Bachelor of Project Management

Please check the current students website (Find a unit of study) for up-to-date information on units of study including availability.

For a standard enrolment plan for Bachelor of Project Management visit CUSP (

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Bachelor of Project Management

Award requirements

To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Project Management, a candidate must complete 144 credit points, comprising:
(a) 84 credit points of degree core units of study as set out in the table below;
(b) A major (48 credit points) from the list of Table A majors below or from Table S in the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees listed in the Interdisciplinary Studies handbook;
(c) Optionally, a Table A minor (36 credit points), noting that specified core units may be cross counted in Table A minors;
(d) and additional electives from Table A as may be necessary to gain credit to complete the requirements of the degree.
Table A majors available in this course are:
Built Environment
Table A minors available in this course are:
Project Controls
People and Change

Degree Core

The degree core units of study required for this course are listed below.
1000-level units of study
Introduction to Project Management
6      Semester 1
Project Initiation and Scope
6      Semester 1
Effective Project Communication
6      Semester 1
Project Time, Cost and Resources
6    N CIVL3805
Intensive February
Semester 2
Systems Thinking in Projects
6      Semester 2
Facilitation and Stakeholder Engagement
6    A ENGG1850
Semester 2
2000-level units of study
Project Acceptance
6      Semester 1
Project Analytics
6    P ENGG1860 OR {ENGG1850 AND [(MATH1021 OR MATH1002 OR MATH1023 OR MATH1005) OR (MATH1011 OR MATH1013 OR MATH1014 OR MATH1015)]}
Semester 1
Critical Thinking for Projects
6      Semester 1
Executing Projects
6    P ENGG1860 OR ENGG1850
Semester 2
Project Conflict Management
6    P PMGT1852
Semester 2
Reframing Projects
6    P ENGG1863 OR PMGT1852
Semester 2
3000-level units of study
Adapting to Project Context
6    P PMGT2854
Semester 1
Legal Aspects of Projects
6    P PMGT2821 OR (ENGG2850 AND (ENGG2852 OR PMGT2854))
N CIVL4813
Semester 1
Semester 2


2000-level units of study
Project Cost and Finance
6    P ENGG1850 OR [ENGG1865 AND (30cp of any 1000 level units of study)]
Semester 1
3000-level units of study
Projects in Controlled Environments
6    P [30cp 1000 level of any UoS] and WAM >= 65
Intensive June
Agile Project Management
6    P [30cp 1000 level of any UoS] and WAM >= 65
Intensive July
6    P [24 cp of BPM core 2000 level units] or [30 cp of any 2000 level units of study]
Semester 2
Change and Transformation
6    P [24 cp of BPM core 2000 level units] or [30 cp of any 2000 level units of study]
Semester 2
Sustainability and Knowledge Management
6      Semester 1
International Project Management
6    P 30cp of 1000 level units of study
Semester 2

Project Management Honours

A candidate for Honours in Project Management must enrol in the following Honours Project units:
Project Management Honours Project A
12    P Students are required to achieve a minimum 65% average mark in the 2000-level and 3000-level or higher units of the normal BPM program to be eligible for entry to Honours

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
It is expected that the Thesis will be conducted over two consecutive semesters and that the majority of students will start in Semester 1. Commencement in Semester 2 requires permission of Thesis coordinator (who may consult the Program Director)
Semester 1
Semester 2
Project Management Honours Project B
12    P Students are required to achieve a minimum 65% average mark in the 2000 and 3000 level units of study in the normal BPM program to be eligible for entry to Honours

Note: Department permission required for enrolment
It is expected that the Thesis will be conducted over two consecutive semesters and that the majority of students will start in Semester 1. Commencement in Semester 2 requires permission of Thesis coordinator (who may consult the Program Director)
Semester 1
Semester 2
Candidates for Honours in Project Management must select 24 credit points from the following list of electives:
Project Innovation Management
6      Semester 1
Strategic Delivery of Change
6    N WORK6026
Semester 2
Strategic Portfolio and Program Management
6      Semester 2
System Dynamics Modelling for PM
6      Semester 2
Quantitative Methods: Project Management
6      Semester 1
Semester 2
1. The Honours program is completed as an additional year. Students are required to achieve a minimum 65% average mark in the 2000-level and 3000-level or higher units of the above program to be eligible for entry to Honours.
2. Students undertaking the Honours program may enrol in alternative postgraduate Project Management units with permission of the Associate Dean.