University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Dean of Education

On behalf of the teaching and administrative staff, it is my privilege to welcome you to the Faculty of Education and Social Work.

The Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Sydney offers extraordinary professional development opportunities for individuals who are interested in education and social work as careers or areas of study. The Faculty of Education and Social Work has amazing programs with engaged professionals integrating scholarship with formative practice.

The Bachelor of Social Work and Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Work degrees are firmly based in the humanities and social sciences, with students able to take advantage of the incredible range of opportunities available at the University of Sydney.

Our Bachelor of Education degrees allow you to develop specialisations in maths, science, humanities or economics and business. You can also specialise in Primary education, Early Childhood education, and Human Movement and Health education. Another feature of our education degrees is the focus on integrating information communications technology (ICT) into teaching practices and catering for students with special needs.

At the graduate-entry level, the Faculty offers the innovative Master of Teaching degree to students seeking a professional teaching credential, and from 2011 we are pleased to offer the Master of Social Work (Qualifying) program for students seeking qualifications in social work.

All of our education and social work students will spend time in professional practice placements. We have built strong links with practitioners from both fields so that our graduates emerge with practical skills as well as a solid grasp of theory.

The Faculty of Education and Social Work is a diverse and internationally renowned community of scholars, staff and students committed to community development, meeting social development needs and improving teaching and learning through innovation and inquiry-driven programs, research, reflection and critique in partnership with our communities.

We are pleased that you are joining the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Sydney and look forward to welcoming you in the coming months.

Professor Robert J Tierney