University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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The Faculty of Education and Social Work offers an outstanding range of innovative coursework and research courses for graduates. The courses present a relevant and challenging response to current educational community and professional demands. They are offered by some of the finest and most active educationalists in Australia. Underpinning the academic structure is an exceptional base of support facilities for our graduate students.

If you are interested in furthering your professional and academic qualifications, we invite you to discuss your future needs with us.

The following research degrees are outlined in this chapter.

Research programs

Thesis examination process for research degrees

Candidates shall inform the Division of Doctoral Studies of intention to submit three (3) months prior to lodgment of thesis and by the final date of completion of candidature.

This allows enough time to request potential examiners and also to invite examiners to mark the thesis. Ask for a 'Notification to Submit' form from the Division of Doctoral Studies.

The candidate shall lodge four (4) copies for PhD, EdD and DSW and three (3) copies for the MPhil and MEd (Research) of the thesis, typewritten and bound incorporating an electronic abstract of the thesis, usually a single page summary of about 300 words.

When the thesis is finally handed in to the Division of Doctoral Studies, it is then mailed immediately to the examiners. Each examiner is allowed at least two months to mark the thesis. When the examination is completed and all the reports have been returned to the Division of Doctoral Studies, these are processed for a recommendation in awarding the degree.

There are five 'typical' recommendations:

a) award of the degree without further conditions
b) award the degree subject to minor corrections
c) award the degree subject to emendations
d) revise and resubmit the thesis for re-examination
e) Not be awarded.

Most theses come under the b) and c) categories.

Recommendation is sent to the Division of Doctoral Studies Committee of the faculty where the final decision regarding the award is made. In some cases, however, the reports are sent to the University€™s PhD Award Sub-Committee for a decision. Once a decision has been reached, however, the candidate is informed as soon as possible.

The whole examination process takes some time. The University allows six months from the date of submission to the date the candidate is informed of the result before the faculty is required to provide an explanation as to why the result is late.

Delays can occur in all parts of the procedure. However, the faculty is aware that the examination period is a difficult time for candidates and it tries to make sure the process takes no longer than is necessary.