University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Bachelor of Education (Secondary: Humanities and Social Sciences)/ Bachelor of Arts

Units of study

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Bachelor of Education (Secondary: Humanities and Social Sciences) and Bachelor of Arts

Candidates must complete 240 credit points of units of study comprising:


In the first year, candidates must complete 48 credit points of units of study, comprising:
- 12 credit points of Education One units of study;
- 12 credit points of Junior units in a first teaching area (the Major sequence), chosen from Arts Table A;
- 12 credit points of Junior units of study in a second teaching area, chosen from Arts Tables A or B; and
- 12 credit points of Junior (level 1000) units of study, chosen from Arts Table A.

Education One Units

Education, Teachers and Teaching
6    N EDUF1011
Semester 1
Human Development and Education
6    N EDUF1012
Semester 2


In the second year, candidates must complete 48 credit points of units of study, comprising:
- 12 credit points of Education Two units of study;
- 12 credit points of Curriculum and Professional Studies units of study;
- 12 credit points of Senior (level 2000 or 3000) units of study in the first teaching area (the Major sequence), chosen from Arts Table A; and
- 12 credit points of Intermediate or Senior (level 2000 or 3000) units of study in the second teaching area, chosen from Arts Tables A or B.

Education Two Units

Educational Psychology
6    P (EDUF1018 and EDUF1019) or 30 junior credit points
Semester 1
Social Perspectives on Education
6    P (EDUF1018 and EDUF1019) or 30 junior credit points
Semester 2

Curriculum and Professional Studies Units

Craft Knowledge and Prof Practices 1
6    P 48 credit points including 12 credit points of Education
Semester 1
Indigenous Education: Secondary Schools
6    P 42 cpts including EDUF1018 and EDUF1019 and EDSE2001
Semester 2


In the third year, candidates must complete 48 credit points of units of study, comprising:
- 36 credit points of Curriculum and Professional Studies units of study including 24 credit points of teaching area units; and
- 12 credit points of Senior (level 2000 or 3000) units of study in the first teaching area (the Major sequence), chosen from Arts Table A.

Curriculum and Professional Studies Units

Craft Knowledge and Prof Practices 2
4    P 72 credit points including 24 credit points of Education, EDSE2001 and two of the following: EDSE3037, EDSE3038, EDSE3040, EDSE3041, EDSE3042, EDSE3043, EDSE3044, EDSE3045, EDSE3046, EDSE3047, EDSE3048, EDSE3049, EDSE3050, EDSE3051, EDBT5610.
Semester 2
Professional Experience A
2    P 72 credit points including 24 credit points of Education, EDSE2001 and two of the following:EDSE3037, EDSE3038, EDSE3040, EDSE3041, EDSE3042, EDSE3043, EDSE3044, EDSE3045, EDSE3046, EDSE3047, EDSE3048, EDSE3049, EDSE3050, EDSE3051, EDBT5610
Semester 2
Positive Approaches to Special Education
6    P 42 credit points
Semester 1
Semester 2
Teaching Area Units
Teaching Commerce/Business Studies 1
6    P 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education and EDSE2001 and 12 intermediate/senior credit points of Political Economy and/or Economics and/or Work and Organisational Studies and 6 credit points of Accounting
Semester 1b
Teaching Commerce/Business Studies 2
6    P EDSE3076 and (12 intermediate credit points from ECOP or ECOS or WORK) and 6 credit points of Accounting
Semester 2
Teaching Commerce/Economics 1
6    P 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education and EDSE2001 and 12 Intermediate credit points of Economics or Political Economy
Semester 1b
Teaching Commerce/Economics 2
6    P EDSE3050 and 12 intermediate credit points of economics or political economy
Semester 2
Teaching Drama 1
6    P 48 credit pts including 24 credit pts of Education and EDSE2001 and 12 Senior credit pts of Performance Studies
Semester 1b
Teaching Drama 2
6    P EDSE3042 plus 12 senior credit points of Performance Studies
Semester 2
Teaching English 1
6    P 54 Credit Points including 24 credit points of Education and EDSE2001 and 12 Senior credit pts of English or Australian Literature
Semester 1b
Teaching English 2
6    P EDSE3044 and 12 senior credit points of English
Semester 2
Teaching Geography 1
6    P 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education including EDSE2001 and 12 Intermediate credit points of Geography
Semester 1b
Teaching Geography 2
6    P EDSE3041 plus 12 intermediate credit points of geography
Semester 2
Teaching History 1
6    P 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education including EDSE2001and 12 Senior credit points of History
Semester 1b
Teaching History 2
6    P EDSE3040 and 12 senior credit points of History
Semester 2
Teaching Languages 1A
6    P 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education and EDSE2001 plus 12 credit points of Senior Languages
Semester 1b
Teaching Languages 2A
6    P EDSE3047 and 12 senior credit points of languages
Semester 2
Teaching Languages 1B
6    P 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education and EDSE2001 plus 12 credit points of Intermediate Languages in an additional language
C EDSE3047
Semester 1b
Teaching Languages 2B
6    P EDSE3047 and EDSE3048 and 12 senior credit points of languages
C EDSE3065
Semester 2
Teaching Mathematics 1A
6    P 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education and EDSE2001 and 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics
Semester 1b
Teaching Mathematics 2A
6    P EDSE3045 plus 12 credit points of intermediate mathematics or statistics
Semester 2
Teaching TESOL 1
6    P 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education and EDSE2001 plus 12 Senior credit points of either Linguistics, English, or Languages
Semester 1b
Teaching TESOL 2
6    P EDSE3043 and 12 Senior credit points of either Linguistics, English or Languages
Semester 2
Teaching Visual Arts 1A
6    P 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education including EDSE2001and 12 senior credit pts of Art History and Theory

Candidates may need to complete two or more units of study in the Faculty of Architecture Tin Sheds program
Semester 1b
Teaching Visual Arts 2A
6    P EDSE3037

Candidates may need to complete an additional unit of study in the Faculty of Architecture Tin Sheds program
Semester 2
Teaching Visual Arts 1B
6    P 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education including EDSE2001 and 12 senior credit points of Art History and Theory
C EDSE3037

Candidates may need to complete two or more units of study in the Faculty of Architecture Tin Sheds program
Semester 1b
Teaching Visual Arts 2B
6    P EDSE3037 and EDSE3038
C EDSE3056

Candidates may need to complete an additional unit of study in the Faculty of Architecture Tin Sheds program
Semester 2
Classical Hebrew & Judaism Curriculum 1
6    P 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education and EDSE2001 plus 12 credit points of Junior and 12 credit points of Senior Classical Hebrew
Semester 1b
Classical Hebrew & Judaism Curriculum 2
6    P EDBT5610
Semester 2


In the fourth year, candidates must complete 48 credit points of units of study, comprising:
- 30 credit points of Curriculum and Professional Studies units of study including 12 credit points of teaching area units; and
- 12 credit points of Senior (level 2000 or 3000) units of study in the first teaching area (the Major sequence), chosen from Arts Table A;
- 6 credit points of Education Three Optional units of study.

Curriculum and Professional Studies Units

Craft Knowledge and Prof Practices 3
6    P 108 credit points including 30 credit points of Education, EDSE3073, EDSE2001, EDSE3072 and two of the following EDSE3056, EDSE3057, EDSE3058, EDSE3059, EDSE3060, EDSE3061, EDSE3062, EDSE3063, EDSE3064, EDSE3065, EDSE3071, EDSE3067, EDSE3068, EDBT5660
Semester 1
Professional Experience B
2    P 108 credit points including 30 credit points of Education , EDSE2001, EDSE3072, EDSE3073 and two of the following: EDSE3056, EDSE3057, EDSE3058, EDSE3059, EDSE3060, EDSE3061, EDSE3062, EDSE3063, EDSE3064, EDSE3065, EDSE3071, EDSE3067, EDSE3068, EDBT5660
C EDSE4042
Semester 1
Information Technology in Schools
4    P 108 credit points including 30 credit points of Education. EDSE2001, EDSE3072 and two of EDSE4021, EDSE4022, EDSE4023, EDSE4024, EDSE4025, EDSE4026, EDSE4027, EDSE4028, EDSE4029, EDSE4030, EDSE4031, EDSE4032, EDSE4033, EDSE4034, EDSE4035, EDSE4041 and EDBT6610
C EDSE4042, EDSE4043
N EDSE4038
Semester 2
Reading and Designing Research
6    P 120 credit points including EDUF2006 and EDUF2007
Semester 1
Semester 2
Teaching Area Units
Teaching Commerce/Business Studies 3
6    P EDSE3076 and EDSE3077
Semester 1b
Teaching Commerce/Economics 3
6    P EDSE3050 and EDSE3067
C EDSE4042, EDSE4043
Semester 1
Teaching Drama 3
6    P EDSE3042 and EDSE3060 plus 12 credit pts of Performance Studies
C EDSE4042, EDSE4043
Semester 1
Teaching English 3
6    P EDSE3044 and EDSE3062
C EDSE4042 and EDSE4043
Semester 1
Teaching Geography 3
6    P EDSE3041 & EDSE3059
C EDSE4042, EDSE4043
Semester 1
Teaching History 3
6    P EDSE3040 and EDSE3058
C EDSE4042 and EDSE4043
Semester 1
Teaching Languages 3A
6    P EDSE3047 and EDSE3065
C EDSE4042 and EDSE4043
Semester 1
Teaching Languages 3B
6    P EDSE3047, EDSE3048, EDSE3065 and EDSE3071
C EDSE4030, EDSE4042 and EDSE4043
Semester 1
Teaching Mathematics 3A
6    P EDSE3045 and EDSE3063
C EDSE4042, EDSE4043
Semester 1
Teaching TESOL 3
6    P EDSE3043 and EDSE3061
C EDSE4042 and EDSE4043 and EDSE4044
Semester 1
Teaching Visual Arts 3A
6    P EDSE3037 and EDSE3056
C EDSE4042, EDSE4043

Candidates may need to complete an additional unit of study in the Faculty of Architecture Tin Sheds program
Semester 1
Teaching Visual Arts 3B
6    P EDSE3037 and EDSE3038 and EDSE3056 and EDSE3057
C EDSE4021 and EDSE4042 and EDSE4043

Candidates may be required to complete and additional unit of study in the Faculty of Architecture Tin Sheds program
Semester 1
Classical Hebrew & Judaism Curriculum 3
6    P EDBT5660
Semester 1


In the fifth year, candidates must complete 48 credit points of units of study, comprising:
- 24 credit points of Curriculum and Professional Studies units of study; and
- 24 credit points of Senior (level 2000 or 3000) units of study, chosen from Arts Table A or B.

Curriculum and Professional Studies Units

Candidates must complete 24 credit points of units of study from one of the following options;
Option 1
TESOL as a Third Teaching Area
12    P 144 credit points including 78 credit points of Education and 24 credit points of English, Linguistics or a Language other than English
C EDSE5008 and EDSE5009
Semester 1
TESOL Professional Experience
6    P 144 credit points including 78 credit points of Education and 24 Credit Points from English, Linguistics and/or a Language other than English
C EDSE5001 and EDSE5008
Semester 1
6    P 144 credit points including 78 of Education and (EDSE3055 or EDSE3073) and (EDSE4040 or EDSE4043)
Semester 1
Option 2
one Education Three Optional Unit and the following units:-
Teaching English Internationally 1
6    P 144 credit points including 78 credit points of Education
C EDSE5008
Semester 1
Teaching English Internationally 2
6    P 144 credit points including 78 credit points of Education
C EDGU2000 and EDSE5008
Semester 1
6    P 144 credit points including 78 of Education and (EDSE3055 or EDSE3073) and (EDSE4040 or EDSE4043)
Semester 1
Option 3
one Education Three Optional Unit and the following units:
Meeting the Needs of Cultural Diversity
12    P 144 credit points including 78 credit points of Education
C EDSE5008
Semester 1
6    P 144 credit points including 78 of Education and (EDSE3055 or EDSE3073) and (EDSE4040 or EDSE4043)
Semester 1

Honours Pathway

Candidates who are eligible for Honours must complete the 12 credit points of units of study listed below instead of EDUF4044 and one Education Three Optional unit from Year 4.
Research Honours A
Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 1
Research Honours B
6    P EDUF4005

Note: Department permission required for enrolment

Semester 2


for Year 4 and Year 5
Sport: Contemporary Educational Issues
6    P 42 credit points
Semester 1
Mentoring in Educational Contexts
6    P 42 credit points
Semester 1
Curriculum and Evaluation
6    P 42 credit points
Semester 1
Multicultural Learning and Teaching
6    P 42 credit points
Semester 1
Australian Theatre, Film and Learning
6    P 42 credit points
Semester 1
Semester 2
Global Poverty and Education
6    P 42 credit points.
Semester 2
International Education
6    P 42 credit points
Semester 2
Psychology of Learning and Teaching
6    P 42 credit points and EDUF2006
Semester 2
Australian Secondary Schooling
6    P 42 credit points
Semester 2
Arts-Based Learning and Teaching
6    P 42 credit points
Semester 2

Unit of study descriptions

Bachelor of Education (Secondary: Humanities and Social Sciences) and Bachelor of Arts

Candidates must complete 240 credit points of units of study comprising:


In the first year, candidates must complete 48 credit points of units of study, comprising:
- 12 credit points of Education One units of study;
- 12 credit points of Junior units in a first teaching area (the Major sequence), chosen from Arts Table A;
- 12 credit points of Junior units of study in a second teaching area, chosen from Arts Tables A or B; and
- 12 credit points of Junior (level 1000) units of study, chosen from Arts Table A.

Education One Units

EDUF1018 Education, Teachers and Teaching

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Paul Ginns Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 1-hr tutorial/wk commencing week 2 and 1x 1-hr mentoring seminar commencing week 2 Prohibitions: EDUF1011 Assessment: 1x 1.5hr exam (40%) and 2x 1000wd essays (2x20%) and 1x seminar presentation (20%)
This unit of study is the first part of Education I and provides a general introduction to education and teaching. The unit integrates the following themes: knowledge, culture and the curriculum; teaching as a process and way of life; and, teachers as life-long learners and researchers. Within this unit, students are also mentored by more experienced students during their first semester transition to the university. At the conclusion of the unit students should have developed and demonstrated an understanding of the complex character of teachers' work.
EDUF1019 Human Development and Education

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Minkang Kim Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x 1hr lecture/wk for 9 weeks and 1x2 hr tutorial/wk for 9 weeks Prohibitions: EDUF1012 Assessment: 1x 1hr seminar presentation (40%) and 1 x2000wd essay (30%) and 1x2hr exam (30%)
This unit, which is the second part of Education 1 introduces students to the study of human development, with a particular emphasis on the development of early childhood through to adolescence. The unit addresses one of the major goals of Education I, II and III; the learning of a body of knowledge on 'human development (child and adolescent in particular)'. It is premised on the view that teaching from a developmental perspective inevitably transforms teachers into problem solvers who adapt and modify their teaching and learning approaches, based on knowledge of factors that promote each child's optimal development. A core assumption of the unit is that the study of human development is cross-disciplinary; involving in particular psychology, philosophy of science and neurobiology, and that existing developmental theories are open to question and continuing debate. Students are therefore encouraged to engage in this study with critical and creative minds. The unit focuses on the processes and products of human development, related to cognitive emotional, social, moral, motor, and language development. The classical theories will be considered in some detail and examined in the light of contemporary theory and research, drawing in particular on the Dynamic Systems Approach and the neurobiology of the brain. The unit will also consider the impact of history, culture, and social context, and how current skills and interests and prior achievements affect learning and development.


In the second year, candidates must complete 48 credit points of units of study, comprising:
- 12 credit points of Education Two units of study;
- 12 credit points of Curriculum and Professional Studies units of study;
- 12 credit points of Senior (level 2000 or 3000) units of study in the first teaching area (the Major sequence), chosen from Arts Table A; and
- 12 credit points of Intermediate or Senior (level 2000 or 3000) units of study in the second teaching area, chosen from Arts Tables A or B.

Education Two Units

EDUF2006 Educational Psychology

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Richard Walker Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 2-hr lecture/wk and 1x 1-hr tutorial/wk Prerequisites: (EDUF1018 and EDUF1019) or 30 junior credit points Assessment: 1x tutorial presentations (oral & written) (30%) and 1x 2000 wd essay (40%) and 1x 2hr exam (30%)
This unit of study is the first part of Education II. Its aim is to provide a general introduction to educational psychology. The important issues of the unit include constructivist and other approaches to learning, critical thinking skills, problem solving, technologically supported learning and motivation. This unit plays an important role in supporting later teaching and curriculum studies in the Bachelor of Education degree. At the end of this unit of study, students will have made substantial progress towards understanding the utility of research in psychology for educators. They will have the capacity to describe learning and teaching activities in terms of their psychological efficacy, especially as it relates to young people. Similarly they will have been introduced to the theory and practice of assessment and evaluation in educational settings, and the impact of assessment on learning and motivation. They will have had training in two Department of Education and Training policies, Good Discipline and Effective Learning, and Student Welfare.
EDUF2007 Social Perspectives on Education

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Debra Hayes Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 1hr lecture/wk and 1x 2-hr workshop/wk Prerequisites: (EDUF1018 and EDUF1019) or 30 junior credit points Assessment: workshop presentations (15%) and 1x 1000 wd literature review (15%) and 1x 4000 wd joint research project (35%) and 1x exam 1.5hrs (25%) and 1x oral presentation (10%)
This unit of study is the second part of Education II. Its aim is to provide a general introduction to the social, political and economic contexts of education. The two themes studied in the Unit are: Schools and communities, and Educational systems, markets and globalisation. At the end of this unit of study, students should have the capacity to discuss the impact of a range of educational practices and policies on communities of students and families. Similarly, students will be familiar with broad movements in contemporary educational reform and their association with national and global economic change. As a result of working collaboratively on a substantial project students will develop a range of research skills. Training is provided in the following Department of Education and Training policies and procedures: Aboriginal Education, Anti-Racism and Gender Equity.

Curriculum and Professional Studies Units

EDSE2001 Craft Knowledge and Prof Practices 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kelly Freebody Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 2-hr seminar/wk for 11 wks and 1 workshop Prerequisites: 48 credit points including 12 credit points of Education Assessment: 2 x assessment tasks including a practicum portfolio (60%) and 1 x teaching practice (40%)
This unit of study explores how teachers become more aware of their professional practices and develop and refine craft knowledge. Students examine the evolving roles of teachers in the classroom, identify best teaching practices and analyse and critique a range of teaching styles, methods and strategies (including ICT) to meet the needs of students. Students learn about the roles of teachers in classrooms and examine their own emerging perceptions of self as teacher.
EDSE2002 Indigenous Education: Secondary Schools

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Cathie Burgess Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 1hr lecture/wk for 12 wks and 1x 2hr tutoral/wk for 12 wks Prerequisites: 42 cpts including EDUF1018 and EDUF1019 and EDSE2001 Assessment: 1x tutorial presentation (30%) and 1 x resource evaluation (30%) and 1 x 2500 wd essay (40%)
This unit of study is a compulsory unit within the combined degrees program. It prepares students to become effective teachers of Indigenous students and develops an understanding of the current social, political and economic challenges faced by Indigenous peoples and communities. Examining Australia's history from Indigenous Australian perspectives will provide foundation to address issues impacting on the educational outcomes of Indigenous students. An exploration of the diversity of Indigenous cultures will equip students with a knowledge of culturally appropriate teaching and learning strategies to meet the educational needs of Indigenous students. The unit also provides an overview of Aboriginal educational policies and priorities which impact on all students in NSW schools and firmly emphasises the importance of ongoing consultation and engagement with Indigenous communities and key stakeholders. Through studying this unit, students will continue to construct their own identity as a teacher and acquire the knowledge and skills to create inclusive classrooms.


In the third year, candidates must complete 48 credit points of units of study, comprising:
- 36 credit points of Curriculum and Professional Studies units of study including 24 credit points of teaching area units; and
- 12 credit points of Senior (level 2000 or 3000) units of study in the first teaching area (the Major sequence), chosen from Arts Table A.

Curriculum and Professional Studies Units

EDSE3072 Craft Knowledge and Prof Practices 2

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Dorothy Bottrell Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 2-hr seminar/wk and 1x 1-hr tutorial/wk for 5 wks Prerequisites: 72 credit points including 24 credit points of Education, EDSE2001 and two of the following: EDSE3037, EDSE3038, EDSE3040, EDSE3041, EDSE3042, EDSE3043, EDSE3044, EDSE3045, EDSE3046, EDSE3047, EDSE3048, EDSE3049, EDSE3050, EDSE3051, EDBT5610. Assessment: 1x 1000wd presentation (30%) and 1x 1500wd lesson analysis (40%) and 1x 1500wd report (30%)
This unit of study builds on the knowledge, understandings, skills and attitudes explored and developed in Craft Knowledge and Professional Practice 1 and other Education subjects. This unit of study addresses issues and challenges facing schools in relation to access, equity and diversity and how these can be addressed through policy and practice. Through reflection students are able to examine and interpret their beliefs about students, teachers, learning, teaching, schools and knowledge. Craft knowledge and professional practice is developed and refined as students use their own knowledge and experiences in professional conversations with peers and lecturers to critically analyse their own practice in conjunction with theory and research.
EDSE3073 Professional Experience A

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Di Bloomfield Session: Semester 2 Classes: 20 days of Professional Experience Prerequisites: 72 credit points including 24 credit points of Education, EDSE2001 and two of the following:EDSE3037, EDSE3038, EDSE3040, EDSE3041, EDSE3042, EDSE3043, EDSE3044, EDSE3045, EDSE3046, EDSE3047, EDSE3048, EDSE3049, EDSE3050, EDSE3051, EDBT5610 Assessment: Satisfies Requirements/Fail (100%)
Professional Experience is a core part of the professional preparation of teachers. It provides students with opportunities to develop their teaching skills and professional understandings. It is a pivotal opportunity for beginning teachers to experiment with, and to implement, a wide range of strategies and pedagogy that they have acquired during their university-based courses. This unit of study provides students with the opportunity to undertake a range of professional experiences in secondary schools, enabling them to explore, enact and reflect upon the links between the theory and practice of their chosen profession.
EDUF3031 Positive Approaches to Special Education

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Ilektra Spandagou Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk for 12 wks and 1x 2-hr workshop for 6 wks and 20 hrs fieldwork placement Prerequisites: 42 credit points Assessment: 1x fieldwork report equiv 4000 wds (40%) and 1x tutorial presentation equiv 650 wds (15%) and 3 position statements equiv 1350 wds (3x15%)
This unit addresses issues relating to the education of students with special education needs. They include the impact of the philosophy and principles of inclusive education and current legislation, evidence based approaches to curriculum, teaching and learning practices for students with special education needs. A specific focus is given to managing challenging behaviours of students in a range of settings.
Teaching Area Units
EDSE3076 Teaching Commerce/Business Studies 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Kate Keeley Session: Semester 1b Classes: 1x1hr lecture/week and 1x 1hr tutorial/week and 1x 2hr seminar/week Prerequisites: 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education and EDSE2001 and 12 intermediate/senior credit points of Political Economy and/or Economics and/or Work and Organisational Studies and 6 credit points of Accounting Assessment: 1x lesson plans (30%) and 1x resource folder (30%) and 1x eLearning task (40%)
This unit of study aims to make students confident, enthusiastic and competent teachers of Commerce/Business Studies. It will develop competencies and skills in lesson planning, programming and pedagogy in teaching Commerce in Stage 4. An understanding of the NSW Board of Studies Years 7-10 (Stage 4/5) Commerce Syllabus will be emphasised and students will develop lesson plans, programs, teaching resources and a range of Commerce teaching materials. There will be an emphasis on ICT, literacy and civics and citizenship education throughout.
EDSE3077 Teaching Commerce/Business Studies 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Kate Keeley Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x1hr lecture/week, 1x1hr tutorial/week and 1x2hr seminar/week over 9 weeks Prerequisites: EDSE3076 and (12 intermediate credit points from ECOP or ECOS or WORK) and 6 credit points of Accounting Assessment: excursion task (30%) and eLearning task (30%) and resource task (40%)
This unit of study will build on the teaching of Years 7-10 Commerce Syllabus with an emphasis on Stage 5. It provides opportunities for students to achieve outcomes in understanding the curriculum desing of Commerce Education in Stage 5. The unit enhances designing and delivering a range of teaching strategies, evaluating and developing teaching resources and assessing students' achievement in Commerce. The unit will also focus on the National Consumer and Financial Literacy Frameworks. Students will also learn to design and implement on excursion for Years 7-10. Further emphasis throughout will be placed on civics and citizenship education and ICT
EDSE3050 Teaching Commerce/Economics 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Kate Keeley Session: Semester 1b Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 1-hr tutorial/wk and 1x 2-hr seminar/wk Prerequisites: 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education and EDSE2001 and 12 Intermediate credit points of Economics or Political Economy Assessment: 1x lesson plan task (30%) and 1x teaching and learning folder (30%) and 1x eLearning task (40%)
This unit of study aims to make students confident, enthusiastic and competent teachers of Commerce/Economics. This unit will develop competencies and skills in lesson planning, programming and pedagogy in teaching Commerce in Stage 4. An understanding of the NSW Board of Studies Years 7-10 Commerce syllabus will be emphasised and students will develop lesson plans, programs, teaching resources and a range of Commerce teaching materials. There will be an emphasis on ICT, literacy and civics and citizenship education throughout the unit.
EDSE3067 Teaching Commerce/Economics 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Kate Keeley Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 1-hr tutorial/wk and 1x 2-hr seminar/wk Prerequisites: EDSE3050 and 12 intermediate credit points of economics or political economy Assessment: 1x excursion task (30%) and 1x eLearning task (40%) and 1x consumer and financial literacy resource task (30%)
This unit of study will build on the study of years 7-10, Commerce syllabus with an emphasis on Stage 5. This unit of study provides opportunities for students to achieve outcomes in understanding the curriculum design of Commerce education in Stage 5. The unit enhances designing and delivering a range of teaching strategies, evaluating and developing teaching resources and assessing students' achievement in Commerce. The unit will also focus on the National Consumer and Financial Literacy Framework. Students will also learn to design and implement an excursion for Years 7-10. Further emphasis throughout will be placed on civics and citizenship education and ICT.
EDSE3042 Teaching Drama 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Michael Anderson/Dr Kelly Freebody Session: Semester 1b Classes: 2x 2-hr workshop/wk Prerequisites: 48 credit pts including 24 credit pts of Education and EDSE2001 and 12 Senior credit pts of Performance Studies Assessment: 1x 2000 wd essay (40%) and 1x teaching program (60%)
This unit of study is the initial Drama Curriculum (method) course unit for prospective secondary Drama teachers who are in the third year of the combined BEd/BA degree program. The unit introduces the teaching Drama 7-12, with a focus on Stages 4 & 5. Students will examine the history of drama education, examine teaching strategies for playbuilding and key forms of drama. Students will begin to develop their own personal style of teaching. The emphasis in this course is upon the teaching of Drama related to the NSW Year 7 - 10 Drama Syllabus.
EDSE3060 Teaching Drama 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Michael Anderson Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x 2-hr workshops/wk Prerequisites: EDSE3042 plus 12 senior credit points of Performance Studies Assessment: 1x 2500 wd essay (40%) and 1x top area program (60%)
This unit continues the preparation for teaching Drama 7-12, with a focus on Stage 6, Higher School Certificate Drama. Students examine the issues relating to individual project work and the collaborative aspects of the drama syllabuses. This unit also explores issues related to assessment and programming of drama as well as exploring quality teaching in drama education. Students will deepen their understanding of the cognitive/affective development which the study of Drama anticipates, and further develop their own personal style of teaching.
EDSE3044 Teaching English 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jacqueline Manuel Session: Semester 1b Classes: 1x 3-hr seminar/wk for 8 wks and 1x1-hr lecture/wk for 8 wks Prerequisites: 54 Credit Points including 24 credit points of Education and EDSE2001 and 12 Senior credit pts of English or Australian Literature Assessment: 1x 1000wd research tasks (30%) and 1x 4000wd Professional Deveopment Portfolio (70%)
This unit of study is the first in a suite of curriculum methodology units designed to equip you to teach secondary English 7 - 12. This unit will introduce you to the principles of teaching and learning in subject English, develop your understanding of the theories underpinning the secondary English syllabus documents and raise your awareness of the debates and issues relevant to teaching Secondary English.
EDSE3062 Teaching English 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jacqueline Manuel Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x3-hr seminar/wk for 9 wks and 1x1-hr lecture/wk for 9 wks Prerequisites: EDSE3044 and 12 senior credit points of English Assessment: 1x 4000wd unit of work (70%) and 1x 1000 Resource Portfolio (30%)
This unit will examine the current syllabus documents and explore the ways in which contemporary theoretical perspectives underpin and inform these. The unit will continue to examine the practical uses of information technology in teaching and learning in English.
EDSE3041 Teaching Geography 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Kate Keeley Session: Semester 1b Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 1-hr tutorial/wk and 1x 2-hr seminar/wk Prerequisites: 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education including EDSE2001 and 12 Intermediate credit points of Geography Assessment: 1x lesson plan task (30%) and 1x teaching and learning folder (30%) and 1x eLearning task (40%)
This unit of study aims to make students confident, enthusiastic and competent teachers of Geography. This unit will develop competencies and skills in lesson planning, programming and pedagogy in teaching Geography in Stage 4. An understanding of the NSW Board of Studies years 7-10 Geography Syllabus will be emphasised and students will develop lesson plans, programs, teaching resources and a range of Geography teaching materials. There will be an emphasis on ICT literacy and civics and citizenship education throughout the unit.
EDSE3059 Teaching Geography 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Kate Keeley Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 1-hr tutorial/wk and 1x 2-hr seminar/wk Prerequisites: EDSE3041 plus 12 intermediate credit points of geography Assessment: 1x group/excursion task (30%) and 1x eLearning task (40%) and 1x literacy task (30%)
This unit of study will build on the study of years 7-10 Geography syllabus with an emphasis on Stage 5. This unit of study provides opportunities for students to achieve outcomes in understanding the curriculum design of Geography education in Stage 5. The unit enhances designing and delivering a range of teaching strategies, evaluating and developing teaching resources and assessing students' achievement in Geography. A particular focus will be placed on the use of Geography tools and skills in teaching Years 7-10 Geography. Students will also learn to design and implement an excursion for Years 7-10. Further emphasis throughout will be placed on literacy, civics and citizenship education and ICT.
EDSE3040 Teaching History 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Tim Allender Session: Semester 1b Classes: 1x 1hr lecture/week, 1 x 1hr workshop/week, 1 x 2hr seminar/week Prerequisites: 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education including EDSE2001and 12 Senior credit points of History Assessment: 1x influence, beliefs and conceptions task (50%) and 1x a sequence of four lessons (50%)
This unit aims to prepare History Curriculum students in the theory and practice of teaching history in the secondary school. The unit draws on current research, thinking and practice in the field of history education, and relates these understandings to the realities and varying contexts of history teachers' work and instruction.
EDSE3058 Teaching History 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Tim Allender Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x1-hr lecture/week, 1x1-hr workshop/week, 1x2-hr seminar/week Prerequisites: EDSE3040 and 12 senior credit points of History Assessment: 1x peer teaching (30%) and 1x collaborative assignment developing teaching and learning strategies around a particular approach to history teaching and learning (70%)
This Unit of Study aims to prepare History students to acquire the knowledge, skills and understandings necessary to implement the Years 7 - 10 History Syllabus, Board of Studies, NSW. The unit focuses specifically on developing a range of approaches to history teaching and learning across age and ability groups.
EDSE3047 Teaching Languages 1A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Lesley Harbon, Dr Ruth Fielding Session: Semester 1b Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk and 3x 1-hr tutorial/wk commencing wk 7 and 2x 4-hr practical weeks 13 and 14 Prerequisites: 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education and EDSE2001 plus 12 credit points of Senior Languages Assessment: 1x 2500wd essay (40%) and 1x 1500wd lesson plans (25%) and 1x 2000 wd portfolio (35%)
This unit of study is the initial Languages Curriculum (method) unit for prospective secondary languages teachers. The unit is designed to introduce pre-service languages teachers to key concepts and understandings of languages education and build their awareness and skills in preparation for NSW secondary classrooms. Students will gain broad understandings about the nature and scope of languages education in the NSW context, about traditional and more contemporary and innovative classroom practices and particular aspects of policy and Board of Studies documentation.
EDSE3065 Teaching Languages 2A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Lesley Harbon, Dr Ruth Fielding Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk and 3x 1-hr tutorial/wk and 2x 4-hr practical weeks 13 and 14 Prerequisites: EDSE3047 and 12 senior credit points of languages Assessment: 1x 250wd e-resource appraisal (40%) and 1x 2500wd assessment task (40%) and 1x 1000wd portfolio (20%)
This unit is designed to build on curriculum unit Teaching Languages 1A. With their deepening knowledge of the theory and the practices of the languages classroom, pre-service languages teachers will investigate issues in languages curriculum teaching and assessment.
EDSE3048 Teaching Languages 1B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Lesley Harbon Session: Semester 1b Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk Prerequisites: 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education and EDSE2001 plus 12 credit points of Intermediate Languages in an additional language Corequisites: EDSE3047 Assessment: 1x 2500 wd written task (40%) and 1x 1500 wd lesson plans (25%) and 1x 2000 wd portfolio (35%)
This unit of study is the initial Languages Curriculum (method) unit for prospective secondary languages teachers who have two languages as teaching methods. Students will gain broad understandings about the nature and scope of languages education in the NSW context, about traditional and more contemporary and innovative classroom practices and particular aspects of policy and Board of Studies documentation.
EDSE3071 Teaching Languages 2B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Lesley Harbon Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk Prerequisites: EDSE3047 and EDSE3048 and 12 senior credit points of languages Corequisites: EDSE3065 Assessment: 1x 2500wd report (40%) and 1x 2500 wd assessment task (40%) and 1x 1000wd portfolio (20%)
This unit is designed for pre-service language teachers continuing with their curriculum method study in an additional target language. The unit will continue to build pre-service language teachers' awareness, skills and understandings in languages assessment, differentiation of the curriculum and use of ICT tools.
EDSE3045 Teaching Mathematics 1A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Judy Anderson Session: Semester 1b Classes: 2x 2-hrs/wk for 8 wks Prerequisites: 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education and EDSE2001 and 12 credit points of Intermediate Mathematics Assessment: 1x 2000wd group report (40%) and 1x 4000wd presentation and individual written reflection (60%)
The aim of this unit of study is to introduce issues associated with the teaching and learning of mathematics from Kindergarten to Year 12 to student teachers undertaking both double and single mathematics method. The continuum of learning for K to 10 will be explored as it outlines the developmental nature of learning mathematics, building concepts across the transitional stages of schooling, and considering strategies to address the learning needs of the full range of students in the mathematics classroom. The importance of building upon learning in the primary school years will be a key focus in this first mathematics methods unit of study. Particular issues in the teaching and learning of mathematics will be addressed through the investigation of scenarios related to school contexts. To reflect the collaborative nature of working in a team of teachers in schools, student teachers will form small learning teams to explore scenarios, related to high school settings. In these teams, student teachers will be required to collaboratively investigate the issues raised in the scenarios and plan sequential learning experiences appropriate for high school students.
EDSE3063 Teaching Mathematics 2A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Judy Anderson Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x 2-hrs/wk for 9 wks Prerequisites: EDSE3045 plus 12 credit points of intermediate mathematics or statistics Assessment: 1x 2500wd assignment (40%) and 1x 3500 wd assignment (60%)
This is the second unit of study for both single and double mathematics method student teachers. The focus of this unit of study is a detailed examination of the school mathematics curriculum to develop student teachers' knowledge and understanding of the mathematics curriculum requirements and appropriate pedagogy. The rationale, aim, content, course requirements and key terms from the curriculum will be examined and used to plan, program and develop lesson plans for key mathematics concepts. Building on their understandings from Mathematics Curriculum 1, student teachers will examine the content strands of the mathematics curriculum to develop appropriate models of pedagogy for teaching and assessment. Common student misconceptions will form the basis of planning and programming so that student teachers are prepared to meet the needs of the full range of students. Additional strategies for differentiating the curriculum and embedding technology into lessons will be explored. A range of technologies will be examined in this unit including interactive whiteboards, computer software packages and graphics calculators. Strategies for assessing mathematics knowledge, skills and understanding will be considered with student teachers developing skills in designing assessment tasks. Assessment for learning and assessment of learning will be discussed with rich tasks developed for both purposes.
EDSE3043 Teaching TESOL 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Ken Cruickshank Session: Semester 1b Classes: 2x 2-hr seminar/wk Prerequisites: 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education and EDSE2001 plus 12 Senior credit points of either Linguistics, English, or Languages Assessment: 1x case study (30%) and 1x set of lesson plans (40%) and 1x review of resources (30%)
This unit relates to the overall goal of the TESOL program, which is to provide students with both a foundation and a framework for the successful teaching of English to speakers of other languages. The unit will encourage them to make decisions about appropriate classroom strategies across the curriculum, give insight into the current debates within the field and suggest a direction for future thinking. The unit outlines the background to the teaching of English to speakers of other languages, with a focus on oral skills and design of interactive tasks.
EDSE3061 Teaching TESOL 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Ken Cruickshank Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x 2-hr seminar/wk for 9 weeks Prerequisites: EDSE3043 and 12 Senior credit points of either Linguistics, English or Languages Assessment: 1x take home exam (30%) and 1x seminar presentation (30%) and 1x unit of work (40%)
Literacy is a key area in the learning of English as a second language. For students without a high level of literacy in the first language this can be a daunting process. There is strong evidence to suggest common underlying proficiences in literacy between languages. Thus, the focus this semester will be on the development of literacy and teachers' knowledge of English grammar in order to help them assess students' spoken and written language and to plan appropriate teaching programs.
EDSE3037 Teaching Visual Arts 1A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Marianne Hulsbosch Session: Semester 1b Classes: 1x2-hr lecture/wk for 8 wks and 1x2-hr tutorial-workshop/wk for 8 wks Prerequisites: 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education including EDSE2001and 12 senior credit pts of Art History and Theory Assessment: 1x visual art reflective journal 2500 wds (40%) and 1x collaborative group work case study 2000 wds (35%) and 1x lesson plan development 1500 wds (25%)
Note: Candidates may need to complete two or more units of study in the Faculty of Architecture Tin Sheds program
This unit introduces candidates to the knowledge base underpinning the principles and practices of learning and teaching in the Visual Arts. In addition candidates will explore the aims, objectives, outcomes, content, key terms and course requirements of the all Stage 4 and 5 arts syllabi. Students will examine models of pedagogy for teaching Visual Arts and are introduced to ways of differentiating the Visual Art curriculum to meet the diverse needs of learners. In particular candidates will investigate behaviour management strategies in Visual Art classrooms that address students who display challenging classroom behaviour. This Unit will also introduce candidates to a range of literacy and numeracy strategies to meet the need of all students, specifically non-English speaking background students (NESB).
EDSE3056 Teaching Visual Arts 2A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Marianne Hulsbosch Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 2-hr lecture/wk for 8 wks and 1x 2-hr tutorial-seminar-workshop/wk for 8 wks Prerequisites: EDSE3037 Assessment: 1x literature review and poster presentation 2500 wds (40%) and 1x extended unit of work stage 6 (preliminary) 3500 wds (60%)
Note: Candidates may need to complete an additional unit of study in the Faculty of Architecture Tin Sheds program
This course closely examines the knowledge base underpinning the principles and practices of learning and teaching in the Visual Arts in the Stage 6 course by investigating the aims, objectives, outcomes, content, key terms and course requirements of all visual arts syllabi. In particular this Unit focuses on introducing pedagogy strategies for assessing for learning in the Visual Arts 7-12 and the other syllabi studied. Subsequently a range of strategies for teaching and assessing visual arts practices will be explored. In addition this Unit will introduce candidates to various pedagogy strategies for teaching Visual Arts 7-12, to meet the needs of all students, specifically Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and students with special education needs. Through thorough and critical research of contemporary models of pedagogy in the Visual Arts and exploring the professional standards framework and its impact on the work of a teacher, candidates will begin to develop a teaching philosophy.
EDSE3038 Teaching Visual Arts 1B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Marianne Hulsbosch Session: Semester 1b Classes: 1x2-hr lecture/wk for 8 wks and 1x 2-hr tutorial-seminar-workshop/wk for 8 wks Prerequisites: 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education including EDSE2001 and 12 senior credit points of Art History and Theory Corequisites: EDSE3037 Assessment: 1x collaborative lesson presentation 2000 wds (40%) and 1x stage 4 interactive study guide 2000 wds (40%) and 1x visual art relfective journal 1000 wds (20%)
Note: Candidates may need to complete two or more units of study in the Faculty of Architecture Tin Sheds program
This unit builds on the content of the core unit EDSE 3037 and further investigates the knowledge base underpinning the principles and practices of learning and teaching in the Visual Arts in Stages 4 and 5. In particular this Unit facilitates the development,implementation and critical assessment of models of pedagogy for teaching Visual Arts in Stage 4. Additionally the role and value of various student learning resources are investigated and specific criteria are developed to assess the suitability and appropriateness of these student learning objects. Furthermore candidates will examine the central concepts, modes of enquiry and the structures of painting, drawing or wet photography; subsequently they are to critically investigate current models of pedagogies related to these specific disciplines.
EDSE3057 Teaching Visual Arts 2B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Marianne Hulsbosch Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x2-hr lecture/wk for 8 wks and 1x 2-hr tutorial-seminar-workshop/wk for 8 wks Prerequisites: EDSE3037 and EDSE3038 Corequisites: EDSE3056 Assessment: 1x visual art reflective journal 2000 wds (33%) and 1x stage 6 case study 2000 wds (33%) and 1x essay 2000 wds (34%)
Note: Candidates may need to complete an additional unit of study in the Faculty of Architecture Tin Sheds program
This unit builds on the learning in EDSE3056 and further explores the knowledge base underpinning the principles and practices of learning and teaching in the Visual Arts in the Stage 6 course through investigating the aims, objectives, outcomes, content, key terms and course requirements of the arts syllabi. Candidates will be introduced to the central concepts, modes of enquiry and the structures of ceramics, object design or print media and explore various pedagogies for assessing learning in these media in the Visual Arts 7-12. Subsequently candidates will further critically examine current knowledge and understandings of art education issues specifically related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and those with special education needs. In addition candidates are introduced to the significance of case studies as a means of developing greater insight into the visual arts and consider a range of strategies in implementing case studies in a Stage 6 HSC program of learning..
EDBT5610 Classical Hebrew & Judaism Curriculum 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Neta Steigrad Session: Semester 1b Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 2-hr seminar/wk Prerequisites: 54 credit points including 24 credit points of Education and EDSE2001 plus 12 credit points of Junior and 12 credit points of Senior Classical Hebrew Assessment: 1 x 2500 wd essay (40%) 1 x lesson plans (25%) 1 x resource portfolio (35%)
This unit of study is the first in a series designed for students who intend to teach Judaic Studies/Classical Hebrew texts within relevant syllabuses in Stages 4 and 5 and the NSW Board of Studies Classical Hebrew Stage 6 Continuers and Extension Syllabus. The unit develops foundational skills for language pedagogy for the classroom teaching of Classical Hebrew texts in the local Judaic Studies educational context.
EDBT5660 Classical Hebrew & Judaism Curriculum 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Neta Steigrad Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3-hr seminar/wk for 9 weeks Prerequisites: EDBT5610 Assessment: 1 x 1500 wd essay (25%), 1x lesson presentation (25%) 1x integrated unit of work for Stage 4-5 learners (50%)
This unit of study is the second in a series designed for students who intend to teach Judaic Studies/Classical Hebrew texts within relevant syllabuses in Stages 4 and 5 and the NSW Board of Studies Classical Hebrew Stage 6 Continuers and extension syllabus. The unit focuses on applications in the classroom of understanding of adolescent development, classroom management, lesson planning and specialised pedagogy of the discipline, including literacy skills and integrating texts within the Classical Hebrew outcomes of the Stage 4-5 Modern Hebrew Syllabus


In the fourth year, candidates must complete 48 credit points of units of study, comprising:
- 30 credit points of Curriculum and Professional Studies units of study including 12 credit points of teaching area units; and
- 12 credit points of Senior (level 2000 or 3000) units of study in the first teaching area (the Major sequence), chosen from Arts Table A;
- 6 credit points of Education Three Optional units of study.

Curriculum and Professional Studies Units

EDSE4042 Craft Knowledge and Prof Practices 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Kelly Freebody Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 2-hr seminar/wk and 1x 1-hr tutorial/wk for 7 weeks Prerequisites: 108 credit points including 30 credit points of Education, EDSE3073, EDSE2001, EDSE3072 and two of the following EDSE3056, EDSE3057, EDSE3058, EDSE3059, EDSE3060, EDSE3061, EDSE3062, EDSE3063, EDSE3064, EDSE3065, EDSE3071, EDSE3067, EDSE3068, EDBT5660 Assessment: 2 x assessment tasks including a tutorial presentation (50%) and 1x report (50%)
This unit of study focuses on practice, theory and research for beginning teachers in classrooms, schools and the wider educational community in relationship with the standards of teaching and the importance of evidence-based teaching for individual and collective change and improvement. This unit of study is integrated with professional experience and explores issues, dilemmas and challenges for beginning teachers.
EDSE4043 Professional Experience B

Credit points: 2 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Di Bloomfield Session: Semester 1 Classes: 25 days Professional Experience Prerequisites: 108 credit points including 30 credit points of Education , EDSE2001, EDSE3072, EDSE3073 and two of the following: EDSE3056, EDSE3057, EDSE3058, EDSE3059, EDSE3060, EDSE3061, EDSE3062, EDSE3063, EDSE3064, EDSE3065, EDSE3071, EDSE3067, EDSE3068, EDBT5660 Corequisites: EDSE4042 Assessment: Satisfies Requirements/Fails (100%)
This unit of study provides students with the opportunity to undertake a range of professional experiences in secondary schools, enabling them to explore, enact and reflect upon the links between the theory and practice of their chosen profession. This unit of study is the second school experience in the program, and the final fully supervised practicum before the Internship. In this unit of study, students have a more extended period of time in a school and begin to assume a greater awareness of the diversity of students in their classes. They will be expected to be more aware of the community beyond the school.
EDSE4044 Information Technology in Schools

Credit points: 4 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Chun Hu Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 2hr workshop/wk for 10 wks Prerequisites: 108 credit points including 30 credit points of Education. EDSE2001, EDSE3072 and two of EDSE4021, EDSE4022, EDSE4023, EDSE4024, EDSE4025, EDSE4026, EDSE4027, EDSE4028, EDSE4029, EDSE4030, EDSE4031, EDSE4032, EDSE4033, EDSE4034, EDSE4035, EDSE4041 and EDBT6610 Corequisites: EDSE4042, EDSE4043 Prohibitions: EDSE4038 Assessment: 1x ICT project one (20%) and 1x project two (80%)
The unit of study builds on student's knowledge and skills gained from their previous information and communication technologies (ICT) related units of study, and curriculum subject areas. The unit of study focuses on multimedia learning theory and learning from and with multimedia/hypermedia. Students will be provided with an overview of the principles of designing multimedia/hypermedia resources to enhance the teaching/learning process. By immersing ICT tools as part of assignments and activities, the unit of study will provide students with hands-on experiences of designing/developing learning resources relevant to their curriculum subjects.
EDUF4044 Reading and Designing Research

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Associate Professor Debra Hayes, Dr Lina Markauskaite, Dr George Odhiambo Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 2x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 2-hr workshop/wk and 1x 1-hr online activities/wk for 7 weeks Prerequisites: 120 credit points including EDUF2006 and EDUF2007 Assessment: 1x literature review online (20%) and 1x literature review written (20%) and 1x poster (20%) and 1x presentation (10%) and 1x research proposal (30%)
This unit of study is designed to introduce you to the field of research in education. You will develop an appreciation of the broad range of research topics in education and their associated forms of systematic inquiry. The unit will prepare you to read and interpret research, and to conduct small scale investigations in a range of contexts such as classrooms or schools, or within another setting in which learning opportunities are afforded. These settings might include online communication, outdoor education, excursions, coaching, tutoring, and informal learning associated with home and community contexts. The kinds of research questions considered might include pedagogy, curriculum, policy, and organizational issues, and might consider the perspectives of students, teachers, parents, policymakers and/or the broader community.. In preparing an individual research proposal, you will draw upon the research literature to develop your topic and to select a form of inquiry that is suited to it.
Teaching Area Units
EDSE4045 Teaching Commerce/Business Studies 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Kate Keeley Session: Semester 1b Classes: 1x 1hr tutorial/wk and 1x 1hr lecture/wk and 1x 2hr seminar/wk Prerequisites: EDSE3076 and EDSE3077 Assessment: 1x assessment task (30%) and 1x program development (30%) and 1x eLearning task (40%)
This unit will prepare students to be effective teachers of Stage 6 Business Studies. The unit will develop competencies and skills in lesson planning, programming and pedagogy in teaching Business Studies in Stage 6. An understanding of the NSW Board of Studies Years 11-12 Business Studies Syllabus will be emphasised and students will develop lesson plans, programs, teaching resources and a range of Business Studies teaching materials. Further emphasis will be placed on ways that Board of Studies HSC assessment requirements can be met including developing assessment tasks and programs. Use of ICT for both teaching and preparation will be a focus on this unit.
EDSE4033 Teaching Commerce/Economics 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Kate Keeley Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 1-hr tutorial/wk and 1x 2-hr seminar/wk Prerequisites: EDSE3050 and EDSE3067 Corequisites: EDSE4042, EDSE4043 Assessment: 1x case study (30%) and 1x teaching and learning folder (30%) and 1x eLearning task (40%)
This unit of study will focus on teaching the Economics Syllabus for Years 11-12. In this unit students will study particular issues facing students studying for the HSC in NSW schools. Students will build on their previous studies in Years 7-10 Commerce and further develop teaching strategies, resources and assessment techniques for teaching Stage 6 Economics. Added emphasis will be placed on assessment strategies and programs for the preliminary/HSC course in Economics focusing on NSW Board of Studies requirements. Students will also look at the ways the study of Economics for the HSC can lead to various post school destinations. Professional association membership and HSC marking will be promoted throughout this unit.
EDSE4025 Teaching Drama 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Michael Anderson, Dr Kelly Freebody Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x 2-hr workshops/wk Prerequisites: EDSE3042 and EDSE3060 plus 12 credit pts of Performance Studies Corequisites: EDSE4042, EDSE4043 Assessment: 1x reflective portfolio (50%) and 1x curriculum portfolio (50%)
This unit continues preparing students for the teaching of secondary Drama. The course will extend the students' experience in teaching devised performance. Students work with critical friends and mentors, collaborating with schools and other educational institutions, critically reflecting on their own and other people's work. Students undergo a group performance project where they learn of the rigorous nature of teaching collaborative drama experientially.
EDSE4027 Teaching English 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Jacqueline Manuel Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 3-hr seminar/wk for 6 wks and 1x 1-hr lecture/wk for 6 wks and 1x 8-hr module research study Prerequisites: EDSE3044 and EDSE3062 Corequisites: EDSE4042 and EDSE4043 Assessment: 1x 1500wd research task (30%) and 1x 3500wd program and resources (70%)
This unit is designed to develop your understanding, knowledge and pedagogical skills in teaching a wide range of texts in English 7 - 12. There is an emphasis on theory in practice, wide reading and film, media and multi-media in English 7 - 12. The sessions will be approached as workshops during which you will be expected to contribute to whole class and small group collaborative tasks.
EDSE4024 Teaching Geography 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Kate Keeley Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 1-hr tutorial/wk and 1x 2-hr seminar/wk Prerequisites: EDSE3041 & EDSE3059 Corequisites: EDSE4042, EDSE4043 Assessment: 1 x assessment task (30%) and 1x program of work (30%) and 1x eLearning task (40%)
This unit of study will focus on teaching the Geography Syllabus for Years 11-12. In this unit students will study particular issues facing students studying for the HSC in NSW schools. Students will build on their previous studies in years 7-10 Geography and further develop teaching strategies, resources and assessment techniques for teaching Stage 6 Geography. Added emphasis will be placed on assessment strategies and programs for the Preliminary/HSC course in Geography focusing on NSW Board of Studies requirements. Additional emphasis will be placed on strategies, skills and resources for both fieldwork and the senior Geography Project. Students will also look at the ways the study of geography for the HSC can lead to various post school destinations, Professional association membership and HSC marking will be promoted throughout this unit.
EDSE4023 Teaching History 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Tim Allender Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/week, 1x 2-hr seminar/week Prerequisites: EDSE3040 and EDSE3058 Corequisites: EDSE4042 and EDSE4043 Assessment: 1x class presentation (15%) and 1x planning a unit outline and the mapping of appropriate teaching and assessment strategies (85%)
This unit aims to equip students to teach the skills and understandings underpinning Board of Studies Stage 6 history syllabuses. The unit also explores the realities of teaching students at this level, and the various ways in which higher-order skills may be developed in response to the demands of the Extension History Syllabus.
EDSE4030 Teaching Languages 3A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Lesley Harbon, Dr Ruth Fielding Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 1-hr tutorial/wk and 1x 4-hr practical in week 13 Prerequisites: EDSE3047 and EDSE3065 Corequisites: EDSE4042 and EDSE4043 Assessment: 1x 2000wd oral presentation (35%) and 1x 3000wd unit of work (45%) and 1x 1000wd portfolio (20%)
This unit is designed to build on earlier languages curriculum units to prepare pre-service teachers for their future teaching. Students continue to investigate cases of languages and cultures education, honing skills, understandings and competencies for future employment and preparing for lifelong professional development.
EDSE4031 Teaching Languages 3B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Lesley Harbon Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk Prerequisites: EDSE3047, EDSE3048, EDSE3065 and EDSE3071 Corequisites: EDSE4030, EDSE4042 and EDSE4043 Assessment: 1x 2000wd parent newsletter (35%) and 1x 3000wd unit of work (45%) and 1x 1000wd portfolio (20%)
This unit is designed for pre-service language teachers continuing with their curriculum method study in an additional target language. The unit will continue to build pre-service language teachers' awareness, skills and understandings in languages education, and introduce them to various aspects of research within the languages education arena.
EDSE4028 Teaching Mathematics 3A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof Judy Anderson Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x 2-hr seminar/wk for 9 wks Prerequisites: EDSE3045 and EDSE3063 Corequisites: EDSE4042, EDSE4043 Assessment: 1x 3000wd resource portfolio (50%) and 1x 3000wd assignment (50%)
This is the third unit of study for both single and double mathematics method student teachers. The focus of this unit of study is a detailed examination of the syllabus documents for the senior secondary students enrolled in mathematics courses for the Higher School Certificate in NSW (HSC). For each of the syllabus documents, the aims, objectives, content, course requirements and key terms will be examined and used to plan, program and develop appropriate teaching strategies as well as learning and assessment tasks for key mathematics concepts. For all of the mathematics courses offered in the senior school, student teachers will evaluate and design learning and assessment tasks using a range of resources as well as plan and program lesson sequences to differentiate learning and support the development of deeper understandings of challenging mathematics concepts including calculus. Retention of students beyond the compulsory years of schooling (Year 10) will be examined to identify issues associated with students' motivation and engagement to continue the study of mathematics. Career choice limitations will be discussed to explore ways the continued learning of mathematics and mathematics and science careers can be promoted in schools.
EDSE4026 Teaching TESOL 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Ken Cruickshank Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 2-hr sem/workshops/wk Prerequisites: EDSE3043 and EDSE3061 Corequisites: EDSE4042 and EDSE4043 and EDSE4044 Assessment: 1x minor research project (40%) and 1x pronunciation program (30%) and 1x seminar presentation (30%)
The role of the TESOL teacher has become increasingly complex. Graduates may be working with adults or with teenagers in Australia or overseas and across disciplines or curricula. Traditional career pathways no longer exist as teachers are expected to have the flexibility and knowledge base to adapt to a wide variety of contexts. They need an understanding of students' cultural backgrounds and skills in intercultural communication.
EDSE4021 Teaching Visual Arts 3A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Marianne Hulsbosch Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 2-hr lecture/wk for 8 wks and 1x 2-hr tutorial-seminar-workshop/wk for 8 wks Prerequisites: EDSE3037 and EDSE3056 Corequisites: EDSE4042, EDSE4043 Assessment: 1x visual art body of work and VAPD 4000wds (65%) and 1x essay 2000wds (35%)
Note: Candidates may need to complete an additional unit of study in the Faculty of Architecture Tin Sheds program
This course aims to introduce art education issues, perspectives and skills development with a specific focus on the Stage 6 HSC program. Candidates will investigate the aims, objectives, outcomes, content, key terms and course requirements of the HSC requirements of the Visual Arts Stage 6 syllabus, in particular in relation to assessment of art making and art history/theory. This Unit introduces candidates to models of pedagogy for assisting Stage 6 students in examination preparation of the Body of Work and the associated Visual Arts Process Diary, as well as the written examination paper. This Unit also critically examines curriculum different models of art pedagogy (e.g.Montessori, Steiner, Dalton and the International Baccalaureate); visual art safety and risk management practices, budgeting, selecting, storing, maintaining and replacing materials, equipment and other art education resources, as well as the various national and international professional art teacher associations and the various professional development opportunities available in NSW. Candidates will further examine the current development of the Australian National Curriculum and the latest position of the arts, how they conceive their role as a Visual Arts teacher in schools and the wider community, and how they can contribute to achieve this goal.
EDSE4022 Teaching Visual Arts 3B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Marianne Hulsbosch Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x2-hr lecture/wk for 8 wks and 1x 2-hr tutorial-seminar-workshop/wk for 8 wks Prerequisites: EDSE3037 and EDSE3038 and EDSE3056 and EDSE3057 Corequisites: EDSE4021 and EDSE4042 and EDSE4043 Assessment: 1x stage 6 program of learning 1500wds (25%) and 1x collaborative resarch project 2500wds (45%) and 1x visual art reflective journal 2000wds (30%)
Note: Candidates may be required to complete and additional unit of study in the Faculty of Architecture Tin Sheds program
This unit builds on the core unit EDSE4021 through a deeper exploration of the knowledge base underpinning the principles and practices of learning and teaching in the Visual Arts in Stage 6 course by investigating the aims, objectives, outcomes, content, key terms and course requirements of the Stage 6 Visual Arts and Content Endorsed syllabi. This unit further explores issues and perspectives of the HSC written examination through mapping and planning a Stage 6 program of learning. Additionally this unit considers the relationship between teachers and the wider community and further explores professional communities within and external to the school environment. In particular this unit facilitates candidates' experiences to contribute to these communities of practice and using their resources, knowledge and experiences to further enhance student learning in a school environment.
EDBT6610 Classical Hebrew & Judaism Curriculum 3

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Neta Steigrad Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 4-hr seminar/wk for 9 weeks Prerequisites: EDBT5660 Assessment: weekly reflective responses 1600 wd (25%) 1 x lesson presentation (25%) 1 x intergrated unit of work based on a text (Book of Esther, Ruth or Jonah) (50%)
This is an advanced unit of study for students who wish to implement the NSW Classical Hebrew Stage 6 Syllabus. It builds on the skills knowledge and understandings developed in Classical Hebrew and Judaism 1 and 2. Students examine the challenges of the subject and engage in a critical reflection of the issues inherent in the teaching of sacred texts. The unit develops advanced skills for classroom teaching as well as focussing on the Stage 6 learner's requirements.


In the fifth year, candidates must complete 48 credit points of units of study, comprising:
- 24 credit points of Curriculum and Professional Studies units of study; and
- 24 credit points of Senior (level 2000 or 3000) units of study, chosen from Arts Table A or B.

Curriculum and Professional Studies Units

Candidates must complete 24 credit points of units of study from one of the following options;
Option 1
EDSE5001 TESOL as a Third Teaching Area

Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Ken Cruickshank Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x 3-hr seminar/wk Prerequisites: 144 credit points including 78 credit points of Education and 24 credit points of English, Linguistics or a Language other than English Corequisites: EDSE5008 and EDSE5009 Assessment: 2x presentations (30%) and 1x observation report (20%) and 1x design of teaching materials (20%) and 1x take home exam (30%)
This unit of study aims to develop students' understanding of second language acquisition research and its implications for the teaching and learning of second language learners. The unit will link fieldwork with an exploration of current language education research. The unit has relevance for teaching in Australia and overseas and focuses on the development of communicative competence. The unit is closely connected with EDSE5009 TESOL Professional Experience.
EDSE5009 TESOL Professional Experience

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Di Bloomfield Session: Semester 1 Classes: 15 days Professional Experience Prerequisites: 144 credit points including 78 credit points of Education and 24 Credit Points from English, Linguistics and/or a Language other than English Corequisites: EDSE5001 and EDSE5008 Assessment: professional experience (100%)
This unit of study will link fieldwork in schools and intensive language centres with an exploration of current language education research. Students will develop skills in linking their assessment of the abilities and needs of teenage and adult learners of English with programming. This unit aims to develop students' professional understanding and expertise as second language educators. It has relevance for teaching in Australia and overseas and focuses on the development of communicative competence.
EDSE5008 Internship

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Di Bloomfield Session: Semester 1 Classes: 30 days in-school experience Prerequisites: 144 credit points including 78 of Education and (EDSE3055 or EDSE3073) and (EDSE4040 or EDSE4043) Assessment: Satisfies requirements/Fail (100%)
This final Internship is a bridge between the ending of preservice professional preparation and the first year of teaching. Under the guidance of the Mentor, Interns will gain knowledge and experience of all facets of the role of the teacher in the school and prepare themselves as thoroughly as possible for commencing to teach.
Option 2
one Education Three Optional Unit and the following units:-
EDGU2000 Teaching English Internationally 1

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Ken Cruickshank Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x 3hr seminar/wk Prerequisites: 144 credit points including 78 credit points of Education Corequisites: EDSE5008 Assessment: 1x take home exam (30%) and 1x seminar presentation (40%) and 1x reflective report (30%)
The rapid expansion of English as a global language has led to a demand for graduates across a range of disciplines to have skills and expertise in English language teaching. This unit aims to introduce theory, concepts and practices in teaching English. The unit will focus on developing participants' knowledge and understanding of English language teaching and learning to international students in Australia and in primary, secondary and tertiary contexts overseas. The unit will develop understanding of second language learning and intercultural skills. It requires an interest in but not a specific background in teaching and languages.
EDGU3000 Teaching English Internationally 2

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Ken Cruickshank Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x 3-hr seminar/wk Prerequisites: 144 credit points including 78 credit points of Education Corequisites: EDGU2000 and EDSE5008 Assessment: 1x seminar presentation (30%) and 1x take home exam (30%) and 1x unit of work (40%)
The rapid expansion of English as a global language has led to a demand for graduates across a range of disciplines to have an understanding of international Englishes and expertise in English language teaching. This unit aims to extend participants' knowledge and understanding of English language teaching and learning to international students in Australia and in primary, secondary and tertiary contexts overseas. The unit will develop understandings of systems of English grammar, testing and assessment in TESOL and curriculum development and evaluation. It requires an interest in but not a specific background in teaching and languages.
EDSE5008 Internship

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Di Bloomfield Session: Semester 1 Classes: 30 days in-school experience Prerequisites: 144 credit points including 78 of Education and (EDSE3055 or EDSE3073) and (EDSE4040 or EDSE4043) Assessment: Satisfies requirements/Fail (100%)
This final Internship is a bridge between the ending of preservice professional preparation and the first year of teaching. Under the guidance of the Mentor, Interns will gain knowledge and experience of all facets of the role of the teacher in the school and prepare themselves as thoroughly as possible for commencing to teach.
Option 3
one Education Three Optional Unit and the following units:
EDSE5010 Meeting the Needs of Cultural Diversity

Credit points: 12 Teacher/Coordinator: Ms Kate Keeley Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 2-hr lecture/wk and 1x 4-hr seminar/wk Prerequisites: 144 credit points including 78 credit points of Education Corequisites: EDSE5008 Assessment: 1x in-class project (36%) and 1x essay (25%) and 1x group project (25%) and 1x in-school project (14%)
This unit of study will focus on a range of culturally specific teaching and learning strategies aimed at increasing the ability of students to engage and motivate school students from diverse cultures, including Aboriginal culture. The unit will involve exploring some of the major issues confronting teachers, schools, communities and involve interaction with appropriate communities as a precursor to working with school students in a range of culturally appropriate settings. The unit will involve working with resource staff from the Faculty's partnership regions and schools.
EDSE5008 Internship

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Di Bloomfield Session: Semester 1 Classes: 30 days in-school experience Prerequisites: 144 credit points including 78 of Education and (EDSE3055 or EDSE3073) and (EDSE4040 or EDSE4043) Assessment: Satisfies requirements/Fail (100%)
This final Internship is a bridge between the ending of preservice professional preparation and the first year of teaching. Under the guidance of the Mentor, Interns will gain knowledge and experience of all facets of the role of the teacher in the school and prepare themselves as thoroughly as possible for commencing to teach.

Honours Pathway

Candidates who are eligible for Honours must complete the 12 credit points of units of study listed below instead of EDUF4044 and one Education Three Optional unit from Year 4.
EDUF4005 Research Honours A

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof David Evans Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 2-hr seminar/wk for weeks 1-7 Assessment: This unit is jointly assessed with EDUF4006. The assessment of these units will be: 5 online tasks (5x 3%) and 10 mins presentation (10%) and research proposal (25%) and 10000 word dissertation (50%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit of study is designed to assist students undertaking the Honours program to understand and make links between research, teaching and learning and to develop knowledge, understanding and skills to both use research and to undertake research. In particular, this unit of study provides the skills, knowledge and understandings to prepare students to undertake, conduct and present research as part of the Honours program in semester 2. Students will build on their understanding of the research process and, in particular, of research methods used in education. It will provide an understanding of the relationships between research and practice to further develop students as informed professionals who can critically analyse, use published research and conduct research.
EDUF4006 Research Honours B

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Assoc Prof David Evans Session: Semester 2 Classes: 12 x 2 hr independent sessions with supervisor Prerequisites: EDUF4005 Assessment: This unit is jointly assessed with EDUF4005. The assessment of these units will be: 5 online tasks (5x 3%) and 10 mins presentation (10%) and research proposal (25%) and 10000 word dissertation (50%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit supports students in the Honours program in conducting their Honours research project and reporting it in the form of a 10,000 wd dissertation. Students work with a supervisor on their Honours research projects. This unit also aims to prepare eligible students for postgraduate research.


for Year 4 and Year 5
EDUF3023 Sport: Contemporary Educational Issues

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Steve Georgakis Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk for 12 wks and 2-hr seminar/wk for 12 wks Prerequisites: 42 credit points Assessment: Seminar presentations (20%) and 1x 2500 wd work research project (40%) and 1x 2500 wd portfolio (40%)
This unit of study dissects the role played by youth sport and sport in Australian society from an historical and socio-cultural perspective. Youth sport in this unit encompasses school physical education, school sport, organised community sport as well as any organised youth physical activity. This unit endeavours to place greater emphasis on theories that have emerged regarding youth sport and sport issues. These include how youth sport and sport in general have been constructed over time and how each relates to themes such as class, gender, age, ethnicity, sexuality, social identity, policy, politics commercialism, nationalism, terrorism and racism. This unit will encourage students to critically analyse how sport is both constructed and is produced in the context of particular social values and beliefs. The unit is structured in a way to encourage the development of arguments and ideas through tutorial presentations, research projects and a portfolio which relate to these topic areas. This unit of study is designed to encourage student-based multi-disciplinary inquiry as laid out by the Education III design. It is designed also to encourage students to become informed citizens and life-long learners.
EDUF3028 Mentoring in Educational Contexts

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Lesley Scanlon Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 2-hr seminar/wk, for 10 wks Prerequisites: 42 credit points Assessment: 1x seminar presentation 2000 wds (30%) and 1x reflective journal 4000 wds (70%) and participation in an approved mentor programme for at least 1 hour per week for 7 weeks
It is increasingly difficult for young people to survive in contemporary risk societies. Particularly problematic is their successful navigation of unfamiliar communities of practice manifest as organisational structures. Subsequently, mentoring has been widely adopted internationally to support young people acquire the organisation know-how essential to organisational survive. Specifically, within an educational context mentoring as theory and practice has assumed critical importance in introducing pre-service teachers to the professional practice of teaching. This unit of study examines mentoring in schools and universities and other organisational structures. Students use a range of sociological theories and constructs in order to develop a critical understanding of mentoring as professional practice.
EDUF3032 Curriculum and Evaluation

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Professor Murray Print Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 2-hr tutorial/wk Prerequisites: 42 credit points Assessment: 1x analysis of curriculum document (20%) and 1x seminar presentation (30%) and 1x related paper on a curriculum phenomenon (40%) and 1x on-line task (10%)
'Curriculum' can mean many things: syllabuses, curriculum documents, policies, plans for teaching by faculties and individual teachers, sets of materials and resources used as the basis for developing learning experiences for learners as well as the learning experiences themselves. In addition curriculum as process includes all of the thinking, talking and interacting between individuals and groups that are necessary to arrive at decisions that are recorded in plans and documents. Evaluation and assessment are often misunderstood concepts. Cultural, social and political influences drive decisions about who, what and how will be evaluated. Evaluation and assessment are often conflated with large scale testing regimes because they can lead to easily quantifiable results. A broader and more accurate understanding of these terms is important for all educators.
EDUF3035 Multicultural Learning and Teaching

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Marianne Hulsbosch Session: Semester 1 Classes: 2 hrs lectures/wk for 9 wks and 3 hrs field work/wk for 3 wks and 3 hrs seminar/wk for 3 wks Prerequisites: 42 credit points Assessment: 1x critical reflective diary 2000wds (35%) and 1x essay 3000wds (50%) and 1x poster presentation 1000wds (15%)
This unit provides students with a deeper understanding of the historical, cultural and sociological construction of youth in Australia today. This knowledge, as well as the changing experiences of young people, is an important foundation for today's educators. This unit will focus on the Australian educational experience set within the context of multicultural social change. Students enrolled in this unit will incur a levy to cover any additional costs.
EDUF3034 Australian Theatre, Film and Learning

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Michael Anderson; Dr Kelly Freebody Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x 2-hr lecture/wk and 1x 1-hr tutorial/wk for 9 weeks and 3x field trips Prerequisites: 42 credit points Assessment: 1x 1000wd media review (20%) and 1x 2500wd film deconstruction (40%) and 1x 2500wd theatre essay (40%)
This unit of study examines the nature of theatre and film in Australian cultural and educational settings. A particular focus will be placed on theatre and film for and by young people, and the range of learning that takes place through young people's engagement in, and appreciation of, theatre and film. In addition, the role and nature of Australian film and theatre will be placed within an international context so that students can examine the international forces influencing Australian culture. Indigenous issues in Australian Film and Theatre will be examined. Australian Theatre, Film and Learning will provide first hand experiences of Australian films and theatre performances through field trips to significant theatre performances and festivals, Australian school performances and the viewing of Australian films. Students enrolled in this unit will incur a levy to cover any additional costs.
EDUF3026 Global Poverty and Education

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Elizabeth Cussity Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 2-hr tutorial/wk Prerequisites: 42 credit points. Assessment: 1x 1hr exam (25%) and 1x 2500wd essay (30%) and 1x 1250wd workshop paper (25%) and 1x 750wd workshop paper (20%)
This unit of study explores relationships between education, poverty and development in the less-developed parts of the world. It acknowledges the importance of a broad-ranging view of development, including its economic, cultural and technological dimensions. The unit begins with an analysis of the impact of globalisation on poorer regions, moving to consideration of a range of theories of development and how education is viewed in them. The major part of the unit examines key issues facing educational development in poorer countries at the present time, and moves on to country and/or regional case studies, consideration of the Australian foreign aid program in education, and the role of UN agencies in educational development. Students will be assessed on the basis of: workshop participation, examination & essay. The emphasis, in all aspects of assessment, will be on demonstrating a sound understanding of the theories developed within the unit of study and applying these to the less-developed areas of the world. The use of educational research to support students' work, combined with a critical integration of all information used, is an integral component of the unit. The unit is especially designed for those who have an interest in developing countries, who may be teaching or writing about development issues, or who may be interested in careers in international and development education, whether in Australia or overseas.
EDUF3027 International Education

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Nigel Bagnall Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 1hr lecture/wk and 1x 2-hr workshop/wk Prerequisites: 42 credit points Assessment: 2x 1000wd workshop papers (20%) and 1x workshop presentation (20%) and 1x 1hr take home exam (20%) and 1x 2000wd essay (40%)
The unit emphasis is on the underpinning global education trends of the developed world. A number of themes are dealt with in this global context, in particular youth transition, Indigenous education issues in Australia, USA and New Zealand, the emergence of international curriculum and assessment and a number of education system case studies. These case studies will include the education systems of France, Great Britain, Germany and the United States. The unit will appeal to students who are likely to work in the increasingly global world of teaching and may be involved in latter years in working in organizations such as UNESCO, the OECD or the World Bank.
EDUF3029 Psychology of Learning and Teaching

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Paul Ginns Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 1-hr tutorial/wk Prerequisites: 42 credit points and EDUF2006 Assessment: 1x 2-hr take home exam (30%) and 1x 2000wd essay (40%) and 1x group essay (15%) and 1x group presentation (15%)
This unit of study examines four themes from current research on learning and teaching which have significant implications for enhancing learning outcomes in educational settings: (1) the self-system, learning and achievement; (2) collaborative learning: cognitive and motivational factors; (3) information processing and the design of instruction; and (4) learning from text, illustrations and multimedia. Each of these themes is defined by a central question (e.g. how is the self-system organised and what is its relationship to student achievement?) which is examined through several bodies of related recent research. In addition to lectures on each theme, students present the results of their collaborative self-directed research on one of the themes in a series of presentations held in the last three weeks of the unit of study. At the completion of the unit students should be able to analyse, synthesise, and draw conclusions from theory and research in each of the four themes considered, derive educational implications and applications for an educational level (e.g. primary, secondary), demonstrate the skills involved in collaborative and self-directed learning, and demonstrate competence in oral and written communication skills.
EDUF3030 Australian Secondary Schooling

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Helen Proctor Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 1-hr lecture/wk and 1x 2hr seminar/wk for 10 wks Prerequisites: 42 credit points Assessment: 3x 700wd reading guides (30%) and 1x 2000wd essay (45%) and 1x 1hr exam (25%)
How can we explain the ideas, practices and institutions which form the modern Australian secondary school? This unit looks for the answers in the history of the secondary school. Where did the HSC, prefects, SRCs, school uniforms, the curriculum, the private and the public school, the coed and single sex school, and the church and public schools all come from? Understanding the history of the present enables a powerful advantage in the process of reforming secondary schools and education. The first part of the unit looks at the inheritance from Europe and North America before concentrating on Australia, and New South Wales in particular. The workshop and assignment program encourages students to work on the experience and history of particular schools in which they may be interested.
EDUF3036 Arts-Based Learning and Teaching

Credit points: 6 Teacher/Coordinator: Dr Marianne Hulsbosch Session: Semester 2 Classes: 2 hrs lectures/wk for 9 wks and 3 hrs field work/wk for 3 wks and 3 hrs seminar/wk for 3 wks Prerequisites: 42 credit points Assessment: 1x critical reflective diary 2000wds (35%) and 1x essay 3000wds (50%) and 1x poster presentation 1000wds (15%)
This unit provides students with an understanding of the traditions, influences, stylistic and contemporary practices contributing to art and design in Australia and the Pacific. Knowledge of art and design, as well as design traditions and contemporary practices, are an important foundation for both practitioners and art educators. This unit will focus on Indigenous Australian and Pacific Islander art and design education. Students enrolled in this unit will incur a levy to cover any additional costs.