University of Sydney Handbooks - 2020 Archive

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Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Commerce

The combined Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Commerce is administered by the Faculty of Engineering for the duration of the degree.

Course details
Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Commerce
CRICOS code 025102K
Degree abbreviation BEHons/BCom
Credit points required for completion 240
Duration (full-time) 5 years

Students may combine the Bachelor of Commerce with any one of the following Bachelor of Engineering Honours streams. Both degrees are studied concurrently and will be awarded after five years of full-time study.

The following Engineering streams are available:

Details on the degree structure and progression, can be found in the Faculty of Engineering handbook and website.

Units of study for the combined degree

For the units of study that are available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Commerce component of this combined degree, refer to the tables and descriptions in the Subject areas section of this handbook.

For availability listings and descriptions of Bachelor of Advanced Computing units of study, refer to the Faculty of Engineering handbook.

Course rules and resolutions


Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Commerce

Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Design in Architecture

Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Laws

Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Project Management

Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Science

Course Resolutions

1 Course codes


Course title


Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Arts


Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Commerce


Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Design in Architecture


Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Laws


Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Project Management


Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science

2 Attendance Pattern

The attendance pattern for the following programs is full-time only. The attendance pattern for all other Bachelor of Engineering Honours combined courses is full time or part time.
Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Design in Architecture
Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Laws
Part time students must still satisfy appropriate enrolment progression and are subject to the same degree time limits as full time students. International students are required to follow the enrolment pattern as specified by their visa. The Faculty strongly recommends full time enrolment as the preferred option for all undergraduate students unless exceptional circumstances exist.

3 Streams

Completion of a stream is a requirement of the Bachelor of Engineering Honours and students in combined degrees are subject to the stream requirements in the Bachelor of Engineering Honours course resolutions.
Students in the Bachelor of Engineering Honours combined degrees can change the stream of the Bachelor of Engineering Honours portion of their combined degree in accordance with the same requirements specified in the Bachelor of Engineering Honours resolutions.
Flexible First Year
Students gaining entry to any of the Bachelor of Engineering Honours combined degrees may also choose to undertake the Flexible First Year pathway under the same requirements as specified in the Bachelor of Engineering Honours resolutions.
Within the Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Design in Architecture, the Bachelor of Engineering Honours is available only in the Civil Engineering stream. For all other Bachelor of Engineering Honours combined degrees, the streams available for the Bachelor of Engineering Honours are listed under the course resolution for the Bachelor of Engineering Honours.
The Bachelor of Science degree is available in the following streams:
Medical Science
The Bachelor of Arts degree is available in the following streams:
The Bachelor of Commerce degree is available in the following streams:
Completion of a stream is not a requirement of the Bachelor of Science, the Bachelor of Arts, or the Bachelor of Commerce. The requirements for the completion of each stream are as specified in Table A for the relevant degree, or, in the case of the Dalyell stream, Table D of the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees and Part 6 of these resolutions.
Candidates wishing to transfer between streams or exit from a stream should contact the Student Centre. Candidates who qualify for the Dalyell stream may complete that stream while also completing another stream.

4 Cross-Faculty Management

Candidates in the combined Engineering and Law courses will be under the general supervision of the Faculty of Engineering until the end of the semester in which they complete the requirements for the Bachelor of Engineering Honours. They will then be under the supervision of the University of Sydney Law School. Candidates in all other combined degree programs will be under the general supervision of the Faculty of Engineering for the duration of the combined program.
The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and the Dean of the Faculty hosting the associated combined degree shall jointly exercise authority in any matter concerned with the combined course not otherwise dealt with in these resolutions.

5 Admission to Candidature

Admission to these degrees is on the basis of a secondary school leaving qualification such as the NSW Higher School Certificate (including national and international equivalents), tertiary study or an approved preparation program. English language requirements must be met where these are not demonstrated by sufficient qualifications taught in English. Special admission pathways are open for mature aged applicants who do not possess a school leaving qualification, educationally disadvantaged applicants and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants. Applicants are ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking. Details of admission policies are found in the Coursework Rule.
Admission to the Dalyell stream requires achievement of a minimum tertiary admission rank (ATAR) set by the Board of Interdisciplinary Studies or above in or equivalent standard.

6 Requirements for Award

To qualify for the award of the combined degree:
For all Bachelor of Engineering Honours combined degrees except the Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Laws, a candidate must complete 240 credit points and satisfy any additional requirements specified in the following clauses.
For the Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Laws combined degree, a candidate must complete 288 credit points and any additional requirements specified in the following clauses.
Where the requirements specified in the following clauses account for less than the total required credit, candidates must complete additional units of study (not including general electives) from the relevant Bachelor of Engineering Honours specialist stream table subject to any conditions specified in that table as may be necessary to satisfy the requirements of the degree.
For the Bachelor of Engineering Honours component of a combined degree:
The units of study that may be taken for the Bachelor of Engineering Honours component of the combined degree are set out in the tables of units of study for the Bachelor of Engineering Honours single degree;
Except where varied by other clauses of these resolutions, all candidates must:
complete a minimum of 144 credit points comprising:
– 36 credit points from the Engineering Core Table, including all required units; and
– 108 credit points from the Engineering Stream Core Table pertaining to the specialist stream being undertaken, including all required units;
successfully complete the requirements of the Professional Engagement Program.
The Faculty Board may approve, based on appropriate academic justification, a list of approved unit alternatives. These alternatives specify, for particular Engineering stream / combined degree combinations, units within the normal requirements for the Bachelor of Engineering Honours component of the combined degree that can be replaced by specified alternative units that would form part of the normal program for single degree students in that stream.
For the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Commerce component of a combined degree:
The units of study that may be taken are set out in Table A for the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Commerce degrees, Table S, Table O, and, for students enrolled in the Dalyell stream, Table D of the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees.
In these resolutions Table A refers to Table A of the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Commerce according to the degree in which the candidate is enrolled as a component of one of the combined degrees, (respectively) Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Science, or Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Commerce; Table S, Table O and Table D refers to Table S, Table O and Table D as stated here.
Candidates must complete 96 credit points in the Bachelor of Arts, or the Bachelor of Science or the Bachelor of Commerce including:
any required degree core units as set out in Table A of the degree in which the candidate is enrolled; and
a major (48 credit points) or a 3-year program with an embedded major from Table A of the degree in which the candidate is enrolled; and
for students not enrolled in the Dalyell stream, a minimum of 12 credit points of units of study in the Open Learning Environment as listed in Table O; and
for students enrolled in the Dalyell stream:
– a minimum of 6 credit points of units of of study in the Open Learning Environment as specified in Table O; and
– a minimum of 12 credit points of units of study as specified in Table D.
for students previously but no longer enrolled in the Dalyell stream who have completed at least 6 credit points of Dalyell units of study:
– a minimum of 6 credit points of units of study in the Open Learning Environment as specified in Table O.
where appropriate, additional electives from Table A of the degree in which the candidate is enrolled, Table S or, for students enrolled in the Dalyell stream, Table D;
If enrolled in a stream, complete the requirements for the stream as specified in Table A of the degree in which the candidate is enrolled or Table D.
For the Bachelor of Design in Architecture component of a combined degree:
Candidates must complete 96 credit points of units of study from the Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Civil) and Bachelor of Design in Architecture - Architecture Table.
For the Bachelor of Laws component of a combined degree candidates must complete 144 credit points of Law units of study taken from the University of Sydney School of Law Undergraduate Table, comprising:
102 credit points of compulsory units of study; and
42 credit points of elective units of study, of which a maximum of 36 credit points are taken from Part 1 and a minimum of 6 credit points are taken from Part 2.
Students may apply to take up to a maximum of 24 credit points of LAWS6000/JURS6000 units of study as elective units of study:
enrolment in LAWS6000/JURS6000 units of study will be subject to availability and any unit pre-requisites or assumed knowledge, which may include relevant industry experience or prior specialist study.
enrolment in LAWS6000/JURS6000 units is only permitted after a candidate has completed 96 credit points towards the Bachelor of Laws.
students may only enrol in LAWS6000/JURS6000 units listed in the Bachelor of Laws Elective units of study Table.
For the Bachelor of Project Management component of a combined degree:
Candidates must complete 96 credit points comprising:
84 credit points of core units as set out in the Bachelor of Project Management Unit of Study Table
12 credit points of electives from either the elective units set out in the Bachelor of Project Management Unit of Study Table, or from the Stream Electives in the candidate's Bachelor of Engineering Honours Stream

7 Majors and Programs

For the Bachelor of Engineering Honours component of a combined degree:
The conditions for awarding of a major, and the majors available, are the same as for the Bachelor of Engineering Honours degree.
For the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Commerce component of a combined degree:
Completion of a major or a program which contains a major from Table A of the degree in which the candidate is enrolled is a requirement. The majors and programs available and requirements for completing the majors and programs are as specified in Table A of the degree in which the candidate is enrolled.

8 Requirements for Honours

Honours in the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Commerce is available to meritorious candidates by enrolling in the Bachelor of Advanced Studies and taking an embedded honours component, after completing 240 credit points and satisfying requirements for the combined degree.
For candidates completing the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce or Bachelor of Science in a combined degree with the Bachelor of Engineering Honours who subsequently undertake the Bachelor of Advanced Studies, the requirement in the Bachelor of Advanced Studies for completion of a second major shall be deemed to be met by the 144 credit points of Engineering units specified in 6 (2) above.
Honours in the Bachelor of Project Management, the Bachelor of Design in Architecture and the Bachelor of Laws is available to meritorious candidates. The requirements for honours are detailed in the resolutions of the Bachelor of Project Management, the Bachelor of Design in Architecture and the Bachelor of Laws.

9 Award of the Degrees

Candidates will be awarded a separate testamur for the Bachelor of Engineering Honours and for the partner bachelor degree.
The award grades, and the criteria for the grades, are as defined in the resolutions for the constituent degrees.

10 Course Transfer

For the Bachelor of Engineering Honours combined with Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Design in Architecture and Bachelor of Project Management, a candidate may abandon the combined program and elect to complete either the Bachelor of Engineering Honours or the associated combined degree in accordance with the resolutions governing that degree.
For the Bachelor of Engineering Honours combined with Bachelor of Laws, a candidate may withdraw from the combined degree program and elect to transfer to the Bachelor of Engineering Honours, by written application to the Faculty of Engineering, and complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions governing that degree at the time of transfer. Candidature in the Bachelor of Laws will cease in these circumstances.
For the Bachelor of Engineering Honours combined with Bachelor of Commerce a candidate may abandon the combined program and elect to complete either the Bachelor of Engineering Honours or the Bachelor of Commerce in accordance with the resolutions governing that degree. Transfer from a combined degree to the Bachelor of Commerce is also conditional on the student having met the entry requirements of the Bachelor of Commerce in force at the time of their enrolment in the combined degree.
Completion of the abandoned degree in the future will require a new application for admission to that course and completion in accordance with the resolutions governing that degree.
A candidate who has enrolled in the Bachelor of Advanced Studies to complete requirements for an embedded honours component or a stream may abandon the Bachelor of Advanced Studies and return to the combined degree.

11 Progression Rules

General progression rules for the combined degrees are covered by the resolutions of the Faculty of Engineering.
Candidates in a combined law program:
must successfully complete LAWS1006 Foundations of Law before enrolling in any other Bachelor of Laws units of study;
except with permission of the Dean of the University of Sydney Law School, candidates must complete the requirements for the Bachelor of Engineering Honours before proceeding to Year Five of the Bachelor of Laws.
Progression within the Dalyell stream
With the permission of the Dalyell coordinator, candidates in the Dalyell stream may attempt units at higher levels than the usual sequence.
Candidates must achieve a Cross-Semester Mark (CSAM) at a level determined by the Board of Interdisciplinary Studies in each year of study or over for each 48 credit-point block to continue in the Dalyell stream. Candidates who do not maintain a CSAM at the level determined by the Board of Interdisciplinary Studies may continue in any other major, minor, program or stream into which they were admitted, but will not remain in the Dalyell stream.
Candidates enrolled in the Dalyell stream who do not satisfy requirements for the Dalyell stream but who otherwise meet requirements for the award course in which they are enrolled will graduate from the award course without the Dalyell stream. Students may not study units additional to the maximum credit points for their award course except with approval from the Associate Dean.
Progression within the Bachelor of Science (Medical Science) Stream
Students in this stream will be required to meet the progression requirements for the stream.

12 Transitional Provisions

These resolutions apply to students who commenced their candidature on or after 1 January 2020.
Students who commenced their candidature prior to 1 January 2020 may:
complete the requirements in accordance with the resolutions governing their candidature immediately prior to these changes; or
where approved by the Faculty, elect to proceed under these resolutions provided appropriate programs of study can be identified. For the Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Arts, transitional arrangements will be as specified in the relevant set of resolutions.