University of Sydney Handbooks - 2011 Archive

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Doctor of Social Work (DSW)

This course enables experienced practitioners in social work to:

  • develop excellence in practice research and practice development;
    review and develop theoretical approaches to the changing context of welfare
  • articulate new forms of practice appropriate for the new century
  • be qualified to take on leadership roles in the profession and in human services, and
  • be identified with continuing professional education at The University of Sydney.

This professional higher degree will encompass three activities: directly relevant coursework; practice development research at a high standard; and a research thesis of 50,000 words which links the other two components in an extended piece of writing and analysis.

Such a pattern is intended to facilitate development in leadership in practice, teaching or practice research. This course is three years full-time or part-time equivalent with a first semester and mid-year intake.

Admission requirements

Applicants need to submit a research proposal (500€’1000 words) addressing criteria specified by the faculty.

Applicants must also have at least three years€™ professional experience in social work or a related field, and one of the following qualifications:

  • a Bachelor of Social Work or Bachelor degree in a related area of study with first or second class honours (first division), or
  • a Master of Social Work by coursework, awarded with distinction or merit, and which included a dissertation component of 12,000€’15,000 words, with a grade point average of at least 75 per cent in the degree, or
  • a Master of Philosophy in Social Work from the University of Sydney or considered equivalent by the faculty.

Where the candidate is admitted under this subsection, the dissertation may NOT be solely on a review of literature.

Conditions of candidature

By the end of the first 12 months of full-time study (or the part time equivalent), students need to successfully complete the core and elective units of study and present and defend a research proposal at a DSW students€™ research colloquium.

This research proposal should extend the research proposal presented in the candidate€™s original application and should include a critical review of relevant literature and an outline of the student€™s proposed methodology.

It is recommended that the extended research proposal be 5000-6000 words. Candidature is confirmed once the extended research proposal has been approved by the student€™s thesis committee.

Program structure

Year 1

Students need to complete the following courses:

  • Core coursework: 2 units of study (6 credit points each) one in research, and one in social practice or social policy.
  • Elective coursework: 2 units of study (6 credit points each) in social work practice and/or social policy, plus two from a range of elective units from within the Faculty.

Year 2

Thesis and doctoral seminar.

Year 3

Continue with thesis and doctoral seminar.

Units of study

Course code Course name Type


Social Research



Practice: Theory Development



Authorised Independent Study
& Report


Course convenor

Dr Lesley Scanlon
Phone: 9351 6380
Room 431

Course rules


Doctor of Social Work

Resolutions of the Senate

These resolutions relating to the Doctor of Social Work are amended, with effect from 1 January 2001.

1 Course codes


Course title


Doctor of Social Work

2 Applications

An applicant for admission to candidature shall:
lodge an application with the Faculty of Education and Social Work;
submit with the application an outline of the proposed course of advanced study and research, including the area of the proposed thesis, proposals for the practicum and proposals for related coursework units of study; and
have been in full-time employment in Social Work for a minimum of four years.
An applicant for admission to part-time candidature shall submit with the application a written undertaking that the applicant will:
have sufficient time available to complete the requirements for the degree in accordance with section 10(2) and within the maximum period prescribed in section 10(3) of these resolutions; and
be able to attend at the University at such times and on such occasions for purposes of consultation and participation in Faculty activities, as may be required by the Faculty.

3 Admission to candidature

The Faculty may admit an applicant to candidature for the degree if:
the candidature's application complies with section 2, and
(except as provided in section 4 of these resolutions) the applicant holds or has fulfilled the requirements for:
(i)  the degree of Bachelor of Social Work of the University of Sydney with First Class Honours or Second Class Honours, Division 1, or
(ii)  the degree of Master of Social Work with Merit or the degree or Master of Philosophy in Social Work of the University of Sydney.

4 Admission to candidature

The Faculty may admit to candidature for the degree an applicant whose application complies with section 2, and who is either:
a social work graduate of another university or tertiary education institution: or
a person accepted by the Faculty as having standing equivalent to that required of a social work graduate of the University who is qualified for admission to candidature for the degree; and
is recommended by the Faculty as being suitably prepared in the particular field of study in which the applicant proposes to be a candidate.

5 Studies during the candidature

Except with the permission of the Faculty, a candidate will pursue an approved course of advanced study, professional practice and research, comprising:
six graduate semester units of study at the doctoral degree level including:
(i)  a unit of study examining aspects of current social work professional theory and practice,
(ii)  a unit of study dealing with research methods appropriate to examining social work practice,
(iii)  a unit of study dealing with social policy,
(iv)  an additional unit of study in one of the areas contained in paragraphs (I), (II) and (III); and
(v)  two units of study related to the areas of the proposed practice development research and the thesis; and
a thesis of approximately 50,000 words (or equivalent) in length investigating a specific aspect or specific aspects of social work professional practice related to the practice development research and approved by the Faculty.
The Faculty may grant credit for a maximum of three postgraduate course units for units of study undertaken elsewhere at this University or at another university which are considered to be equivalent to units of study to be undertaken in accordance with section 5(1)(b), provided that:
no unit of study for which credit is granted has been a basis for the award of any other award;
each unit of study is passed at a level, or with such additional assessment or other requirements, as may be determined by the Faculty in each case; and
each unit of study was completed within the four years immediately preceding the commencement of candidature for the degree of Doctor of Social Work.
The Faculty may approve a variation in a candidate's units of study and research.

6 Credit for previous studies

Coursework degrees The Faculty may grant a candidate credit for:
up to three postgraduate coursework units of study, and two postgraduate research units of study in respect of units of study completed for the degree of Master of Social Work in this University; or
up to two postgraduate coursework units of study in respect of units of study completed elsewhere in this University or at another university, provided that:
(i)  no unit of study for which credit is granted has been a basis for the award of any other award;
(ii)  the units of study were passed at a level or with such additional assessment or other requirements as may be determined by the Faculty in each case;
(iii)  the units of study were completed within six years immediately preceding the commencement of candidature for the degree of Doctor of Social Work; and
(iv)  each unit of study falls within the scope of the approved course of study and research under section 5.
Research degrees The Faculty may grant credit for the whole or any part of a period of candidature undertaken for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Social Work or the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Arts provided that the candidate has abandoned candidature for the degree for which credit is sought and the period of candidature for which credit is sought:
involved a course of advanced study and research related to the candidate's proposed course of advanced study and research for the degree of Doctor of Social Work; and
was taken within six years immediately preceding the commencement of candidature for the degree of Doctor of Social Work.

7 The thesis

The candidate shall present a thesis of approximately 50,000 words (or equivalent) in length, which shall be substantial and original contribution to the subject concerned. The candidate shall state the sources from which the information is derived, the extent to which the work of others has been made use of, and the portion of the work the candidate claims as original.
The topic of the thesis shall be approved by the Faculty.
The Faculty shall appoint a supervisor who shall be a member of the academic staff of the department. In appropriate cases the Faculty may appoint an associate supervisor.
A candidate may not present as the thesis any work which has been presented for a degree at this or another university, but the candidate will not be precluded from incorporating such work in the thesis, provided that, in presenting the thesis, the candidate indicates the part of the work which has been so incorporated.
A candidate shall submit to the Faculty four copies of the thesis in a form prescribed by the Faculty.
The thesis shall be accompanied by a certificate from the supervisor stating whether, in the supervisor's opinion, the form of presentation of the thesis is satisfactory.
When the degree has been awarded, a copy of the thesis incorporating any required emendations and revisions shall be lodged in the University Library.

8 Appointment of examiners

On receiving the thesis and having considered the certificate of the supervisor, the Faculty will determine if fit to, appoint examiners. The supervisor may not be an examiner.
The Faculty, after consultation with the designated Faculty Officer, resolves to appoint examiners she or he shall appoint three examiners, at least one of whom shall be external to the University.
The Faculty shall appoint examiners.
In any case where the Faculty having received the thesis and having considered the report of the supervisor, resolves not to appoint examiners, he or she shall report the circumstances for this decision to the Academic Board.

9 Degree result

Upon the completion of the coursework at the level prescribed by the Faculty, after consideration of the report of the supervisor of the practicum and after consideration of the reports of the examiners on the thesis, the Faculty shall submit the reports, together with a recommendation concerning the award of the degree, to the Academic Board which shall determine the result of the candidature.

10 Time limits

Subject to subsection 10 (2) a candidate may proceed either on a full-time or part-time basis.
Except in special circumstances and with the approval of the Faculty a candidate shall complete a minimum of thirty weeks of full-time candidature taken over such a period of time and in such a manner as may be approved by the Faculty.
Except in special circumstances and with the approval of the Faculty a candidate shall complete all the requirements for the degree not earlier than the end of the third and not later than the end of the sixth year of candidature, excluding any period of approved suspended candidature.
A candidate shall prepare annually, before enrolment, a statement of the work done by the candidate towards completion of the requirements for the degree and submit it to the appointed supervisor in accordance with Academic Board policy.
The supervisor shall also prepare a report on the work done by the candidate, which shall be shown to the candidate for comment, and the candidate shall sign the report as having sighted the contents.
Both reports shall then be forwarded to the Faculty.
Where, in the opinion of the Faculty, a candidate has not made satisfactory progress towards completing the requirements for the degree the Faculty may call upon the candidate to show cause why the candidature should not be terminated for the lack of satisfactory progress.