University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)

Units of study

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)

Candidates must complete 192 credit points of units of study comprising:


In the first year, candidates must complete 48 credit points of units of study, comprising:
- 12 credit points of Education One units;
- 24 credit points of Curriculum and Professional Studies units; and
- 12 credit points of Junior (level 1000) units of study in one subject area, chosen from Arts Table A or Science Table 1 or Section 2 of the Economics and Business Table.

Education One Units

Education, Teachers and Teaching
6    N EDUF1011
Semester 1
Human Development and Education
6    N EDUF1012
Semester 2

Curriculum and Professional Studies Units

Early Childhood Settings and Communities
6      Semester 1
Play and Learning in Early Childhood
6      Semester 1
Health and Wellness in Early Childhood
6      Semester 2
Changing Childhoods
6      Semester 2


In the second year, candidates must complete 48 credit points of units of study, comprising:
- 12 credit points of Education Two units;
- 24 credit points of Curriculum and Professional Studies units; and
- 12 credit points of Senior (level 2000) units of study in one subject area, chosen from Arts Table A or Science Table 1 or Section 2 of the Economics and Business Table.

Education Two Units

Educational Psychology
6    P (EDUF1018 and EDUF1019) or 30 junior credit points
Semester 1
Social Perspectives on Education
6    P (EDUF1018 and EDUF1019) or 30 junior credit points
Semester 2

Curriculum and Professional Studies Units

Diversity and Indigenous Studies in EC
6    P EDUF1018 and EDUF1019 and EDEC1002
Semester 1
Language Arts in Early Childhood
6    P EDUF1018 and EDUF1019 and EDEC1004
Semester 1
Creative Arts in Early Childhood
6    P EDEC1004 and EDEC2004 and EDUF1018 and EDUF1019
Semester 2
Professional Experience EC 1
6    P EDUF1018 and EDUF1019 and EDEC1002 and EDEC1004 and EDEC2004 and EDEC2003
C EDEC2001
Semester 2

Unit of study descriptions

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)

Candidates must complete 192 credit points of units of study comprising:


In the first year, candidates must complete 48 credit points of units of study, comprising:
- 12 credit points of Education One units;
- 24 credit points of Curriculum and Professional Studies units; and
- 12 credit points of Junior (level 1000) units of study in one subject area, chosen from Arts Table A or Science Table 1 or Section 2 of the Economics and Business Table.

Education One Units

EDUF1018 Education, Teachers and Teaching

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Paul Ginns Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 1-hr tutorial/wk commencing week 2 and 1x 1-hr mentoring seminar commencing week 2 Prohibitions: EDUF1011 Assessment: 1x 1.5hr exam (40%) and 2x 1000wd essays (2x20%) and 1x seminar presentation (20%)
This unit of study is the first part of Education I and provides a general introduction to education and teaching. The unit integrates the following themes: knowledge, culture and the curriculum; teaching as a process and way of life; and, teachers as life-long learners and researchers. Within this unit, students are also mentored by more experienced students during their first semester transition to the university. At the conclusion of the unit students should have developed and demonstrated an understanding of the complex character of teachers' work.
EDUF1019 Human Development and Education

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Minkang Kim Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x 1hr lecture/wk for 9 weeks and 1x2 hr tutorial/wk for 9 weeks Prohibitions: EDUF1012 Assessment: 1x 1hr seminar presentation (40%) and 1 x2000wd essay (30%) and 1x2hr exam (30%)
This unit, which is the second part of Education 1 introduces students to the study of human development, with a particular emphasis on the development of early childhood through to adolescence. The unit addresses one of the major goals of Education I, II and III; the learning of a body of knowledge on 'human development (child and adolescent in particular)'. It is premised on the view that teaching from a developmental perspective inevitably transforms teachers into problem solvers who adapt and modify their teaching and learning approaches, based on knowledge of factors that promote each child's optimal development. A core assumption of the unit is that the study of human development is cross-disciplinary; involving in particular psychology, philosophy of science and neurobiology, and that existing developmental theories are open to question and continuing debate. Students are therefore encouraged to engage in this study with critical and creative minds. The unit focuses on the processes and products of human development, related to cognitive emotional, social, moral, motor, and language development. The classical theories will be considered in some detail and examined in the light of contemporary theory and research, drawing in particular on the Dynamic Systems Approach and the neurobiology of the brain. The unit will also consider the impact of history, culture, and social context, and how current skills and interests and prior achievements affect learning and development.

Curriculum and Professional Studies Units

EDEC1001 Early Childhood Settings and Communities

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jean Ashton Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 2hr tutorial/wk and 1x 1hr lecture/wk Assessment: 1x comparison of early childhood services 2000 wds (30%) and 1x analysis and review 2500 wds (45%) and 1x tutorial presentation 1500 wds (25%)
This foundational unit of study helps students become familiar with the range of early childhood settings available for children from birth to five years. Students will be required to become familiar with the regulations governing early childhood services and licensing conditions and will examine the literature relating to quality care and education in early childhood services.
EDEC1004 Play and Learning in Early Childhood

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jean Ashton Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 3hr seminar/wk Assessment: 1x essay 1500 wds (25%) and 1x report 2500 wds (45%) and 1x workshop presentation 2000 wds (30%)
An in-depth knowledge and awareness of the nature and context of the play of infants, toddlers and young children is essential for early childhood educators. This unit enables students to observe and understand children's play and to provide a framework for planning developmentally appropriate play-based learning experiences.
EDEC1002 Health and Wellness in Early Childhood

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jean Ashton Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3hr workshop/wk Assessment: 1x development of resource 2000 wds (30%) and 1x analysis of legislation 2500 wds (45%) and 1x in-class presentation and paper 1500 wds (25%) and Child Protection requirements (Satisfactory/Fail)
This unit provides students with the ability to plan and operate healthy and safe early childhood learning and care environments. Students will learn about minimizing infection and promoting children's health and wellbeing. Students will also undertake Child Protection training in accordance with the legislative requirements of the Children Care and Protection Act of NSW Department of Community Services in this unit.
EDEC1003 Changing Childhoods

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jean Ashton Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3hr seminar/wk Assessment: 1x image analysis 2500 wds (45%) and 1x essay 2000 wds (30%) and 1x mini conference presentation 1500 wds (25%)
This unit explores the historical and contemporary influences on childhood and the social constructions of families and childhoods in Australia and throughout the world. Students will explore how concepts of childhood impact on the education and care of infants, toddlers and young children. The image of the child and children's rights are a focus in a global society and as a result traditional understandings of 'childhood' as being universally experienced within cultures, are being challenged.


In the second year, candidates must complete 48 credit points of units of study, comprising:
- 12 credit points of Education Two units;
- 24 credit points of Curriculum and Professional Studies units; and
- 12 credit points of Senior (level 2000) units of study in one subject area, chosen from Arts Table A or Science Table 1 or Section 2 of the Economics and Business Table.

Education Two Units

EDUF2006 Educational Psychology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Richard Walker Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 2-hr lecture/wk and 1x 1-hr tutorial/wk Prerequisites: (EDUF1018 and EDUF1019) or 30 junior credit points Assessment: 1x tutorial presentations (oral & written) (30%) and 1x 2000 wd essay (40%) and 1x 2hr exam (30%)
This unit of study is the first part of Education II. Its aim is to provide a general introduction to educational psychology. The important issues of the unit include constructivist and other approaches to learning, critical thinking skills, problem solving, technologically supported learning and motivation. This unit plays an important role in supporting later teaching and curriculum studies in the Bachelor of Education degree. At the end of this unit of study, students will have made substantial progress towards understanding the utility of research in psychology for educators. They will have the capacity to describe learning and teaching activities in terms of their psychological efficacy, especially as it relates to young people. Similarly they will have been introduced to the theory and practice of assessment and evaluation in educational settings, and the impact of assessment on learning and motivation. They will have had training in two Department of Education and Training policies, Good Discipline and Effective Learning, and Student Welfare.
EDUF2007 Social Perspectives on Education

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Debra Hayes Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 1hr lecture/wk and 1x 2-hr workshop/wk Prerequisites: (EDUF1018 and EDUF1019) or 30 junior credit points Assessment: workshop presentations (15%) and 1x 1000 wd literature review (15%) and 1x 4000 wd joint research project (35%) and 1x exam 1.5hrs (25%) and 1x oral presentation (10%)
This unit of study is the second part of Education II. Its aim is to provide a general introduction to the social, political and economic contexts of education. The two themes studied in the Unit are: Schools and communities, and Educational systems, markets and globalisation. At the end of this unit of study, students should have the capacity to discuss the impact of a range of educational practices and policies on communities of students and families. Similarly, students will be familiar with broad movements in contemporary educational reform and their association with national and global economic change. As a result of working collaboratively on a substantial project students will develop a range of research skills. Training is provided in the following Department of Education and Training policies and procedures: Aboriginal Education, Anti-Racism and Gender Equity.

Curriculum and Professional Studies Units

EDEC2003 Diversity and Indigenous Studies in EC

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jean Ashton Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x1hr tutorial/week, 1x2hr workshop/week Prerequisites: EDUF1018 and EDUF1019 and EDEC1002 Assessment: 1x2500wd essay (45%) and 1x2000wd review of readings (30%) and 1x1500wd brochure/poster incorporating ICT (25%)
This unit explores a range of diverse and Indigenous cultures and their inclusion in early childhood settings. Class, ethnicity, culture, disability, gender, religion, and other social categories have an impact upon children's development. For the creation of inclusive classrooms, early childhood educators must have an understanding of the significance of the personal and social attributes that children bring to the setting. The establishment of positive engagement with children and families is essential in creating an inclusive environment and curriculum. This unit will explore current theories and practices surrounding a range of diverse and Indigenous cultures,social education and inclusion in the early childhood context. Throughout this unit of study students will be encouraged to examine their own beliefs and values in the consideration of the issues above, as well as those of others.
EDEC2004 Language Arts in Early Childhood

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jean Ashton Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x1hr tutorial/week and 1x2hr workshop/week Prerequisites: EDUF1018 and EDUF1019 and EDEC1004 Assessment: 1x1000wd picture book presentation (15%) and 1x1000wd observation task (15%) and 1x1500wd language activities portfolio (25%) and 1x2500wd essay (45%)
This unit of study assists students to develop knowledge and skills in the language arts at the early childhood level. It assists students to gain an understanding of different theories about how infants, toddlers and young children develop language. It helps students to develop skills and knowledge about how to help young children begin to make meaning from the moment they are born through the preschool years in terms of how they learn to talk, listen, and interact with those around them. There is a strong emphasis on play as a vehicle for language learning and family involvement in an inclusive and supportive learning environment for young children.
EDEC2001 Creative Arts in Early Childhood

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jean Ashton Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x1hr lecture/week and 1x2hr workshop/week Prerequisites: EDEC1004 and EDEC2004 and EDUF1018 and EDUF1019 Assessment: 1x3000wd portfolio of arts activities (50%) and 1x1000wd classroom presentation (20%) and 1x2000wd essay (30%)
Working with young children from birth to five requires students to develop understandings, knowledge and skills in the Creative Arts. This unit explores the fundamental importance of the Arts in the ongoing development of young children's imagination and creativity. Through workshops, readings, observations and other activities, students will examine the theoretical underpinnings, research literature and practical knowledge required to help young children build on their innate love of music, movement, song, art, dance and drama. Observing and assessing yound children's engagement with the creative arts through their spontaneous play is an important feature of this unit. The unit also emphasises the centrality of providing rich, quality Creative Arts experiences in early childhood settings.
EDEC2002 Professional Experience EC 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jean Ashton Session: Semester 2 Classes: 6x 3-hr workshops prior to practicum and 1x 3-hr workshop following the practicum Prerequisites: EDUF1018 and EDUF1019 and EDEC1002 and EDEC1004 and EDEC2004 and EDEC2003 Corequisites: EDEC2001 Assessment: professional experience folder including service detail, observation and lesson plans, portfolio of 3 focus children, reflective diary and practice teaching report and professional experience (pass/fail) Practical field work: 3 pre-prac visits and 15 day block placement in an early childhood education and care setting (3-5 years of age)
This unit is the first of four professional experience units that provide opportunities for students to gain teaching experience in early childhood education and care settings. It will enable students to apply the theories and strategies covered in other units of study and allow them to reflect on the links between theory and practice. This first professional experience placement will consist of observations and documentation young children's development and social engagement as they go about their daily activities. Students will prepare and present experiences with individuals and small groups based on children's discerned strengths, interests and engagement with learning evidenced through these observations.

Course rules


Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2000 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

Course resolutions

1 Course codes


Course and stream title


Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for this course is full time only.

3 Admission to candidature

Admission to this course is on the basis of a secondary school leaving qualification such as the NSW Higher School Certificate (including national and international equivalents), tertiary study or an approved preparation program. English language requirements must be met where these are not demonstrated by sufficient qualifications taught in English. Special admission pathways are open for mature aged applicants who do not possess a school leaving qualification, educationally disadvantaged applicants and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Applicants are ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking. Details of admission policies are found in the Coursework Rule.

4 Requirements for award

The units of study that may be taken for this course are set out in:
Faculty of Education and Social Work Table of Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) units of study,
Table A of the Faculty of Arts Table of units of study,
Table 1: Faculty of Science Tables of units of study,
Section 2 of the Faculty of Economics and Business Table of undergraduate units of study.
To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood), a candidate must complete 192 credit points of units of study comprising:
Year 1
(i)  36 credit points of units of study from the Early Childhood Education Table, including 12 credit points of Education One units and 24 credit points of Curriculum and Professional Studies units; and
(ii)  12 credit points of junior (level 1000) units of study in one subject area, chosen from Arts Table A or Science Table 1 or Section 2 of the Economics and Business Table;
Year 2
(i)  36 credit points of units of study from the Early Childhood Education Table, including 12 credit points of Education Two units and 24 credit points of Curriculum and Professional Studies units; and
(ii)  12 credit points of Senior (level 2000) units of study, chosen from Arts Table A or Science Table 1 or Section 2 of the Economics and Business Table;
Year 3
48 credit points of units of study from the Early Childhood Education Table, including 6 credit points of Education Three Optional units and 42 credit points of Curriculum and Professional Studies units;
Year 4
48 credit points of units of study from the Early Childhood Education Table, including 6 credit points of Education Three Optional units and 42 credit points of Curriculum and Professional Studies units.

5 Progression rules

Except with permission of the Dean, a candidate must complete all unit of study requirements specified for each year, including Professional Experience units, before proceeding to the next year.

6 Requirements for the Honours degree

Honours is available to meritorious students who complete an alternative set of units of study in Year 4 of the program. Admission to the honours program is by permission of the program coordinator after the completion of Second Semester, Year 3. Admission and award requirements for honours in the Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) are set out in the Resolutions of the Faculty of Education and Social Work.
An honours candidate must complete the requirements for the pass degree but include the alternative 12 credit-point honours pathway described in the Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) Table of units. Completion of the honours degree is required in the minimum standard full-time duration over two consecutive semesters.

7 Award of the degree

The Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) is awarded at either Pass or Honours level. The honours degree is awarded in classes ranging from First Class to Second Class according to the rules specified in the Resolutions of the Faculty of Education and Social Work.
Candidates for the award of the Honours degree who do not meet the requirements, but who have otherwise satisfied the course requirements, will be awarded the pass degree.

8 Transitional provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature after 1 January, 2011 and students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January, 2011 who elect to proceed under these resolutions.
Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January, 2011 may complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions in force at the time of their commencement, provided that the requirements are completed by 1 January, 2016 and provided that there is no suspension of candidature, in which case the candidature for any period shall proceed under the by-laws and resolutions in force at the time of re-enrolment. The Faculty may specify a later date for completion or specify alternative requirements for completion of candidatures that extend beyond this time.