Bachelor of Commerce / Doctor of Medicine
Bachelor of Commerce/Doctor of Medicine
These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2014 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Coursework Policy 2014, the Resolutions of the Faculty, the University of Sydney (Student Appeals against Academic Decisions) Rule 2006 (as amended) and the Academic Board policies on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism. Up to date versions of all such documents are available from the Policy Register:
Course resolutions
1 Course codes
Code |
Course title |
Bachelor of Commerce/Doctor of Medicine |
2 Attendance pattern
3 Cross faculty management
Candidates in this double degree program will be under the general supervision of the University of Sydney Business School until the end of the semester in which they complete the requirements for the Bachelor of Commerce. They will then be under the supervision of the Faculty of Medicine (Sydney Medical School).
The University of Sydney Business School and the Faculty of Medicine shall jointly exercise authority in any matter concerned with the double degree program not otherwise dealt with in these resolutions.
4 Admission to candidature
Admission to this course is on the basis of a secondary school leaving qualification such as the NSW Higher School Certificate (including national and international equivalents) leading to the award of an Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking (ATAR) or equivalent. English language requirements must be met where these are not demonstrated by sufficient qualifications taught in English. Applicants are ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking. Details of admission policies are found in the Coursework Rule and Coursework Policy.
In addition, admission to this course requires the applicant to participate in a semi structured interview. The results of this interview will form part of the ranking of applicants.
5 Requirements for award
To qualify for the award of both degrees a candidate must successfully complete 336 credit points, comprising:
144 credit points to qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Commerce as specified in resolutions for the Bachelor of Commerce, including 6 credit points of Junior units of study from each of the Science subject areas of Chemistry, Physics, and either Biology or Molecular Biology and Genetics (18 credit points in total);
192 credit points specified by the resolutions for the Doctor of Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine; and
6 Majors
Completion of a major is a requirement of the Bachelor of Commerce degree. A major requires the completion of 36 senior credit points. The list of majors available in the Bachelor of Commerce is specified in the course resolutions for the Bachelor of Commerce. Units of study higher than 1000-level contributing towards one major may not contribute towards any other major completed except where a unit is listed as compulsory for both majors.
7 Progression rules
Candidates must complete all requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Commerce, including the designated Science units of study, within three years (or four years with honours), excluding any authorised periods of suspension, and must maintain a credit average in each year of the Bachelor of Commerce, this being the minimum achievement required for admission to candidature for the Doctor of Medicine.
Failure to maintain the required progression and minimum result requirements will result in candidates being transferred from the double degree program to a Bachelor of Commerce degree with full credit for all units of study successfully completed.
Students must enrol in all junior core units of study for the Bachelor of Commerce within the first year of enrolment.
8 Requirements for the Honours degree
Honours in the Bachelor of Commerce requires an additional year of full time study after the completion of the pass degree. Admission, requirements and award of honours are according to the Resolutions of the University of Sydney Business School. Candidates who qualify to undertake honours in the Bachelor of Commerce degree may elect to do so either:
by suspending candidature from the Doctor of Medicine degree for one year, with the permission of the Faculty of Medicine; or
9 Award of the degrees
The Bachelor of Commerce is awarded in the grades of either Pass or Honours. The Honours degree is awarded in classes ranging from First Class to Third Class according to the conditions specified in the Resolutions of the University of Sydney Business School.
Candidates for the award of an Honours degree who do not meet the requirements, and who have not already graduated, will be awarded the relevant pass degree.
10 Cross-institutional study
11 Course transfer
A candidate may abandon the double degree program and elect to complete the Bachelor of Commerce in accordance with the resolutions governing that degree. Completion of the Doctor of Medicine in the future will require a new application for admission to that course and completion in accordance with the resolutions governing that degree.
12 Credit for previous study
It is not possible for candidates enrolled in the Bachelor of Commerce / Doctor of Medicine to obtain credit for previous studies, except where approved by the Dean of Medicine for the purposes of subclause 4(3).