Postgraduate research in the Sydney Dental School
What is a research degree?
Research Degrees are very different from coursework degrees in that the majority of work is self-directed study with supervision by a group of academics, working on a project that aims to make an original contribution to knowledge.
The assessment of a research degree is through the examination of a thesis written by the student. The thesis is sent to a group of examiners and their recommendations form the basis for the outcome of the examination.
The three research degrees currently offered by Sydney Dental School are the:
- Master of Philosophy
- Doctor of Philosophy, and
- Doctor of Dental Science.
Financial information about research degrees
There are a number of scholarships available for domestic students to assist with living costs, and a limited number for international students.
Theses: production and examination
Before commencing writing up their thesis, students are strongly urged to read The Thesis Guide published by the Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association (SUPRA) and should also be familiar with the Thesis and Examination of Higher Degrees by Research Policy 2015.