3 Tropical Marine Science (NTMP) units, and which must include at least one BIOL and one GEOS unit. Students are encouraged to select those electives in which they have a particular interest, subject to certain conditions (see Table 1). Because of limited facilities available for some units of study, particularly in marine biology, it may be necessary to restrict number of students taking these electives. If this need arises selection will be based on academic merit and/or other courses completed. All students intending to enrol in any of the biology options must consult the booklet information for Students Considering Senior Biology Units of Study available from the School of Biological Sciences Office during the last few weeks of the academic year prior to this enrolment. Such students should also complete a preliminary enrolment form in the School of Biological Sciences before first semester commences.
Descriptions of senior Marine Science options
Students should consult electives as listed in this chapter under Biological Sciences and Geosciences in this handbook. BIOL3006 Ecological Methods; BIOL3007 Ecology; BIOL3008 Marine Field Ecology; BIOL3011 Ecophysiology; BIOL3013 Marine Biology; BIOL3016 Coral Reef Biology; GEOS3009 Coastal Environments and Processes; GEOS3014 GIS in Coastal Management; GEOS3018 Rivers: Science, Policy and Management; GEOS3103 Environmental & Sedimentary Geology; GEOS3104 Geophysical Methods; GEOS3102 Global Energy and Resources (and equivalent versions of these units).
Tropical Marine Network Program
Students enrolled in the BSc (Marine Science) are eligible to enrol in units of study offered as part of the Tropical Marine Network Program. This is a joint program of the University of Sydney, the University of Queensland and James Cook University, which offers four units of study in tropical marine science, all taught at marine island research stations off the Queensland coast. Students majoring in Marine Science or Marine Geoscience but who are not enrolled in the BSc (Marine Science) may be eligible for enrolment in some TMNP units subject to places available.
Stations used
The following stations will be used: Lizard Island (Australian Museum field station, north of Cairns); Orpheus Island (James Cook University field station, off Townsville); Heron Island (University of Queensland field station, off Gladstone); One Tree Island (University of Sydney field station, off Gladstone); North Stradbroke Island (University of Queensland field station, off Brisbane)
Teaching and assessment
The four units of study, each worth 6 credit points, are conducted as field schools offered only during the Easter (Semester 1 mid-semester) break and the July mid-year break. Each field school will run for approximately 10 days. Assessment will be based on participation and reports completed during the field school, and an assignment to be completed following the field school. The Coral Reef Ecosystems unit and the Coastal Management unit will be offered each year, together with one of the other two units. Students may enrol in these units in academic year 2 and year 3 as part of the BSc (Marine Science). Students enrolling in these units of study will be selected from the three participating Universities, as well as some overseas Study Abroad students. Preference will however be given to students enrolled in the program at the three participating universities.
Quotas on numbers of students enrolling in NTMP units
Owing to the size of facilities and accommodation at the island research stations all units will have a quota with entry based on merit. There are no Advanced versions of these units. For further information on the availability and timing of these units please refer to the website:
NTMP3004 Aquaculture

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Maria Byrne Session: S2 Intensive Classes: Fieldwork, 72 hours block mode. Prerequisites: 12 credit points from Intermediate Science units of study which must include at least 6 credit points of Biology. Assumed knowledge: General concepts in Biology. Assessment: Assignments and report (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Aquaculture is an intensive unit that will be held on campus at James Cook University with field work at Orpheus Island and other locations in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. The unit focuses on approaches to aquaculture in tropical marine environments with a focus on sustainable aquaculture. Some exercises use the aquarium system on campus at James Cook University. Emphasis is given to aquaculture of tropical invertebrates (especially bivalves and clams) and fishes. Aspects covered include: the design of aquarium facilities; water quality; rearing of algae; rearing of planktonic food; stocking densities; and, growth and genetics of the target species.
NTMP3005 Coastal Management

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Ana Vila-Concejo Session: S2 Intensive Classes: 80 hours block mode includes fieldwork Prerequisites: 12 credit points from Intermediate Science units of study Assumed knowledge: General concepts in coastal environments Assessment: Assignment and report (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Departmental permission required for enrolment
This unit examines the impacts of human activities on coastal and marine environments. It explores the complex relationships among the ecological and social values of these environments and outlines strategies and tools for their management. This is an intensive unit that includes lectures on campus and at the Sydney Institute of Marine Science (SIMS) located in Chowder Bay as well as field trips to sites of interest.

Mathematics and Statistics

The School of Mathematics and Statistics offers units of study in Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics and Pure Mathematics. The Junior units of study cover a range of topics in mathematics and statistics and are offered at three levels, viz. Introductory, Fundamental, Normal and Advanced, to suit various levels of previous knowledge. Intermediate, Senior and Honours units of study are mostly provided within one of the subject areas of Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics and Pure Mathematics.

Applied Mathematics

Applied Mathematics is concerned with the development of mathematical and computing methods and their application in particular contexts which may arise in the natural sciences, engineering, economics or the social sciences. Units of study are designed to give training to students who will specialise in other subjects, and also for training applied mathematicians. While mathematical rigour is not neglected, particular emphasis is given to questions such as the treatment of observational models which are relevant to particular contexts.

Mathematical Statistics

Mathematical Statistics is concerned with the theory of probability and the mathematical methods of statistics applied to such problems as statistical inference, the design of experiments and sample surveys, and all problems of data analysis. The major units of study are designed to train those who wish to become professional statisticians, tertiary teachers and research workers, but there are units of study which provide a knowledge of statistical methods and techniques for students specialising in other fields.

Pure Mathematics

Pure Mathematics units of study have two main aims. One of these is to equip students with the background of mathematical knowledge, understanding and skill necessary for units of study in many branches of science. The other is the provision of training in pure mathematics necessary for those who wish to make a career in mathematics. This might be either in teaching or research or in one of the many avenues where highly developed mathematical ability and a thorough knowledge of modern mathematical techniques are required, such as computing, operations research, management, finance and economics. Website: Further information about all units of study is available at
Summer School
This School offers some units of study in The Sydney Summer School (January-February). Consult The Sydney Summer School website for more information:
Mathematics Junior units of study
Various combinations of Junior units of study may be taken, subject to the prerequisites listed. Often specific Junior units of study are prerequisites for Mathematics and Statistics units in the Intermediate and Senior years. Before deciding on a particular combination of Junior units of study, students are advised to check carefully the prerequisites relating to Mathematics for all units of study.
Junior introductory unit of study
Students who have not studied a calculus course in high school may enrol in the Introduction to Calculus, 6-credit point unit.
MATH1111 Introduction to Calculus

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures and two 1-hour tutorials per week. Prohibitions: MATH1001, MATH1901, MATH1011, MATH1906 Assumed knowledge: HSC General Mathematics Assessment: One 2-hour exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Students who have previously studied calculus at any level are prohibited from enrolling in this unit. In particular, students with HSC Mathematics/Extension 1/Extension 2 (or equivalent) are prohibited.
This unit is an introduction to the calculus of one variable. Topics covered include elementary functions, differentiation, basic integration techniques and coordinate geometry in three dimensions. Applications in science and engineering are emphasised.
As set out in the Junior Mathematics Handbook
Junior fundamental units of study
Fundamental units of study are designed to provide students with an overview of the necessary mathematical and statistical background for studies in other scientific disciplines. They are provided for students in the Faculty of Science whose major interests lies outside mathematics, but who require mathematics and statistics to support the study of other scientific disciplines. There are more details in the Junior Mathematics Handbook, available from the school at the time of enrolment.
Assumed knowledge
Knowledge equivalent to the HSC 2-unit Mathematics course is assumed. Students who do not have this knowledge are strongly advised to attend a bridging course conducted jointly by the School and the Mathematics Learning Centre in February.
Relationship of fundamental units to other units of study and recommendations
The four fundamental units of study together give 12 credit points of mathematics, which is the minimum required by the BSc degree regulations. Students obtaining a Distinction in MATH1011 are encouraged to enrol in normal units of study in subsequent semesters. Students obtaining a Distinction or better in MATH1011, 1013 or 1014 may proceed to Intermediate units of study in the Mathematics Discipline Area. Students with a Credit or better in MATH1011 and a Pass or better in MATH1015 may proceed to Intermediate units of study in the Statistics discipline area. Students with a Pass in only MATH1015 are limited to the Intermediate Statistics units of study STAT2011 and STAT2012.
MATH1011 Applications of Calculus

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 1,Summer Main Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: MATH1111, MATH1001, MATH1901, MATH1906, BIOM1003 Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics Assessment: One 1.5 hour examination, assignments and quizzes (100%)
This unit is designed for science students who do not intend to undertake higher year mathematics and statistics. It includes the fitting of data to various functions and demonstrates the use of calculus in optimisation problems. It extends differential calculus to functions of two variables and develops integral calculus, including the definite integral and multiple integrals.
As set out in the Junior Mathematics Handbook
MATH1013 Mathematical Modelling

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 2,Summer Main Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: MATH1003, MATH1903, MATH1907 Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics or MATH1111 Assessment: One 1.5 hour examination, assignments and quizzes (100%)
MATH1013 is designed for science students who do not intend to undertake higher year mathematics and statistics.
In this unit of study students learn how to construct, interpret and solve simple differential equations and recurrence relations. Specific techniques include separation of variables, partial fractions and first and second order linear equations with constant coefficients. Students are also shown how to iteratively improve approximate numerical solutions to equations.
As set out in the Junior Mathematics Handbook
MATH1014 Introduction to Linear Algebra

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: MATH1012, MATH1002, MATH1902 Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics or MATH1111 Assessment: One 1.5 hour exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
This unit is an introduction to Linear Algebra. Topics covered include vectors, systems of linear equations, matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Applications in life and technological sciences are emphasised.
As set out in the Junior Mathematics Handbook.
MATH1015 Biostatistics

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: MATH1005, MATH1905, STAT1021, STAT1022, ECMT1010, BIOM1003 Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics Assessment: One 1.5 hour examination, assignments and quizzes (100%)
MATH1015 is designed to provide a thorough preparation in statistics for students in the Biological and Medical Sciences. It offers a comprehensive introduction to data analysis, probability and sampling, inference including t-tests, confidence intervals and chi-squared goodness of fit tests.
As set out in the Junior Mathematics Handbook
Mathematics and Statistics Normal units of study
Normal units of study are designed for students who have both the necessary background and the interest in mathematics and who need to study mathematics beyond Junior units of study in order to satisfy their own aspirations or degree requirements. There are more details of these units of study in the Junior Mathematics Handbook, available from the School at the time of enrolment.
Assumed knowledge
For the units MATH1001, MATH1002 and MATH1004, knowledge equivalent to the HSC Mathematics Extension 1 course is assumed. The assumed knowledge for MATH1005 is HSC 2-unit Mathematics. For MATH1003 the assumed knowledge is MATH1001 or HSC Mathematics Extension 2.
Relation to other units of study and recommendations
Students should take at least two units of study in each semester in order to meet the minimum requirement of 12 credit points of Mathematics in the BSc award course. The usual enrolment for Normal level students is in the three units MATH1001, MATH1002, MATH1003 and (at least) one of MATH1004 and MATH1005. Passes in Junior units of study at this level qualify students to proceed to Intermediate units of study in Mathematics and Statistics. Students should note however that some Intermediate units of study in both Mathematics and Statistics require specific Junior units of study to be passed as prerequisites. Students obtaining a Credit or better in Normal units of study may enrol in other Advanced units of study.
MATH1001 Differential Calculus

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 1,Summer Main Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: MATH1011, MATH1901, MATH1906, MATH1111 Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics Extension 1 Assessment: One 1.5 hour examination, assignments and quizzes (100%)
MATH1001 is designed to provide a thorough preparation for further study in mathematics and statistics. It is a core unit of study providing three of the twelve credit points required by the Faculty of Science as well as a Junior level requirement in the Faculty of Engineering.
This unit of study looks at complex numbers, functions of a single variable, limits and continuity, vector functions and functions of two variables. Differential calculus is extended to functions of two variables. Taylor's theorem as a higher order mean value theorem.
As set out in the Junior Mathematics Handbook.
MATH1002 Linear Algebra

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 1,Summer Main Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: MATH1902, MATH1012, MATH1014 Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics Extension 1 Assessment: One 1.5 hour examination, assignments and quizzes (100%)
MATH1002 is designed to provide a thorough preparation for further study in mathematics and statistics. It is a core unit of study providing three of the twelve credit points required by the Faculty of Science as well as a Junior level requirement in the Faculty of Engineering.
This unit of study introduces vectors and vector algebra, linear algebra including solutions of linear systems, matrices, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
As set out in the Junior Mathematics Handbook
MATH1003 Integral Calculus and Modelling

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 2,Summer Main Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: MATH1013, MATH1903, MATH1907 Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics Extension 2 or MATH1001 or MATH1011 Assessment: One 1.5 hour examination, assignments and quizzes (100%)
MATH1003 is designed to provide a thorough preparation for further study in mathematics and statistics. It is a core unit of study providing three of the twelve credit points required by the Faculty of Science as well as a Junior level requirement in the Faculty of Engineering.This unit of study first develops the idea of the definite integral from Riemann sums, leading to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Various techniques of integration are considered, such as integration by parts.The second part is an introduction to the use of first and second order differential equations to model a variety of scientific phenomena.
As set out in the Junior Mathematics Handbook
MATH1004 Discrete Mathematics

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: MATH1904, MATH2011 Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics Extension 1 Assessment: One 1.5 hour examination, assignments and quizzes (100%)
MATH1004 is designed to provide a thorough preparation for further study in Mathematics. It is a core unit of study providing three of the twelve credit points required by the Faculty of Science.
This unit provides an introduction to fundamental aspects of discrete mathematics, which deals with 'things that come in chunks that can be counted'. It focuses on the enumeration of a set of numbers, viz. Catalan numbers. Topics include sets and functions, counting principles, Boolean expressions, mathematical induction, generating functions and linear recurrence relations, graphs and trees.
As set out in the Junior Mathematics Handbook
MATH1005 Statistics

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 2,Summer Main Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prohibitions: MATH1015, MATH1905, STAT1021, STAT1022, ECMT1010 Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics Assessment: One 1.5 hour examination, assignments and quizzes (100%)
MATH1005 is designed to provide a thorough preparation for further study in mathematics and statistics. It is a core unit of study providing three of the twelve credit points required by the Faculty of Science as well as a Junior level requirement in the Faculty of Engineering.
This unit offers a comprehensive introduction to data analysis, probability, sampling, and inference including t-tests, confidence intervals and chi-squared goodness of fit tests.
As set out in the Junior Mathematics Handbook
Mathematics and Statistics Junior Advanced units of study
Advanced units of study are designed for students who have a strong background and a keen interest in mathematics and who need to study mathematics at a higher level to satisfy their own aspirations or degree requirements. All students aiming for high achievement, such as an Honours degree or postgraduate study, are advised to enrol in Advanced units of study.
The unit of study content is similar in outline to that of the Normal units of study above but proceeds more deeply and at a faster rate, covers more difficult material and requires more mathematical sophistication. There are more details of these units of study in the Junior Mathematics Unit of Study Handbook, available from the School at the time of enrolment.
Assumed knowledge
Knowledge equivalent to the HSC Mathematics Extension 2 course is assumed. Students who have a very good result in the equivalent of the HSC Mathematics Extension 1 course may be permitted to enrol in these units of study after discussion with a Mathematics adviser.
Relation to other units of study and recommendations
Students should take two units of study in each semester in order to meet the minimum requirement of 12 credit points of Mathematics in the BSc award course. The usual enrolment for Advanced level students is in the units MATH1901, MATH1902, MATH1903 and MATH1905. Passes in Junior units of study at this level qualify students to proceed to Intermediate units of study in Mathematics and Statistics at the Advanced level. It should be noted that some Intermediate and Senior units of study in both Mathematics and Statistics require specific Junior units of study as prerequisites. Students who are awarded at least a Credit grade in this level are encouraged to proceed to Intermediate units of study in Mathematics and Statistics at the Advanced level. Enrolment in MATH1906 or MATH1907 is by invitation only.
MATH1901 Differential Calculus (Advanced)

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: HSC Mathematics Extension 2. This requirement may be varied. Students with an interest in mathematics, but without HSC mathematics Extension 2, should consult the unit of study coordinator. Prohibitions: MATH1111, MATH1011, MATH1001, MATH1906 Assessment: One 1.5 hour examination, assignments and quizzes (100%)
This unit is designed to provide a thorough preparation for further study in mathematics and statistics. It is a core unit of study providing three of the twelve credit points required by the Faculty of Science as well as a Junior level requirement in the Faculty of Engineering. It parallels the normal unit MATH1001 but goes more deeply into the subject matter and requires more mathematical sophistication.
As set out in the Junior Mathematics Handbook
MATH1902 Linear Algebra (Advanced)

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: HSC Mathematics Extension 2. This requirement may be varied. Students with an interest in mathematics, but without HSC mathematics Extension 2, should consult the unit of study coordinator. Prohibitions: MATH1002, MATH1012, MATH1014 Assessment: One 1.5 hour examination, assignments and quizzes (100%)
This unit is designed to provide a thorough preparation for further study in mathematics and statistics. It is a core unit of study providing three of the twelve credit points required by the Faculty of Science as well as a Junior level requirement in the Faculty of Engineering. It parallels the normal unit MATH1002 but goes more deeply into the subject matter and requires more mathematical sophistication.
As set out in the Junior Mathematics Handbook
MATH1903 Integral Calculus and Modelling Advanced

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: HSC Mathematics Extension 2. This requirement may be varied. Students with an interest in mathematics, but without HSC mathematics Extension 2, should consult the unit of study coordinator. Prohibitions: MATH1003, MATH1013, MATH1907 Assumed knowledge: HSC Mathematics Extension 2 or Credit or better in MATH1001 or MATH1901 Assessment: One 1.5 hour examination, assignments and quizzes (100%)
MATH1903 is designed to provide a thorough preparation for further study in mathematics and statistics. It is a core unit of study providing three of the twelve credit points required by the Faculty of Science as well as a Junior level requirement in the Faculty of Engineering.
This unit of study parallels the normal unit MATH1003 but goes more deeply into the subject matter and requires more mathematical sophisticaton.
As set out in the Junior Mathematics Handbook
MATH1905 Statistics (Advanced)

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: HSC Mathematics Extension 2. This requirement may be varied. Students with an interest in mathematics, but without HSC mathematics Extension 2, should consult the unit of study coordinator. Prohibitions: MATH1015, MATH1005, STAT1021, STAT1022, ECMT1010 Assessment: One 1.5 hour examination, assignments and quizzes (100%)
This unit is designed to provide a thorough preparation for further study in mathematics and statistics. It is a core unit of study providing three of the twelve credit points required by the Faculty of Science as well as a Junior level requirement in the Faculty of Engineering. This Advanced level unit of study parallels the normal unit MATH1005 but goes more deeply into the subject matter and requires more mathematical sophistication.
As set out in the Junior Mathematics Handbook
MATH1906 Mathematics (Special Studies Program) A

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour seminar and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: UAI (or ATAR equivalent) of at least 98.5 and result in Band E4 HSC Mathematics Extension 2; by invitation Prohibitions: MATH1111, MATH1001, MATH1011, MATH1901 Assessment: One 1.5 hour exam, assignments, classwork (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This is an Advanced unit of study. Entry to Mathematics (Special Studies Program) A is restricted to students with a UAI of 98.5 and an excellent school record in Mathematics. Students will cover the material in MATH1901 Differential Calculus (Advanced). In addition there will be a selection of special topics, which are not available elsewhere in the Mathematics and Statistics program.
MATH1907 Mathematics (Special Studies Program) B

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour seminar and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: Distinction in MATH1906; by invitation Prohibitions: MATH1003, MATH1013, MATH1903 Assessment: One 1.5 hour exam, assignments, classwork (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This is an Advanced unit of study. Entry to Mathematics (Special Studies Program) B is normally restricted to students with a Distinction in MATH1906. Students will cover the material in MATH1903 Integral Calculus and Modelling (Advanced). In addition there will be a selection of special topics, which are not available elsewhere in the Mathematics and Statistics program.
Mathematics Intermediate units of study
The School of Mathematics provides a range of Intermediate units of study, each worth 6 credit points covering a variety of topics in Pure and Applied Mathematics. A normal Intermediate load in a discipline is 12 credit points and this is the minimum that should be undertaken by anyone intending to specialise in Senior Mathematics. The units of study are taught at either the Normal or the Advanced level. Entry to an Advanced unit of study usually requires a Credit or better in a Normal level prerequisite or a Pass in an Advanced level prerequisite. For ease of overview the units of study are arranged under Pure, for students wishing to specialise in Pure Mathematics, and Applied, for those wishing to specialise in Applied Mathematics. Several units of study are suitable for either. Details of each unit of study appear below whilst full details of unit of study structure, content and examination procedures are provided in the Second Year Mathematics Handbook available from the School at the time of enrolment.
Pure units of study (each 6 credit points)
Algebra (Adv) MATH2968; Discrete Maths & Graph Theory MATH2069; Discrete Maths & Graph Theory (Adv) MATH2969; Linear Mathematics & Vector Calculus MATH2061; Linear Mathematics & Vector Calculus (Adv) MATH2961; Number Theory and Cryptography MATH2068; Real and Complex Analysis (Adv) MATH2962
Applied units of study (each 6 credit points)
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations MATH2065; Introduction to Partial Differential Equations (Adv) MATH2965; Linear Mathematics & Vector Calculus MATH2061; Linear Mathematics & Vector Calculus (Adv) MATH2961; Mathematical Computing & Nonlinear Systems MATH2063; Mathematical Computing & Nonlinear Systems (Adv) MATH2963; Optimisation & Financial Mathematics MATH2070; Optimisation & Financial Mathematics (Adv) MATH 2970
Relation to other units of study and recommendations
In general, 2 units of study (12 credit points) of Intermediate mathematics are needed to progress to a Senior Mathematics unit of study. If your major interest is in mathematics, then you are strongly encouraged to enrol in at least 3 units of study in Intermediate Mathematics. If you are considering doing Honours in mathematics, they should include some Advanced units of study. Students intending to specialise in Applied Mathematics are encouraged to include MATH2061 or 2961, and MATH2065 or 2965. Students intending to specialise in Pure Mathematics should include MATH2061 or 2961. Students considering Honours in Pure Mathematics should also take MATH2962 and MATH2968. Computer Science students may like to include MATH2069 or 2969 among their choices. Physics students would be well-advised to choose MATH2061 or 2961, and MATH2065 or 2965. Prospective teachers of mathematics should consider MATH2061 and 2068.
MATH2916 Working Seminar A (SSP)

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 1 hour seminar per week. Prerequisites: By invitation, High Distinction average over 12 credit points of Advanced Junior Mathematics Assessment: One 1 hour presentation, 15-20 page essay (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The main aim of this unit is to develop the students' written and oral presentation skills. The material will consist of a series of connected topics relevant to modern mathematics and statistics. The topics are chosen to suit the students' background and interests, and are not covered by other mathematics or statistics units. The first session will be an introduction on the principles of written and oral presentation of mathematics. Under the supervision and advice of the lecturer(s) in charge, the students present the topics to the other students and the lecturer in a seminar series and a written essay in a manner that reflects the practice of research in mathematics and statistics.
MATH2917 Working Seminar B (SSP)

Credit points: 3 Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 1 hour seminar per week. Prerequisites: By invitation, High Distinction average over 12 credit points of Advanced Junior Mathematics Assessment: One 1 hour presentation, 15-20 page essay (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
The main aim of this unit is to develop the students' written and oral presentation skills. The material will consist of a series of connected topics relevant to modern mathematics and statistics. The topics are chosen to suit the students' background and interests, and are not covered by other mathematics or statistics units. The first session will be an introduction on the principles of written and oral presentation of mathematics. Under the supervision and advice of the lecturer(s) in charge, the students present the topics to the other students and the lecturer in a seminar series and a written essay in a manner that reflects the practice of research in mathematics and statistics.
MATH2061 Linear Mathematics and Vector Calculus

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Summer Main Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour practice class per week. Prerequisites: MATH(1011 or 1001 or 1901 or 1906) and MATH(1014 or 1002 or 1902) and MATH(1003 or 1903 or 1907) Prohibitions: MATH2001, MATH2901, MATH2002, MATH2902, MATH2961, MATH2067 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
This unit starts with an investigation of linearity: linear functions, general principles relating to the solution sets of homogeneous and inhomogeneous linear equations (including differential equations), linear independence and the dimension of a linear space. The study of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, begun in junior level linear algebra, is extended and developed. The unit then moves on to topics from vector calculus, including vector-valued functions (parametrised curves and surfaces; vector fields; div, grad and curl; gradient fields and potential functions), line integrals (arc length; work; path-independent integrals and conservative fields; flux across a curve), iterated integrals (double and triple integrals; polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates; areas, volumes and mass; Green's Theorem), flux integrals (flow through a surface; flux integrals through a surface defined by a function of two variables, though cylinders, spheres and parametrised surfaces), Gauss' Divergence Theorem and Stokes' Theorem.
MATH2961 Linear Mathematics & Vector Calculus Adv

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Four 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: MATH (1901 or 1906 or Credit in 1001) and MATH (1902 or Credit in 1002) and MATH (1903 or 1907 or Credit in 1003) Prohibitions: MATH2001, MATH2901, MATH2002, MATH2902, MATH2061, MATH2067 Assessment: 2 hour exam, assignments (100%)
This unit is an advanced version of MATH2061, with more emphasis on the underlying concepts and on mathematical rigour. Topics from linear algebra focus on the theory of vector spaces and linear transformations.
The connection between matrices and linear transformations is studied in detail. Determinants, introduced in first year, are revised and investigated further, as are eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The calculus component of the unit includes local maxima and minima, Lagrange multipliers, the inverse function theorem and Jacobians.
There is an informal treatment of multiple integrals: double integrals, change of variables, triple integrals, line and surface integrals, Green's theorem and Stokes' theorem.
MATH2962 Real and Complex Analysis (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour practice class per week. Prerequisites: MATH (1901 or 1906 or Credit in 1001) and MATH (1902 or Credit in 1002) and MATH (1903 or 1907 or Credit in 1003) Prohibitions: MATH2007, MATH2907 Assessment: 2 hour exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
Analysis is one of the fundamental topics underlying much of mathematics including differential equations, dynamical systems, differential geometry, topology and Fourier analysis. Starting off with an axiomatic description of the real number system, this first course in analysis concentrates on the limiting behaviour of infinite sequences and series on the real line and the complex plane. These concepts are then applied to sequences and series of functions, looking at point-wise and uniform convergence. Particular attention is given to power series leading into the theory of analytic functions and complex analysis. Topics in complex analysis include elementary functions on the complex plane, the Cauchy integral theorem, Cauchy integral formula, residues and related topics with applications to real integrals.
MATH2063 Math Computing and Nonlinear Systems

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour computer laboratory per week (lectures in common with MATH2963). Prerequisites: MATH(1011 or 1001 or 1901 or 1906) and MATH(1014 or 1002 or 1902) and MATH(1003 or 1903 or 1907) Prohibitions: MATH2003, MATH2903, MATH2006, MATH2906, MATH2963 Assessment: 2 hour exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
This unit will introduce students to techniques of mathematical computation as applied to nonlinear systems, using the numerical programming language MATLAB and, where appropriate, computer algebra. This knowledge will be applied to a number of modelling problems, particularly those involving nonlinear mappings and nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Throughout the unit of study the essential nonlinear theory will be developed, and the resulting ideas will be explored computationally. This will allow us to explore the modern concepts of chaos using a variety of examples, including the logistic map, the Henon map and the Lorenz equations. No prior knowledge of programming or of the MATLAB language or computer algebra is required.
MATH2963 Math Computing & Nonlinear Systems (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour computer laboratory per week (lectures in common with MATH2063). Prerequisites: MATH (1901 or 1906 or Credit in 1001) and MATH (1902 or Credit in 1002) and MATH (1903 or 1907 or Credit in 1003) Prohibitions: MATH2003, MATH2903, MATH2006, MATH2906, MATH2063 Assessment: 2 hour exam, assignments/quizzes (100%)
The content of this unit of study parallels that of MATH2063, but both computational and theory components will place more emphasis on Advanced topics, including Lyapunov exponents, stability, 2- and 3- cycles for mappings and concepts such as strange attractors. No prior knowledge of programming or of the MATLAB language or computer algebra is required.
MATH2065 Partial Differential Equations (Intro)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2,Summer Main Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial, one 1 hour example class per week. Prerequisites: MATH(1011 or 1001 or 1901 or 1906) and MATH(1014 or 1002 or 1902) and MATH(1003 or 1903 or 1907) Prohibitions: MATH2005, MATH2905, MATH2965, MATH2067 Assessment: 2 hour exam, mid-semester test, assignments (100%)
This is an introductory course in the analytical solutions of PDEs (partial differential equations) and boundary value problems. The techniques covered include separation of variables, Fourier series, Fourier transforms and Laplace transforms.
MATH2965 Partial Differential Equations Intro Adv

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour computer laboratory per week (lectures in common with MATH2065). Prerequisites: MATH (2961 or Credit in 2061) or {MATH (2901 or Credit in 2001) and MATH (2902 or Credit in 2002)} Prohibitions: MATH2005, MATH2905, MATH2065, MATH2067 Assessment: 2 hour exam, assignments (100%)
This unit of study is essentially an Advanced version of MATH2065, the emphasis being on solutions of differential equations in applied mathematics. The theory of ordinary differential equations is developed for second order linear equations, including series solutions, special functions and Laplace transforms, and boundary-value problems including separation of variables, Fourier series and Fourier transforms.
MATH2068 Number Theory and Cryptography

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour computer laboratory per week. Prerequisites: 6 credit points of Junior level Mathematics Prohibitions: MATH3024, MATH3009, MATH2988 Assumed knowledge: MATH (1014 or 1002 or 1902) Assessment: 2 hour exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
Cryptography is the branch of mathematics that provides the techniques for confidential exchange of information sent via possibly insecure channels. This unit introduces the tools from elementary number theory that are needed to understand the mathematics underlying the most commonly used modern public key cryptosystems. Topics include the Euclidean Algorithm, Fermat's Little Theorem, the Chinese Remainder Theorem, Möbius Inversion, the RSA Cryptosystem, the Elgamal Cryptosystem and the Diffie-Hellman Protocol. Issues of computational complexity are also discussed.
MATH2988 Number Theory and Cryptography Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour computer laboratory per week. Prerequisites: At least 9cp from MATH (1901 or Credit in 1001), MATH (1902 or Credit in 1002), MATH (1903 or Credit in 1003), MATH (1904 or Credit in 1004), MATH (1905 or Credit in 1005), MATH1906, MATH1907, MATH (2961 or Credit in MATH2061), MATH2962 or MATH (2969 or Credit in MATH2069). Prohibitions: MATH2068 Assessment: One 2 hr exam, homework assignments (100%)
This unit of study is an advanced version of MATH2068, sharing the same lectures but with more advanced topics introduced in the tutorials and computer laboratory sessions.
MATH2968 Algebra (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour practice class per week. Prerequisites: 9 credit points of Junior Mathematics (advanced level or Credit at normal level) including (MATH1902 or Credit in MATH1002) Prohibitions: MATH2908, MATH2918, MATH2008 Assessment: 2 hour exam, assignments (100%)
This unit provides an introduction to modern abstract algebra, via linear algebra and group theory. It extends the linear algebra covered in Junior Mathematics and in MATH2961, and proceeds to a classification of linear operators on finite dimensional spaces. Permutation groups are used to introduce and motivate the study of abstract goup theory. Topics covered include actions of groups on sets, subgroups, homomorphisms, quotient groups and the classification of finite abelian groups.
MATH2069 Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour practice class per week. Prerequisites: 6 credit points of Junior level Mathematics Prohibitions: MATH2011, MATH2009, MATH2969 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
This unit introduces students to several related areas of discrete mathematics, which serve their interests for further study in pure and applied mathematics, computer science and engineering. Topics to be covered in the first part of the unit include recursion and induction, generating functions and recurrences, combinatorics, asymptotics and analysis of algorithms. Topics covered in the second part of the unit include Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, the theory of trees (used in the study of data structures), planar graphs, the study of chromatic polynomials (important in scheduling problems), maximal flows in networks, matching theory.
MATH2969 Discrete Mathematics & Graph Theory Adv

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour practice class per week. Prerequisites: 9 credit points of Junior Mathematics (advanced level or Credit at the normal level) Prohibitions: MATH2011, MATH2009, MATH2069 Assessment: One 2-hour exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
This unit will cover the same material as MATH2069 with some extensions and additional topics.
MATH2070 Optimisation and Financial Mathematics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2,Summer Main Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour computer laboratory per week. Prerequisites: MATH(1011 or 1001 or 1901 or 1906) and MATH(1014 or 1002 or 1902) Prohibitions: MATH2010, MATH2033, MATH2933, MATH2970, ECMT3510 Assumed knowledge: MATH (1003 or 1903 or 1907) Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments, quiz, project (100%)
Note: Students may enrol in both MATH2070 and MATH3075 in the same semester
Problems in industry and commerce often involve maximising profits or minimising costs subject to constraints arising from resource limitations. The first part of this unit looks at programming problems and their solution using the simplex algorithm; nonlinear optimisation & the Kuhn Tucker conditions.
The second part of the unit deals with utility theory and modern portfolio theory. Topics covered include: pricing under the principles of expected return and expected utility; mean-variance Markowitz portfolio theory, the Capital Asset Pricing Model, log-optimal portfolios and the Kelly criterion; dynamical programming. Some understanding of probability theory including distributions and expectations is required in this part.
Theory developed in lectures will be complemented by computer laboratory sessions using MATLAB. Minimal computing experience will be required.
MATH2970 Optimisation & Financial Mathematics Adv

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour computer laboratory per week (lectures given in common with MATH2070). Prerequisites: MATH (1901 or 1906 or Credit in 1001) and MATH (1902 or Credit in 1002) Prohibitions: MATH2010, MATH2033, MATH2933, MATH2070 Assumed knowledge: MATH (1903 or 1907) or Credit in MATH1003 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
Note: Students may enrol in both MATH2970 and MATH3975 in the same semester
The content of this unit of study parallels that of MATH2070, but students enrolled at Advanced level will undertake more advanced problem solving and assessment tasks, and some additional topics may be included.
Mathematics Senior units of study
The School of Mathematics and Statistics provides a range of senior units of study in the Science Subject Area MATH. (The separate Science Subject Area STAT is dealt with in the next section.) Each unit of study is worth 6 credit points; students wishing to obtain a major in mathematics must therefore take at least 4 units of senior mathematics, while those wishing to obtain a double major must take 8. To proceed to honours in either Applied Mathematics or Pure Mathematics, students must have a major in mathematics. Honours entry is further restricted to students attaining a sufficiently high average mark in their senior year. Students interested in doing honours should consult the School to find out the precise details, and obtain advice on an appropriate senior year program. As well as majors in Mathematics and Statistics, the School offers a major in Financial Mathematics and Statistics. The precise requirements for this major can be found in Table 1. Alternatively, consult the School directly.
Normal and Advanced
Each unit of study is designated either as "Normal" or "Advanced". Advanced units have more stringent prerequisites than normal units, and are significantly more demanding. Although the precise requirements vary from unit to unit, it is generally inadvisable for a student who has not achieved a Credit average in intermediate level mathematics to attempt an advanced senior mathematics unit.
Semester 1
MATH3063 Differential Equations and Biomaths; MATH3065 Logic and Foundations; MATH3076 Mathematical Computing; MATH3961 Metric Spaces (Advanced); MATH3962 Rings, Fields and Galois Theory (Adv); MATH3963 Differential Equations and Biomaths (Adv);MATH3974 Fluid Dynamics (Advanced); MATH3976 Mathematical Computing (Advanced)
Semester 2
MATH3061 Geometry and Topology; MATH3062 Algebra and Number Theory; MATH3067 Information and Coding Theory; MATH3075 Financial Mathematics; MATH3078 PDEs and Waves; MATH3964 Complex Analysis with Applications (Advanced); MATH3966 Modules and Group Representations (Adv); MATH3968 Differential Geometry (Adv); MATH3969 Measure Theory & Fourier Analysis (Adv); MATH3975 Financial Mathematics (Advanced); MATH3977 Lagrangian & Hamiltonian Dynamics (Adv); MATH3978 PDEs and Waves (Advanced)
Relation to other units of study and recommendations
In general, 4 units of study (24 credit points) are required in order to major in Mathematics and a credit average is required to progress to an Honours year. Potential Honours students are strongly encouraged to include one or more Advanced level unit(s) of study and seek advice from a Senior year coordinator. Particular combinations would be suitable for students with special interests.
Computer Science students
MATH3065, MATH3962, MATH3076/3976, MATH3062, MATH3067, MATH3966, MATH3061, MATH3075/3975.
Engineering (BSc/BE) students
MATH3961, MATH3068, MATH3063/3963, MATH3065, MATH3974, MATH3076/3976, MATH3969, MATH3078/3978, MATH3968, MATH3067, MATH3977, MATH3964, MATH3075/3975.
Physics or Chemistry students
MATH3061/3961, MATH3068, MATH3962, MATH3063/3963, MATH3065, MATH3974, MATH3076/3976, MATH3969, MATH3966, MATH3968, MATH3078/3978, MATH3964, MATH3977, 3075/3975, MATH3067.
Prospective teachers of Mathematics
MATH3065, MATH3068, MATH3063/3963, MATH3962, MATH3961, MATH3076/3976, MATH3067, MATH3062, MATH3061, MATH3078/3978.
MATH3061 Geometry and Topology

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics Prohibitions: MATH3001, MATH3006 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, tutorial tests, assignments (100%)
The aim of the unit is to expand visual/geometric ways of thinking. The geometry section is concerned mainly with transformations of the Euclidean plane (that is, bijections from the plane to itself), with a focus on the study of isometries (proving the classification theorem for transformations which preserve distances between points), symmetries (including the classification of frieze groups) and affine transformations (transformations which map lines to lines). The basic approach is via vectors and matrices, emphasising the interplay between geometry and linear algebra. The study of affine transformations is then extended to the study of collineations in the real projective plane, including collineations which map conics to conics. The topology section considers graphs, surfaces and knots from a combinatorial point of view. Key ideas such as homeomorphism, subdivision, cutting and pasting and the Euler invariant are introduced first for graphs (1-dimensional objects) and then for triangulated surfaces (2-dimensional objects). Topics include the classification of surfaces, map colouring, decomposition of knots and knot invariants.
MATH3961 Metric Spaces (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics units Prohibitions: MATH3901, MATH3001 Assumed knowledge: MATH2961 or MATH2962 Assessment: 2 hour exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
Topology, developed at the end of the 19th Century to investigate the subtle interaction of analysis and geometry, is now one of the basic disciplines of mathematics. A working knowledge of the language and concepts of topology is essential in fields as diverse as algebraic number theory and non-linear analysis. This unit develops the basic ideas of topology using the example of metric spaces to illustrate and motivate the general theory. Topics covered include: Metric spaces, convergence, completeness and the contraction mapping theorem; Metric topology, open and closed subsets; Topological spaces, subspaces, product spaces; Continuous mappings and homeomorphisms; Compact spaces; Connected spaces; Hausdorff spaces and normal spaces, Applications include the implicit function theorem, chaotic dynamical systems and an introduction to Hilbert spaces and abstract Fourier series.
MATH3062 Algebra and Number Theory

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics Prohibitions: MATH3962, MATH3902, MATH3002, MATH3009 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, quizzes and assignments (100%)
Note: Students are advised to take MATH(2068 or 2968) before attempting this unit.
The first half of the unit continues the study of elementary number theory, with an emphasis on the solution of Diophantine equations (for example, representing integers as sums of squares). Topics include the Law of Quadratic Reciprocity, representing an integer as the sum of two squares, and continued fractions. The second half of the unit introduces the abstract algebraic concepts which arise naturally in this context: rings, fields, irreducibles and unique factorisation. Polynomial rings, algebraic numbers and constructible numbers are also discussed.
MATH3962 Rings, Fields and Galois Theory (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics Prohibitions: MATH3062, MATH3902, MATH3002 Assumed knowledge: MATH2961 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, homework assignments (100%)
Note: Students are advised to take MATH2968 before attempting this unit.
This unit of study investigates the modern mathematical theory that was originally developed for the purpose of studying polynomial equations. The philosophy is that it should be possible to factorize any polynomial into a product of linear factors by working over a "large enough" field (such as the field of all complex numbers). Viewed like this, the problem of solving polynomial equations leads naturally to the problem of understanding extensions of fields. This in turn leads into the area of mathematics known as Galois theory.
The basic theoretical tool needed for this program is the concept of a ring, which generalizes the concept of a field. The course begins with examples of rings, and associated concepts such as subrings, ring homomorphisms, ideals and quotient rings. These tools are then applied to study quotient rings of polynomial rings. The final part of the course deals with the basics of Galois theory, which gives a way of understanding field extensions.
MATH3063 Differential Equations and Biomaths

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics Prohibitions: MATH3020, MATH3920, MATH3003, MATH3923, MATH3963 Assumed knowledge: MATH2061 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
This unit of study is an introduction to the theory of systems of ordinary differential equations. Such systems model many types of phenomena in engineering, biology and the physical sciences. The emphasis will not be on finding explicit solutions, but instead on the qualitative features of these systems, such as stability, instability and oscillatory behaviour. The aim is to develop a good geometrical intuition into the behaviour of solutions to such systems. Some background in linear algebra, and familiarity with concepts such as limits and continuity, will be assumed. The applications in this unit will be drawn from predator-prey systems, transmission of diseases, chemical reactions, beating of the heart and other equations and systems from mathematical biology.
MATH3963 Differential Equations & Biomaths (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics Prohibitions: MATH3020, MATH3920, MATH3003, MATH3923, MATH3063 Assumed knowledge: MATH2961 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
The theory of ordinary differential equations is a classical topic going back to Newton and Leibniz. It comprises a vast number of ideas and methods of different nature. The theory has many applications and stimulates new developments in almost all areas of mathematics. The applications in this unit will be drawn from predator-prey systems, transmission of diseases, chemical reactions, beating of the heart and other equations and systems from mathematical biology. The emphasis is on qualitative analysis including phase-plane methods, bifurcation theory and the study of limit cycles. The more theoretical part includes existence and uniqueness theorems, stability analysis, linearisation, and hyperbolic critical points, and omega limit sets.
MATH3964 Complex Analysis with Applications (Adv)

This unit of study is not available in 2011

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics Prohibitions: MATH3904, MATH3915 Assumed knowledge: MATH2962 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments and quizzes
This unit continues the study of functions of a complex variable and their applications introduced in the second year unit Real and Complex Analysis (MATH2962). It is aimed at highlighting certain topics from analytic function theory and the analytic theory of differential equations that have intrinsic beauty and wide applications. This part of the analysis of functions of a complex variable will form a very important background for students in applied and pure mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering.
The course will begin with a revision of properties of holomorphic functions and Cauchy theorem with added topics not covered in the second year course. This will be followed by meromorphic functions, entire functions, harmonic functions, elliptic functions, elliptic integrals, analytic differential equations, hypergeometric functions. The rest of the course will consist of selected topics from Greens functions, complex differential forms and Riemann surfaces.
MATH3065 Logic and Foundations

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 6 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics Prohibitions: MATH3005 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, tutorial tests, assignments (100%)
This unit is in two halves. The first half provides a working knowledge of the propositional and predicate calculi, discussing techniques of proof, consistency, models and completeness. The second half discusses notions of computability by means of Turing machines (simple abstract computers). (No knowledge of computer programming is assumed.) It is shown that there are some mathematical tasks (such as the halting problem) that cannot be carried out by any Turing machine. Results are applied to first-order Peano arithmetic, culminating in Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem: any statement that includes first-order Peano arithmetic contains true statements that cannot be proved in the system. A brief discussion is given of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory (a candidate for the foundations of mathematics), which still succumbs to Gödel's Theorem.
MATH3966 Modules and Group Representations (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics Prohibitions: MATH3906, MATH3907 Assumed knowledge: MATH3962 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments and quizzes (100%)
This unit deals first with generalized linear algebra, in which the field of scalars is replaced by an integral domain. In particular we investigate the structure of modules, which are the analogues of vector spaces in this setting, and which are of fundamental importance in modern pure mathematics. Applications of the theory include the solution over the integers of simultaneous equations with integer coefficients and analysis of the structure of finite abelian groups.
In the second half of this unit we focus on linear representations of groups. A group occurs naturally in many contexts as a symmetry group of a set or space. Representation theory provides techniques for analysing these symmetries. The component will deals with the decomposition of representation into simple constituents, the remarkable theory of characters, and orthogonality relations which these characters satisfy.
MATH3067 Information and Coding Theory

This unit of study is not available in 2011

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics Prohibitions: MATH3007, MATH3010 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, tutorial tests, assignments.
The related theories of information and coding provide the basis for reliable and efficient storage and transmission of digital data, including techniques for data compression, digital broadcasting and broadband internet connectivity. The first part of this unit is a general introduction to the ideas and applications of information theory, where the basic concept is that of entropy. This gives a theoretical measure of how much data can be compressed for storage or transmission. Information theory also addresses the important practical problem of making data immune to partial loss caused by transmission noise or physical damage to storage media. This leads to the second part of the unit, which deals with the theory of error-correcting codes. We develop the algebra behind the theory of linear and cyclic codes used in modern digital communication systems such as compact disk players and digital television.
MATH3068 Analysis

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics Prohibitions: MATH3008, MATH2007, MATH2907, MATH2962 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, tutorial tests, assignments (100%)
Note: This unit of study is offered only in odd numbered years.
Analysis grew out of calculus, which leads to the study of limits of functions, sequences and series. The aim of the unit is to present enduring beautiful and practical results that continue to justify and inspire the study of analysis. The unit starts with the foundations of calculus and the real number system. It goes on to study the limiting behaviour of sequences and series of real and complex numbers. This leads naturally to the study of functions defined as limits and to the notion of uniform convergence. Returning to the beginnings of calculus and power series expansions leads to complex variable theory: analytic functions, Taylor expansions and the Cauchy Integral Theorem.
Power series are not adequate to solve the problem of representing periodic phenomena such as wave motion. This requires Fourier theory, the expansion of functions as sums of sines and cosines. This unit deals with this theory, Parseval's identity, pointwise convergence theorems and applications.
The unit goes on to introduce Bernoulli numbers, Bernoulli polynomials, the Euler MacLaurin formula and applications, the gamma function and the Riemann zeta function. Lastly we return to the foundations of analysis, and study limits from the point of view of topology.
MATH3968 Differential Geometry (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics, including MATH2961 Prohibitions: MATH3903 Assumed knowledge: At least 6 credit points of Advanced Mathematics units of study at Intermediate or Senior level. Assessment: One 2 hour exam and 2 assignments (100%)
Note: This unit of study is offered only in odd numbered years.
This unit is an introduction to Differential Geometry, using ideas from calculus of several variables to develop the mathematical theory of geometrical objects such as curves, surfaces and their higher-dimensional analogues. Differential geometry also plays an important part in both classical and modern theoretical physics. The initial aim is to develop geometrical ideas such as curvature in the context of curves and surfaces in space, leading to the famous Gauss-Bonnet formula relating the curvature and topology of a surface. A second aim is to present the calculus of differential forms as the natural setting for the key ideas of vector calculus, along with some applications.
MATH3969 Measure Theory & Fourier Analysis (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorials per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points Intermediate Mathematics Prohibitions: MATH3909 Assumed knowledge: At least 6 credit points of Advanced Mathematics units of study at Intermediate or Senior level Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
Measure theory is the study of such fundamental ideas as length, area, volume, arc length and surface area. It is the basis for the integration theory used in advanced mathematics since it was developed by Henri Lebesgue in about 1900. Moreover, it is the basis for modern probability theory. The course starts by setting up measure theory and integration, establishing important results such as Fubini's Theorem and the Dominated Convergence Theorem which allow us to manipulate integrals. This is then applied to Fourier Analysis, and results such as the Inversion Formula and Plancherel's Theorem are derived. Probability Theory is then discussed, with topics including independence, conditional probabilities, and the Law of Large Numbers.
MATH3974 Fluid Dynamics (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics with average grade of at least Credit Prohibitions: MATH3914 Assumed knowledge: MATH2961, MATH2965 Assessment: One 2 hour exam (100%)
This unit of study provides an introduction to fluid dynamics, starting with a description of the governing equations and the simplifications gained by using stream functions or potentials. It develops elementary theorems and tools, including Bernoulli's equation, the role of vorticity, the vorticity equation, Kelvin's circulation theorem, Helmholtz's theorem, and an introduction to the use of tensors. Topics covered include viscous flows, lubrication theory, boundary layers, potential theory, and complex variable methods for 2-D airfoils. The unit concludes with an introduction to hydrodynamic stability theory and the transition to turbulent flow.
MATH3075 Financial Mathematics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics Prohibitions: MATH3975, MATH3015, MATH3933 Assessment: Two class quizzes and one 2 hour exam (100%)
This unit is an introduction to the mathematical theory of modern finance. Topics include: notion of arbitrage, pricing riskless securities, risky securities, utility theory, fundamental theorems of asset pricing, complete markets, introduction to options, binomial option pricing model, discrete random walks, Brownian motion, derivation of the Black-Scholes option pricing model, extensions and introduction to pricing exotic options, credit derivatives. A strong background in mathematical statistics and partial differential equations is an advantage, but is not essential. Students completing this unit have been highly sought by the finance industry, which continues to need graduates with quantitative skills. The lectures in the Normal unit are held concurrently with those of the corresponding Advanced unit.
MATH3975 Financial Mathematics (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics with at least Credit average Prohibitions: MATH3933, MATH3015, MATH3075 Assessment: Two class quizzes and one 2 hour exam (100%)
This unit is an introduction to the mathematical theory of modern finance. Topics include: notion of arbitrage, pricing riskless securities, risky securities, utility theory, fundamental theorems of asset pricing, complete markets, introduction to options, binomial option pricing model, discrete random walks, Brownian motion, derivation of the Black-Scholes option pricing model, extensions and introduction to pricing exotic options, credit derivatives. A strong background in mathematical statistics and partial differential equations is an advantage, but is not essential. Students completing this unit have been highly sought by the finance industry, which continues to need graduates with quantitative skills. Students enrolled in this unit at the Advanced level will be expected to undertake more challenging assessment tasks. The lectures in the Advanced unit are held concurrently with those of the corresponding Normal unit.
MATH3076 Mathematical Computing

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour laboratory per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics and one of MATH(1001 or 1003 or 1901 or 1903 or 1906 or 1907) Prohibitions: MATH3976, MATH3016, MATH3916 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
This unit of study provides an introduction to Fortran 95 programming and numerical methods. Topics covered include computer arithmetic and computational errors, systems of linear equations, interpolation and approximation, solution of nonlinear equations, quadrature, initial value problems for ordinary differential equations and boundary value problems.
MATH3976 Mathematical Computing (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr D J Ivers Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics and one of MATH(1903 or 1907) or Credit in MATH1003 Prohibitions: MATH3076, MATH3016, MATH3916 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments, quizzes (100%)
See entry for MATH3076 Mathematical Computing.
MATH3977 Lagrangian & Hamiltonian Dynamics (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr. Leon Poladian Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics with at least Credit average Prohibitions: MATH2904, MATH2004, MATH3917 Assessment: One 2 hour exam and assignments and/or quizzes (100%)
This unit provides a comprehensive treatment of dynamical systems using the mathematically sophisticated framework of Lagrange and Hamilton. This formulation of classical mechanics generalizes elegantly to modern theories of relativity and quantum mechanics. The unit develops dynamical theory from the Principle of Least Action using the calculus of variations. Emphasis is placed on the relation between the symmetry and invariance properties of the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian functions and conservation laws. Coordinate and canonical transformations are introduced to make apparently complicated dynamical problems appear very simple. The unit will also explore connections between geometry and different physical theories beyond classical mechanics.
Students will be expected to solve fully dynamical systems of some complexity including planetary motion and to investigate stability using perturbation analysis. Hamilton-Jacobi theory will be used to elegantly solve problems ranging from geodesics (shortest path between two points) on curved surfaces to relativistic motion in the vicinity of black holes.
This unit is a useful preparation for units in dynamical systems and chaos, and complements units in differential equations, quantum theory and general relativity.
MATH3078 PDEs and Waves

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics Prohibitions: MATH3978, MATH3018, MATH3921 Assumed knowledge: MATH(2061/2961) and MATH(2065/2965) Assessment: One 2 hour exam, one lecture quiz (100%)
This unit of study introduces Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problems and their role in finding solutions to boundary value problems. Analytical solutions of linear PDEs are found using separation of variables and integral transform methods. Three of the most important equations of mathematical physics - the wave equation, the diffusion (heat) equation and Laplace's equation - are treated, together with a range of applications. There is particular emphasis on wave phenomena, with an introduction to the theory of sound waves and water waves.
Powers, DL. Boundary Value Problems. Harcourt-Brace 4th Edition. 1999.
MATH3978 PDEs and Waves (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics with at least Credit average Prohibitions: MATH3078, MATH3018, MATH3921 Assumed knowledge: MATH(2061/2961) and MATH(2065/2965) Assessment: One 2 hour exam, one lecture quiz (100%)
As for MATH3078 PDEs & Waves but with more advanced problem solving and assessment tasks. Some additional topics may be included.
Powers, DL. Boundary Value Problems. Harcourt-Brace 4th Edition. 1999.
Statistics Intermediate units of study
The School of Mathematics and Statistics provides Intermediate units of study, each worth 6 credit points, in Statistics. A normal Intermediate load in a discipline is 12 credit points and students intending to specialise in Senior Statistics should take 2 units of study (12 credit points) of Intermediate Statistics. Topics are offered at Normal and Advanced levels and may not be counted together. Further information follows, whilst details of units of study structure, content and assessment procedures are provided in the Intermediate Year Unit of Study Handbook available from the School at the time of enrolment. The units of study (each 6 credit points) are listed below:
First semester
Statistical Models STAT2011; Probability and Statistical Models (Adv) STAT2911
Second semester
Statistical Tests STAT2012; Statistical Tests (Advanced) STAT2912
Relation to other units of study and recommendations
Students should note that all Senior Statistics units of study have statistics prerequisites and some require MATH1003 or 1903 or MATH1002 or 1902. MATH2061 or MATH2961 is also desirable. If your major interest is statistics, then you are encouraged to enrol in 2 units of study (12 credit points) in Intermediate Statistics. If you are considering doing Honours in Statistics, these units of study should be the Advanced units of study, and choices from Intermediate Mathematics should include at least MATH2061 or 2961. If you do not intend to major in Statistics but want a solid introduction to Applied Statistics, you should take STAT2012 in your second semester.
STAT2011 Statistical Models

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour computer laboratory week. Prerequisites: MATH (1001 or 1901 or 1906 or 1011) and [MATH (1005 or 1905 or 1015) or STAT1021] Prohibitions: STAT2901, STAT2001, STAT2911 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments and/or quizzes, and computer practical reports (100%)
This unit provides an introduction to univariate techniques in data analysis and the most common statistical distributions that are used to model patterns of variability. Common discrete random models like the binomial, Poisson and geometric and continuous models including the normal and exponential will be studied. The method of moments and maximum likelihood techniques for fitting statistical distributions to data will be explored. The unit will have weekly computer classes where candidates will learn to use a statistical computing package to perform simulations and carry out computer intensive estimation techniques like the bootstrap method.
STAT2911 Probability and Statistical Models (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour computer laboratory per week. Prerequisites: MATH (1903 or 1907 or Credit in 1003) and MATH (1905 or 1904 or Credit in 1005) Prohibitions: STAT2001, STAT2011, STAT2901 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments and/or quizzes, and computer practical reports (100%)
This unit is essentially an advanced version of STAT2011, with an emphasis being on the mathematical techniques used to manipulate random variables and probability models. Common random variables including the Poisson, normal, beta and gamma families are introduced. Probability generating functions and convolution methods are used to understand the behaviour of sums of random variables. The method of moments and maximum likelihood techniques for fitting statistical distributions to data will be explored. The unit will have weekly computer classes where candidates will learn to use a statistical computing package to perform simulations and carry out computer intensive estimation techniques like the bootstrap method.
STAT2012 Statistical Tests

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour computer laboratory per week. Prerequisites: MATH (1005 or 1905 or 1015) Prohibitions: STAT2004, STAT2912 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments and/or quizzes, and computer practical reports (100%)
This unit provides an introduction to the standard methods of statistical analysis of data: Tests of hypotheses and confidence intervals, including t-tests, analysis of variance, regression - least squares and robust methods, power of tests, non-parametric tests, non-parametric smoothing, tests for count data, goodness of fit, contingency tables. Graphical methods and diagnostic methods are used throughout with all analyses discussed in the context of computation with real data using an interactive statistical package.
STAT2912 Statistical Tests (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour computer laboratory per week. Prerequisites: MATH1905 or Credit in MATH1005 Prohibitions: STAT2004, STAT2012 Assumed knowledge: STAT (2911 or 2901) Assessment: One 2-hour exam, assignments and/or quizzes, computer practical reports and one computer practical exam (100%)
This unit is essentially an advanced version of STAT2012 with an emphasis on both methods and the mathematical derivation of these methods: Tests of hypotheses and confidence intervals, including t-tests, analysis of variance, regression - least squares and robust methods, power of tests, non-parametric methods, non-parametric smoothing, tests for count data, goodness of fit, contingency tables. Graphical methods and diagnostic methods are used throughout with all analyses discussed in the context of computation with real data using an interactive statistical package.
Statistics senior units of study
The School of Mathematics and Statistics provides several Senior units of study, each worth 6 credit points, in Statistics. Students wishing to major in Statistics should take 4 units of study (24 credit points) of Senior Statistics. Some topics are offered at Normal and Advanced levels and may not be counted together. Entry to some Advanced units of study requires a Credit or better in a Normal level prerequisite or a Pass or better in an Advanced level prerequisite. Further information follows, whilst details of unit of study structure, content, and assessment procedures are provided in the Senior Units of Study Handbook available from the School at the time of enrolment. The units of study (each 6 credit points) are listed below:
First semester
STAT3011 Stochastic Processes and Time Series; STAT3911 Stochastic Processes and Time Series Adv; STAT3012 Applied Linear Methods; STAT3912 Applied Linear Methods Advanced
Second semester
STAT3013 Statistical Inference; STAT3913 Statistical Inference Advanced; STAT3014 Applied Statistics; STAT3914 Applied Statistics Advanced
Relation to other units of study and recommendations
In general 4 units of study (24 credit points) are required in order to major in Statistics, and a Credit average is required to progress to an Honours year. Potential Honours students are expected to include at least two Advanced level units of study. Students intending to major in Statistics should choose 2 units of study of Senior Statistics each semester, making 24 credit points in total.
STAT3011 Stochastic Processes and Time Series

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week; ten 1 hour computer laboratories per semester. Prerequisites: STAT (2011 or 2911 or 2001 or 2901) and MATH (1003 or 1903 or 1907). Prohibitions: STAT3911, STAT3003, STAT3903, STAT3005, STAT3905 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments and/or quizzes, and computer practical reports (100%)
Section I of this course will introduce the fundamental concepts of applied stochastic processes and Markov chains used in financial mathematics, mathematical statistics, applied mathematics and physics. Section II of the course establishes some methods of modeling and analysing situations which depend on time. Fitting ARMA models for certain time series are considered from both theoretical and practical points of view. Throughout the course we will use the S-PLUS (or R) statistical packages to give analyses and graphical displays.
STAT3911 Stochastic Processes and Time Series Adv

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lecture, one 1 hour tutorial per week, plus an extra 1 hour lecture per week on advanced material in the first half of the semester. Seven 1 hour computer laboratories (on time series) in the second half of the semester (one 1 hour class per week). Prerequisites: (STAT2911 or credit in STAT2011) and MATH(1003 or 1903 or 1907). Prohibitions: STAT3011, STAT3003, STAT3903, STAT3005, STAT3905 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments and/or quizzes, and computer practical reports (100%)
This is an Advanced version of STAT3011. There will be 3 lectures in common with STAT3011. In addition to STAT3011 material, theory on branching processes and birth and death processes will be covered. There will be more advanced tutorial and assessment work associated with this unit.
STAT3012 Applied Linear Models

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour computer laboratories per week. Prerequisites: STAT(2012 or 2912 or 2004) and MATH(1002 or 1014 or 1902). Prohibitions: STAT3912, STAT3002, STAT3902, STAT3004, STAT3904 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments and/or quizzes, and computer practical reports (100%)
This course will introduce the fundamental concepts of analysis of data from both observational studies and experimental designs using classical linear methods, together with concepts of collection of data and design of experiments. First we will consider linear models and regression methods with diagnostics for checking appropriateness of models. We will look briefly at robust regression methods here. Then we will consider the design and analysis of experiments considering notions of replication, randomization and ideas of factorial designs. Throughout the course we will use the R statistical package to give analyses and graphical displays.
STAT3912 Applied Linear Models (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour computer laboratory per week. Prerequisites: (STAT2912 or Credit in STAT2004 or Credit in STAT2012) and MATH(2061 or 2961 or 1902). Prohibitions: STAT3012, STAT3002, STAT3902, STAT3004, STAT3904 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments and/or quizzes, and computer practical reports (100%)
This unit is essentially an Advanced version of STAT3012, with emphasis on the mathematical techniques underlying applied linear models together with proofs of distribution theory based on vector space methods. There will be 3 lectures per week in common with STAT3012 and some advanced material given in a separate advanced tutorial together with more advanced assessment work.
STAT3013 Statistical Inference

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour computer laboratory per week. Prerequisites: STAT(2012 or 2912 or 2003 or 2903) and STAT (2011 or 2911) Prohibitions: STAT3913, STAT3001, STAT3901 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments and/or quizzes, and computer practical reports (100%)
In this course we will study basic topics in modern statistical inference. This will include traditional concepts of mathematical statistics: likelihood estimation, method of moments, properties of estimators, exponential families, decision-theory approach to hypothesis testing, likelihood ratio test as well as more recent approaches such as Bayes estimation, Empirical Bayes and nonparametric estimation. During the computer classes (using R software package) we will illustrate the various estimation techniques and give an introduction to computationally intensive methods like Monte Carlo, Gibbs sampling and EM-algorithm.
STAT3913 Statistical Inference Advanced

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour computer laboratory per week. Prerequisites: STAT(2911 or 2903). Prohibitions: STAT3013, STAT3001, STAT3901 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments and/or quizzes, and computer practical reports (100%)
Note: It is advisable to have also completed STAT2912
This unit is essentially an Advanced version of STAT3013, with emphasis on the mathematical techniques underlying statistical inference together with proofs based on distribution theory. There will be 3 lectures per week in common with some material required only in this advanced course and some advanced material given in a separate advanced tutorial together with more advanced assessment work.
STAT3014 Applied Statistics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 1 hour tutorial and one 1 hour computer laboratory per week. Prerequisites: STAT(2012 or 2912 or 2004). Prohibitions: STAT3914, STAT3002, STAT3902, STAT3006 Assumed knowledge: STAT(3012 or 3912). Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments and/or quizzes, and computer practical reports (100%)
This unit has three distinct but related components: Multivariate analysis; sampling and surveys; and generalised linear models. The first component deals with multivariate data covering simple data reduction techniques like principal components analysis and core multivariate tests including Hotelling's T^2, Mahalanobis' distance and Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA). The sampling section includes sampling without replacement, stratified sampling, ratio estimation, and cluster sampling. The final section looks at the analysis of categorical data via generalized linear models. Logistic regression and log-linear models will be looked at in some detail along with special techniques for analyzing discrete data with special structure.
STAT3914 Applied Statistics Advanced

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour computer laboratory per week plus an extra hour each week which will alternate between lectures and tutorials. Prerequisites: STAT2912 or credit or better in (STAT2004 or STAT2012). Prohibitions: STAT3014, STAT3002, STAT3902, STAT3006, STAT3907 Assumed knowledge: STAT3912 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments and/or quizzes, and computer practical reports (100%)
This unit is an Advanced version of STAT3014. There will be 3 lectures per week in common with STAT3014. The unit will have extra lectures focusing on multivariate distribution theory developing results for the multivariate normal, partial correlation, the Wishart distribution and Hotelling's T^2. There will also be more advanced tutorial and assessment work associated with this unit.

Medical Science units of study

Bachelor of Medical Science junior units of study
BMED units are available only to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Medical Science degree.
Bachelor of Medical Science Intermediate Core units of study
BMED2801 Cell Structure and Function

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof. Vladimir Balcar Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures per week; five hours of tutorials or practicals every fortnight. Prerequisites: 42 credit points of Junior Bachelor of Medical Science units of study Prohibitions: All Intermediate level units offered by the Schools of Molecular Bioscience, Medical Sciences and BIOL(2006/2906) and BIOL(2016/2916) Assessment: One 2 hour theory exam; three in-semester assessments (100%)
This unit of study begins with a discussion of the unique morphology of unicellular prokaryotic organisms (bacteria, fungi and viruses) followed by the structure and function of human cells. A strong understanding of cellular structures is essential for an appreciation of whole body function. Basic cell structure is examined by focussing on cell specialisation and tissue organisation in humans. The structure and function of excitable cells such as nerve and muscle will lead to a discussion of membrane potential, synaptic transmission and neuromuscular junction. The unit of study then gives an introduction into how gene expression is regulated during development, and how the cell cycle is controlled to coordinate programmed events such as differentiation and cell death. This allows discussion of the consequences and treatment of abnormal tissue growth (cancer).
Practical classes not only complement the lecture material but also introduce students to a wide range of technical skills, tissue processing and bacterial cultivation. In addition, the sessions are also designed to provide students with generic skills such as record keeping, data collection and presentation, protocol planning and written communication.
BMED2802 Molecular Basis of Medical Sciences

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures per week; five hours of tutorials or practicals every fortnight. Prerequisites: 42 credit points of Junior Bachelor of Medical Science units of study Prohibitions: All Intermediate level units offered by the Schools of Molecular Bioscience, Medical Sciences and BIOL(2006/2906) and BIOL(2016/2916) Assessment: One 2 hour theory exam; three in-semester assessments (100%)
This unit of study extends pre-existing understanding of the way in which genetic information is stored, transmitted and expressed. Students will be introduced to the role of enzymes in the catalysis of cellular reactions and the pharmacological strategies employed to exploit our knowledge of these mechanisms is then discussed. Intracellular signalling cascades, cell to cell signalling and pharmacological intervention in these processes is covered. The molecular basis of drug action and the use of DNA technology in drug design will be discussed. Students will then cover the application of medical genetics to the study of advanced gene expression, recombinant technology, cloning and gene products, transgenics and the linkage and mapping of genes including reference to DNA fingerprinting and the human genome project and gene therapy.
The technical skills taught in the practical classes include the use of restriction enzymes, the separation of DNA molecules using electrophoresis, the inspection of chromosomes, linkage mapping, gene transfer and the measurement of gene expression. In addition to nurturing the skills involved in the design and execution of experiments, the practical sessions will formally teach students report writing skills and will give students practice at articulating feedback to their peers.
Genes IX (9th edition, Jones & Bartlett, 2008)
BMED2803 Cardiac, Respiratory and Renal Function

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Suzanne Ollerenshaw Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures per week; five hours of tutorials or practicals every fortnight. Prerequisites: 42 credit points of Junior Bachelor of Medical Science units of study Prohibitions: All Intermediate level units offered by the Schools of Molecular Bioscience, Medical Sciences and BIOL(2006/2906) and BIOL(2016/2916) Assessment: One 2hr theory exam; three in-semester assessments (100%)
The maintenance of constant conditions in the human body is dependent on thousands of intricate control mechanisms. This unit of study examines many of those homeostatic processes with specific reference to major apparatus such as the respiratory, cardiovascular and renal. The structure and function of the cardiovascular system is discussed and cardiac output, blood pressure and blood flow are studied. Discussion of the respiratory system embraces the structure of the respiratory organs and description of the mechanism of the transport of gases to and from cells. Similar treatment of the renal system involves anatomical and histological investigation of kidney structure and a physiological description of kidney function.
Practical classes are designed to nurture the same generic attributes taught in BMED2801 and BMED2802 but, in addition, students are introduced to a wide range of anatomical and physiological technical skills. Specifically, students will investigate the structure and function of the heart and blood vessels, the components of the respiratory system and the kidney - all at the cellular and organ level. Students will also conduct experiments (often on themselves) which show how heart rate and blood pressure are controlled, how breathing is regulated and how urine output is modulated in response to both physiological and pharmacological stimuli.
BMED2804 Digestion, Absorption and Metabolism

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kim Bell-Anderson Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures per week; five hours of tutorials or practicals every fortnight. Prerequisites: 42 credit points of Junior Bachelor of Medical Science units of study Prohibitions: All Intermediate level units offered by the Schools of Molecular Bioscience, Medical Sciences and BIOL(2006/2906) and BIOL(2016/2916) Assessment: One 2 hour theory exam; three in-semester assignments (100%)
This unit of study gives an introduction to the structures used to digest and absorb fuels, at both the anatomical and histological level. This is then followed by discussion of the utilisation and fate of absorbed nutrients. After an overview of the alimentary tract and associated organs, the detailed anatomy of the oral cavity, oesophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, etc is considered. This is complemented by description of the specialised cell types in the digestive system, discussion of the transport mechanisms employed to absorb nutrients, and consideration of the control systems used to regulate activity of the digestive process. The role of intestinal microflora in the gastrointestinal tract, contributing to both beneficial digestion and absorption of nutrients, as well as to pathogenic disruption, is also discussed in this unit of study. The fundamentals of metabolism are introduced, in particular, the chemical reactions that are responsible for fuel processing. The pharmacokinetic angle is explored further with discussion of the metabolism and absorption of drugs including the detoxification and excretion of xenobiotic compounds.
Practical classes give students extensive experience with inspection of the digestive system at both the cellular and gross anatomical level. The peristaltic reflex and pharmacological influences are explored. These sessions are designed to nurture observation, data analysis, record keeping and report writing skills.
BMED2805 Hormones, Reproduction and Development

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Michael Morris Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures per week; five hours of tutorials or practicals every fortnight. Prerequisites: 42 credit points of Junior Bachelor of Medical Science units of study Prohibitions: All Intermediate level units offered by the Schools of Molecular Bioscience, Medical Sciences and BIOL(2006/2906) and BIOL(2016/2916) Assessment: One 2 hr theory exam; three in-semester assessments (100%)
This unit of study examines hormonal control of human body processes. Specifically, students will investigate the structure and function of endocrine glands, such as the pituitary, thyroid and pancreas, at the cellular and organ level. Examples of the influence of hormones on metabolic processes are provided by considerating fuel selection during exercise and starvation, and in diabetes and obesity. The fate of the macronutrients (carbohydrate, fat and protein) is then considered in terms of their uptake, disposal and reassembly into storage fuels and cellular structures. Biochemical pathways involved in the extraction of energy from the macronutrient fuels are then covered, with emphasis on the whole-body integration and regulation of these metabolic processes. This leads to discussion of performance enhancing drugs and also provides a solid background for understanding pharmacological intervention in these conditions. The hormones involved in reproduction, contraception, fertilisation and pregnancy are also discussed, leading on to foetal-new-born transition and the development of the human embryo and cell differentiation. In the practical classes, students are introduced to a wide range of technical skills. Specifically, students will investigate the structure and function of the important endocrine glands, design a biochemical kit for the evaluation of blood glucose, perform a glucose tolerance test to investigate how glucose levels are regulated and modulated in response to a glucose load, and build models of embryos to help understand general mechanisms associated with development and differentiation. In addition, sessions are designed to nurture oral presentation skills, hypothesis testing, data analysis, troubleshooting, instruction writing and feedback skills.
BMED2806 Sensory and Motor Functions

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Richard Ward Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures per week; five hours of tutorials or practicals every fortnight. Prerequisites: 42 credit points of Junior Bachelor of Medical Science units of study Prohibitions: All Intermediate level units offered by the Schools of Molecular Bioscience, Medical Sciences and BIOL(2006/2906) and BIOL(2016/2916) Assessment: One 2 hour theory exam; three in-semester assessments (100%)
This unit of study examines how neural and motor systems are adapted to sense and respond to changes in the external environment. After consideration of the basic anatomical organisation of the nervous and sensory systems, the way in which nerve signals are integrated and coordinated in response to external stimuli are covered in more detail. Various senses such as vision, touch and hearing are studied, together with a discussion on motor reflexes. The receptors involved in normal modes of communications are discussed before specific examples such as the fright and flight and stress responses are considered. This is complemented by discussion of the effects of drugs on the nervous system, with special reference to pain and analgesics. An appreciation is gained of how toxins and infections can perturb the normal neuromuscular co-ordination. Thus, pharmacological and pathological considerations, such as the use of poisoned arrows and muscle paralysis and viral and tetanus infections, are studied in concert with relevant physiological concepts.
In practical classes, students perform experiments (often on themselves) to illustrate the functioning of the senses and motor control and coordination involving both stretch and flexor reflexes. In addition, students extend their anatomical expertise by examining the structure and function of the nervous system and the skeleton (especially the vertebral column, the thorax and the limbs). Practical sessions also include the effects of analgesics on experimental pain and case studies of tetanus and botulism. The practical sessions draw widely on, and nurture, the generic skills taught in preceding units of study but particularly in BMED2804 and BMED2805.
BMED2807 Microbes and Body Defences

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Helen Agus Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures per week; five hours of tutorials or practicals every fortnight. Prerequisites: 42 credit points of Junior Bachelor of Medical Science units of study Prohibitions: All Intermediate level units offered by the Schools of Molecular Bioscience, Medical Sciences and BIOL(2006/2906) and BIOL(2016/2916) Assessment: One 2-hour theory exam; three in-semester assessments (100%)
This unit of study begins by introducing the concepts of disease transmission, pathogenicity and virulence mechanisms of microbes. How the body deals with injury and infection is discussed by exploring host defences. Sections on wound healing, clotting and inflammation cover the response to physical damage and this is complemented by discussion of the pharmacological basis of anti-inflammatory agents and anti-coagulants.
For a full understanding of the process of infection, it is necessary to have an appreciation of the range of pathogens and injuries with which the body must cope. Therefore this unit of study examines the structure and function of pathogenic microorganisms (including bacteria, fungi, protists, and viruses, etc). The response of the body to pathogen invasion is studied by discussion of both molecular and cellular immune responses. In particular, this gives students an appreciation of the structure, production and diversity of antibodies, the processing of antigens, operation of the complement system and recognition and destruction of invading cells. This allows students to appreciate the basis of derangements of the immune system and the mechanism of action of immuno-modulatory drugs.
Practical classes allow students to obtain experience in, and an understanding of, a range of techniques in classical and molecular virology, bacteriology and immunology. In addition, the practical sessions draw widely on, and nurture, the generic skills taught in preceding units of study.
BMED2808 Disease in Society

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Brett Hambly Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week; five hours of tutorials or practicals every fortnight. Prerequisites: 42 credit points of Junior Bachelor of Medical Science units of study Prohibitions: All Intermediate level units offered by the Schools of Molecular Bioscience, Medical Sciences and BIOL(2006/2906) and BIOL(2016/2916) Assessment: One 2-hour theory exam; three in-semester assessments (100%)
Disease in Society seeks to integrate basic knowledge of important diseases, ranging from metabolic diseases through airways and heart disease and cancer to infections. About half the unit considers infectious diseases: viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic. The other half looks at inherited disorders, cardio-respiratory disorders such as angina, heart failure and asthma. Society's approaches to dealing with these diseases - whether by pharmacological intervention, counselling or lifestyle change are discussed. Putting the disease in the relevant social context is emphasized in all aspects of the unit.
The impact of bacteria and viruses on individuals and society is taught with reference to specific infectious diseases (eg influenza, polio, herpes, STDs, etc) and this leads into an introduction of epidemiology. Included in the discussion of the way in which these organisms cause and transmit disease is a consideration of how antibiotics and anti-viral drugs work and how microbes can become drug resistant.
Practical classes are designed to complement the lectures and provide a 'hands-on' experience in investigating disease. Also included are tutorial sessions in which hospital microbiologists guide students though clinical case studies and in an integrated session, students examine the infection, immunity and pathology of tuberculosis. These sessions are designed to nurture an appreciation of the importance of an integrative approach to the study of disease in today's society. The generic skills taught in preceding units of study are further reinforced.
Bachelor of Medical Science Senior Core units of study
Students are required to complete at least 36 credit points of Senior units of study chosen from the core subject areas of Anatomy and Histology, Biology (Genetics), Biochemistry, Cell Pathology, Immunology, Infectious diseases, Microbiology, Pharmacology and Physiology, as listed in Table IV. Descriptions are listed here and under the relevant department headings in this chapter where the units are offered by other Schools/Departments in the faculty.
INFD3012 Infectious Diseases

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Colin Harbour Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 1 hour lecture and one 1 hour tutorial and one 2 hour practical and one 2 hour case study or theme session a week. Prerequisites: 42 cedit points of intermediate BMED units including BMED2807. Assumed knowledge: Intermediate microbiology, immunology, molecular biology and genetics. Assessment: Formal examination (60%): one 2 hour exam worth. Progressive assessment (40%): includes 2000-word essay, tutorial case presentation, poster presentation.
Note: The completion of MICR3011 is strongly recommended prior to undertaking this course.
Infectious diseases occur as a result of interactions between a host and a microbial parasite. This unit of study will explain how infectious agents interact with human hosts at the molecular, cellular, individual patient and community levels to cause diseases and how the hosts attempt to combat these infections. The unit will be taught by the discipline of Infectious Diseases and Immunology of the Department of Medicine within the Central Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine with involvement of associated clinical and research experts who will contribute lectures and theme sessions on their own special interests. The primary learning vehicle in this unit will be the case study involving three or four cases per week on the diseases theme of the week, e.g. Pneumonia in week 1, wound infections in week 2 etc. Students are strongly recommended to complete MICR3011 before enrolling in this unit.
Medical Microbiology. Edited by Cedric Mims et al. Mosby, 2004. ISBN 07234-3260-0

Medicinal Chemistry

Medicinal Chemistry is an interdisciplinary major offered within the BSc. It is concerned with the chemistry underpinning the design, discovery and development of new pharmaceuticals, and is jointly administered by the School of Chemistry and the Department of Pharmacology. Medicinal Chemistry examines why some types of chemical compounds are toxic, why some have therapeutic value, and the mode of drug action at the molecular level. A major in Medicinal Chemistry includes the study of natural and synthetic compounds of biological and medicinal importance, how molecules interact with each other and how specific molecules can influence metabolic pathways in living organisms. A student seeking to complete this major will study Junior and Intermediate Chemistry, and also Intermediate Pharmacology, as prerequisites for the Senior units of study. Refer to Table 1 for an enrolment guide and to entries under the contributing schools and departments for unit descriptions.


The discipline of Microbiology in the School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences offers units of study that equip students for a career in Microbiology in fields of health, industry and basic research. In addition, it provides introductory units of study to students of agriculture, pharmacy and science. These units of study will help students who wish to specialise in related fields where microorganisms are often used in studying life processes, e.g. biochemistry, genetics and botany.
Microbiology Intermediate units of study
MICR2021 Microbial Life

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Deborah Blanckenberg Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week, plus an additional six 1-hour tutorials per semester. Eleven 3-hour practicals per semester. Prerequisites: 6cp of Junior Biology and (6cp of MBLG (1001 or 1901) or MBLG2901 or PLNT2001 or PLNT2901) and 6cp of Junior Chemistry Prohibitions: MICR2921, MICR2024, MICR2001, MICR2901, MICR2003, MICR2007, MICR2011, MICR2909 Assessment: One 2-hour theory exam, continuous assessment in practicals, two assignments, two quizzes, practical assessment exercises (100%)
Note: Students are very strongly recommended to complete MICR (2021 or 2921 or 2024) before enrolling in MICR2022 in Semester 2. For progression on to Senior Microbiology units, students must also complete MBLG (1001 or 1901) or PLNT (2001 or 2901).
Microorganisms are by far the most ubiquitous organisms on the planet, and underpin healthy ecosystems through nutrient recycling and biodegradation, as well as providing many aspects of plant and animal nutrition. They are used in many industrial processes such as producing enzymes, vitamins and antibiotics, and in the manufacture of some foods and beverages. Microorganisms can also cause problems, however, such as human, animal and plant diseases, poisoning, pollution and spoilage. The small size of most microrganisms means special techniques are required to view, measure, classify and identify them.
In this unit of study, the diversity of microbial life, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae and protozoa, and their importance to humans, are introduced. The course is designed for the students wishing to major in microbiology as well as those requiring microbial skills while specializing in related fields, such as molecular biology.
Theoretical aspects of microbiology are supplemented with laboratory classes that teach the safe handling and viewing of microrganisms, and draw on research in microbiology laboratories.
Willey et al. Prescott, Harley, and Klein's Microbiology. 8th edition. WCB/McGraw-Hill. 2010.
MICR2921 Microbial Life (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Deborah Blanckenberg Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week, plus an additional six 1-hour tutorials and three 1-hour seminars per semester. Eleven 3-hour practicals per semester. Prerequisites: (6 credit points of Junior Biology) and (6 credit points of MBLG (1001 or 1901) or MBLG2901 or PLNT2001 or PLNT2901) and 6 credit points of Junior Chemistry. Distinction grade required in at least one of Junior Biology or MBLG1001 or MBLG1901 or PLNT2001 or PLNT2911. Prohibitions: MICR2021, MICR2024, MICR2001, MICR2901, MICR2003, MICR2007, MICR2011, MICR2909 Assessment: One 2-hour theory exam, continuous assessment in practicals, two assignments, two quizzes, practical assessment exercises, essay (100%)
Note: Students are very strongly advised to complete MICR (2021 or 2921 or 2024) before enrolling in MICR2022 or 2922 in Semester 2. For progression on to Senior Microbiology units, students must also complete MBLG (1001 or 1901) or PLNT(2001 or 2901).
This unit of study is based on MICR2021 with three additional seminars on advanced aspects of the material covered in MICR2021. The content and nature of this component may vary from year to year.
As for MICR2021
MICR2022 Microbes in Society

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Deborah Blackenberg Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week, plus an additional four 1-hour tutorials per semester. Eleven 3-hour practicals per semester Prerequisites: 6 of Junior Biology and (6 of MBLG (1001 or 1901) or PLNT2001 or PLNT2911) and 6 of Junior Chemistry Prohibitions: MICR2922, MICR2002, MICR2902, MICR2004, MICR2008, MICR2012, MICR2909 Assumed knowledge: MICR (2021 or 2921 or 2024 or 2026) Assessment: One 2-hour theory exam, continuous assessment in practicals, two assignments, two quizzes, practical assessment exercises (100%)
Note: Students are very strongly advised to complete MICR (2021 or 2921 or 2024) before enrolling in MICR2022 in Semester 2. For progression on to Senior Microbiology units, students must also complete MBLG (1001 or 1901) or PLNT (2001 or 2901).
Pathogenic microbes cause infectious diseases of humans, animals and plants, and inflict enormous suffering and economic losses. Beneficial microbes are important contributors to food production, agriculture, biotechnology, and environmental processes. The aims of MICR2022/2922 are to explore the impacts and applications of microbes in human society and in the environment at large, and to teach skills and specialist knowledge in several key areas of microbiology. Medical Microbiology lectures will cover bacterial, viral, and fungal pathogens, and will introduce the concepts of epidemiology, transmission, pathogenicity, virulence factors, host/parasite relationships, host defences, prevention of disease, and antibiotic types, functions, and resistance. Lecture topics in other areas include Food (preservation, spoilage, poisoning, industrial context), Industrial (fermentation, traditional and recombinant products, bioprospecting), Environmental (nutrient cycles, atmosphere, wastewater, pollution, biodegradation) and Agricultural (nitrogen fixation, plant pathogens, biocontrols). The laboratory sessions are integrated with the lecture series and are designed to give students practical experience in isolating, identifying and manipulating microorganisms. BSc or BSc (Advanced) students who have completed MICR2021/2921 and MICR2022/2922 may be offered the opportunity to undertake work experience for approx one month in a local microbiology laboratory (hospital, industrial, university etc) subject to availability of places.
Willey et al. Prescott, Harley and Klein's Microbiology. 8th edition. WCB/McGraw-Hill. 2010.
MICR2922 Microbes in Society (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Deborah Blanckenberg Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week, plus an additional four 1-hour tutorials, three 1-hour seminars and eleven 3-hour practicals per semester. Prerequisites: 6 credit points of Junior Biology and (6 credit points of MBLG1001 or MBLG1901 or PLNT2001 or PLNT2901) and 6 credit points of Junior Chemistry. Distinction grade required in at least one of Junior Biology or MBLG1001 or MBLG1901 or PLNT2001 or PLNT2911 Prohibitions: MICR2022, MICR2002, MICR2902, MICR2004, MICR2008, MICR2012, MICR2909 Assumed knowledge: MICR (2021 or 2921 or 2024 or 2026) Assessment: One 2-hour theory exam, continuous assessment in practicals, two assignments, two quizzes, practical assessment exercises, essay (100%)
Note: Students are very strongly advised to complete MICR (2021 or 2921 or 2024) before enrolling in MICR2922 in Semester 2. For progression on to Senior Microbiology units, students must also complete MBLG (1001 or 1901) or PLNT (2001 or 2901).
This unit of study is based on MICR2022 with three additional seminars on advanced aspects of the material covered in MICR2022. The content and nature of this component may vary from year to year.
As for MICR2022
MICR2024 Microbes in the Environment

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Michael Kertesz Session: Semester 2 Classes: (2 lec, 3h prac)/wk Prerequisites: 12 credit points of first year Biology Prohibitions: MICR2001, MICR2901, MICR2003, MICR2007, MICR2011, MICR2021, MICR2921, MICR2909 Assessment: 1 x 2hr exam (60%), 4 x quizzes (total 15%), lab skills assessment (5%) and 1 x lab project report (20%)
This unit introduces the diversity of microbes found in soil, water, air, plants and animal environments. Through an examination of their physiology and genetics it explores their interactions with plants, animals and each other, and their roles as decomposers and recyclers in the environment. The soil is a rich microbial environment, and the concept of soil health and its relationship to plant growth is discussed. Practical classes introduce techniques and skills in isolating, quantifying and culturing microbes, designing and interpreting experiments to study microbial growth, and in preparing and presenting data.
Willey et al. 2007. Prescott/Harley/Klein's Microbiology 8th ed. McGraw-Hill
Microbiology Senior units of study
MICR3011 Microbes in Infection

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Helen Agus Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week, eight 3-hour practical sessions and three 2-hour clinical tutorials per semester Prerequisites: At least 6 credit points of MBLG units and (MICR2022 or MICR2922 or MICR2002 or MICR2902). For BMedSc students: 42 credit points of Intermediate BMED units including (BMED2807 and BMED2808). For BScAgr students: (PLNT2001 or PLNT2901) and (MICR2022 or MICR2922). Prohibitions: MICR3911, MICR3001, MICR3901 Assessment: One 2-hour exam, practical assessment (100%)
This unit is designed to further develop an interest in, and understanding of, medical microbiology from the introduction in Intermediate Microbiology. Through an examination of microbial structure, virulence, body defences and pathogenesis, the process of acquisition and establishment of disease is covered. The unit is divided into three themes: 1. Clinical Microbiology: host defences, infections, virulence mechanisms; 2. Public health microbiology: epidemiology, international public health, transmission, water and food borne outbreaks; 3. Emerging and re-emerging diseases: the impact of societal change with respect to triggering new diseases and causing the re-emergence of past problems, case studies. The practical component is designed to enhance students' practical skills and to complement the lecture series. Clinical tutorial sessions underpin and investigate the application of the material covered in the practical classes.
Murray PR et al. Medical Microbiology. 6th edition. Mosby. 2009.
MICR3911 Microbes in Infection (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Helen Agus Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week, plus an additional six 1-hour tutorials, eight 3-hour practical sessions and three 2-hour clinical tutorials per semester. Prerequisites: At least 6 credit points of MBLG units and Distinction in MICR (2022 or 2922 or 2002 or 2902). For BMedSc students: 42 credit points of Intermediate BMED units including in BMED (2807 or 2808) with a Distinction in one of these two. For BScAgr students: PLNT (2001 or 2901) and MICR (2022 or 2922) including one Distinction. Prohibitions: MICR3011, MICR3001, MICR3901 Assessment: One 2-hour exam, practical assessment, one in-semester 1 hour essay exam on topic of choice (100%)
This unit is available to students who have performed well in Intermediate Microbiology. MICR3911 is based on MICR3011 with a series of additional tutorials and self-directed learning to extend students beyond the core material. Consequently, the unit of study content may vary from year to year.
Murray al. Medical Microbiology. 6th ed., Mosby, 2009.
MICR3032 Molecular Microbiology Concepts

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Dee Carter Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three lectures per week and one 2-hour prac/tute per week Prerequisites: At least 6 credit points of MBLG units and MICR (2022 or 2922 or 2002 or 2902). For BMedSc students: 42 credit points of Intermediate BMED units including BMED (2802, 2807 and 2808). For BScAgr students: PLNT (2001 or 2901) and MICR2024. Prohibitions: MICR3932 Assumed knowledge: MICR2021 or equivalent introductory microbiology. Assessment: One 1-hour exam (mid semester); One 2-hour exam (end of semester); One written assignment (report/essay); One presentation; One computer-based assessment exercise (100%)
Note: Students undertaking a major in microbiology must take MICR3042 or MICR3942.
This Unit of Study introduces students to key areas of research in molecular microbiology. Building on knowledge gained in MICR2012 and MICR2022, as well as MBLG1001, it brings in areas of microbial evolution, pathogenesis, physiology, ecology, biotechnology and genetics, with each key theme explored with a series of 6 lectures led by an expert in the field. Lectures will be complemented with practical/ tutorial sessions that explore recent research in these areas. It is strongly recommended that students also take the complementary unit of study, MICR3042 or MICR3942. One of these two units is a required corequisite for students completing a major in Microbiology.
MICR3932 Molecular Microbiology Concepts (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Professor Dee Carter Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three lectures per week and One 2-hour prac/tute per week Prerequisites: At least 6 credit points of MBLG units and Distinction in MICR (2022 or 2922 or 2002 or 2902). For BMedSc students: 42 credit points of Intermediate BMED units including BMED (2802 or 2807 or 2808) with a Distinction in one of these three. For BScAgr students: PLNT (2001 or 2901) and MICR2024 including one Distinction. Corequisites: Students undertaking a major in microbiology must take MICR3042 or MICR3942. Prohibitions: MICR3032 Assumed knowledge: MICR2021 or equivalent introductory microbiology. Assessment: One 1-hour exam (mid semester); One 2-hour exam (end of semester); Three written assessments (100%)
This unit of study introduces students to key areas of research in molecular microbiology. Building on knowledge gained in MICR2012 and MICR2022, as well as MBLG1001, it brings in areas of microbial evolution, pathogenesis, physiology, ecology, biotechnology and genetics, with each key theme explored with a series of 6 lectures led by an expert in the field. Lectures will be complemented with practical/ tutorial sessions that teach students how to research, write, review and evaluate scientific literature for publication. It is strongly recommended that students also take the complementary unit of study, MICR3042 or MICR3942. One of these two units is a required corequisite for students completing a major in Microbiology.
MICR3042 Molecular Microbiology Research Skills

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Nicholas Coleman Session: Semester 2 Classes: One lecture per week. One 4.5 hours prac per week. Prerequisites: At least 6 credit points of MBLG units and MICR (2022 or 2922 or 2002 or 2902). For BMedSc students: 42 credit points of Intermediate BMED units including BMED (2802, 2807 and 2808). For BScAgr students: PLNT (2001 or 2901) and MICR2024. Corequisites: MICR3032 or MICR3932 Prohibitions: MICR3942, MICR3022, MICR3922 Assumed knowledge: MICR2021 or equivalent introductory microbiology. Assessment: One 1-hour theory exam. One 1-hour problem-based exam. In-lab practical assessment (continuous participation; attendance and participation). One report. Planning and protocol development (100%)
This Unit of Study focuses on practical skills that are essential for laboratory research into molecular microbiology. We will focus on three key areas of modern microbiology: Environmental microbiology and the techniques required for the study of complex microbial communities; Microbial biotechnology, which explores how microbes can be used as cellular factories to produce useful products; and Medical microbiology, where we will introduce some important molecular techniques such as producing gene deletions and knock out strains to study phenotypes important in microbial pathogenesis. The Unit will be assessed by in-lab continuous assessment, one written report, planning and protocol development, one 1-hour exam on the theory lectures and one 1-hour problem-based exam based on practical work. Students enrolling in MICR3042 must also take the complementary Unit of Study MICR3032/3932.
MICR3942 Molecular Micro Research Skills (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Professor Andrew Holmes Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 1-hour lecture per week. One 5-hour prac per week. Prerequisites: At least 6 credit points of MBLG units and Distinction in MICR (2022 or 2922 or 2002 or 2902). For BMedSc students: 42 credit points of Intermediate BMED units including BMED (2802 or 2807 or 2808) with a Distinction in one of these three. For BScAgr students: PLNT (2001 or 2901) and MICR2024 including one Distinction. Corequisites: MICR3X32 Prohibitions: MICR3042, MICR3022, MICR3922 Assumed knowledge: MICR2021 or equivalent introductory microbiology. Assessment: One 1-hour theory exam. One 1-hour problem-based exam. Laboratory book. One poster presentation. Assessment of laboratory performance (100%)
This Unit of Study allows students to undertake a research project in molecular microbiology under the direction of a research group leader in Microbiology. It will be complemented by a series of lectures that focus on three key areas of modern microbiology: Environmental microbiology and the techniques required for the study of complex microbial communities; Microbial biotechnology, which explores how microbes can be used as cellular factories to produce useful products; and Medical microbiology, where we will introduce some important molecular techniques such as producing gene deletions and knock out strains to study phenotypes important in microbial pathogenesis. The Unit will be assessed by performance in the research laboratory, the laboratory notebook, a poster presentation based on the research project, one 1-hour exam based on the theory lectures and one 1-hour problem-based exam based on practical work. Students enrolling in MICR3942 must also take the complementary Unit of Study MICRO3032/3932.
VIRO3001 Virology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Tim Newsome Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week, five 2-hour tutorials and six 4-hour practicals per semester. Prerequisites: At least 6 credit points of MBLG units and at least 6 credit points in Intermediate MICR or BCHM or BIOL or IMMU or PCOL or PHSI or PLNT units. For BMedSc students: 42 credit points of Intermediate BMED units including BMED2802. For BScAgr students: PLNT (2001 or 2901) and MICR2024. Prohibitions: VIRO3901 Assumed knowledge: MICR (2021 or 2921 or 2022 or 2922) Assessment: One 2-hour exam, practical work, group presentations (100%)
Note: Students are very strongly advised to complete VIRO (3001 or 3901) before enrolling in VIRO3002 Medical and Applied Virology in Session 2.
Viruses are some of the simplest biological machinery known, being completely dependent on hosts for their replication, yet they are also the etiological agents for some of the most important human diseases. New technologies that have revolutionised the discovery of new viruses are also revealing a hitherto unappreciated abundance and diversity in the ecosphere, and a wider role in human health and disease. Developing new gene technologies have enabled the use of viruses as therapeutic agents, in novel vaccine approaches, gene delivery and in the treatment of cancer. This unit of study is designed to introduce students who have a basic understanding of molecular biology to the rapidly evolving field of virology. Viral infection in plant and animal cells and bacteria is covered by an examination of virus structure, genomes, gene expression and replication. Building upon these foundations, this unit progresses to examine host-virus interactions, pathogenesis, cell injury, the immune response and the prevention and control of infection. The structure and replication of sub-viral agents: viroids and prions, and their role in disease are also covered. The practical component provides hands-on experience in current diagnostic and research techniques such as molecular biology, cell culture, serological techniques, immunofluorescence and immunoblot and is designed to enhance the students' practical skills and complement the lecture series. Tutorials cover a range of topical issues and provide a forum for students to develop their communication skills.
Dimmock, Easton and Leppard. Introduction to Modern Virology. 6th edition. Blackwell.
VIRO3901 Virology (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Tim Newsome Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week, plus an additional five 1-hour lectures per semester. Five 2-hour tutorials and six 4-hour practicals per semester. Prerequisites: At least 6 credit points of MBLG units and at least 6 credit points including one Distinction in Intermediate MICR or BCHM or BIOL or IMMU or PCOL or PHSI or PLNT units. For BMedSc students: 42 credit points of Intermediate BMED units including Distinction in BMED2802. For BScAgr students: PLNT (2001 or 2901) and MICR2024 including one Distinction. Prohibitions: VIRO3001 Assumed knowledge: MICR (2021 or 2921 or 2022 or 2922) Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam, continuous assessment, practical work, group presentations (100%)
Note: Students are very strongly advised to complete VIRO (3001 or 3901) before enrolling in VIRO3002 Medical and Applied Virology in Session 2.
This unit is available to students who have performed well in Intermediate Microbiology and is based on VIRO3001 with a series of additional lectures related to the research interests in the Discipline. Consequently, the unit of study content may change from year to year.
Dimmock, Easton and Leppard. Introduction to Modern Virology. 6th edition. Blackwell.
VIRO3002 Medical and Applied Virology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Belinda Herring Session: Semester 2 Classes: One 2-hour lecture per week; and one 4-hour practical per week. Prerequisites: 6 CP MBLG units and at least 6 CP from Intermediate MICR or BCHM or BIOL or IMMU or PCOL or PHSI units. For BMedSc Students: 42 credit points of Intermediate BMED units including BMED2807. Assumed knowledge: Intermediate microbiology, immunology, molecular biology and genetics. Assessment: Formal examination, progressive assessment, presentation, essay, practical assignment (100%)
Note: Students are very strongly recommended to complete VIRO(3001 or 3901) before enrolling in VIRO3002 Medical and Applied Virology in Semester 2.
This unit of study explores the way viruses invade cells, infect individual patients and spread in the community. Host/Virus interactions will also be described with a focus on the viral mechanisms that have evolved to combat and/or evade host defence systems. These features will be used to explain the symptoms, spread and control of particular human diseases ranging from the common cold to HIV. The unit will be taught by the Infectious Diseases and Immunology Unit of the Department of Medicine with the involvement of associated clinical and research experts who will contribute lectures on their own special interests and with contributions from the discipline of Microbiology. In the practical classes students will have the opportunity to develop their skills in performing methods currently used in diagnostic and research laboratories such as molecular analysis of viral genomes, immunofluorescent staining of viral antigens, cell culture and the culture of viruses.
Dimmock, Easton and Leppard. Introduction to Modern Virology. 6th edition. Blackwell Flint, SJ et al. Principles of Virology. ASM Press. 2004
VIRO3902 Medical and Applied Virology (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Belinda Herring Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 x 1h lectures & 1 x 4h practical/week (as per VIRO3002), mentored research project Prerequisites: VIRO3001 (Distinction) or VIRO3901 (Credit) Prohibitions: VIRO3002 Assessment: Practical report in addition to the assessment outlined for VIRO3002 (100%)
This unit is available to students who have performed well in VIRO3001 and is based on the VIRO3002 course with a mentored practical component and report, enabling students to gain practical and relevant laboratory experience. The content of this unit may change from year to year based on research interests within the department.
Dimmock, Easton and Leppard. Introduction to Modern Virology. 6th edition. Blackwell.

Molecular Biology and Genetics

Molecular Biology and Genetics units of study at the Junior and Intermediate level will be taught by staff from the School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences and the School of Biological Sciences. The Junior unit, MBLG1001, and the Intermediate unit, MBLG2071/2971, are coordinated by the School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences, while MBLG 2072/2972 is coordinated by the School of Biological Sciences.
MBLG1001 Molecular Biology and Genetics (Intro)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Dale Hancock Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week; one 1-hour tutorial and one 4-hour practical per fortnight Prohibitions: AGCH2001, BCHM2001, BCHM2101, BCHM2901, MBLG2101, MBLG2901, MBLG2001, MBLG2111, MBLG2771, MBLG2871, MBLG1901 Assumed knowledge: 6 credit points of Junior Biology and 6 cp of Junior Chemistry Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam, in-semester skills test and assignments (100%)
The lectures in this unit of study introduce the "Central Dogma" of molecular biology and genetics -i.e., the molecular basis of life. The course begins with the information macromolecules in living cells: DNA, RNA and protein, and explores how their structures allow them to fulfill their various biological roles. This is followed by a review of how DNA is organised into genes leading to discussion of replication and gene expression (transcription and translation). The unit concludes with an introduction to the techniques of molecular biology and, in particular, how these techniques have led to an explosion of interest and research in Molecular Biology. The practical component complements the lectures by exposing students to experiments which explore the measurement of enzyme activity, the isolation of DNA and the 'cutting' of DNA using restriction enzymes. However, a key aim of the practicals is to give students higher level generic skills in computing, communication, criticism, data analysis/evaluation and experimental design.
MBLG1999 Molecular Biology & Genetics Seminar A

Session: Semester 2 Classes: Four 1-hour seminars offering different perspectives of molecular biology and genetics Assessment: There will be no assessment for this unit
Note: Only available in the BSc(MBG) and MBLG1901
This unit consists of four introductory molecular biology and genetics research based seminars.
MBLG2071 Molecular Biology and Genetics A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Vanessa Gysbers Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week; one 1-hour tutorial and one 4-hour practical per fortnight Prerequisites: MBLG1001 or MBLG1901 and 12 CP of Junior Chemistry. Prohibitions: MBLG2971, MBLG2771, MBLG2871, MBLG2001, MBLG2101, MBLG2901, MBLG2111, AGCH2001, BCHM2001, BCHM2101, BCHM2901 Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam, practical work, laboratory reports (100%)
Note: Students enrolled in the combined BAppSc (Exercise and Sport Science)/BSc(Nutrition) must have completed all Junior units for this course (CHEM1101, BACH1161, BIOS1159, EXSS1018 CHEM1102, BIOS1133, BIOS1160, EXSS1033, MBLG1001) prior to enrolling in this unit.
This unit of study extends the basic concepts introduced in MBLG1001/1901 and provides a firm foundation for students wishing to continue in the molecular biosciences as well as for those students who intend to apply molecular techniques to other biological or medical questions. The unit explores the regulation of the flow of genetic information in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. The central focus is on the control of replication, transcription and translation and how these processes can be studied and manipulated in the laboratory. The processes of DNA mutation and repair are also discussed. Experiments in model organisms are presented to illustrate current advancements in the field, together with discussion of work carried out in human systems and the relevance to human genetic diseases. Tools of molecular biology are taught within the context of recombinant DNA cloning - with an emphasis on essential knowledge required to use plasmid vectors. The methods of gene introduction (examples of transgenic plants and animals) are also discussed along with recent developments in stem cell biology. Other techniques include the separation and analysis of of macromolecules, like DNA, RNA and proteins, by gel electrophoresis and Southern, Northern & Western blotting. Analysis of gene expression by microarrays is also discussed. In the genomics section, topics include structure, packaging and complexity of the genome: assigning genes to specific chromosomes, physical mapping of genomes as well as DNA and genome sequencing methods and international projects in genome mapping.
The practical course complements the theory and builds on the skills learnt in MBLG1001. Specifically students will: use spectrophotometry for the identification and quantification of nucleic acids, explore the lac operon system for the investigation of gene expression control, perform plasmid isolation, and complete a PCR analysis for detection of polymorphisms. As with MBLG1001, strong emphasis is placed on the acquisition of generic and fundamental technical skills.
Watson, J et al. Molecular Biology of the Gene. 5th edition. Pearson. 2004 or 6th edition. Pearson. 2008.
MBLG2971 Molecular Biology and Genetics A (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Vanessa Gysbers Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week; one 1-hour tutorial and one 4-hour practical per fortnight Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry and Distinction in MBLG (1001 or 1901) Prohibitions: MBLG2071, MBLG2771, MBLG2871, MBLG2001, MBLG2101, MBLG2901, MBLG2111, AGCH2001, BCHM2001, BCHM2101, BCHM2901 Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam, practical work, laboratory reports (100%)
Note: Students enrolled in the combined BAppSc (Exercise and Sport Science)/BSc(Nutrition) must have completed all Junior units for this course prior to enrolling in this unit.
Extension of concepts presented in MBLG2071 which will be taught in the context of practical laboratory experiments.
Watson, J et al. Molecular Biology of the Gene. 5th edition. Pearson. 2004 or 6th edition. Pearson. 2008
MBLG2072 Molecular Biology and Genetics B

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week; one 2-3 hour practical per week. One tutorial every second week. Prerequisites: BIOL (1001 or 1003 or 1911 or 1903) and MBLG (1001 or 1901) and 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry Prohibitions: MBLG2972 Assumed knowledge: One of MBLG2071, MBLG2971 Assessment: One 2 hour exam (50%), laboratory reports and quizzes (50%).
This unit of study builds on the concepts introduced in MBLG2071 and shows how modern molecular biology is being applied to the study of the genetics of all life forms from bacteria through to complex multicellular organisms including plants, animals and humans. Lecture topics include classical Mendelian genetics with an emphasis on its molecular basis, cytogenetics, bacterial genetics and evolution, molecular evolution, bioinformatics and genomics, developmental genetics and the techniques and applications of molecular genetics. Practical: In laboratory exercises you will use a variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms to illustrate aspects of the lecture material, while developing familiarity and competence with equipment used in molecular techniques, microscopes, computers and statistical tests. Generic skills are developed in report writing, oral presentation, problem solving and data analysis. This is a core Intermediate unit of study in the BSc (Molecular Biology and Genetics) degree program.
MBLG2972 Molecular Biology and Genetics B (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week; one 2-3 hour practical per week. One tutorial every second week. Prerequisites: BIOL(1001 or 1911 or 1003 or 1903) and MBLG(1001 or 1901) and 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry and a Distinction in MBLG(2071 or 2971); or a Distinction in MBLG(1001 or 1901) and 12 credit points of Junior Chemistry, and a Distinction average in all Junior Science units of study undertaken. Prohibitions: MBLG2072 Assumed knowledge: MBLG2071 or MBLG2971 Assessment: One 2-hour exam (50%), laboratory reports and quizzes (50%).
Qualified students will participate in alternative components of MBLG2072, Molecular Biology and Genetics B. The content and nature of these components may vary from year to year.
MBLG3999 Molecular Biology & Genetics Seminar B

Session: Semester 2 Classes: Four 1-hour seminars (available by invitation only from MBLG program chair) Assessment: There will be no assessment for this unit.
Note: Only available to students enrolled in the BSc(MBG) degree or the BCHM3972 course
This unit consists of four advanced molecular biology and genetics research based seminars.

School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences

The School brings together the disciplines of Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biotechnology and Nutrition. Significant contributions are also made to the Intermediate faculty units of study in Molecular Biology and Genetics with study code MBLG [see Table ID for details of the BSc (Molecular Biology and Genetics)] and to the units of study in Molecular Biotechnology [see Table IE for details of the BSc (Molecular Biotechnology)].
Location of unit descriptions
Unit descriptions are located under separate headings in this chapter: Biochemistry (BCHM); Microbiology (MICR); Molecular Biology and Genetics (MBLG);
The School is located in the Biosciences Biochemistry and Microbiology Building (G08), across near City Road in the Darlington area behind the Wentworth Building.

Nanoscience and Technology

Nanoscience and Technology is an interdisciplinary major offered within the BSc. It is directed at students interested in understanding the emerging science of working and building at and near the molecular level. It incorporates study of the fundamental sciences in order to understand the structure of matter, as well as technological elements of the mechanical properties of materials. Students undertaking this major are strongly encouraged to take suitable units from the Faculty of Engineering in combination with Physics and Chemistry.
Majoring in Nanoscience and Technology
A student seeking to complete this major should study Physics and Chemistry in their Junior and Intermediate years together with some Engineering and Mathematics. In the Senior year it is possible to focus on two of the three discipline areas, or to continue to study elements of all three. This major may also be seen as a complement to a traditional major in Chemistry or Physics. Refer to Table 1 for an enrolment guide and to entries under the contributing schools and departments for unit descriptions. Engineering units are described in the Engineering Handbook.


Neuroscience encompasses a diverse range of disciplines that cross traditional subject boundaries. The study of Neuroscience ranges from anatomy to neuronal function; the cellular and molecular biology of the neuron to the complex phenomena of perception; emotion and memory; from the regulation of breathing and blood pressure to movement; developing to ageing; normal cognition to neurodegeneration.
Majoring in Neuroscience
A major in Neuroscience is designed to provide a foundation in the basic biology of the brain as well as the fundamentals of cognition. Students are able to focus their cross-disciplinary studies with a molecular, cellular, anatomical and behavioural concentration. Refer to Table I for an enrolment guide and to entries in specific subject areas for Unit of Study descriptions. A cross-disciplinary major requires careful selection of subjects to fulfill the requirements of the major. Research in Neuroscience is vibrant and an international priority area.
Neuroscience Coordinator
Dr Karen Cullen (Anatomy) is the coordinator for the Neuroscience major. Email:


The Human Nutrition Unit in the School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences offers units of study to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science (Nutrition) degree. This degree is not offered to new students. Continuing students should use the 2010 handbook. Check the relevant Department/school entries in this chapter for descriptions of other units of study required for this degree.
NUTR3911 Nutritional Assessment Methods

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Katherine Jukic Session: Semester 1 Classes: Lectures/tutorials/labs/workshops average 4 hours per week. Prerequisites: NUTR2911 and NUTR2912 Prohibitions: NUTR3901 Assessment: One 2-hour exam, 4 assignments
This unit of study covers Dietary Assessment Methods: purposes of dietary assessment; uses of dietary data; four key dietary assessment methods and their use, application, strengths, weaknesses, sources of measurement error; quantification of portion and serve sizes; evaluation of dietary data; use and application of dietary reference standards; food composition databases; and the appraisal and interpretation of dietary assessment methods in published literature.
This unit of study also covers Anthropometry, Body Composition & Nutritional Biochemistry: anthropometric and body composition methods for the assessment of nutritional status; reference standards for assessing body composition; anthropometric measurements; biochemical and haematological indices for nutritional assessment.
Gibson, RS. Principles of Nutritional Assessment. 2nd edition. Oxford University Press. 2005.
NUTR3912 Community and Public Health Nutrition

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Katherine Jukic, Ms Sue Amanatidis Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and averaging one 3-hour workshop/tutorial/presentation per week Prerequisites: NUTR2911 and NUTR2912 Prohibitions: NUTR3902 Assessment: One 2-hour exam and 2 assignments
This unit of study covers topics such as: nutrition through the life cycle from infancy to old age; nutrition in vulnerable groups; and theories of food habits. It helps students gain skills and knowledge in planning, implementing and evaluating nutrition health promotion programs for various population groups. Topics covered include: principles of health promotion, effective nutrition promotion strategies, program evaluation and program planning. This course also looks at current public health nutrition strategies and case studiees for promoting health and preventing diet-related diseases.
Lawrence, M, Worsley, T. Public Health Nutrition - From Principles to Practice. Allen & Unwin. 2007. Hawe, P, Degeling, D, Hall, J. Evaluating Health Promotion: A Health Worker's Guide. McLennan and Petty. 1990.
NUTR3921 Methods in Nutrition Practice

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Soumela Amanatidis Session: Semester 1 Classes: One 2-hour lecture and averaging one 3-hour tutorial/workshop per week. Prerequisites: NUTR2911 and NUTR2912 Prohibitions: NUTR3901 Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam and 2 assignments.
This unit of study covers basic concepts in: Survey & Questionnaire Design (data collection methods, designing surveys and research protocols, designing and piloting short questionnaires, focus groups); Nutritional Epidemiology (hypothesis, study designs, epidemiological measures and methods, sources of bias, critical appraisal of published data/literature); and Statistics (statistical methods, statistical packages, statistics terminology).
Bonita, R, Beaglehole, R, Kjellstrom, T. Basic Epidemiology. 2nd edition. World Health Organisation. 2005. Lawrence, M, Worsley, T. Public Health Nutrition - From Principles to Practice. Alklen and Unwin. 2007.
NUTR3922 Nutrition and Chronic Disease

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Katherine Jukic, A/Prof Margaret Allman-Farinelli Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and averaging one 3-hour workshop/tutorial per week. Prerequisites: NUTR2911 and NUTR2912 Prohibitions: NUTR3902 Assessment: One 2.5-hour exam, and two assignments.
This unit of study examines the relationship and evidence for the role of nutrition in the etiology of chronic diseases, such as cancer, coronary heart disease, hypertension, obesity, dental caries and osteoporosis. It also investigates the current nutrition policies and guidelines that are aimed at preventing these diseases at a population level. Students will also get an opportunity to examine the current popular fad diets on the market, and develop a foundation of knowledge in debating, media, communication and counselling skills.
Mann, J, Truswell, AS. Essentials of Human Nutrition. 3rd edition. Oxford University Press. 2007. Truswell AS. ABC of Nutrition. 4th edition. BMJ Books. 2003.


This Department offers a general training in Pharmacology to students in the Faculty of Science. It provides three intermediate 6-credit point units of study and eight senior 6-credit point units of study.
PCOL2011 Pharmacology Fundamentals

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Brent McParland Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures per week; workshops and laboratory sessions. Prerequisites: (6 credit points of Junior Chemistry) and (6 credit points of Junior Biology or MBLG (1001 or 1901)). Prohibitions: PCOL2001 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, in semester quizzes and reports (100%)
This unit of study examines four basic areas in Pharmacology: (1) principles of drug action (2) pharmacokinetics and drug metabolism (3) autonomic and endocrine pharmacology, and (4) drug design. The delivery of material involves lectures, practicals, computer-aided learning and problem-based workshops. Practical classes provide students with the opportunity of acquiring technical experience and teamwork skills. Problem-based workshops are based on real-life scenarios of drug use in the community. These workshops require students to integrate information obtained in lectures in order to provide solutions to the problems. Online quizzes accompany each module for self assessment.
Rang HP, Dale MM, Ritter JM & Flower RJ. Pharmacology. 6th ed. Churchill Livingstone. 2007.
PCOL2012 Pharmacology: Drugs and People

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jonathan Arnold Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures per week; workshops and laboratory sessions. Prerequisites: (6 credit points of Junior Chemistry) and (6 credit points of Junior Biology or MBLG (1001 or 1901)). Prohibitions: PCOL2002, PCOL2003 Assumed knowledge: PCOL2011 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, in semester quizzes, reports (100%)
This unit of study examines four important areas of Pharmacology: (1) drug action in the nervous system (2) drug discovery and development (3) pharmacotherapy of inflammation, allergy and gut disorders, and (4) drugs of recreation, dependence and addiction. The delivery of material involves lectures, practicals, computer-aided learning and problem-based workshops. Practical classes provide students with the opportunity of acquiring technical experience and teamwork. Problem-based workshops are based on real-life scenarios of drug use in the community. These workshops require students to integrate information obtained in lectures in order to provide solutions to the problems. Online quizzes accompany each module.
Rang HP, Dale MM, Ritter JM & Flower RJ. Pharmacology. 6th ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2007.
PCOL2555 Essentials of Pharmacology

Credit points: 6 Session: Summer Main Classes: On-line lectures and face-to-face tutorial and laboratory classes. Prohibitions: PCOL2011, PCOL2012 Assumed knowledge: 6cp of Junior Biology, 6 cp of junior Chemistry. Assessment: on-line quizzes and a final examination (100%)
This unit of study introduces students to the principles of drug action and allows them to develop an understanding of the therapeutic applications of drugs based on their underlying pharmacodynamic properties. It covers cardiovascular and renal drugs, chemotherapy, analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents, respiratory and gastro-intestinal drugs, drugs affecting peripheral and central neurotransmission and the principles of chemotherapy.
PCOL3011 Toxicology

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 3 hour tutorial/practical per week. Prerequisites: PCOL2001 or PCOL2011 and PCOL2012 or 42 credit points from Intermediate BMED units of study. Prohibitions: PCOL3001, PCOL3901, PCOL3911 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, tutorial presentations, assignments (100%)
This unit of study is designed to introduce students with a basic understanding of pharmacology to the discipline of toxicology. It considers the toxicology associated with therapeutic drugs (adverse drug reactions) and the associated issue of drug interactions. The pharmacogenetic basis of adverse reactions is also considered. The unit also considers aspects of environmental toxicology, particularly toxic reactions to environmental agents such as asbestos and pesticides, and its effects on different target organs (lung, liver, CNS). As a final consequence of exposure to toxins, the biology and causes of cancer are discussed. As part of the unit students are introduced to basic ideas about the collection and analysis of data from human and animal populations, both in the structured situation of clinical trials, forensic problems and in analysis of retrospective data.
Klaasen, Curtis D and Watkins, JB. Casarett and Doull's Essentials of Toxicology. 1st edition. McGraw Hill. 2003.
PCOL3911 Toxicology (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 3 hour tutorial/practical per week. Prerequisites: Distinction average in PCOL2011 and PCOL2012 or Distinction average in 42 credit points from Intermediate BMED units of study. Prohibitions: PCOL3001, PCOL3901, PCOL3011 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, tutorial presentations, assignments (100%)
This unit will consist of the lecture and practical components of PCOL3011. Students will be set special advanced assignments related to the material covered in core areas. These may also involve advanced practical work or detailed investigation of a theoretical problem.
Klaasen, Curtis D and Watkins, J B. Casarett and Doull's Essentials of Toxicology. 1st edition. McGraw Hill. 2003.
PCOL3012 Drug Design and Development

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 3 hour tutorial/practical per week. Prerequisites: PCOL2001 or PCOL2011 and PCOL2012 or 42 credit points from Intermediate BMED units of study. Prohibitions: PCOL3001, PCOL3901, PCOL3912 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, in class quizzes, assignments (100%)
This unit of study is designed to introduce students with a basic understanding of pharmacology to the field of medicinal chemistry associated with drug design and development. The course covers the fundamental aspects of drug discovery and development with reference to the essentials of chemistry and illustrates drud development with examples that include neuraminidase inhibitors and statins. The role of computers in drug design is emphasised by classwork and assignments on molecular modelling and structure-activity relationships. The course also extends to a section on the design of diverse pharmacological agents which include compounds for imaging by positron emission tomography (PET), as well as chemical and biological warfare agents, and riot control agents.
Patrick, Graham L. An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry. 4th edition. Oxford University Press. 2009.
PCOL3912 Drug Design and Development (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 3 hour tutorial/practical per week. Prerequisites: Distinction average in PCOL2011 and PCOL2012 or Distinction average in 42 credit points from Intermediate BMED units of study. Prohibitions: PCOL3001, PCOL3901, PCOL3012 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, in class quizzes, assignments (100%)
This unit will consist of the lecture and practical components of PCOL3012. Students will be set special advanced assignments related to the material covered in core areas. These may also involve advanced practical work or detailed investigation of a theoretical problem.
Patrick, Graham L. An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry. 4th edition. Oxford University Press. 2009.
PCOL3021 Drug Therapy

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures per week, four 1 hour tutorials, two 4 hour practical/computer laboratories, elective project (equivalent to three 4 hour practicals). Prerequisites: PCOL2011 and PCOL2012 or 36 credit points from intermediate BMED units of study. Prohibitions: PCOL3002, PCOL3902, PCOL3921 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, tutorial and practical assignments and elective project (100%)
This unit of study builds on pharmacological knowledge acquired in the intermediate PCOL and BMED units of study with a major emphasis on gaining an understanding of the scien-tific basis of drug therapy. Lecture topics, tutorials and laboratory sessions cover drug treatment of arthritis and asthma, cardiovascular disorders, microbial infections and can-cer. Elective projects relate to current research areas in Pharmacology.
Rang, HP. Dale, MM. Ritter, JM and Flower, RJ: Pharmacology, 6th ed. Churchill Living-stone, 2007.
PCOL3921 Drug Therapy (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures per week, four 1 hour tutorials, two 4 hour practical/computer laboratories, elective project (equivalent to three 4 hour practicals). Prerequisites: Distinction average in PCOL2011 and PCOL2012 or in 36 credit points from intermediate BMED units of study. Prohibitions: PCOL3002, PCOL3902, PCOL3021 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, tutorial and practical assignments and elective project (100%)
Advanced students complete the same core lecture material as students in PCOL3021 but carry out advanced level elective projects, practicals and tutorials.
Rang, HP. Dale, MM. Ritter, JM and Flower, RJ: Pharmacology, 6th ed. Churchill Living-stone, 2007.
PCOL3022 Neuropharmacology

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures per week, four 1 hour tutorials, two 3 hour practicals, one 2 hour practical workshop, elective project (equivalent to three 4 hour practicals). Prerequisites: PCOL2011 and PCOL2012 or 36 credit points from intermediate BMED units of study. Prohibitions: PCOL3002, PCOL3902, PCOL3922 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, tutorial and practical assignments and elective project (100%)
This unit of study builds on pharmacological knowledge acquired in the intermediate PCOL and BMED units of study with a major emphasis on gaining an understanding of neuropharmacology. The neuropharmacology of the major neurotransmitters is explored together with the treatment of disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, depression, epilepsy, insomnia, pain and schizophrenia. Elective projects relate to current research areas in Pharmacology.
Rang, HP. Dale, MM. Ritter, JM and Flower, RJ: Pharmacology, 6th ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2007.
PCOL3922 Neuropharmacology (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 3 hour tutorial/practical per week. Prerequisites: Distinction average in PCOL2011 and PCOL2012 or 36 credit points from intermediate BMED units of study. Prohibitions: PCOL3002, PCOL3902, PCOL3022 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, tutorial and practical assignments and elective project (100%)
Advanced students complete the same core lecture material as students in PCOL3022 but carry out advanced level elective projects, practicals and tutorials.
Rang, HP. Dale, MM. Ritter, JM and Flower, RJ: Pharmacology, 6th ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2007.


Physics is the basis of most of the sciences. Many techniques developed by physicists are used in all the sciences, e.g. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Radio-Carbon Dating, Medical Resonance Imaging, Nuclear Medicine, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy and Electron Microscopy. Physics is good training for more than Physics! To quote Dr Karl Kruszelnicki: "Physics teaches you to be a good scientist. You learn how to work out what the problem is, and then, how to solve it. You will learn how to design experiments, how to make measurements, and how to analyse your results. Note one very important thing – you are learning how to be any type of scientist, not just a Physicist."
Graduate opportunities
Physics is a generalist major that, instead of preparing you for a narrow career path in just one area, allows you great freedom of choice in your ultimate employment. This may appeal to students who have not yet committed themselves to one career choice. Skills acquired during a physics degree, such as problem solving, information handling, critical reasoning, logical thought, clear communication, and use of computers as an analysis tool are much in demand in many fields of employment. You may end up as a professional physicist, but equally these skills fit you for a job in medicine, communications, manufacturing, teaching, journalism, public service, management, finance, and many more.
Study plan for the major
First year Completion of one unit of study in each semester provides a solid foundation for further studies in Physics in higher years. Second year Either of the first semester units PHYS 2011 or PHYS 2911, together with either of the second semester units PHYS 2012 or PHYS 2912 is sufficient to qualify for admission to Senior Physics. If you are intending to major in Physics, we strongly recommend you take PHYS 2013 or PHYS 2913 as well. Third year Senior units of study are a combination of lecture modules with lab or a special project. Core lecture modules are electromagnetism and quantum mechanics. Electives include nanoscience, plasma physics, thermodynamics, biophysics, astrophysics, optics and high energy physics.
Further study
Eligible students can proceed to the Honours year, where you gain not only the benefit of studying physics to a higher level (with a wide choice of courses to be taken), but you also gain invaluable experience in undertaking a research project supervised by one or more members of staff, and producing a Report. Many students also end up publishing one or more scientific papers based on their Honours research. After Honours, many students continue into a higher research degree to pursue careers in research. Graduates can also undertake further study by coursework in the areas of Medical Physics, Applied Nuclear Science and Photonics & Optical Science.
Related majors
Computational Science, Nanoscience
Physics junior units of study
Dr Joe Khachan
Units of Study
There are seven different semester length units of study offered at the Junior level. Completion of one unit of study in each semester provides a solid foundation for further studies in Physics in higher years. PHYS1500 Astronomy cannot be counted towards the 12 credit points of Junior Physics needed as a prerequisite for Intermediate Physics. Each unit of study has a laboratory component. The first semester laboratory work provides an introduction to experimental techniques while reinforcing concepts of physics introduced in lectures. In second semester the laboratory work provides an introduction to electrical circuits and offers students the opportunity to design and undertake short experimental projects.
First semester
PHYS1001 (Regular); PHYS1002 (Fundamentals); PHYS1901 (Advanced)
Second semester
PHYS1003 (Technological); PHYS1004 (Environmental and Life Sciences); PHYS1902 (Advanced); PHYS1500 (Astronomy)
Information Booklet
Further information about Junior Physics units of study is contained in a booklet for intending commencing students available at enrolment or during O-Week or from Physics Student Services (Room 202, ground floor, Physics Building (A28)). It is also available on the School of Physics website at
Progression to Intermediate Physics
Students intending to continue into Intermediate Physics are encouraged to take PHYS1003 or PHYS1902 in semester 2. Students taking PHYS1004 may continue into Intermediate Physics but are recommended to undertake supplementary reading as additional preparation.
PHYS1001 Physics 1 (Regular)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 3 hour laboratory per week for 9 weeks and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Corequisites: Recommended concurrent Units of Study: MATH (1001/1901, 1002/1902) Prohibitions: PHYS1002, PHYS1901, EDUH1017 Assumed knowledge: HSC Physics Assessment: 3 hour exam plus laboratories, assignments and mid-semester tests (100%)
This unit of study is for students who gained 65 marks or better in HSC Physics or equivalent. The lecture series contains three modules on the topics of mechanics, thermal physics, and oscillations and waves.
Young & Freedman. University Physics. 12th edition, with Mastering Physics, Addison-Wesley. 2008
PHYS1002 Physics 1 (Fundamentals)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures, one 3-hour laboratory per week for 10 weeks and one 1-hour tutorial per week. Corequisites: Recommended concurrent Units of Study: MATH (1001/1901, 1002/1902) Prohibitions: PHYS1001, PHYS1901, EDUH1017 Assumed knowledge: No assumed knowledge of Physics Assessment: 3 hour exam plus laboratories, assignments and mid-semester tests (100%)
This unit of study is designed for students who have not studied Physics previously or scored below 65 in HSC Physics. The lecture series contains modules on the language of physics, mechanics, and oscillations and waves.
College Physics: A Strategic Approach by Knight, Jones and Field, 1st edition with Mastering Physics. Addison-Wesley. 2008.
PHYS1003 Physics 1 (Technological)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures, one 3-hour laboratory per week for 10 weeks, one 1-hour tutorial per week. Corequisites: Recommended concurrent Units of Study: MATH (1003/1903), MATH (1005/1905). Prohibitions: PHYS1004, PHYS1902 Assumed knowledge: HSC Physics or PHYS (1001 or 1002 or 1901) or equivalent. Assessment: 3 hour exam plus laboratories, tutorials, and assignments (100%)
Note: It is recommended that PHYS (1001 or 1002 or 1901) be completed before this unit
This unit of study is designed for students majoring in physical and engineering sciences and emphasis is placed on applications of physical principles to the technological world. The lecture series contains modules on the topics of fluids, electromagnetism, and quantum physics.
Young & Freedman. University Physics. 12th edition, with Mastering Physics. Addison-Wesley. 2008
PHYS1004 Physics 1 (Environmental & Life Science)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures, one 3-hour laboratory per week for 10 weeks and one 1-hour tutorial per week. Corequisites: Recommended concurrent Units of Study: MATH (1003/1903), MATH (1005/1905). Prohibitions: PHYS1003, PHYS1902 Assumed knowledge: HSC Physics or PHYS (1001 or 1002 or 1901) or equivalent. Assessment: 3-hour exam plus laboratories and assignments (100%)
Note: It is recommended that PHYS (1001 or 1002 or 1901) be completed before this unit
This unit of study has been designed specifically for students interested in further study in environmental and life sciences. The lecture series contains modules on the topics of properties of matter, electromagnetism, and radiation and its interactions with matter.
College Physics: A Strategic Approach by Knight, Jones and Field, 1st edition, with Mastering Physics. Addison-Wesley. 2008.
PHYS1500 Astronomy

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures, one 2 hour laboratory and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Assumed knowledge: No assumed knowledge of Physics. Assessment: 2 hour exam plus laboratories, assignments and night-viewing project (100%)
This unit of study provides a broad understanding of the structure, scale and diversity of the universe and an appreciation of the scientific methods used to achieve this understanding. Current areas of investigation, new ideas and concepts which often receive wide media attention will be used to demonstrate how science attempts to understand new and remote phenomena and how our ideas of our place in the universe are changing. The range of topics includes the planets, the solar system and its origin, spacecraft discoveries, stars, supernova, black holes, galaxies, quasars, cosmology and the Big Bang. It also includes day and night sky observing sessions. This unit of study cannot be counted as part of the 12 credit points of Junior Physics necessary for enrolment in Intermediate Physics.
Bennett, JO et al. The Cosmic Perspective. 6th edition, with Mastering Astronomy. Addison-Wesley. 2010.
PHYS1901 Physics 1A (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures, one 3-hour laboratory per week for 9 weeks and one 1-hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: UAI (or ATAR equivalent) of at least 96, or HSC Physics result in Band 6, or PHYS1902, or Distinction or better in PHYS (1003 or 1004) or an equivalent unit. Corequisites: Recommended concurrent Units of Study: MATH (1001/1901,1002/1902). Prohibitions: PHYS1001, PHYS1002, EDUH1017 Assessment: 3-hour exam plus laboratories, assignments and mid-semester tests (100%)
This unit of study is intended for students who have a strong background in Physics and an interest in studying more advanced topics. It proceeds faster than Physics 1 (Regular), covering further and more difficult material. The lecture series contains modules on the topics of mechanics, thermal physics, oscillations and waves and chaos. The laboratory work also provides an introduction to computational physics using chaos theory as the topic of study.
Young and Freedman. University Physics, 12th edition, with Mastering Physics. Addison-Wesley. 2008.
PHYS1902 Physics 1B (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures, one 3-hour laboratory per week for 10 weeks and one 1-hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: UAI (or ATAR equivalent) of at least 96, or HSC Physics result in Band 6, or PHYS1901, or Distinction or better in PHYS (1001 or 1002) or an equivalent unit. Corequisites: Recommended concurrent unit of study: MATH (1003/1903), MATH (1005/1905). Prohibitions: PHYS1003, PHYS1004 Assessment: 3-hour exam plus laboratories, and assignments (100%)
Note: It is recommended that PHYS (1001 or 1002 or 1901) be completed before this unit
This unit of study is a continuation of the more advanced treatment of Physics 1A (Advanced). Students who have completed PHYS1001 or PHYS1002 at Distinction level may enrol. It proceeds faster than Physics 1 (Technological), covering further and more difficult material. The lecture series contains modules on the topics of fluids, electricity and magnetism, and quantum physics.
Young & Freedman. University Physics, 12th edition, with Mastering Physics. Addison-Wesley. 2008.
Physics intermediate units of study
Associate Professor Mike Wheatland
Units of Study
There are three units at the Normal level and three at the Advanced level: PHYS2011/2911 Physics 2A (Normal/Advanced) - Semester 1; PHYS2012/2912 Physics 2B (Normal/Advanced) - Semester 2; PHYS2013/2913 Astrophysics and Relativity (Normal/Advanced) - Semester 2. The Advanced versions can be taken by students who have achieved a Credit or better in their previous Physics units.
Progression to senior Physics
The prerequisites for Senior Physics units are PHYS2011/2911 and PHYS2012/2912. Students intending to major in Physics are strongly encouraged to take PHYS2013/2913 as well. Full details of Intermediate Physics unit of study structures, content and assessment policies are provided in the unit of study handbooks available at the start of semester on the School of Physics website at and also on unit of study eLearning sites.
PHYS2011 Physics 2A

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week for 11 weeks; one 2-hour computational laboratory and one 3-hour experimental laboratory per week for 9 weeks. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Junior Physics (excluding PHYS1500) Prohibitions: PHYS2001, PHYS2901, PHYS2911, PHYS2213, PHYS2203 Assumed knowledge: MATH (1001/1901 and 1002/1902 and 1003/1903). MATH (1005/1905) would also be useful Assessment: One 2-hour exam, one 1-hour computational test, practical work, practical report and oral presentation (100%)
In combination with two semesters of Junior Physics, this unit of study continues a first pass through the major branches of classical and modern physics, providing students with a sound basis for later Physics units or for studies in other areas of science or technology. Hence, this unit suits students continuing with the study of Physics at the Intermediate level, and those wishing to round out their knowledge of physics before continuing in other fields.
The major topics in this unit of study are:
Optics: The wave nature of light, and its interactions with matter. Applications including spectroscopy and fibre optics.
Nuclear Physics: The fundamental structure of matter.
Computational Physics: In a PC-based computing laboratory students use simulation software to conduct virtual experiments in optics, which illustrate and extend the relevant lectures. Students also gain experience in the use of computers to solve problems in physics. An introductory session is held at the beginning of semester for students who are not familiar with programming.
Practical: Experimental Physics is taught as a laboratory module and includes experiments in the areas of optics, nuclear decay and particles, properties of matter, and other topics. Assessment is based on mastery of each attempted experiment. At the end of the semester students prepare a short report on one experiment and make an oral presentation on it.
Young and Freedman, University Physics, 12th edition. Addison-Wesley. 2008.
PHYS2012 Physics 2B

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures per week; one 2-hour computational laboratory per week for 11 weeks. Prerequisites: PHYS (1003 or 1004 or 1902) and PHYS (1001 or 1002 or 1901 or or 2011 or 2911) Prohibitions: PHYS2102, PHYS2104, PHYS2902, PHYS2002, PHYS2912, PHYS2213, PHYS2203 Assumed knowledge: MATH (1001/1901 and 1002/1902 and 1003/1903). MATH (1005/1905) would also be useful Assessment: One 3-hour exam, one 1-hour computational test (100%)
This unit of study is designed for students continuing with the study of Physics at the general Intermediate level, and represents the beginning of a more in-depth study of the main topics of classical and modern physics. The lecture topics are:
Quantum physics: The behaviour of matter and radiation at the microscopic level, modelled by the Schroedinger equation. Application to 1-dimensional systems including solid state physics.
Electromagnetic properties of matter: Electric and magnetic effects in materials; the combination of electric and magnetic fields to produce light and other electromagnetic waves; the effects of matter on electromagnetic waves.
Computational Physics: The computational physics component is similar to that of PHYS2011, except that the material illustrates topics in the quantum physics module.
Serway, Moses and Moyer. Modern Physics. 3rd edition. Brooks/Cole. 2005.
PHYS2013 Astrophysics and Relativity

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week for 11 weeks and one 3-hour experimental laboratory per week for 12 weeks. Prerequisites: PHYS (1003 or 1004 or 1902) and PHYS (1001 or 1002 or 1901 or 2011 or 2911) Corequisites: PHYS (2012 or 2912) Prohibitions: PHYS2001, PHYS2901, PHYS2913, PHYS2101, PHYS2103 Assumed knowledge: MATH (1001/1901 and 1002/1902 and 1003/1903). MATH 1005/1905 would also be useful Assessment: One 2-hour exam, practical work, practical report and oral presentation (100%)
This unit of study builds on the foundation provided by Junior Physics and first semester of Intermediate Physics, to provide an introduction to Astrophysics (Structure and evolution of stars), and Special Relativity (Space and time at high velocities).
Practical: Experimental Physics is taught as a laboratory module and includes experiments in the areas of analysis of stellar images, electromagnetic phenomena, electronic instrumentation, quantum physics, and other topics. Assessment is based on mastery of each attempted experiment. At the end of the semester students may work in teams on a project. Students prepare a written report and oral presentation on their project or one experiment.
Young and Freedman. University Physics. 12th edition. Addison-Wesley. 2008.
PHYS2911 Physics 2A (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week for 11 weeks; one 2-hour computational laboratory and one 3-hour experimental laboratory per week for 9 weeks. Prerequisites: Credit or better in PHYS (1901 or 1001 or 1002) and Credit or better in PHYS (1902 or 1003 or 1004). Prohibitions: PHYS2901, PHYS2001, PHYS2011, PHYS2101, PHYS2103, PHYS2213, PHYS2203 Assumed knowledge: MATH (1901/1001 and 1902/1002 and 1903/1003). MATH (1905/1005) would also be useful Assessment: One 2-hour exam, one 1-hour computational test, practical work, practical report and oral presentation (100%)
This unit of study is designed for students with a strong interest in Physics. The lecture topics are as for PHYS2011. They are treated in greater depth and with more rigorous attention to derivations than in PHYS2011. The assessment reflects the more challenging nature of the material presented.
Computational Physics: As for PHYS2011, but at a more advanced level.
Practical: As for PHYS2011.
Young and Freedman. University Physics. 12th edition. Addison-Wesley. 2008.
PHYS2912 Physics 2B (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures per week, one-2 hour computational laboratory per week for 11 weeks. Prerequisites: Credit or better in PHYS (1003 or 1004 or 1902) and Credit or better in PHYS (1001 or 1002 or 1901 or 2001 or 2901 or 2011 or 2911). Prohibitions: PHYS2102, PHYS2104, PHYS2902, PHYS2002, PHYS2012, PHYS2213, PHYS2203 Assumed knowledge: MATH (1001/1901 and 1002/1902 and 1003/1903). MATH 1005/1905 would also be useful Assessment: One 3-hour exam, one 1-hour computational test (100%)
Refer to PHYS2911 for an overall description of the Advanced Intermediate Physics program. The lecture topics are as for PHYS2012 with some advanced content. Computational Physics: As for PHYS2012, but at a more advanced level.
Serway, Moses and Moyer. Modern Physics. 3rd edition. Brooks/Cole. 2005.
PHYS2913 Astrophysics and Relativity (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures per week for 11 weeks; one 3-hour experimental laboratory per week for 12 weeks. Prerequisites: Credit or better in PHYS (1003 or 1004 or 1902) and Credit or better in PHYS (1001 or 1002 or 1901 or 2011 or 2911) Corequisites: PHYS (2912 or 2012). Prohibitions: PHYS2001, PHYS2901, PHYS2013, PHYS2101, PHYS2103 Assumed knowledge: MATH (1001/1901 and 1002/1902 and 1003/1903). MATH 1005/1905 would also be useful. Assessment: One 3-hour exam, practical work, practical report and oral presentation (100%)
The lecture topics are as PHYS2013 with some advanced content. Practical: as for PHYS2013.
Young and Freedman, University Physics, 12th edition. Addison-Wesley. 2008.
Physics senior units of study
Professor Tim Bedding
Majoring in Physics
Students intending to major in Physics, or to proceed to Physics Honours, must take at least 24 credit points of Senior Physics, which must include a Semester 1 Core unit (PHYS3040, 3940 or 3941); a Semester 2 Core unit (PHYS3060, 3960 or 3961); two Options units (usually one in each semester). Further information concerning Senior Physics is available on the School of Physics website at and also on unit of study eLearning sites.
Units intended for students not majoring in Physics
PHYS3015 Topics in Senior Physics A

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 40 hours per semester. Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) and PHYS (2012 or 2912) Assumed knowledge: 6 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics Assessment: Exams and/or practical reports.
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit is normally restricted to students not majoring in Physics, giving them the flexibility to take a combination of modules that is not offered in the standard units. Please obtain permission from the Senior Physics Coordinator.
PHYS3915 Topics in Senior Physics A (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 40 hours per semester Prerequisites: Credit in PHYS (2011 or 2911) and Credit in PHYS (2012 or 2912) Assumed knowledge: 6 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics Assessment: Exams, assignments and/or laboratory reports (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study covers the same topics as PHYS3015, with some more challenging material.
PHYS3025 Topics in Senior Physics B

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 40 hours per semester. Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) and PHYS (2012 or 2912) Assumed knowledge: 6 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics Assessment: Exams and/or practical reports (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit is normally restricted to students not majoring in Physics, giving them the flexibility to take a combination of modules that is not offered in the standard units. Please obtain permission from the Senior Physics Coordinator.
PHYS3925 Topics in Senior Physics B (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 40 hours per semester Prerequisites: Credit in PHYS (2011 or 2911) and Credit in PHYS (2012 or 2912) Assessment: Exams, assignments and/or laboratory reports (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study covers the same topics as PHYS3025, with some more challenging material.
Semester 1 core units
PHYS3040 Electromagnetism and Physics Lab

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Nineteen 1 hour lectures and twelve 4 hour practicals. Prerequisites: PHYS(2011 or 2911), PHYS(2012 or 2912), MATH(2061 or 2961 or 2067) Prohibitions: PHYS3940, PHYS3941 Assessment: One 1.5 hour exam, practical reports and oral presentation (100%)
The lectures cover the theory of electromagnetism, one of the cornerstones of classical physics. They introduce Maxwell's equations in their differential form, using the power of vector calculus. The main application will be to electromagnetic waves, including reflection and absorption, which have application in fields such as optics, plasma physics and astrophysics. In the practical laboratory classes, students will choose from a range of experiments that aim to give them an appreciation of the analytical, technical and practical skills required to conduct modern experimental work.
Griffiths, DJ. Introduction to Electrodynamics. Third Edition.
PHYS3940 Electromagnetism and Physics Lab (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Nineteen 1 hour lectures and twelve 4 hour practicals. Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) with a grade of at least Credit; PHYS (2012 or 2912) with a grade of at least Credit; MATH (2061 or 2961 or 2067) Prohibitions: PHYS3040, PHYS3941, PHYS3011, PHYS3014, PHYS3016, PHYS3017, PHYS3911, PHYS3914, PHYS3916, PHYS3917 Assessment: One 1.5 hour exam, assignments, practical reports and oral presentation (100%)
This unit covers the same topics as PHYS3040, but with greater depth and some more challenging material.
Griffiths, DJ. Introduction to Electrodynamics. Third Edition.
PHYS3941 Electromagnetism & Special Project (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Nineteen 1 hour lectures, 4 hours per week with a research group. Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) with at least Credit; PHYS (2012 or 2912) with at least Credit; MATH (2061 or 2961 or 2067) Prohibitions: PHYS3040, PHYS3940, PHYS3961, PHYS3011, PHYS3911, PHYS3918, PHYS3928 Assessment: One 1.5 hour exam, assignments, project report and talk (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Approval for this unit must be obtained from the School of Physics Senior Coordinator.
The lectures cover the theory of electromagnetism, one of the cornerstones of classical physics. They introduce Maxwell's equations in their differential form, using the power of vector calculus. The main application will be to electromagnetic waves, including reflection and absorption, which have application in fields such as optics, plasma physics and astrophysics. The project is carried out in a research group within the School of Physics, working on a research experiment or theoretical project supervised by a researcher. The aim is for students to acquire an understanding of the nature of research, to apply their knowledge of physics and scientific practice, and to serve as preparation for a research project at Honours level and beyond.
Griffiths, DJ. Introduction to Electrodynamics. Third Edition.
Semester 1 optional units
PHYS3046 Thermodynamics/Biophys/High Energy Phys.

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Fifty-seven 1 hour lectures Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) and PHYS (2012 or 2912) Prohibitions: PHYS3946, PHYS3047, PHYS3947, PHYS3048, PHYS3948, PHYS3049, PHYS3949, PHYS3051, PHYS3951, PHYS3052, PHYS3952, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3057, PHYS3957, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3059, PHYS3959, PHYS3069, PHYS3969, PHYS3071, PHYS3971, PHYS3073, PHYS3973, PHYS3074, PHYS3974, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3078, PHYS3978, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3082, PHYS3982 Assessment: One 3 hour exam (100%)
The lectures on Thermodynamics provide an introduction to the subject, emphasising the use of entropy, chemical potential, and free energy. They also introduce statistical mechanics, including the classical Boltzmann distribution and some quantum statistical mechanics. The lectures on Biophysics cover applications of physics to biological systems, including topics such as molecular biology, structure and properties of polymers and proteins, thermodynamics of cells, transport of biomolecules, excitation of nerve impulses, and computer simulations of biological systems. The lectures on High Energy Physics cover the basic constituents of matter, such as quarks and leptons, examining their fundamental properties and interactions, and their origin at the creation of the universe.
Schroeder, DV. An Introduction to Thermal Physics. Addison-Wesley. 2000
PHYS3946 Thermodynamics/Biophys/High Energy (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Fifty-seven 1 hour lectures Prerequisites: Credit in PHYS (2011 or 2911) and Credit in PHYS (2012 or 2912) Prohibitions: PHYS3046, PHYS3047, PHYS3947, PHYS3048, PHYS3948, PHYS3049, PHYS3949, PHYS3051, PHYS3951, PHYS3052, PHYS3952, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3057, PHYS3957, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3059, PHYS3959, PHYS3069, PHYS3969, PHYS3071, PHYS3971, PHYS3073, PHYS3973, PHYS3074, PHYS3974, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3078, PHYS3978, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3082, PHYS3982 Assessment: One 3 hour exam (100%)
This unit covers the same topics as PHYS3046, but with greater depth and some more challenging material.
Schroeder, DV. An Introduction to Thermal Physics. Addison-Wesley. 2000
PHYS3047 Thermodynamics/Plasma/High Energy Phys.

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Fifty-seven 1 hour lectures Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) and PHYS (2012 or 2912) and MATH (2061 or 2961 or 2067) Corequisites: PHYS (3040 or 3940 or 3941) Prohibitions: PHYS3046, PHYS3946, PHYS3947, PHYS3048, PHYS3948, PHYS3049, PHYS3949, PHYS3051, PHYS3951, PHYS3052, PHYS3952, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3054, PHYS3954, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3057, PHYS3957, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3059, PHYS3959, PHYS3069, PHYS3969, PHYS3070, PHYS3970, PHYS3071, PHYS3971, PHYS3072, PHYS3972, PHYS3073, PHYS3973, PHYS3074, PHYS3974, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3078, PHYS3978, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3082, PHYS3982 Assessment: One 3 hour exam (100%)
The lectures on Thermodynamics provide an introduction to the subject, emphasising the use of entropy, chemical potential, and free energy. They also introduce statistical mechanics, including the classical Boltzmann distribution and some quantum statistical mechanics. Plasma Physics is the study of ionised gases, which are collections of charged and neutral particles and form the main constituent of the Universe. These lectures aim to provide an understanding of the physics of fundamental phenomena in plasmas and to introduce the basic methods of theoretical and experimental plasma physics. The lectures on High Energy Physics cover the basic constituents of matter, such as quarks and leptons, examining their fundamental properties and interactions, and their origin at the creation of the universe.
Schroeder, DV. An Introduction to Thermal Physics. Addison-Wesley. 2000
PHYS3947 Thermodynamics/Plasma/High Energy (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Fifty-seven 1 hour lectures Prerequisites: Credit in PHYS (2011 or 2911) and Credit in PHYS (2012 or 2912) and MATH (2061 or 2961 or 2067) Corequisites: PHYS (3040 or 3940 or 3941) Prohibitions: PHYS3046, PHYS3946, PHYS3047, PHYS3048, PHYS3948, PHYS3049, PHYS3949, PHYS3051, PHYS3951, PHYS3052, PHYS3952, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3054, PHYS3954, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3057, PHYS3957, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3059, PHYS3959, PHYS3069, PHYS3969, PHYS3070, PHYS3970, PHYS3071, PHYS3971, PHYS3072, PHYS3972, PHYS3073, PHYS3973, PHYS3074, PHYS3974, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3078, PHYS3978, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3082, PHYS3982 Assessment: One 3 hour exam (100%)
This unit covers the same topics as PHYS3047, but with greater depth and some more challenging material.
Schroeder, DV. An Introduction to Thermal Physics. Addison-Wesley. 2000
PHYS3048 Thermodynamics/Plasma Physics/Lab

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Thirty-eight 1 hour lectures and six 4 hour practicals Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) and PHYS (2012 or 2912) and MATH (2061 or 2961 or 2067) Corequisites: PHYS (3040 or 3940 or 3941) Prohibitions: PHYS3046, PHYS3946, PHYS3047, PHYS3947, PHYS3948, PHYS3049, PHYS3949, PHYS3051, PHYS3951, PHYS3052, PHYS3952, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3054, PHYS3954, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3057, PHYS3957, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3059, PHYS3959, PHYS3070, PHYS3970, PHYS3072, PHYS3972, PHYS3073, PHYS3973, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3078, PHYS3978 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical reports (100%)
The lectures on Thermodynamics provide an introduction to the subject, emphasising the use of entropy, chemical potential, and free energy. They also introduce statistical mechanics, including the classical Boltzmann distribution and some quantum statistical mechanics. Plasma Physics is the study of ionised gases, which are collections of charged and neutral particles and form the main constituent of the Universe. These lectures aim to provide an understanding of the physics of fundamental phenomena in plasmas and to introduce the basic methods of theoretical and experimental plasma physics. In the practical laboratory classes, students will choose from a range of experiments that aim to give them an appreciation of the analytical, technical and practical skills required to conduct modern experimental work.
Schroeder, DV. An Introduction to Thermal Physics. Addison-Wesley. 2000
PHYS3948 Thermodynamics/Plasma Physics/Lab (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Thirty-eight 1 hour lectures and six 4 hour practicals Prerequisites: Credit in PHYS (2011 or 2911) and Credit in PHYS (2012 or 2912) and MATH (2061 or 2961 or 2067) Corequisites: PHYS (3040 or 3940 or 3941) Prohibitions: PHYS3046, PHYS3946, PHYS3047, PHYS3947, PHYS3048, PHYS3049, PHYS3949, PHYS3051, PHYS3951, PHYS3052, PHYS3952, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3054, PHYS3954, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3057, PHYS3957, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3059, PHYS3959, PHYS3070, PHYS3970, PHYS3072, PHYS3972, PHYS3073, PHYS3973, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3078, PHYS3978 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical reports (100%)
This unit covers the same topics as PHYS3048, but with greater depth and some more challenging material.
Schroeder, DV. An Introduction to Thermal Physics. Addison-Wesley. 2000
PHYS3049 Thermodynamics/High Energy Physics/Lab

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Thirty-eight 1 hour lectures and six 4 hour practicals. Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) and PHYS (2012 or 2912) Prohibitions: PHYS3046, PHYS3946, PHYS3947, PHYS3947, PHYS3048, PHYS3948, PHYS3949, PHYS3051, PHYS3951, PHYS3052, PHYS3952, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3054, PHYS3954, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3057, PHYS3957, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3059, PHYS3959, PHYS3069, PHYS3969, PHYS3071, PHYS3971, PHYS3073, PHYS3973, PHYS3074, PHYS3974, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3078, PHYS3978, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3082, PHYS3982 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical reports (100%)
The lectures on Thermodynamics provide an introduction to the subject, emphasising the use of entropy, chemical potential, and free energy. They also introduce statistical mechanics, including the classical Boltzmann distribution and some quantum statistical mechanics. The lectures on High Energy Physics cover the basic constituents of matter, such as quarks and leptons, examining their fundamental properties and interactions, and their origin at the creation of the universe. In the practical laboratory classes, students will choose from a range of experiments that aim to give them an appreciation of the analytical, technical and practical skills required to conduct modern experimental work.
Schroeder, DV. An Introduction to Thermal Physics. Addison-Wesley. 2000
PHYS3949 Thermodynamics/High Energy Phys/Lab(Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Thirty-eight 1 hour lectures and six 4 hour practicals Prerequisites: Credit in PHYS (2011 or 2911) and Credit in PHYS (2012 or 2912) Prohibitions: PHYS3046, PHYS3946, PHYS3947, PHYS3947, PHYS3048, PHYS3948, PHYS3049, PHYS3051, PHYS3951, PHYS3052, PHYS3952, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3054, PHYS3954, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3057, PHYS3957, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3059, PHYS3959, PHYS3069, PHYS3969, PHYS3071, PHYS3971, PHYS3073, PHYS3973, PHYS3074, PHYS3974, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3078, PHYS3978, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3082, PHYS3982 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical reports (100%)
This unit covers the same topics as PHYS3049, but with greater depth and some more challenging material.
Schroeder, DV. An Introduction to Thermal Physics. Addison-Wesley. 2000
PHYS3051 Thermodynamics/Biophysics & Lab

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Thirty-eight 1 hour lectures and six 4 hour practicals. Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911); PHYS (2012 or 2912) Prohibitions: PHYS3046, PHYS3946, PHYS3047, PHYS3947, PHYS3048, PHYS3948, PHYS3049, PHYS3949, PHYS3951, PHYS3052, PHYS3952, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3057, PHYS3957, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3059, PHYS3959 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical reports (100%)
The lectures on Thermodynamics provide an introduction to the subject, emphasising the use of entropy, chemical potential, and free energy. They also introduce statistical mechanics, including the classical Boltzmann distribution and some quantum statistical mechanics. The Biological Physics component will cover applications of physics to biological systems, including topics such as molecular biology, structure and properties of polymers and proteins, thermodynamics of cells, transport of biomolecules, excitation of nerve impulses, and computer simulations of biological systems. In the practical laboratory classes, students will choose from a range of experiments that aim to give them an appreciation of the analytical, technical and practical skills required to conduct modern experimental work.
Schroeder, DV. An Introduction to Thermal Physics. Addison-Wesley. 2000
PHYS3951 Thermodynamics/Biophysics & Lab (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Thirty-eight 1 hour lectures and six 4 hour practicals Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) with at least Credit; PHYS (2012 or 2912) with at least Credit Prohibitions: PHYS3046, PHYS3946, PHYS3047, PHYS3947, PHYS3048, PHYS3948, PHYS3049, PHYS3949, PHYS3051, PHYS3052, PHYS3952, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3057, PHYS3957, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3059, PHYS3959 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical reports (100%)
This unit covers the same topics as PHYS3051, but with greater depth and some more challenging material.
Schroeder, DV. An Introduction to Thermal Physics. Addison-Wesley. 2000
PHYS3059 Plasma Physics/Thermodynamics/Biophysics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Fifty-seven 1 hour lectures. Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911); PHYS (2012 or 2912) Corequisites: PHYS3040 or PHYS3940 or PHYS3941 Prohibitions: PHYS3046, PHYS3946, PHYS3047, PHYS3947, PHYS3048, PHYS3948, PHYS3049, PHYS3949, PHYS3051, PHYS3951, PHYS3052, PHYS3952, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3054, PHYS3954, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3057, PHYS3957, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3959, PHYS3070, PHYS3970, PHYS3072, PHYS3972, PHYS3073, PHYS3973, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3078, PHYS3978 Assumed knowledge: Electromagnetism at Senior Physics level; MATH (2061 or 2961 or 2067) Assessment: One 3 hour exam and assignments (100%)
Plasma Physics is the study of ionised gases, which are collections of charged and neutral particles and form the main constituent of the Universe. The lectures cover the properties of plasmas and their applications, including nuclear fusion energy, materials synthesis and modification, environmental remediation, aerospace, nano and biomedical technologies. The lectures on Thermodynamics provide an introduction to the subject, emphasising the use of entropy, chemical potential, and free energy. They also introduce statistical mechanics, including the classical Boltzmann distribution and some quantum statistical mechanics. The Biological Physics component will cover applications of physics to biological systems, including topics such as molecular biology, structure and properties of polymers and proteins, thermodynamics of cells, transport of biomolecules, excitation of nerve impulses, and computer simulations of biological systems.
Schroeder, DV. An Introduction to Thermal Physics. Addison-Wesley. 2000
PHYS3959 Plasma Phys./Thermodynamics/Biophys(Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Fifty-seven 1 hour lectures. Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) with at least Credit; PHYS (2012 or 2912) with at least Credit; MATH (2061 or 2961 or 2067) Corequisites: PHYS3040 or PHYS3940 or PHYS3941 Prohibitions: PHYS3046, PHYS3946, PHYS3047, PHYS3947, PHYS3048, PHYS3948, PHYS3049, PHYS3949, PHYS3051, PHYS3951, PHYS3052, PHYS3952, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3054, PHYS3954, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3057, PHYS3957, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3059, PHYS3070, PHYS3970, PHYS3072, PHYS3972, PHYS3073,3973, PHYS3076, PHYS, PHYS3976, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3078, PHYS3978 Assumed knowledge: Electromagnetism at Senior Physics level Assessment: One 3 hour exam (100%)
This unit covers the same topics as PHYS3059, but with greater depth and some more challenging material.
Schroeder, DV. An Introduction to Thermal Physics. Addison-Wesley. 2000
PHYS3073 Plasma/High Energy Physics & Lab

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Thirty-eight 1 hour lectures and six 4 hour practicals. Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) and PHYS (2012 or 2912) and MATH (2061 or 2961 or 2067) Corequisites: PHYS (3040 or 3940 or 3941) Prohibitions: PHYS3046, PHYS3946, PHYS3047, PHYS3947, PHYS3048, PHYS3948, PHYS3049, PHYS3949, PHYS3054, PHYS3954, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3059, PHYS3959, PHYS3069, PHYS3969, PHYS3070, PHYS3970, PHYS3071, PHYS3971, PHYS3072, PHYS3972, PHYS3973, PHYS3074, PHYS3974, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3078, PHYS3978, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3082, PHYS3982 Assumed knowledge: Electromagnetism at Senior Physics level. Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical reports (100%)
Plasma Physics is the study of ionised gases, which are collections of charged and neutral particles and form the main constituent of the Universe. These lectures aim to provide an understanding of the physics of fundamental phenomena in plasmas and to introduce the basic methods of theoretical and experimental plasma physics. The lectures on High Energy Physics cover the basic constituents of matter, such as quarks and leptons, examining their fundamental properties and interactions, and their origin at the creation of the universe. In the practical laboratory classes, students will choose from a range of experiments that aim to give them an appreciation of the analytical, technical and practical skills required to conduct modern experimental work.
PHYS3973 Plasma/High Energy Physics & Lab (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: Thirty-eight 1 hour lectures and six 4 hour practicals. Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) with at least Credit and PHYS (2012 or 2912) with at least Credit and MATH (2061 or 2961 or 2067) Corequisites: PHYS (3040 or 3940 or 3941) Prohibitions: PHYS3046, PHYS3946, PHYS3047, PHYS3947, PHYS3048, PHYS3948, PHYS3049, PHYS3949, PHYS3054, PHYS3954, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3059, PHYS3959, PHYS3069, PHYS3969, PHYS3070, PHYS3970, PHYS3071, PHYS3971, PHYS3072, PHYS3972, PHYS3073, PHYS3074, PHYS3974, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3078, PHYS3978, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3082, PHYS3982 Assumed knowledge: Electromagnetism at Senior Physics level Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical reports (100%)
This unit covers the same topics as PHYS 3073, but with greater depth and some more challenging material.
Semester 2 core units
PHYS3060 Quantum Mechanics & Physics Lab

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Nineteen 1 hour lectures and six 4 hour practicals. Prerequisites: PHYS(2011 or 2911); PHYS(2012 or 2912); MATH(2061 or 2961 or 2067) Prohibitions: PHYS3960, PHYS3961, PHYS3062, PHYS3962 Assessment: One 1.5 hour exam, assignments, practical reports and oral presentation (100%)
The lectures cover the fundamental concepts and formalism of quantum dynamics, and the application to angular momentum and symmetry in quantum mechanics. In the practical laboratory classes, students will choose from a range of experiments that aim to give them an appreciation of the analytical, technical and practical skills required to conduct modern experimental work.
Eisberg, R and Resnick, R. Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles. Second Edition.
PHYS3960 Quantum Mechanics and Physics Lab (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Nineteen 1 hour lectures and twelve 4 hour practicals Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) with at least Credit and PHYS (2012 or 2912) with at least Credit and MATH (2061 or 2961 or 2067) Prohibitions: PHYS3060, PHYS3961, PHYS3062, PHYS3962 Assessment: One 1.5 hour exam, assignments, practical reports and oral presentation (100%)
This unit covers the same topics as PHYS3060, but with greater depth and some more challenging material.
Liboff, RL. Introductory Quantum Mechanics. Fourth Edition.
PHYS3961 Quantum Mechanics & Special Project(Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Nineteen 1 hour lectures and 4 hours per week with a research group. Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) with at least Credit; PHYS (2012 or 2912) with at least Credit; MATH (2061 or 2961 or 2067) Prohibitions: PHYS3060, PHYS3960, PHYS3062, PHYS3962 Assessment: One 1.5 hour exam, assignments, project report and oral presentation (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Approval for this unit must be obtained from the School of Physics Senior Coordinator.
The lectures cover the fundamental concepts and formalism of quantum dynamics, and the application to angular momentum and symmetry in quantum mechanics. The project is carried out in a research group within the School of Physics, working on a research experiment or theoretical project supervised by a researcher. The aim is for students to acquire an understanding of the nature of research, to apply their knowledge of physics and scientific practice, and to serve as preparation for a research project at Honours level and beyond.
Liboff, RL. Introductory Quantum Mechanics. Fourth Edition.
Semester 2 optional units
PHYS3068 Condensed Matter Physics/Optics/Lab

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Thirty-eight 1 hour lectures and six 4 hour practicals. Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911); PHYS (2012 or 2912); MATH (2061 or 2961 or 2067) Prohibitions: PHYS3050, PHYS3950, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3062, PHYS3962, PHYS3063, PHYS3963, PHYS3064, PHYS3964, PHYS3065, PHYS3965, PHYS3066, PHYS3966, PHYS3067, PHYS3967, PHYS3968, PHYS3069, PHYS3969, PHYS3070, PHYS3970, PHYS3074, PHYS3974, PHYS3075, PHYS3975, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3081, PHYS3981, PHYS3082, PHYS3982 Assumed knowledge: Electromagnetism and Quantum Mechanics at Senior Physics level Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical reports, and assignments (100%)
The lectures on Optics introduce students to modern optics, using the laser to illustrate the applications in studying the properties of matter and many important optical phenomena. The lectures on Condensed Matter Physics cover the theoretical underpinning and properties of condensed matter, specifically the physics of solids. Semiconductors are investigated in detail, considering recent discoveries and new developments in nanotechnology and lattice dynamics. In the practical laboratory classes, students will choose from a range of experiments that aim to give them an appreciation of the analytical, technical and practical skills required to conduct modern experimental work.
PHYS3968 Condensed Matter Physics/Optics/Lab(Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Thirty-eight 1 hour lectures and six 4 hour practicals. Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) with at least Credit; PHYS (2012 or 2912) with at least Credit; MATH (2061 or 2961 or 2067) Corequisites: PHYS (3060 or 3960 or 3961) Prohibitions: PHYS3050, PHYS3950, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3062, PHYS3962, PHYS3063, PHYS3963, PHYS3064, PHYS3964, PHYS3065, PHYS3965, PHYS3066, PHYS3966, PHYS3067, PHYS3967, PHYS3068, PHYS3069, PHYS3969, PHYS3070, PHYS3970, PHYS3074, PHYS3974, PHYS3075, PHYS3975, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3081, PHYS3981, PHYS3082, PHYS3982 Assumed knowledge: Electromagnetism and Quantum Mechanics at Senior Physics level Assessment: One 2 hour exam, assignments, and practical reports (100%)
This unit covers the same topics as PHYS3068, but with greater depth and some more challenging material.
PHYS3063 Cond. Matter Physics/Nanoscience/Optics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Fifty-seven 1 hour lectures Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) and PHYS(2012 or 2912) and MATH (2061 or 2961 or 2067) Corequisites: PHYS (3060 or 3960 or 3961) Prohibitions: PHYS3050, PHYS3950, PHYS3052, PHYS3952, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3054, PHYS3954, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3057, PHYS3957, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3062, PHYS3962, PHYS3963, PHYS3064, PHYS3964, PHYS3065, PHYS3965, PHYS3066, PHYS3966, PHYS3067 PHYS3967, PHYS3068, PHYS3968, PHYS3069, PHYS3969, PHYS3070, PHYS3970, PHYS3074, PHYS3974, PHYS3075, PHYS3975, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3081, PHYS3981, PHYS3082, PHYS3982 Assessment: One 3 hour exam (100%)
The lectures on Condensed Matter Physics provide a basic introduction to condensed matter systems, specifically the physics that underlies the electromagnetic, thermal, and optical properties of solids. The course draws on basic quantum theory and statistical mechanics and considers recent discoveries and new developments in semiconductors, nanostructures, magnetism, and superconductivity. Nanoscience is the study of the behaviour of light and matter as they interact with structures that have features on nanometre scales. The lectures cover the fundamental physics of nanoscience and the methods used for manipulating matter and creating structures on these scales. The lectures on Optics introduce students to modern optics, using the laser to illustrate the applications in studying the properties of matter and many important optical phenomena. These include the Lorentz model as a model for the optical properties of matter, spontaneous and stimulated emission of light, rate equation analysis of lasers, diffraction, Gaussian beam propagation, anisotropic media and nonlinear optics.
PHYS3963 Cond Matter Phys/Nanoscience/Optics(Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Fifty-seven 1 hour lectures Prerequisites: Credit in PHYS (2011 or 2911) and Credit in PHYS (2012 or 2912) and MATH (2061 or 2961 or 2067) Corequisites: PHYS (3060 or 3960 or 3961) Prohibitions: PHYS3050, PHYS3950, PHYS3052, PHYS3952, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3054, PHYS3954, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3057, PHYS3957, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3062, PHYS3962, PHYS3063, PHYS3064, PHYS3964, PHYS3065, PHYS3965, PHYS3066, PHYS3966, PHYS3067 PHYS3967, PHYS3068, PHYS3968, PHYS3069, PHYS3969, PHYS3070, PHYS3970, PHYS3074, PHYS3974, PHYS3075, PHYS3975, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3081, PHYS3981, PHYS3082, PHYS3982 Assessment: One 3 hour exam (100%)
This unit covers the same topics as PHYS3063, but with greater depth and some more challenging material.
PHYS3064 Cond. Matter/Nanoscience/Astrophysics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Fifty-seven 1 hour lectures Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) and PHYS(2012 or 2912) and PHYS (2013 or 2913) Corequisites: PHYS (3060 or 3960 or 3961) Prohibitions: PHYS3050, PHYS3950, PHYS3052, PHYS3952, PHYS3054, PHYS3954, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3057, PHYS3957, PHYS3062, PHYS3962, PHYS3063, PHYS3963, PHYS3964, PHYS3065, PHYS3965, PHYS3066, PHYS3966, PHYS3067, PHYS3967, PHYS3068, PHYS3968, PHYS3070, PHYS3970, PHYS3071, PHYS3971, PHYS3072, PHYS3972, PHYS3074, PHYS3974, PHYS3075, PHYS3975, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3078, PHYS3978, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3081, PHYS3981, PHYS3082, PHYS3982 Assessment: One 3 hour exam (100%)
The lectures on Condensed Matter Physics provide a basic introduction to condensed matter systems, specifically the physics that underlies the electromagnetic, thermal, and optical properties of solids. The course draws on basic quantum theory and statistical mechanics and considers recent discoveries and new developments in semiconductors, nanostructures, magnetism, and superconductivity. Nanoscience is the study of the behaviour of light and matter as they interact with structures that have features on nanometre scales. The lectures cover the fundamental physics of nanoscience and the methods used for manipulating matter and creating structures on these scales. The lectures on Astrophysics explore astrophysical environments inside stars and beyond (e.g. the interstellar medium, the intergalactic medium and galaxies themselves) and focus on one of the most important physical processes in astrophysics: the transport of radiative energy.
PHYS3964 Cond. Matter/Nanoscience/Astrophys.(Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Fifty-seven 1 hour lectures Prerequisites: Credit in PHYS (2011 or 2911) and Credit in PHYS (2012 or 2912) and PHYS (2013 or 2913) Corequisites: PHYS (3060 or 3960 or 3961) Prohibitions: PHYS3050, PHYS3950, PHYS3052, PHYS3952, PHYS3054, PHYS3954, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3057, PHYS3957, PHYS3062, PHYS3962, PHYS3063, PHYS3963, PHYS3064, PHYS3065, PHYS3965, PHYS3066, PHYS3966, PHYS3067, PHYS3967, PHYS3068, PHYS3968, PHYS3070, PHYS3970, PHYS3071, PHYS3971, PHYS3072, PHYS3972, PHYS3074, PHYS3974, PHYS3075, PHYS3975, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3078, PHYS3978, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3081, PHYS3981, PHYS3082, PHYS3982 Assessment: One 3 hour exam (100%)
This unit covers the same topics as PHYS3064, but with greater depth and some more challenging material.
PHYS3065 Condensed Matter/Optics/Astrophysics

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Fifty-seven 1 hour lectures Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) and PHYS(2012 or 2912) and PHYS (2013 or 2913) and MATH (2061 or 2961 or 2067) Corequisites: PHYS (3060 or 3960 or 3961) Prohibitions: PHYS3050, PHYS3950, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3062, PHYS3962, PHYS3063, PHYS3963, PHYS3064, PHYS3964, PHYS3965, PHYS3066, PHYS3966, PHYS3067, PHYS3967, PHYS3068, PHYS3968, PHYS3069, PHYS3969, PHYS3070, PHYS3970, PHYS3071, PHYS3971, PHYS3072, PHYS3972, PHYS3074, PHYS3974, PHYS3075, PHYS3975, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3078, PHYS3978, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3081, PHYS3981, PHYS3082, PHYS3982 Assessment: One 3 hour exam (100%)
The lectures on Condensed Matter Physics provide a basic introduction to condensed matter systems, specifically the physics that underlies the electromagnetic, thermal, and optical properties of solids. The course draws on basic quantum theory and statistical mechanics and considers recent discoveries and new developments in semiconductors, nanostructures, magnetism, and superconductivity. The lectures on Optics introduce students to modern optics, using the laser to illustrate the applications in studying the properties of matter and many important optical phenomena. These include the Lorentz model as a model for the optical properties of matter, spontaneous and stimulated emission of light, rate equation analysis of lasers, diffraction, Gaussian beam propagation, anisotropic media and nonlinear optics. The lectures on Astrophysics explore astrophysical environments inside stars and beyond (e.g. the interstellar medium, the intergalactic medium and galaxies themselves) and focus on one of the most important physical processes in astrophysics: the transport of radiative energy.
PHYS3965 Condensed Matter/Optics/Astrophys. (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Fifty-seven 1 hour lectures Prerequisites: Credit in (PHYS2011 or PHYS2911) and Credit in (PHYS2012 or PHYS2912) and (PHYS2013 or 2913) and (MATH2061 or MATH2961 or MATH2067) Corequisites: PHYS3060 or PHYS3960 or PHYS3961 Prohibitions: PHYS3050, PHYS3950, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3062, PHYS3962, PHYS3063, PHYS3963, PHYS3064, PHYS3964, PHYS3065, PHYS3066, PHYS3966, PHYS3067, PHYS3967, PHYS3068, PHYS3968, PHYS3069, PHYS3969, PHYS3070, PHYS3970, PHYS3071, PHYS3971, PHYS3072, PHYS3972, PHYS3074, PHYS3974, PHYS3075, PHYS3975, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3078, PHYS3978, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3081, PHYS3981, PHYS3082, PHYS3982 Assessment: One 3 hour exam (100%)
This unit covers the same topics as PHYS3065, but with greater depth and some more challenging material.
PHYS3066 Optics/Astrophysics/Physics Lab

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Thirty-eight 1 hour lectures and six 4 hour practicals Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) and PHYS(2012 or 2912) and PHYS (2013 or 2913) and MATH (2061 or 2961 or 2067) Prohibitions: PHYS3050, PHYS3950, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3063, PHYS3963, PHYS3064, PHYS3964, PHYS3065, PHYS3965, PHYS3966, PHYS3068, PHYS3968, PHYS3069, PHYS3969, PHYS3071, PHYS3971, PHYS3072, PHYS3972, PHYS3075, PHYS3975, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3078, PHYS3978, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3081, PHYS3981, PHYS3082, PHYS3982 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical reports (100%)
The lectures on Optics introduce students to modern optics, using the laser to illustrate the applications in studying the properties of matter and many important optical phenomena. These include the Lorentz model as a model for the optical properties of matter, spontaneous and stimulated emission of light, rate equation analysis of lasers, diffraction, Gaussian beam propagation, anisotropic media and nonlinear optics. The lectures on Astrophysics explore astrophysical environments inside stars and beyond (e.g. the interstellar medium, the intergalactic medium and galaxies themselves) and focus on one of the most important physical processes in astrophysics: the transport of radiative energy. In the practical laboratory classes, students will choose from a range of experiments that aim to give them an appreciation of the analytical, technical and practical skills required to conduct modern experimental work.
PHYS3966 Optics/Astrophysics/Physics Lab (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Thirty-eight 1 hour lectures and six 4 hour practicals Prerequisites: Credit in (PHYS2011 or PHYS2911) and Credit in (PHYS2012 or PHYS2912) and (PHYS2013 or PHYS2913) and (MATH2061 or MATH2961 or MATH2067) Prohibitions: PHYS3050, PHYS3950, PHYS3053, PHYS3953, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3058, PHYS3958, PHYS3063, PHYS3963, PHYS3064, PHYS3964, PHYS3065, PHYS3965, PHYS3066, PHYS3068, PHYS3968, PHYS3069, PHYS3969, PHYS3071, PHYS3971, PHYS3072, PHYS3972, PHYS3075, PHYS3975, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3078, PHYS3978, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3081, PHYS3981, PHYS3082, PHYS3982 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical reports (100%)
This unit covers the same topics as PHYS3066, but with greater depth and some more challenging material.
PHYS3067 Cond.Matter Physics/Nanoscience/Lab

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Thirty-eight 1 hour lectures and six 4 hour practicals Prerequisites: PHYS (2011 or 2911) and PHYS(2012 or 2912) Corequisites: PHYS (3060 or 3960 or 3961) Prohibitions: PHYS3050, PHYS3950, PHYS3052, PHYS3952, PHYS3054, PHYS3954, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3057, PHYS3957, PHYS3062, PHYS3962, PHYS3063, PHYS3963, PHYS3064, PHYS3964, PHYS3065, PHYS3965, PHYS3967, PHYS3068, PHYS3968, PHYS3070, PHYS3970, PHYS3074, PHYS3974, PHYS3075, PHYS3975, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3081, PHYS3981 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical reports (100%)
The lectures on Condensed Matter Physics provide a basic introduction to condensed matter systems, specifically the physics that underlies the electromagnetic, thermal, and optical properties of solids. The course draws on basic quantum theory and statistical mechanics and considers recent discoveries and new developments in semiconductors, nanostructures, magnetism, and superconductivity. Nanoscience is the study of the behaviour of light and matter as they interact with structures that have features on nanometre scales. The lectures cover the fundamental physics of nanoscience and the methods used for manipulating matter and creating structures on these scales. In the practical laboratory classes, students will choose from a range of experiments that aim to give them an appreciation of the analytical, technical and practical skills required to conduct modern experimental work.
PHYS3967 Cond.Matter Phys./Nanoscience/Lab (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Thirty-eight 1 hour lectures and six 4 hour practicals Prerequisites: Credit in PHYS (2011 or 2911) and Credit in PHYS (2012 or 2912) Corequisites: PHYS (3060 or 3960 or 3961) Prohibitions: PHYS3050, PHYS3950, PHYS3052, PHYS3952, PHYS3054, PHYS3954, PHYS3055, PHYS3955, PHYS3056, PHYS3956, PHYS3057, PHYS3957, PHYS3062, PHYS3962, PHYS3063, PHYS3963, PHYS3064, PHYS3964, PHYS3065, PHYS3965, PHYS3967, PHYS3068, PHYS3968, PHYS3070, PHYS3970, PHYS3074, PHYS3974, PHYS3075, PHYS3975, PHYS3076, PHYS3976, PHYS3077, PHYS3977, PHYS3079, PHYS3979, PHYS3080, PHYS3980, PHYS3081, PHYS3981 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, practical reports (100%)
This unit covers the same topics as PHYS3067, but with greater depth and some more challenging material.
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The Department of Physiology provides introductory general Intermediate units of study and for those wishing to major in the subject, in-depth Senior units of study. For Senior units the February semester offers Neuroscience and Human Cellular Physiology, and the July semester offers Heart and Circulation as well as further study in Neuroscience.
PHSI2005 Integrated Physiology A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Meloni Muir Session: Semester 1 Classes: Five 1 hour lectures, one 3 hour practical and one 3 hour tutorial per fortnight. Prerequisites: 6 credit points of Junior Chemistry plus 30 credit points from any Junior Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Psychology units of study Prohibitions: PHSI2905, PHSI2001, PHSI2101, PHSI2901 Assessment: Two written exams; group and individual written and oral presentations (100%)
Note: The completion of 6 credit points of MBLG units of study is highly recommended for progression to Senior Physiology. Students taking combined degrees or with passes in units not listed should consult a coordinator if they do not meet the prerequisites.
This unit of study offers a basic introduction to the functions of the nervous system, including excitable cell (nerve and muscle) physiology, sensory and motor systems and central processing. It also incorporates haematology and cardiovascular physiology. The practical component involves experiments on humans and isolated tissues, with an emphasis on hypothesis generation and data analysis. Inquiry-based learning tutorial sessions develop critical thinking and generic skills while demonstrating the integrative nature of physiology. Oral and written communication skills are emphasized, as well as group learning and team work.
Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach, 5th edition by Dee Silverthorn.
PHSI2905 Integrated Physiology A (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Atomu Sawatari Session: Semester 1 Classes: Five 1 hour lectures, one 3 hour practical and one 3 hour tutorial per fortnight. Advanced students will be required to attend the designated Advanced Practical and Tutorial sessions. Students will also be exempt from all Inquiry-based learning tutorials. Prerequisites: 6 credit points of Junior Chemistry plus 30 credit points from any Junior Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Psychology units of study, approval of Coordinator Prohibitions: PHSI2005, PHSI2901, PHSI2001, PHSI2101 Assessment: One written exam; individual and group oral presentations, 2 practical reports (reports will replace some other assessment items from regular course) (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Permission from the coordinators is required for entry into this course. It is available only to selected students who have achieved a WAM of 75 (or higher) in their Junior units of study. Students taking combined degrees or with passes in units not listed should consult a coordinator if they do not meet the prerequisites. The completion of 6 credit points of MBLG units of study is highly recommended for progression to Senior Physiology
This unit of study is an extension of PHSI2005 for talented students with an interest in Physiology and Physiological research. The lecture component of the course is run in conjunction with PHSI2005. This unit of study gives a basic introduction to the functions of the nervous system, including excitable cell (nerve and muscle) physiology, sensory and motor systems and central processing. It also incorporates haematology and cardiovascular physiology. The practical component involves experiments on humans, isolated tissues, and computer simulations, with an emphasis on hypothesis generation and data analysis. Both oral and written communication skills are emphasised, as well as group learning. The course will provide an opportunity for students to apply and extend their understanding of physiological concepts by designing and conducting actual experiments. Small class sizes will provide a chance for students to interact directly with faculty members mentoring the practical sessions. Assessment for this stream will be based on oral group presentations and two practical reports. These items will replace some other assessable activities from the regular course.
Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach, 5th edition by Dee Silverthorn.
PHSI2006 Integrated Physiology B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Meloni Muir Session: Semester 2 Classes: Five one-hour lectures, one 3-hour practical and one 3-hour tutorial per fortnight. Prerequisites: 6 credit points of Junior Chemistry plus 30 credit points from any Junior Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Psychology units of study Prohibitions: PHSI2906, PHSI2002, PHSI2102, PHSI2902 Assessment: Two written exams; group and individual written and oral presentations (100%)
Note: The completion of Molecular Biology and Genetics (Intro) is highly recommended for progression to Senior Physiology. Students taking combined degrees or with passes in units not listed should consult a coordinator if they do not meet the prerequisites.
This unit of study offers a basic introduction to the functions of the remaining body systems: gastrointestinal, respiratory, endocrine, reproductive and renal. The practical component involves experiments on humans and computer simulations, with an emphasis on hypothesis generation and data analysis. Inquiry-based learning tutorial sessions develop critical thinking and generic skills while demonstrating the integrative nature of physiology. Oral and written communication skills are emphasized, as well as group learning and team work.
Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach, 5th edition by Dee Silverthorn.
PHSI2906 Integrated Physiology B (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Atomu Sawatari Session: Semester 2 Classes: Five 1-hour lectures, one 3-hour practical and one 3-hour tutorial per fortnight. Advanced students will be required to attend the designated Advanced Practical and Tutorial sessions. Students will also be exempt from all Inquiry-based learning tutorials. Prerequisites: 6 credit points of Junior Chemistry plus 30 credit points from any Junior Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Psychology units of study, approval of coordinator Prohibitions: PHSI2006, PHSI2902, PHSI2002, PHSI2102 Assessment: One written exam; individual and group oral presentations, 2 practical reports (reports will replace some other assessment items from regular course) (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Permission from the coordinators is required for entry into this course. It is available only to selected students who have achieved a WAM of 75 (or higher) in their Junior units of study. Students taking combined degrees or with passes in units not listed should consult a coordinator if they do not meet the prerequisite. The completion of Molecular Biology and Genetics (Intro) is highly recommended for progression to Senior Physiology.
This unit of study is an extension of PHSI2006 for talented students with an interest in Physiology and Physiological research. The lecture component of the course is run in conjunction with PHSI2006. This unit of study gives a basic introduction to the remaining of the body systems: gastrointestinal, respiratory, endocrine, reproductive and renal. The practical component involves simple experiments on humans, isolated tissues, and computer simulations, with an emphasis on hypothesis generation and data analysis. Both oral and written communication skills are emphasised, as well as group learning. The course will provide an opportunity for students to apply and extend their understanding of physiological concepts by designing and conducting actual experiments. Small class sizes will provide a chance for students to interact directly with faculty members mentoring the practical sessions. Assessment for this stream will be based on oral group presentations and two practical reports. These items will replace some other assessable activities from the regular course.
Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach, 5th edition by Dee Silverthorn.
Please note, all NEUR courses are taught and administered jointly by the Disciplines of Physiology and Anatomy & Histology and can form part of a major in Physiology, Anatomy & Histology or Neuroscience. NEUR3001/3901 and 3002/3902 are designed to be taken in conjunction with other. It is also strongly advised that NEUR3003/3903 and 3004/3904 be taken together. For information on NEUR3002 and NEUR3004 refer to the entry under Anatomy in this chapter.
NEUR3001 Neuroscience: Special Senses

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Dario Protti Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures per week; one 3 hour practical per fortnight and one 3 hour tutorial per fortnight. Prerequisites: For BMedSc students: BMED(2801 or 2503) and BMED(2806 or 2505) For other students: (PHSI(2101 or 2001 or 2901 or 2005 or 2905) or ANAT(2003 or 2010)) and 6 credit points of MBLG. Prohibitions: PHSI3001, NEUR3901 Assumed knowledge: It is strongly recommended that students also take unit NEUR3002. PHSI2005 and ANAT2010 are assumed knowledge. Assessment: Two 1 hour exams, one prac (100%)
The aim of this course is to provide students with an introduction to the structure and function of the nervous system and to the main concepts of processing of sensory information. Understanding basic sensory transduction mechanisms and the function of the sensory systems is necessary to understand how perceptual processes work in normal and disease conditions and provides a gateway to unravel the complexity of the mind. Basic aspects of low and high level sensory processing in all sense modalities will be covered, with a special emphasis in the auditory and visual systems. The relationship between sensory systems, perception and higher cognitive functions will be addressed.
Kandel, Schwartz, Jessel. Principles of Neural Science. 4th edition. Elsevier. 2000.
NEUR3901 Neuroscience: Special Senses (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Dario Protti Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures per week; one 3 hour practical per fortnight and one 3 hour tutorial per fortnight. Advanced students may be exempt from attending some of these classes to permit meetings with supervisor. Prerequisites: For BMedSc students: Credit average in BMED(2801 or 2503) and BMED(2806 or 2505) For other students: Credit average in (PHSI(2101 or 2001 or 2901 or 2005 or 2905) or ANAT(2003 or 2010)) and 6 credit points of MBLG. Prohibitions: NEUR3001, PHSI3001, PHSI3901 Assumed knowledge: PHSI2005 and ANAT2010 Assessment: Two 1 hour exams, one prac report, tutorial papers, one research or library essay (research essay will replace some other assessment items from regular course) (100%)
Note: Permission from the coordinators is required for entry into this course. It is strongly recommended that students also take unit NEUR3002 or NEUR3902.
This unit of study is an extension of NEUR3001 for talented students with an interest in Neuroscience and research in this field. The lecture/practical component of the course is run in conjunction with NEUR3001. The aim of this course is to provide students with an introduction to the structure and function of the nervous system and to the main concepts of processing of sensory information. Understanding basic sensory transduction mechanisms and the function of the sensory systems is necessary to understand how perceptual processes work in normal and disease conditions and provides a gateway to unravel the complexity of the mind. Basic aspects of low and high level sensory processing in all sense modalities will be covered, with a special emphasis in the auditory and visual systems. The relationship between sensory systems, perception and higher cognitive functions will be addressed.
Kandel, Schwartz, Jessel. Principles of Neural Science. 4th edition. Elsevier. 2000.
NEUR3003 Cellular and Developmental Neuroscience

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kevin Keay, Dr Catherine Leamey Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures plus one 1 hour tutorial or one 2 hour practical per week. Prerequisites: For BMedSci: 42 credit points of intermediate BMed units. For others: 18 credit points of Intermediate science units of study from Anatomy & Histology, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Physiology, Psychology or Statisitics Prohibitions: NEUR3903, PHSI3002, PHSI3902 Assumed knowledge: Students should be familiar with the material in Bear, Connors & Paradiso Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain. Assessment: One 1 hour exam. Major essay/report (100%)
Note: Enrolment in NEUR3004 is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Courses are designed to be taken in conjunction with each other.
This second semester unit is designed to introduce students to "cutting edge" issues in the neurosciences. This course is a combination of small lectures on current issues in cellular and developmental neuroscience and a research-based library project. Suitably qualified students may have the option of replacing the library project with a laboratory project. Issues covered in the lecture series will include the role of glial on cerebral blood flow and neural transmission, neurochemistry and psychiatric disorders and the development of central and peripheral nervous system.
Kandell, Schwartz and Jessell. Principles of Neural Science. 4th edition. Elsevier. 2000.
NEUR3903 Cellular & Developmental Neurosci. (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kevin Keay, Dr Catherine Leamey Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial or one 2 hour lab session per week. Prerequisites: For BMedSci: 42 credit points of intermediate BMed units. For others: 18 credit points of Intermediate science units of study from Anatomy & Histology, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Physiology, Psychology or Statisitics. Plus, students must have a CREDIT (or better) in NEUR3001/3901 and NEUR3002/3902. Prohibitions: NEUR3003, PHSI3002, PHSI3902 Assumed knowledge: Students should be familiar with the material in Bear, Connors & Paradiso Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain. Assessment: One 1 hour exam. Major essay/report. Mini-lecture (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Enrollment in NEUR3004/3904 is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Courses are designed to be taken in conjunction with each other. Students must receive permission from the coordinators for enrollment.
This unit encompasses the material taught in NEUR3003. Advanced students perform a research project and present a mini-lecture on a current topic in neuroscience.
Kandell, Schwartz and Jessell. Principles of Neural Science. 4th edition. Elsevier. 2000.
For other NEUR units of study, see the entry for the Department of Anatomy and Histology.
PHSI3005 Human Cellular Physiology: Theory

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr William Phillips Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures and one 1-hour tutorial slot per week. Prerequisites: Except for BMedSc students: PHSI(2005 or 2905) and PHSI(2006 or 2906) For BMedSc: BMED (2801 and 2802). Prohibitions: PHSI3905, PHSI3004, PHSI3904 Assumed knowledge: 6 credit points of MBLG Assessment: One 2-hour exam and 3-5 quizzes (100%)
Note: It is highly recommended that this unit of study be taken in conjunction with PHSI3006.
The aim of this unit of study is to examine key cellular processes involved in the growth, maintenance and reproduction of human life. Processes to be studied include the regulation of cell division and differentiation in developing and adult tissues, the regulation of body fluids through ion transport across epithelia, and mechanisms of hormonal and nervous system signalling. Lectures will relate the molecular underpinnings to physiological functions: our current interpretation of how ion channels, hormone receptors and synaptic interactions mediate tissue function and human life. The significance of these molecular mechanisms will be highlighted by considering how mutations and other disorders affect key proteins and genes and how this might lead to disease states such as cancer, intestinal and lung transport disorders and osteoporosis.
Alberts, B. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 5th edition. Garland Science.
PHSI3905 Human Cellular Physiology (Adv): Theory

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr William D. Phillips Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1-hour lectures and one 1-hour tutorial slot per week. Prerequisites: Credit average in PHSI(2005 or 2905) and PHSI(2006 or 2906) or in BMED (2801 and 2802). Students enrolling in this unit should have a WAM of at least 70. Prohibitions: PHSI3005, PHSI3004, PHSI3904 Assumed knowledge: 6 credit points of MBLG Assessment: One 2-hour exam, one 2000-word report and a report plan arising from a mentored research project (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: It is highly recommended that this unit of study be taken in combination with PHSI3906
The aim of this unit of study is to examine key cellular processes involved in the growth, maintenance and reproduction of human life. Processes to be studied include the regulation of cell division and differentiation in developing and adult tissues, the regulation of body fluids through ion transport across epithelia, mechanisms of hormonal and nervous system signalling and the regulation of muscle contraction. Lectures will relate the molecular underpinnings to physiological functions: our current interpretation of how ion channels, hormone receptors and synaptic interactions mediate tissue function and human life. The significance of these molecular mechanisms will be highlighted by considering how mutations and other disorders affect key proteins and genes and how this might lead to disease states such as cancer, intestinal and lung transport disorders and osteoporosis. Please see the Physiology website for details of mentored Advanced research topics.
Alberts, B. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 5th edition. Garland Science.
PHSI3006 Human Cellular Physiology: Research

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr William D. Phillips Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two small group PBL and one 1 hour lecture per week; one 3 hour practical in some weeks. Prerequisites: Except for BMedSc students: PHSI (2005 or 2905) and PHSI(2006 or 2906) For BMedSc: BMED (2801 and 2802). Corequisites: PHSI3005 Prohibitions: PHSI3906, PHSI3004, PHSI3904 Assessment: One 1.5-hour exam, PBL assessments by oral presentations and paper summaries, prac reports (100%)
This unit of study complements, and should be taken together with PHSI3005. PHSI3006 focuses deeply upon certain areas of cellular physiology that have particular relevance to human health and disease. In the problem-based learning (PBL) sessions groups of students work together with the support of a tutor to develop and communicate an understanding of mechanisms underlying the physiology and patho-physiology of disorders such as prostate cancer and neuromuscular disorders. Each problem runs over three weeks with two small group meetings per week. Reading lists are structured to help address written biomedical problems. Lectures provide advice on how to interpret scientific data of the type found in the research papers. Practical classes will emphasize experimental design and interpretation. Collectively, the PBL, lectures and practical classes aim to begin to develop skills and outlook needed to deal with newly emerging biomedical science.
Alberts, B. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 5th edition. Garland Science.
PHSI3906 Human Cellular Physiology (Ad): Research

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr William D. Phillips Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two small group PBL and one 1-hour lecture per week; one 3-hour practical in some weeks. Prerequisites: PHSI (2005 or 2905) and PHSI(2006 or 2906) or in BMED (2801 and 2802). Students enroling in this unit should have a WAM of at least 70. Corequisites: PHSI3905 Prohibitions: PHSI3006, PHSI3004, PHSI3904 Assumed knowledge: 6 credit points of MBLG Assessment: One 1.5-hour exam, PBL assessments by oral presentations and paper summaries, 1500-word research report (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study complements, and should be taken together with PHSI3905. PHSI3906 focuses deeply upon certain areas of cellular physiology that have particular relevance to human health and disease. In the problem-based learning (PBL) sessions groups of students work together with the support of a tutor to develop and communicate an understanding of mechanism underlying the physiology and patho-physiology of disorders such as prostate cancer and neuromuscular disorders. Each problem runs over three weeks with two small group meetings per week. Reading lists are structured to help address written biomedical problems. Lectures provide advice on how to interpret scientific data of the type found in the research papers. Practical classes will emphasize experimental design and interpretation. Collectively, the PBL, lectures and practical classes aim to begin to develop skills and outlook needed to deal with newly emerging biomedical science. Please see the Physiology website for details of mentored Advanced research topics.
Alberts, B. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 5th edition. Garland Science.
PHSI3007 Heart and Circulation: Normal Function

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Steve Assinder Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and one 3-hour practical or one 2-hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: Except for BMedSc students: PHSI(2005 or 2905) and PHSI(2006 or 2906) plus at least 12 credit points of intermediate Science Units of Study For BMedSc: BMED (2801 and 2803). Prohibitions: PHSI3907, PHSI3003, PHSI3903 Assumed knowledge: 6 credit points of MBLG Assessment: One 2-hour exam, 3 practical assignments (100%)
Note: It is recommended that students take PHSI3007 ONLY in combination with PHSI3008.
The aim of this unit of study is to examine in depth the structure and function of the cardiovascular system at the organ system, cellular and molecular levels. There is a particular focus on exercise physiology and the way in which the heart, circulation and skeletal muscles contribute to the limits of sporting achievement. The excitability, contractility and energetics of the heart and blood vessels are studied and the regulation of these organs by local (physical and chemical) factors, hormones and the nervous system are discussed, with emphasis on cellular and molecular mechanisms. At the systemic level, short term (neural) mechanisms controlling the blood pressure and how the system behaves during exercise and other stresses is dealt with. Long term (hormonal) mechanisms regulating blood pressure via the renal control of extracellular fluid volume is also discussed. There is an emphasis in this unit of study on recent advances in cellular and molecular aspects of heart and the blood vessels and the regulation of these organs by local (physical and chemical) factors, hormones and the autonomic nervous system. Lectures will be complemented by practical classes and tutorials that reinforce the theory and emphasise experimental design, data interpretation and presentation.
PHSI3907 Heart & Circulation: Normal Function Adv

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Steve Assinder Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and one 3-hour practical or one 2-hour tutorial per week Prerequisites: Except for BMedSc students: PHSI(2005 or 2905) and PHSI(2006 or 2906) plus at least 12 credit points of intermediate Science Units of Study For BMedSc: BMED (2801 and 2803). Prohibitions: PHSI3007, PHSI3003, PHSI3903 Assumed knowledge: 6 credit points of MBLG Assessment: One 2-hour exam, 2000-word report/essay based on a mentored research project, practical assignment (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Available to selected students who have achieved an average of at least 75 in their prerequisite units of study. It is highly recommended that this unit of study be taken in combination with PHSI3908.
The aim of this unit of study is to examine in depth the structure and function of the cardiovascular system at the organ system, cellular and molecular levels. There is a particular focus on exercise physiology and the way in which the heart, circulation and skeletal muscles contribute to the limits of sporting achievement. The excitability, contractility and energetics of the heart and blood vessels are studied and the regulation of these organs by local (physical and chemical) factors, hormones and the nervous system are discussed, with emphasis on cellular and molecular mechanisms. At the systemic level, short term (neural) mechanisms controlling the blood pressure and how the system behaves during exercise and other stresses is dealt with. Long term (hormonal) mechanisms regulating blood pressure via the renal control of extracellular fluid volume is also discussed. There is an emphasis in this unit of study on recent advances in cellular and molecular aspects of heart and the blood vessels and the regulation of these organs by local (physical and chemical) factors, hormones and the autonomic nervous system. Lectures will be complemented by practical classes and tutorials that reinforce the theory and emphasize experimental design, data interpretation and presentation. Details of mentored Advanced research projects are available on the Physiology website.
PHSI3008 Heart and Circulation: Dysfunction

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Steve Assinder Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and two 1-hour PBL sessions per week Prerequisites: Except for BMedSc students: PHSI(2005 or 2905) and PHSI(2006 or 2906) plus at least 12 credit points of intermediate Science Units of Study For BMedSc: BMED (2801 and 2803) Prohibitions: PHSI3908, PHSI3003, PHSI3903 Assumed knowledge: 6 credit points of MBLG Assessment: One 2-hour exam, PBL presentations, 2000-word essay (100%)
Note: It is strongly recommended that students take PHSI3008 ONLY in combination with PHSI3007
This unit of study complements and should be taken together with PHSI3007, which deals with the normal function of the cardiovascular system. This unit of study focuses on cardiovascular disease which is a major cause of death in western society. Lectures provide the background to understanding (a) the disruption of normal physiological processes, (b) recent advances in cellular and molecular aspects, and (c) the physiological basis of modern approaches to treatment. Examples of diseases covered include: heart failure, heart attack, cardiac hypertrophy, atheroma and hypertension. In the seminar sessions, students will work in small groups with a tutor to further extend their understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms underpinning cardiovascular disease. Reading lists are organised into specific topics related to a particular disease. Through analysis and discussion of the readings students develop skills necessary for interpreting and communicating science.
PHSI3908 Heart & Circulation: Dysfunction Adv

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Steve Assinder Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lecture and two 1 hour PBL sessions per week. Prerequisites: Except for BMedSc students: PHSI(2005 or 2905) and PHSI(2006 or 2906) plus at least 12 credit points of intermediate Science Units of Study For BMedSc: BMED (2801 and 2803). Prohibitions: PHSI3008, PHSI3003, PHSI3903 Assumed knowledge: 6 credit points of MBLG Assessment: One 2-hour exam, PBL presentations, written assignment on a selected topic (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Available to selected students who have achieved an average of at least 75 in their prerequisite units of study. It is highly recommended that this unit of study be taken ONLY in combination with PHSI3907 or PHSI3007.
This unit of study complements and should be taken together with PHSI3007 which deals with the normal function of the cardiovascular system. This unit of study focuses on cardiovascular disease which is a major cause of death in western society. Lectures provide the background to understanding (a) the disruption of normal physiological processes, (b) recent advances in cellular and molecular aspects, and (c) the physiological basis of modern approaches to treatment. Examples of diseases covered include: heart failure, heart attack, cardiac hypertrophy, atheroma and hypertension. In the seminar sessions students will work in small groups with a tutor to further extend their understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms underpinning cardiovascular disease. Reading lists are organised into specific topics related to a particular disease. Through analysis and discussion of the readings students develop skills necessary for interpreting and communicating science. Details of mentored Advanced research projects are available on the Physiology website.

Plant Science

The following units of study form part of the Plant Science program, which has been developed jointly by the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources and the School of Biological Sciences.
Intermediate units of study
PLNT2001 Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Meredith Wilkes Prof Les Copeland Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x1-hr lectures/week, 1x1-hr tutorial/week commencing week 2, 1x3-hr practical weekly Prerequisites: 12 Junior credit points from Chemistry and Biology (or with the Dean's permission BIOL1201 and BIOL1202) Prohibitions: PLNT2901, AGCH2004 Assessment: 1x1hr exam (15%) and 1x1.5hr exam (45%) and lab reports (40%)
This unit of study is designed to develop an understanding of the molecular principles that underlie the structure and function of plants and how these principles relate to the use of plants by humans as a source of food and fibre. The unit is a core unit for BScAgr students and an elective for BSc and other degree programs. It recognizes the specialized nature of plant biochemistry and molecular biology and is a platform for students who wish to gain a sound knowledge of plant growth and development.
This unit covers the biochemistry of the main carbohydrate, lipid, protein and nucleic acid constituents of plants , metabolic pathways that regulate plant growth and development, the mobilization and deposition of storage reserves, storage and expression of genetic information and plant responses to environmental influences. The role of molecular biology in the manipulation of plant growth and development will also be explored.
At the completion of this unit students will be able to demonstrate theoretical knowledge of the biochemical structure and function of plants and how molecular biology can enhance our use of plants as food and fibres. Students will also be able to demonstrate abilities in the practice of laboratory methods used to analyse plants and the effective communication of experimental findings. Students enrolled in this unit will gain research and enquiry skills through attendance at lectures and participation in laboratory classes and tutorials, information literacy and communication skills through the synthesis of information used to prepare practical reports, social and professional understanding by participation in groupwork and assessments that seek to understand the role of agriculture in the broader community.
No recommended text. A study guide/laboratory manual will be available for purchase from the Copy Centre during the first week of semester. Lecture notes and readings will be available through WebCT.
PLNT2901 Plant Biochem & Molecular Biology (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Meredith Wilkes Prof Les Copeland Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x1-hr lectures/week, 1x1-hr tutorial/week commencing week 2, 1x3-hr practical weekly Prerequisites: Distinction average in 12 Junior credit points from Chemistry and Biology (or with the Dean's permission BIOL1201 and BIOL1202) Prohibitions: PLNT2001, AGCH2004 Assessment: 1x1hr exam (15%) and 1x1.5hr exam (45%) and project report (40%)
This unit of study is designed to develop an understanding of the molecular principles that underlie the structure and function of plants and how these principles relate to the use of plants by humans as a source of food and fibre.
This unit is offered at an advanced level and is available to students in BScAgr, BSc and other degree programs. This unit recognizes the specialized nature of plant biochemistry and is of interest to students who wish to gain a more advanced knowledge of plant growth and development.
This unit covers the biochemistry of the main carbohydrate, lipid, protein and nucleic acid constituents of plants , metabolic pathways that regulate plant growth and development, the mobilization and deposition of storage reserves, storage and expression of genetic information and plant responses to environmental influences. The role of molecular biology in the manipulation of plant growth and development will also be explored.
At the completion of this unit students will be able to demonstrate theoretical knowledge of the biochemical structure and function of plants and how molecular biology can enhance our use of plants as food and fibres. Students will also be able to demonstrate abilities in the practice of laboratory methods used to analyse plants and the effective communication of experimental findings by completing a short research project.
Students enrolled in this unit will gain research and enquiry skills through attendance at lectures and tutorials and by completing a small research project and information literacy and communication skills through the synthesis of information used to prepare a report on the findings of the research project.
No recommended text. A study guide/laboratory manual will be available for purchase from the Copy Centre during the first week of semester. Lecture notes and readings will be available through WebCT.
PLNT2002 Aust Flora: Ecology and Conservation

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Glenda Wardle, Dr Murray Henwood. Session: Semester 1 Classes: (2 hrs lec & 3 hrs prac)/wk, audiovisual. Prerequisites: 6 credit points of a Junior unit of study Prohibitions: PLNT2902 Assessment: One 2-hr exam (40%), laboratory reports (20%) herbarium (20%), one 2-hr practical exam (20%).
This unit provides a broad understanding of the evolution, classification and diversity of terrestrial plants, and the principles of plant ecology in an Australian context. The major types of Australian vegetation are discussed across a range of temporal and spatial scales, and their current distribution related to their environment and origins. Selected contemporary issues in plant conservation from Australian natural and managed systems are explored. There is a strong emphasis on practical skills such as phylogenetic inference, plant identification and the collection and analysis of ecological data. The practical component of the unit of study uses examples taken from the Australian flora (including plants of horticultural significance) and major crop plants. Important elements of this unit are half-day field trips to the Royal National Park, and the construction of student herbaria. The practical sessions and interactions with staff encourage students to develop their own learning style and enhance a strong sense of self-reliance. Critical thinking, effective communication and other vocational and generic skills are emphasized. The content is well suited to students with interests in botany, plant science and ecology, and is often combined with units of study offered through the School of Biological Sciences and the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. This unit of study also complements a wide range of units of study from: science (e.g. plant science, earth and environmental science, animal science, bioinformatics, molecular and cell biology, genetics and biotechnology); agriculture (e.g. horticulture, land and water science, and natural resources); and broader disciplines (e.g. education, arts, and environmental law).
A Laboratory Manual for the unit will be available for purchase from the Copy Centre during the first week of Semester.
PLNT2902 Aust Flora: Ecology & Conservation (Adv)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Glenda Wardle, Dr Murray Henwood Session: Semester 1 Classes: (2 lec & 3 prac)/wk, audiovisual Prerequisites: Distinction average in 6 credit points of Junior units of study Prohibitions: PLNT2002 Assumed knowledge: The contents of BIOL(1002 or 1902) is assumed knowledge. Students wishing to enroll in Intermediate Biology (BIOL) and Plant Science (PLNT) units of study using BIOL(1003 or 1903) will need to do some preparatory reading Assessment: One 2-hr exam (40%), laboratory reports (20%) research project (20%), one 2-hr practical exam (20%).
Qualifed students will participate in alternative components of PLNT2002. The content and nature of these components may vary from year to year. See prerequisites for Senior units of study in Biology.
A Laboratory Manual for the unit will be available for purchase from the Copy Centre during the first week of Semester.
PLNT2003 Plant Form and Function

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Robyn Overall, Dr Lindsay Campbell Session: Semester 2 Classes: 24 lectures; 10 tutorials; 8 x 2 hr and 2x3hr labs; 2x6 hr field trips Prohibitions: PLNT2903, BIOL2003, BIOL2903, CROP2001 Assumed knowledge: 12 credit points of Junior Biology, or equivalent eg BIOL (1001 or 1101 or 1901 or 1911) and BIOL (1002 or 1902 or 1003 or 1903) Assessment: One 2hr theory exam (40%), prac exam (20%), anatomy project (10%), quizzes (5%), physiology report (10%), field report (15%).
This unit of study investigates the structure of cells, tissues and organs of flowering plants and relates them to function. Topics include; how photosynthesis, translocation, water transport and nutrition relate to the structures that carry out these processes. Most of the information on plant structure will be provided in self-instructional audio-visual sessions augmented by small group discussions. This is integrated with experiments carried out in the laboratory or on field excursions to investigate the physiological aspects of plant structures. There is a focus on recent advances in plant molecular biology where they have been critical in enhancing our understanding of the form and function of plants. The physiological and anatomical responses of plants to extreme environments such as drought and salinity will also be addressed. Attention will be paid to the anatomy and physiology of crop, horticultural and Australian native plants. This unit of study complements Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Flora: ecology and conservation and Cell Biology and leads onto senior units of study in plant sciences, including Plant Growth and Development. It is essential for those seeking a career in plant molecular biology.
Taiz L, Zeiger E (2006) Plant Physiology 4th ed. Sunderland, Mass Sinauer
PLNT2903 Plant Form and Function (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Robyn Overall, Dr Lindsay Campbell Session: Semester 2 Classes: 24 lectures; 10 tutorials; 8 x 2 hr and 2x3hr labs; 2x6 hr field trips Prohibitions: PLNT2003, BIOL2003, BIOL2903, CROP2001 Assumed knowledge: 12 credit points of Junior Biology, or equivalent eg BIOL (1001 or 1101 or 1901 or 1911) and BIOL (1002 or 1902 or 1003 or 1903) Assessment: One 2hr theory exam (40%), prac exam (20%), research project oral and written presentation (25%), field report (15%).
The content will be based on PLNT2003 but qualified students will participate in alternative components at a more advanced level. The content and nature of these components may vary from year to year.
Taiz L, Zeiger E (2006) Plant Physiology 4th ed. Sunderland, Mass Sinauer
Senior units of study
PLNT3001 Plant, Cell and Environment

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Charles Warren and Dr Brian Jones Session: Semester 2 Classes: Workshops and discussions 2 hr/wk; laboratories: alternate weeks 30 hr total (6 pracs; 5 hr each) Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology, Plant Science, Molecular Biology and Genetics or equivalent Prohibitions: PLNT3901 Assessment: One 2hr exam (30%), 2 reports (30%), two essays (30%) one group presentation (10%).
This unit of study of comprises lectures/workshops and practical sessions that will explore how plants and ecosystems function. Classes will examine the central role of plants in the function of terrestrial ecosystems (e.g. global and ecosystem cycles of carbon and nutrients). Plants shape how ecosystems function, and at the same time the environment affects how plants function. Hence, we will also examine the mechanisms plants employ to adapt and acclimate to their (often stressful) environment. Adaptation and acclimation of plants to their environment will be examined at molecular through to whole plant scales. You will need to draw on knowledge from intermediate units of study and explore the published literature to successfully integrate information from areas unfamiliar to yourself. The purpose of this Unit of Study is to develop an understanding of current directions in Plant Science at an advanced level. When you have successfully completed this unit of study, you should be able to: be familiar with modern approaches of physiology, biophysics and molecular biology in the study of plant function; understand how domains of knowledge interact to describe plant function; understand how plants function in stressful environments; carryout a small research project; draft a manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
Students will be drawing on the current research literature for content.
PLNT3901 Plant, Cell and Environment (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Charles Warren and Dr Brian Jones Session: Semester 2 Classes: Workshops and discussions 2 hr/wk; laboratories: alternate weeks 30 hr total (6 pracs; 5 hr each) Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology, Plant Science, Molecular Biology and Genetics or equivalent with average grade of distinction Prohibitions: PLNT3001 Assessment: One 2hr exam (30%), 2 two essays (30%), one advance student project report (30%), one individual oral presentation (10%).
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study of comprises lectures/workshops and practical sessions that will explore how plants and ecosystems function. Classes will examine the central role of plants in the function of terrestrial ecosystems (e.g. global and ecosystem cycles of carbon and nutrients). Plants shape how ecosystems function, and at the same time the environment affects how plants function. Hence, we will also examine the mechanisms plants employ to adapt and acclimate to their (often stressful) environment. Adaptation and acclimation of plants to their environment will be examined at molecular through to whole plant scales. You will need to draw on knowledge from intermediate units of study and explore the published literature to successfully integrate information from areas unfamiliar to yourself. The purpose of this Unit of Study is to develop an understanding of current directions in Plant Science at an advanced level. When you have successfully completed this unit of study, you should be able to: be familiar with modern approaches of physiology, biophysics and molecular biology in the study of plant function; understand how domains of knowledge interact to describe plant function; understand how plants function in stressful environments; carryout a small research project; draft a manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
Students will be drawing on the current research literature for content.
PLNT3002 Plant Growth and Development

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jan Marc (Executive Officer), Prof Robyn Overall, Prof David Guest, Dr Brian Jones Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2-3 lec per wk, one 4 hr practical (6 weeks only), one 3 hr presentation of research project in week 13 Prerequisites: 12 credit points of intermediate PLNT, BIOL, AGCH or CROP units of study including at least one of PLNT2001, PLNT2901, PLNT2003, PLNT2903, BIOL2016, BIOL2916, BIOL2003, BIOL2903, BIOL2006, BIOL2906, CROP2001, AGCH2002 or equivalent Prohibitions: PLNT3902, BIOL3021, BIOL3931 Assessment: One 2 hr exam (60%), project presentation and report (20%), laboratory quizzes, report and book (20%).
This unit explores the mechanisms underlying plant growth and development from seed to maturity. It covers the process of building the plant body from embryogenesis, development and operation of meristems, polarity, patterning, controls of flowering and fruit development to programmed cell death and senescence. It includes the role of signals such as plant hormones in coordinating plant growth and development and the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying plant responses to environmental signals such as gravity and light. There is a focus on recent plant molecular biology that has been critical in enhancing our current understanding of plant growth and development. The unit uses examples from crop, horticultural and native plants as well as the model plant Arabidopsis. Lectures are augmented by experimental work, including and independent research project. The laboratory work will include plant tissue culture, protoplast production and modern cell biological techniques used to study plant development. This unit of study complements other senior units of study in the Plant Science Major and is essential for those seeking a career in plant molecular biology.
Taiz L, Zeiger E (2006) Plant Physiology 4th ed. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts
PLNT3902 Plant Growth and Development (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jan Marc (Executive Officer), Prof Robyn Overall, Prof David Guest, Dr Brian Jones Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2-3 lec per wk, one 4 hr practical (6 weeks only), one 3 hr presentation of research project in week 13 Prerequisites: 12 credit points of intermediate PLNT, BIOL, AGCH or CROP units of study including at least one of PLNT2001, PLNT2901, PLNT2003, PLNT2903, BIOL2016, BIOL2916, BIOL2003, BIOL2903, BIOL2006, BIOL2906, CROP2001, AGCH2002 or equivalent. These requirements may be varied and students with lower averages should consult the unit Executive Officer. Prohibitions: PLNT3002, BIOL3021, BIOL3931 Assessment: One 2 hr exam (60%), project presentation and report (20%), laboratory quizzes and book (20%).
Qualified students will participate in alternative components of PLNT3002 Plant Growth and Development, representing 30% of the total assessment, as follows: the students will be exempt from one standard laboratory report and the standard independent group project. Instead, the students will conduct an advanced independent individual practical or theoretical research project under the supervision of a member of the academic staff. The program includes a formal presentation of the results of the project in verbal and written reports.
Taiz L, Zeiger E (2006) Plant Physiology 4th ed. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts
PLNT3003 Systematics and Evolution of Plants

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Murray Henwood Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x1hr lectures/week, 1x3 hr practical/week, 2-day field-trip during semester. Prerequisites: 6 credit points of any Intermediate unit of study from BIOL, PLNT, LWSC, HORT, GEOS, GEOG, ENVI, SOIL. Prohibitions: PLNT3903 Assessment: 1x2 hr take-home exam (45%), oral presentation (5%), nomenclature exercise (15%), research project (35%).
This unit of study introduces students to the practical aspects of Plant Systematics and Evolution. Students will gain a working knowledge of the general techniques and approaches used in Plant Systematics (including an understanding of plant taxonomy, phylogenetics and evolutionary processes). A range of data sources (nucleotide sequences and morphology) will be used to address questions concerning the evolution, classification and historical biogeography of various plant groups. A two-day field trip will provide tuition in plant identification and an opportunity to acquire skills in field-botany . This unit of study is recommended for students with an interest in the areas of: botany, plant science, horticulture, fungal biology (including plant pathology), environmental science, bioinformatics and ecology. It is often combined with units of study offered through the School of Biological Sciences and the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources.
Jud, WS, Campbell, CS, Kellog, EA, Stevens, PF and Donohuge, MJ. 2002. Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach.
PLNT3903 Systematics and Evolution of Plants Adv

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof Murray Henwood Session: Semester 1 Classes: See PLNT3003 Prerequisites: Distinction average in 6 credit points of any Intermediate unit of study from BIOL, PLNT, LWSC, HORT, GEOS, GEOG, ENVI, SOIL. These requirements may be varied and students with lower averages should consult the Unit Executive Officer. Prohibitions: PLNT3003 Assessment: 1x2 hr take-home exam (45%), oral presentation (5%), nomenclature exercise (15%), research project (35%).
Qualified students will participate in alternative components of PLNT3003 Systematics and Evolution of Plants. The content and nature of these components may vary from year to year.
Same as PLNT3003.
BIOL3009 Terrestrial Field Ecology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr G Wardle Session: S2 Intensive Classes: Note: 1x6 day field trip held in the pre-semester break and 4x4 hr practical classes during weeks 1-4 in Semester 2. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology or ANSC2004 and BIOM2001. Prohibitions: BIOL3909 Assumed knowledge: BIOL (3006 or 3906). Prior completion of one of these units is very strongly recommended. Assessment: Discussions and quiz (10%), research project proposal and brief presentation (10%), sampling project report (20%), specimen collection (10%), research project report (50%).
Note: One 6 day field trip held in the pre-semester break (17 - 22 July 2011), and 4x4 hr practical classes during weeks 1-4 in Semester 2.
This field course provides practical experience in terrestrial ecology suited to a broad range of careers in ecology, environmental consulting and wildlife management. Students learn a broad range of ecological sampling techniques and develop a detailed understanding of the logical requirements necessary for manipulative ecological field experiments. The field work incorporates survey techniques for plants, small mammals and invertebrates and thus provides a good background for ecological consulting work. Students attend a week-long field course and participate in a large-scale research project as well as conducting their own research project. Invited experts contribute to the lectures and discussions on issues relating to the ecology, conservation and management of Australia's terrestrial flora and fauna.
BIOL3909 Terrestrial Field Ecology (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr G Wardle. Session: S2 Intensive Classes: See BIOL3009. Prerequisites: Distinction average in 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology or ANSC2004 and BIOM2001 Prohibitions: BIOL3009 Assumed knowledge: BIOL (3006 or 3906). Prior completion of one of these units is very strongly recommended. Assessment: Discussions and quiz (10%), research project proposal and brief presentation (10%), sampling project report (20%), sample and data processing (10%), research project report (50%).
Note: One 6 day field trip held in the pre-semester break (17 - 22 July 2011) and 4x4 hr practical classes during weeks 1-4 in Semester 2.
This unit has the same objectives as BIOL3009 Terrestrial Field Ecology, and is suitable for students who wish to pursue certain aspects in greater depth. Entry is restricted, and selection is made from applicants on the basis of previous performance. Students taking this unit of study will complete an individual research project on a topic negotiated with a member of staff. It is expected that much of the data collection will be completed during the field trip but some extra time may be needed during semester 2. Specific details of this unit of study and assessment will be announced in meetings with students at the beginning of the unit. This unit of study may be taken as part of the BSc (Advanced) program.
BIOL3017 Fungi in the Environment

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof P McGee Session: S1 Intensive Classes: 40 hours of practicals in a two week intensive program held immediately prior to semester one (laboratory component each morning from 14-25 February 2011), plus the equivalent of 30 hours self-guided study during the semester. Prerequisites: 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology or Plant Science, or 6 credit points of Intermediate Biology, or Plant Science, and 6 Intermediate credit points of either Microbiology or Geography. Prohibitions: BIOL3917 Assessment: Selected from 1x2 hr take home exam, laboratory component and written assignments (100%)
Note: Dates: 14-25 February 2011. The completion of 6 credit points of MBLG units is highly recommended.
The unit is designed to develop understanding of fungal ecology in relation to environmental and rehabilitation biology, biological control of pests and pathogens, and soil microbiology. Emphasis will be placed on the function of fungi, and the benefit provided by fungi in symbiotic interactions with plants, including mycorrhizal fungi and shoot-borne endophytes. Physiological and ecological implications of the interactions will also be considered. Each student will design and implement a research project. Analytical thinking and research-led activity will be encouraged. Using broad scientific approaches, each student will gain the capacity to work cooperatively to find and analyse information from primary sources, develop approaches to test their understanding, and to present their work in a scientifically acceptable manner. Students will develop a deeper understanding of one area of fungal biology through independent study. Part of the learning material will be available on the internet.
BIOL3917 Fungi in the Environment (Advanced)

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: A/Prof P McGee Session: S1 Intensive Classes: See BIOL3017. Prerequisites: Distinction average in 12 credit points of Intermediate Biology and Plant Science, or 6 credit points of Intermediate Biology, or Plant Science, and 6 Intermediate credit points of either Microbiology or Geography. Prohibitions: BIOL3017 Assessment: Selected from 1x2 hr take home exam, laboratory and written assignments (100%)
Note: The completion of 6 credit points of MBLG units is highly recommended.
Qualified students will be encouraged to develop a research project under supervision. The content and nature of the research will be agreed on with the executive officer.
PPAT3003 Plant Disease

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Prof David Guest Session: Semester 1 Classes: (2 lec, 3h prac)/wk Prerequisites: MICR2024 Assessment: One 2h end of semester exam (60%), one prac exam (25%), six take-home quizzes (15%).
This unit introduces plant disease and the pathogens that limit agricultural and horticultural production. The unit is core to the BScAgr and BHortSc degrees and is available as an elective to BLWS and BSc students. It builds on the material introduced in MICR2024. The lecture component of the unit discusses the aetiology of plant disease and symptom development; diagnosis of plant disease; the biology, epidemiology and management of fungi and other microbes that cause plant disease; breeding for disease resistance; plant-parasite relationships; and disease resistance in plants. The practical component introduces techniques used in handling and identifying fungi and in studying plant disease, and develops skills in experimental design, execution and interpretation of experimental data. At the completion of this unit, students will be able to exercise problem-solving skills (developed through practical experiments and lecture discussions), think critically, and organise knowledge (from consideration of the lecture material and preparation of practical reports), expand from theoretical principles to practical explanations (through observing and reporting on practical work), use certain computer software for analysing data and reporting on laboratory projects. Students learn to work in a research team, plan effective work schedules (to meet deadlines for submission of assessable work), use statistical analysis in research, keep appropriate records of laboratory research, work safely in a research laboratory and operate a range of scientific equipment. Students will gain research and inquiry skills through research based group projects, information literacy and communication skills through assessment tasks and personal and intellectual autonomy through working in groups.
Schumann GL & Darcy CJ 2006. Essential Plant Pathology. APS Press, St Paul, Minn., USA.
HORT3005 Production Horticulture

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jenny Jobling Session: Semester 1 Classes: (2x1hr lec; 1x3hr prac/workshop)/wk Prerequisites: Two of PLNT2001, PLNT2901, PLNT2002, PLNT2902, PLNT2003, PLNT2903 Assumed knowledge: AFNR1001, AFNR1002 and HORT2002 Assessment: One 3 hr exam (55%), three assignments (45%).
This unit of study covers topics on the production of perennial fruit crops, wine grapes, the sustainable production of vegetables and it also covers the key aspects of the postharvest handling and quality assurance of fresh produce. At the end of this unit students are expected to have a detailed understanding of these areas of horticulture and be able to discuss related literature and the physiological principles underlying the commercial success of these horticultural enterprises. Students will also gain research and enquiry skills through research based practical sessions and assignments.
Recommended reading:


Psychology is the study of behaviour and it is approached on a scientific basis, with provision for professional training at the postgraduate level. The research activities of the School cover almost all of the main branches of the discipline. Extensive information about the subject and the School is available on the School web-site: A major in Psychology that is accredited by the Australian Psychological Society and can lead to registration as a Psychologist in NSW (upon completion of further studies) can be gained through a number of degree programs. A normal three year sequence required for a major in Psychology is: PSYC 1001, 1002, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 3018 and at least three Senior units of study selected from PSYC3010 (required for entry into Honours), 3011, 3012, 3013, 3014, 3015, 3016, 3017, 3020 and HPSC3023. The senior units must include at least one of PSYC 3011, 3012, 3013 and 3014. Mid-year entry is possible and involves modification of this sequence.
The main enquiry office of the School is Room 325, Level 3 Brennan MacCallum Building, A18. Staff members available to discuss particular courses may be contacted directly or through this office.
Undergraduate units of study are examined at the end of each semester and include classwork by way of essays, reports or practical/laboratory work. At the beginning of each unit of study students are advised of the contributions of exam and classwork for assessment purposes.
Summer School: January-February
PSYC1001 and PSYC1002 are offered in the Sydney Summer School. Consult the Sydney Summer School website for more information:
PSYC1001 Psychology 1001

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Summer Main Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week, plus 1 hour per week of additional web-based (self-paced) material related to the tutorial. Assessment: One 2.5hr exam, one 1000w essay, multiple tutorial tests, experimental participation (100%)
Psychology 1001 is a general introduction to the main topics and methods of psychology, and is the basis for advanced work as well as being of use to those not proceeding with the subject. Psychology 1001 covers the following areas: science and statistics in psychology; behavioural neuroscience; applied psychology; social psychology; personality theory; human development.
This unit is also offered in the Sydney Summer School. For more information consult the website:
Psychology 1001 manual,
PSYC1002 Psychology 1002

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2,Summer Main Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week, plus 1 hour per week of additional web-based (self-paced) material related to the tutorial. Assessment: One 2.5 hour exam, one 1250 word research report, multiple tutorial tests, experimental participation (100%)
Psychology 1002 is a further general introduction to the main topics and methods of psychology, and it is the basis for advanced work as well as being of use to those not proceeding with the subject. Psychology 1002 covers the following areas: human mental abilities; learning, motivation and emotion; visual perception; cognitive processes; abnormal psychology.
This unit is also offered in the Sydney Summer School. For more information consult the web site:
Psychology 1002 manual
Intermediate units of study
PSYC2011 Brain and Behaviour

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Ian Johnston Session: Semester 1 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: PSYC (1001 and 1002). Prohibitions: PSYC2111 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, major assignment (1500-2000 word essay/report), minor assignment (short written practical exercise and/ or tutorial quizzes (100%)
This unit of study examines a range of phenomena and principles in learning and perception and their relations to underlying neural substrates. The emphasis in learning is on instrumental conditioning and the principle of reinforcement, ranging from applications of this principle to its neural substrates. Also covered are analyses of aversive-based learning, such as punishment and avoidance, and anxiety, together with related neurochemical mechanisms and the effects of various psychopharmacological agents on these processes. A number of perceptual phenomena will be studied (e.g., motion detection, recognition of faces, identification of emotion). A series of practical classes and demonstrations allow students to gain hands-on experience of how some of these principles and phenomena may be studied experimentally.
See school website
PSYC2012 Statistics & Research Methods for Psych

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Margaret Charles Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week, plus one 1 hour lecture and one 1 hour tutorial per fortnight. Prerequisites: PSYC (1001 and 1002). Prohibitions: PSYC2112 Assumed knowledge: Recommended: HSC Mathematics, any level Assessment: One 2 hour exam, class tests, online quizzes, one 1500 word group project, one 45 minute mid-semester exam (100%)
The aim is to introduce students to fundamental concepts in statistics as applied to psychological research. These include summary descriptive statistics, an introduction to the principles and practice of research design, and the use of inferential statistics. Building upon this framework, the unit of study aims to develop each student's expertise in understanding the rationale for, and application of, a variety of statistical tests to the sorts of data typically obtained in psychological research.
See school website
PSYC2013 Cognitive and Social Psychology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Karen Gonsalkorale Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: PSYC (1001 and 1002). Prohibitions: PSYC2113 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, major assignment (1500-2000 word essay/report), minor assignment (short written practical exercise and/or tutorial quizzes) (100%)
This unit expands the depth and range of topics introduced in the first year lectures on Cognitive Processes, Developmental Psychology and Social Psychology. The section on Cognitive Processes focuses on current theories of memory, attention, problem solving and decision making and discusses the methods and issues involved in investigating these processes in both healthy individuals and people with cognitive dysfunctions. The section on Developmental Psychology discusses early social and cognitive development. The section on Social Psychology examines salient topics in social psychology, such as impression management
Cognitive: See School website
PSYC2014 Personality and Intelligence 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Niko Tiliopoulos Session: Semester 2 Classes: Three 1 hour lectures and one 1 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: PSYC (1001 and 1002) Prohibitions: PSYC2114 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, major assignment (1500-2000 word essay/report), minor assignment (short written practical exercise and/or tutorial quizzes (100%)
The main aim of this course is to introduce students to a number of influential theories in personality and intelligence. Students will be exposed to some conceptual analysis and will be expected to gain an understanding and be able to examine critically the various theories covered. Furthermore, students will be introduced to key topics in the scientific study and assessment of individual differences (Psychometrics) in personality and intelligence. The course will cover both conceptual (e.g. validity and reliability) and applied (e.g. Factor Analysis) elements of statistical psychometric inference.
See School website
Senior units of study
PSYC3010 Advanced Statistics for Psychology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Sabina Kleitman Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 2 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: PSYC (2012 or 2112) plus at least one other Intermediate Psychology Unit of Study from PSYC (2011 or 2111), PSYC (2013 or 2113), PSYC (2014 or 2114). Prohibitions: PSYC3201 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, class tests, 1500 word assignment, practical exercises (100%)
This unit of study expands upon students' knowledge of the general linear model and its applications in the analysis of data from psychological research. The first half of the course is focused on research for which analysis of variance would be appropriate, and develops students' ability to test more focused questions than can be answered by omnibus F tests. Issues that arise in testing contrasts, such as inflation of Type I error, will also be considered. In the second half of the course, students will further their understanding of multivariate techniques, such as multiple regression analysis.
See School website
PSYC3011 Learning and Behaviour

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Justin Harris Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 2 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: PSYC (2011 or 2111) and at least one other Intermediate Psychology Unit from PSYC (2012 or 2112), PSYC (2013 or 2113), PSYC (2014 or 2114). Prohibitions: PSYC3209 Assumed knowledge: PSYC (2012 or 2112) Assessment: One 2 hour exam, one 2000 word prac report, tutorial assessment (100%)
This unit addresses the fundamental concepts and more important research findings related to contemporary theories of associative learning in animals and humans. It examines the application of such fundamental research to issues such as drug use and food choice. It is designed to foster skills in reading primary sources in this area, and provide the opportunity for hands-on experience in carrying out a research project.
See School website
PSYC3012 Cognition, Language and Thought

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Bruce Burns Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 2 hour practical per week. Prerequisites: PSYC (2013 or 2113) and at least one other Intermediate Psychology unit from PSYC (2011 or 2111), PSYC (2012 or 2112), PSYC (2014 or 2114). Prohibitions: PSYC3205 Assumed knowledge: PSYC (2012 or 2112) Assessment: One 2 hour exam, 2000 word prac report, practical exercise(s) (100%)
This unit extends the theories and methods of investigating memory and attentional processes discussed in PSYC2013 to consider a number of domains of higher cognitive processing. One strand of the course will focus on the cognitive processes involved in speech perception, language comprehension, language production, and reading. The remainder of the course will deal with the cognitive processes involved in reasoning and skill acquisition. The practical program will expose students to a variety of the research methods used to investigate higher cognitive processes, develop their understanding of how these methods can be used to investigate hypotheses about mental processes and consider applications of cognitive research to real-world problems and issues.
See School website
PSYC3013 Perceptual Systems

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: to be announced Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1-hour lectures and one 2-hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: PSYC (2011 or 2111) and at least one other Intermediate Psychology Unit from PSYC (2012 or 2112), PSYC (2013 or 2113), PSYC (2014 or 2114) or ANAT2010 Prohibitions: PSYC3210 Assumed knowledge: PSYC2012 Assessment: One 2-hour exam, one 2500 word report, tutorial quiz, group presentation (100%)
Perception poses many challenges: how do we see colour and movement? How do we perceive surfaces and materials? How does combining information from multiple senses improve our perception? This unit draws on behavioural and neurophysiological perspectives to deepen understanding of current research topics in perception. The emphasis is on how visual information is processed to accomplish functions such as perceiving a single edge, extracting the contours that form a face, or the spatial relations needed to call offside on the sports field. Students also gain conceptual tools for evaluating the empirical and theoretical worth of recent research in perception. During the tutorial component of the course students will develop a practical experiement in which they formulate and test a hypothesis. In this way students gain important research experience that gives them valuable insight into the scientific process as it exists both in professional work and in the empirical research project required for the Honours degree.
See School website
PSYC3014 Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Karen Croot Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 2 hour practical per week. Prerequisites: (PSYC (2011 or 2111) and at least one other Intermediate Psychology Unit from PSYC (2012 or 2112), PSYC (2013 or 2113), PSYC (2014 or 2114)) OR (ANAT2010 plus PCOL2011) Prohibitions: PSYC3204, PSYC3215 Assumed knowledge: PSYC (2113 or 2013) Assessment: One 2 hour exam, one major essay/report 2000-2500 words, tutorial quiz and participation (100%)
This unit of study will focus on approaches to studying neurosciences incorporating molecular, pre-clinical and clinical models of brain function. These biological models of brain function will be linked with behavioural, affective and cognitive function and dysfunction. The implications of focal cognitive deficits in neurological patients for models of normal cognitive function will also be explored. Specific topics to be covered will be selected from the following areas: sensorimotor integration, and the neural and molecular basis of learning and memory, attention, language, visual cognition and praxis. In addition to lectures, a practical component will cover basic neuroanatomy, histology and neuropharmacology, and will introduce students to experimental and case-study approaches to studying neurosciences.
See School website
PSYC3015 Personality and Intelligence 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Carolyn MacCann Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 2 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: PSYC(2014 or 2114) and PSYC(2011 or 2111 or 2012 or 2112 or 2013 or 2113) Assumed knowledge: PSYC(2012 or 2112); PSYC(2013 or 2113) Assessment: One 2 hour exam; one 2000 word report; tutorial quizzes (100%)
The aim of this unit of study is to provide an overview of the different areas of research and practice in personality, intelligence, and individual differences. Students will be exposed to a wide variety of different theoretical models of personality, intelligence, metacognition and emotional intelligence and encouraged to critically evaluate these theories based on the supporting research evidence. The methods of conducting and evaluating individual differences research will also be a focus of the course. Students will be encouraged to take multiple perspectives, evaluating theories of personality and intelligence in terms of their empirical and theoretical support as well as their potential applications.
See school website.
PSYC3016 Developmental Psychology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Pauline Howie Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 2 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: PSYC (2013 or 2113) and at least one other Intermediate Psychology unit from PSYC (2011 or 2111), PSYC (2012 or 2112), PSYC (2014 or 2114). Prohibitions: PSYC3206 Assessment: One 2 hour exam, one 2000 word report (100%)
This unit examines various theoretical approaches to human development and selected issues within Developmental Psychology. The major issues/controversies in developmental theory are examined in relation to a number of the more influential theoretical approaches. Students are expected to gain an understanding of the main theoretical influences upon current developmental research and to be able to compare and contrast theories of development. The unit introduces students to a range of issues in selected areas of contemporary Developmental Psychology. Students are expected to gain knowledge of these areas, and to develop a critical approach to the analysis of current research and theoretical issues. They are also expected to apply their knowledge in practical exercises involving observations of children.
White, Hayes & Livesey (2010) Developmental Psychology (2nd ed.). Pearson Edn.
PSYC3017 Social Psychology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lisa Zadro Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 2 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: PSYC (2013 or 2113) and at least one other Intermediate Psychology Unit of Study from PSYC (2011 or 2111), PSYC (2012 or 2112), PSYC (2014 or 2114). Prohibitions: PSYC3212 Assumed knowledge: PSYC (2012 or 2112). Assessment: One 2 hour exam, one 2500 word research report, tutorial presentation and on-line quiz (100%)
This unit continues the coverage of topics in Social Psychology begun in PSYC1001 and PSYC2013. The unit is divided into topic areas, where the emphasis is on evaluating theories and the relevant evidence. Topics areas include antisocial behaviours, discrimination, stigma, the self, emotion, ostracism, and interpersonal attraction. Tutorials provide first-hand experience of research by involving students in a small group research project based on topics covered in the lectures. The tutorials also provide an opportunity to discuss issues pertaining to each step of the research process (e.g., ethical issues that underlie social psychological research, proper practice when collecting and handling data, how to communicate research findings in written and verbal form).
See School website.
PSYC3018 Abnormal Psychology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Marianna Szabo Session: Semester 1 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 2 hour tutorial per week. Prerequisites: At least two intermediate Psychology units of study from PSYC (2011 or 2111), PSYC (2012 or 2112), PSYC (2013 or 2113) and PSYC(2014 or 2114) Prohibitions: PSYC3203 Assumed knowledge: PSYC(2012 or 2112) and PSYC(2014 or 2114) Assessment: One 2 hour exam, one 2000 word essay, quiz, tutorial presentation (100%)
This unit of study critically examines core issues in Abnormal Psychology, concerning the description, explanation and treatment of psychological disorders. The unit of study will include topics such as:
(a) Adult abnormal psychology: Anxiety disorders (specific phobias, panic disorder, generalised anxiety disorder, OCD); Addictive disorders (drug, alcohol, gambling); Eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa); Mood disorders (dysthymia, major depressive disorder, cyclothymia, bipolar disorder); Schizophrenia, Personality disorders.
(b) Child abnormal psychology: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder; Conduct disorder; Anxiety disorders, Depression.
See School website.
PSYC3020 Applications of Psychological Science

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Helen Paterson Session: Semester 2 Classes: Two 1 hour lectures and one 2 hour tutorial per week Prerequisites: 12 credit points of junior psychology and 12 credit points in Intermediate Psychology Prohibitions: PSYC3019 Assessment: One 2 hour examination, one 2500 word written assignment, class quizzes (100%)
The aim of this unit is to introduce students to various ways in which psychological theory and research can be applied in the real world. In particular, this unit will focus on Health Psychology, Forensic Psychology, and Organisational Psychology. The Health Psychology component of this course may include investigation into why we engage in risky health behaviours including smoking, overeating and alcohol use; inequalities in health including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island health; dealing with chronic illness including death & dying, and survivorship. The Forensic Psychology component of the course may include investigation into lie detection, criminal offenders, victims of crime, and eyewitness memory. The Organisational Psychology component of the course may focus on personnel selection, training in organisations, performance measurement, workplace motivation, and leadership.
Morrison, Bennett, Butow, Mullan and White. An Introduction to Health Psychology: An Australian perspective. Pearson Education, Australia. 2007
HPSC3023 Psychology & Psychiatry History & Phil
HPSC3023 Psychology & Psychiatry History & Phil can be counted towards a Psychology Major. Successful completion of this unit of study is essential for students intending to take the Theoretical Thesis option in Psychology Honours.


Details for Virology units can be found under the Microbiology entry.