Telecommunications Engineering

Please check the current students website (Find a unit of study) for up-to-date information on units of study including availability.

The Telecommunications Engineering specialisation explores the design, planning, commissioning and monitoring of complex telecommunications networks and broadcasting equipment.

The discipline of telecommunications engineering is concerned with all aspects of theory and application for a broad range of systems such as telephone and data networks, radio and television broadcasting, satellite and deep space applications.

It is also connected to digital communications, microwaves and antennas, optical communications, the design and manufacture of lasers and optical fibres, signal and information processing, and satellite mobile communications.

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Telecommunications Engineering specialisation (Combined Degree)

Students complete 36 credit points to achieve this specialisation.
Students complete 30 credit points from the following:
Digital Signal Processing
6    A Familiarity with basic Algebra, Differential and Integral Calculus, continuous linear time-invariant systems and their time and frequency domain representations, Fourier transform, sampling of continuous time signals
Semester 1
Communications Electronics and Photonics
6    A ELEC2104. A background in basic electronics and circuit theory is assumed
Semester 2
6    P ELEC2302. Fourier transform, fundamental in signals and systems theory, convolution, and similar techniques
Semester 1
Data Communications and the Internet
6      Semester 2
Digital Communication Systems
6    P ELEC3505
Semester 1
Students complete 6 credit points from the following:
Antennas and Propagation
6      Semester 2
Wireless Engineering
6    A Basic knowledge in probability and statistics, analog and digital communications, error probability calculation in communications channels, and telecommunications network
Semester 2
Mobile Networks
6    A ELEC3505 AND ELEC3506. Basically, students need to know the concepts of data communications and mobile communications, which could be gained in one the following units of study: ELEC3505 Communications, ELEC3506 Data Communications and the Internet, or similar units. If you are not sure, please contact the instructor
Semester 1
Optical Communication Systems
6    A (ELEC3405 OR ELEC9405) AND (ELEC3505 OR ELEC9505). Basic knowledge of communications, electronics and photonics
Semester 1
Optical Networks
6    A Knowledge of digital communications, wave propagation, and fundamental optics
Semester 2
Electrical and Optical Sensor Design
6    A Math Ext 1, fundamental concepts of signal and systems, fundamental electrical circuit theory and analysis
Semester 1
Units taken for the specialisation will also count toward requirements of the Electrical stream.