University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Doctor of Education (EdD)

The Doctor of Education (EdD) offers candidates the opportunity for advanced self-reflective research into the education profession and professional practice in education. The specific aim of the Doctor of Education is to develop researching professionals. Students undertaking this degree are assigned to a supervisor and an associate supervisor.

This program offers an innovative approach to the professional doctorate. It consists of a number of supervised research training components and a thesis of approximately 80,000 words.

Students will progress through a sequence of two phases. Phase 1 includes coursework and research tasks; phase 2 includes preparing the thesis for final examination. The program€™s duration is three years to four years full-time or part-time equivalent with a first semester and mid-year intake.

Admission requirements

Applicants need to submit a research proposal (500-1000 words) addressing criteria specified by the faculty.

Applicants must also have at least three years€™ professional experience in education or a related field, and one of the following qualifications:

  • a Bachelor of Education (or related area of study) with first- or second-class honours, or
  • a research Master of Education or equivalent published research-based work acceptable to the faculty, or
  • a Master of Philosophy in Education, or
  • a coursework Master of Education awarded with merit, and which included a dissertation component of 12,000-15,000 with a grade point average of at least 75 per cent in the degree (a thesis or dissertation that is based solely on a review of the literature is not acceptable for direct admission to the EdD).

Conditions of candidature

At the end of the first year of full-time study (or the part-time equivalent), a student will need to have successfully completed Phase 1 of the program:

  • EDPZ5003 Thesis Proposal
  • EDPZ5001 The Researching Professional

Plus any research methods or specialist units as recommended by the supervisor.

Students must also present and defend a research proposal. This research proposal should extend the research proposal presented in the candidate€™s original application and should include a critical review of relevant literature and an outline of the student€™s proposed methodology.

It is recommended the extended research proposal be 8,000-10,000 words. Candidature is confirmed once the extended research proposal has been approved by the student€™s thesis committee.

Examination of the thesis

The thesis will be examined by three examiners: persons with the same kinds of qualifications as are generally required for doctoral-level examinations, but with an understanding of, and commitment to, research into and within professional practice.

Procedures for examination of the thesis will be the same as for the Doctor of Philosophy. However, for further information and resolutions please consult the University of Sydney Calendar.

Units of study


Course code Course name Type


Thesis Proposal



The Researching Professional


Course convenor

Dr Lesley Scanlon
Phone: 9351 6380
Room 431

Course rules


Doctor of Education

1 Course codes


Course title


Doctor of Education

2 Requirements for the award of the Doctor of Education

To qualify for the award of the degree a candidate must:
complete successfully two units of study giving credit for a total of 12 credit points; and
complete successfully a thesis to the maximum of 80,000 words; and
satisfy the requirements of all other relevant By-Laws, Rules and Resolutions of the University.

3 Title of the degree

The testamur for the certificate shall be entitled the Doctor of Education.

4 Eligibility for direct admission to candidature

Except as provided in part 9, Section 47 of the University of Sydney (Amendment) Act Rule 1999 as amended, an applicant for admission to candidature shall:
submit a research proposal satisfactorily addressing criteria specified by the Faculty; and
have at least three years' professional experience in education or a related field; and
hold the degree of Bachelor of Education, or the degree of Bachelor in a related area of study, from the University of Sydney, or equivalent institution, with first or second class (first division) honours; or
hold the degree of Master of Education (Research), from the University of Sydney, or equivalent institution, or equivalent published research-based work of a length and standard acceptable to the Faculty; or
hold the degree of Master of Education, by coursework, from the University of Sydney, or equivalent institution, awarded with merit, and which included a dissertation component of 12,000-15,000 words, and with a grade point average of at least 75% in the degree. Where the candidate is admitted under this subsection, the dissertation may not be based solely on a review of the literature; or
hold the degree of Master by coursework from the University of Sydney, or equivalent institution, awarded with merit, and with a grade point average of at least 75% in the degree; or
hold a four-year, or equivalent, degree of Bachelor in Education from the University of Sydney, or equivalent institution, in an area deemed by the Faculty to be appropriate and hold a one-year postgraduate qualification, or equivalent, with a grade point average of at least 75%; and
complete any additional qualifying courses prescribed by the Faculty; and
apply in writing to the Faculty for admission to candidature.
The Faculty may, in accordance with Part 9, section 47 of the University of Sydney (Amendment Act) Rule 1999 (as amended), admit as a candidate for the degree an applicant holding qualifications which, in the opinion of the Faculty, are equivalent to those prescribed in subsection 4(1)(a) or 4(1)(b) and such candidate shall proceed to the degree under such conditions as the Faculty may prescribe.

5 Conditions of candidature

Candidates admitted pursuant to Section 4 above will:
during the first full-time year of candidature, or its part time equivalent, successfully complete two coursework units of study as required and obtain results to a level prescribed in advance by the Faculty; and
at the end of the first complete year of candidature, or its part time equivalent, present and defend a research plan which extends the research proposal submitted in the candidate's original application for admission, and should include a critical review of relevant literature and a discussion of the candidate's proposed methodology.
Subject to the fulfilment of the requirements specified in Section 5(1) to the satisfaction of the Faculty, the candidature for the degree of Doctor of Education will be confirmed.

6 Units of study

The units of study which are prescribed for the award of the Doctor of Education, and the order in which they are to be completed, are set out in the unit of study outlines section of the Graduate Handbook of the Faculty. Each unit of study will have a credit point value of six credit points.

7 Method of progression

A candidate for the degree shall proceed by coursework and thesis in accordance with Sections 8 and as described in the Graduate Handbook of the Faculty.

8 Requirements for the award course

To qualify for award of the degree, a candidate shall:
successfully complete two units of study giving credit for a total of 12 credit points and in accordance with the specifications set out in the Graduate Handbook of the Faculty.
on completing the specified coursework component and research, present a thesis to the maximum of 80,000 words in length embodying the results of the work undertaken, which shall be a substantially original contribution to the subject concerned.

9 Examination of the thesis

A candidate shall notify the Faculty in writing of their intention to submit the thesis three (3) months prior to submission.
The procedures for examination shall be as prescribed by the Academic Board for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
The designated Faculty Officer* shall report the result of the examination of the thesis to the Faculty, which shall then determine the result of the candidature.

10 Application of rules

Where no specific intention of the Faculty appears in these resolutions in respect of any matters affecting or governing any aspect of a candidature, these resolutions shall be subject to the provisions of the Rules, resolutions and by-laws specified in Section 2 of the Resolutions of the Senate governing the degree; and
In any case where the provisions of these Rules, resolutions and by-laws might equally apply, the provisions of the Coursework Rule shall apply to coursework components of the degree and the PhD Rule shall apply in respect of the dissertation, being the research component of the degree.
* 'Designated Faculty Officer' refers to either the Associate Dean or Sub-Dean responsible to the Faculty for the administration of research candidatures.