University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Master of Philosophy (MPhil)

The Master of Philosophy is a degree completed by research and advanced coursework. Students undertaking this degree are assigned to a supervisor and, usually, an associate supervisor. This program consists of a supervised research component and required coursework. It is designed for students interested in pursuing research but not eligible to undertake a PhD.

Students may apply for the PhD on satisfying specific criteria. Full-time candidature is two years whereas part-time candidates are allowed to take up to four years. MPhil students are required to complete a probationary year and to produce an extended research proposal (recommended length 3000-4000 words) at the end of that year. Examination is by presentation of a thesis of an upper limit of 30,000 words.

Admission to the Master of Philosophy in Education

Applicants need to complete a research proposal (500€’1000 words) addressing criteria specified by the faculty. They must also have one of the following qualifications:

  • a Bachelor of Education (Honours) or Master of Teaching (Honours) or a graduate with Honours from another faculty within the University of Sydney in a subject within the area in which the applicant seeks to proceed, or
  • a Master of Education (Pass) or Master of Education awarded with merit in an appropriate subject area, or
  • a bachelor€™s degree and have completed units of study at the level deemed by the faculty to be equivalent to honours in an appropriate area of study, or
  • hold qualifications considered by the faculty to be equivalent to those above.

Admission to the Master of Philosophy in Social Work

Applicants need to complete a research proposal (500€’1000 words) addressing criteria specified by the faculty.

Applicants must also have been in full-time employment in social work for a minimum of one year, and have one of the following qualifications:

  • a four-year Bachelor of Social Work or equivalent with 1st or 2nd class honours, or
  • Bachelor of Social Work (without 1st or 2nd class honours), either produce evidence to the satisfaction of the faculty of having completed equivalent work or complete a period of probationary candidature, or
  • a Master of Social Work with merit.

Conditions of candidature

Students in this degree are required to enrol in the unit of study EDPZ5003 Thesis Proposal (education students) or SCWK6902 Social Research (social work students), plus at least one research unit chosen from:

  • EDPZ6001 Critical Research Literature Analysis
  • EDPK5001 Qualitative Methods
  • EDPK5002 Quantitative Methods
  • EDPK6012 Qualitative Analysis
  • EDPK6016 Advanced Statistical Analysis.

A person who has been awarded the degree of Master of Arts (Honours) in Education or Master of Education (Honours) may not apply to have the degree converted to the degree of Master of Philosophy in Education.

Master of Philosophy students are required to complete a probationary year and to produce an extended research proposal in the early part of their candidature. At the end of the first 12 months of full time study (or the part time equivalent) candidates must present an extended research proposal for approval by their thesis committee.

This research proposal should extend the research proposal the candidate presented on application and include a critical review of relevant literature and an outline of the student€™s proposed methodology. It is recommended that the research proposal be 3000-4000 words.

Candidature will be confirmed once the coursework has been satisfactorily completed and the extended research proposal approved by the student€™s thesis committee.

Units of study

Course code Course name Type


Thesis Proposal

core - Education


Social Research Methods

core - Social Work


Qualitative Methods



Quantitative Methods



Qualitative Analysis



Advanced Statistical Analysis


Course convenor

Dr Ruth Phillips
Phone: 9351 6899
Room 741

Course rules


Master of Philosophy in Education

Course Resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Philosophy in Education

2 Title of the degree

The testamur for the degree shall be entitled Master of Philosophy (Education).

3 Award of degree

The degree of Master of Philosophy in Education shall be awarded in one grade only.
If Faculty is of the opinion that the work of the candidate is of sufficient merit, the candidate shall receive a bronze medal.
A candidate who has completed the requirements but has not qualified for the award of the Degree may apply to the Dean to be awarded the degree of Master of Education.
A candidate awarded the Master of Education under subsection 3(3) may only be awarded the pass degree.

4 Application and eligibility for admission to candidature

Except as provided in Part 9, section 47 of the University of Sydney (Amendment Act) Rule 1999 (as amended) an applicant for admission to candidature for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Education shall:
hold a Bachelor of Education (Honours) or Master of Teaching (Honours) of the University of Sydney or be a graduate with Honours of another faculty or board of studies of the University of Sydney in a subject within the area in which the applicant seeks to proceed; or
hold the degree of Master of Education (Pass) or the degree of Master of Education, awarded with merit in an appropriate subject area; or
hold the degree of Bachelor and have completed units of study at a level deemed by Faculty to be equivalent to Honours in an appropriate subject area; or
hold qualifications considered by Faculty to be equivalent to those specified in section 4(1)(a) to (c);
complete any additional units of study which may be prescribed by Faculty; and
complete the necessary application form for admission to candidature, submitting with the application for the approval of Faculty an outline of the proposed research, including the area of the proposed thesis, any proposals for related coursework and an indication of the School of Faculty in which the research is to undertaken.
A person who has been awarded the degree of Master of Arts (Honours) in Education or Master of Education (Honours) may not apply to have the degree converted to the degree of Master of Philosophy in Education.

5 Availability of admission

Admission to candidature for the Degree may be limited by quota.
In determining the quota the University will take into account:
availability of resources, including space, library equipment and computing facilities; and
availability of adequate and appropriate supervision.
When considering an applicant for admission to candidature Faculty, in taking account of the quota, will select in preference applicants who are most meritorious in terms of admission criteria.

6 Probationary admission

A candidate will be admitted to candidature by Faculty on a probationary basis for a period not exceeding twelve months and upon completion of this probationary period, Faculty shall review the candidate's work and either confirm the candidate's status or terminate the candidature.
Candidature shall be deemed to have commenced from the date of admission to probationary candidature.

7 Method of progression

An applicant for admission to candidature shall proceed primarily by research and thesis in accordance with Section 8.
Applicants may be required to demonstrate to the satisfaction of Faculty their ability to proceed by this method.

8 Requirements for the degree

To qualify for award of the degree a candidate shall:
successfully complete such seminars and such units of study as may be recommended or required by the supervisor or designated Faculty Officer concerned;
on completing the course of advanced study and research, present a thesis of approximately 30,000 words in length, embodying the results of the work undertaken, which shall be a substantially original contribution to the subject concerned.
write a thesis embodying the results of the research; and on completion of requirements for the degree
lodge with Faculty three copies of the thesis, typewritten and bound in either a temporary or a permanent form, together with five separate copies of the abstract.

9 The thesis

The prescribed word limit, of 30,000 words, may be exceeded only with the written permission of the Faculty.
The candidate shall state, throughout the thesis and specifically in footnotes, the sources from which information is derived, the extent to which use has been made of the work of others and the portion, if any, that the candidate claims as original.
The topic of the thesis shall be approved by the Faculty.
A candidate may not present as the thesis, any work which has been presented for a degree at this or another university, or equivalent institution, but the candidate will not be precluded from incorporating such in the thesis, provided that, in presenting the thesis, the candidate acknowledges clearly the part of the work that has been so incorporated.
The thesis shall be written in English.

10 Examination of the thesis

A candidate shall notify the Faculty of their intention to submit three (3) months prior to lodgement of the thesis.
A candidate shall lodge with the Faculty three (3) copies of the thesis, typewritten and bound and incorporating and abstract of the thesis, by the final date for completion of the candidature as notified to candidates upon admission to candidature.
The procedures for examination shall be as prescribed by the Academic Board for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
The designated Faculty Officer* shall report the result of the examination of any coursework, or equivalent, undertaken by the candidate and of the thesis to the Faculty, which shall then determine the result of the candidature.

11 Credit for time spent in advanced study external to candidature

A candidate who, prior to admission to candidature, has completed advanced study at the University of Sydney or in another university or equivalent institution, may be deemed by Faculty to have spent such time after admission to candidature provided that it represents no more than half of the total candidature duration requirements.
Credit granted in accordance with subsection 11(1) shall only be granted provided that the period of candidature for which credit is sought:
involved advanced study and research related to the candidate's proposed degree of Master of Philosophy in Education; and
was undertaken within the six years immediately preceding the commencement of candidature for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Education.

12 Appointment of supervisor(s)

The Faculty, on the recommendation of the program coordinator and designated Faculty Officer shall appoint a suitably qualified supervisor for each candidate to take primary responsibility for the conduct of the candidature and to be responsible to the Faculty for the progress of the candidature.
The Faculty, on the recommendation of the program coordinator and the designated Faculty Officer*, shall normally also appoint one or more associate supervisors for each candidate to assist in the supervision of that candidate.
The Faculty, on the recommendation of the program coordinator and the designated Faculty Officer*, shall appoint an acting supervisor during any absence of the supervisor from the University for a period of more than one month.

13 Qualifications of supervisor(s)

General requirements To be eligible to be appointed as a supervisor, a person must:
be a member of the academic staff of the University at level B or above; or
be considered appropriate by the Dean of the Faculty on a case by case basis; and
hold a qualification at a level above that for which the candidate seeks to be supervised; or
hold a qualification at the same level as that for which the candidate seeks to be supervised and demonstrate a record of scholarly achievement; or
demonstrate current and active involvement in research appropriate to the field of study and a record of scholarly achievement to the satisfaction of the Faculty on a case by case basis; and
participate in activities for postgraduate research training supervision as the Faculty may deem appropriate; and
meet such other conditions as the Faculty may deem appropriate.

14 Qualifications of associate supervisor(s)

General requirements-To be eligible to be appointed as an associate supervisor, a person must:
meet the general requirements specified in section 13(1) above; or
have been appointed as an honorary associate of the University; or
meet such other requirements as the Faculty may determine.
Specific requirements- To be eligible to be appointed as an associate supervisor, in addition to the provisions of Section14(1), a person must:
demonstrate ability to successfully supervise a candidature to completion; or
meet such other specific requirements as the Faculty may determine.

15 Control of candidature

Each candidate shall pursue his or her course of advanced study and research wholly under the control of the University of Sydney.
Where a candidate is employed by an institution other than the University of Sydney, the Faculty may require a statement by that employer acknowledging that the candidature will be under the control of the University of Sydney.

16 Progress

There shall be an annual review of the progress of each candidate in which the candidate may be called upon to provide evidence of progress to the satisfaction of the Faculty, designated Faculty Officer and supervisor concerned.
On the basis of the evidence provided, the Faculty shall recommend the conditions of candidature to apply for the following year and may require the candidate to provide further evidence of progress at the end of one semester or such other period as the Faculty deems appropriate.
If the candidate fails to submit evidence of progress or if the Faculty considers that the evidence submitted does not indicate satisfactory progress, the Faculty may call upon the candidate to show good cause why that candidature should not be terminated by unsatisfactory progress towards completion of the degree and where, in the opinion of the Faculty, the candidate does not show good cause the Faculty may terminate the candidature or may impose conditions on the continuation of the candidature.

17 Time limits

A candidate may proceed on either a full-time or on a part-time basis.
A full-time candidate shall complete the requirements for award of the degree not earlier than the end of the first year of candidature and, unless otherwise determined by Faculty, not later than the end of the second year of candidature.
A part-time candidate shall complete the requirements for award of the degree not earlier than the end of the second year of candidature and, unless otherwise determined by Faculty, not later than the end of the fourth year of candidature.
The earliest and latest dates for completion of requirements for award of the degree shall be adjusted for those candidates wishing to proceed on a part-time basis following their initial admission to candidature on a full-time basis, and vice versa.

18 Consultation with supervisor and postgraduate studies coordinator

Where the Associate Dean or designated Faculty Officer* is required to make a recommendation to Faculty in respect of any person's candidature, the recommendation shall be made only after consultation with the supervisor of the candidate concerned and the postgraduate studies coordinator.

19 Suspension of candidature

Unless suspension of candidature has been approved by Faculty, a candidate for the degree is required to re-enrol each calendar year.
Except where Faculty determines otherwise in any particular case, a candidate who re-enrols after a suspension of candidature for any period shall proceed under the By-laws and Resolutions in force at the time of re-enrolment.

20 Lapse of candidature

Unless Faculty otherwise determines in any particular case, candidature will be deemed to have lapsed if a candidate has not re-enrolled for the degree as required in accordance with section 19.
A candidate whose candidature has been deemed to have lapsed in accordance with subsection 20(1) shall not re-enrol as a candidate for the degree unless again selected for admission.

21 Termination

The Faculty may call upon any candidate to show good cause why his/her candidature should not be terminated by reason of unsatisfactory progress and where, in the opinion of the
Faculty, the candidate does not show good cause, terminate the candidature.
'Designated Faculty Officer' refers to either the Associate Dean or Sub-Dean responsible to the Faculty for the administration of research candidatures.


Master of Philosophy in Social Work

These resolutions relating to the Master of Philosophy in Social Work are amended, with effect from 1 January 2001.

Course Resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Master of Philosophy in Social Work

2 Admission

An applicant for admission to candidature for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Social Work shall:
hold a four-year Bachelor of Social Work degree or equivalent with first or second class honours, or
being a Bachelor of Social Work without first class or second class Honours, either produce evidence to the satisfaction of the Faculty of having completed equivalent work or complete, to the satisfaction of the Faculty, a period of probationary candidature, or
be a Master of Social Work with merit; and
have been in full-time employment in Social Work for a minimum of one year.

3 Degree requirements

A candidate shall:
carry out supervised research on a topic approved by the Faculty;
write a thesis embodying the results of this research; and
lodge with the Faculty three copies of the thesis, typewritten and bound in accordance with the resolutions of the Faculty.
The Faculty shall appoint a full-time member of the University academic staff to act as the supervisor of the candidate.
In any thesis lodged by the candidate, the candidate shall state generally in a preface and specifically in notes the source from which the information in the thesis was taken, the extent to which the candidate has made use of the work of others and the proportion of the thesis which is claimed as original.
A thesis lodged by a candidate shall be accompanied by a certificate from the supervisor stating whether, in the supervisor's opinion, the form of presentation of the thesis is satisfactory.
The Faculty shall appoint a least two examiners of the thesis, of whom at least one shall be external to the University.
The examiners shall report to the Faculty who shall determine the result of the examination.
In special cases the Faculty, may require the candidate to take an examination in the area of the thesis.

4 General provisions relating to all degrees of Master

A full-time candidate for the degree of Master shall present for examination for the award not earlier than the end of the first year of candidature and not later than the end of the third year of candidature, except with the permission of the Faculty.
A part-time candidate for the degree of Master shall present for examination for the award not earlier than the end of the second year of candidature and not later than the end of the sixth year of candidature, except with the permission of the Faculty.
Time spent by a candidate in advanced study in the University of Sydney, or in another university, or in another equivalent institution, before admission to candidature, may be deemed by the Faculty to be time spent after such admission, provided that it represents no more than half of the total candidature.

5 Unsatisfactory progress

The Faculty may:
call upon any candidate for the degree of Master to show cause why the candidature should not be terminated by reason of unsatisfactory progress towards completion of the course; and
where, in the opinion of the Faculty, the candidate does not show good cause, terminate the candidature.

6 Grade of award

The award of Master of Philosophy in Social Work shall be made in one grade only.
An outstanding candidate may receive the award with merit.
If the Faculty is of the opinion that the candidate's work is of sufficient merit, that candidate shall receive a bronze medal.

7 Consultation

Where the Associate Dean concerned is required to make a recommendation to the Faculty in respect of any person's candidature, the recommendation shall be made only after consultation with the course convenor and the relevant postgraduate studies coordinator.