University of Sydney Handbooks - 2020 Archive

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Table of postgraduate units of study: Commerce

The information below details the unit of study descriptions for the units listed in the Table of postgraduate units of study: Commerce.

Item Errata Date

Sessions have been changed for the following unit. Semester 2 has been added:

IBUS6005 Ethical International Business Decisions Sessions: Semester 1, Semester 2


Sessions have been changed for the following unit. Semester 2 has been added:

INFS6030 Project Management in Practice



Master of Commerce

Students must complete 96 credit points, comprising:
(i) 6 credit points in core units of study;
(ii) 12 to 36 credit points in foundational units of study;
(iii) a 6 credit point capstone unit of study;
(iv) at least one specialisation (24 credit points - excluding foundational unit/s); and
(v) any additional specialisation/s, dissertation and/or elective units of study required to make 96 credit points.

Graduate Diploma of Commerce

Students must complete 48 credit points, comprising:
(i) 6 credit points in core units of study
a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 18 credit points in foundational units of study; and
(iii) elective units of study to make 48 credit points.

Graduate Certificate of Commerce

Students must complete 24 credit points, comprising:
(i) a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 18 credit points in foundational units of study; and
(ii) elective units of study to make 24 credit points.

Units of study for the courses

Core units of study

Students in the Master's degree and the Graduate Diploma must complete the following unit.
Students in the Graduate Certificate may complete the unit as an elective.
BUSS5020 Business Insights

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: seminars/workshops: 3 hours per week x 13 weeks Assessment: participation (5%); essay 1 (10%); essay 2 (15%); presentation (10%); group project (25%); final exam (35%)
This unit is designed specifically to provide Commerce students with foundational knowledge in relation to business challenges and the major issues and trends facing business leaders today. Students are required to consider and analyse how business leaders might respond to these challenges in a changing and uncertain environment. Students are also encouraged to think creatively about ways in which business, government and the community can function better. This unit provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully pursue the specialisations offered in the Master of Commerce.

Foundational units of study

Students in the Master's degree must complete a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 36 credit points from the foundational units listed below.
Students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate must complete a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 18 credit points from the foundational units listed below.
ACCT5001 Accounting Principles

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 3hr class per week Assessment: assignment (20%), mid-semester test (30%), final examination (50%)
This unit provides an introduction to the generally accepted accounting principles and practices underlying financial accounting and reporting. The unit introduces students to the concepts and skills required to prepare, analyse, and interpret financial statements.
CLAW5001 Legal Environment of Business

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Three hours of classes per week which may include one or more of the following: lectures; seminars; tutorials or workshops. Assessment: case analysis (20%), mid-semester exam (35%), final examination (45%)
All business conduct is regulated by the law. Every transaction and every relationship is governed by an increasingly complex mix of statutory and judge-made laws. The ability to identify and manage legal risks, and knowledge of compliance and dispute resolution strategies, are essential business management skills. This unit examines the legal framework and regulatory regime within which all businesses operate in Australia and in a global economy. It introduces students to the legal implications of commercial conduct and provides an overview of the Australian legal system and threshold legal concepts of agreement, ownership, and civil and criminal liability. Key areas of substantive business law are examined including contracts, torts (in particular negligence and the economic torts), property and securities, and crime. The unit also provides students with an overview of areas of legal regulation with an increasingly significant impact on business operations including: privacy, intellectual property rights, competition law, consumer law (in particular advertising regulation, product liability and unfair contracts), misleading conduct and unconscionable conduct.
ECON5040 Microeconomics for Business

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x3hr lecture/week Prohibitions: ECON5001 Assessment: 1x1.5hr mid-semester exam (35%), 5x online quizzes (1000wd equivalent)(10%), 1x2hr final exam (55%)
Microeconomics is the study of choice under scarcity. Its importance is underlined by the fact that all businesses, consumers and even countries and their governments have limited resources. This unit provides an introduction to microeconomic analysis with a particular focus on concepts and applications relevant to business. It addresses how individual consumers and firms make decisions and how they interact in markets. We also introduce economic tools for analysing public policies a government might introduce to address market failures. It provides a rigorous platform for further study and a specialisation in business economics as well as providing valuable tools of analysis that complement a student's general business training, regardless of their area of study.
FINC5001 Capital Markets and Corporate Finance

Credit points: 6 Session: Intensive January,Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3hr seminar per week Assessment: mid-semester test (20%), major assignment (25%), final examination (55%)
This unit provides an introduction to basic concepts in corporate finance and capital markets. It is designed to equip students to undertake further studies in finance. After reviewing some very basic ideas in finance and financial mathematics, the unit provides an introduction to the valuation of equity and debt securities and companies. The unit then examines issues related to pricing in capital markets and ends with a discussion of theory and practice related to capital structure and dividend policy.
IBUS5002 Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3hr seminar per week Prohibitions: IBUS5001 Assessment: individual assignment (30%), group assignment (30%), participation and contribution (10%), final exam (30%)
This foundation unit provides an introduction to the essential concepts and frameworks in the domains of strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship. Each domain is presented in a block of three lectures supplemented with case-based tutorials. Topics covered include user and disruptive innovation, entrepreneurial opportunities and business models, value chain and ecosystem analysis. Theories and frameworks are further tested in the real-life business projects offered by the participating companies. The emphasis of the unit is made on understanding the complexity of the innovation process and learning how to navigate the business environment to maximise the value from innovation.
IBUS5003 Global Business

Credit points: 6 Session: Intensive January,Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3hr seminar per week Prohibitions: IBUS5001 Assessment: in-class participation (10%), mid-semester exam (20%), group presentation (10%), group project (20%), final exam (40%)
This unit focuses on the application of strategic thinking in key business contexts with a particular focus on the global nature of business. Students gain knowledge about: (i) identifying and managing challenges and risks presented by operating in a global business environment; (ii) international business trade and foreign direct investment theories; (iii) country-level factors that impact global strategy.
INFS5001 Project Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: Semester 1 and Semester 2: 1 x 3hr seminar per week; Summer School: 3 x 3hr seminar per week Prohibitions: INFS6014 Assessment: group assignment (30%); individual assignment (20%); exam (50%)
Based on the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) this unit introduces the end-to-end project management lifecycle. Students learn how to select appropriate projects based on their alignment with an organisation's strategy and then how to manage those projects successfully from initiation through execution to completion. The unit covers the essential components of effective project management and how to apply them in an integrated manner. The unit also explores both the technical and behavioural aspects of project management - including Microsoft Project - and students gain experience in critically analysing the application of concepts in specific project contexts. As organisations increasingly structure their activities on a project basis, the unit is of value to a range of discipline specialisations. The unit can also contribute to the achievement of internationally recognised accreditation from the Project Management Institute (PMI).
INFS5002 Digital Business Foundations

Credit points: 6 Session: Intensive January,Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3 hr seminar per week Prohibitions: INFS6001 Assessment: group project (40%), individual assessment (40%), mid-term test (20%)
This unit introduces students to the foundations of information systems and their emerging strategic role in transforming organisations and creating sustainable digital business models. Students develop an understanding of systems issues, information management and use, and how various digital technologies work together to create an infrastructure for digital business and how technologies (such as social media) are disrupting 'business as usual'. The role of information systems in capturing and distributing organisational knowledge and in enhancing decision-making is explored. Students will gain an understanding of how the information systems function and the processes in organisations can be leveraged to create digital innovation and business transformation. Finally, the special challenges and opportunities created by the pervasiveness of technology and the future disruptions resulting from digital technologies are explored.
ITLS5000 Foundations of Supply Chain Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 13 x 2 hour lectures, 13 x 1 hour tutorial Prohibitions: TPTM6155 or TPTM5001 Assessment: Individual report (20%); group report (20%); group presentation (20%); final exam (40%)
Logistics and supply chain management functions can account for as much as half of the total costs of running a business. The success of the logistic and supply chain management not only impacts on the profitability of a firm but also has a significant and growing impact on customer experience and satisfaction. Logistics and supply chain management plays a major role in implementing organisational strategy and in many industries has sole responsibility for managing customer service. An understanding of the role of this activity within an organisation and how improving logistics and supply chains can assist business managers to better respond to market opportunities is essential for business students. Students undertaking this unit are given a solid grounding in the language, concepts, techniques and principles that underlie the field of logistics and supply chain management, and how knowledge of these concepts contributes towards a strategically effective and operationally efficient organisation or network of organisations.
MKTG5001 Marketing Principles

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3 hr seminar per week Assessment: in-semester test (25%), final exam (35%), team project (30%), class participation (10%)
This unit introduces students to basic principles and language of marketing theory and practice. Marketing principles are examined in relation to a wide variety of products and services, in both commercial and non-commercial domains. An emphasis is placed on strategy planning and the marketing decision process. It is an introduction to the issues and terminology of marketing that can serve as a standalone understanding of the basics of marketing or as a foundation unit for further study in marketing. The unit focuses on the practical analysis marketing and the marketing management process and the development of the marketing mix the components that make up a marketing plan.
QBUS5001 Quantitative Methods for Business

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x 2hr lecture and 1x 2hr tutorial per week Prohibitions: ECMT5001 or QBUS5002 Assumed knowledge: Students should be capable of reading data in tabulated form and working with Microsoft EXCEL and doing High School level of mathematics Assessment: assignments (25%); mid-semester exam (25%); final exam (50%)
This unit highlights the importance of statistical methods and tools for today's managers and analysts and demonstrates how to apply these methods to business problems using real-world data. The quantitative skills that students learn in this unit are useful in all areas of business. Through taking this unit students learn how to model and analyse the relationships within business data; how to identify the appropriate statistical technique in different business environments; how to compute statistics by hand and using special purpose software; how to interpret results in the context of the business problem; and how to forecast using business data. The unit is taught through data-driven examples, exercises and business case studies.
WORK5003 Management and Organisations

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 3 hour seminar/tutorial per week Assessment: quiz (10%), assignment (20%), essay (35%), participation (10%), final exam (25%)
This unit aims to introduce students to the nature and context of management. It explores the functions and processes of management and encourages students to critically reflect on management theory and practice. It can be taken as a standalone unit for students enrolled in various specialist masters programs and also prepares students for further study in strategic management, organisational analysis and strategy and human resource management.

Capstone unit of study

This program-wide capstone unit must be taken by students in their final semester of study within the Master of Commerce program. Students in the Master's degree who are accepted into the 24 credit point dissertation may apply to have the capstone unit of study waived.
BUSS6000 Succeeding in Business

Credit points: 6 Session: Intensive January,Intensive July,Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x 1hr lecture and 1x 2hr seminar/workshop per semester week Prerequisites: Students must complete this unit in their final semester of study (full-time students will have completed a minimum of 72 credit points from PG study and part-time students will have completed a minimum of 84 credit points from PG study) Assessment: Business Case Participation (10%); Team-Working Assessment (10%); Business Case Presentation (15%); Team Performance Assessment (5%); Simulation Report (30%); Final Exam (30%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolmentin the following sessions:Intensive January,Intensive July
Note: Departmental Permission is required for enrolment in the intensive February and July sessions. Priority is given to students who have BUSS6000 left as the final unit to complete the Master of Commerce. Students with 12 credit points remaining including BUSS6000 will be assessed on a case by case basis depending on availability.
This program-wide capstone unit must be taken by students in their final semester of study within the Master of Commerce program. Students work collaboratively with peers and advisors to integrate the discipline-specific knowledge acquired within their program to address practical business challenges requiring cross-disciplinary and cross-functional insights, knowledge and skills. Assessment is designed to assure student proficiency in program learning goals. Students work in self-managing cross-functional teams to complete a semester-long project, preparing individual and group reports that are assessed by academic staff. Weekly seminars include action learning in the business life cycle, data analysis, strategic decision-making, change management, business communication, and ethical awareness and reasoning in business practice. Learning activities include short case studies and business case simulation.

Specialisations and elective subject areas

For details of units available units of study in the Commerce areas of specialisation, please refer the Subject Areas section in this handbook.

Degree elective options

The following units of study are those which can be completed as general electives in the Commerce coursework programs. These units do not count towards a specialisation.
General electives
BUSS5001 Firms, Markets and Business Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x 1.5hr lecture and 1x 1.5hr seminar per week Prohibitions: ECON5001 or ECON5002 or ECON5003 or ECOF5010 Assessment: mid-semester test (25%), assignment (25%), final exam (35%), class participation (15%)
This unit provides students with the tools to understand the impact of economic, socio-cultural, institutional, and technological factors on businesses' operations. Such considerations are crucial for understanding how businesses make decisions and interact in the marketplace. The first part of the unit provides an introduction to macroeconomic and microeconomic analysis and applications. In macroeconomics, we consider determination of the aggregate level of economic activity (GDP and inflation), the economic effects of government policies, and the link between interest rates and exchange rates and the level of economic activity. In microeconomics, we look at economic decision-making by individuals and firms and the determination of prices in different kinds of markets. The next part of the unit investigates wages, as well as the social, cultural, political, and technological environments in which firms operate. It examines theories, models and conceptual tools that help us understand and make decisions in relation to these factors. The unit is complemented by developing an understanding of the complexity of professional behaviour and ethical decision making.
CLAW6002 Corporate Structures in Practice

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: One three hour class per week which may include one or more of the following: lectures; seminars; tutorials or workshops. Prerequisites: CLAW5001 Assessment: Executive report (30%), mid-semester exam (20%), final exam (50%)
The corporation is the dominant structure adopted for business undertakings globally. This unit aims to demystify corporate regulation and its impact in the contemporary commercial context with a view to introducing students to the types of issues they will encounter in the real world of corporations. The unit reviews business structures (joint ventures, partnerships, trusts and companies) from a business perspective with a focus on the corporate form. The unit also examines the different options available for the conduct of businesses and the different stages of the corporate life cycle, including: how corporations are brought into existence and the characteristics attained upon incorporation; how corporations undertake certain activities (including entry into contracts, fundraising, issuing shares, paying dividends); how corporations are managed and power is distributed between participants, how the law places certain duties and obligations upon those who manage corporations; the consequences which may result from any breach of those duties and obligations; and managing corporations in financial distress, liquidation and de-registration. It takes an application-based approach which gives the unit a practical as opposed to theoretical orientation. Current issues in corporate regulation in Australia and internationally are discussed to provide students with an understanding of the types of issues which confront different types of corporations, and how these issues impact upon their management and the discharge of corporate responsibility.
CLAW6026 Taxation Law and Practice

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: One 3 hour class per week which may include one or more of the following: lectures; seminars; tutorials or workshops. Prerequisites: CLAW5001 Prohibitions: CLAW5002 Assessment: mid-semester test (20%), major assignment (30%), final exam (50%)
Taxation is an inevitable reality for all individuals and businesses. The impact of taxation on business structures, transactions and decisions is both real and significant. An understanding of how taxation law works is not only vitally important for professional accountants but is also an essential management skill in an increasingly complex business environment. This unit introduces students to the principal forms of taxation within the Australian taxation system with a focus on concepts and principles of income tax law. Students also learn how tax law is applied in practice. This unit covers key concepts of taxation in Australia (including the concepts of income, capital gains tax, deductions, and the residence and source principles) and examines the taxation of different entities (including partnerships, trusts and companies). The taxation of international business transactions is also considered.
CLAW6030 China's Legal Environment for Business

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 3hr seminar per week Assessment: mid-term test (25%), presentation of proposed research area (10%), proposal of research paper (5%), research paper (50%), class participation (10%)
China has recently become the second biggest economy in the world and is Australia's most important trading partner. Australian businesses are increasingly engaging with China. This unit addresses the frequently asked question of how to do business with China. It addresses China's unique business environment which has resulted from its unique culture, history and demography, and examines the business regulations, tax system, and the administrative and compliance issues businesses will face when carrying on business with China. The unit first outlines the business environment in terms of culture, history, economics, demography, and government administration. It then provides students with an understanding of the legal environment that businesses will face in China. Through a hypothetical case study, different aspects of business regulation such as contract, entity structure, mergers and acquisition, property and intellectual property rights, the tax system, different tax types and associated international issues, and social insurance are analysed.
IBUS6001 International Business Strategy

Credit points: 6 Session: Intensive January,Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x 2 hr lecture and 1x 1hr seminar per week Corequisites: IBUS5003 Prohibitions: ECHS6008 Assessment: group project (30%); case analysis (20%); final exam (50%)
This unit analyses how multinational firms leverage their capabilities and competencies to create competitive advantages in international and global markets. Topics include assessing foreign market attractiveness; understanding the impact of differences in legal, cultural, political and economic regimes; evaluating international political and economic risk; building and operating global networks, including entry mode choice; understanding how managers design organisational architecture and implement internal control and incentive mechanisms; and assessing the challenges of global citizenship, ethical behaviour and social responsibility for international business. Problem-based learning, with case study workshops, is an integral part of the unit.
IBUS6002 Cross-Cultural Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3hr lecture/seminar per week Assessment: tutorial participation (10%); culture report presentation (10%); mid-semester test (20%); case study debate(30%); final exam (30%)
An understanding of cultural differences and how to manage such differences is critical to effective management in international and multi-cultural business environments. The aim of this unit is to provide conceptual frameworks and evidence from practice that will develop an understanding of the ways in which cultures differ, how these differences can impact on management, and how cultural issues can limit organisational effectiveness. Major topics include the significance of culture in international management, the meaning and dimensions of culture, comparative international management and leadership styles, managing communication across cultures, ethics and social responsibility in global management, cross-cultural negotiation and decision-making, forming and managing global teams, and developing the international and global manager.
IBUS6003 Managing International Risk

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3hr lecture/seminar per week Assessment: international risk analysis 1 (20%), international risk analysis 2 (30%), risk management proposal (20%), final exam (30%)
This unit introduces students to the multi-level risk environments encountered by multinational enterprise and the processes and strategies that can be employed to identify, assess, manage and mitigate risk. Topics covered include multinational enterprise and expropriation, sovereign risk and corruption, political and regulatory risk, brand and corporate reputation risk management, managing anti-globalization protests and consumer boycotts, terrorism risk, and executive risk and risk management and a short introduction to financial risk and risk management. The unit also introduces the various analytical approaches involved in designing risk identification systems, reporting and monitoring protocols, and how risk is able to be assessed, prioritized and effectively managed. The unit emphasizes a problem case-based approach to learning using workshops and simulation exercises.
IBUS6004 International Business Alliances

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1 x 3 hr lecture/seminar per week Assessment: group project (30%), individual project (50%), final exam (20%)
Collaboration to achieve competitive advantage is one of the most commonly recommended cross border strategies. However, international alliances can take many different forms, and they can serve many different purposes. Managing international alliances raises a series of different issues for the alliance partners to manage. This unit examines the issues raised and considers the reasons for success and failure of international alliances. It looks at the forms that partnerships can take, it examines the methods for choosing among potential partners, it examines the potential forms of collaboration and the level of resources each may require. Managing the partnership for maximum advantage, avoiding possible risks, and deciding how and when to end the partnership, all are further issues that managers must consider. The unit considers these questions in the framework of general theoretical approaches, and pays particular attention to discussion of individual cases.
IBUS6005 Ethical International Business Decisions

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 3-hour seminar per week from week 1 to week 13 Assessment: Group assignments (40%), final exam (30%), and individual assignments (30%)
In order to succeed in international business, both corporations and individuals need broad decision-making abilities. Business decision-making tools yield more coherent and justifiable results when used with an understanding of the ethical, social and environmental aspects of the process. This applies to various situations in the international business setting including business relations with government, customers, employees, and NGOs. This unit is designed to look at these non-financial elements in the decisions made within the international business context. Upon completion of this unit, students will have enhanced skills and knowledge relevant to the understanding of ethical issues and ethical decisions making in international business organisations.
IBUS6006 Comparative International Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3hr class per week Assessment: mid-semester test (25%), final exam (35%), group research project (30%), peer evaluation (5%), participation (5%)
The triad regions, Japan, the United States, and the European Union, together are the homes of almost all of the world's largest 500 corporations. They account for a large majority of world exports. They provide most of the world's outward flows of foreign direct investment, and in addition, they are the recipients of most of inward FDI flows. However, they are very different, in firm structure, in regulatory environment, and in the relations between private firms and government agencies. Dealing with them as competitors, customers, suppliers, or partners requires international managers to be aware of these differences and to vary their strategies accordingly. This unit compares the structure and operations of triad firms and the ways that government agencies frame the operating environment in each region. The unit looks at the ways firms in each region seek competitive advantage, and how governments have supported them. In addition to the specific knowledge of the habits and tendencies of Japanese, United States, and European firms, the techniques of analysis developed in this unit are applicable to a wide range of competitive situations across the global economy.
IBUS6008 Export Management

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3hr lecture/seminar per week Assessment: individual assignment part 1 (30%), individual assignment part 2 (30%), final test (30%), class preparation (10%)
Exporting is a key international business activity, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This unit covers both the theory and practice of export management. The main areas covered in the unit are: 1) preparing to export (export stimulation, export readiness and planning), 2) forming and maintaining relationships with intermediaries (including legal considerations), 3) managing risks and export finance, 4) filling export orders. The unit, therefore, covers both the operational and strategic challenges associated with the exporting process.
IBUS6011 New Business Opportunities and Startups

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3 hr lecture/seminar per week for classes Prohibitions: IBUS5011 or WORK6112 Assumed knowledge: IBUS5002, or completion of at least 24 credit points Assessment: startup financials (15%); evidence-based decision-making (35%); business progress assignment and presentation (50%); ideation (0%)
Being able to identify and exploit new business opportunities is critical to all sizes of businesses. Identifying new markets, developing new products and implementing new business models are highly-regarded and valuable skills for entrepreneurs and business managers alike. This unit is structured around learning from engaged practice in order to explore the special problems and opportunities associated with entrepreneurial startups. Students engage with startup and early stage businesses to deliver a plan to help them become profitable. Topics include opportunity recognition, strategy development, business model design, customer acquisition and retention, financial model development, as well as entrepreneurial and creative leadership.
IBUS6016 Social Entrepreneurship

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: Semester 1: 1x 3h lecture/workshop per week; Intensive sessions: 2 x 3hr lecture/workshops pre-departure (Sydney), 30hrs lecture/workshops in country, 1 x 3hr seminar post-trip (Sydney) Assumed knowledge: IBUS5002, or completion of at least 24 credit points Assessment: individual report (25%), practice and final pitch (25%), final report (25%), reflective piece (15%), workshop engagement and participation (10%)
Social entrepreneurs are committed to furthering a social mission through enterprises that rank social, environmental or cultural impact on a par with, or even above, profit. Intersecting the business and not-for-profit worlds, social entrepreneurship addresses many complex local and global problems. This unit critically introduces the concept and develops frameworks for understanding social entrepreneurship (also referred to as social enterprise and social innovation). Teaching and learning utilises case studies and includes the opportunity to apply theory to real-world experiences. Topics include creating innovative social enterprises, sustainable business models, philanthropy and funding, impact assessment, and leadership. The unit is structured around learning from engaged practice and provides the opportunity to work with social enterprises.
IBUS6018 Business Negotiations

Credit points: 6 Session: Intensive September,Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3-hour seminar per week Assessment: in-class exercises (33%), assignment (33%), final exam (34%)
Note: This unit is only available in the Semester 2 session to students enrolled in the Master of Management (CEMS) / MIM (CEMS) stream.
This course is aimed at making you feel more comfortable and confident with the negotiation process. The course is taught as a 'flipped classroom', meaning that the content of the course is primarily taught outside of class, through brief written lectures, and class time is used to assimilate that knowledge through at least a dozen marked role-play negotiations, debriefs of those negotiations, problem-solving workshops and international negotiation case study analysis. You will also be taught how to develop your own negotiation strategies and tactics using a combination of multiple psychological, economic and legal concepts from the course.
IBUS6019 Strategy and Emerging Markets

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1X 3 hour lecture/seminar per week Assessment: case analysis (20%), class leadership presentation (10%), in-class activity and quiz (10%), mid-term exam (15%), final exam (45%)
Do you have an Emerging Market Strategy? This is a question that an increasingly large number of company managers, especially in the developed western world, are trying to answer. This unit lays the foundations of strategy making in emerging markets, with an emphasis on four of the largest emerging markets of the world today - Brazil, Russia, India and China - often termed as the BRIC countries. Utilising frameworks from mainstream strategy and international business disciplines, the unit analyses emerging markets from the perspective of primarily two simultaneous phenomena - multinationals from developed markets trying to tap into emerging markets, and companies from emerging markets globalising their operations and consequently changing the global competitive landscape.
IBUS6020 Enterprise Management in China

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3-hour seminar per week Prohibitions: CHSC6902 Assessment: class participation (10%), group presentation (10%), in-class exam (10%), group case project (30%), final exam (40%)
This unit focuses on China's globalising business environment from an enterprise perspective by analysing the way in which enterprises are embedded in a dynamic economic, legal and political environment and the consequences that arise for enterprise management and entrepreneurship. The unit combines theoretical analysis of the interrelationship of markets, firms and institutions with detailed, practical case studies of domestic and transnational business activities. Students are able to familiarise themselves with different types of enterprises including the local private sector, state-owned enterprises and foreign-owned enterprises operating in China as well as Chinese enterprises expanding into global markets through joint ventures, strategic alliances and mergers and acquisitions.
IBUS6022 Business and Management in India

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 2 Classes: 1x 3hr seminar per week Assessment: take home case analysis (30%), critical summary (20%), final report (30%); presentation (20%)
India has gained prominence in the last two decades and largely viewed as second to China in the development race. While India has significantly liberalised its economy, it remains a difficult market to successfully penetrate and offers unique challenges and opportunities. This unit focuses on achieving a comprehensive understanding of India as a significant global actor and unravels the complexities of the market it represents. Particular emphasis is given to India's institutional environment that epitomises the market conditions for local and international business to succeed in India as well as enhance their global competitiveness. Furthermore, this unit focuses on individual and firm level attributes that are necessary to survive and prosper in the Indian marketplace. How Indian businesses are globalising their operations on the basis of unique competencies is also discussed.
INFS6030 Project Management in Practice

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 1x 3hr seminar per week Prerequisites: INFS5001 Assessment: critical analysis of a project (10%), critical analysis of a project management article (30%), development of project documentation (A) (20%), development of project documentation (B) (40%)
Drawing upon the knowledge and skills developed from other units in the project management specialisation, this unit examines project management in practice. Students' understanding and experience of real work projects is enhanced by undertaking structured assessments of historical projects in a variety of contexts and partaking in various team-based learning activities. Contemporary alternative methodological approaches are also examined. Students learn how these methodological approaches are currently applied in industry to include a presentation from a project management expert practitioner.
ITLS6500 Decision Making on Mega Projects

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1 Classes: 8 x 3.5 hr lectures, 4 x 3.5 hr workshops. Refer to timetable for full details. Corequisites: ITLS5000 or TPTM5001 or ITLS5100 or TPTM6241 or INFS5001 Assessment: 2x individual assignments (40%), group assignment (30%), final exam (30%)
Infrastructure is crucial to economic performance; without it, business cannot operate efficiently or competitively. Delivery of large infrastructure projects, however, is complex and despite many more megaprojects being undertaken than any time in history, the majority of these projects are completed significantly over-budget and longer than planned. In this unit, students will be introduced to megaproject decision making. The sources of social and technical complexity are discussed, issues of risk management and governance explored, and human biases in decision making are also highlighted. Strategies to overcome weaknesses in mega project decision making are also outlined.
ITLS6501 Infrastructure Financing

Credit points: 6 Session: Intensive July Classes: 9 x 3.5 hr lectures, 3 x 3.5 hr workshops. Assessment: 2x individual assignments (50%), group assignment (25%), final exam (25%)
Infrastructure is the backbone of every economy. Investment in infrastructure has the capacity to enhance productivity and generate growth, and has multiplier effects that are not only economic but also social and environmental. The cost of infrastructure projects, however, can be substantial and funding these projects represents a significant challenge. In this unit, students explore the distinction between infrastructure financing and funding and the challenges in raising private finance. Students are provided with an understanding of the principles of infrastructure finance and the use of special purpose vehicles and how to structure alternative financing plans. Students learn how to develop approaches to procurement and tendering and understand issues associated with the commercial and financial structuring of Public-Private Partnerships.
Work Integrated Learning (WIL)
BUSS6104 Business Practicum

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 2 hours weekly tutorials Prerequisites: Completion of at least 48 credit points Assumed knowledge: A sound understanding of business and strong written and oral communication skills. Assessment: project proposal (15%); mid-way reflection (25%); digital presentation (30%); report - key findings (30%)
The Business Practicum offers students an opportunity to interact with a sponsor organisation (e.g., corporate, SME, NFP, government) while working on a project provided by it that requires a specific outcome by the end of the semester. The project examines the sponsor's current activities, challenges and future aspirations. While undertaking the unit, participants research the issues presented by the project and determine its scope and key deliverables in consultation with the sponsor. This process enables students to apply theoretical knowledge learned in class, where it is useful, and critically analyse data found during research to provide possible solutions to the problems identified. The final stage is communicating the key outcomes via a written report to the sponsor at the end of the project. Additionally, for the duration of the project, students are expected to reflect on how they have developed as an individual and as part of a team as a means of developing a professional identity that highlights their distinctive self and to consider their own personal employment strategies while building professional networks.
BUSS6500 Industry Placement

Credit points: 6 Session: Intensive February,Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 9 hours of pre-placement workshops; 210 hours internship; 2 hour debrief workshop. Prerequisites: Completion of at least 48 credit points with a minimum credit average (60%) Prohibitions: ECOF6500 Assessment: Performance objectives (0%), report (70%), presentation (30%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Permission is required to enrol in this unit. Contact the Careers and Employability Office for details:
This unit is available to outstanding students completing the Master of Commerce, Master of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, and Master of Professional Accounting program. It involves a professional placement with a business, government, or non-government organisation. It includes preparatory coursework in reflective, professional practice and report writing. Assessment includes a reflective journal and professional report and presentation based on the internship placement. Permission is required to enrol in this unit. Further information and application process is outlined at
BUSS6503 USA Industry Placement

Credit points: 6 Session: Intensive February Classes: Pre-placement workshops; internship Prerequisites: Completion of at least 48 credit points with a minimum credit average (60%) Assessment: performance objectives (10%); leadership in ethics practice module (0%); reflective learning entries (25%); presentation (30%); report (35%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Further information and application process is outlined at
This unit is taken by students accepted into the U.S.A. Industry Placement Program while they undertake a professional placement with a business, government or non-government organisation that has a particular focus on business interests. It includes preparatory coursework in reflective learning, professional practice and concurrent coursework on research methods, report and other professional writing skills. Assessment includes reflective learning and research report writing related to the work placement all based on the placement and international work and study experience.
BUSS6504 Europe Industry Placement

Credit points: 6 Session: Intensive July Classes: Pre-placement workshops; internship Prerequisites: Completion of at least 48 credit points with a minimum credit average (60%) Assessment: performance objectives (10%); leadership in ethics practice (0%); reflective learning entries (25%); presentation (30%); reflective report (35%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Permission is required to enrol in this unit. Contact the Careers and Employability Office for details:
This unit is taken by students accepted into the Europe Industry Placement Program while they undertake a professional placement with a business, government or non-government organisation that has a particular focus on business interests. It includes preparatory coursework in reflective, professional practice and concurrent coursework on study project reports and other professional writing skills. Further information and application process is outlined at
BUSS6506 China Industry Placement

Credit points: 6 Session: Intensive February Classes: 9 hours of pre-placement workshops; 210 hours internship; 2 hour debrief workshop Prerequisites: Completion of at least 48 credit points with a minimum credit average (60%) Assumed knowledge: To enrol in this unit students must be Mandarin speakers and have the right to work in China. Assessment: performance objectives (0%), reflective journal entry (20%), presentation (30%), report (50%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: Permission is required to enrol in this unit. Contact the Careers and Employability Office for details:
This unit is available to students accepted into the China Industry Placement Program while they undertake a professional placement with a business or a government organisation that has a particular focus on business interests. It includes preparatory coursework in reflective, professional practice and concurrent coursework on research methods, report and other professional writing skills. Assessment includes a reflective journal, a research report related to their work placement, and an oral presentation on the internship placement and international work and study experience. Further information and application process is outlined at
BUSS6514 Industry Self-Sourced Placement

Credit points: 6 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: 1 x 5 hours preparation workshop; 210 hours internship; 1 x 2 hours debrief workshop Prerequisites: Completion of at least 48 credit points. Assumed knowledge: A sound understanding of business and strong written and oral communication skills Assessment: performance objectives (0%); self reflection (1) (25%); self reflection (2) (25%); critical reflective report (50%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit is available to outstanding students and involves a self-sourced professional placement with a business, government, or non-government organisation. It includes preparatory coursework in reflection learning, professional practice and report writing.
BUSS6515 Leadership and Collaboration Study Tour

Credit points: 6 Session: Intensive December Classes: Week 1: 4x2 hour preparation workshops. Weeks 2-5: 9am-5pm full-time, in country program. Week 6: 1x2 hour presentation session, 1x2 hour debrief session. Prerequisites: Completion of at least 24 credit points with a minimum WAM of 50%. Assumed knowledge: A sound understanding of business and strong written and oral communication skills. Assessment: pre-tour self-reflection and goals statement (15%); daily reflective journal (20%); final presentation (40%); post-tour self-reflection and goals statement (15%); engagement (10%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
Note: For further information contact
This unit is a study tour where students develop leadership, collaboration, and communication skills as they work between Australia and China to design a solution to a business challenge. This intensive program gives students the opportunity to experience and employ leadership, collaboration, and communication skills as they apply their business knowledge to understand, dissect, recommend and reflect on issues and challenges cognisant of the China business culture. To do so, students are given the opportunity to navigate new business networks thus developing the confidence to make business decisions and a body of work attractive to employers in China and Australia. As a part of this, students gain first-hand leadership skills as each is given an opportunity to lead the class as a potential solution to a problem is developed in a complex business environment.
BUSS7000 Business Dissertation A

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: research Prerequisites: 48 credit points of prior study in the Master of Commerce program with a grade average of at least 80% and approval from the Program Director. Assessment: dissertation (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This is one of two (12 credit point) units that together (total of 24 credit points) provide outstanding students in the Commerce program with the opportunity to develop and complete a supervised research dissertation of 15,000 to 20,000 words, or equivalent, on an approved topic within the domain of business/commerce/management. Admission to the dissertation stream requires an average grade of at least 80% in a minimum of four Commerce units (12 unit program) or a minimum of eight Commerce units (16 unit program), interview by the Program Director, and a formal dissertation proposal agreed to by a nominated supervisor and the Program Director. Final approval is dependent on the nature of the proposed topic and the availability of appropriate supervisory expertise. The dissertation is marked by examiners nominated by the Program Director in consultation with the supervisor and other academics from the relevant discipline/s.
BUSS7001 Business Dissertation B

Credit points: 12 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: research Prerequisites: 48 credit points of prior study in the Master of Commerce program with a grade average of at least 80% and approval from the Program Director. Assessment: dissertation (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This is one of two (12 credit point) units that together (total of 24 credit points) provide outstanding students in the Commerce program with the opportunity to develop and complete a supervised research dissertation of 15,000 to 20,000 words, or equivalent, on an approved topic within the domain of business/commerce/management. Admission to the dissertation stream requires an average grade of at least 80% in a minimum of four Commerce units (12 unit program) or a minimum of eight Commerce units (16 unit program), interview by the Program Director, and a formal dissertation proposal agreed to by a nominated supervisor and the Program Director. Final approval is dependent on the nature of the proposed topic and the availability of appropriate supervisory expertise. The dissertation is marked by examiners nominated by the Program Director in consultation with the supervisor and other academics from the relevant discipline/s.
BUSS7002 Business Dissertation

Credit points: 24 Session: Semester 1,Semester 2 Classes: research Prerequisites: 48 credit points of prior study in the Master of Commerce program with a grade average of at least 80% and approval from the Program Director. Assessment: dissertation (100%)
Note: Department permission required for enrolment
This unit provides outstanding students in the Commerce program with the opportunity to develop and complete a supervised research dissertation of 15,000 to 20,000 words, or equivalent, on an approved topic within the domain of business/commerce/management. Admission to the dissertation stream requires an average grade of at least 80% in a minimum of four Commerce units (12 unit program) or a minimum of eight Commerce units (16 unit program), interview by the Program Director, and a formal dissertation proposal agreed to by a nominated supervisor and the Program Director. Final approval is dependent on the nature of the proposed topic and the availability of appropriate supervisory expertise. The dissertation is marked by examiners nominated by the Program Director in consultation with the supervisor and other academics from the relevant discipline/s.