

Please check the current students website (Find a unit of study) for up-to-date information on units of study including availability.

A specialisation in Biocomputation will develop your proficiency to utilise advanced computational tools to help solve clinical problems in healthcare.

This specialisation will explore several areas relating to cutting-edge biotechnologies in this field including artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Biocomputation Engineering

Students complete 30 credit points to achieve this specialisation.
Students must complete a minimum of 24 credit points from the following:
AI, Data, and Society in Health
6    A Familiarity with general mathematical and statistical concepts. Online learning modules will be provided to support obtaining this knowledge
N BMET9925
Semester 1
Biological Digital Signal Analysis
6    A BMET2901 and BMET2925
N BMET9997
Semester 1
Introduction to Biomechatronics
6    A Knowledge in mechanical and electronic engineering; adequate maths and applied maths skills; background knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology; Some programming capability: MATLAB, C, C++, software tools used by engineers including CAD and EDA packages
P (MECH3921 or BMET3921) or MTRX3700 or MTRX3760 or (AMME5921 or BMET5921 or BMET9921)
N AMME4790 or AMME5790
Semester 2
Biomedical Image Analysis
6    A An understanding of biology (1000-level), experience with programming (ENGG1801, ENGG1810, BMET2922 or BMET9922)
Semester 1
Biomedical Machine Learning
6    A BMET2901/9901 or equivalent, and (BMET2925 or BMET9925), and (BMET3997 or BMET9997 or ELEC3305 or ELEC9305)
Semester 2
Advanced Bionics
6    A ELEC1103 and (BMET2922 or BMET9922)
N AMME5995 OR AMME5951 OR BMET5951
Semester 1
Biomedical Technology Software
6    A (BMET2922 or BMET9922) and (BMET3660 or BMET9660)
Semester 2
Students may complete a maximum of 6 credit points from the following:
Principles of Data Science
6    A Good understanding of relational data model and database technologies as covered in ISYS2120 or COMP9120 (or equivalent UoS from different institutions)
N INFO3406
Semester 1
Semester 2
Deep Learning
6    A COMP5318
Semester 1
Cloud Computing
6    A Basic knowledge of computer networks as covered in INFO1112 or COMP9201 or COMP9601 (or equivalent UoS from different institutions)
Semester 1
Usability Engineering
6    A Skills with modelling as covered in ISYS2110 or ISYS2120 or COMP9110 or COMP9201 (or equivalent UoS from different institutions)
Semester 1
Units taken for the specialisation will also count toward requirements of the Biomedical stream. Additional stream elective units should be taken as per the Biomedical stream table.